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let's get started today our goal is to climb all the way to the top of this super tall tower all right okay Mikey let's start climbing wo wow JJ H why are we climbing this well Mikey there's an incredible treasure hidden at the top of this Tower I want to find it wait treasure yeah I can't wait let's hurry to the top yep we need to give it our all yes huh this place looks like a wooden house is this the top nah we still have a long way to go this is just a place for us to take a break all right let's keep heading to the top mhm hang on huh how are we supposed to climb higher from here huh H how do we climb from here hm oh JJ H there are two chests here huh H Mikey there might be something inside these chests that will help us climb the tower which one do you think we should open first H H hang on what under the chest on the left H that looks like TNT something bad is definitely going to happen if we open the chest on the left I bet the one on the right is safe let's open it yeah there's clearly TNT underneath the chest on the left I'm going to open the right chest sure ready JJ go for it 3 2 1 open huh it's [Music] empty Mikey Mikey set off a trap and fell out of the tower I died oh I never would have thought this chest on the right would be the wrong one yeah so does that mean the chest on the left is the safe one huh I'll open it wait a sec H that can't be right there's so much TNT in the floor here don't do it JJ it seems way too dangerous I feel like we'll be fine as long as we're not standing on the TNT watch this what 3 2 1 open wa no the TNT fell to the ground so this chest was the safe one yep hey Mikey there are ladders inside the chest H nice let's go no way now we can keep climbing yay how should we use them huh oh up there yeah hey Mikey I think we can reach that opening let's try it all right I'll set the ladder up along the wall here there we go oh awesome we can climb up now wo yay we did it boo yeah but Mikey how do we climb higher from here huh that's a great question H is there anything else here H Mikey there are vines on the wall oh no kidding Let's climb up from here this way amazing we'll do our best to reach the top we're already pretty high up oh oh wow this is really high we've climbed so much that would be a bad fall we should be extra careful I wonder what's up there yes wo h Huh this place is made of bricks and it's full of lava woo it looks like we need to go through here to reach the top yeah okay let's get a running start like this so you don't fall into the lava let's make our way through the lava parkour course like this wo parkour careful that's hot no Mikey you fell into the lava and died make sure you don't fall in again yeah yeah jump across it very carefully mhm nice yes keep jumping across like this wo let's parkour to the top it would be really bad to fall from here mhm the lava's hot that's why you need to be cautious got it all right yes I did it yeah I made it to the top wo there's a chest H you're right let's open it 3 2 1 open wo oh awesome it's full of golden apples and golden equipment Wow Let's equip ourselves amazing wow now to try out our new items yes very cool I'll eat a golden apple too yummy we powered up still how are we supposed to keep climbing from here it's a dead end yeah you're right huh we need to reach the top of the tower to get the treasure there's got to be a way up somewhere H oh JJ what is that a staircase oh we can climb up from there yeah that's true but we can't reach it it doesn't look like we can get up there if only there was a way up let's look around H it sure would be nice if there was a way that connects to up there yeah a way up anything anywhere H I want to climb higher already same h Huh what is it hang on huh there's some something with this wall oh really where over here oh see these cracks huh I don't see anything particularly out of place hm look carefully Mikey this wall has cracks in it oh yeah now that you mention it but what's the big deal H hm oh there's a button here huh let's try pushing it 3 2 1 Click oh oh look a secret entrance let's head inside yeah okay wow it's a secret passage Mikey no way this leads to the next floor awesome wo huh hey we've seen those stairs before yeah you're right JJ we were just down there wow no kidding okay let's go we can reach the next floor through here oh we did it woah woohoo but again how do we go higher from here huh oh there are more Vines here nice let's climb to the top there's still a long long way to go Mikey we're extremely high up I can't even see the ground anymore seriously this Tower is really tall woah falling from here would be trouble yeah be careful wao are we to the top yet we're in some kind of weird dirt room mhm seems like we're still pretty far from the top I'd like to go higher but how do we do that let's look for a way out huh H oh Mikey what there's a door huh this might lead to a way up ow it's locked we can't get in a there's some slime on the floor here you're right JJ what's it for H H I wonder how we move up from here me too huh we' made it pretty high so far so let's try to find a way up Mikey I'll take a look around H isn't there any way up from here like any way at all where is that H hold on there's a chest oh you're right let's open it yeah 3 2 1 open uh huh there's nothing but stone bricks how is that supposed to help us climb any higher what now huh there really isn't any way up there's nothing else in here h Huh JJ what there's a button here but that says do not push you're right I wonder what happens if we push it huh it might give us a clue to reach the top let's give it a push then go ahead 3 2 1 Click huh huh wait oh no Mikey there's a flood of zombies pouring down we have to fight them Mikey come on let's do this how are there so many of them they just lay down from above there are so many zombies I can't see oh I died I died too that button is dangerous I shouldn't have pushed it yeah let's never push that button again yeah no kidding that was trouble careful mhm we're back now right how are we supposed to climb any higher Mikey huh H hey Mikey maybe if we slay all those zombies something might happen what seriously it's impossible for us to slay that many zombies good point there were so many of them oh H there's no way we can fight them JJ wait not so fast huh I came up with a way to beat them what you're kidding it's absolutely impossible it doesn't matter how much gold equipment we have slaying that entire horde of zombies simply can't be done oh watch this huh there was never any need for us to fight the zombie head on how first I'll break down the slime blocks uh-huh then in place of the slime block huh I'll place the stone blocks from the chest there that should do the trick wait what was the point of all that so the zombies were falling from above and Landing gently on the slime blocks right by replacing the slime blocks with stone there'll be nothing to break their fall and they'll die oh interesting you're smart JJ let's push that button yeah go ahead ready 3 2 1 Click oh look wow they're falling it's working Mikey they're all dying oh no K wao incredible they're dying on their own without us having to do anything wow we did it they died all right we took care of them woohoo see anything helpful huh H oh look I found a key no kidding Mikey wow this key might open that door oh yeah I wonder what's behind it m I bet it'll lead us up the tower we might be able to go higher h h w wow careful this is high we're so high already I'm scared that's a big fall hang on there's slime oh we might be able to use these to climb higher wo W they lead awkward use the Slime devices to climb wow wow Mikey come here yes one deck go nice pH that was close careful Mikey we're really