Mike Bickle - Resisting the Spirit of Immorality

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Thank You Audra turn to Matthew chapter 5 as we're continuing our series on the Sermon on the Mount if you didn't get the notes and you want them go ahead and raise your hands our Usher's we'll get them to you we have them uh typically at the door on the way in for those of you that are new with us keep your hand up high father we come to you in the name of Jesus Lord we love your leadership we love your ways we ask you tonight to touch our understanding touch our spirit strengthen us with my Lord Lord I ask you that even tonight there would be breakthroughs of our heart even breakthroughs of our understanding of the urgency of this ever so important subject in the name of Jesus amen and amen well tonight we're going to look at our eighth session on the Sermon on the Mount we're looking at overcoming the spirit of immorality from Matthew chapter 5 verse 27 to 30 now this subject is for everybody whether you're struggling with any issues related to this or not because you know somebody who is and we need to have biblical counsel we need to know what the Bible says and be able to say what the Bible says to other people because it just doesn't give us information to counsel there's warnings and the biblical warnings and the biblical counsel related to immorality is not so clear in the church today and you we need to teach this to our children and our grandchildren not just to the peers around us now I believe that Jesus spoke this subject very tenderly just like he did the whole sermon on the mount sometimes when you really get into the Sermon on the Mount you can kind of get caught up in the intensity of the truth and imagine that Jesus was a harsh or had an intense tone and I believe his tone was very tender he was truly seeking as a good shepherd to be very helpful he wanted to expose to us the danger of the subject because he loves us so much and so that's the way we want to share it with other people we want to share clearly but we want to share tenderly paragraph hey Jesus in this passage is calling his disciples to resist the spirit of immorality it must be resistant we can't have a casual attitude about this now the Pharisees had given a wrong teaching they used the Bible but they they did not give an accurate interpretation and that's what Jesus addresses because they thought that adultery was only a subject related to the physical act of adultery and Jesus came along he says now the seventh commandment of the ten commandments that said thou shalt not commit adultery he goes it has a lot more to do with physical adultery Jesus said I want to tell you the original intention that I had in giving this commandment to Moses he goes there's there's a spirit of immorality that was in the heart of God when he gave this commandment and so the Pharisees they only look at the outward and they thought hey we got this one down they checked it off while they were engaging in the spirit of immorality but avoiding physical adultery they thought they were doing well and Jesus says no God has more for you God has greater designs for your heart than that he wants you to identify with his own heart and even a greater way let's read at verse 27 you have heard from the Pharisees that is that it was said to those of old don't commit adultery he goes that's a one of the Ten Commandments the seventh of the Ten but I say to you now he's going to develop the spirit of adultery the concept whoever looks at a woman to lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart now Jesus isn't trying to be intense or he's not railing on them he says I'm gonna show you what this is really about he's saying if you want your heart liberated in the fullness of what God's designed you need to keep the spirit of this commandment and not just the outward form of it then he goes on in verse 29 and and he shows us how dangerous immorality is and a lot of people they don't really have a revelation a lot of believers how dangerous immorality is they know it's not good but they don't know it's dangerous at the level that Jesus is going to point out right here that is actually a revelation how dangerous it is it's not just a matter of can we be forgiven of it it's how deep will its tentacles get into our lives before we wake up and how much damage can it do even in the life of a believer this is what Jesus is being motivated by he said if your right eye causes you to sin pluck it out that's intense now doesn't mean literally to but he means go to extreme means to remove anything that's inspiring or facilitating immorality in your life that's what he's going that's the context he's talking about he said it's more profitable that what are your members perish he has it'd be better for you to lose a lose an eye then to lose your entire body in the lake of fire now the truth is if you plucked your eye out the issue of immorality would not be solved in your life it's bigger than that Jesus is not telling them what to do physically he's telling them an extreme example to highlight how serious this issue is then he goes on in verse 13 he says the same thing again I mean he gives more time to the revelation of how serious this is than he does to the whole to the dinner to the rest of the teaching on the subject I mean he gives two verses to this out of the