The Most Outrageous Episode Of Wife Swap Ever

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-I'm gonna say there are other things that  Alicia can do that are just as powerful. -I'm not degrading her. -Neither am I. -Yes, you are. You feminist pig! It's no secret that most the reality shows  we see on TV are fake in one way or another,   whether it be just a little bit or the  entire show being fabricated. And one of   the shows where it's very clear is Wife  Swap. Maybe not entirely fake but it's   pretty obvious where the producers stick  their hand in to spice things up for TV. So far on the channel, we've watched two episodes  of Wife Swap but the one we're going to be taking   a look at today probably takes the cake for  being the most fabricated I've seen yet. Now, I know I mentioned that the show  runners are usually the ones stirring   the pot with a show like Wife Swap but it's  also very likely that the families coming on   the show are just hamming it up because  they want to be on TV and they just end   up becoming caricatures of a Wife Swap family  and I think this episode is one of those cases. Of course, if you don't know Wife Swap,  it was an insanely popular TV show in the   mid 2000s where they took families  that could not be more different,   swap the wives for two weeks  and then just madness ensued. As I've mentioned before, ABC had technology  beyond our scope of understanding that would   find these families from across  the country that are so different   and would likely kill each other given the  chance threw them in a box, mixed them up,   and spit out this show. So, without  further ado, let's meet the families. -This week, the appearance obsessed  Guastaferro from Upstate New York. One of my favorite parts about this show is  the very beginning where they're introducing   the families and they make them pose like  they're taking a photograph in 1885 and have   to just stand still for two hours straight  holding on to that smile for dear life. -Pageant mom Karen spends a  hundred thousand dollars a   year on making Alicia the  perfect pageant princess. And of course, wife Swap gives them all  very interesting names. For example,   the first family, we have Pageant mom  Karen and her husband... well, you'll see. -Sexist Ralph believes looks are everything for  a woman and would hire beauty rather than brains. Pageant mom Karen and spoiled Alicia  are one thing but Sexist Ralph,   holy shit! Sexist Ralph just sounds like the  much less successful sequel to Wreck-it-Ralph. -And the bosses of Indiana - Ultra  feminist Angie homeschools her   daughters so she can indoctrinate  them with their feminist agenda. So now on the other side of the coin, we  of course have the family that is the polar   opposite to the first one. Now, when they mention  pushing the "feminist agenda" on their kids,   they mean it. That's this family's whole  thing and they don't let you forget it. -The girls are taught to be academic independent   women and learn car mechanics so  they'll never have to depend on men. They take it to such a level where  they're just caricatures of feminist   and they just ham it up just like the other  family, only in the opposite direction. -If I had one wish, it'd be world peace. That  might sound a little corny but it is the truth.   I do feel sorry for people that are not gorgeous  people. If you don't have the best clothes,   the best hair and makeup, and the best  tan, you're not going to win the pageant. Of course, we've got a cliché,   "I sorry for people who aren't gorgeous  and if you don't have the best clothes,   you won't win the pageant." She is literally  reading this shit off cue card. She has to. -Alicia likes to be waited on hand and foot.  In the morning, I make Alicia's breakfast. -Hope you'll like it. -Oh, I'm sorry. -That was not your best cereal. You don't know how to make a bowl of ce - How  do you fuck up... How do you somehow fuck up a   bowl of cereal? You know what? I'm with,  I'm with a spoiled daughter on this one.   