high up you be careful two this way let's do it yes one more here I come wo wao made it great we should look for another way to get up from here there's more mhm is there any way up I hope so huh oh Mikey more Vines oh time to keep on climbing let's do it it I wonder what's up there h i wonder too we've climbed up so high already where' the ground go scary we can't see anything beneath us hurry huh I wonder what's in the Next Room let's check it out hey we made it wow oh I wonder how we're supposed to continue climbing H H strange isn't there any way up huh what H JJ see that cookies cookies cookies wait Mikey this might be a trap huh we need to search for a way up huh yeah we'll search in a sec but I'm hungry I want these cookies oh I can just eat cookies while searching for a way up uh yay hang on Mikey I'm there isn't time for that huh look we're in a cage H we're trapped in here no way what do we do now Mikey when you picked up those cookies it activated the Trap what that's awful but we still need to climb to the top of the tower and get the treasure we have to break out of here JJ it really wasn't the right time to eat cookies H oh this is bad we need to find some way to escape but H it's impossible JJ I don't see any way for us to escape from here than give up what do we do what do we do hold on huh hey Mikey oh no I don't like being trapped calm down that pressure plate disables the Trap huh no way really see woah no kidding well now we can escape wait a second JJ H even if we escape by standing on the pressure plate only one of us will be able to leave while the iron bars are up hold on wait yes I have an idea if I place the cookies back on the pressure plate then we can both leave see I do it hey a but I really wanted to eat those cookies how about this instead of cookies huh we put down the zombie flesh we found from earlier oh the Trap will be disabled and you can eat the cookies you got that's right nice you're so smart JJ woohoo all right now I get to eat cookies and Escape at the same time we did it Mikey well we escaped the cage now how do we climb higher I don't know huh Mikey there's something that looks like an exit and a platform up there oh yeah it looks like the way up but how are we supposed to get there I can't reach it from here huh huh look at these slime blocks huh still we can't reach we're stuck here H so there's no way to get any higher from here uh H it's impossible hold up there's a pressure plate here oh really Mikey maybe if we place the rotten flesh on this oh H wo stairs nice a secret staircase amazing he hey let's climb this thing good idea wo H wait how do we reach the other side huh hm oh I have an idea Mikey what we can use those slime blocks to cross over to the other side oh jump across yeah get a running start huh yes I made it wow okay here I come wo wo I did it I made it to the platform now to climb these this way come on right we can make it out if we climb those scaffolding blocks yes wow now from here I jump and land on the other side JJ all we have to do is exit up there H but hold on there's no way to get there oh how are we supposed to climb up what now H H where do we go hang on huh maybe over here if we break the scaffolding like this W yes now we can take these and set them up on the other side to keep going nice here wo use these I'll give it a shot let's go H go huh W huh yeah H yes oh now we can climb our way out awesome let's climb the scaffolding there we go a yeah oh hooray we made it out we did it we sure did now there are more Vines for us to climb Mikey let's keep heading to the top H you're right onward and upward wo wow we're pretty high yeah but there's still so much climbing to do mhm I wonder what's above us it doesn't look like we're close to the top yet okay this area is made of Bedrock huh maybe we're not too far from the top Mikey Oh yay H Let's Go All right yes hang on JJ we've come all this way but this is a dead end these stone bricks are blocking our path what now H H what do we do look H there's a chest H oh yeah there might be something inside this chest we can use open it hm there's TNT and a flint and steel really yeah if we use the TNT uh-huh we might be able to destroy this wall let's try it I'll set it up right here okay I'm going to light it Go 3 2 1 get back wow woo wow a hallway opened up sweet nice we can move on this is awesome yeah here's another chest I wonder what's inside let's see H wo I found drills amazing let's take them with us nice hey I bet we can use these to destroy the stone bricks up ahead let's go right this way wow right let's go through here w wow we can move and drill JJ a dead end here this way yeah this is kind of like a maze Mikey that's true hm huh huh hey look signs weird what's this danger do not enter uh-oh but I want to hurry to the top to get the treasure so we have to keep going Let's ignore the warning for now and keep moving on go uh careful Mikey I'll be fine follow me this way I think it's this direction oh H weird these bricks have moss on them hm H I got a bad feeling about this Mikey you're such a scaredy cat JJ I'll go first just be careful here I go H hey what's happening seriously silverfish it's coming out of the brick somehow it's theou silverfish come out when you break stone use your drill okay get them they're hiding inside the stone blocks this place is dangerous what do we do fight them use your drill okay let's do it wo there's so many of them yikes take that I think that's all of them yes we did it it's so dangerous here what do we do now it is dangerous but we have to make it through to reach the top let's keep going come on through here more of them no no I'm scared ouch the super fish are back get rid of them yes there keep using your drill they're too strong ah it hurt nice oh there's more let's do it seriously huh oh they're gone that's good wo pH it's a dead end huh what no hang on H there's a ladder on that wall we might be able to climb it you're right let's hurry over there I want to reach the treasure at the top already Jak j h wait this sign is telling us to slow down so be careful huh they can try to tell me what to do but I want to reach the treasure let's get moving come on don't let your guard down this is too easy yes y oh Mikey a Mikey you should have gone slower I let my guard down mhm I didn't expect there to be a trap I won't let my guard down anymore though good for now we made it to the ladder yes now jump across like this okay oh all right there's also a chest here you're right okay open it 3 2 1 open huh huh what wow woah the ultimate equipment yeah you're right Mikey we won't be afraid of anything with this stuff on all right I'll take this with me me too let's get equipped wow I'll start with this mhm we'll equip ourselves yes with this equipment all right woah Wow Let's get ourselves to the top of the tower I wonder what kind of treasure we'll find yeah let's climb this ladder H let's climb I'm opening it no yes huh wo yes yay H woohoo hold on look huh the TP [Applause] wo no kidding it was a tough R getting here but I'm happy we made it we did it I know how you feel but we're not there yet so don't let your guard down I know that JJ let's hurry to the top and get the treasure come on H it's been going well for us so far huh ouch ouch Mikey this isn't good uhoh huh wait what happened Mikey if you look close those are dispensers oh it's a trap no way in that case if those dispensers are on the right side mhm then you might be able to climb higher on the left oh I see great let's carefully climb up the left side wo wow that's dangerous be careful the Trap got me cuz my guard was down yeah you can't let your guard down I'll be careful now nice so close we're almost there yes huh we made it yay we did it we arrived at the top we