four he says if your right hand causes you to sin cut it off it's more profitable for you for your whole body I mean for you two to lose right hand than your whole body be thrown into hell now again you somebody could lose the right hand but still continue in sin that doesn't erase the problem that's not again a a specific instruction of a how - he's highlighting the seriousness of immorality right here paragraph B now Jesus is not giving a comprehensive teaching on how to walk free from sexual addiction if he was giving a seminar on Liberty from sexual addiction he would have said much more but it's interesting what he did focus on he isolated two principles now there's many principles that are involved in walking in liberty from sexual bondage or addiction or of that kind of lifestyle but what's significant isn't so much what he said I mean it is very significant what he said I'm gonna say that but it's also significant what he didn't say I go this is so simplistic and then the simple presentation he is telling us I'm highlighting two principles that are so important and that are so often neglected don't neglect these two principles and don't minimize their importance so he separates two principles out of you know maybe 10 or 20 that would be necessary to embrace to walk in freedom in this area and he isolates them in importance above the others the first principle he tells us the spirit of immorality doesn't start in your actions it starts in your eyes that's a radical point I mean a revolutionary point is what I meant here's let me stress the importance of this immorality doesn't start with touching a woman he says this to the man it starts with what you look at this is revolutionary nobody had talked like this before he goes to number two which is a revelation it will take radical decisions costly decisions in some cases to remove whatever stirs up lust in your heart particularly in light of the fact of the judgment of God that will surely come if you don't remove it that's pretty intensive statement they said it begins in your eyes and most people did not know that the Pharisees did not understand that and in many cases it will require radical decisions of lifestyle changes to remove what incites immorality and you must do this in light of the certainty of the judgment of God now again I believe he's talking with a very loving tone with great compassion for the people so basically paragraphs say what he's telling them is how the spirit of immorality operates how it grows starts in the eyes moves to the heart then is walked out in the body and they tells them how dangerous it is you don't take it seriously people really will be in the lake of fire because of this now we must not take this subject lightly in this hour in the body of Christ the subject of immorality is taken very lightly that there's an inappropriate presentation of grace related to immorality now that the truth is the grace of God will forgive any immorality that's glorious and the truth is the grace of God is sufficient to empower us to walk free but that but the truth it's only true in context to immorality that's repented of and that's the vital point that if it's not repented of it's like a spiritual cancer that will keep growing it won't go away by itself a person that has an aggressive cancer that's growing and they ignore it just in the natural sense and they don't resist it trouble will come just naturally speaking now we believe in healing and so that's a different story but what Jesus is saying is is immorality not resisted will not go away no matter what position of leadership you have in the church or how dignified you are in your place in society you may be the president of the biggest company or the most powerful nation or the greatest religious organization it doesn't matter this thing is unbiased it will work in your heart unless it's resistant well the common question today is what is immorality I have a real simple definition it includes all sexual activity all sexual activity physical verbal technology outside of the covenant of marriage between one man and one woman any sexual activity outside of the covenant of marriage between one man and one woman is the biblical definition of immorality had young people asked me for years how far can we go I go not at all oh it's real simple like oh that's intense I don't know no it's not dense it's the only way to Liberty I said the way you don't want to do young couples is spend the last six months of your engagement living with a defiled spirit quenching the spirit and enter your covenant in a place of spiritual weakness and defilement enter your covenant with your spouse in a place of strength why is Jesus so adamant he knows immorality grants Satan legal doors of access to your life he knows that Satan wants to oppress and he wants to damage our lives now there's ways that he can only do that if we give him the key to the front door of our house of our life and immorality hands him the key and Satan says I couldn't have oppressed you in this way unless you cooperated thank you I doubt if he says thank you paragraph he again the tone I believe of this teaching is Jesus is speaking graciously tenderly with hope not condemnation it's not condescending because it's important because typically the tender presentation has compromise in it do what you want in the grace of God or