Million Dollar Cash Game 4.0 [Full Highlights] ♠ Live at the Bike!

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up until about a year ago upswing he got second place in a wpt a couple weeks ago he got 39th in this year's main event so he's definitely living the poker dream welcome topo to high stakes friday it's live at the bike david uh so up in the mountains they have um a little mining town called blackhawk and i've played i play tournaments like their mains there but just private games in denver two cowboys remember there's three blinds and an annie today so we're playing one one 100 100 200 plus a 200 big by nanny top pair top kicker for garrett 3 000. immediately toppo goes foot for a two-thirds pot sizing they're doing great man you're doing [ __ ] great seven thousand to go here it says whatever let's play a pot pot is now 24 000. jared is still ahead of hands like ace king and ace queen but he's far behind doppel's pocket kings i got a pretty good hand actually 10 seconds holy [ __ ] what the man think no no we have time chips five one minute oh those time chips yeah what did you think we were talking about one time like collection or like i thought he was talking about collection too yeah [Laughter] yours is even situation right off the bat here man what am i gonna do i feel like no matter what i do i lose it's just a matter of how much i lose yeah yeah yeah like call you lose hold you lose that i got i guess yeah but 10 seconds if i were to put no more in then i'd guarantee the loss that's the shitty part i have to think about it a little more it's a tough decision i got gotta admit all right fine gotta admit i don't know i said i don't have a hand i said i don't know man oh he said i have a little oh yeah they'll go flipping up three of a kind on me yet i don't know i guess you got it right i guess you got it okay i have it [Music] i don't know i guess i'll probably pay you off you know i'm good at that always pay off i gotta think about it for one more minute one more sorry yeah i just don't know what to do i can't decide on this one i don't know i feel like these chips are an awful idea yeah what the oh these yeah because they look like yeah they look like actual chips why don't we just collect the after afterwards we have to keep the rocket away you get five hours wayne is there something else we can get for time trips oh right off the bat it's taking you forever literally like pieces of paper are better than yeah just a cause otherwise you're gonna get paid off another thing you heard already used two time chips this is the longest i've gone without losing a hand 20. yeah great sounds like a good life then what'd you say it's a great call jesus that kind of game we played so i used to play at a game where if you successfully slow roll somebody they had to give you 50 bucks i mean when you irrationally think you're going to win every year the way you do why not 27. have you everybody we're having this conversation with this guy here i think my number would be like 8 million don't have to actually go play you don't have to like travel 10 seconds stay in vegas during i feel like if someone gave me 10k and john with the cold forward yeah that's pretty straightforward right yeah every year just okay don't play sure yeah if i got 10k a year for sure i would not play that's easy i think if someone gave me 50k and they go you can never play it again i think i snap like that i don't think re-raised what am i doing in this world 20 you could but you got to play that sounds like a lot of work playing every six seven days and you got to play everything bill klein with the five band and john and bill have the same holding like 12 days a lot of money being piled in this pot three back cold four bed and a five bet by bill klein and john put to the test early yeah good luck you guys want to straddle this round did you have a problem [Applause] 14th 12th 14th and 14th so whatever happened i wound up in the same spot i mean i was the chip leader a couple of times and got blown out and then i'd be fiddling around you know the only way low starting stack most of the time and a lot of it almost i mean truly you know you know i wind up flopping you know lots of three kings and and i get sam sovereigns calling me with an ace five lawsuit and you know he raises i move all in and you know and he winds up going runner runner for the straight and i'm looking okay well what am i going to do with this three kings on the flop yeah doppel's going to have a backdoor equity can turn some straight trolls and turn some flush draws and he's going to float out he was dead to attack at least gonna cost him some money he's like first and i looked up well he looks at me and he goes well there's no way i'm betting a really good hand so you know he's like leading oh over back from gary oh and that's who he is and when garrett does this he's