finally made it yep we climbed all the way up here wow I can't believe we made it but we did woohoo so where's the treasure H there's a house here Mikey maybe the treasure is inside oh let's go in hold up Mikey huh this place might be trapped let's do some Recon before we go in right I wouldn't want to set off another trap let's do it proceed with caution first off let's do a loop to look around mhm there's a window huh let's peek through here to check for traps good idea H I don't see anything that looks like a trap but the there's someone inside oh strange maybe there isn't any treasure after all H we should ask that person about the treasure let's go that seems to be our only option we can head inside this way okay hello excuse us we heard there was treasure at the top of this Tower do you know anything about it hey do you know anything I'm being attacked huh hold on this person must be guarding the treasure ow ow owie we have to fight him do it let's take him down oh right yeah with our Ultimate Weapon wo we won wow we did it it all worked out pH huh wait where's the treasure H after all we went through H is there anything here h look Mikey there's a lever huh the guard must have dropped it no way wao so now if we use this lever huh H hm is anything here this gold spot on the wall a block of gold let's use the lever there oh I wonder what'll happen let's try pulling it 3 2 1 hm huh huh nothing's happening wait huh weird hey huh hear that huh wo wow wow a trove of cash rain down woohoo wo we got the treasure from the [Music] tower today I'm going to tell Mikey that he has to slay the ender dragon all by himself but what he won't know is that I'll be secretly transforming into various mobs in order to help him along the way I wonder if Mikey's going to figure it [Music] out what are we doing today JJ today you're going to slay the Ender Dragon alone I've never slain the Ender Dragon on my own before but I'll do my best JJ just watch I'm I'll display the Ender Dragon good luck Mikey I'll be watching first I'll chop down trees you're cutting down trees mhm what's next Mikey I'd like to find a village good thinking Mikey I'm sure finding a village will be very helpful on your quest yep okay now to start my plan it'll be difficult for Mikey to find a village so I think I'll find one for him luckily there's a village over here all right now I'll transform into a villager so I can help lead Mikey to the Village Tada now to get a little closer to Mikey think he'll notice me I have an axe now I'll be able to cut down trees much more [Music] quickly oh wow JJ what's up I see a villager h a villager yep yep it's good you found one maybe that means there's a village nearby I'll try following him to see where he goes the Villager can show me the way Mikey's following me I'll lead him all the way to the Village wait Mr villager did you find a village H not yet but Mr villager is still on his way so maybe there is one I wonder where he's taking me oh JJ what is it I found a village that's great Mikey woohoo thank you Mr Village all right all right I successfully helped Mikey by leading him to a village for my next attempt at helping him I want to casually leave some treasure in the village for him to find so I guess I'll leave some in this house I'll start with a chest with a set of equipment for Mikey an iron pickaxe an iron shovel an iron axe an iron hoe and let's give him a set of iron armor an iron helmet iron chest plate iron leggings and iron boots I'll put this stuff in first right uh how about a bucket and I'll leave some golden apples for Mikey too I'll leave these in here for him all right now I'll turn into a cat so I can watch Mikey let's go look for him how's it going Mikey have you found anything good yet no I think this Village might be a bust JJ maybe you'll find something good if you search some more H oh a kute hey hello there's a cat in this Village cats can be found in villages M I haven't looked in here yet good luck Mikey I hope you find some goodies this actually might be a village without any chests I don't think I've checked this one yet let's take a look oh what is it there's a chest oh a chest but still I feel like there won't be anything special inside this Village just isn't very lucky okay okay I'm opening it woo no way what happened it's incredible JJ it's full of treasure what's inside Mikey lots of Iron Equipment Iron Equipment this is awesome first I have an iron helmet wo an iron chest plate iron leggings and iron boots awesome Mikey a full set plus an iron hoe iron axe iron shovel and an iron pickaxe so so lucky amazing I hit the jackpot with this JJ what there were golden apples too golden apples ho this is an incredible Village the chest came with so many goodies what are you going to do next right well since I have Iron Equipment now I'd like to find a cave and build a nether portal go for it h I'll keep going okay I managed to safely give Mikey lots of treasure and it looks like he's going to a cave next so I'd like to help Mikey out if I can H okay I've arrived in the cave right now Mikey seems to be searching for ores so I'd like to help him in finding them without realizing I'm actually helping him so now I'm transforming into a bat all right I'll Place lots of ores around the cave like this how about some gold and what else could be good lapis lazle and he'll need plenty of diamonds so I think I'll leave stuff for him over here now let's go over to where Mikey is this way huh this bat isn't flapping its wings Mikey might catch on when he sees this I hope he won't how's it going Mikey find any ores yet right now there aren't any ores in this cave where I am it doesn't matter where I dig nothing shows up hang in there Mikey you still might find some I guess so huh it's a bat there's something strange about this bat it's like it's not moving whatever I better keep searching for ores a Mikey didn't catch on well while I have a moment I'll leave lapis lazily for Mikey over here he'll probably come this way oh I found some JJ I finally found some oh what did you find Mikey this is lapis lazle oh that's great I finally found something yay I'm so happy now I think I'll plant some gold around here right [Music] here there's gold too this place is amazing woohoo pH Mikey didn't catch me that was a close call now I think I'll leave something over this way yikes lava that's dangerous I should fill this lava in all right then on this side okay I'll leave lots yes H I ran out of ores huh hey Mikey there can be ores around lava so maybe you should take the time to search carefully around the lava but there wasn't anything there also lava is scary there probably isn't anything left here oh wait there are some oh you found some mhm and it's a whole lot of gold you found gold Mikey woohoo that's great I'm going to mine all of it what a great cave it is a great cave you found so much there there aren't any Diamonds though oh diamonds you'll have to go much deeper to find diamonds well I guess I'll try going deeper so Mikey's probably going to come this way to help him out I think I'm going to leave lots of diamonds here oh there's some here already I'll add a lot more alongside these ones I'll leave all of these here for Mikey lots of diamonds just like this that's a lot well I'll leave those there and head over to Mikey I hope he finds them any signs of diamonds Mikey no diamonds at all I've come pretty far down too I can't find any diamonds at all you can often find diamonds around lava I just found lava but there aren't any diamonds at all oh hold on there are diamonds over there oh you found some uhhuh there are lots of diamonds on the other side of the lava incredible there are so many oh you found a lot Yep this is awesome I've never seen this many at once before oh how many