If you can't make a bowl of cereal,  somehow, you deserve what's coming. -What did you buy me today, mama? -We keep a Christmas tree year round because  everyday is Christmas for our daughter. -Oh, that's so cute. -Cuz she's just such a  pleasurable child and deserves it. You know what? I don't like that  they're appropriating the culture   of those who leave their Christmas  tree up all year long not for their   daughters but because it is  a lot of work to take down. -I am choreless. I feel it is physical  labor and it would suck if I had to do them. -Almost done? -Yeah, just about. I do all Alicia's projects  because she doesn't have time with her busy   schedule. This is a project that I made for  Alicia and she got a hundred plus on this. Now, you might be starting to see what I  was talking about when I mentioned that   these families sometimes just really  play to their personas just to get on   Wife Swap. It's pretty apparent with this family. -We eat out probably seven days a week. -Hello. -Alicia's not a fussy eater. Some  things that she does not like,   she'll state her mind or opinion on it. She'll  have two eggs and a bagel like lightly toast. -Lightly, lightly toasted like - like  they we're just crunches but not really. Okay, I'm sorry, this mom needs a  new makeup look. One that's not so,   I don't know the nicest way  to put this, Halloweenish. -In Indiana, Quaker Pastor Angie Boss  preaches the word of the Lord at work. -It is in Jesus name that we pray. -And the good book of feminism at home. Nothing like trying to show us this is  a family of hicks by showing a shot of   a train and a barn when introducing their town. -She was the first woman to vote in United States,  even though it was illegal. It was illegal. -The feminist perspective is the  most important thing in our house. -We balance that out and... -Don't qualify it. I just  wear the pants in the family. But of course, you can't have yin without yang  and this family is definitely that. Like I said   before, they're just caricatures of feminists  to the point when they're introducing them,   they're just showing the mom like, "who  was the first woman to vote." Like,   this is just surface level shit  that a ten year old would write. -We raise our girls to be  strong, competent, and powerful. -Just press this valve button. I think it's  important for the girls to understand that   they don't have to rely on a man to fix  a car, to change the oil. There you go. -Good job. Their whole thing is teaching  their daughters that they can   be appreciated on more than looks and don't  need flashy clothes or makeup to be important,   which is a good thing to teach but of  course, they are family in Wife Swap   so they cannot be completely reasonable  because it's not the fact that they don't   need to wear makeup and flashy clothes,  they're just flat out not allowed to. -Clara will be the child in our family who test   us. She wants to wear sparkly nail  polish and she wants to wear makeup. -Clara... take it off. I will say though, the middle daughter, she really  wants to and she gets in trouble when she puts on   makeup or nail polish which - where is she getting  it from? Is it the moms'? Is the mom allowed to   wear makeup and they're not? Is it an age thing?  What's going on? The story is not adding up here. -A few of my favorite things to do  is read forensic anthropology books,   look at the microscope, dissect  whatever animal my mom happens to get. Whatever animal my moms'... like what is your  mom out foraging for critters for you to dissect? -The things I hear about public  school- popularity and makeup,   boys, these are none of things I care about. Popularity, makeup, boys,   I don't care about none of that stuff.  Like that - was that - was that good? -After a 500 mile journey,  the wives finally get to see   where they'll be living for the next two weeks. -Oh my god, there's a cheerleader  microphone and a princess crown.   I might be in hell. Small little  house. Driveway could use some work. Okay, we're really just reaching  out. That driveway looks fine to   me and if you know one thing about me,  it's - it's I know - Chris James knows   driveways. I - I - I always - I think there's  a reason I didn't finish writing this joke. -It's spring and there's a  Christmas tree. Oh my god,   there's so many books. Flat in my algebra,  microscope - babies are home schooled. So, if you remember from previous episodes,  the first week of the Wife Swap, the wives   play by the rules of the previous one and live  exactly the same lives with exactly the same   routine set before, which this is where things  get uncomfortable. Not that they won't later,   they - they they definitely will  but this is where it begins. -Each wife has written a manual as a  guide to the running of their homes. -Alicia's been winning pageants  since she was just 11 months old. -I'm raising my girls to be mature capable  women who defy the helpless female stereotype. Now, in terms of the show  runners fabricating things,   this is where I've read that most of that  happens. Basically, everything written in   the "rules" left by the previous wife are  just written by the producers and it shows. -Hi, Angie. -Hi, Kaitlyn. -Hi, I'm Clara. -Hi. Hi. Hi, I'm a sexist Ralph. Nice to meet you. -A thing that really and truly would make the  world