any cash like usually how many times yeah some sort of over pair like he does a set but he also caught it he bought yeah i guarantee you that yeah like for the shortcut you know poker is like a lot of business they always brag about the revenues did you make any money yeah there was a guy who was known very tough spot over doppel blind vs blind you have top hair pyramid scheme kind of guy makes the call played with them over some of the high roller events over the area and the guy with his unlimited buy-ins i even said to him i said you gotta have a little bit that's a card safely you're doing all those other things checking i said save some money have to win this flush draw gets there that's how many times you bought it first prize you know first prize is 195 000. i said you bought in seven of the jacks well you know once you're already in for six you might as well find it on the seventh one yeah yeah a no brainer right yeah i hate him like i wish he was just one buying that without the king of diamonds in hand i'm gonna check oh he checks it back because he doesn't have the king of diamonds if he had the king of diamonds he would want for some thin value since he would have a removal card to the flush what is that was that on the straddle you had that the guy who called for the straddle no i looked at my hand first obviously i'm gonna throw 400 out there dead roll tape i just ignore him like that i'd say he was i know he was wrong he was kidding at first but then that means i'm serious i just want my voice to be heard if he was serious i'm gonna ignore him i just want acknowledgement jared says let's try to crack those aces with 10 6 suited thank you yeah i know what you mean yeah three three gets confident absolutely not 10 seconds i'll go twice with you one one time baby that's real poker one guy or a loser yeah either either either winning or you're going to the parking lot you know here i think when you raised i think that was the best board i could possibly have i think if i catch anything if i catch one of mine i'm in trouble ten seconds oh you gotta catch two of dude that's the only thing and i'm 30 000. a bet of 30 000 drawing stone cold zero okay today the lady was dead you usually get away yes okay so she's so she stopped figure out what he wants to do goes all in not the start that garrett was hoping for here really yeah even even if uh atlantis is free 1200 yeah i mean if it's three i'd stay atlantis maybe but i mean like the tournament's there and it's it's just a way nicer really but if it's free i might say it yeah but but i also have to like you know get to bahama every day and stuff you know yeah i didn't rent a car but i'm you know i probably paid like 60 bucks a day and pocket aces are going around and now johnson with the pocket aces what's up yeah after this you've been there no just 60 bucks a day a something actually i mean two trips i guess raise it up make it fifty four hundred i've now been i wanted to go that would have been i would have been sad i'd have been having to be buy oh it looks like we're gonna go three-way action of this flaw because there's no way bill's gonna fold these pockets hands raise it up and bill puts in the back four bet 200 1800 10 seconds we're gonna talk about this uh sorry 18 to 18 200. johnson wondering what's the best action possible here he knows bill cannot fold any more pre-flaw phil put in probably too much money but if he flats he also gets garrett to stick in the pot potentially johnson does go all in bill would have to risk 32 000 to win 74 000 and does johnson ever do this with ace king is the question johnson's range is only queens kings and aces which i believe it's not i believe johnson will have some calls still a tough range to put in 32 000. just like that we have a hundred and six thousand dollar pot you can change your mind if you want [Applause] [Music] cut shot for bill they're only going to run it one time and john since pocket aces do hold i know he kept the suspense up for me i was almost able to reload before the cards i'll bet in the game they buy them in bulk that's another tic-tac-toe three in a row wow an andy with pocket aces and gear with two queens and chris putting in the cold four bet so sick you're sitting there with queens with a four bed in front and a three bet from andy andy again with two aces last time he flopped top set andy playing super deep with garrett he's gonna put in the five bet chris with the mystery hat is it possible that he has something like ace king or ace queen something with good removal cold four bet pretty sick spot here for guernic makes the hero fold with two queens pretty sick action thus far top with ace jack again he puts in the smooth call pre-flop three-way action we're seeing a lot of that today just so you know i see the three of diamonds it's a classy thing to do for sure you can see a card always