are there looks like there are too many to count that many wow incredible I'm building a bridge let's go come on nice Mikey you're on a roll uhhuh I am on a roll today lava is dangerous so don't fall in and okay wow awesome I've never seen this many all at once before woohoo let's mine them mine mine there are so many diamonds JJ Mikey how many have you mined maybe more than I can count it's fun when there are this many diamonds wow here's another and another wow there's sure are a lot of them so how many Mikey I've already found 30 of them 30 that's incredible Mikey this place is awesome you could probably slay the Ender Dragon with that many yeah there might be more around here I'm going to keep looking good luck Mikey okay I was able to help Mikey by providing him with ores but it appears that Mikey is still in the cave well Mikey are you heading back up I'm on my way up from the cave now I should reach the surface soon careful on your way back all right hold up zombies no there are so many zombies Mikey what do I do what do I do oh no Mikey is under attack by zombies I'll turn into a skeleton and save him are you okay Mikey what do I do there's no So Many Zombies ouch hang on there's a skeleton too whose side is the Skeleton on wait up the skeleton hang in there is fighting with the zombies woohoo there's still a skeleton though so I need to barricade myself off like this okay I should be safe now phew I saved Mikey from the zombie without him catching on that was dangerous this place is scary so I'm heading back to the surface with this many ores on me I can build a nether portal next and go to the nether finally Mikey's going back to the surface so I'll get back there before him and look for something to help him all right I made it to the surface is there anything useful around here oh there's a nether portal ruin wo you can't use it like this though so I think I'll fix it up a bit I'll fix this up for Mikey to use some of this here now to put some treasure in here for Mikey I'll increase the amount of gold I'll leave lots of gold for Mikey in here lots of it next up I think I'll light the nether portal for him this will light it up W now Mikey can go to the nether as for me I think I'll turn into a bird I can watch over Mikey like this all right I'm finally back to the surface JJ what will you do next Mikey um I definitely like to go to the nether next so I'd like to find a pool of lava to make a nether portal from I still have a lot of work ahead of me well yeah you got to find one first I wonder if Mikey will find the nether portal ruins I hope there's a pool of lava around here somewhere no way incredible what is it Mikey there's a nether portal really incredible that's amazing Mikey I'm happy for you and the nether portal is already complete what I can already go to the nether that was quick Mikey H ooh there's a treasure chest too what's inside I'll check it out are you kidding me what was in there there's lots of gold ingots inside how is that possible there are over a hundred that's awesome Mikey 100 ingots this is amazing with this many I should just go to the nether now you're going already you're so quick the nether portal is already complete so I can go through here into The Nether good luck Mikey I'll do my best thank you okay into The Nether yes I was able to safely help Mikey get into The Nether he still has no idea well I'm off to the nether too to help Mikey out some more okay I'll be helping Mikey inside the nether what are you up to Mikey I'm just about to leave to look for Eyes of Ender getting Eyes of Ender is the most important thing to do in the nether good luck I'll definitely get some so it looks like Mikey is going around looking for some Eyes of Ender all right I'll Transform again to help him out I'm transforming into a piglin this time you can trade piglins gold for items so I'll use this form to get give Mikey Eyes of Ender let's also give Mikey some powerful items this time I'll prepare some diamond armor and an enchanted bow now to enchant the bow I'll make it a bow that can shoot endlessly and also give it flaming arrows with the flame enchantment this will be the strongest bow ever I guess I'll enchant the rest of the equipment too all right then now to enchant the helmet I'll use the enchanting table to enchant everything I'll enchant the full set for Mikey Mikey will be powerful when I give him these okay now to head back to Mikey and give him these items I wonder if Mikey will notice if I keep traveling the nether like this I'm sure to find Eyes of Ender oh a penguin GJ I found a penguin wow nice Mikey you found a piglin uhhuh you can trade piglins gold ingots in exchange for items that's right Mikey you might get something good in a trade he might get me something really good okay I'll drop him into a hole like this penguin roulette all right I have lots of gold ingots on me so please trade me some good items oh woah wow he's trading me lots of items woah oh what did you get Mikey I got a bunch of different items first this diamond helmet and a diamond chest plate wo diamond leggings and diamond boots too and they're all Enchanted to be stronger they're Enchanted Mikey uh-huh that's awesome it is awesome and there's an enchanted bow too I want to try fighting something with these is there anything around here oh a skeleton let's see what this weapon can do take this no good luck Mikey hey cool GJ has unlimited shots and fire shoots out too yes got him it sounds like you found an extremely strong bow yep it's really powerful you could probably slay the Ender Dragon with that Mikey I could slay the ender dragon yay thank you penguin all right now I just need to find Eyes of Ender why don't you try giving him some more gold you might get something nice in trade you're right I could try giving away a little more gold I have plenty of gold ingots after all all right I'll try giving him a few more maybe I'll get some different items what will he give me next oh he gave me something oh what did you get oh this is amazing JJ Eyes of Ender what he gave you Eyes of Ender yep I got 16 Eyes of Ender wo a whole 16 amazing it is amazing now I don't have any reason to stay in the nether I guess so thank you Mr piglin I'm going home back to the nether portal all right if you're going home why don't you give him a little more gold maybe he'll give you something to get back to the Overworld that's true I guess I'll give him some more this piglin is so generous that's true you've gotten some pretty great stuff from him but do you think he'll give me anything more okay I have lots of ingots please give me something for them huh hang on what what did he trade you I got obsidian you got obsidian that's amazing Mikey and a flint and steel too so you can go home that's right I'll use these to make a nether portal awesome okay I'll make my nether portal right here like this JJ I'm going back now W that was quick Mikey and now to light it I did it now I can go back to the Overworld without going all the way back to the other portal all right I'm heading back I helped Mikey get back to the Overworld and he never caught on to me even when I gave him the strongest equipment next up I'll help him reach a stronghold what are you up to Mikey right now I'm throwing Eyes of Ender into the air to search for a stronghold you do need to find a stronghold to reach the Ender Dragon that's right so I'm using lots of Eyes of Ender right now to try to find the stronghold oh but Mikey are you you sure you should be using that many you only have 16 I have so many I'm just using them as I go be careful not to use up too many of them I've got this well I'm going to use Eyes of Ender too I'll use them to try and find the end portal before Mikey does here goes yes here's the stronghold I found