a better place would be world peace. -Alicia doesn't know who she  is. She's desperate for people   to think that she's beautiful but Alicia  doesn't have idea of what she could be,   that she could actually make  a difference in the world. I don't know what you mean by her not  making a difference. She literally said   she wanted World Peace. What more  do you want from her? God damn! -At the Boss home, looks obsessed Karen  is having to tone down her makeup. -My mom really wouldn't wear that much makeup. You know, if I'm being honest, I wonder  what nickname they would give me on a   show like this to insult me, like  "Bitch Face Chris retreats to his   room to film another YouTube video." It  would most definitely be some shit like   that. Let me know what you think my  name would be. Make sure it's mean. -I've always been content to be the  one who's always sitting in the back? -Just the quiet geek in the back? Bookworm? -Yep, that's me. -I think feminism is just being  ugly, ruling the world, or she'll   be ruling the world by herself.  Just don't want to be around her. Damn! Shit! Well, I guess this is as good as time  as any to tell you to go follow me on Instagram,   Twitter, and TikTok where you can  follow me for all my hot takes and   just to keep up with me outside of YouTube  @ChrisTheJames everywhere. That is all. -It's the first morning of the  swap and at the Guastaferro home,   Angie has to tend to spoiled Alicia's every need. So now that the wives are playing by  each other's rules, it's time for the   real test. We're going to see if Angie can  make a bowl of frosted flakes correctly. -Did you ever get your own  snack or your own breakfast? -No. -Just so you know how to take care of yourself? -Well, they make restaurants for reasons. -Sure. As for Karen at the other household,  let's take bets on if she's going to   do something about that kid's fuck  ass Bob by the end of the episode. -In Indiana, Karen should be starting feminist  homeschooling but she's got other ideas. -How about if we do something else besides book? -We can play? Okay, great. Nail polish time. -[?]. -Oh, this is nice. Okay. -What are you doing? -Clara didn't want to read a  book so I thought, you know - -But this is school. It's  part of the learning process. -Really? -Mm-hmm. Okay, wait. The oldest daughter's nails  are painted. Is it just an age thing that   they don't want the younger one to get  involved with this stuff or what? Because   there's nail polish in the house. There's  also makeup in the house as well. What is   the story here? There's no consistency. You  know what? I've - I forgot these families   are just pumped out of a machine in the  basement of ABC studios and are not real. -It's saying that you have  to wear those short skirts. -Well, legs sell. Put picture of boots  and farm jeans. Nobody would buy em. -I agree with her. -There you go. You know, something I notice in most Wife Swap  episodes, the younger kids are usually almost   always okay with whatever the new wife is doing -  like this one for example, she is ecstatic about   the idea of getting dressed up and getting to  wear makeup and that continues throughout the   entire episode. She's - I think she's pretty  stoked that Karen is here for these two weeks. -Karen had shared with me the makeup  issue. Angie doesn't put makeup on. -She doesn't want to like look good or... -You know, that's the life you're fitting into. -That boring life. -Right. -Read the books and you'll save the world. Okay, so according to Dwayne, the dad,  Angie doesn't wear makeup. Which I could   have sworn I saw her wearing at least  a little bit of makeup but regardless,   if she doesn't wear it, how is  this little girl getting access   to makeup? Is it being airdropped by the  National Guard? Where is it coming from? -Angie gets to see first hand how  Alicia deals with waiting staff. -Hello, good evening. How are you? -Good. -I have a question. Is your  pasta sauce really good? -Yes. -I'll have that with mashed potatoes. Yeah, I have a question, is  your pasta sauce any good? Yeah,   I - I guess. I don't know why you'd  expect me to say anything but that. Hmm. Okay, I'll get that. Okay. -Here's a quick dressing for your salad. -Is there something wrong? -Looks nasty. -Can I get you something else? -Yeah, that'd be great. -I have to say, Alicia, I'm embarrassed  by the way you treat the waitress. -She's been worse. -No one has ever told that little girl no. -Ralph doesn't get that he's enabling  his daughter to be a spoiled rotten brat. -That's not been very nice. Honestly, what do you expect? She's the heiress  to the sexist Ralph's window tinting empire. -We go in a circular pattern  and