announce it i just gotta double check what the denominations are two thousand it's ten thousand you raised that's what we meant to do that's fine [Applause] too doppel's gonna put in a race to 2000 with ace jack i think with bottom set you can mix strategy these players are fairly deep i really like a three bet here and chris does put in three baht and now if you're doppo do you put chris on a strong ace ace king ace queen ace three some sets or do you put them on some flush draws like ten jacket diamonds queen jack of diamonds king queen of diamonds eight seven and nine ten of diamonds seventeen five seventeen point five wow and doppel makes a four bet [Applause] to seventeen five no one understood the geezy reference i didn't i know who wrong group wrong group the song i'm already in the background so many of those youtube hands just spouting off about nothing so here we go again and all in from chris and i think chris's hand looks so strong here it looks like pocket aces pocket queens east queen once again though could chris have flush draws cover view cover uh i don't know i think it's close can you can you put it in there for you yeah i'll wait 10 seconds don't even know the amount wow no once uh once you ask for a count they pause the time yeah with this hand ready and got a combo draw on me cover cover cover um doppel knows that chris's hand looks super strong but he probably feels like he put in too much money at this point how many times you choose you choose one time six 600. um yeah my last like here with two aces is gonna get action from john's a6 like so much pain usually he's third blind the next two laps off slightly more relaxed and then the last laps the fastest the last lap's always oh what a cooler card here carol with top set and john with top and middle pair two pair i'm no o'neal right now i'm like i think i could i think i could run like 450 right now probably about a third of the pot very interested to see how john clooney i actually lost this yeah yeah and i was saying i could still break five so he went into the mile he bought me a hundred dollars i couldn't and that man 510 was throwing up everywhere and then i was like i have to start running again 14 000. there's the overview but the gut shot straight draw did get there if garrett was barreling with the 870 he did get there he also does lose to pocket jacks aces and h jack also the most painful a lot of combos of ace jack off soon it was so much harder than when i was fit six combos of ace jack combo vases three combos of jacks he makes the call he's just too high in his range he sees the bad news [Applause] don't worry come back i think poker is great uh everyone's all stressed out like the money mad it's a lot of fun man it's a lot of fun and andy with though so many good things and chris is gonna make it 4 200. turn it around i think i'm gonna turn it around obs let's go check let's check go check two thousand oh check ten seconds then twelve thousand [Applause] ten seconds nice [Applause] you think you could name oh 12 or 13 1300 gonna go toe-to-toe again carried out flops doppel but dapo does [Applause] good thing i told the story ahead of time you knew that was a setup and it really had nothing to do with his hands okay thank you but you'll know later you'll see you're just protecting yourself because boy and a snap raise from dapo garrett leads that turn particularly because he has ranged advantage to four five and it smashes his range harder plus he does have some removal and doppel's snap raises which alerts garrett and garrett makes a call 18 500 in the pot and if there's a river card for dapa to go for now he does have the nut flush removal card of the ace of clubs and here we go baby what did i get myself into 10 000. probably gonna pay this one off too bro i don't blame you yeah i don't know i got very little this head very little i'll probably pay this [ __ ] off again [ __ ] why not i guess doppelbest 10 000 a main event seat pretty much that's what i always think about when there's a ten thousand dollar call i think wow and garrett makes the call nice call garrett makes the call what an amazing call [Applause] 700 700. no he you folded it and johnson is wondering what is going on since chris keeps three betting ten seconds eight thousand eight thousand raise it to eight wow and john is picking up that chris keeps yeah tamarind away at bill and anyone who's out of position versus him [Applause] and this is where the metagame comes in because chris also knows his image and what it appears to be but he actually has a really good hand here 17 200 in the pod johnson's gonna put in the third size bet here pod now has balloons at 29 200. ten seconds that fifteen thousand john is going for the double barrel and the most likely hands that john cena has is aces and ace king chris has good removal for both of those and johnson has a pot-sized bet