Midjourney V6 Advanced Prompting Tutorial 2024

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are you grappling with the challenge of squeezing out the absolute best from your M Journey Adventures well worry no more because in this video I've got your bags so you know I plugged into the depths of mid Journey explored its secrets and today I'm here to share the wealth of knowledge of uncovered in this amazing tool which is wi Journey so hey guys welcome back to skill C so if you ever found yourself scratching your head over mid Journey's Advan features you're in for a Trea in this video because this isn't just another tutorial it's basically a road map to unleashing the full potential of mid Journey's Advan setting so you know by the end of this video you'll be equipped with The Insider secrets to craft the most stunning images imaginable so you know sit back and relax and by the end I'll also be showcasing the best example for various prompts illustrating how each parameter can shape images across all categories right so you know without further Ado let's dive in and make your mid Journey experience a masterpiece for you all right so let's start by understanding the key parameters that play a crucial role in shaping your mid Journey's creation so you know whether you are working on Styles art weight adjustment quality enhancement or even controlling chaos M basically provides a variety of parameters to customize your images so you know we'll explore each one in detail all right all right so the first up parameter that I have is styliz so styliz is key to giving your artwork are unique so in today I'll show you how to navigate through different stylization options and demonstrate the impact they have on your Creations okay so first of all if you go ahead and go to the settings of mid journey and if I press enter so here you can see you can find different options for stylize so we have stylize low we have stylize medium stylize high and styliz very high so you know from here you can go ahead and change the settings I like change the parameter of sty eyes in your mid Journey so I'll basically showing you guys like comparing how the sty eyes low or medium or how styze high or very high like we'll be comparing both images of these options and I'll tell you guys like how this amazing parameter can differentiate your images like very very effectively all right so first of all if I go ahead and click on this option stylize low so over here you can see I have choose option of stylize low and if I can go ahead and select imagine as my prompt and I type in my prompt like a colorful a colorful photography of Apple okay and if I can go ahead and enter with the stylize option low okay so as you guys can see right over here so now you know we have a very basic photography you know a colorful photography of Apple so hitting the option styze low so this looks a lot like 2D so if I can go ahead and go to my settings once again and this time I chose option like styliz very high so now let's just go ahead and compare like how uh just this quick setting can change the effectiveness of your prompt okay so I'm just going to go ahead and write in my same prompt over here which was a colorful photography of apple and this time our styze is very high let's go ahead and wait for that all right so now take a look at that so check the detail of this imag you know this is the Apple so we can see you know the details of water droplets over here as well then we have two apples like T check out the colors and check out the minu details in this picture so you know this was our image before so it was very very simple we have just an Apple so it looks quite like 2D image but after clicking on the styze very high options so now we can go ahead and create like stunning images with absolutely perfect details okay so you know this little parameter uh can really help you to get the perfect output for your next image if you want okay okay so now let's just go ahead and discuss our second parameter which is weight so weight basically determines uh the prominence of different elements in your image so you know discover how tweaking the weight parameter can bring Focus to a specific details to create a balanced composition in your image all right so for the image weight let's just say I go ahead and enter the image of monol Lisa over here so you know with image R I'll be playing with a human faces now so first of all let's just say if I go ahead and copy the link of this image come to my image prompt and paste it right over here and after that so for the image W you just need to give space and two dashes then you need to write I W which will stand for image weight and after that you can go ahead and put the values okay which ranges from 0.5 to 2 Okay so let's just say if I go ahead and put the minimum value and we also be you know putting the maximum value just to compare both of these images like how a the image W performs in our images okay so first of all let's say I do 0.5 and let's just say uh instead of Mona Lisa I want to put any other image uh you know which I'll be basically blending or you can say playing with two images okay so I'm like face swapping in this