Joe Marler & Mike Tindall: Billy Vunipola's error, Israel Folau & best ever XV | House of Rugby #28

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[Applause] joe presents the house of rugby together with guinness pack it up pack it in let me begin this week's house of rugby brought to you by togethernbc possibly almost the last song i would associate with you what has it been what is the song it's my house yeah pack it up this is sort of like one of those when you pull away and you're quite managed to find the right gear sort of i've started this show in third and it's a very slow pace glad you cleared up where you're pulling away from us yeah hello and welcome along to mr mike tindall and seat belts on gum shields in crash hats strapped on as we welcome back the one and only mr joe marla how are you joe hello alex thank you very much for having me back we've been waiting it wasn't really an invite it's you know a last minute thing called up late last night because asks ill basically you're in london and it was convenient yeah even though it's really inconvenient because i don't live in london but thank you for having me anyway often when people get a last-minute call-up in sport they often deliver of their best is that not true no pressure et cetera do you feel that you are in that mindset i would come in here you've now [ __ ] run off you're coward he's gone to edit the show okay sorry absolutely secondly just on that comment you said are usually you know late call ups play the best give me an example uh martin corey lions tour 2001 late replacement arguably man of the series goody filling in for fans the other week there you go yes 15 minutes until the european cup quarter final should we go on or does that do do you want to just dig deeper they weren't huge like you have to remember huge ones you did corey 2001 was utterly sensational i don't know what was going on you know you fought the impression of a rugby that you probably wouldn't even if we we could say anything and you wouldn't actually know whether it was true or not true i actually know a lot of rugby martin johnson rugby 1993 why do his father very sadly passed away the night before england and france johnson was summoned from leicester started for england not a very good game but that launched his career looked okay fair fair although i would say 93 what was the time span between being called up and him delivering 24 hours [ __ ] yes you ju it takes longer to get to new zealand no this is england france in the six nations you have to get from leicester which does take the best 24 hours i got [ __ ] still you've played a great game on the plane on fight over yeah it's [ __ ] yeah all right you win well done thank you one neal you helmet um james as you've said has the flu doesn't speak to him earlier but he'd make a very good beecham's advert it's sort of one of those rather sorry for himself tones to his batman to his phone are [Music] exactly not a lot of support but a little love yeah a lot of love it's great to see joe drinking the brand new clear guinness that's just very good is clear yeah it's the new vodka guinness has brought out it's just a pint of it's delicious it's lovely um where's your meat you had your meat on there yes i'm just going to get my meat out that was a pun good take a look it's obviously not this isn't the final uh me yeah homemade bill thomas and this is hello made by joe marlowe homemade fair hands it's moist because the packaging is i like that word as well moist weathered nice i promise that my my meat is moist lovely when before we started recording we were sort of thinking of a slogan and you simply came up with do you want some meat or not which i thought was it's got you know it's quick this isn't a slogan i was asking it it just whether it's mala's meat do you want some meat or not it's like you implied jingle bells do you want the meat or not i would love some meat i'd like you to share the meat yeah we'll have it but i don't he keeps moaning about the [ __ ] packaging just because it's not you know perfect wagyu kings shiny gold leaf we've moved on from there all right move on don't come out don't comment marla's meat is now what i uh i live for i haven't asked him to do this but it's really kind of you know taking orders just tastes very good available from any retailers yet or just out of the back of your car as things stand uh out of the back of my car okay but that makes it more you know stop him in the street he will deliver aged in the boot of a nissan primeira were you driving it's an amarok what's that it's a truck it's a truck look at joe you know he's driving the truck yeah that's very true what do you mean look at me you've actually we were discussing this what are you driving mike roller who's driving it bentley myself do you drive the horse box uh the two box i can drive but not the big ones so that's the trailer as opposed to the no it's just a smaller version but anyone with a license to drive it but the wife drives the big ones really she's a proper trucker is it going coming through if you're doing the a303 to a no it's actually really perfect are you talking about dragging horses yes not [ __ ] going over the antarctic mate it's not like it's like a trucker though isn't it you know your truckers do yeah can't you just see he definitely yeah it says on my screen it's a few truck stops that's about it it says welcome back to joe one half of our biggest episode ever the calls to have you back on have been utterly overwhelming it was quite something that last show wasn't it joe yeah yeah well i enjoyed it did you watch it back did you have a chance to reflect on the yeah i watched back the bits that um i made sure i wasn't inappropriate in good and i made sure that you cut out the bits i failed to double check that you cut out the bits i told you to cut out and you've built up some trust there wherever you are thank you for that i appreciate that my favorite bit of that was you should see my nelson mandela impression cut to something i've had a lot of questions about that have you yeah no more though um how was easter lovely thanks little roy easter egg hunt are they faberge eggs at windsor castle as opposed to sort of oh be careful with that one don't drop it that one prince of sudan in the late 17th century do you hide sort of ornaments around the garden you're not not going with me on this one no just a little dairy knock see you same as everyone the nod says it all um joseph my sister i'd love lucy yes be cracking if it was a fabric wasn't it kids wouldn't find it we we didn't have faberge eggs at ours did you not no we had chocolate ones and we hid it around the garden what's your go to on east today i love dairy milk i'm much more milk chocolate than dark well it's a chocolate is it who the [ __ ] do you know is dark chocolate i think as you get older you begin to move into chocolate territory because society tells you to yeah let me drink whiskey and eat garlic all those things very very acceptable what mini eggs yes the best um cadbury's pre-made goes in quite high the list i like those kinder uh sticks i think you know with the kid with really white teeth on them oh do you like because it makes you go well it makes your teeth [ __ ] white there you go do you like kinder surprise where you get to play with the toy that's that's far better one for children stop giving him [ __ ] loads of you know what you say yeah no i got his angle but i was i was trying to eyeball the [ __ ] out of you because you're trying to go down that route of i'm a child i'm thick as pig [ __ ] but you keep you keep that up mate see that goes for you okay i will he's got a better beard than you he's probably got a better lead if he decided to grow it out he's getting i haven't do you think it's [ __ ] falling off i'm happy to concede to the beard i think on the lid i'm i'm just nudging in front yeah yeah by choice you also no are you choice are you asking are you out of choice not anymore it used to be back in the day um so we all had