something close to that and the uncompromising stance is harsh what we need is an uncompromising stance that agrees with the word but it's tender we don't need to pick between those two camps notice that two times verse 29 in verse 30 Jesus said it's more profitable for you he said you know if you lose an arm or leg it's more profitable for you but the tone is how believers can have more profit that's what he's talking about and he knows cuz he just said it a few verses earlier in verse 8 matthew 5:8 he knows that if we live in purity we will encounter God in a deeper way and it's not because when we live in purity we earn the encounter to God with God is that we put ourselves in a place of agreement and the place of agreement with God is when we encounter him more we experience him more says the pure in heart will see God and that purity is related to a sexual activity does not purity isn't only that but it's certainly that what Jesus was saying the pure in heart will not only see God in the sense of having more understanding they'll feel his presence they'll experience more the exhilaration encountering God and immorality shuts down that part of our spiritual life I mean I don't want to live with a minimize diminished capacity to experience God and to feel God paragraph F because God's love every act of God every command of God enriches us in love everything he does everything he requires every single time it enriches us in love because he's loved if you obey his commands you get closer to him when you obey his commands it enriches you yes it glorifies him but he's so loving it can't help but enrich you there isn't one commandment that if it's obeyed it will not enrich you and make your spirit more vibrant so none of them are mean and you know kind of grouchy and God's just seen how much he can get out of you that's not where he's coming from he goes no I want you to experience more believers are those the only ones on the earth and have access to the Holy Spirit living in them they're in the position to experience so much of God if they will cooperate with the spirit and that's what the Sermon on the Mount teaching is out to paragraph G now why is God so adamant I've had young people over the years they've asked you know this is so intense why why is he so strict I go well strict isn't the right word he's Seles for love is what this is about he's Ellis for you he's Ellis for the people that you interact with now paragraph G just read this with me the Lord set deliberately all sexual expression within the Covenant of marriage he determined it to be only in that context because he knows this that it's only in covenant lifelong covenant that's the only place and I want to stress only place where sexual activity enriches your spirit and in that lifelong covenant here's part of the covenant I'll just talk to young man you're committed to the life story of that woman all that's involved in her past and her future the pain in her life her weakness her joys her strength you're committed to her family you may not even like them but you're committed to them you're committed to her struggles to her weaknesses her problems her aspirations her breakthroughs her failures her money her lack of money all of it he says if you're committed at that level for the rest of your life sexual activity will enrich you if you're not and you just want to be engaged involved with that girl physically sexual activity will injure her and injure you because the only place it enriches is in that place where you take the whole story of that human being and you make commitment to it the good the bad the boring the exciting the whole story you commit to it for life not just while she's cute and this could kind of be fun for a summer he goes no that's not what this is about and then a young man that wants to pursue a girl in that way in the kingdom of God they're insignificant deception even though they can use the word grace every other word if they want there's still insignificant deception to engage in sexuality of any level without a lifelong come but I mean to the good and to the bad to the exciting and to the boring the mundane and the auxilary commit to the whole thing in that woman's life and vice-versa goes to both ways when I'm just talking to the men you do that if you get involved but without the commitment it defiles your spirit it dulls and injures your heart it defiles her and injures her too it causes lust to increase in your life and I want to hit this really hard and it's a way of despising the Lord what do I mean by then I put the verse there second Samuel 12 verse 10 when David committed adultery the Prophet Nathan said God says you despised him when you did this it wasn't just that you despised this woman's family in your own family God took it personal you cast his leadership off in this regard and he God says David my son my beloved he despised me in this beloved that gets really personal when you see it that way top of page 2 well let's look at these two principles again the the surprising thing of this passage is there's only two principles I mean there could have been 20 I mean Jesus is really smart on this subject I mean he gets it but he isolates these two above the others because he knows the importance of these two principles so again he's not giving a comprehensive teaching but beloved the fact he picked these two