that's how nice her skin is. -It's like basting a turkey. Don't say that. -He's pathetic. He thinks  if he throws enough money   and makes Alicia pretty enough  that that'll be enough for her. And you know the real shit's going to come out  of them when they're talking quietly outside   at night with a bright ass video laid on  them, that's when opinions are served. -The - the whole point this experience is  so you could come in to Angie's shoes and   experience the way we do. You didn't want  to do that. You didn't want to file the   manual. You're calling my girl's  names. You're calling her a geek. You know, I gotta say Karen's not being a good  Wife Swap sport here. She's not playing by   the rules whatsoever. Angie at least is  going along with Karen's usual routine,   so I will - I'll give points to Angie for that. -I - I don't know what your point is. -I'm here to see the other side  and I see it. I think it's boring. It's always like it though. There's  always one of the wives that just   don't really play along like that. I  don't - I don't know what I expected. -She's responsible. -I - I'm not sure I'd agree that  she's responsible. That's saying   it is okay to cheat and lie to get what you want. -No, she doesn't cheat and lie. -To turn somebody else's work  in that's not yours is a lie. But now it's time for Angie to have  a little sit down meeting with Ralph   and Alicia to express her concerns  with the way that they do things   and how they treat Alicia and all things  considered, Alicia takes it pretty well. -Excuse me, I'm sorry but I don't  want to have to talk about this. -I understand. -I'm sorry. -It's embarrassing. I'd be embarrassed too. Well, something like that. -I was very hurt by what she said. Yeah,  my life is a little bit shattered. I would   never call you useless. I would never call  you a liar. Have a wonderful day, Angie. But now that both wives have endured  a week with the others rules - well,   not Karen really but it's time for them to  inflict their new rules onto the family. -Guastaferro family, you think  that beauty pageants prepare   a girl for the future and that looks are  everything but you couldn't be more wrong. -I want my [beep] Christmas tree back? And it sounds like they're reading  Doctor Seuss from hell right now.   These were - these were very obviously  not written by them and it shows. -Boss family, you have the most boring house. No  one wants to listen to people that don't sparkle. The rules are pretty much what you would  expect - Karen wants to turn the girls into   pageant queens and Angie wants to inflict  what the show keeps referring to as "the   feminist agenda" onto Alicia and Ralph and  as you can imagine, none of this goes well at   all. One of the rules that Angie has is god  forbid, making Alicia do her own homework. -If you turn in somebody's work that's just  yours, it's a lie. This week, you're going to   put together a project by yourself and no one  is doing anymore of your schoolwork for you. -Oh, that's bull. -That's ridiculous. As well as getting a job waiting tables because   one of Alicia's awesome traits  is being rude to wait staff. -Is there something wrong? -Looks nasty. God, I really hope that's one of the more hammed  up parts of the show because if not... Now,   something happens when Angie is listing off her  new rules. She tears one of Alicia pageant photos   in half to make a statement which - whatever  but this makes Alicia borderline hyperventilate. -You just tore up a $135, man. -It's not even you Alicia. There's  nothing about it that's you. Apparently, this photo cost $130. What!?  Maybe the photo shoot cost that much but   ain't no fucking way that that piece of  paper cost a$130. Have you ever heard   of a printer? Office Max? I don't care how  good quality that print is, $130 is insane. -If you rip another picture, I'll fit - we will  sue you. I mean, I - I am that serious then - -You don't realize what you did there. But while things got off to sort of a rocky  start, Ralph and Alicia take things pretty well. -Don't forget her shoes. -You're going to learn respect,  lady. Angie, here's your bags,   here's your purse, and here's your  ideas, your history in my house. [Chuckles] Classic Chris James lie. It's  been a while since I lied to you guys,   I think but it feels good  to do it. So easy, so fun. -I kicked Angie out because she stepped way over   the line. She's not going to  take advantage of my child. -Ralph was so terrified of Alicia finding her  power that he panicked and he ran. I was looking   forward to teaching Alicia. I wanted to watch  her do it and encourage her. I'm just really sad. Now, I don't know if Angie has a  ride or somewhere to go or she's   just chilling on the front stool. All I  know is she is not in that house anymore. -It's the first morning after rules change.  