left in his stack fifty thousand fifty one thousand in a stack and fifty nine thousand in the pot and it goes check check and chris wins another massive pot of fifty nine thousand two hundred dollars welcome to high stakes friday uh and this is a pretty sick hand here chris who's been running very well flops the straight and bill with the top pair and a flush draw and a good shot no good shot actually for bill chris is going to keep pounding money and there's no way that bill gets away from this hand on this street he's going to continue with that lisa call here oh and bill gets here with the flush and bill has a check mark and checks it right over to chris 24 700 in this pot looks like chris is going to still pile in money looks like he put in around fourteen thousand dollars and there it is chris still wants to make bill pay if bill has a set like fours eights fives doesn't want to hit a full house for cheap also if bill does have a one heart type hand somehow like an over pair to the eight with a heart in it he wants to make sure he pays check check plus and it goes check check and bill klein scoops a 52 thousand dollars more time today i apologize too busy talking about myself crazy and again we see two players having ace king and some four betting going on john cohen with the three bet johnson with the four bet last time john cohen laid down the same hand to bill klein earlier in this session for this time john cohen does have the button and knows that johnson can be four betting on the wider side he four bet earlier with king queen off six thousand from john cohen and he knows that these ranges should be pretty snug here a lot of ace king some ace queen suiteds and bunch over pairs to the nine so he's gonna take advantage of some range and this pot has ballooned to twenty six thousand dollars john cohn with a club in his hand is this a spot that he wants to fire and continue on clubs or does he check this back look at that stare down from johnson and john cohen decides it's go time and he's going to put in the double barrel 16 000. ten seconds fine and johnson has not given up just yet johnson makes another call check check and it goes check check and they're going to chop this 58 000 pot and both players are going to be pretty ecstatic to win this pot well worth it 800. raise it up 2700 and garrett decides to three bet the king nine student in position john has him dominating diamonds and two diamonds on the flop garrett's gonna have a very high frequency c bet on this flop and he decides to check this one back john's letting garrett take the rope but garrett checks back twice 5700 in the pot and garrett thinking about calling this one down with king high garrett beats hands like six five suited six seven suited some six eight suited seven eight students all the suited connectors that turn to dusk garrett still beats and does call with king high [Laughter] well everybody here everybody's happy when they do it yeah i think john's happiest yeah uh you may be right you may be right 800. raise it up 2700 and garrett decides to three bet the king nine student in position john has him dominating diamonds and two diamonds on the flop garrett's gonna have a very high frequency seabed on this flop and he decides to check this one back john's planning carrot take the rope but garrett checks back twice 5700 in the pot thinking about calling this one down with king high garage beats hands like six five students six seven suited some six eight suited seven eight students all the suited connectors that turn to dusk garrett still beats and does call with king high wow john's so happy when he meets you the smiles well everybody here's the scoreboard one more time [Music] tall 4200 [Applause] oh i think it's 57. wow and andy going for this one for forbidding at 12 000 dollars with a6 off i mean gets bill cline to fold ace queen john cohen throws in the towel says [Applause] like shout out to this mclennan's for that five dollar donation and john cohen's gonna bet 2500 with his eight high flush draw doppel does have a king high flush draw on a pair so he's absolutely going nowhere bill with the pair he's gonna raise it up with two sixes and doppler in a tough spot with the parent of flush trying it looks like he's reaching for raising chips looks like he says i've got about a hundred big blinds preparing a flush draw and doppel's gonna take that one down with the 22 thousand dollar raise there with the king three of diamonds they came back full circle baby jungle justice remember wow raise it up wow look at chris go chris has been playing very aggressive oscar with two queens and oscar's such a boss he just sits with 5 000 chips only [Applause] heads up in a 16 000 pot chris with enough flush draw oscar with position and the over pair [Applause] down bet and a snapchat by chris oscar is definitely not scared oscar plays some of the