Miller Table Fine Gold Recovery Cleanup System

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[Music] hi guys this is donnie from commonwealth today i want to introduce you to our kumba millet table this is a clean up solution that we use to separate farm gold dust and flower gold as we know it from black sand or sulphur a couple of specks on our militable is 600 millimeters long about 350 millimeters wide inside you can see we've got a little material it's got very fine grooves so that allows the farm gold dust to go lay in the grooves and the larger materials to wash over this runs off a 500 gallon per hour submersible pump as you can see it's fed from this side inside here we've got a spray bottle we've got a ball valve here to adjust the flow for less or more depending on the particles that you've got and then this also sits on top of stabilizing brackets and we've also got adjustable feet to allow for the angle to adjust according to what you need okay guys so now i'm going to put on the pump and i'm going to show you how we regulate the pump the pump runs on a 12 volt dc battery so you don't need any electricity which makes it nice and easy to use i'm quickly going to put on my my thumb there you go as you can see my border is currently fully open the amount of water that i've got here i'm just making it's going to be a little bit too much for what i need to do for the material that i want to run very important is also to locate the water curtain at the front and as you can see you need to try and make it even all out so i'm just going to adjust it a little bit there as you can see now we've got a even water curtain at the front so i've already made a mark with my ball valve to make sure that for the material that i want to run that the flow is correct so yeah i'm just going to adjust the ball off a little bit i'm going to check the pump just a little bit and this is the right slope that i want for the material that i want to learn okay guys so now that everything is set up accordingly to what i think i need i'm going to show you my material before i run it and our feet the table and then we're going to show you exactly what i did so as you can see guys this is my material that i would run this is already wet on top with it and you don't want to put dry material in there because of the surface tension you might use some material so it's always important especially with this flow and the angle that this is running it make sure that the material is wet it just makes it easier and you catch a lot more so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to take my teaspoon and i'm going to show you how i'm going to feed this i'm going to take a teaspoon i'm going to put it in the middle of the table that's right here now take another teaspoon you can take two to three teaspoons and use that to clear so now something that's different from our miller table than towards other tables is the fact that you'll see the flow in the middle they're constant but on the sides there's a little bit of turbulence and i'm going to show you why i use this and why it makes it easy so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to take the material i'm going to take my brush i've got two different types of brushes i've got a very small one a medium-sized one and i'm going to show you why i use two different types of brushes it just looks easy for myself but you don't need you don't need to use these different brushes so all i'm going to do now is i'm going to take all my material and i'm just going to slowly brush it towards the side here we've got a little bit of turbulence [Music] okay so as you can see you follow the flow you can come down here you can check all these little rocks and stands and things here this you can just wipe off into the thinnings bucket and this side you'll see that all the farm balls we will catch in the middle and upper side of the net so in essence if you feel that maybe you've lost some material you can always just really run your tailings bucket all the material that's in the table bucket and you can maximize the amount of material that you can catch so guys i'm just going to carry on with this process um normally i'll run it for about 15 to 20 minutes each time um what you can do is you know you can always come back here and you just wipe off you can wipe this material back to the top here and then to the side again so this is the only process that i'm going to follow and i'm going to do it for about 15 to 20 minutes and that is normally sufficient for us to catch all the material that we wanted [Music] all right guys so i've been running my material for about 15 minutes now and it's at a point now where i can change to my smaller brush and i'm going to show you what i use the smaller brush again it's just for me it's easier for me uh you don't have to do it you can use one brush um so i've run the material now for like i said 50 minutes i've just went side to side and i've brought some of the material back up and then back to the side and now i'm going to start showing you uh the gold line that it made with a little bit of turbulence of the water so that's why i take advantage of that because it makes the process a lot quicker and a lot easier so as you can see here so i just pinched the brush at the bottom and then i'll just start brushing very slowly [Music] and as you can see there it's forming a nice line a fun gold dust so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to take a snuffer bottle i'm going to suck up all this gold here and i'm going to put it in a pan and i'm going to show you the amount that you got [Music] [Music] okay guys so you can see that i've taken now i've taken the material that i got in my snuffer bottle and i've put it into our 10 inch coil pan and as you can see here this is the amount of gold in the courtyard just bending out a little bit so there's still a little bit of blonde sand and black sand and things there what you can do is you can re-run this material if you really want to otherwise you can just you know take it to the next step and you smelt it into a gold button which will be the next step and as you can see there as you can see that little wreath that emitted back there that's all the gold that we got that out of two teaspoons of material thanks for watching guys if you are interested in our money table for your fine god separation please get in contact you can get in contact by our email address or our website we'll put the links below in the description thanks
Channel: Ukumba Gold
Views: 6,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fine gold recovery, fine gold, gold cleanup, fine gold cleanup system, miller table, fine gold seperation, flower gold recovery, flower gold cleanup sluice, flower gold miller table setup, gold sluice, gold panning, gold south africa, gold zimbabwe, gold dust cleanup, gold dust recovery, gold dust sluice
Id: fo4qdXnxsa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 14 2022
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