Million Dollar Cash Game S1E1 FULL EPISODE Poker Show

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[Music] welcome to the Full Tilt Poker million-dollar cash game from fifty London now this is gonna be one of the biggest ever No Limit cash games to ever be televised anywhere in the world and as a result we've got 13 of the most respected and most feared poker players all trying to make the most profit possible over the next four shows from English to Danish to American the big money has come to town and in this game it's all about making your friends go brunch each player is starting with a minimum of 100 thousand dollars of their own cash and if they lose it they can simply reach back into their pockets and buy back in the starting lineup for this game is a who's who of Poker Stars in c1 it's John jawanda from California famous for tournaments but can often be found in high-stakes No Limit games [Music] see two is probably one of the top three cash game players in the world jennifer harman she regularly plays in the big game at the Bellagio in Las Vegas next up is loudmouth Lithuanian Tony gee who won the first Asian Poker Tour event and donated half his winnings to a local charity then the man who needs no introduction Phil Ivey with five World Series of Poker bracelets and also another regular visitor to the Bellagio is four thousand eight thousand dollar limit game in seat five it's British Pro mark Goodwin who reportedly makes just as much money gambling on golf with Phil Ivey as he does playing poker in seat six it's Mike the mouth Matusow self-confessed best player at the table he's won over 4.2 million dollars in tournaments but loves the cash games just as much then in seven it's the professor Howard Lederer who apparently has given up playing cash games but just a few years ago was playing in the biggest game ever with jennifer harman at doyle brunson to name just two [Music] finally a seed 8 is billionaire retired businessman from Ireland Alice Murphy who now plays poker as a hobby to some success now with literally hundreds of thousands of dollars at stake at the table let's get straight to the action and join our commentators David took Minh and Kerry James welcome to 50 London for the Full Tilt Poker million-dollar cash game we have the biggest names in the game playing for high stakes to get our action going it's poor manager Barry Mundy lines of three and six dealer joining me in the commentary box today it's David Stockman fellow professional what do you think of the action today David well these are some of the best players in the world they all know each other's tendencies very well it'll be interesting to see how they adjust and adapt to each other yeah it's very different playing cash games to playing tournaments some of these guys I've got plenty of tournaments experienced but not as much cash game experience it really will be interesting to see how they adjust this is our first hand and the action is going to start with Phil Ivey [Music] that looks like how it's gonna bring this one in with Ace King I'm expecting quite a lot of verbal between both Tony G in the mouth mr. Mike Matusow I just call this is fun so it's ace king versus Jack nine for the first hand so Nietzsche defending him and I scared cap suited connected at a defend the blind with yeah it's not a bad hand to call the small raise with well it's an interesting flop for Tony G there he's open-ended he's got backdoor speed as well yeah and Howard there with no pair at the moment he did raise it up before the flop maybe he'll try to carry through on the flop or he could take his free card no help with the turn card there big bet from Howard and a call from Tony King well he's ready right so far eight nine what's the best hands-free please I'm gonna put the headphones on fingers checking I think Tony's trying to get a free card here by inducing Howard to Jack Hotch nearly $10,000 here well that's a four and a half thousand bet from Howard and a quick call laughs from Tony well well what a big card for Tony on the river he's made this straight now you've got to be a little you gotta be a little cautious here obviously the club did come Tony does not have the nuts here obviously you can lose to a plush well he's managed to convince Howard to check it I think Tony jima had cost himself some money you might have not hands what's key I put up told you had a skin I bet you have a stinger to get started one player is made the nominated dealer or button than the two players to the left post for smaller big blinds these are forced bets to get the action started the big blind is always double the small unlike a tournament the blinds stay at a set level for the whole game in this case $300 and $600 plus as an ante of $100 per player which must be paid if they want to play in a hand once the blinds and auntie's are posted everyone has dealt two cards we have a round of betting then three cards a place to face up on the table called the flop these are the community cards for all the players to use then we have another round of betting after which the fourth card the turn is placed in the middle followed by some more betting and the last community card the river then we finish off with a final round of betting the best five card hand wins the money [Music] here's Phil five World Series of Poker bracelets and he got those all before he was 30 years old very very impressive yeah he's one of the most respected pros out there yeah for me he's definitely one of the top three in the world both in tournaments and in cash games he's had tremendous success regularly plays the big game at the Bellagio four thousand eight thousand limit hold limit Knicks game so Jennifer's race it up and that's why pocket aces not about starting hand and fill school with Jax it looks like how it's