biggest stakes in the world 26 thousand dollar pod and chris turns an ace he's gonna keep betting he's hoping that oscar has something like kings or queens now or a worse flush wrong a jack with a flush draw queen jack of diamonds 42 000 now on the pot and i think we're gonna see this river check check and chris wins another 42 thousand dollar pot what a beauty i'll take cash i'll take cash you want twenty dollars yes uh snap call right seven questions [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] this flop chris has the best hat at the moment with two tens and johnson flops the nut straight oh what a turn card 2500 in a pretty tough spot here batting a call in front of him and he flopped the straight but now three clubs on the turn it was a small bet and he's reaching for raising chips something like 9 500 to go 95 it is and neither player with a flush oscar put in a spot three ways let's see if oscar can give this one up it's a super strong hand but without a club in your hand and this much action oscar's gonna look him up here's the board but that six is a lot better than if the club would have ran out ten seconds from john what a tricky bad he wanted to induce a raise he would have called a raise pretty good 14. no okay okay take it back okay man oscar is barreling puts in a better 5400 john does have a pair in the nut flush draw oscar's hand looks a lot like an over pair of the six his initial razor although he could have some club draws he does have ten seven of diamonds which is pretty much two over so he could have a very wide range john's gonna make the correct call we've seen john play very spot on today and the backdoor flush draw is hidden and john's gonna check it over to oscar dancing [Applause] i'm chip extension for oscar oh i don't know if i caught jack huh no nothing oh my god anyway yeah yeah on there here the cumulative winnings chris still up ninety five thousand andy up seventy seven thousand john up johnson that is up fifty 52 000 doppler and oscar bill on the losing end thus far but you guys have about 20 more minutes of overtime unless you guys want to bump up the subs i think 20 minutes is fair hit the subscribe button if you guys want more i will sit for more anyways guys make sure you check out live at as well it's 19.99 a month 199 for the year patrick's dfs yeah these guys all for rocking with us a few more situations exactly more strategic well i'll i'll say like this you got a few more minutes unless you guys put in a bunch of work you guys put in a bunch of subs last few minutes that'll keep us motivated to keep working back here live at the bike what's up mark joseph sees through jay draw adam vortex hit the subscribe button because we're getting a little sleepy here what are you planning on playing in uh obama's we've already been going six hours strong yeah i think uh guys in the next five minutes get us a bunch of more subs and we'll keep going for another 40 minutes whatever whatever you guys want actually the first one with top hair guarantee i think and then uh cohen betting into him john cohen does have a gut shot the main 10k and then twelve thousand seven hundred in the pot if they crush it then it could be worth playing anyway you know sorry like if they just get like a billion people right that is worth it i mean at this point john cohen want to john i would have preferred you give up on the riff buddy what a spot for garrett already got it 10 seconds garrett doesn't have a speed that's good you know who would carry cats at john can have straight flush garrett blocks the straight clean jacker which john's trying to say he's trying to say he has something like queen jack with that big sizing reset threes fours nines that's good sizing he's saying he has a straight which pair of blocks tournaments four pocket threes fours or nines it off because he's got that blocker of the straight and that's the main hand that john's repping here so that was for five bucks five thousand yeah you gave that up pretty quick i think especially knows that john is a very good talented poker player oh and garrett does make the fold john gets that one through well done by john cohen raise it up and garrett has pocket aces and a three bet is 5400 and these players sitting effectively 130 throughout 33 000 deep because that's what's in chris's stack i think chris can call here i also think you can put in a raise just like you do with his last hand a little bit of protection but make the flat call chris does have a speed in his hand as well okay i went with a half pot sized bed let's see if he goes with some over bet looks like he's going for two thirds 7 500. chris was still an overpair and no choice to continue he does have the worst nine combos because he does block hard draws and he blocks spade flush draws so he has two worse combos of of nines in hand but would care do this with some ace kings