Could these be the BEST VALUE FOR MONEY Fish & Chips in The UK?

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now they're my friends I'm feeling really really good and today the Sun's shining and I am in the Costa Del Stockport which is greater Manchester uh and you can tell that because we're under the flight path for Manchester Airport lots and lots of planes flying over here now I'm here for a reason because I haven't had fish and chips for ages now in fact the last lot of fish and chips that I had was back over in America when Martin cooked them for me which I think you can tell me how many weeks it is it's quite a few weeks ago so I reckon I reckon I should treat myself now there's a place here that everybody keeps telling me about called salty Towers salty Towers I guess it's a play on words with Faulty Towers now they did have an offer on well on a Monday but apparently that's finished now but I've been in it looks great I thought you know what I'll give it a go I'll just have the little uh I think you get a cup of tea they do a deal anyway still I just have the small fish and chips with a cup of tea hopefully it's Yorkshire Tea because if it isn't well that's gonna I've got a deductive point off for that haven't it anyway we're gonna head over there we're going to mark it out of 10. don't forget I want you guys to mark it out of 10 as well on locks and on my facial expressions which you know I mean I've not had them for a while so they're probably um anyway and also the cost as well now if you're new to the channel make sure you hit the Subscribe button go on do it now it's down there click the little bell as well for notifications and when I upload new videos now without further Ado my friends come on let's go [Music] thank you [Music] I've got to say I mean I don't know whether I'm in the wrong aerial or whatever but it seems very quiet the Stockport doesn't it really quiet who stole all the people where is everybody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] never use it [Music] [Applause] [Music] right Manuel here we are outside salty Towers see what I did there you know basil faulty I'm I'm guessing it is a take on uh Faulty Towers salty Towers anyway as I say not had fish and chips now for weeks pop it in the comments section how many weeks it is it's when I went to Martin's uh over in New York we're gonna head in there now we're gonna have uh we're gonna have a look look what they've got but I'm only gonna have a little small fish and chips and a cup of tea as well so uh you might eat it outside as well absolutely gorgeous weather here today right under the flight path as well so if you're a bit of a Aviation Aviation put my teeth back in Enthusiast then you can watch the planes go by as well let's get in there and get this ordered [Music] [Applause] [Music] happy Beauty [Music] rights I've ordered before we start the good news is the tea is Yorkshire Tea so I'm not going to deduct a point for that there we go Yorkshire Tea we're in already so we're off to a good start here and I'm going to go for the uh special I'm only going to go for small fish chips peas lemon tartar sauce bread butter and a cup of Yorkshire Tea for eight pounds 99 which I reckon is a bargain by the way before anybody says where is everybody it is very early in the morning really for fish and chips it's 25 past 11. so there's not many people around but it does get busier later and when I did that pan shot earlier on they all scuttled over there because they didn't want to be in the picture so there is people here but we're gonna sit outside under the flight path have relationships beautiful weather and I'm really looking forward to this so come on let's get outside [Music] right well I'll tell you what I'm really excited and what a great location this is right under the flight path there if you love your airplanes Etc Nice Bridge there there's a lot of great artwork around here it feels a bit Arctic from being a designer myself I like the feel of it I really do I've got the tear a pot of tea as well not just a cup very refined uh got the milk as well in a little jug which I like oh wow it's cold as well I really like that none of them plastic pots so that's good I tell you why I'm going to do what is a little bit controversial not done it for a while I'm gonna pop the milk in first there we go I can hear you now I can hear some of the people there saying now you've put the milk in first how do you know what strength it's going to be and here is the fish and chips just take a closer look at these my friends thank you [Music] right I've got to tell you these look absolutely fantastic now I've not had fish and chips for a while um I'm just going to make sure that tea is mashed there because I've put my milk in first haven't that so there is a truth in that you actually don't know um how strong your tea is going to be if you put your milk in first oh but that looks good for me yeah that's a good color that is can't beat a cup of Yorkshire and yorkshire's quite strong anyway um there we go perfect right now then uh we're gonna go in for the fish I believe this is haddock there's no skin on the fish now we've also got a slice of bread there as well nice and fresh gotta say they've also given me a pot of um curry sauce to try Irish curry sauce there so I guess that's going to be a little bit spicy as well I'm going to pop on my vinegar now I've said this before we're back to uh is it vinegar first or is it salt first salt and vinegar I'm gonna put the vinegar on first and then the salt apparently sticks to it there we go and then a little bit more vinegar on top somebody actually told me about that do that again or whatever anyway so we will now go in for the fish and chips let's go in for this here we go a little bit of lemon as well now then there we go pop the lemon there I'll tell you what I'm going to do that first I'm just going to put a little cut in the fish there so I don't oh that butter is absolutely crispy got a nice crispy batter on there just gonna pop that inside the fish there