Build A Survival Scout Belt Kit Using Military Surplus

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[Music] all right today's video is going to be a little different than normal because you are not going to see my lovely face but what I'm going to do is I'm going to walk you through a belt kit that I put together today um I've been home uh down with some flu and um have been feeling really bad and finally started feeling good and I was tinkering with this belt kit and I got this idea off of Instagram uh there is an excellent feed on there um Ravens Wilderness survival uh school and this is a belt kit that he put together that he showed on one of his posts and I kind of took his idea uh expanded upon it uh with equipment that I had um in storage that I've been using in other kits that I put together and decided to assemble this one and I'm pretty darn pleased with it because I think it's going to work out pretty well so it's a pretty basic uh kit the the premise of it is that this is a Wilderness uh Backwoods Scout rig um something that's low profile has just enough Necessities to get you out and do what you need to do for the day um what's great about it is it's modular so you don't have to carry all these components if you don't want to if I wanted to let's say take the pistol off because I don't need that that's fine I can do that that comes off very easily um and then that leaves the core components which is my IAC my survival kit my canteen kit and then some of my tools so let's walk through this thing real quick and see what you guys think now first thing is this is built on this mol belt pad that I got from one Thief uh if you've watched my videos I've shown this in the past it is the digital Air Force tiger stripe that I dyed green so it has kind of a foliage green color now more of a Ranger Green I guess um it's a great belt pad very inexpensive but um I just added this uh pistol belt to it works great stiff enough easy to get it on and off um it's a great platform for building a kit um on this side here I've got this uh Molly uh adapter this is the kar adapter so this Clips onto the Molly panel and then you're able to take your knife sheath that has a normal belt loop and slide that um onto the this webbing and then velcro it shut and then now you have access to a belt knife but you don't have to permanently attach it to the to the Molly rig you can take that on and off so if you want to change knives you can and then of course we have a gerber multi-tool in this pouch I have my canteen set up I'm out the about out in the woods I always want some water with me I like military cantens this is the n Gene Oasis canteen it um is the exact same size as military canteen so it fits my stainless cup perfectly and I've got the stove stand on that as well so I can heat water if I want to side pouches I've got some coffee there there's some folders in there and a couple other things like sugar packets stuff like that so that gives me the ability to heat some water make some coffee if I have to and then this pouch is the Marine Core utility pouch I think this was uh issued with the the pack system the fil pack system um it's a great pouch because it is a nice long pouch it's Nar uh narrow it's not doesn't stick out a lot um but it holds a lot and has a little bit of organization built into it you can get quite a bit of stuff in here so I have my asit stove I have a myar space blanket for emergency shelter building keep me warm in case something happens I've got some wet wipes canteen cup lid my spoon here's a great little tool that I just picked up this came from Le ler River Bushcraft this is a a little saw that he's been putting together there I have to unfold it off camera um but there it is he he's utilizing this wooden metal Irwin blade and then putting it in this kind of custom kidex uh sheath or handle that he makes and he puts that all together and then on the end of it um it comes with one of these Fire Starting cords so if you pull that rubber back there is some material in there to start a fire with so it's a nice little emergency fire starting backup but leester River Bushcraft sells these saws and it is a nice little piece of kit that doesn't take up a lot of room it's very lightweight so we'll do more testing on that um when I'm feeling better and I'm out in the woods and then this pouch has a back panel to it and I've got a whistle built in here because there is a tie down Loop so I've got that tied in over here I've got some Bank line got to have Bank line uh just as good as 550 cord um takes up a lot less room weighs a lot less and I can do a lot of stuff with this so for you know just primitive shelter building this would be enough um and then a very lightweight weight easy way to filter some water quickly is a frontier uh this is the let's see which one is this Frontier emergency filter so basically this is the kind that you would just basically stick into a puddle or water source and then suck out what you need um this would be definitely a last ditch kind of thing and then in this pouch um really is um all of my survival stuff so I've got my aquat tabs for water purification I have a magnifying lens from uh survival resources it's a 2x3 great little item to have I like to keep some fire starting tabs I just get these at the hardware store of course I have some whirl bags to add those tablets to to purify water if I need to I have and this um is a military issue signal mirror we'll take that all out but there it is it's nice one because it has a heavyduty um kind rubber plastic uh Edge to it and then I've just got it in this elastic band and then of course it's got a cord on it so we got that big glider with some duct tape uh a brass match safe and this has a good compass in it that actually works and um these match safes I'm not even sure they make these anymore um but it contains the waterproof uh kind of Lifeboat style matches that you get uh I think these are just the uos and there's a striker inside there but it's a great great container and I like the fact that it actually has a gasket um with that backup compass and then of course there's a tether cord with it and then little fire Bellows pocket Bellows always have one of these in my kits just it really helps in getting a fire going and then a Ferro Rod I did a review of these These are the firefast feral rods are kind of nice because they have the built-in magnesium bar on the back that you can scrape off magnesium so it gives you another source um and then also this wood handle um you can scrape off of that and turn that into uh Tinder for your fire and then it comes with a really nice carbide Striker so you don't have to use your knife if you don't want to but it's it's a fantastic um little Ferro Rod combo and then couple of fatwood sticks and that's it that is a all the survival goodies in this bag that all out of