JJ Use DRAWING MOD To HANGED Mikey in Minecraft Maizen

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[Applause] you'll never believe this I've been sent to jail for a crime I didn't commit my sentence 1 billion years I can't live the rest of my life Behind Bars I mean I'm innocent I need to find a way out of here H Mr prisoner you'll never escape from here no way huh look at the time your shift is about to start I've got to get you to work follow me but don't you dare try to make a run for it h work huh okay I'm coming [Music] good so my job is to break down these piles of gravel correct this is part of your sentence so do it right and don't you even think about escaping got it yes sir well if it says in my sentence to break down this gravel I'm guessing that means I have to pick it up and carry it too where did that guard go oh there he is better get back to it I'm getting worn out breaking down and carrying gravel is backbreaking work I need to rest ah the ocean H what hang on where's the guard he's looking the other way got to check out this chest while I have the [Music] chance open sesame a lever no way what are the chances I'd find a lever in here I can't let anyone see it I'm going to hide it in my inventory now then I should H the guard quick hey back to work you can't fool me prisoner tell me what were you doing back there huh you are up to something I know it no empty your pockets all of them yes uh oh sorry I picked up some dirt by accident I didn't mean to you can have it back H dirt huh yeah okay so you were carrying this dirt well that's no good you can't bring dirt back to your cell you're not allowed to take anything out of the labor yard in fact understood in that case I'll hand these over to you it must be time to wrap up for the day right oh yes it is good work pH close one I barely managed to keep the lever hidden I thought he had me for a second but I kept my cool like a pro guard I'm hungry H could I have some dinner please oh sure here have some bread here here here here here here here all right thanks this hit the spot don't mention it wo 10 loaves amazing I might just eat them all go ahead prisoner dig in eat as much as you like but under no circumstances are you to come back behind this counter understood uh well uh why is that um no reason mind your own business I don't need to tell you anything just stay on that side where you belong is that clear uh well that sure piqu my curiosity H I can't stop thinking about what he said why would he snap at me maybe there's something there that can help me escape I need to find out I should be able to use the lever I found to leave my cell I'll wait for lights out then sneak in here oh I'm tired I should call it a night hey prisoner don't even think about trying to escape you got that escape the thought never crossed my mind go ahead and get some sleep Mr guard all right good night okay the guard is gone that means it's time to break out of here good thing I found this lever during my work shift it's about to come in mighty handy the guards should all be asleep by now I'll hide this here and open the door yes I'll just shut it behind me all right now it's off to the cafeteria it's time to get snooping okay I'm in the cafeteria I have to figure out what that guard was hiding earlier he really didn't want me coming behind the counter for some reason I can't see much here's a torch so how do I get back there maybe I can jump from this table I have to try there must be a clue for how I can make my Escape I can't stay here for a billion years I'm innocent I have to break out yes I made the jump but now what [Music] H oh oh there's a secret passage I knew it my ticket out of here was in the cafeteria this whole time woohoo I bet I can use this to escape huh H hey what are you doing it's the guard you broke out of your cell and I caught you red-handed it's a good thing I came to have some dinner I got to get out of here Down the Hatch I guess bye thanks for everything stop right there sorry to run but I'm innocent wao hey get back here wao how deep is this hole Splash Landing what is this place there you are system freeze prisoner hey the guard followed me I said freeze run run run run run run run stop resisting this place is like a maze quit running never I won't let you get away alligators or maybe crocodiles ouch OU wao they're attacking the guard why are there alligators a ladder yes yeah down he's right on my tail freeze in the name of the law that's an order go go go go go whoops pick a path where'd you go there you are he found me run for it surrender why is there lava down here whatever I just have to parkour my way to the other side I Won't Let You Escape there has to be a way out he's still coming oh the floor is dropping from under me I've got to hurry before I fall in oh no wa I fell inoo I can't believe it that was close I managed to shake off the guard but now I don't see a way out of here H wait a second could we be on an island yeah it's an Island prison how am I supposed to escape from this oh hang on what's at the top of that Tower it looks like a helicopter that's exactly what it is if I can just find my way up there I can take that helicopter and make my Escape all right then new Mission I've got to break into that Tower I'll bet there's plenty of guards in that building h good thing I have a plan wa they did not skimp on security here there are way more guards than I thought there' but that's fine I'm going to get through no problem because taada that's right I'm wearing a guard uniform