After throwing Angie out of the house,   Ralph has reconsidered and  agreed to continue the swap. Oh, you just know that ABC's illegal  team came down on him with the wrath   of god because this episode is not over yet. So,   he reconsiders but now that Angie is back in  the house, she sits down with Alicia to help   her out with what I'm assuming is a school  project and it seems to go pretty well. -It's done. -This is awesome. -How should we hang it up? -Well... Angie then wants to hang this poster up in  Alicia's room but not only that, she also wants   to take away all of Alicia's trophies. For some  reason, I'm - I guess to empower her in some way. -Kaitlyn, let's start sparkling. Look at this. -It's too cold for a mini skirt. -You've gotta sparkle. You gotta look popular. -I'm dressing to draw attention and  I like not having bad attention. Does Karen just want to be in high school  really bad? It seems like that's all she   wants and she's just using these children  as vessels to fuel her inner desire to be   a popular high schooler. Maybe I'm just  reading into this too deep. This is just   Wife Swap after all but now Karen takes the  girls to go get makeovers and of course,   the younger daughter is ecstatic about this  and the oldest, not so much... at first. -This is looking good Kaitlyn,   I'll tell you. You'll be surprised.  You might like it. This is the new you. -Whoa! That does not look like me  at all. The highlights are awesome.   The hairstyle's awesome. Not what I  expected. Wow, that's really neat. After all said and done, she does seem  to feel surprisingly good about this. So,   I guess a win for Karen. Now, if you remember  earlier, Angie took down all those trophies. -These things need to have  a little break for a week. -My trophies? Yeah, that. It was literally a minute  ago. Well, sexist Ralph gets home and   we get to see his reaction to that  and I'll say surprisingly positive. -There are other things that Alicia  can do that are just as powerful. -I'm not degrading her. -Neither am I. -Yes, you are. You feminist pig. -Ohh, man, if you guys aren't just Charlie  Brown trying to kick the football that is   the truth - I lied yet again and I feel even  better doing it than the first time. Of course,   he didn't take it well. His name is sexist  Ralph. What do you expect? I will say,   I did not expect him to to call her a feminist  pig. That - that was not on my bingo sheet. -I'm not really happy about this. How can you  do this to my family? How can you do this? -How is abusive behavior acceptable? -It's not abusive. It's not abusive.  But you're very abusive with your mouth. But while we're on the topic of unhappy dads,   let's go back to Indiana and see Dwayne's  reaction to the girl's makeover and well,   he doesn't call anyone a feminist pig,  so I guess he gets points for that. -This is totally unacceptable. I don't know what   Karen's trying to do. She's turning  our children into these sex objects. Regardless, not a happy camper and I feel  bad for the younger daughter because she's   obviously loving this shit and for her dad to  react like that, it seemed to really upset her. -What are you doing? -Taking off my makeup. -Why? -Only because dad might not like it. Now, it's time to check back  in with, goddamn, this really,   this show really does just go back and fucking  forth, doesn't it? We're going to check back   in with Alicia as she starts her first day of  waitressing and not only that she's waitressing,   she's also going to be serving the waitress that  she was rude to before. So, this ought to be good. -Would that be all? -I forgot one thing, I like my  chicken very well done in dry pita. -Well done chicken on a separate plate.  Here's your salad and the chicken on the side. This waitress really turns it on for her. -I can't eat it needs to be dry pita. -What am I supposed to do? But this goes just about how you'd expect   and Alicia fucking breaks down  and can't do it. Shocker there. -I don't want to do this anymore. I don't  want to work. Why should I have to work? Now, I don't remember if I mentioned earlier  that Karen is entering the girls into a beauty   pageant or not. I don't know. It was  it was so long ago. Who's to say? Well,   she entered the girls into a beauty  pageant and as they're picking out dresses,   it gets a bit heated because Dwayne  is not having it. No surprise there. -Have you ever see such beautiful  dresses? Are they gorgeous? -They're absolutely beautiful. Dwayne,  are they beautiful dresses or what? -They're horrible dresses.  