means they have unusual importance in context to all the other principles that could be brought into this discussion principle number one lust starts by looking not by touching that's a revolutionary principle of how the human heart works he goes if you look with lust you're already engaged in the spirit of a morality he's introducing the concept of the spirit of a morality here now that looking to lust it can be directly he could be talking to a man the woman right in front of you or he could be talking to the woman through the technology all the internet pornography going on and this goes both ways I'm just focusing on the men the whole time but they're saying the same principles are applicable to the women I'd always love hitting the men with the hard stuff and giving women the good stuff and then I make the other guy you know reach across the table to make it apply but ladies you need to listen as though the things I'm telling the man that they could have application to eunuch in if this is an issue that's completely settled in your life then understand this you can help others beloved the explosion of internet pornography in the last 10 20 years is in itself a sign of the time but where it's going in the next 20 years is unthinkable where where sexual perversion is going with Holograms I can't even imagine where this will be in 10 or 20 or 30 years from now well Jesus lays it out here's house the spirit of her morality operates there's a progression it starts with I adultery then it moves to heart adultery and then it moves the physical adultery somebody doesn't just engage in physical adultery without the other to be their first paragraph P Jesus is emphasizing the role of the eyes but we're easily are kind of naturally like the Pharisees we emphasize the role of the action we haven't done any of the physical adultery so hey lore says no no don't wait till then you're already so steeped in the spirit of your morality by then no cut this thing off at the beginning you're in that spirit long before you do it physically and many of the Pharisees had never been involved in physical adultery but they didn't lived immersed in the spirit of of immorality what Jesus is saying here really it's a lot easier to close the eye gate than it is to put out raging fires of lust a lot of people wait till the fires raging and then they go try to get help and they want somebody to pray for them out of prayer line and get rid of the raging fire I remember talking to a man once I go you'll get rid of the raging fire the same way you develop the raging fire day by day there isn't a prayer and that fire goes away like oh how did you get in addicted to pornography you started one day at a time he stayed with it your addiction came that's how you'll get out of it I mean there's other principles involved but that is at the very core of it you'll get out of it progressively stay with it Jobe understood the power of making a covenant with the eyes this is one of the most practical phrases related to walking and liberty covenant with the eyes Jobe said I made a covenant with my eyes he goes now because of the Covenant what why should I look in a lustful way on a woman as what he's saying you could read it later and at the end of this message part of our ministry tell I want us to make a covenant with our eyes or reaffirm a covenant with our eyes male and female and when you're training or teaching somebody else about immorality remember Jesus talked about the iGate as the first and the most essential issue there is no freedom without talking about the covenant with the eyes paragraph C David affirmed this reality he knew that the Battlefront one of the main battle fronts in the issue of walking pure with God was the issue of his eyes said in verse 2 of some will one Psalm 101 I'll walk within my house with a perfect heart beloved it's by far the hardest place to walk with a perfect heart in your house because that's where your most familiar relationships are it's in a man's house that he's the most carnal that's where he's most familiar and his flesh is most expressed David said no I want to walk and in a perfect heart means a mature heart not in the absolute sense of perfection but he says I want to walk with God even in the familiarity in the comfort of my home I want to obey God even there and the thing that he highlighted I'll set nothing wicked in front of my eyes in the house back in the back room or nobody sees me okay let's look at principle number two principle number one it the value of the Covenant of the eyes the battle starts there we have to put a lot of attention there not just in teaching others but in our own life application principle number two this is intense Jesus says I want you to know in essence how important it is to deal with immorality in a radical way not a casual way don't be casual about the subject it's like a spiritual of cancer that's aggressive it won't go away one day you're not just gonna be in worship SATs and one day it just disappears it doesn't work that way if there's situations in your life a person a place that you go to things that you have a computer he says be radical in altering things relationships whatever to where you're not incited by this spirit because you know what they are and different seasons of your life those things that need to be altered might change you so much as water