playing as well with the a say that's a bit of a creative call it really is I mean that's not a hand in a cash game you're usually in there with ten for four that could be a dangerous flop for Phil normally a great flop or pocket aces here she's got two pair already that from Jennifer cool from Phil it feels quite aware that she could have Queens Kings races here it's possible this might be a card to help him get away from his hand of course if she was making the continuation mate with ace king she's now gotten there exactly well it's been a bet and a court we're going to the river it's a four of hearts the flushes are relevant both players having a full house force full of jacks for Phil Ivey but force full of aces for Jennifer there no reason for Harman not to think she has the best hand here 20,000 times well a good lay down there from Phil you made the right read and Jennifer picks up that pot over 30,000 in there yeah obviously feel live in probably doesn't think jennifer harman is going to fire three bullets without a hand exactly it's a good read the big blind is with John jawanda and jennifer harman his first to act she lays it down looks like Phil reaching for some chips once again he's raised it up well it's John jawanda with the eight well fill their with a queen nine not quite as strong as his previous hand but he has got an ace on the board better 2500 from felt probably going to pick this one up but no 4,500 toto and that's a black call from John couldn't tell the chip colors there that's got to be a dangerous card even if you are sitting there with an ace which still isn't when you up against a big blind caller in this spot David you've got to be afraid that they're down there somewhere well the difficult thing also as you're not quite sure did you on the call me with a heart draw maybe a gut shot or in this case pocket eights oilfields got nothing at the moment you know so you can probably only win this one with a bet well that's seven red ones are 7,000 the bet from Phil and he wins the pot which is Queen high that's how to play a poker hand we'll see you after the break for more great action [Music] you [Music] welcome back to 50 London for the Full Tilt Poker million-dollar cash game plenty great action out there so let's rejoin our comedy routine if David Tuchman and Gary Jones here we are at the ranking of the hands first we have high card in this case a king high would win it then we have one pair in this case pair of aces then two pair jacks and nines I'll do it then three of a kind three had the same one three fours then we have a straight five cards in order not the same suit then a flush five cards the same suit five hearts I'll do it then we've a full house three sevens two kings this would be sevens full of kings four of a kind four kings then we have a straight flush five cards in order all the same suit and here's the most beautiful hand in the world Royal Flush ten to ace all the same suit blinds are on John jawanda and jennifer harman it's with Tony G he's been an awful lot of the earlier hands through the cook but he seems to have quite flattened down a little bit hard to speed around in a cash game well expensive to speed around in the classroom especially given like this competition there may be lineups where you can play pretty quick but this isn't one of them Ivy's brought it in for 1,800 these two have clashed a couple of hands already Wow it's John Joe ander and Phil Ivey 12 to call but this time John's been a little bit clever with his pocket queens yeah he's definitely got the goods here and cool so is Jennifer this could be a big pot airplane every hand 7:3 wow that's a big flop for John I think you can afford to give a free card and he has all three players have checked it ten Wow well and Jennifer Harmon has made her set on the turn then it is the third Spain obviously you've got to be cautious well very dangerous for it to flat core to give a free card to a spade but if she raises it she could be giving someone a chance to come over the top with a flush well obviously it's tough for jawanda as well if she does come over the top how do you like your top set obviously she could have a flush 19,000 to play us [Music] John's just had a quick look looks like he's realized as three spades on the board now obviously if two on the is BT knows he has redraw he has 10 outs catch a 3 a 7 a 10 or a queen he would think that's if he's up against a flush yes yes hard for him to know how good he's in right now yeah he's in a fantastic spot he just doesn't know it in the tournament you might play this one a little bit more cautious than you might in a cash game of course if you get it wrong in a cash game you can always pull up 14 well and John calls if you want action you do not want to see a spade for it's a good card for John check luckily for luckily for jennifer harman it did not pair the board if a three or seven had come off we really would have seen fireworks yeah that would have been the end of the stack for Jennifer call twenty five thirty five thousand a call the bed is 25,000 from Jennifer I can't imagine John passing this no your wonder here I mean I think jennifer harman think she's value betting she can't put John jawanda on a flush or top set Wow she's managed to get him to lay down top set in this but he can't think of a hand that she's going to bet the 25,000 with that he can beat unbelievable but that one goes to the lady well what a hand that one was for jennifer harman jeonju and are now at the bottom of the SCAF jennifer harman it bits off if it occurred that bat it would have been completely different but as it is John's now at half is starting chips and $50,000 down real interesting way John's want to play that handy checked in let the speed come off and then scared himself yeah exactly well