Candace Owens Full Interview | Retirement Coffee Talk

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foreign [Applause] we are here today and very excited about a special guest and I will just say one of my first females in 10 years I've ever interviewed it's typically a The Man Show and we're here on retirement coffee talk radio and podcast and I just have to say she is a role model to so many Americans across the country and worldwide actually wrote a book beautiful book so everybody needs to get that once I announce who this special guest is entrepreneur amazing podcast person and I will say most powerful voice today not afraid to exercise your first amendment rights and so good for you I without further Ado I have Candace Owens in the house thank you so much for the sweet introduction that was so kind yes well you are Fierce and powerful and we I wish there was more of you believe it or not so sweet yeah so just some fun stuff you're six months pregnant yeah how are you doing how are you feeling I've been pregnant for the last three years so I think it would be weirder for me to not be pregnant at this point this is we're gonna we're doing three under three with this one so um yeah I don't even remember what life was like not pregnant I've just been living pregnant for the last three years I'm an elephant [Laughter] are you done after this no no I want a big family so this is just another stop okay so five and done maybe I told my husband initially 10 because I was playing the Overton window so I was like if I sell him on 10 and then negotiate him downward he'll think he's winning so that's why I always I say women double whatever amount of children you want and then have him negotiate down and he thinks he's winning so we're really gonna have to wait for a very long time before you're the president of the United States you're saying yeah yeah let's talk about the kiddos I have two children today and Society is such a mess sometimes as we see it how do you feel about raising children and the crazy world we're in today and the future inheritance are going to actually have to take over when you know we're gone you know I'm confident every single day in the children that I am raising with my husband we know what our values are and I really believe that if your values are in place and you raise them to be good stewards of those values no matter what's going on in the world they will be able to thrive and there's so there's always something going on in the world I mean I was watching a show about the Great Depression I mean if you talked to your grandparents they're great parents they were always there's always something to contend with so no generation is going to be immune to that and I it's so it's all about really just preparing them right so you got to get these parents really caught up these days it seems like yeah exactly so um you know speaking of I'm going to plant the seed again being the president of the United States one day fun question who would you pick as your VP easy answer Thomas Massey okay okay yes and why I absolutely love him I think that he is probably the most brilliant Congressman that we have he stands up to his own party when the time is right he never just goes with the way the wind is blowing and he does not care if he is disliked and I I find him to be the most principled person in Congress and even when he votes in a certain Manner and I'm like what was that vote he takes the time to explain exactly why he voted that way and I have not seen a circumstance where he got it wrong he is also really embodies what I believe Americans need to be he lives off of his land he's absolutely brilliant graduated from MIT he somehow was rigged the system and I think he doesn't even have to pay for electricity on his farm he's got a farm and so I just love Thomas Massey I'm a huge fan very cool yeah he's a I get it so um let's talk about women in finance because studies out there say many many women over 50 percent will not be prepared for retirement in the future um which is a scary thing because they're taking care of the families right demographically that typically happens so what advice can you give to women across our world and Country on how to be prepared financially well to be involved first and foremost you know everybody's household runs differently I actually come from a private Equity background and I think what's interesting though is that now that I'm married you know we kind of have our own categories and my husband tends to the finances but I keep my finger on the finances and I always know what's going on it's interesting to bring up a study like that because it makes me wonder are they alone are these women alone are you in a family unit you know these are the sorts of discussions that you should be having with your partner you should never be in the dark when it comes to your finances and you know these are conversations that you have right when you get married I remember having that conversation it's such a weird phase when suddenly you two are becoming one right I I think what might be happening and of course I don't have the study with me but a lot of people are abstaining from family because they're climbing the corporate ladder and uh actually things get remarkably easier once you become married and you're able to blend your finances together and set realistic goals but those conversations have to happen at the beginning of any relationship yeah well thank you so much um they'll be very encouraging to a lot of people out there because we do as women feel like you know we want to climb that ladder right and but we also want to we have that Mother Goose thing and else we want to raise our kids so I know you're working hard being the entrepreneur and raising children and if you make it to 10 I'm a good nanny I was a nanny in college okay good because my toddlers are criminal my two-year-old's actually criminal so we actually think I've made a prison Ward yes yeah and I gotta learn something right exactly well thank you so much for today we truly appreciate it you are the voice in my opinion of reason the voice for Americans today and you just keep up the hard work because we are excited to see you bloom and what you actually do over the next 10 to 20 years thank you so much [Music]
Channel: Zinnia Wealth
Views: 9,227
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Keywords: Charisse rivers, zinnia wealth management, stock market updates, financial advisor, financial advisor fl, financial advisor florida, financial advisor Ocala fl, financial advisor Gainesville fl, financial advisor windermere fl, financial advisor Beverly hills fl, wealth management Ocala fl, wealth management Gainesville fl, The Fanacial Report, the finance report
Id: tzCx6OdtR78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 4sec (364 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2023
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