as long as I stay in my disguise I should be able to pass as one of them now to reach that helicopter to the top my heart is racing deep breaths as long as I remain calm I should be able to get through here without anybody seeing through my disguise act casual if I walk like I belong there'll be none the wiser H where do I go hey hey you uh H wait a minute uh what is it aren't you the new guy welcome if you ever have any questions feel free to come and ask me oh thank you sir pH I thought I was done for way too close for comfort most people don't see past the uniform I guess well I'm in the clear now which means I should get back to finding my way to the roof once I get to the helicopter I'll be free as a bird H maybe I can take those stairs to the top those ones have lasers and these ones look open but yeah something's wrong with I can't get up H oh hang on maybe I can climb up the side using the trap door yeah it worked I can parkour my way to the top ha all right let's go hey what are you doing uh hello I'm talking to you oh uh H well newbie uh hm is there a problem well you're not supposed to climb up like that oh uh here I'll come back down uh how am I supposed to do it I'll show you follow me okay take a look what do you see I don't know it's the Hidden Staircase lever we're not supposed to go up there but look flip this and the hidden stairs pop pop out oh wow that's amazing anyway that's how it works don't you forget it okay newbie thanks I won't but uh why aren't we supposed to go up there I was hoping to check out the top floor why yeah why aren't we allowed up there H I'd like to find out myself oh you would really yeah being told to stay out makes you want to go even more doesn't it h I'll come with you you see this prisoner named JJ escaped from his cell yesterday no I'm sure he's still hiding here somewhere so let's search for him I know we're not supposed to go up here but come on we have to take a look uh okay I'll come with you woo I really do want to see the top floor after all so let's go together stay close to me yeah yes sir being where we're not supposed to be it's kind of exciting and we're super quick at this rate we'll be at the top in no time mm we're probably really high up already h Huh wait where are the stairs is there no way up it's too dangerous to go beyond this point see this floor is riddled with zombified prisoners and they like to swarm no way hey zombified prisoners that is freaky still I need to reach the top floor I don't have a choice you know you're right it's too dangerous to go together wait downstairs I'll go on my own huh let's see what's around anything worthwhile a chest wa dynamite and a slime block listen I'll be fine by myself sir you can head back down H all right I will [Music] yes there he's gone he could have recognize me at any moment now's my chance I'm going in by myself perfect oh no the zombies are after me wow huh I'm coming with you when did he come back wait for me there's a chance that escape prisoner is hiding up there we have to check we can look for him together you're kidding me look out I can't shake this guard whatever I just have to keep moving these zombies are pretty tough I'll give you a hand with them then we'll continue our search that's called teamwork run run run run run well we've had some success wiping out these zombies thanks to these lasers where's the way up it's right here but look it's sealed off oh no oh I know what to do I can use the slime block I picked up earlier do it then I just push this button and there wo my dirt woohoo yes we did it that was a close one you're telling me I'm glad that's over okay let's keep moving we must be getting close to the top coming H where do we go now maybe this way h H where could he be Who Are You Looking for JJ of course that prisoner who escaped yesterday excuse me sir why are you so focused on this JJ character maybe you should give up the poor guy was wrongfully convicted after all letting him go free that wouldn't be so bad would it huh you're saying that JJ was wrongfully convicted wait how would you know that huh huh it doesn't matter if I don't find him I'll have to take his place what if a prisoner escapes then his guard gets locked up that's right no way what kind of prison is this maybe you should escape this place too I'm just saying you think so listen let's keep searching for now now we've got to keep your spirits up H oh a lever I wonder what it does huh wao it's a secret door H well what are we waiting for let's go inside M wo M what are these potions yeah I've heard of these they're legendary brainwash potions but why would they have them hidden this deep inside a prison h Huh what H wait a minute H what is it now that I've gotten a closer look at you I can tell that you're JJ uh-oh I didn't recognize you with the uniform on I have to catch you take that oh no he's on to me run not again come back here the potion yes sorry guard but I had no choice listen to me you're also a wrongfully convicted prisoner but right now we are making our Escape oh that's right I'm totally innocent quick we have to get out of here come on my name's Mikey by the way it's nice to meet you yes it worked I brainwashed him he thinks he was wrongfully convicted of a crime I mean it's it's almost true if I escaped he'd get locked up hurry wait we have to go let's see what's in these chests this way this should come in handy here take these Mikey wo thanks these are amazing I wonder what's in this one wo I can't believe we found these here Mikey take the other set