what they are well ask the Holy Spirit what are they my guess is if you ask the Holy Spirit where they are what are they yelling they'll come to your mind within three seconds I don't think they're mysterious what they are there might be a few you would think of but a couple of them would be obvious if this is an issue you're struggling with now it's so common today to be casual about the subject of immorality now it's more than the fact we have to make radical decisions we have to make radical concision x' in the light of the certainty of the judgment of God on persistent immorality Jesus was not casual about this subject he talked about to the disciples the Sermon on the Mount he goes you'll go to hell for real now Jesus talked more on Hell than anybody else not a popular subject and the people that talk on it typically have a harsh tone we you need to have Jesus's loving tender approach but the boldness and clarity with no compromise about this subject he goes if your right eye causes you to sin pluck it out that's intense change this life situation no matter if it's costly or if it's something that's very dear to you I mean there's not many things more dear to you than your right eye he says if it's deer move it is the idea pluck it out cast it away from you those are strong words he said because it's better that you lose something precious than it is for you to go to hell now I would have said pluck it out because you will encounter God in a greater way and he already said that back in chapter five verse eight a few verses earlier if you're pure you'll see God because I gave you the positive already now I want you to know there really is a negative if you stay with this now some of you you're going wait a second I'm not totally free here's the issue or you worrying against it meaning have you defined it as an enemy that you're setting your heart against if you are in time you will find liberty in your everyday life the fact you're warring against it and not agreeing with it and just giving way to it means you're sincerely walking with God while you're battling with this and you can have coffee dance that he will cover you and he will help you but it's the guy in the church and there's plenty of them around there are well you know I just do a little bit I mean you know that's what the grace of gods for anyway and that's not what the grace of gods for it's not to make us comfortable while we compromise it's to give us a new start when we repent grace gives us confidence in a new start when we repent and gives us power to break through in time that's what grace does now I have the next passage down there first Corinthians 7 Paul said I mean this is really intense he said it's good for a man not to touch a woman hey whoa now there's godly embraces but there's a lot of touching that's called innocent touching that is it a lot of it is and you're not the judge of somebody over there that you're looking at but what Paul says I urge you to take this issue so seriously that even in that arena you will obey God there's a lot of touchy guys around who touched the young ladies all in the name of the love of God and it's like I mean I'm an old guy I even got can imagine what some of you think but I'm not even thinking about the for the girl right now I am I'm thinking about the guy not being honest with his heart and he's inciting lust in his life and the Lord says pluck that eye out cut that thing off don't do that anymore paragraph E now many in the church they have a low view of hell Jesus did not have a low view of hell by the way he was very bold about the subject again in the church very unpopular some places but a biblical view of Hell when we have a biblical view you it gives us urgency it gives us urgency to be bold and clear beloved when you tell a person living in a and an immoral lifestyle then it's immoral that's the love of God that's love to help them free them and I mean it's Jesus isn't going to change it hell's not going away even if they get mad it is the love of God to tell them it is the opposite of the love of God not to tell them well I just want to show love they like the doctor you know saying well that lady's got really bad cancer and if we deal with it right away we can save her but I want to be positive lady you're fine is that love the doctor said that to a woman in his office he goes I just wondering positive I wouldn't be upbeat I want to be invited to your party next week you're fine when the truth is if you would have identified it it could have been addressed and saved her life a doctor like that he would lose his practice well a lot of Christians operate in that principle they call it love it is not love to reinforce somebody's delusion that their immorality is not immorality and that somehow God and hell will go away neither of them are going away we need to be urgent look like Paul look what the scripture says consider how clear the Bible is 1st Corinthians 6 don't be deceived because a lot of people in the church are deceived on this because don't be deceived fornicators that's Christian young people outside of marriage taking their sexual liberties that's called fornication he goes you will not be in the kingdom of heaven don't be tricked about this you will not end up in the kingdom of heaven now he goes to the marriage relationship he goes adulterer so fornication is when there