Miitopia is Chaotic

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i've never been wait actually hold on no don't do that oh dear behold a simple traveler i don't look very happy about being here just a bunch of eyes [Music] why are you scared of that that's not that scary i hate this anyways let's go all right let's fill those roles with the characters what the [ __ ] is happening wait hold on careful okay that's a carefree guide okay okay okay okay okay okay what the [ __ ] what do i use i was gonna stick with that oh no this is awful why the long face you can't go out looking like that he changes his face even more like a noise ma'am i'm suffering from resting [ __ ] face come on give us a smile you know you want to it doesn't look all that happy oh oh dear stop it rude oh i can't calm down are you hurt yourself shout out to sbf my winston my adventure please excuse me my channel is so hyperactive i really wear it for the future oh no it's oh my god that's terrifying he is pretty i'll never forget fighting against the evil dark lord weird al yankovic can you hear me no oh my good fortune this is ah no no [Music] i'm gonna give them just a warrior job at the beginning the other people will be able to do the pop star especially joe cat here goes nothing this is awful for a stubborn quirk patience [Music] oh wow ow how about that vanquish the vile coramiro and save the world unfortunately you have no i think you owe me for saving you from that monster oh here we go here we go hold on what do we have oh oh oh my god oh no i'm trying i mean i am definitely trying ah wait he looks so dead inside the ears will blink you're right wait hold on this is eyes hello this is where i'm gonna be stuck for the next five hours this is fine this is this is fine nobody panic well at least he has his ears now oh my god i just realized with how many like how much makeup you can add you can like add like shadows and [ __ ] oh my god what the [ __ ] i saw how in depth detail it was but i never actually tried it myself oh wait what oh you can just add everything i'm gonna have to work with that later there's so so much you can do he looks consistently just so um fed my editor bad what are you doing in this video game oh god oh our hero is in trouble um i don't think i can do this box are you [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah well hip is on the way abacus i'm the key amigo all right the kind cleric air-headed [ __ ] yeah i think i'm gonna give her air-headed what is this game dude this is the first time i've ever played a mutopia game this interaction [Music] i i don't like those [ __ ] me eyes on that goblins yeah do you want the banana do you want the hp banana boxing do you want the banana [Music] always i'm getting blisters shut up i'm not giving you new clothes oh no i feel like that's more of a boxer thing though we're just gonna add a few things i'm not gonna go too crazy yet if you're gonna add eyebrows what happens to the old eyebrows [Music] oh yeah yeah yeah yeah [Music] oh my god [Music] this is not a date what are you getting at how about this and this and everything in between is that allowed what [Music] i don't [Music] i guess archie can't come anytime sooner hello i'm mario we do have a huge nintendo fan [Music] the [ __ ] are you talking about that's not an amiibo it's liter it literally is brandon an amiibo that's double ears we're good yeah let's just give her the link clothing vera does look really cute it suits her very much ow ow ow no please don't get any closer this is going to be weird no stop i don't want to play this video game anymore [Music] get out of the way vero it's option boxer now oh people have yeah you're right people haven't seen my characters so the character that i'm creating right now his name is archie and he looks like this make it thick what is this they really didn't do too kind to the to the guy here huh man this character creator is actually [ __ ] crazy ray you want me to make you i'll make you i'm going to make you the next party actually ray do you want to be the great sage don't worry ray i'm totally i'm making you hold on i got this don't worry about it i got this i think i'm on to something i think you're no longer onto something ray what knowledge do you stole upon us what am i looking at for all of these i'm just going to take received bees oh i kind of hate that oh dear [Music] goodbye oh no he's so cool i need to give i need to give achieve war cry all right good love it oh goodbye a fox is like [ __ ] i'm just really glad that i can literally make my characters in this they look so good they actually look like legit good all right time to make joe i want to give him a little freckles but i don't think you can do that hold on i guess i'll have to stick with one and then the other hold on i can i can add them in uh