Jennifer's still with a smile on her face from the previous hand she just won a very nice pot of jeonju and ER with the worst hand the action now with pill IV she's played some of the biggest cash games anywhere in the world regularly plays very large in the Bellagio jennifer harman well-respected widely guarded as one of the best women players in the entire world so I feel bringing it in calling for six six hundred in first position with the ace five Howard here with nine eight also wants to see a flop and I'm Smurfs it with Jack King of Spades Jennifer's playing as well it creatively with her Jack three obviously flush with her former victory tech that's a pretty good first two cards for Jack three and we've already seen Tony G's got threes induces as well now this could get really interesting we have Tony G with bottom two we have Jennifer with top two and don't forget our unsmurfy because he's got top pair with a king kicker yeah this could be expensive ten thousand Howard with nine high knows he's not gonna delay this one now the question is what you do if you're Alan Smith it you know Tony G's reputation you've got to realize I don't like to go broke in a none raised pot right now you only have top pair up your smart fit really a dangerous flop there well he's wisely laid that one down three four five six five and now the question is what does jennifer harman do when all you really to be scared of here is a set of deuces right yeah exactly I can't give him three jacks she calls she probably isn't want to see a diamond here she might give birth Tony a diamond draw King well Allen Smurf it's gonna be kicking himself right now he made a very good lay down but that was his chin card and Hartmann check to him you wonder if she's gonna check raise here well no reason for her not to think she has the best hand here she makes the call we're going to the river just a deuce will save Tony G 7 of course this does open up the bluffing opportunity for Tony no he doesn't he thinks he deuces in threes are probably good David doesn't he well you'd imagine I mean Chan aparment played that hand very passively very slow she's managed to let Tony G keep hanging himself if he if he's bluffing or if he's only got half of her hand as it happens she's done very well out of that pot as well so the buttons on Howard Lederer the blinds 300-600 running ante of a hundred the actions going to be with Jennifer us looking at jennifer harman you'd never think she was one of the most dangerous poker players out there yeah I said very yeah very difficult to realize that she has played in some of the biggest cash games anywhere in the world and there she is having a chat our regular cash can we play either at the Bellagio or at the Venetian at the Bellagio it's called bobbies room and we play mix games it's not only No Limit Hold'em it's probably a mixture of 13 different games that we alternate every eight hands so we play limit and No Limit and pot limit so we play a variety of games and I do play with the top players in the world so it's more of a challenge for me it's it's a lot of fun a lot of people might not think it's fun because you're risking so much money and we play really really high four and eight thousand probably the highest and you can swing hundreds of thousands of dollars so you know it's it's you really have to stay focused but it's challenging and it's a lot of fun and I don't know I feel like I'm at home [Music] you [Music] it's the Full Tilt Poker million-dollar cash game we have a new face to join the crowd it's Gus Hansen he's sitting next to Phil Ivey Gus Hansen won the inaugural European Poker Masters here at fifty London yes oh he's on home turf the man he beat in the heads-up struggle that lasted over an hour he's sitting to to his left and to to our right it's more good win and speaking of mark Goodwin yes speaking of Marco twin here he comes to six smurfaroo also here with an interesting hand but not gonna play Marx making get quite expensive for anyone else but Hills reaching for his chips and he's decided to call well he's got a scratch yeah good cards for cracking aces the seven nine of clubs well it's a real safe flop for more good win there wasn't really the flop that phil was looking for to crack the aces twenty hands how come you've decided to take a break from the table ready I just think the players aren't in the mood to play big pots right now and I think I could come back later and get some washing so I have a nice time with my friends bounce back a bit later have you been trying to like make the table a bit chatty even trying to mix it up a bit but no one since you've Michael do they yeah I tried it and didn't work and it's a cash game it's a lot of different tournaments and I just think that I'm better off sitting out for a while and coming back later wants people are losing a stock for the game and I had some fun early on and I had my fun and now I can go and come back this is the ideal time for the professional to be stealing the blinds while everyone's involved in the conversation speaking of the consummate professional here comes Phil Ivey yeah a six of Hearts they're definitely a hand you can come in with in late position speaking of hands you can come in in late position with Mike Matusow deciding to take on fill with the three six or diamonds you know funny normally you think you're coming in with three six of diamonds you have live cards but in this case is actually dominated yes it's true open six is on the board would be a very very bad thing for Mike 4/6 well that's a pretty good flop for Mike yeah they both have a piece of it here Madison with the pair and a gutshot and of 3000 called about Nicole three clubs there as well this might slow at least bill down am I going to check call mode well it's less likely one of your opponents