Oh, you gotta be [?] me. -No, I'm not. -We're done, that's it. I want everybody out of  the house, we are done. We're gone, let's go. Everything is just so far in each direction  like dude, your daughter is obviously very much   having fun with this, let her put on a fucking  dress, it's not the end of the world. Also,   do they have a Christmas tree too? Like  I know the other family keeps one year   round for Alicia because she's spoiled but  for Angie to make a comment when she sees   that tree but she has one at her house,  I think it might just be Christmas time. This show can't keep its goddamn story  straight. I'm so pissed off. Also,   where you guys going? This is your house. A  little dramatic, don't you think? But just   like Ralph kicking Angie out of the house,  this too does not last long. After what I'm   assuming to be the show runners giving him  a very long talk and them coming back home. -I'm appeasing Clara. But if Karen  starts saying how important this is,   how beautiful it makes you,  then I won't challenge Karen. A weird detail I noticed, the dads are almost  always holding on to a living thing. Whether it   be Ralph holding on to that rat or Dwayne  holding on to their youngest daughter,   it's like their versions of a fidget toy  or something. I also feel like I need to   get this out here or I'm going  to get a comments about it. Yes,   Dwayne looks like a younger mister Rogers. That's  it. No joke. I just, I just had to point that out. -In New York, despite Ralph's repeated arguing,   Angie's persevering in her attempt  to make Alicia more responsible. Finally, though, we're at the point of the episode   where one of the wives is able to make  some progress and Angie connects with   Alicia as they make a homemade meal  for dinner. Until... fucking Ralph. -What do you think? -It's not what I'm used to. -I love it. I mean that. This is  really good and I'm proud of you. -Thank you. I felt a little bit upset. After all,   it was my first time and I was  expecting a little bit more excitement. -She was so excited and so proud of herself. -You want to tell me that's a gourmet  meal? I wouldn't save that to a dog. God, what a piece of shit. Like first of  all, pretty hard to believe she fucked up   jarred sauce pasta but even if she did,  it's not that serious. You can go one   night without ordering chicken fried steak  from that diner you seem to always go to. -She wanted her dad to say "I'm proud of you. You  did a good job." And he completely degraded her. So, I will say, first valid cry of the  episode from Alicia. I - I genuinely feel   bad for her here. Well, on the topic  of dads doing the most dinner time,   we check back into the other household  and Dwayne can't just enjoy one pizza   night because it's not a learning  experience and of course, chaos ensues. -Isn't this quick and easy?  It's the time it saves. -But what's the learning experience? -Now, you're not learning self-sufficiency. Luckily, the younger daughter has had enough  and puts an end to this argument. Thank god. -How much learning experience can you have? -Yes. -Let's stop. Let's have her  week. You already had your week. -Maybe she's sick of your lectures. She's like, dad, "shut the fuck  up. Can we have one goddamn slice   of pizza without having to change  the oil in your truck or some shit." -She doesn't want to listen anymore, right? -I'm tired of listening to all of you. -Clara's getting caught up in this whole debate  and she just wanted the arguing and to stop. Somehow things are going a lot  better at the other house and no,   I'm not sitting up for a bit or  lying to you guys. Wish I was,   but Angie is genuinely connecting with  Alicia and cooking seems to be the X factor. -I finally got to see her act like a child. -[Screaming] Food fight... [Laughing] -She wasn't focused on her appearance and it was   okay to get her clothes dirty and it was  okay to have whipped cream in her hair. Alicia even gives Angie a hug. A side hug  but a hug nonetheless but now it's the last   day of the swap and that means it's time for the  beauty pageant. Can't wait to see how this goes. -I'm definitely going to support Clara and there's   not going to be an argument. Just going to  go through this and let her experience it. -Beautiful... woooh! It actually went better than I expected.  