nicely said i was right how was your easter yeah oh very nice thank you i went down to dorset i actually swam in the channel on the country country here you know my sister just bought a house down there very nice bit of a county and um very nice little cottage in pedal tran tide pardon and um yes piddle trend tide yep that's a place is it piddle yeah it's a bit wet down there uh and we had a very nice time in the sunshine a bit of an easter egg hunt this is the sort of bit where i can already hear xander just clipped up the in and he's going to just clip up the out and he'll just take this bit out when it comes to editing the show why because what's uh what's the main thing to do in piddleton um well last week sorry i've got some biltong stuck in my throat oh [ __ ] you now don't cut family stuff of course is this part of the show i can't imagine my daughter she caught 67 newts in three days yeah 67 which reminds me she's muted did she put it down just a quiet night did you put him back no she sort of gathered them up are you sure it's not the same note no no it was 67 separate news hey look at this one how did you know because i was there and counted them all in [ __ ] on that yeah eyebrows did you then place um no we had a little bit of patonk in the in the late summer sunshine followed by billiards in the evening patong that was very nice you've gotta do it like that yeah martha payne age nine who's my daughter has um tropical fish and she has harlequin fish and one of them is called marshmallow which is a play on marshmallow but it's because you're a harlequin i got the joke she's nine no you did it she's nine could you say something nice in return i'm 100 [ __ ] betting she's not watching this yeah but could you not swear also because i might show her this clip and if you just say you want to share a [ __ ] clip i don't want to show this we're going to move on okay martha it is so good to hear that you've named your fish was it after me or was it marshmallow marla yeah because it's a harlequin tropical fish oh okay so it is after me yeah that's really lovely to hear i hope you had a great easter and that was me being a fish for you that is absolutely brilliant and we'll make it well done thank you for that no well not too many we can pick up the rest lots to get into this week uh most notably the european cup semifinals will look at the end of season blues and in honor of what could be our final perfect poor 15. the boys are going to tackle a purely rugby related team a couple of holes joe's pick 2 15. so god knows where we're going to end up we're going to start off where we left off seven days ago thank you for the vast array of comments that we've had uh through social media thousands of support it's quite interesting actually breaking down the various verticals in social media lots of love on instagram some interesting debate on twitter and some very very very weird [ __ ] on youtube which is sort of out of control the latest message uh this morning came from somebody called western patriot hello to you thank you for tuning in and he simply said oh he she simply said hyper sensitive [ __ ] what what right so like that when you touch them they go off maybe that's what you're looking for in life i don't know but that's what it is that's easier than being down there for [ __ ] hours yeah you know um yeah i mean did you watch last week's show did you get any semblance we did give you a bit of a hug on air yeah because obviously you've been quite prominent on social media around the whole well i just furore it's for a ferrari ferrero ferrari yeah um where are you credit what is it credit due where credit's due credit where credit is due [ __ ] sell out of credit credit where credit's due you're trolling in inverted commerce was i think some of the finest social media activities i've ever seen i wouldn't um the history of social media encourage people to troll no that's you know true so it's sort of inverted truth but it was more you know just a bit of a light-hearted spin on lolly a situation that i was like come on just can you just explain for our non joe marlar subscribers what you do um i tweeted a picture to israel for lau yeah of two men kissing and just put a love heart next to it did israel reply no i'm still waiting for that i mind you we won't we're not particularly close i don't think we've ever really you know don't think he's ever replied anyway yeah so um and to billy and then bill you know it's just another little you know come on little dig in the ribs just [ __ ] get just leave it just love did he reply no no reply next time you see him is it big big bear hugs two big bears hugging that would be on him if he took offense will you open your arms to the hug but probably not no oh really when he plays for southward but give me the context you are walking down oxford street with daisy after a nice day shopping and there's billy coming out of cafe nero with a cup of coffee this is so partridge with a hot cup of coffee and you bump into each other and at that point you can either walk past hug raise an eyebrow or doesn't it fight did he when he bumped into me did he spill the coffee on me no no spillage all right bill all right marla you okay so this is daisy oh hi dais hi bill hi cool lovely what are you doing just in oxford street getting a coffee from cafe i was like yeah i know alex just told me good i hope that's i hope that's how it plays out yeah oh man did you know that the charity stonewall got in touch with us today to say thank you very much indeed for the support from james and nick um it's worth updating actually that flower is um about to go and face a code of conduct hearing on may the fourth following his homophobic social media posts he wanted that though i think he wants that yeah what did you where do you stand on it all what's your look i just think he's whether it's right or wrong and i don't believe in what israel philao put out on social media but that is his beliefs yeah i think you know religion is a tough thing to get right and if he believes in that that's fine but i don't think he should share it over a platform where he is a professional sports person where they we always talk about um whether you're supposed to be someone who's looked up to you don't ever get into rugby to be idolized or to be a role model you get into for your own reasons because you enjoy the game or whatever but you know he's allowed to believe whatever he wants to believe that is that is the way of the world you can have an opinion on everything and social media makes that opinion but he shouldn't really be sharing it on social media i don't agree with him there's be millions of people who don't but there will be millions of people who do agree with it that's a very wise and sort of nuanced opinion that sort of puts you in the middle ground which at the moment in life in general is is not yeah populated i agree with what joe said and what and what has said last week is everyone should be allowed to be whoever the [ __ ] they want to be and if someone came up to me and told me i'm gonna go to hell because i like to go out and get pissed every once in a while i'll go okay that's your bullet that's your beliefs it's quite a traffic jam i'm going to hell if that's not going to affect me in any in any way yeah no i agree with you the issue comes where what you believe in directly affects someone else or affects their life because you're putting it on them or trying to influence them or harass them about what they believe in rather than just i believe in this i believe homosexuals are going to go to hell right that's what you believe but don't go out and then in a position of yeah power you know to all his fans and all that lot who a lot will be christian or believe in faiths that think the same but also a huge amount don't think that and he's a rugby player he signed up to be a rugby player so you follow those code of conduct and you also have your own beliefs behind closed doors that you know but that's not me saying you should keep