it all right first I need to search for the end portal the inside of the stronghold is built like a complicated maze so I'm searching it first oh I found the end portal however it's in a pretty hard to find place I'll make a path so Mikey can find it easier I'll leave blocks of iron something like this I'll make a path for him so he doesn't get lost okay I think it goes straight here I'll break these too I think I'll put arrows in his path too something like this if I leave arrows on the path I think Mikey will be able to find his way now to bring it all the way out here all right that's about right now arrows here too as for the other paths Mikey will probably go inside and get lost so I'll block them all off I think I'll block off all this too just like that okay I'll do the same over here and now Mikey should be able to follow the path straight to the end portal all right now for here Mikey has probably used up most of his Eyes of Ender so he likely won't have enough if these slots aren't all filled in no one can pass through I'll leave one slot open Mikey should be able to enter as long as he has one Eye of Ender left I think he'll probably be okay also the silver fish are pretty strong so I'll break this now what should I transform into I think I'll turn into a chicken and wait here for Mikey to show up how's it going Mikey I've arrived at the stronghold but H there's no end portal he can't find the end portal it is pretty complicated to navigate there's a chicken down here for some reason whatever I'll keep looking for the end portal where could it be good luck Mikey H what's that what's wrong I found some kind of Arrow you found an arrow Mikey huh huh that's a first maybe if you follow the arrows they'll lead you to the end portal no way there are more arrows I should follow them oh they keep going all right wo wow they just keep going H could it be maybe they go to the end portal could be Mikey I don't think that's likely though why don't you just try following it you might find something that's true oh it ended what's wrong Mikey hang on hang on wow what did you find Mikey I'm here I'm at the end portal oh nice unbelievable you found it wo I followed the arrows from before and ended up at the end portal yes that's great Mikey awesome uh but hang on what's wrong now I've done something wrong I used So Many Eyes of Ender to get here now I only have one left well you were wasting them earlier what do I do I need to find more huh no way this is amazing JJ what what happened Mikey all except one slot already have Eyes of Ender in them wo you mean they were almost at full Mikey uhhuh I guess that can happen huh well if I put this last Eye of Ender in I can go through I'm going for it ready let's go I can pass through now amazing you're so fast Mikey all you have to do now is slay the Ender Dragon I just have to slay the Ender Dragon let's go into the end how right I was able to help Mikey reach the end portal Mikey still has no idea well I'm heading to the end to to try and help Mikey all right we're finally in the end now I want to secretly help Mikey slay the Ander dragon so I'll transform into a Vex this time and use this form to help Mikey how's it going Mikey I just found the Ender Dragon yeah all right good luck slaying it first I need to destroy the end crystals hey you know exactly what to do if you're going to slay the Ender Dragon you need to break the End crystals first otherwise the Ender Dragon will regenerates that's why I'm going up there to destroy the end crystals first go for it I'll try on that note before Mikey can destroy it I'll break the End Crystal myself yes all right almost there oh almost there the end Crystal has disappeared I guess I'm lucky well sometimes they break on their own really then I'll keep going I'll go destroy the end Crystal on that tall tower all right this is my chance it'll probably be tough for Mikey to destroy all of these so I'll go around and Destroy them for in just like that destroy them [Music] all all right is there just one left okay I destroyed them all for Mikey I'm almost there it'll probably take a while to destroy them all huh the end Crystal that was just here is gone hang on this is amazing JJ the end crystals are all gone well that happens sometimes they can break I guess seriously it's my first time well all I have to do now is slay the Ender Dragon OU the Ender Dragon is so strong Mikey's in real trouble are you okay those Endermen are really after you okay Mikey appears to be in the middle of a tough battle so I'll save him so my final transformation will be a powerful Iron Golem I can save Mikey like this the Iron Golem's punches are extremely strong strong enough to kill Enderman in one hit I'll go save Mikey like this he's really under attack from those Enderman it's no good they're too strong how there's an iron golem in the end what's it doing here that's not right focus on slaying the Ender Dragon that's right I need to play the Ender Dragon this is my chance I'm this ultimately powerful Iron Golem so I'll kill it in one hit I'll blow it up with a bed while it's down here 3 2 1 take this awesome I slay the ender dragon all on my [Music] own today we both made hidden rooms in secret places that's correct dundo let's use them to play a special game of hide-and seek that sounds fun I did the best that I could for a turtle but I think it'll be pretty tough to find it I think the harder it is the more fun it'll be so now let's play hide and seek using the special hiding places we prepared yeah what are the rules there aren't any rules but I guess we should do a no teleporting rule I have an idea how about a no hiding underwater it's off limits off limits why uh if we hide underwater we won't be able to find each other okay I didn't make my hiding spot underwater anyway all right Mikey no teleporting or hiding underwater how about the winner gets chocolate cake how do you know I've been craving chocolate are you psychic you always know what I'm feeling I'll go hide first okay time to start looking I might not be far away hm H does that mean you're within 100 m or so yeah good luck trying to find me I think it'll be pretty hard oh now that you mention it it is hard this is a really big open space to search are you somewhere up high Mikey yeah H up high keep climbing higher and higher huh you're someplace low then how'd you know still I don't think you can find me it's really hard H what is that H you're way off JJ I feel like you keep getting further away Mikey would you happen to be hiding underwater no I'm not I'm not hiding there huh my mic is off Mikey was the one that said hiding underwater was off limits and now he's hiding underwater he's definitely in there huh yep well I think I'll give Mikey a bit of a scare hurry up and definitely not hiding there Mikey there's some kind of Chimney coming out of the water here ohuh what could it be it's probably nothing H my guess is it's probably a garbage can it's nothing you'll lose if you focus on it JJ a garbage can then I guess I can put some garbage inside well sure you're free to throw garbage in a garbage can or I could toss lava in there huh you could but I'm not in there I'm really going to pour it inside unless unless you confess that's fine I'm not in there are you sure Mikey I'm not there really okay then seriously no fairy you were there all along Mikey no fair I was almost turned into broy Turtle actually I was a little sorry about that but you did say to pour it in all right my bad wasn't hiding underwater supposed to be off limits Mikey sorry I won't do it again again all right then I've created the ultimate hiding place this button is for the entrance pushing it opens it up and this lever will summon creepers near Mikey this one summons skeletons then when I