the way coming down here we have this first aid kit I don't know who makes this pouch uh I've had it for a little while I got it in a trade or something from somebody um but I really like it because um it is specifically a first aid pouch but it is very low profile I've added this patch panel on it so I could identify it as a as an ifac um but it has Molly on the front and on the sides so I was able to put this Air Force tourniquet pouch that I dyed green on the side of it see that there's Molly on the sides of course I got trauma shears and then here it has a pocket that you can open up and I've got gloves and then in a plastic bag I keep uh alcohol swabs triple antibiotic there is a syringe and a needle um there is some pads larger pads gauze pads just a variety of items some mle skin so General first aid stuff and then in this back panel here you can see down here there's compressed gauze there's also quick clot combat gauze down there so there's a variety of items in here I think the only thing I would like to add to this is probably add a chest seal to it I think I need to do that and have because that does not take up very much room so we'll throw a chest seal in there but that that is a good um standard ifac for treating major wounds and some minor stuff as well and then last but not least um is this pouch this is the M12 holster it's the military issue holster um it was designed for the bar M9 um and you can pick these up pretty cheap all over the place now in here I have my Smith and Wesson Victory 22 I really like a 22 uh semi-auto pistol for Woods carry you can do some hunting with it um I mean if you have to and I guess you can use it for self-defense but that's not really why I carry it I carry it for um if I want to hunt with it and take a rabbit or a squirrel I can absolutely do that um now the the M12 holster does not fit this pistol very well let me show you why as you can see this Smith and Wesson it protrudes a little too far for this for this holster so the flap will not close down and latch um down here where it's supposed to that latch is supposed to go right in there um so what I've done is I put a piece of webbing ran a piece of webbing through this and created another spot for the latch to go to so now it's going to catch on that webbing right down there and that still allows me to have a protective flap over my pistol now the heart and the soulle of this kit is this Molly pad that I got from one Thief um it's a really nice pad because um it is uh has decent padding on it it has this kind of um mesh ventilated material uh for wicking moisture um but it does have slots one right there and one right there so if you want to put a drop leg into it and attached it to to the Belt see the belt in there you can run a drop leg out of it so you got two of those and then it has loops with metal rings d-rings on it for your straps your harness strap same thing on the back right there there's one and there's one so it's a three-point strap system and then I got the I got the straps from one Thief as well I think this is the Marine Corp issue webbing strap but you put this on and now you have a really comfortable lightweight low profile belt rig um that is set up for Wilderness Bushcraft scouting hunting survival type situations this is not a war belt per se even though you could certainly turn that into this by taking that holster off and putting a dedicated tactical holster like a drop leg of some sort or a kidex for for your your Glock or whatever but um I have this set up for Scouting Around the woods um when I don't want to carry all my gear or a heavy pack and I just want to go out and explore a little bit for the day um I'm constantly re-evaluating these types of kits and perfecting them and working on them and um since I did this one I'm pretty excited about it because I think it's going to be a great kit just to run around the woods in this summer um I can't wait to get out in the woods and try this thing so hopefully what I'm feeling a little bit better and uh this rain stops cuz it's been raining non-stop for the past week um I can get out in the woods and do a full review of this with you and show you some of this gear in use oh and the knife of course you guys want to see the knife right everybody wants to see the knife um this is the uh se4 hm and uh it's a really cool knife because the previous owner actually did some nice work on these scales to give it some grip and then he put this cool bead on it but um it's a fantastic Bushcraft um allpurpose survival knife the sc4 HM um I think in one of my short videos I actually call this the se4 pr and that's incorrect it is not is the HM so there's that and of course um the ESS comes with a kidex sheath but this I believe is a Sagewood gear drop leather attachment so you can see that in the back how that attaches to the to the kidex but fantastic knife but it's great because now with this setup I can add different knives if I want to go for a bigger knife I can do that if I want to use my smaller knife I can um but I'm not limited or stuck with one blade always permanently attached to my my Molly belt rig so I hope this video gave you guys some ideas on how to set up a belt kit it's pretty easy to do with military surplus there's plenty of options out there so just go out and try some different things see what works for you um you don't have to spend tons of money on gear to get out in the woods I certainly don't um I try to build and scr as much stuff as I possibly can and then save my money and spend it on the things that matter and count like knives um stuff like that um but hopefully you guys enjoyed the video um if you do like this kind of video please uh subscribe if you feel like it also share the video um also check out the affiliate links down below there'll be affiliate link to one Thief there will be um links to my Facebook group which is huge and also my Instagram account and then my Amazon store all those kind of things help the channel but are also great places to look at more gear and get different ideas on how to set stuff up and as always thank you for watching my channel and we will see you next time on the prepared Wanderer
Channel: The Prepared Wanderer
Views: 35,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bushcraft, camping, hiking, fishing, hunting, self defense, self reliance, prepared wanderer, bugout, bug out bag, bugging out, prepper, prepping, backpack, tactical, survival, knife, knives, thepreparedwanderer, outside, backpacking, outdoors, wildcamp, offgrid, solo overnight, survival shelter, minimum gear survival, Wilderness, Military, Bug Out, Fire, Fire Craft, Survivalist, 10 Cs, Field Craft, Wilderness Living, Primitive Skills, Primitive Hunting, SERE, First Aid, Pathfinder, military surplus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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