your religion and your beliefs behind closed doors they're not welcome in the world hatred isn't welcome in the world yeah like if you start putting it on people that don't believe in what you believe as well then that's wrong then that's the issue i think i thought what well again you said about it was quite interesting in the fact that he said in all our time until 12 months ago it's never affected the locker room really i didn't see this so he said it's never affected a lot it's never actually been an issue because i don't believe he's the israel flower has never been in the company of gay people or and then well he was on the front page of gay times in australia promoting i can't see how he's ever gone up to someone and gone you're going to hell yeah so why but then will genia has now said he also said in that he said well as now because of what happened a year ago it has affected the change because he's put himself before that of the team yeah whereas he could have done it a year ago and made a mistake he's now actively chosen after being told what you've done isn't really what we want to put out there whether you believe it or not um don't do it again and he's then chosen to do what he believe or he believes in more than put the team first in terms of what's best for the team which is him being in in japan fascinating to be a fly on the wall when he meets up with david pocock who said he wouldn't marry his girlfriend until um who same-sex marriages was legalized in australia is it is it legal it is now it is yeah i was gonna say it's just a great get out closer perhaps i think he's a bit more of a campaign it's tiring isn't it that's not as well his fiancee thought at the time yeah let's get out billy man of the match on saturday um said afterwards he didn't mean to hurt anybody but he believes in what he believes in is it parked now do you think or the fact that he hasn't unlike the post and the fact that the noise continues in some ways we're guilty of that as well i mean has he has he has he admitted what you're asking for which is i should have kept it to myself but i believe what i believe is that acceptable or is that gonna be more but as nick said last week nick you know has spoke a lot whereas nick okay nick was that i didn't really have an issue with billy because you know he he wasn't preaching well he was almost forced into making a statement because people kept calling him saying yeah and excusing him but i'm sort of putting context into it and he was just trying but but and but the great thing about billy in terms of that is he said look i've done those some of those things on the list so i'm always trying to cha so he's just trying to explain i i just don't think he articulated it again you go back to well i'm a rugby player yeah people know me because i'm a rugby player not because of me sharing my beliefs and yeah i mean that's so and it gets more of players i mean you know he didn't get it right but i i like players who offer something more than just but i think the game needs that well i you know it goes back to when he does because it doesn't over spill to go in but the comment you made um on the show with vernon about isaac jones i don't want i'm not looking for stories but if you want to be paid to play rugby union you need to have characters and you need to have stories and you need to have passion points if no one tells those stories and shows those stories and builds the occasion then it's like the old you'll be able to correct me on this but does a tree make a noise if it falls in the wood when there's no one there to hear it no one cares about rugby i agree with you in your [ __ ] analogies yeah but you don't need players coming out and saying yeah i'm i'm going down i'm sure i can feel myself getting into sticky i'm not yeah this has got nothing to do with your characters in the game but at the same time that there is a a lot of uh media outlets to push characters out the game because they want to build them up knocking down build them up knocking down and for a player and everyone goes where are they all now supporting gaza or where are they all the pla all the people who've fallen off the cliff because of they are those they had those vulnerabilities in terms of whether it be addiction or something else you're quite happy to roll roll the roller coaster when it sells papers i'm saying papers more than probably sky rugby club so i've done many ills in my life but gaza is that is the sort of thing and that's why players now get more sterile in terms of they hate they don't want to talk to the media because sometimes you know the the one quip that you do say and alex even said oh yeah we keep things out of the papers yeah maybe but then you still put stuff that will sell you papers right and again it goes back to headlines and and all that jazz but i just think you don't need to be outletting on social media anything about anything other than than rugby really you don't need to be getting into those discussions because you're never in a a win situation that's [ __ ] it's rugby or meat or meat marla's meat tomatoes is the billy thing done it's compared to chocolate as well mate i'll let you have some thank you what what's this wizard's chocolate does it go well you can get what do you mean wizards chocolate it's magic you've got milo's meeting tyndall's wand i need to leave it's a very different show you get that taxi earlier please um is the billy thing done as far as you're concerned i've done it did anything come out about what that guy said did that guy who the monster fan yeah was it no monster said he's we're not sure he's a monster supporter one or two clues there i think what they said was not a member of the official monsters supporters club but was it linked to that or was it just an angry drunken monster fan who was good that their team got oh i don't know the answer to that people were just in the situation was that it was the insinuation bad word don't actually know anything so it's not actually news because you don't know what happened i'm just reporting the insinuation you might have been going billy you were amazing i think the two fingers kind of indicated it was unless he was like twice man of the match victory just go the wrong way around yeah um we should wait and see what happens to israel philao and i suppose it'll also be reignited at that point on may the full fifth or fifth fourth you're quite right [ __ ] um did you talk rugby did you watch well you're obviously out in were you out in clermont yes clermont how was that first of all what a stadium what i think probably my favorite stadium on the european amazing amazing hairs on the back here yeah the crowd were just phenomenal great i love it it's all like it's a bit like housing estate type really in your face all concrete like that and they're mental for it they get massively on it from very early in the day yeah i did a link at the marcel michelle one year i think lenses were playing them and it was eleven o'clock in the morning and as i did my i got hit by eggs fairly early in the day to be doing that maybe it's just a sign of the time but it's still quite an early kickoff time they've just seen you previously very good i've just cracked that myself i've done the self-doubt lighting humor cracked yeah um what happened we lost yeah 32-27 yep could have shoulda woulda they went ahead early doors in the first half but old us would have probably folded and got 50 points put on us but boy stuck stuck with it what are you [ __ ] the cliche you're moving into sort of media cliche no i'm [ __ ] not what would you like how else do you say it then boys okay here we go let's just learn boys this one's very proud we lost 32-27 yeah they went ahead early yeah we came back why did you not start the game well i don't [ __ ] know right and then yeah we lost okay any that was no cliches but unbelievable experience proud of the lads proud of the lads trenches went to the whale we go again next week all the young boys come through great experience [ __ ] shut up did you see any of the other rugby union played this weekend in the european competition what other games were there there were suggestions no there was monster versus monster and then when was that on saturday yeah the weekend yeah briefly and then sunday who was sunday what was that no barbecue we're doing the egg hunt why were you yeah smoking the meat michael did you watch any rugby no you were quite busy as well this weekend i i was should we move through the analysis section of this show we've never really spent time i watched parts of every game but not all of them um but yeah i was a little bit good um about to lose i thought they could go and do something but they just got problems with the way they play is they don't think about exit plans exit strategies they just want to play like we did the exit is that one you did that didn't you yeah all right um and they they just got caught by a controlling lunch team i don't think that lenses were at their best but um who else who was the other ones uh sarri's monster series monster sorry just what series are brilliant this is some of the most intense analysis i've ever uh and then i thought the lara shell game would be a really high scorer and it was proving out that way and then lost my bet because no one scored in the second half close out the half time uh well this was i was on the golf course um half life saturday afternoon what um um one quick thing did you see the sarri's game um commentary very empty stadium european semi-final why did why was it there i don't know i wasn't anywhere else because it yeah because they have to have a certain capacity i think for semi-finals but also you've only got two weeks to put the tickets on sale and you're asking a lot for supporters to go quarter-final semi-final but the fact that sarah's took 4 000 up there is and that's i think being generous it must be quite tough mustn't it to be a sarees to be part of that sarri's family and not have the support for big european days like that um was that just what it is is that new got the bar that you're kicking yeah and they've put it in just over here but you put a cage for it yeah just in case yeah it's okay what's the point in that cage sorry just to keep this we have to we have to reinforce the place with you in yeah just in case we've actually got like escape routes in case it gets um unpalatable we have to do health and safety when marla comes back underneath there um i think producer size left actually yeah the uh yeah i think it it must be hard but again they probably expected them to get through so they're just playing someone's waiting for the final okay um it's not that hard having your team win everything is it no you're not really going to be that bothered who's going to win the final i think at the moment the way it is going to be a good final yeah isn't it i think lenses need to play better but i think at the moment sarah's all do you yeah your anti-irish thing coming through again no no i just i just a little bit no look i think sorry they really win yeah they're they're all their main players i mean i sexton hadn't played till since december he went well though yeah he went all right but they're not playing that well and i i still think it must be quite hard to then drop people in because unless they're going to play them for the rest of the season and they might actually get better but they didn't play great toulouse had some opportunities that they didn't take and balls went to floor but not bad a team that's not playing well reaches there yeah i think and finally the champions cup rugby union they are an international team what do you mean one day slightly bigger not allowed to slide tackle are you really good at football [ __ ] yeah go on did you ever play football as a kid yeah what position were you goalkeeper were you really yeah were you actually any genuinely nearly good no what do you not get my voice when i do sarcasm i don't understand two-thirds of the things you say no i play super sixes occasionally on a vets league on a monday night do you don't tell the club have you hit bets yeah well in super six as i have we're getting [ __ ] run around by eighteen year old kids do you know anything i've got i mean no and i got the ref in my pocket as well i bet you do because when when the lads are like shouting at him like [ __ ] elsa i'm like shut up you do not speak to him like that and he's like what bit of respect around the six or six so now when our team because we're not very skillful we do slide tackle which you're not allowed to do he lets us get away what's your time right sir the receding rangers because half of us are receding and half of us are ginger head don't want to offend anyone it was in the context of my football team sorry clever um anyone else that we've known your super six's team no it's all mates give them a shout out who's the leading goal scorer in this in the i don't know i think we've scored you haven't scored probably tony tony's probably scored one or two what does tony do he's a striker outside of the super six football court i don't know okay all right um yeah goodbye plumbing what dinar not many people want to be plumbers anymore no one wants to be a plumber you should become a plumber with art as in a skill set it is a dying art you use [ __ ] paint brushes then you are listening to the house of rogue i thought that was a really tepid analysis section of last weekend just like guys that's [ __ ] don't go there again you're watching the house of rugby on joe together with guinness still to come we're gonna look at rugby players summer are we i've got that build song stuck it again and the boys are going to pick a 15 make him do that again without that boy's going to take a 15 comprised of the very best players that they played with or against but first of all here's something else that you might like from joe joe the broadcaster not joe joe miller i'll do something if you want what uh no from joe okay thanks alex i'm russell cain this is boys don't cry the show where we perv in on men's secret thoughts and men and women get to hear exactly what we really think every week i have a panel of two men and one lady auditor just in case we stray into stereotypes which she can dispel with inside knowledge so make sure you subscribe to boys don't cry wherever you get your podcasts i find mine in the garden thank you russell the final episode of series two of boys don't quite have next monday starring mr james haskell and his lovely wife he gets about doesn't he he's married in a media context okay yeah he does he's loving it he's prepping it the old shagger um the old chaga he told me last week about the show is it no it's ts actually but total shagger top top top shoulder top do you want to put any meat onto that bone what more do you need i'm a top shagger okay be sure to check out shagger and his lovely wife chloe explosive is the word that i have been given to describe it that won't come as a huge surprise to any of us don't forget to check out the house rugby facebook group lots of good chat happening on there every week and we welcome the floods of new followers every week does that work yeah i think so the season is coming to an end joe are you very excited about the end of the season oh yeah are you yeah are you are you excited about the end of season rugby or the end of the season both okay uh as summer progresses we're going to get into some of the small print of a rugby summer over the next few weeks but is rugby a job or a passion it's a job were you asking me yes oh cut me the percentages between job and passion mr job 100 a job yeah it's my job okay i'm not passionate about it i'm passionate about like winning i'm passionate about being competitive yeah but wouldn't say i'm like passionate about rugby really a little bit do you want me to say something else well that's exactly the same mask okay jumping for you i sound like i've said something really wrong do you want me to say something else no no you can say whatever you look like