and some flesh draws like queen jack and king jack of spades or hearts most definitely wow good fold by chris what a fold chris has been giving action he has one of the highest feet pips he has second highest v pip on the table not often you need to be bailed out by the three of diamonds 600. come on baby tell me that's really one time three diamonds 2600 going for it chris and nancy with some snap calls 8 100 in the plot all the players with and he has the most equity with his gut shot and i think once andy calls he's probably going to continue on this flop with his gut shot he knows if he hits this playing for stacks 18 100 in the pot does doppel have the heart to continue thankfully for him he only has to see me with that once again and andy does not have gut shot he's open-ended my mistake that's what i was when you guys forced me to do so much overtime kate song i had a double check and read the chat and you're right and andy gives it up and doppel's gonna take it down with the three the three of diamonds see doppel knows bill klein knows that three of diamonds is where it's at i'm not kidding card two first well yeah okay smart guy i mean it's then it's it's really does anybody i mean it's almost like unless you have one all right sammy we need to start cooling everyone again thank you yeah appreciate that it's about time oh bean it's like he's not seeing a bowl of chocolate good players at home they're watching and they see me vomit away a hundred thousand for no reason and then just cool the [ __ ] out of people just for like hours straight thereafter oh here we go oscar with the ace three off squeeze from the straddle why like if there was ever a day it was so clear i'm so undeserving [ __ ] jews just like [ __ ] this guy let's just [ __ ] get it in there you know like just brilliant there's two clubs on the flop so you know yeah i yeah i had the fake club drive [ __ ] amazing that's what i'm saying yes and it's [ __ ] disturbing i don't feel right about okay no one else does i agree check [Applause] that's a money card right there oscar puts bill on like ace king or ace can bet pretty big here bill does have an ace [Applause] that's 17 17 000 and oscar is putting bill on those type of hands he's jack he's clean he's ten not he's ten eight ten is bigger he's jackie's queen and ace king oh if bill lays this down spidey senses are on can he lay this down gonna use his first time chip extension i'm always wrong right one time i'm gonna be right it may not be this time [Applause] and we saw oscar go for it with the air ball earlier in the show with 10-7 so bill's in a tough spot not the three of diamonds is it by any chance i almost set it up nfl fight last night and i was like i've hit like 12 guys over the head with a helmet what's the deal the only thing comfortable is when that uh i actually can't believe that that's still allowed like the fighting in the actual oh yeah yeah it's like paul to the spoils yeah yeah it's part of the sport but it's like it's it is so dropped off in today's day and age where there's a repair top kicker but they do have like rules on it awesome well the big deal is but now now with all the equipment you know and now everybody's making millions of dollars all of a sudden they're going i don't want to break my hand over trying to punch a guy through his helmet and his face here because you can't even take your helmets off anymore so a lot less and then they first they wrote that rule and then what they did is they said okay what the fighters would do 16 000 how much is it whoa garrett just bet one and a half x killed anyway give them the three of diamonds i guess right so what they would do is diverse billionaire and they would literally um take each other's helmet off to get around here and face the 1.6 x pot and we know garrett is fearless but he's facing a billionaire i want to say like check i live 10 gives up maybe i shouldn't pay attention to my cards anymore i should just be telling stories that's what they did and then they stopped that oh yeah i do [Laughter] stream over and that's gonna wrap it up you guys saw 219 hands of some high stakes poker thank you for rocking with me i'm glad you guys had a good time 19.99 a month if you guys want to check out 199 for the year
Channel: Live at the Bike! Poker Stream
Views: 357,336
Rating: 4.6341462 out of 5
Keywords: Poker Strategy, Cash Game, Live at the Bike, Texas hold em, Omaha, pot limit Omaha, Doug Polk, Phil Hellmuth, Antonio Esfandiari, poker, poker cash game, poker live stream, live stream cash game, cash game poker, money, latb, poker highlights, best poker moments, bluff, huge bluff, Garrett Adelstein, poker vlog, Andrew Neeme, high stakes poker
Id: gKhiGIWDKqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 22sec (4522 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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