has a seven obviously have to be wary that he might have clubs it's not actually an awful lot of hand said that Phil can be he can meet four or five six five something like that in this case obviously three six check that from my kids if it is another big bet there he might have won this pot as it happens the checks costing as has the call before the flop with the six three diamonds exactly it's your best five cards and hold them so while matter cell has sevens and sixes here's a chat kicker and Phil Ivey has the ace kicker and that's gonna be enough to take the money down there's not really the best poker player in the world it's probably a list of maybe five seven ten players that can be considered the best poker players in the world but Phil Ivey is definitely top five maybe doctor I want to play the best players whoever they are you know I that's just the way I think you know I don't ever sit down on a table set I wish I wasn't playing him what you think because you dressed like me you could play like me have a nice day we play golf and we go out to nice restaurants have a good laugh we go golfing myself we we gamble on a golf course a lot with like 50 grand the hole it's really it's not that much he's that much it's an obscene amount when we are sick but lots of you know you get to a level of gambling where you have to be sick you'd ask the sort of her to be stiff life we're not playing flipping out gambling a fokker we usually gambling something else so it's just the life we live [Music] mic first wax he mucks it Wow big hand for Alan Smurf it there looks like he's just cold I can't actually see yeah I think that's just 600 he's got the button now the other two have passed so it's just the blinds in Alan Gus Hansen being Gus Hansen yeah of course Gus is gonna play and Phil Ivey in a big blind with the 75 Phil on the phone while he's playing in a high-stakes cash game now that's really interesting Alan smurf would actually checked the flop yeah maybe he's hoping to induce a bluff he has a allow us to catch some of the turn and it might get him paid for a bit of money here but Gus Hansen now is to pair Ivey has a straight draw and Alan's called so here comes the river he's played it pretty slow and look at how he's just my Jack's full well at this point you're hoping your opponent has a need yes exactly although it's just as likely with Gus Hansen and Phil Ivey that they can have nothing that is true these two are so creative - were the best in the game it's gone check check I think we're gonna see a bet from Alan the question is how much 18 1/2 thousand dollars in the middle how much do you want to bet in this spot David well I have to tell you in this case you're only gonna get called if somebody has an eighth Allen's MERP it has somewhat of a tight image exactly sir they might even over bet the part by over betting the pot sometimes you can make it look like a steal exactly but he's unlucky neither player has the eight and Allen takes that pots down with Jack's full well it's been 40 Hannah's in jennifer harman up to 150 3000 she's a big winner right now well probably the guy they all came to play against Allen smurfette the one they thought was gonna be splashing it in he still increased his chips he sucked up 104 thousand and he's not giving anything away see David know he's a really solid player it's the one thing about poker is if you have the money you can sit down with the best [Music] you you [Music] well Lady Luck has picked the players that she's gonna be shining on this evening can anyone else catch her eye let's rejoin our commentary team of David Tuchman and Gary Jones Allen smurfette under the gun he'll be first to act looks like a limb from Alan with the pocket tens hoping to catch a couple of callers and maybe flop a set Jennifer's in there with a 10 Jack Gus with a nice pour our hearts does anyone always happy to oblige he'll enter any part exactly Marc Goodwin's in there we douche 3 as well plenty of players well pretty nice this could be an interesting parts yeah pretty nice flop for Gus Hansen he has flopped the straight he has a wheel yeah but there's deuce in threes here for mark and don't forget Alan Smurfette's kept the over pair well he's betting it and I don't blame him and how it's got deuces and threes as well so that's even less cards for both marking Howard to hit and how do you play if you're Howard let her hear your bottom two mic can't believe what he's seeing we've got we've got a real exciting hand here the pot is now 27,000 Howard letter has made it 15,000 to go it's gonna be interesting do you think go-sees got any chance of actually passing this well look at Smurfette miss Mertz got the over pair still and he's gonna get rid of it he knows it's no good exactly Jennifer's past and it's round to Goose is there any way he might actually lay this hand down you know he's got the second best hand possible he can only lose 264 here I don't see how we can possibly let this go at this point looks like he's got a call maybe he wants to phone a friend well there's more Goodwin sitting there with the same hand as Howard Lederer you know when the action gets back to mark you've got to put somebody on a set though at this point don't you you'd have to think at least a certain I really think he's generally thinking about passing this Habs how it hasn't played many hands he's in the big blind yeah I'd be shocked if Gus Hansen laid this down I really would I think he's gonna push it he does that's what he's done he's pushed he doesn't know whether he wants to watch you're not at this point I think it's a pretty easy lay down for Mark Goodwin he has he's already laid it down I think how it's gonna get off the hand as well I really think he's gonna have to muck it pot is a hundred and twenty six thousand dollars unbelievable