i guess it's a rugby show no no no no no no no no no no no subject matter well i'll broaden my answer by saying i don't [ __ ] know go ask them um it's nice is it always just enough for you no it's not it's a job for some people sometimes it feels it's a job you love sometimes it feels like a job and you hate it but then a lot of the time when you're hanging out with 30 of you as mates it's it's a job that you really enjoy but it is a job um it is what time are you in nine till four so your day nine or four no five you get my day is five till five you get up at five a.m yeah because i live in the ass end of nowhere yes that's the they said last time you're always in their truck yeah you get about five how many days a week you get up at 5 a.m five four four four days jesus and what time do you have to be in the club seven seven thirty see oh it's been yeah that i can see as well mate it's a job it's a job but that doesn't mean just because i'm not passionate about it doesn't mean i don't love it i love doing it yeah do i get tired what time do you go to bed um depends what's on game of thrones last night you into that [ __ ] into it right are you so good so that's way possible but not sure whether i was happy about aria getting nailed or not oh sorry spoiler alert if anyone has almost it yeah it's still a bit weird according to the book i was trying to figure out how old she was yeah but she's not so yeah yeah a bit weird probably cut that bit that was marginally uh no i like it i like tangents like oranges and set sabers yeah quite delicious she's one of my favorite characters at the moment the way when she was like getting make this weapon and genji was out i'm not gonna do it i've got other things more important she started throwing knives right next to each other and he was like yeah i'll get on it or when she was on the wall another spoiler and uh the hound and the one-eyed what's his name donderian there we go um and she's like [ __ ] you you miserable bastard hanging out with you yeah i like that i like her she's good she's changed her character has been good oh you switched it so no i started but i didn't finish what did you do it's the first time in game of thrones yeah possibly i'm sort of saving it all up to the in one big binge blue balls like we're doing there what's blue balls carry on what is blue balls yeah [ __ ] yeah just decide tell him please bang on i was making innuendos because you were like i started but didn't finish you were something you said you're going to build it up and i said i like blue balls good um you were probably thinking of pretoria or something you [ __ ] knows do you mean blue bells the flower let me go into that you're not allowed to cut blue bells off oh yeah is they saved by the queen are they protected by the queen is that right i will ask what is it did he say that swans you're not allowed to touch swans there's nothing like blue bells why have you done that wrong no i haven't got it wrong i'm just adding to your list of things you're not allowed to touch by all of the queen do next bit then uh are you straight out of the door as soon as the final whistle goes after the last game or do you have to sort of debrief and testing and do you talk about next season at the end of this season what's the end of season like is it like the end of term or is it a bit more uh d-mob happening end of season review and everything and yeah and do at the end of season two oh yeah oh yeah bloody flow lads yeah end of season appraisals yeah do some classic stories with them once corn what are they what do you what do you get in your end of season of praise no no no no not doing mine once we're doing um there was one dean richards this is a story i was told um i think it was alex tate for the majority of pre in fact all of pre-season he didn't train in a top pretty shredded this is matt tate's brother yeah yeah from newcastle yeah and um this needs double checking but this is what i heard from secondary sources but we'll go with it and uh he didn't train in the top all pre-season and a lot of the season he decided not to train in his top and do you know being the old school that he is he used to make appraisals very awkward and uncomfortable did you ever notice it by not even saying anything and it just felt like okay um and apparently alex tate went in for his indices and appraisal and dino was sat there with a paper without his top on and now his tape was just like uh where do i sit where did i see it and he just like sat down like that carried on reading the paper without his top one i was like fair play to him for that that's hashtag old school old school did you get good appraisals do you get like marks all right [ __ ] exam results i can't remember i i don't think i really ever paid attention to an end of season appraisal really too excited about dressing up in lycra and getting on it you know well by the time end of season appraisals came in i've been in been around for like 10 years so pretty much i wasn't really going to change right i didn't really give a [ __ ] normally you go in hangover yeah is it a big deal now is it an important part will you say you're gonna finish it no i was trying to think of the one where we went coming whether it was an o3 before the world cup and we did like a cool off camp and we got an acclimatization camp in perth after we've beaten uh that was great wasn't it sort of i went on green with staggering cambridge almost you're saying you won the world cup and that went no no at all this summer before oh i was gonna say well i ain't [ __ ] getting in a ice bath if i'm going yeah we didn't either but after that summer tour i think we did an appraisal but we'd gone out the night before and pretty much no one could even remember their appraisal um it was a 10-day like a climatization of just being on the smash unless you were josh lucy who was in the gym who was my roommate who i worked i came in at 5am every day and he was up naked stretching before we went surfing oh really it was a great view for me yeah good boy getting on the ball we had the cap on though so we've made it all back well just naked stretching with where where's [Music] that's what this show does it just layers on layers on layers um what if you leave you haven't left the club when you leave a club do you get like an exit interview or they just like pat your bag clear lock and go um yeah it was no you didn't have a was it quite weird leaving bar for gloucester just think of all those players this who coming to the end of their tenure judas a little bit well yeah it was it was difficult i didn't really want to leave uh molly's then well no we just didn't come to terms um it was mainly a financial reason it wasn't because i didn't want to play for they i just felt that they'd had the best of me for five years and not really paid me and then this was my last contract that i wanted them to and they wouldn't you said something about molly molly was literally convincing me to stay i really wanted me to stay and i was like molly it's not chris malone my father [ __ ] he's not a teacher down in who is that i know he's not he's back in rugby no yeah that's he was at sydney university so he did sydney university then he went in for the world cup in 2015 with kicking yes that's right and then he moved up to uh super rugby with it must be with new south wales as doing a bit with them kicking coach zach and now he's in property where was he yeah that well-trodden path yeah well he lives out in the bush in the blue mountains so he does he does things agricultural hubs and stuff um good mate he's a great guy he used to be with us at the sky actually i think one of the houses in the outback as well mate not many yeah but you just generalized yeah just dressed as shacks pretty nice ones out there as well i know you live in what happs did is it like you know nice there was it is it hamster no somewhere like that shepherd's bush the golden triangle between the gold hawk and the oxbridge road it's lively it is actually very lively we'll