Andrew Tate, self-proclaimed misogynist facing legal charges in Romania

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[Music] in a swarm of black Flack jackets Romanian police are raiding this compound money guns a fleet of supercars all seized at the center of it all Andrew Tate in handcuffs a man with millions of followers and flashy displays of wealth alongside his brother Tristan police arrested the internet famous brothers charging them with human trafficking forming an organized criminal group and charging Andrew with rape all charges they deny we're not the first affluent wealthy men who have been unfairly attacked and I look forward to being found innocent in the end of everything if you haven't heard of Andrew Tate I promise you your kids your nephews your students they definitely have the so-called king of time toxic masculinity top G or top gangster I will state right now that I am absolutely sexist and I'm absolutely a misogynist and I have you money and you can't take it away on social media he's promising a life that is almost a caricature of a stereotypical male fantasy cars money women and young men all over the world are eating it all up in 2022 who is Andre Tate was the most searched who is phrase in the United States and he's one of the the most Googled people on the planet but underneath Tate's Empire you see Tate and you see him as this guy that super cars has money has girls basically he's a God yeah is a host of troubles in real life controversial social media personality Andrew Tate has been charged in Romania the charges include rape human trafficking and forming an organized crime group in addition to the charges in Romania the tapes are also facing a different criminal case in the UK on charges of human trafficking and sexual assault and Andrew is facing a civil lawsuit there allegations all of which the brothers deny if you had to describe Andrew T in a few words what would you say misogynistic um controlling we were having sex and he strangled me until I passed out despite the allegations his presence and influence has continued to grow Tate is part of an entire ecosystem of trash male influencers online with different names and different MOS a common catchall term for them the so-called manosphere this ideology is based on this idea that you are constantly asked to perform and reassert your masculinity in every context the viritual that you see online that's really the the Hostile sexism coming [Music] through tucked away way in the back corner of a small Miami Hotel some of the kings of the manosphere are about to hold Court when guys get together like this it scares people they go oh man these guys are waking up what you're watching here they called the conference of masculine Excellence subtitle live a life of dominance I want to take this time to apologize to absolutely nobody it's building is a self-improvement conference for men by men the stated mission of the weekend long event is for men to reclaim and celebrate their masculinity for the low price of $900 Donovan sharp is the organizer of this event that's not his real name but rather his online Persona is it an act are you performing this a little bit in other words are you doing this for the clicks no Donovan call himself an expert in red pill relationship management there are so many uh relationship and dating experts that say well if you want to know something about a woman communicate with her ask her no you want to know why because women lie sitting next to Donovan is his new wife Devin The Red Pill Community is about self-improvement controlling your controllables and understanding female nature for people who are in The Red Pill Community something went wrong in in the relationships between men and women dating relationships and there's anger about it why people find the red pill for usually one of two reasons it's usually because of sexual frustration uh heartbreak or both but I think what people need to understand is that the world doesn't owe you anything we don't deserve anything if you're a woman you don't deserve a man just because you were born with Lady Parts men you don't deserve a woman if you're born with a you got to go out there and you got to earn it I'll tell you this and people they're shocked with hear this if she gets fat she's out the door I guess I can hear women say where's your pride girl but where's your pride girl women they're all single yeah that's true my love for him means that I want to make him happy on the other side of that the reason she was attracted to me is the fact that I am a go-getter but if I was a lazy guy sitting at home I wouldn't be in her life the whole metaphor of the red pill is I have sacred knowledge that you don't have access to and that's a very intoxicating position to be in to be the person who holds this knowledge and these ideas and this truth capital T truth and even here half a world away from Romania all roads ultimately lead back to Andrew Tate do you know Andrew Tate now he stands accused of some very serious crimes yeah he didn't force any woman to do anything she didn't want to do he gave them choices what he talks about goes against the narrative so let's try to discredit him by saying he's a sex trafficker that's how they're trying to invalidate his message for now Andrew Tate is facing very real legal charges in the UK and Romania that could take years to resolve our thanks to Terry the full episode of impact by Nightline Andrew Tate into the manosphere is now streaming on Hulu
Channel: ABC News
Views: 49,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Andrew, Romania, Tate, UK, abc, abcnews, abuse, alleged, international, investigation, misogynist, p_cmsid=2494279, p_vid=news-110292505, proclaimed, self, sexual, us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 21sec (381 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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