It did end up just being Clara,   the younger daughter who participated but  she ended up winning. Whether or not this   was a beauty pageant thrown by ABC, I'm happy for  her regardless and you know what? So is Dwayne. -Congratulations sweetie. -I loved it. -She said she had a good time. So, if  that's how she feels and that's great. He's actually supportive of her doing this  but don't you, don't you dare ever order   a goddamn pizza to his house ever again  but just as things were starting to look   kind of good and decent for the episode, it's  time to flip all that on its head and for the   wives to reunite with their husbands and for  the couples to meet face to face. Oh boy... -The couples are about to be reunited. -The way they film this makes it look like the  husbands are getting out of the car to run into   each other's arms and start kissing, but like I  said, now it's time for them all to meet face to   face and for what I'm expecting is all hell to  break loose in the conference room of this [?]. -Well, when I arrived, the kids, you know,   weren't really dressed very nice. They  resembled, you know, dull ugly boys. -Did you call my - - I mean, short hair. -Did you call my children to  their faces "dull ugly boys?" -No, not to their faces. I did not. If it wasn't obvious before that one of these  couples is much worse than the other, it soon will   be because Angie finds out that Karen called her  daughter a fucking geek and is not happy about it. -What kind of adult calls a child a name? -I do. -It is not acceptable. It is abusive and cruel. But Ralph is quick to remind Angie  not to throw stones in a glass house   because of what she called his  daughter... a liar because she   doesn't do her own homework. So I - I  guess - I guess those are comparable. -I did not call your child - -All I'm [?] is where you get off. -I said, your child asked me if I thought  - if I called her stupid and I said "no,   you're not being stupid, you're being a liar." Ralph is also quick to point out that  Angie too is a liar for telling Alicia   that her pasta is good. I guess she should  have just spat in Alicia's face instead. -And he said it should have been fed to the dogs. We then circle back to probably one of the  biggest pieces of drama in this whole episode,   the tearing of the somehow $130 photograph. God,   I almost forgot about that shit and  Karen does not take that well at all. -She didn't... -In front of us. The one that  like - Alicia likes [beep]. -That is really [beep] to do. You'd be ashamed  of yourself, a preacher? Well, you're a dirtbag. Luckily, there's a silver lining. Everyone  seems to agree that for the most part,   it was good that Clara enjoyed  herself at the pageant. So,   I guess it almost ends on a high note  except for when they're leaving and   Dwayne gives Karen a hug and then yeah,  fucking Ralph being a dick one last time. -Forgive me if I don't hug your wife. Oh, I almost forgot. We do get a glimpse at  how the families are holding up sometime after   the episode to see if this experience  taught them anything or changed their   perspectives at all and it's pretty much what  you would expect. Not much changes aside from   the fact that Angie and Dwayne now indulge  Clara and her girly girl interest more now. -Clara absolutely love the pinkness. She love   the sparkle so, we created the  stage so she could play pageant. -I like my mom and dad letting me be more girly. And with the other family, Alicia does her  own homework now, bare minimum I suppose.   Although she did learn from all this that she  does enjoy baking. So, that's good I guess. -Oh my god! And my parents, I get  to have a sweet treat in the end. -Alicia, this is terrific.  I'll let you do this again. -And thank god Ralph likes brownies  because don't you dare feed him pasta.   Something about the dads in this  episode having such a distaste for   Italian-American food but yeah guys,  happy endings all around, I think. Thank you all for coming on this journey with  me. If you enjoy, don't forget to like, comment,   share this video with your friends.  It all helps me out a ton. Subscribe   if you haven't. Follow me everywhere else  @ChrisTheJames and with all that being said,   thank you guys again for watching and  I will see you next time. Goodbye.
Channel: Chris James
Views: 665,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Most Outrageous Episode Of Wife Swap Ever, Making Your Kids Pay You Back For Your House, Wife Swap Was Worse Than I Remember, wife swap, chris james, christhejames, weirder than I remember, worse than I remember, bad tv shows, bad reality shows, cringe tv shows, cringe commentary, commentary youtubers, abc wife swap, wife swap show, danny gonzalez, drew gooden, bad 2000s reality shows, reality show cringe, kurtis conner, cody ko, cringey reality shows, criss angel
Id: ZbEsen3Ca1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 33sec (1713 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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