do a live special from there one time one time one time um dubai ibiza is everyone on the same plane to the same destination or do you like to go touring in the vineyards of you're right you said you must love a family holiday i beefer yeah i ain't taking kids so i'd be first i mean does everybody head to the same yeah yeah you do something in the same categories vegas single shaggers on low sort of money they're going to chagaloof malia might even you know stretch a bit of ibiza but they're not getting into the ocean club with all the vip they're they're actually the people picking up the dragons they're like oh yeah let me know if i know you're so that's the coattail grabbing and then uh you got the big dogs singles the old vegas boys and then the family guys who just go get a villa and you know read books like you like me do you know where do you get a villain read your books [Applause] portugal do you yeah sardinia oh that's nice actually where's that sicily no italy sardinia yeah yeah where they make sardines where is it who is it santorini you should go to yeah that's a great one for you and yeah for you yeah i'd like santorini weren't i yeah why why didn't that don't know it was another oh and what'd you get a month six five weeks in force now five weeks in fourth right two three weeks completely did you do you stay fit during it two weeks oh i love a bit of gym don't know i'll do a bit of gym but i won't do no running off that shouldn't be allowed right in the game itself or just in training itself just all the time just all the time yeah um so you will you do weights during this year much better than it used to be what off season yeah what was your season i've never had five weeks in my life what did you have a week a shot after you were still playing for england you had a week off oh you'd have to go and talk wouldn't you and then you'd come back in and literally they'd say oh you can have two weeks but we'll frown upon it if you have more than a week well then the rpa have done relatively well in fighting that battle well then rpa back in five years too late but this bitterness do you no i didn't mind it you just get used to it do you get on it for five weeks and eat what you want or do you have to be quite controlled and it's only the salad bar at the buffet and not the do you have standards you have to hit when you get back yeah you've got you know your skin folds and [ __ ] like that how are your skin folds what do you mean i mean how are your skin folds in general in life what now yes get [ __ ] how are they at the end of the summer what how are they at the end of the summer [ __ ] off you're raising are you asking me questions i don't look at what you raise a bet just don't ask me questions about that chris malone always raised about after his little jaunts back to sit down where's the bat 100 100 mills on your skin is literally basically you are not good that's a good level you're a 90 you're 90 you know what molly's like he'd always quite happily walk into it like it's going in pretty sure i'm raising my back today boys um great great rugby brain if you only had a semi-athletic body the fastest in the in the background he could see a gap unfortunately his body just couldn't take him anywhere near it before it shut um should we talk about the end of the season where are quinns where are you what are the hopes what are the dreams what are you setting your fault for what stall out for yes we're full [ __ ] and bit of a dip in form at the moment yes what are we four four four games in the league we've lost on the chart something like that but we've got three left good job you're not thinking about you can't pick and choose when you dip and don't i just wonder if you know when you sometimes gather in the team room on a monday whether you can pinpoint why things aren't firing at this point of the campaign uh so you're 10 points behind third and you've got yeah we i think third might be done i think it's the shootout possibly could catch it but i thought you were going to shoot out for fourth now i'm just saying that because you had you had the northampton yeah 45 46 47 so one last are you still confident yeah very confident good who've we got left we got extra away banker win and wasps away that could be it couldn't it because yeah it could be good crack mate well mate we're in a good spot you know can't lose five in a row can you no no how great of success would it be for the club to make top four this year given everything that what were we joined tenth joint eleventh last year yeah [ __ ] that was huge for us because she didn't have a great start this year did you uh no we started the first game was good but then we lost two or three on the tr bath at home was a big big blow yeah um but guzzi's you know still been trying to put his stamp on it and yeah if we finish top four it'd be [ __ ] brilliant for the club but we're still that would in all likelihood give you a trip back to sandy park yeah anything can happen on the day wow it would be better atmosphere go to sandy park away that would be [ __ ] alliance genuine genuine expectations for the end of the season top four well it has to be right has to be it's within a valiant it's in our it's in our control that's the two wins we don't need to rely on other people we need to get at least two out of three wins which is very doable for us we're in a good spot mate we're in a good spot i'm bound to say that won't i yeah but i like the belief i'm just thinking how do you call it how do you do you think exeter one sarri's two gloucester three quinn's four is how it will finish what do you think was northampton oh but i'm in bartholomew i think it's pretty set you know i think you don't know what's going to be nice because no i think next year i i just think you'd you'll win that game against wasps i think that'll get you in well what if we lose these two well you exit well you could get extra on a rest day because they are so far ahead that they could probably rest for a game and you might say they've already had a week off there oh okay yeah you [ __ ] [ __ ] would you would he ever think okay well let that let that one go and think focus on that home game against leicester no he'll go for all three yeah we haven't got you've only got three games to get through yeah you don't you can't no you can't do it um anything interesting amongst the ranks everyone well in quinn's robo white brown lover as well brownie as well were they all hoping for a big summer kev retired didn't he he did oh no he's not [ __ ] he's retiring he's retiring yeah big game tour what uh servants to the game rugby union yes although i have been made aware in fact i did the research that he's never sat on the bench for the club is that right yeah in 66 appearances well i need to have a look at his contract i think i'm gonna have to ask him has he got in his contract he said mate i [ __ ] start or i don't play that's it i don't [ __ ] sit on the wood i'm too good for it why is he would you judge him or would you applaud him what for sitting on the bed for not sitting on the bench and writing that in his contract would you be jealous that you hadn't done that uh no a fair play to him yeah fair play to him well played sir does he still get abused for stamping on the head of alan wynne jones in the first test in 2013. dave ward likes to get stuck into him on a regular basis why doesn't that surprise me and james has a very good defense on that and likes to claim that he's the only australian ever to get off of it twice yes of the same yeah what was that film yeah there you go he's very proud of that as a very proud fracture well done what's that anthony hopkins what's what fracture yeah um who was the cop who was yeah we shot his wife that was it good and then him turning off the machine ended the double jeopardy because he got off for uh attempted murder is that still a rule in america yeah i don't think you can't get one and you're gonna try anyway you can't get traffic case twice well even in the agreement yeah