push this button it sends me up to the surface so well my plan is to keep watch up here and when Mikey comes I'll push this button taking me back to the top of my secret hideout I'm hidden you hid yep I wonder what area you're in maybe the one you mentioned earlier I think within 100 m radius from there I'll try hard to find you where could you be maybe this way Mikey want a hint H this is hard give me a hint Mikey here right here right here where this way behind you behind you behind me hey JJ so you've been up there all along I'm I'm on my way there may be some distance between us but I practically caught you already you should probably start counting down to your defeat a countdown well okay I'll start counting down 3 2 1 go what's wrong Mikey you disappeared but then there was a creeper here how there was a creeper and now a skeleton too a wither skeleton is attacking me Mikey I'm up here same as before hey stop that hang on creepers and wither skeletons help protect my secret hideout fine whatever let me do the countdown until you lose yeah huh wait hey what's wrong where'd you go where are you H down oh oh Mikey died where are you I give up I can make wither skeletons like this too I actually spawned one earlier where are you hiding oh Mikey you're in a lot of trouble where are you oh I know what to do switch to creative mode there's no entrance well come over here see this button oh awesome hurry inside Mikey so cool it closed on me Mikey so you were probably wondering how those creepers appeared earlier this is how huh see a creeper appeared near you that's mean next up Mikey push this button then how did you climb oh there's a button huh this is incredible losing sucks but this is amazing I put a lot of effort into my next hiding place so I won't lose uhhuh I'm hidden where the complete opposite of where I hid before that's all I'm saying the opposite of where you hid before you always say the opposite thing so does that mean you've hidden underwater again no no I wouldn't do I wouldn't do that again I'm definitely not hiding under the water I think I really don't think I am H Mike off Mikey is underwater again and I even get the feeling he's hiding in the same place although there's no chimney looking thing oh maybe he thought the chimney would give him away so we removed that bit huh huh oh you're so far away are you really not hiding underwater where could I be hurry up and find me huh huh really I'll ask you one more time huh are you really not hiding underwater you can bet on it I'm definitely not hiding underwater I think why do you keep saying I think then never mind that does this mean that I win M I see I see h Huh hurry up I guess I win once again do I win yet again a landslide Victory Mikey I get it already if you you keep asking that my skills are overwhelming I'll win the next one too Mikey look up I'm always looking up and aspiring for more Mikey I'm always looking hey h on she oh the water saved mea Mikey I knew you were hiding in there close call that was dangerous what are you doing Mikey who seriously I definitely lost this round though how did you know now it's my turn my mic is turned off for this next round I built the Ultimate Security house I prepared several of the ultimate security systems so actually I don't even need to hide there you have it I'm all ready to go I think I'll just wait around for Mikey to show up where are you Mikey I'm here oh no kidding there he is h Huh do you give up that's not it check this out oh wow what an incredible facility I can see you though maybe there's no way to reach you that's right I wonder if you can get inside H think Mikey [Music] think that was Reckless Mikey oh think Mikey you can do this thinkk Mikey thinkk JJ give up are you underestimating me I've got it there was a flaw in your design JJ I'm just just too clever what taada whoo you broke in Mikey see I didn't expect you to parkour inside I've got you cornered JJ at last victory is mine this time the countdown will lead to your defeat I'm coming for you one step at a time oh well fine 3 2 1 Z 1 -2 -3 how are you so far -4 Mikey Hurry Up This isn't right come on Zoom again calm down Mikey calm down and think think me think use that little green brain of yours I've got it that was a close one glad I figured it out so quickly what is it here we are Tada wo you got me you did well to notice that you were underestimating how clever I am this may be the very first time that I've managed to Corner you I'm so happy H it's been a long time coming now you can start the real countdown till you're lost JJ you want me to countdown yeah 3 2 1 let's go not like that okay that wasn't the countown I [Music] imagined all right then today Mikey and I are making a video where I'll be showing him the house I built with that in mind I'd like to do one last check over my house before my he arrives I should make sure everything's good if we're going to record a video here I worked really hard on this house so I can't wait to do an introduction video all right I'll start by doing a final check of the entrance here it is I made the entrance pretty big huh hang on uh did I leave these pieces of carpet lying around huh I don't remember putting carpet down here H they really don't match the atmosphere of the entrance I better C clean these up wao that was close what's that why is there a magma Block in a place like this if I had accidentally stepped on this piece of carpet I would have taken damage I didn't put that there huh what about this one there's more magma under the other pieces of carpet what what's going on wait a minute did Mikey do this he set traps in my house when I wasn't around is Mikey trying to play a prank on me huh seriously let's check the footage from the security camera I placed up [Music] there I knew it Mikey's trying to pull a prank on me okay in that case I'll I'll pull a reverse prank by redoing all of Mikey's traps before he gets here okay first up let's destroy these magma blocks they're dangerous I'll break them all all right now what kind of reverse prank do I want to put here H Mikey hid magma blocks under the carpet so I'll build off that let's set this up so that if he removes the carpet instead of finding a magma block spikes will pop out from everywhere ha I'll start by putting these back next I'll cover the floor in these spike traps like that the spikes pop up if you step on them I'll cover the entire floor with these just like this all right last one now spikes pop up when you walk over them okay however the way it is now the spike trap will be obvious so I'll camouflage it with some brown carpet I'll Place lots and lots of carpet on the spike floor this will camouflage all of the spike traps like this all right I finished covering everything up with carpet now when these pieces of carpet are broken I want all of the spikes to shoot up at once I'll dig under here to set it up just like this oh here it is okay I'll place an observer and then some red carpet on top if Mikey removes this piece of carpet all of the spikes will shoot out at once all right I'm finished I set it up so that when Mikey realizes the red carpet isn't causing me any damage he'll remove it to check causing all of the spikes to shoot out at once okay all done I can pull a reverse prank on Mikey now I wonder if he'll fall for it huh hey what's that noise uh-oh that doesn't sound good huh what it's coming from over here that's my bedroom I hear a strange noise coming from inside what's going on here this is the nice bedroom that I put together for myself huh over here I can hear it coming from over here that really annoying noise is coming from under my bed huh oh come on one of the blocks under my bed is changed what is it I'll check it out huh oh the noise is coming from this jukebox