too check me out so cool all right wow we are all geared up yeah okay now that I brainwashed Mikey into being my friend it's time to break out of here yeah hurry up let's go coming there's no way we're spending our lives in jail for something we didn't do mhm there should be a helicopter at the top of that Tower aha I see it let's go lead the way can do keep it up Mikey you and I are a team no man Left Behind we're partners in a crime we didn't commit a it's too high what if we lift these up oh made it you try yes good work now come on the helicopter should be at the top of this Tower H these doors are huge let's open them up huh what is that I see an elevator but we've got a big problem it's it's a giant security guard take him down okay that's it this prison is so evil nothing is going to stop us from escaping not even him yeah we're innocent we have to beat him yes he was tough but we did it so Mikey you were sent to jail for absolutely no reason that's right what do you say we break out of here let's do it yeah to the chop wo a water elevator Wow Wow for a second I really believed I would be stuck in this jail for a billion years but now I'm busting out along with Mikey the prison guard he would have been locked up in here for ages too but we're two innocent men and we're not spending another minute of our lives in this dingy dungeon is this the roof Yes we made it wo check out the view and look there's the helicopter I hope I can fly it I'll give it a try you strapped in Mikey yep okay I'm starting the engine cross your fingers this is the only way out of here wo we're flying we're flying yes woohoo JJ we're free that's right we finally broke out of prison yippee freedom feels amazing doesn't it you said it mission accomplished all right Mikey today we've come to another fantastic World W I guess this is some kind of luxury resort what an amazing pool Splash uh check it out in the very center of the pool there's cake I'm going to help myself to it delicious I'm so happy I could swim forever you like it that much Mikey yep well just so you know you're inside a toilet bowl huh what are you talking about there's no way a place this nice can be a toilet ball I ate cake out of a toilet ball hey tell me that soon I ate cake in a toilet bowl I don't mind eating in the bathroom but eating inside a toilet bowl is disgusting not just disgusting in taste but disgusting in every possible way never mind that now it's fine I'm getting Deja Vu from this but it is a pretty world what are we here for today today we're inside this toilet-shaped luxury hotel to play hide and seek however this is no ordinary hide andek seek it's PVP roulette hide and seek so what do you think Mikey roulette hide and seek mhm I love roulette machines uhhuh well follow me oh there's a really cool machine here how exciting Mikey this is a roulette machine that only contains armor you step inside and it auto equips you with the armor because I'm so lazy I want one of these in my house too mhm but why do we need armor to play hide and seek is it really necessary yeah oh the armor I've prepared for today's roulette machine is no ordinary armor huh they have special effects so if you get a good one it'll be helpful in hide-and seek try one out push this button and step inside huh right here mhm I love rouette machines it's this button yep here goes 3 2 1 pushed I'm going [Music] in huh H what's going on huh oh that's invisibility armor invisibility yeah you're invisible no I'm not you are huh well now you see it releases armor with various effects that sounds like fun so to you I'm invisible oh huh right Mikey H step here it automatically unequip you seriously this is so perfect for someone lazy like me wow taking everything off is so easy yep H well then Mikey uh-huh let's play hide and seek using the armor that comes from this roulette machine okay let's do PVP roulette hide and seek yeah I guess I'll be the Seeker first okay then go in here okay W come after me once this door opens H okay all right first try h Huh hang on oh no this one makes my movement [Music] slow huh I'll need to use my wits if I want to win [Music] this okay I need to hide before Mikey [Music] comes oh it looks like Mikey got an armor that freezes water he can walk on water with that interesting [Music] H wo where are you JJ [Music] hello I have an idea I might actually be able to win this round Mikey there's cake huh cake yum yum wait oh huh hey I'm up here JJ I found you I guess I'll head up mhm all right oh huh I found you m Oh yay huh huh JJ are you being slowed down oh then I win did I corner you oh no huh should I tell you what the odds of me winning right now are what 120% no no they're 9,99 99% gotcha you've got me cornered but Mikey I haven't given up yet huh I mean I'll be able to get away if I jump from here into the pool what are you saying I'd catch you right away you're too slow how does it feel to be slower than a turtle whatever I'll jump bye-bye Mikey it's useless to try huh what's that you're extremely slow that armor makes your fall slow I can just jump off and wait for you down there okay here I go bye I'll see you in a bit yes cool Mikey your armor turns all the Water by your feet into ice so I used that against you oh I lost I'll hide next and win okay I'll be inside huh let me know when you're ready okay okayy all right ready oh it's open did you hide yet yep this hiding place might be too hard for you oh huh anyway did you get your items oh that's right I need to do that okay here I go I got some fairly awesome items