one so I put any other uh celebrity image let's just say I go for Taylor Swift all right and now I'm just going to go ahead and hit enter uh to see the output for our Image Weight which is 05 okay so now let me just go ahead and copy this once again and you know just do it with my imagine prompt again and this time for the image weight I'll be providing two okay so all the way from0 five to two just to you know compare both of the images like how well they're going to perform with just the image weight parameter okay all right so let me just go ahead and quickly wait for that all right so check out these images so this was the image weight with 05 you know so with that it basically has taken the image of Taylor Swift and you know it put the monolisa in the back so it does not work a lot with the face W that I was looking for but if I go ahead and tweak my image weight all the way from 0.5 to2 so now you can see it has basically played the face of monolisa and it just took all the details and you know just swap the face of monisa with tailor ship so you know this is how the image weight parameter Works in our images so if you cap low it won't help you a lot in the face FL but if you kept it all the way to high so you know it will uh have a good impact on your images for face swapping all right okay so now let's talk about the next parameter which is quality so quality is essential for achieving sharp and clear images so I'll guide you through the quality settings to ensure your mid Journey Creations U meet the highest standards okay all right so for the quality parameter let's just go ahead and be very straightforward so I'm just going to go ahead and hit imagine prompt once again and in that let's just say I want a simple prompt and for that we're going to do like a robotic arm okay and after that you know for that you need to go ahead and give two spaces and you need to hit Q so Q stands for Quality so you know the quality values ranges from like 0.25 to all the way one which is a standard so first of all you know we'll be comparing the lowest and the highest one so first of all I'm going to do that with a 0.25 and I'm going to hit enter and I'm just going to go ahead and copy the same PR once again but this time uh I'm going to do one instead of 0.25 all right all right so check this out so this was a rewarding arm with quality .25 so if I open this image so you can see you know if I go ahead and look closely so this looks very grainy we don't have any much details in that so you know like uh it's a simple arm so there are not much detail in that so let's just go ahead and see uh the quality one image which is still processing so I'm just going to go ahead and wait for that for a bit all right so check out this image you guys so you know this image looks quite amazing so as you guys can see we have all the details of the wires of the arm and you can see I can go ahead and you know zoom into the fingers and the details are quite a bit realistic in that but if I go ahead and look at the0 251 so you can see you know these are like very grainy not too much visible and you know it basically requires quite a bit of work in that in order to be like more and more visible okay so this is how uh the quality parameter works very efficiently in our images okay all right so the next parameter that we're going to talk about is stop so stop parameter basically allows to finish image generation part way so it basically accept values from 10 to 100 so default value is 100 so let me just go ahead and quickly test uh the stop parameter out so I'm just going to go ahead and hit imagine once again and I'm going to type here like a cat in a safari hat in Jungle okay and for the stop I'm just going to go ahead and hit two dashes and I'm going to write stop and we'll basically go ahead and do the same you know two images so first one with the least one so stop 10 and the second image is going to be uh with the maximum value okay so I'm just going to go ahead and copy this prompt again uh you know do my imagine prompt and paste it right over here and instead of 10 I'm going to write now 100 okay so let's just go ahead and wait for that to compare both of these images all right so take a look at that so first of all we have the image of a cat in a safari hat in Jungle stop 10 so basically with that it has stop the processing at 10 so now you can see with this image there is nothing visible over here so this looks really really bad so now if I go ahead and see the image of the same promt but with stop 100 so take a look at this now a cat in a safari head in Jungle check out the detail check out everything like it looks absolutely Majestic right so you know uh this is how the star parameter basically works it basically enhances your images more and more you know so now with the help of this stop parameter you can play with his images so you can go go ahead and do like 20 30 40 like how much detail you want but I suggest you go all the way to 100er in order to get the best possible output for your images okay all right guys so now I'm going to be telling you guys the best output promps for our different categories so which will contain portraits logo 3D renders