not too much lemon on it okay got the tartar sauce there as well a little tartar sauce There is actually two salty Towers in Stockport I will pop their details in the description down below got another plane coming over wow um my word that it they are low they are very very low I've got to say cry kick right on the flight path great right let's go for the fish first [Music] look I can't make out what um Airline it is okay so look at that nice fish nice white fish there the batter is very crispy let's go in for this very very nice wow that is tasty that is very very tasty oh blimey I've not had fish and chips for a while now chips the color on the outside not too anemic nice and fluffy on the inner there as well very good tell you what I'm going to go for peas as well not too green can't see them from outer space Perfect Color there puts me off when they're a bit too green I have to say um let's go in for this Irish curry sauce now Irish normally has a bit of a kick to it yeah it went through a month wow wow that curry sauce is absolutely gorgeous I've got to say now then let's go in and do a little bit of a chip butty wow someone's coming out now going for a chip butty now you're going to tell me off some people are going to tell me off on this one because chipmute get some peas on there as well look at that pop them Peas on there fold it over and now for the best bit squash it down like that that's it [Applause] oh yeah this is fantastic right I'll get it well that curry sauce you might have to have a sip of Yorkshire Tea yeah you can tell it's Yorkshire it's the best I'll eat this come back to you then we'll mark it out of ten but fantastic a little bit of tartar sauce on there as well let's go in for that there we go um beautiful thoroughly enjoying this I'll see you guys in a minute and we'll mark it out of 10. wow beautiful [Music] [Music] wow this is absolutely fantastic that was an Emirates this just literally flown over as well um it's fun it's great I tell you what if you love planes and you love fish and chips there's no better place to be I can tell you and these are fantastic the batter is so crispy hmm [Music] thank you [Music] I've got to tell you I'm really really enjoying these now as I said I've not had fish and chips now for a few weeks and I've been really really looking forward to them as you know if you watch the channel you'll know that my favorite meal ever is fish and chips and uh these have certainly delivered I've got to say and it was well worth waiting for I'm gonna eat the rest of these in peace rather than filming every single angle of them because I'm thoroughly thoroughly enjoying them uh it's a bonus with the Yorkshire Tea as well the curry sauce wow if you come here you've got to have that curry sauce blows your head off fantastic that's the Irish curry sauce mushy peas perfect batter even held its crispiness as well even though I've been filming different angles Etc and as I say the chips sometimes you can go to a fish and chip shop and the chips are a little bit anemic these are not these are cooked they've got the perfect balancer of crispiness and um fluffiness on the inside as well wow these planes coming over I'll tell you what I'm gonna do once I finish filming I'm gonna sit here get my flight app out and see where they've all come from it's great I have a flight app and I like to look where the planes are going do you do that when you see an airplane you think I wonder where it's going or where it's come from so I'll do that I watch I think it's flight radar or something that I use not sponsored by the way and I love it I could just sit there seeing where they've come from anyway I'm gonna eat the rest of these in peace enjoy them drink my Yorkshire Tea and I'll see you guys in a minute but wow very refreshed [Music] right I'll tell you what I thoroughly enjoyed them now as I say I've not had fish and chips in a while and it is my favorite favorite meal I I think that would be my if I had to choose my last ever meal it would be fish and chips and uh that really really delivered thoroughly enjoyed them fantastic and I'll tell you what you can look for the cheapest fishing fish and chips in the world or the cheapest fish and chips in the UK they probably weren't the cheapest but I tell you what they were the best value for money fish and chips I've had in a long time absolutely superb worth every penny butter crispy fish nice and Flaky chip done to perfection not anemic at all nice crispiness to the outer light and fluffy on the inner twice cooked apparently so and they're all fresh so thoroughly thoroughly enjoyed that for me I'm gonna give that a 10 salty Towers now don't forget there are two salty Towers in Stockport I'll put the description in the link below I'll put the link in the description below fantastic as well if you love planes I think there was an Emirates went over there was wasn't it was that an A380 got another one coming over now this is brilliant I love it I love airplanes and things fantastic you can sit outside in the summer sunshine it's brilliant love it or you can sit inside if it's winter as well absolutely brilliant love it's a bit that's salty Towers in Stockport fantastic come and give them a visit for yourself and if you've been pop it in the comments section down below and tell me what you think but well done salty Towers two thumbs up as mileage says anyway thanks for watching make sure you hit that subscribe button and I'll see you guys in the next one bye bye Yorkshire d as well Yorkshire Tea get in get in right I've got to tell you these look absolutely great and I've got that's crap isn't it put my teeth back in take two foreign
Channel: The MacMaster
Views: 41,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Best Fish and Chips in The UK, The Best Fish and Chips in Great Britain, The Best Fish and Chips in England, Salty Towers Fish and Chips, Where are the best fish and chips in England?
Id: G4YqSIauI-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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