isn't a marriage covenant and adultery is when there is one he goes both situations homosexuals sodomites you will not be in the kingdom of heaven he goes don't be tricked by some play on words with Bible verses Ephesians 5 this you know no fornicator there he is talking to the single people now they have no inheritance now look at it he goes this is so terrifying he goes no you know you know what Inno means and the Greek it means no no fornicator son this isn't somebody struggles and then acknowledges his sand and then seeks the war against it this is a person that came up with Bible verses that reinforce fornication as a lifestyle as a believer ease is no it's not possible because you will have no inheritance in the kingdom he goes don't let anybody deceive you with empty words cuz they'll use Bible verses but it's empty God doesn't believe what they're saying and neither should you then I got a few more verses there top of page three and there's many more the Bible is crystal clear about this the danger of lust number one it grows oh this is a terrifying truth the spirit of immorality isn't biased meaning you could be the most dignified person the the head of the biggest ministry the biggest banking industry the nashit and nation you could be the most dignified person with all the money and power and wealth and this spirit is not unbiased it can capture you and destroy your life doesn't matter who you are whatever degree you open the door it will operate it will move in and capture you it's completely unbiased we are all born with sinful weakness Satan wants our weakness to escalate to wickedness but he needs our cooperation he can't make us do it but he can stir us up and if we say yes weakness becomes wickedness a stronghold of evil in our life Augustine said it so well he about 400 years ad one of the greatest teachers in church history that's his reputation again about 400 AD he said lust yielded to now this isn't just sexually in any are few you too lost then it becomes a habit if you don't resist the habit it becomes an addiction he said it so clearly becomes a necessity that's a in an old word for addiction lost yielded to all the sudden it gets a whole new yet it becomes a habit and if you don't resist that habit it will grow now this is any kind of lost paragraph piece some people imagine they can dabble with a little immorality and go ahead where were 20s we're just kind of learning how life goes the will dabble with it then will control it later it doesn't work that way you let that spirit in it grows so now they're in the 30s like a well I guess it didn't go away now they're in their 40s it's way worse well I was just dabbling with it you know boys will be boys I'm young and figured out what life's about and I'm gonna sort it out when I you know get my head on straight the problem is that spirit has taken root in you and it's grown in in very in people I mean I don't put that on you because what happens there's a combination of forces at work you know their 20s and figures experimenting combination of forces the heart gets cold and they're not used to a cold heart they're still young they haven't had it for decades so that's kind of a still new at that their mind is darker now their conscience is more defiled it's been a few decades demon activities increase you put those four act those four together a cold heart darkened mind greater darkness in their imagination because they've seen more and done more more defiled conscience more demons involved in their life even as a believer the combination those four makes the guy who's quote dabbling with it in his 20s he can't get free of it in his thirties now oh he can if he goes the right way but it's radical he has to shut the I gate and he has to cut off the right hand and not really but I'm talking about make radical life choices and then those there's other principles that are involved as well let's go to paragraph C Paul said flee in morality flee it I mean there's a an urgency of desperation he's saying I'm not trying to ruin your fun for the summer I thought what I'm doing I'm telling you this is poison this is cancer that grows in you it's seeking to chase you down flee from it it's running after you it's coming after you run hard the other way don't play with us don't tolerate it he says let me tell you what every sin that a man does outside of his body every sin that a man does is outside of his body but when he commits immorality it's against his body in what sense is it against his body see if you steal money to sin that's outside your body but if you get involved in morality it's a sin against your body your own body like whoa what does that mean that's a strange concept well paragraph D Paul breaks it down in detail I mean this is a put your seatbelt on passage now I find this passage terrifying in it in the fear of the Lord says Paul describes how sin against your body operates in the realm of immorality he talks about a penalty in your body that's against you a penalty here in Romans chapter 1 we'll look at a moment the end of verse 29 he goes they receive in themselves a penalty now he's gonna break down how this penalty works immorality put you to position for a penalty to work against your own physical body your appetites oh well I explained how the penalty works and in one sentence it says he gives them up now notice three times