are you planning something daisy uh time for this week's skin is perfect for our weekly test in 119 and a half seconds because that's how long it takes to pull the perfect pint this week we've decided to play it straight because these are the things we can do when sicknote isn't here actually he's been quite good at his 15's has been quite good of late yeah yeah um what is that you've got someone you've always been showing him he's got a panel he's now got a committee of friends who picked the team for him who the [ __ ] is his committee of friends that pick it for their school schoolmates we want a team 1-15 which is the best players you have played with or against which one of you has actually got a complete team i've got a complete team this is i'm now just quickly putting together a tourist team i've got okay i've got you can only pick one fifteen you can you can amend you can bend the rules okay i'll still do it do tourist teams do tourist team but do it quickly i've got two teams and now i'm drawing penises okay um what so i laughed would you like to go first oh sweet josephine royalty do you want to go first tense okay no because he's doing is doing his touring 15. i'll do that at the end okay look i don't know anything about front rows so i've probably picked a looser that tighter the tighter that luke said i don't know so i've got heyman what one so obviously the wrong side is three yeah uh i've got i've got phil greening at two basically he's a bit of a tourist but the skill set on the lad i i don't know [ __ ] all about scrimmage i think he hit his lineups so got around the patch just going around the paddock basically and yeah he did some good [ __ ] um bits bits even though she guilty we probably can't go into it because she denied it oh it's bad um but he maybe he just used that as an excuse to get him to have a training session with dave reading in england i don't know um well it turned around sorry dave i can't go extra fitness i'm shagging he rang him and said i can't leave i can't come to training was david nice float to go out anyway yeah prefer place you've got to stay nice you would though wouldn't you yeah fair fair um trevor woodman at three no one i just got all the way around you won a world cup with him and what number did he have on his shirt one or three one i have to say would you think you'd be pissed off if he went no because he had a [ __ ] ten on it i always thought that i always thought fix had one on but there you go no no we're getting very modest i'll tell you what a little couple of arrows right there and so should we start again take four trevor woodman at one lack of respect but you know whatever it's called three um jono at four that's probably wrong as well did he play foot no he didn't play four though uh i've got back his bother five but he probably played four as well [Music] anything although when is this team playing what is this fixture is this is it winter players in there are they are they players in that prime prime oh what you're picking a team well i'm picking it as if they're going to play like lads we're [ __ ] getting together now and we're playing i've never played players that you've played with oh yeah okay yeah i've misunderstood this uh last time i had to have the enforcers because my back my my back three aren't you know bobby skinsted great tourist and we've got bobby at six yeah i've sort of got them the wrong way around sorry there's supposed to be another arrow there there's a lot of arrows getting until 15. so okay six will be richard hill yeah seven will be bobby skinsted and i've got sergio parisa biggest hands of i mean there are some big hands in rugby but sergio proceed biggest hands in rugby how do you know because i've shaken many hands in rugby yeah talk it out i've yeah okay checkmate nine uh nine i've gone george grigor it was a close call between justin marshall and george grigon justin almost got in there four more years four more years gregan did you not have the most of any man on uh he loved chopsticks but he was all only on field he's not possibly the worst world world's nicest man of the field yeah i think he is oh that's a bit cool he loves a flip-flop too wow strong good reason for being the nicest man in the world i like it [Music] loyalty is just out the window isn't it why just out the window um i think we'll cut a period where he was better but then i think over his international career carter was better over the period over his his full international career i know that wilko got a lot of injuries but i think carter just did it consistently apparently class is going to be a guest on house of rugby wilco not so much oh i'd love to have wilko on but well you basically if you want to if you want him on in three years if you want my three years i'll send the email tomorrow yeah it takes three years for him to reply to an email or a text because he's got a lot on or i don't know but she said say you try and ring him it doesn't work so you send him a text message you'll get a text message back in about three years as if it had just received it i'm like dude it was like three years so not only are you not putting him in your team you're now bagging his communications just his admin skills approach okay pretty basic yeah um uh i've got 11 islami greatest rugby player to ever play the game strong um 12. again just quickly on my mood what was it 2002 yeah run over me scored yeah is it lamu you held onto him or was it lomu jonah lomo i think it is well you play okay we'll go with lommy maybe it's northern you're northern here should we play for clustering bath i used to be i was but i wasn't born there born up up north berlin 12th floor from ocala yeah oh nice place that ah lovely yeah lovely ground with that yeah it's very green you're very good lovely blue it's very good um 12 12 i've i've i have done loyalty here will greenwood just not worth not picking him yeah a special mention to timmy horano i wanted to go joe rocker coco at 13 but ma marla pointed out he didn't really her team but i know he was a genius yeah he did play 13th yeah he did wrestling how many times yeah he's never played 17. how many times he played wing single in his career yeah that would make him a that's good versatile player yeah well played yeah i've got draco uh obviously i'm just a bit of a a legend uh 14 rambini thoughtful and buca possibly the best player well one of the best players ever you can't help yourself can you well just for those of you oh cool you did it in your patronizing voice yeah again yeah yeah buca isn't quite right um and then jason robertson 15. and that's hard for me not to put christian cullen in there but uh when i played against christian cullen his knee was pretty was that for a monster yeah would he have would you not have played in early 2000s in the games we used to in the autumn series i'm sure he played in one of those might have done two thousand two thousand one two thousand two yeah possibly he bugged his knee so he didn't have that speed that he had ben blair played 15 in 2002 cardiff blues there's a noise oh you see welcome to the party joe you're 15 please uh you're going back through your quite extensive notebook can i also just put on records you have extremely nice handwriting thank you i uh practice do you yeah that's very nice he's one of those men who writes in capitals only for things that are important and need to take up room otherwise i will join up my right in italy okay away we go stand by your back it's a bit of calligraphy tony woodcock one rory best two carl heyman three they're all in there all in the right position thank you tony woodcock can i just say i have to unbelievable mike because durability scrummaging technique around the park scored a try in the world cup i had tony woodcock first try score in the 2011 world cup final at 66 to one eyebrows eyebrows what was he 66 to one yeah no did he score first yes so you how much you put on it uh i was a charity about but 50 quid i think for charity at 60 61. and when he scored i