did Mikey put this trap here to keep me from [Music] [Music] sleeping now I need to redo this trap too I know I'll set up a bunch of bells to go off as soon as Mikey enters my bedroom first I'll put my bed back I took the disc out of the Jukebox so it won't make any more noise Mikey will probably rush over to check on it so I'll leave the room when he goes to look I'll come out here like this huh then I should place a lever right around here I'll put it here when I pull it I'll set it up so that a lot of bells will start ringing while Mikey's still alone in my room okay next I'll make a redstone circuit under here I'll place the Redstone like this when I pull this lever it'll power up the Redstone now I'll extend this out I want to hook it up inside the room like this next I'll make a space I think I'll temporarily remove the carpet like this then right around here I'll make a space to place my [Music] Bells all right almost done I've made my space here for the bells to go now I need to connect the line of redstone dust from earlier is it over [Music] here oh there it is in that case I'll build a step and connect it the Redstone signal won't reach so I'll Place repeaters to extend it nice I'll use the Redstone signal here and hook it to a clock circuit to continually send new signals next I'll place a lot of bells over [Music] here okay now I can hide all of that under the floor just like this nice now once I fill this in I'm done all right now Mikey won't hear anything even if he enters the bedroom while he's here trying to figure out what's going on I can flip the lever out here and make all of the bells ring in the bedroom it's going to be so loud all right that's finished huh however if Mikey also trapped the bedroom it's possible he may have put a trap in my kitchen as well huh let's go check out the kitchen m i put a lot of time and effort into designing my kitchen H it's meant to feel luxurious and clean something tells me Mikey has set up some kind of trap in here too nothing seems out of place so far huh I should check these let's let's take a look at the refrigerator H hang on all the meat I put in here has been replaced with rotten flesh hang on what about the chest no way they're all full of rotten [Music] flesh you know this must be Mikey's doing he wants me to eat rotten flesh let's check the tape [Music] well there's no way I want to eat rotten flesh so let's set up a reverse prank for Mikey I'll start by placing a lever here when I pull this lever H maybe I should make it cover the whole room I'll set up a reverse prank so this section of the floor releases stacks of cake I'll build a mechanism to release lots of cake from beneath the floor I'll set this lever to send a redstone signal I'll make a space under here this is probably big enough now in order to have a redstone signal reach it I'll make a little [Music] tunnel I want to make it so that cakes are released from beneath the floor here so I'll Place dispensers full of cakes now when the signal reaches this Observer cakes will start popping out like that next I'll set it up to send the Redstone signal under everything something like [Applause] this now the signal will reach each of these Redstone repeaters yes now to place loads of dispensers full of cake [Music] all right now I'll place redstone dust all across the floor just like this okay I've covered the floor so now we'll Place observers like [Music] so h all right I've placed The Observers now for this layer I'll place the cake fil dispensers almost done H next I'll hide all of this under the floor just like this almost done all right now so Mikey doesn't suspect anything I'll put the carpet back too just like this so we can't tell is this about right okay I'm done hiding my work now I'll close this up all right done if Mikey tries to get me to eat this rotten flesh then I'll pull this lever causing piles of cakes to appear for me to eat he'll be so surprised H so it turns out Mikey placed traps in all of my rooms but I think it's fine now oh oh that's right I also built a secret room over here you can actually pass through the painting I've hidden my vault in here but wait Mikey wouldn't surely he couldn't have placed traps inside my super secret room still I should check it out just to be safe I think I'll go in ready here's my Vault I've collected lots of rare ores which I've hidden inside this room h but I've never mentioned My Vault to Mikey so hang on I know I filled all these chests with ores but I don't remember putting that chest there huh that's sus hang on aha the floor under the chest is different what's that H what is it oh is that a dispenser let's check what's inside there there's a zombie spawn egg in here H upon a closer look this is a trap chest Mikey set up this chest so a zombie will spawn when I open it [Music] huh I didn't expect him to put a trap in my secret room okay I'm doing this trap since Mikey made a trap that releases one zombie I'll make a trap that releases a swarm of zombies I have just the space on the sides back here H I'll set up my trap to release the swarm of zombies now Mikey was using a dispenser so I'll use a dispenser for mine too right I'll fill it up with stacks of zombie spawn eggs then I'll add more of them like so and do the same on the opposite side let's make it so a huge swarm of zombies pops out although they look very obvious as they are right now so I'm going to camouflage them somehow I could dig a hole like this then right here I'll use the same material as the floor then set up some sticky pistons beneath it like this then behind those right here I'll set up Redstone repeaters and connect them with redstone dust here when the Redstone signal connects here the dispensers will be hidden now when the trap chest is opened let's make that trigger the Pistons it's all hooked up now when this trap chest is opened the Redstone circuit will activate from down below then the zombie spawn eggs will be released from the dispensers causing zombies to [Music] appear and done when the trap chest is opened a redstone signal is released ha just like that shoot it's releasing them Mikey's going to be so surprised I'll do the same on the other side now to connect this and place the redstone block now to hide it and I'm done once this trap chest is opened Mikey's really going to have his handsful still right now I have nowhere to escape to the Swarm will have me cornered so let's make a secret staircase I'll build the secret staircase somewhere under here to escape to I'll build an escape mechanism too let's build the staircase right away build it around here I'll open up a space for a hidden staircase all right done next next I'll make the mechanism for the secret [Music] staircase in order to make the staircase emerge I'll Place sticky pistons here and attach slime blocks and honey blocks to them let's try it out wao now the mechanism to deploy and retract the staircase is [Music] [Music] complete push this button and then if I push the other button I can control the mechanism with both of these buttons now if I place Stone stairs here to make the staircase my retractable secret staircase is complete let's close all of this up now I'll hit this and now I can close all of this off I'll use the same floor material to hide it next I guess I'll set up the armor stand I'll put it back here and okay finished if I push this this button the secret staircase opens up just like this and I can close it with this button I can also control it from this side with that my secret staircase is finished still a swarm of zombies will probably reach down here so I'll need to extend this staircase deeper add some more steps like this this is a hassle I'm going to blow up this area with TNT I think that will give me an open space much faster