anime or characters and landscape and conceptual Arts okay all right so first of all uh let's jump into the portraits like which are the best output prompts that you can you know input in mid journey and get the best possible results like the images from mid Journey out of that okay so first of all I'm just going to go ahead and go to our mid Journey once again and that I'm going to write in my uh perfect prompt to get the perfect portrait picture right which is going to be professional portrait photograph semicolon semicolon to so this basically stands for the image weight okay so uh for the portrait photograph I want the image weight to be two of a young British woman in a jacket with vavy blonde hair and again for that I want the image made to before before beautiful surgical face cute natural makeup again semicolon semicolon Image Weight three this time blurry Rain Street a background highly detailed Shar Focus dep of field you know focal length I want 1.8 with 85 mm and as ratio I want 4.5 Kos 10 and styze 250 all right so you know uh over here you can see this is basically the perfect FR formula and in a minute you'll see you can get the Perfect Image out of this detail prompt okay so this contains like everything that we just did previously in our video ready to perfect prompt formula right so we have medium scene uh like everything every detail in this particular prompt right so I'm just going to go ahead and hit enter to see the perfect output like the perfect image out of this perfect input prompt okay all right so take a look at these images these look absolutely perfect like check out the detail check out the hair check out the background like the street background that we want and you know these are absolutely perfect images that we get so our prompt are basically professional portrait photographs so we have like professional portra photograph over here of a young British woman in a jacket so she is wearing a jacket with vavy blonde here which is absolutely perfect beautiful crial face cute natural makeup so you know if I go ahead and upscale any of this image let's just say I want to upscale the fourth images because it looks absolutely perfect I'm just going to go ahead and do that okay so now check out the output image offer perfect prompt right so this looks absolutely Majestic right so it has all the detail everything she see is wearing a jacket she has a blonde wavy hair she's cute natural makeup and you know uh the background looks absolutely perfect so this looks like a professional photograph uh that we input in our prompt okay so you know uh this is basically uh the perfect prom for uh the portraits that you want so next time if you want portraits of anything you want so you can go ahead and edit this prom like I did over here so you can change that to new young Indian woman or this is a young Indian man and a jacket with a like let's just do that curly black here okay a beautiful ccal face cute natural makeup blurry rainy City street background highly detailed sharp Focus depop field so now let's just go ahead and do that and you know see another perfect portrait with the same formula right so you can go ahead and edit that by according to your taste to get the perfect portraits out of mid Journey all right so you know uh these parameter that such as styze chaos 4x5 ratio focal length then you got image W these will help you a lot in order to get the perfect portraits for your images okay all right so take a look at these image these look absolutely perfect so you know this profal graph of a young Indian man so you know he has black curly hair and you know wearing a jacket and Street photography like everything seems absolutely perfect for this image that we prompted with mid Journey right so you know this is your perfect prompt for portra you can go ahead and copy that edit that by your taste and get the perfect P out of mid Journey from now on using just prompts okay all right so now let's jump into our second example which is going to be generating logos so now you can generate the perfect logos out of mid Journey with the prompt that I'll be telling you today so I'm just going to go ahead and do imagine once again and in that I'm going to write hot coffee uh the image is going to be I know three colorful logo vector 2 multicolor palette simple background realistic style perfect for a modern business so chaos I've done 30 and styze 50 and quality is one okay so this is the prom for your logos so over here uh you guys can notice I'm trying to generate uh the logo for my coffee shop business okay so I'm just going to go ahead and enter to see like either our logo is perfect out of this prompt or not okay all right so take a look at this you guys so you know it is absolutely perfect perfect so we have hot coffee colorful logo so Vector 2 multicolor palette simple background realistic style so this looks absolutely perfect for my business so if I can go ahead and you know go to the second one let's just upscale the second one so you know you can see uh we have a coffee which contains colorful uh like steam coming out of that so you know it is all colorful so that's exactly what I wanted from my business now this