cheered so loudly my daughter went through the ceiling is she okay i had to give some fish to cheer her up but that's all very very good um that's my tony world cup story for those that want it rory best sir best so best obe legend retiring brilliant yeah that happens phil greening is the best hooker you've ever played with or against fair point okay what did you say he said i said rory best the best hooker you've ever played with or against and he said phil greening the best i've tried okay alan wynn jones number four paul o'connell number five how inspiring to play alongside in the lions man a few words uh i didn't play many midweeks mate no but you trained travelled badinarged with yeah very good very good is he gives nothing to the media does he not no he's not oh well played there he's not like that that's where i was going yeah you know that though well i'm just asking you he's very eccentric is he very eccentric allen from wales more than you that must be quite an eccentric officer he's very eccentric what more than you i'm not eccentric what what are you what's eccentric mean about [ __ ] quirky no it doesn't it means the um slow contraction of the muscle no no does it not no yes you do you do an eccentric rep if you go hey i don't even know how to get back into the conversation oh [ __ ] off both of you i'm not having this or come in ever again you hear me are you free actually genuinely free next week no no paul o'connell nails [ __ ] pally jerome kano nails not [ __ ] [ __ ] out here honestly nails icking it justin tip rick skill set like no other back row i know flamboyant jouer yeah but in welsh so uh kieran reed is he an eight yeah he is an eight yeah [ __ ] uh will genya i'm not giving you a lot on here and this is a very ticking non-english sorry to make sure lovely i've covered my back then dan carter hm oh you have to say more camper to get it right well it helps okay fine uh yeah brian o'driscoll yep josue to a silver biggest legs in rugby yep and israel for lau [Music] hold and the night out after we'd have played our game on saturday would uh i'd take him out in brighton would you two a blue oyster a couple you know a couple of clubs do you want to name check any of them for free entry next weekend i don't think i'm allowed in them no are you are you banned from most nightclubs and bryce my [ __ ] don't go out mate i've picked very quickly a 15 of people i've broadcast broadcasted with with yeah okay so people who i've had in studio alongside at various points would you like me to this could be dreadful number one the most exhausting interview i have ever done mr gemala guilty you've done that on purpose haven't you yeah thanks uh scott keith wood big shouts at two but i've gone with the boss sean fitzpatrick 50. don't argue paul wallace on the lines tour of 2013. just i've got uh ali williams in the second row what a boy what's a tourist director alongside paul o'connell what a man yes yeah i can't leave out my current squeeze james haskell but stephen ferris lions tourist in 2017 runs him very very close indeed and actually they'd have a hell of a set too if only one of them wanted the six shirt seven pat sanderson captain i don't give a [ __ ] absolute ledge absolutely you've not dr tom reese out worked with any other background that's better than that this is the guy these are the people i've most enjoyed working with oh [ __ ] out that's not the remit yeah the slightly different remit oh well you could have told me tom reese big shout at seven scott cornell all out ledge and the best bear hug in rugby at eight just nudging out zinzan brook very good tippitch uh roy lawson and darry morris get to share the nine shirt dowy first to the bar rory last out of the bar yeah ten is very strong line barnes liner wilkinson ogara and carter can't play them all no you'll pick one i've gone barnes judge during execution are all in one oh [ __ ] it now what you got left wing i've gone star power i've got the most competitive x pro out there yarn evans ian yeah ian evans was the second row yeah that's who i thought you meant no yaron was wells captain that's who you meant that's right i've also gone loyalty at 12 and picked greenwood coward nod to doctor jamie roberts yeah we did the european cup on a private jet last year and j-ro have you done have you done a lid 15 no but that is a very good challenge maybe you should have tim's you're in at 13. not worth my life to leave you out either shane hogan on the right wing arguably the most interesting bloke in rugby good tourist absolutely and the greatest european tourist to ever come and work for sky sports matt perry who went to italy to cover a game one saturday was meant to come home on the sunday yeah great had a very good week and stayed out in here i really want to tell you the game the following i want to tell you a story about his last ex-wife but i don't think i should probably not possibly not yeah you wouldn't see a lot of that what are you wincing at most of what my 15. oh [ __ ] should we cut the whole thing what you're 50 or 15 years no i'll keep it in no just i think this has been where you've been where you're at what i'm wrapping so you're basically playing with you you've been with liner possibly but you're not doing it on rugby talent no you're doing on picking a tourist 15. i don't like where you put the gold posts i picked on my best team i'd like to play with my tourist 15 would have been leonard greening case muse but i liked wallace i forgot about him shawsy i would have gone ally williams bobby skinstad lol i need a six which haven't found justin marshall the greatest tory tourist ever also the greatest footwear in rugby bolshes stag was on fire um stephen donald yeah it's definitely my fly off white baiting zach guildford is jesus this is not taurus this is a loose fifty well that's all draco christian cullen possibly the loosest man on the planet and mills malayana he has some issues off the field good tourney how are you feeling without marlod mahler i think at times this week no you just spoke about you asked to speak about rugby did i not too much you asked us to and anna like analyzed the um semi-finals fair amount of [ __ ] spoken that is for sure was there i i didn't think we spoke that too much [ __ ] i thought playing on the analyze oh are you going to go google eccentric now can you google this psy or xander can we do concentric reps in the gym and you can do isometric and you can do concentric unconventional and slightly strange or or weird or is it through you can do eccentric eccentric or eccentric oh [ __ ] it is marla wins who'da thunk it eccentric contraction is the motion of an active muscle when lengthening under load every day is a good day and today hasn't finished in bloody fine style is that a one that's a 2-1 like so can we cut that one yeah can we cut that with the rest of it ambra thank you for watching thank you for listening to the house of rugby we are a youtube show and a podcast don't forget to download and watch our boxing show tk with carl frampton and boys don't cry with russell kane this week on traditions thank you since thank you joe muller come see this again very soon goodbye to our viewers see you again next week see ya you've been watching the house of rugby on joe together with guinness drink responsibly visit for the facts you
Channel: JOE
Views: 228,784
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Keywords: JOE, house of rugby joe, house of rugby ireland, house of rugby joe marler, joe marler joe, joe marler podcast, joe marler james haskell, james haskell joe marler, james haskell drunk, rugby podcast joe, rugby podcast, podcast, rugby, rugby union, mike tindall, joe marler interview, joe marler mike tindall, rugby joe, alex payne, israel folau homosexuality, israel folau joe marler, billy vunipola, billy vunipola interview
Id: ThadtoawKQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 26sec (4346 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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