well he's laid it down he found out where he was you know she's due season three's up more than likely no good Gus Hansen picks up a very nice pot the one thing that's so magical about Gus Hansen he's just as likely to Bluff there as to have the nuts very true well having said that it was up against towered I don't know if it's Howard I'd pick as the person to come over the top with here for a third race especially when it's been playing so tight recently starting with 100,000 is up 26800 now not bad for a day's work and the day is early day's work how about 20 minutes work exactly the big difference between tournaments and cash games is quite often when you make your first big mistake in a tournament you're out the door when it happens in a cash game you're probably still going to be sitting at the table and it can cost you a lot more if you don't settle your nerves and play your a game in the pot with the 7 4 of Spades if Gus Hansen starts running heart he could be really really dangerous it would be a joy to watch well Alice decided to call arrays with a 4/5 of speck of clubs my collecting to be live suited connectors the guy these people came to play against they thought he was here to splash his money in he hasn't put a foot wrong so far this is the first time we've really seen him mix it up Dave not a bad spot to mix it up four or five of clubs there the only problem with the four five of clubs if you're calling Gus Hanson's raises you could easily be dominated with a five seven or something because these are the kind of hands that Gus likes to play as well but a betting a call we've seen the turn there's an ace on the board and it's just ghost-like he's handing out he actually has the best of it he's still ahead with the seven kicker of course more often than not the river card is going to make the kickers irrelevant there it does check both players the same hands here both players have sixes and fours with an ace kicker chop it up well they're all seeing what Phil's sorry what Gus is raising with so while the dealer chops it up bill Ivey stretches his legs heads out towards the bar I think I'm probably the one who has had the biggest swings in the in the cash game out there might be another guy or two but but I've had a lot of big wins and a lot of big losses and it's not too often the the Windsor losses across the the $1,000,000 line but it it has happened they say Chris Jesus Ferguson waiting in the bar waiting for his seat he's yet to come hasn't managed to get into the game yet this game is so amazing we have some of the best players waiting in the wings exactly still hoping to get a seat at this lineup Eric Seidel back there as well 2,600 don't there he is the action going on just around the corner from him raise up from Phil and a call from Mike these two have played together a fair bit before and a little ace is there for now if you're not gonna flop a set with your fives this is a pretty good second one so Mike there with the aces has to pop at the flop and I don't blame him there's a pretty scary flop for aces when you're up against someone like Phil Ivey you could be anywhere around there and at the moment he's got an up-and-down straight like still reaching I love the bed here on the turn with a flop like that you can't afford to give the free card Phil Ivey has ten outs here he's going to do so seven or five there's a call from filth this pop getting very big very quickly nearly 50,000 in the middle here comes the river it's not good for Phil the ace is still good really hard to represent anything here after Phil Ivey yeah the flushes come back door and mic still reaching and he's got a bet for value here now you wonder if maybe ivy thinks Matusow is betting a busted flush draw here it's about the only thing he can beat and even if the busted flush draw was too big cards he's likely to hit the jack or queen so he could check it down there isn't really is only a bluff that Phil can beat here I can't see him making this call even though he's getting 4 to 1 Eric and Chris Ferguson watching the action Johnny side what they're doing this spot somebody's sitting on the phone with Phil Ivey holding on my fellow ivory tries to win $100,000 this is a spot with Madison I really think he's hoping Ivy makes a move I think he's at least hoping for a call he knows his aces are good right now there's no way Phil's dwelling up this long with a hand that you can't beat what a good lay down there from Phil yeah he recognized he was beat well that's the great thing about these players I mean what makes them so great they know they almost have a second sense when to make a move and when to just be patient so here are the top three players at the end of the first session as you can see Jennifer Harmon is in a commanding lead with a profit of 50 $2,200 but this is a cash game and anything can happen we see some great action tonight as the world's poker-playing elite aim to get one over each other join us next time at the Full Tilt Poker million-dollar cash game to see who will have to reach deep into their pockets for more cash and to see who ends up with all the chips but for now from all of us it's goodbye
Channel: The Poker Vaults
Views: 45,432
Rating: 4.8439717 out of 5
Keywords: Million Dollar Cash Game, poker, poker show, full tilt, full tilt poker, full tilt poker million dollar cash game, phil ivey, phil hellmuth, mike matusow, patrik antonius, sky sports, poker 2019, poker after dark, poker tips, poker strategy, daniel negreanu, pokerstars, season 1, episode 1, season 1 episode 1, million dollar cash game season 1 episode 1, thepokervaults1123
Id: futMFKMFno8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 44sec (2804 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 06 2019
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