it will read the passage in a minute but on three occasions verse 24 26 or 28 he goes God gave them up and each time he's giving them up to a more severe situation now what does it mean God gives a person up to vile passions what it means is he lets them have what they want but they get a bigger measure of it than they bargained for ago I would have morality but there's natural restraints built into our human design by the graciousness of God and when he gives a person up there's three steps here that Paul outlines step one hereis moves some of the restraints so the person now has more Liberty and they're more comfortable sinning though they feel depressed but they have a greater appetite for immorality they stay with it he gives him up again in other words he lets them have what they want but the problem is they get it in a measure they did not expect they think they want Liberty what they end what they want is lost they think it's Liberty they end up lost what they wanted but in bondage with no Liberty their mind is clouded their conscience to file darkness there were demons that are attacking them demons of loss to where their every thought has lost in it that's demonic that's because of previous decisions the power of it can be broken but we got to go through we got to start with Jesus two principles close the eye gate and make radical life decisions and understand that literally hell is in the balance this is real let's read the penalty that God I'm still in D is progressively gives them up now notice first he gives him up then clean this verse 24 vile passions is the next measure of giving them up of moving the restraint then finally it's a debased mind now again when he gives them up he lifts the restraints off of them so now they have they feel compelled to enter into greater immorality oh this is terrifying let's read it verse 24 God gave them up to uncleanness they were operating a lifestyle of loss they thought everything was ok but all of a sudden God gave up because I'm moving some restraint off so now they're doing things to dishonor their body in a greater depth and a greater regularity verse 26 they wouldn't repent he goes ok I'll give you more of what you want you think you want Liberty what you want is lust I'll give you lust with bondage so now it goes from uncleanness to vile passions for he gives one example this is not the old example there's one example women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature men leaving the natural use of the woman they burn in lust men with men committing what is shameful they're the penalty of their sin is growing in their body they're sitting against their body they stay with it in verse 28 over time God's gracious then he gives him over to a debase mind so first he gives him up let's remember one ton cleanness he leaves them this uncleanness with the restraint lifted now they're compelled by a loss to do more to do more sexual things they stay with it they don't repent number two now they're giving up to file patents the set the strut the sexual desires are stronger now they're gonna go beyond anything they've ever done before and they gets satisfied they have this driven us to do more sexual exploits at a deeper level of darkness but they can't get satisfied so they keep going back and the darkness is getting deeper and the unsatisfaction is getting deeper they won't stop a penalty is operating in their body it's a judgment of God because God is trying to wake him up then number three they get a debase mine that's when all the restraints are lifted oh my goodness and demons have their way with their mind oh that's terrifying beyond measure they think of perversion sexual perversion all day every day they might be in the middle of a conversation in business and it's on their mind on the like on the tip of their tongue or right there on the right there at the side of their mind all day long it's at the base to mind now the good news Doug go to page 4 good news is we can get free we can get free now the danger of lust I'm just going to lay it out and let you read it on your own is it God judges it he reveals Jesus reveals how he feels about unrepented ah that's the key phrase unrepented of immorality again so much bad teaching distorted grace message where grace is made as the comforting factor in a person who doesn't repent it's it is such a disastrous false doctrine this is just all through the body of Christ grace is offered to those that repent to give us confidence that we can have a new beginning that day a new beginning as a first-class citizen I mean within the moment now your first class oh that's grace and grace done done just forgive us grace empowers us but it's time with step by step we can walk in freedom from it the freedom may not come that day because the bondage didn't come in one day people want bondage over years and then they want freedom in one moment and every now and then that happens but mostly the freedom comes by staying with the biblical principles well I have a bunch of verses there that make it clear God judges he judges immorality I'm not gonna read them to you there for you to read on your own but he judges them because he cares so much he judges because he wants to wake us up I urge you to be familiar with these passages I've shared them a number of times over the years Roman numeral 5 be really familiar of those