amitopia imitopia energetic or laid back oh no we're going with kind he's gonna be a sweet boy all right joe here you go yes i finally made it sorry i'm late i'm your cat a pop star yeah you are joe are we giving vero the horny bunker i guess we're doing that that's kind of cute here joe you get it okay this is gonna be hard but i'm gonna make it work i'll make this work just you wait this is gonna look good and you're gonna you're gonna accept it i figured it out don't worry guys no more panic maybe a little bit panic but not too much nah i think i think it's fine like this yeah it's fine like this oh actually wants to show off to boxer oh get the [ __ ] in the safe spot yeah you want to switch to that sure uh what happened yeah everyone's having fun and then there's boxer i hate that ops well there goes zachi my one reliable source of damage oh there goes zero my other reliable source of damage oh oh they they may be sort of like each other [Music] oh ouch ouch ow vero no oh my god i'm so proud of you joe the library full of books gotta read them all good luck with that [Music] all right what what do we have to grub oh yep he like that [Music] oh i guess foxy did not like that maybe you'll like the cake oh archie what do you even eat what do you enjoy buy the [ __ ] bee armor i guess [Music] lightning oh my god oh oh they do a lot of damage i guess it is an rpg game i guess we do have to like grind yeah oh austin wants to show off the boxer [Music] and boxer just keeps wanting to show up to vero what is going on what what do you guys want what do you want i don't i don't trust you archie you better buy that [ __ ] outfit oh thank god it actually looks good on you alright voxer you have one more chance buddy you're not getting the b outfit anymore boxer i don't trust you finally he finally got the bee armor [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my god almost oh oh my god no joe you run out of hp completely if you do you're done for i can't continue to fight but you can use the light speaker survive icebreakers are extremely precious don't waste them live nice [Music] i know i know that it's pain margaret you need your face back you have to leave the persona games [Music] what's that sound let's go check it out i don't know boxer it's a horse oh it's time to decide the horse [ __ ] yeah googly eye horse now it's a behemoth oh my god the horse is in danger we have to save the [ __ ] why does it need help it knows it knows meteor now we have a horse what should we call the horse what do you think i guess it's fox's call nice wait what does he want me to do does he want me to move voxer over [Music] oh there was a sale so i picked this up a magnifying glass good stuff oh my god it's almost like a real birdhaven i cannot believe auntie missed box [Laughter] [Music] oh um i i don't know if that's a sacrificial gaze audrey will now die for you [Music] up oh no oh no all right you come here you're moving into the same spot buddy jesus three of my party members are crying and dying [Applause] nice [Music] [Applause] you know this entire party is kind of kind of gay greenhorn is king a much loved gentle giant with a large appetite ferrous and let the king's only daughter harbor the secret love a prince of next door the princess's fiance are good but loves his mumsy grow up with the princess but now really gets a chance to see her uh oh what the [ __ ] am i looking at somebody posted a code for the yakuza cast show me show me wait where where where where where where oh my god what hello these are too good why are these so high quality [ __ ] [Music] you let yourself go after kill you left what about the ridiculous stories [Music] there he goes i have my one job i support the king no matter how weighty it may be that's why i'm exploiting the king you've got to stay in shape the power of gay they are so gay they're constantly looking at each other look at that they are the homosexuals man oh yeah he hates it and he's dead uh fear doesn't like it either all right now you shouldn't be hungry anymore now joe's hungry now vox is hung all right i forgot to [ __ ] feed boxer your cat likes achi boxer likes achy too oh oh the girls are fighting surprisingly hardy [Music] oh my god [Music] likes a lot [Music] all right it's two stats i'm gonna kill you archie i'm gonna kill you this is the most gayest round trope except for joe joe and the gays okay i am gonna i am gonna call it relatively soon i am very very sneaky wow the game knows this time it was good
Channel: Shenpai
Views: 563,473
Rating: 4.981606 out of 5
Keywords: Funny, Miitopia, RPG, Ad lib, Nintendo, Persona, Yakuza, Crossover, Chaos, Hilarity
Id: 01tJSc1DGlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 52sec (1072 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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