I'll Place lots of TNT right around here I want to dig all the way down to the Bedrock Lair I'll light this TNT and set off a chain reaction to create a big [Music] space Oh wow the chain reaction is working wo awesome looks like it's digging all the way down it blasted it all clear for me cool all right now I guess I'll tidy this up [Music] okay and with that I finished cleaning up this area here are the stairs which I'll come down to from the hallway next up I'll build my Escape device I want to escape back up to the surface but let's see here I'll make my TNT cannon right here I'll use the explosion from the TNT to launch myself into the air [Music] for this next and final part I'll leave a button here to make the TNT launch me into the air it's set up so that pushing it will launch me and allow me to escape but that said I've swapped out Mikey's trap in my hidden room with my own reverse prank trap but just to be sure I think I'll put a diamond sword in the trap chest like this I'll leave the diamond sword inside so I can use it to fight off the zombies that'll spawn okay now to wait for Mikey to come over so I can trick him with my reverse pranks I wonder if Mikey will even realize that his traps have undergone a little renovation all right then today I'll be showing off my new house huh what's up Mikey you look f fidgety what are you so fidgety for huh no I'm not fidgeting at all come on JJ never mind that and show me the house already sure I'll show you the house I built okay let's go you seem really excited Mikey yep huh let's go all right then this is the house I built as you can see yeah yeah it's nice I made sure the exterior is also nice but I'll be showing you the interior first up this is the entrance to my house this is how it looks wo it's very roomy wow awesome H what a big room huh it's very big wo huh uh what's wrong nothing what's up Mikey it's nothing nothing at all yeah don't just stand there Move Along H sure the thing is about this huge entrance room huh wait huh what's wrong Mikey huh it's nothing nothing at all huh actually Mikey huh did I actually use red carpet here huh here's another piece of red carpet H and another one but why why why what huh how is this possible why aren't you taking damage huh huh what you say huh something wrong what what are you checking for Mikey the magma blocks are all gone huh what's going on huh ouch what is this I don't like [Music] that Mikey are you okay oh somehow some spikes came out of the floor to kill me oh oh you know maybe maybe my anti zombie security system accidentally got set [Music] off oh well you must have a lot more rooms show them to me already huh maybe your bedroom would be good next oh sure huh I still have more rooms so I'll show you my bedroom next all right let's go H you look excited about something Mikey of course I don't you don't let's go already next up this is my bed room huh huh huh huh what's wrong Mikey uh what's wrong huh how I can't hear anything why not huh uh Mikey you're acting kind of weird uh no it's nothing huh I guess we should go inside let's go in and now open huh all right okay huh this is my huge bedroom my own private space huh H I can't hear anything why are you acting so strange huh uh it's nothing huh why isn't it making that noise oh huh that's strange all right now's my chance I'll close these and now I'll set off the reverse prank okay lever on what that noise hang on where's the off button it's so noisy what's going on it's too loud all right lever off what was that are you okay I was in your room and suddenly lots of started going off what was that oh really huh let me check H Bells the sound of bells I don't see any bells anywhere huh how weird that's not what I set up I mean it really surprised me pull yourself together Mikey now what room shall I show off next I know JJ huh how about we do the kitchen next getting surprise made me hungry sure to the kitchen all right let's go okay H you seem really excited again Mikey oh nah I'm not excited let's go oh really moving on I'll show you my kitchen here it is wo it has a large open space wow what a big room very organized too H oh it's awesome it is isn't it now near the end of this room is the kitchen oh huh I think I've designed it really nicely impressive H oh you must be hungry too right JJ I'll get you something oh just a moment come thank you Mikey there are chest and a refrigerator there should be some meat in there huh what's wrong Mikey huh huh h JJ all your food looks pretty rotten what you're not taking good care of it JJ oh so all the meat I left in the chest has gone bad H I guess you have to eat these no problem for Times Like These I have an emergency food supply I'll just pull this lever huh what's going on what the floor is overflowing with cakes huh that's right this is my emergency food just grab some like this and put them down to eat as much cake as you want what is all this just like this unbelievable I'm going to eat lots of cake incredible but how all right I'm getting hungry so I guess I'll eat oh this tastes great lucky JJ I want to eat cake too go for it Mikey let's eat cake together oh really ch time oh oh yeah I'm sure glad I had these on [Music] hand I'm so full already all right I think that's all about there is to see uh JJ there must be something else huh I don't think you've shown me everything H that's right I almost forgot there is one last room I can show you it's over this way oh let's go it's through here yep oh where is it there's actually a secret room behind this painting is that so no way what kind of room is it well let's go inside you're very excited Mikey oh what was that nah no such thing let's go all right this painting is actually a secret entrance so we can go right through huh let's go okay wo awesome all right this is my secret room this is my Vault wow it's where I keep all of my treasures wo cool isn't it oh can you show me what kind of treasures you have sure JJ I really want to know what's inside that chest oh that uh-huh you mean this chest uh-huh yes that chest H open it and show me you can open it Mikey huh huh I could never I couldn't possibly touch one of your Treasures JJ I want you to be the one to open it hm did I put that chest there oh well I guess I'll open it Mikey H then I'll just take a step back huh uh why would you need to take a step back no never mind hurry up JJ open it you're smirking whatever never mind that JJ okay I'm opening the chest 3 2 1 open yes huh what the zombies hang on that's not the Trap I set ouch actually I redid All of the traps you set Mighty ouch seriously are you kidding me ah W okay I'm going to open the staircase and run away they killed me no yeah the zombies are after me shoot they're coming down the stairs got to get away fast hurry hurry all right I'm getting away while I still can down the stairs and okay I'm here this is where I'll equip myself okay next up I better eat my golden apple perfect and now I'll Escape wo I'm really flying all right Mikey my reverse pranks worked what is even [Music] happening
Channel: muzen
Views: 44,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft funny, minecraft, zenichi maizen, jj maizen, mikey maizen, maizen raft, maizen volcano, jj and mikey, mizen, mikey turtle, maizen challenge, jj and mikey scary, maizen scary, maizen turned zombie, maizen turned zombie mutant, jj and mikey zombie, jj and mikey zombie mutant, jj and mikey scary zombie, jj became zombie, jj became zombie and pranked mikey, jj scares mikey by becoming an zombie, jj become zombie mutant, mikey zombie mutant, mikey zombie, maizen zombie
Id: VYg8svL0scc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 15sec (5595 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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