oh hm I got something pretty good by the way Mikey where are you I'm somewhere way too hard I'm pretty high up in a building uh-huh somewhere way high up up high uh-huh huh yep then I'll search the lower areas huh H why um I'm inside the building I'm hiding in the building uh-huh in the building yeah yeah yeah then I guess I'll search outside huh okay then I'll give you a hint I'm far away from the water H yeah I'm definitely far from the water far far away then you're totally near the water how can you tell oh I'm out of the water I don't know whatever it is that lets you know everything but I'm out of the water that's right I'm telling you that I'm definitely out of the water Mikey behind you huh I'm not there you are you see I'm I'm definitely not hiding in the water with armor that lets me breathe underwater H H I'm not in the water interesting H well I guess I'll hop in the water after all you're not in there right I'm not how many times do I have to tell you that but I didn't get armor that lets me breathe underwater I'm seriously not hiding underwater so you can breathe underwater well I'm going in huh oh you can get in if you want to but you can't breathe underwater H does that mean that I win I win JJ I may not be able to breathe underwater but well just watch this this is my Armor's special ability huh 3 2 you one how no way hey how huh give up Mikey I can't get out there's no water I took all the water out of here so there's no way out of the pool no way this is terrible tagged I won oh so I lost so you could breathe underwater I had sponge armor that let me absorb water see you oh you're the Seeker again I wonder what I'll get oh looks like I got armor with an epic ability okay time to hide I'm hidden Mikey oh good I'm going to win this time where are you can I have a hint where a hint uhhuh um well I'm on top of the building are you for real mhm then I guess I'll search the bottom of the building I definitely won't go inside the building M you're searching the bottom of the building yep I am not going up why not I'm staying down here I wonder where you are hm H let's look around huh I'm not making my way up or anything I'm not heading up at all that is so sus huh I wouldn't lie H I'm searching down here but where are you JJ hm are you really down there I am where are you not here huh H I'm still down here searching H the noises you're making are giving you away over here huh behind you behind me oh there you are hey Mikey so you aren't down there huh uh well whatever never mind that now that I found you I've pretty much won huh H all I got to do is get closer to you and tag you easy be impossible how's that all [Music] right it seems like I lost control and fell off or something maybe I imagined it oh I am making noises I hadn't noticed still it doesn't matter if you can hear me yeah all I have to do is get close and tag you right easy peasy w h how where are you here up this tree oh there you are how is this happening never mind that I'll get you this time go aw there's no water in the pool too bad well Mikey this is my piston armor which allows me to launch my target now I'll seek I'll hide and I'll definitely win okay here I go wo what could that be oh it's open guess I'll go next I hope I get some good items from [Music] it wo this is a big winner amazing these items make me so fast wow this is fast JJ where are you hm by the way I got the ultimate armor this is practically a guaranteed win H I'm up here see oh Mikey you're up there uhhuh but Mikey I found you you're not even hiding I guess not I mean I'm so overpowered that I don't need to hide I'm not telling you what I got though hurry on up here I won't run or hide H oh okay then all right oh oh uhhuh oh there's Mikey you're here JJ I definitely won't need to run or hide from you this round no way hold up Mikey isn't that uhhuh yikes H that's TNT armor are you sure it's safe won't it explode wait a minute don't tell me you're scared you are scared aren't you you're so scared of me that you can't tag me right aren't you cute well my armor has an amazing effect too so I don't think you should underestimate me you're saying that your armor has that great of an effect I doubt there's an armor out there with an ability that's greater than mine oh I know I have an idea whoever wins this round will be today's winner how does that sound well that's fine you're extremely confident aren't you Mikey huh really well hang on you're probably going to try to tag me now mhm but JJ if you get too close to me I'll set this off to take you down before you even have a chance to tag me oh I see and well with your speed I doubt you can tag me before I set it off my reflexes are just that amazingly good H yeah [Music] seriously Mikey turned into a shooting star his armor really did have a powerful effect on it [Music] huh
Channel: muzen
Views: 62,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft funny, minecraft, funny minecraft, minecraft but, funny memes, zenichi maizen, jj maizen, mikey maizen, noob vs pro security house, maizen raft, maizen security base, maizen mobs, maizen volcano, jj and mikey, mizen, mikey turtle, maizen security house, maizen challenge, minecraft security house, maizen, maizen prank, jj and mikey hanged, jj and mikey drawing mod, jj hanged mikey, maizen hanged, jj use draw, maizen drawing mod, jj use drawing mod to hanged mikey
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 0sec (2100 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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