passages I urge you not just for your own heart so you can when a well-meaning person wants to talk to you out of purity you can use the Bible to stand on then what we must do to diligently live in the opposite spirit see the way we get free from a wrong spirit as we live in the opposite spirit and it comes over time this is one of my favorite verses in terms of the heart being liberated James chapter 1 verse 2 here's what James said lay aside all filthiness you do have to repent you can't go to bed and ask God repent for you in the night and then you wake up repent it no we do have to repent God says I won't do that part for you I help you but you have to do it you have to lay it aside all of it you have to renounce it you have to war against it even before your hearts free but it's not enough to repent then he said receive the Word of God implanted in your heart that's meditating on the word it's not enough to just repent we have to fill the vacuum with Jesus in the Word of God it's called the implanted word it doesn't mean just hearing a sermon it means you're taking the word you're turning into conversation it's implanted in your heart now young man old men to this next sentence I highly recommend reading proverbs chapter 5 to 7 regularly proverbs 5 to 7 just take those three chapters and it says it in the most graphic way so young man I used to read those chapters all the time I just some guy told me to I said okay I a lot of time just did what the old guy said you know I said there'll they've been around I'll just do it man that was such a blessing it will terrify you on how costly sin is immorality particularly says you and immorality everything that you build you will lose all the satisfaction you have will be gone all your money will be gone you and in morality we're just redraw verse five six and seven I used to preach on that all the time I used to get guys used to be so one group excited one group mad cuz I'd preach on it right with their wives there and they were just laughs anyway just read proverbs five to seven read it tonight paragraph B just so you don't have a simplistic view I'm not gonna go through these but there's more issues contributing to freedom than just the two Jesus said but those are the two of the most neglected amen let's stand well that's a good day at the office when you get applauded for a message like that I talked on self-denial purity eternal hell judgment of God and everybody's happy maybe not everybody maybe that one guy next to you is it so let's respond to the Lord this covenant with the eyes I went all over the room men and women whether you're making the Covenant or you're reaffirming it but you know maybe cr2 situati said that's really not an issue at all but you know what just celebrate the people in the room that as a community were we're doing this together that's when everybody just for a moment just to close your eyes so we're not we're looking around just for this forgive me one or two minutes Lord I make a covenant with my eyes not to look at things that incite lost I make a covenant my eyes are yours in the privacy of my home down in the bottom basement room I make a covenant where nobody sees me I will not look on anything with my eyes even in my own house I just offer your eyes to the Lord in your devotion to love him say I'm gonna fill my heart with the Word of God but I'm gonna cut this thing off like you said Jesus if anybody would like prayer you just say I would a great a revelation of this or maybe you want prayer you're saying I want to be equipped to help people in this maybe you want prayers saying I don't grasp it fully but I want to get its really clear I need I want to help from heaven anybody that wants prayer related to any of this I mean we need fiery messengers on this subject this is part of the bridal paradigm by the way it's loyal love to Jesus if you'd like prayer in any way you're a shepherd and you want to help establish people this is one of the most important subjects I've ministered to over the years not the only most but it's one of the most and I've hit this many times the uses we need tender bold witnesses bold but tender all Lord we love you the Lord says there's hope for you don't give up anyone in the room you have not gone too far you have not gone too far the Lord wants to bring a lion people you say you've got I've gone too far east as there's not possible my blond is sufficient now I don't forgive you intention right now tonight all over the room Oh Hey get em praying for the room right now not just the folks in front the Lord says you have a future for it's not to me wash either tonight's can have confidence you are Michael look just say no to asking to raise a passengers for this trip revelation of those two I like this or we love your teaching I'm gonna ask a number of you to come pray for some folks unless you're engaging the court that's okay statement soon
Channel: LampsBurning
Views: 12,270
Rating: 4.826087 out of 5
Keywords: Mike, Bickle, Immorality, Purity, Sermon, On, the, Mount, IHOP, IHOP-KC, International, House, of, Prayer, Kansas, City, One, Thing, OneThing, Night, And, Day, Omega, Jesus, Christ, Yeshua, Israel
Id: nMkMcT32Sis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 24sec (3444 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 01 2012
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