is uh going to be your prom copy this paste it to you and just starting making logos for you whatever you like okay all right so next one uh we're going to jump into 3D renders okay so now I'm going to be telling you the perfect prompt for uh generating 3D renders so again I'm going to go ahead and imagine and over here I'm going to write in my prompt which is okay so this is a very basic prompt for generating 3D renders so I've written 3D render of a Recon reading a book on armchair lighting from a lamp realistic Unreal Engine and Chaos so I've only used one parameter which is chaos s so you know with that you'll see uh it will create you uh the best 3D Riders out of this amazing proper all right so this is our output so now let me just go ahead and quickly upscale one of this image let me just go ahead and do the uh last one uh I think the second one might be perfect as well so I'm just going to go ahead and do that so now take a look at thisit this is the beautiful 3D n that we want to generate out of mid Journey so it contains a RAC is reading a book with the lamp on his side and you know this looks absolutely perfect so we have all the details that we want in a 3D render so you know by using the given parameter that I told you so this is now your prom copy it paste it with you and now you can also create 3D renders out of this amazing tool all right so now let's jump into uh the next prom example which is Anime or cracks so if you want to generate uh some anime characters with you out of mid Journey so it is very simple I'm going to show you the perfect prompt for that as well so now I'm going to hit imagine and over here I'm going to write in my prompt portrait of a skinny Anime boy with glasses is listening music in the street of Ral Japanese City Anime boy High detail face Sunset relax pink and purple Cloud starts soft light realistic 8K Unreal Engine and quality in just one parameter but check out the detail in my prompt so I have mentioned each and everything to create basically the perfect anime character from my prompt let's just go ahead and hit enter uh to see the output for that all right so take a look at the so you know now you can create anime out of mid Journey as well so for that you only need to put this parameter which is nii 5 okay so you know out of that you can create cool animes so you can go ahead and customize that according to your taste which I provide a skinny Anime boy with glasses for that it created me the perfect output like the perfect anime that I wanted okay all right so now last but not least list to the landscape or the concept ARS okay so now if you want to create a Landscapes or concept ARS you can simply do that as well very easily for that let me just uh show you the perfect PR for that as well so first of all again I'm going to hit imagine and that I'm going to write in a prompt digital art of magnificent medal Castle between the hills and Fields large panoramic background with dense nature and mountains a grand Fortress epic scene fantasy and for that I chose a spec ratio 3x2 okay so in this type of you know prom it's really important to uh check out the method right check out the details that I provided literally everything that I want for my Landscapes okay so this is really important you need to provide as much detail as you can you know in order to get the perfect landscapes for your images Okay so just going to go ahead and wait for that first of all all right guys so here you go check out these beautiful landscapes okay so we have like digital art of a you know magnificent medieval castle between the hills and Fields large panoramic background with dance nature and mountains rain Fortress big scene fantasy aess ratio 3x2 so if I can go addad and upscale let's say the second one just check out this image you know this looks absolutely beautiful like with all the details all the greenery and you know the dense nature and everything like this is absolutely perfect landscape that you can achieve from mid Journey right so you know just copy The Prompt that I have told you guys paste it with you and start generating the beautiful landscapes in no time all right guys so there you have it so these were all the advanced settings all the advanced parameters and not only that I told you guys the perfect prompt examples to get the best images for every category so you know mastering with joury opens up a world of creative possibilities right so yeah I hope you like this video and I'll see you in some other one until then take care bye-bye
Channel: SkillCurb
Views: 14,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graphic Design, Graphic Designer, Adrian Boysel, midjourney tutorial, midjourney ai, midjourney tips, ai art, midjourney ai tutorial, midjourney prompt tips, how to use midjourney, midjourney prompts tutorial, midjourney prompt help, midjourney v6, stable diffusion, midjourney consistent character, midjourney beginner tutorial, midjourney v6 features, midjourney v6 ai tutorial, blending prompts, editing tutorial, midjourney prompts, midjourney v5 prompts
Id: SxXsbqYtcHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2024
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