MidJourney + Photoshop [Photobashing LIVE STREAM] - AI Art Compositing

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[Music] do hey everybody we can hear me i think i got this thing on hello uh we're gonna play around today in my journey in photoshop so um i just wanted to kind of work with you guys on some stuff uh i have so many great images i've generated and i want to start working on them so i thought i'll just make this a live stream because i know a lot of you are in the same situation where maybe you got something and it's just not perfect and you want to make it perfect i have a couple of the videos i'm working on i've been a little slow in getting the videos done uh just been busy but uh i wanted to make sure i get a live stream in a live stream a couple times a weekend because again i'm working on these things at the same time but i have videos coming up on selling so how to sell some of this stuff i'm putting up a store for it i did put a link down below to the company i'm using for that stuff because it does open the door for me to be able to sell posters and things along that lines it is not a professional lab like i've not used that for my photography clients but for selling you know this kind of stuff shower curtains you know whatever may be of the ai art or combination thereof i think that's perfect i have a video coming up on prompting but i'm waiting on that one because i know there are changes coming with the next version of mid-journey and specifically when it comes to waiting uh prompt waiting because we can't do prompt waiting right now with beta so that wrecks a bunch of kind of things that i want to do because prompt waiting um is kind of like the secret sauce to unlocking a lot of manipulation of what it is that you want to make and we really can't do that outside of prop or outside of the beta or we can't really do outside the beta you can do it outside the beta but you can't do it with the beta and the images i'm getting out of mid-journey are fine but i'm really excited for what the test and test p has revealed i want to wait and do that video on that so that's coming up as well plus i'm running uh stable diffusion locally now i want to show you how to get that set up uh because it's a pretty powerful tool and the fact that i can i think i closed it already i can batch process overnight so i can set this thing up and let it run 250 or 500 iterations of the same prompt and then get up the next morning and kind of peruse them and decide what i love and what i don't love and that's kind of what i have done i have set up a couple prompts that i really liked and it's like they're gold mine prompts for me or they speak to me and they're varied enough that i'm getting some really cool work out so i want to show you uh the result of that and then we're going to pick one or two like we did two last time and just kind of talk about photoshop and how to manipulate these things um because we got some stuff we can fix plus we ought to make it our own art we don't want to just like say here's the art that ai handed me and i have no um jared welcome jared hey daniel's here too and all the music and kim you guys well we got a whole bunch of people here thank you thanks for coming in and so that's what we're going to do today uh so if you have any questions comments whiticisms criticisms here these are fallacies throw them in the chat below um if you live in tennessee i'm gonna be there uh next week uh so i'll be speaking in chattanooga and i'll be in knoxville and then i'll be back and then i'll be in um the orlando area after that and i'll be in portland so there's some areas i'm going to be speaking at photography conferences so if you want to catch me there that'd be awesome buy you a beer or something all right so let's uh change it from the side of the headcam to the desktop cam here so you can see my desk here which i thought would be better than looking at the side of my head um i don't need people to be looking inside my head you're probably like dude why is this your camera there uh because that's i use a a dslr as my webcam and it's on a big stand and i don't want a little crappy camera like this one crappy camera uh there's a couple of exe to make sd installed so much easier yes uh but i don't like the interfaces of some of those i mean it may or may not work for you um you know there's so many different varied things to play with there and i'll discuss those but the one i'm using i really like um in fact can i just bring it up let me just bring it up real quick i'm not going to go into it today because it's just too much trying to do something here and a working out real well let me bring it up um it is this one here so this is the the stable diffusion i'm using uh by hlky um and again i'll go through how to install this um with you guys later but this is the one that i i really like this one because he's uh first of all he's very responsive like when i have a comment or something the dude like responds right away and i even uh i even sponsored him so i've been sponsoring the project now because if you like something put money after it right which is again i really appreciate you guys who are sponsoring the channel by the way i have a new site slide went turn it let me find my slide um [Music] to my goofy webcam down view all right so anyway i'm going to show you how to install this at another time where i can do that today let's look at this this is uh so i use bridge for organizing all this stuff by the way so if you're having trouble keeping track of where to put stuff i put it in here and this is how i'm doing it i have a workflow archive of stuff after i'm i'm done with it i put it in here my finals these are the ones that are all upscaled um and and completed so this has gone through the whole photoshop thing and looks good um then i have my pending ones these are ones we're looking at today these are just the ones that i like and i have off my blue ones here are the ones that contain nudity so i gotta turn that off just go with the these are the safe view um maybe just do everything except for the blue ones because the blue ones are the ones that have a boob in it and a boob oh boobs yeah i can talk about um i can talk about how to get full figures and stuff but sure uh then my gfp gan is where i run these are the ones that are pending uh face or they i'm sorry these these are the ones that have just had the faces done by gfpgam which is again something we can do using that um that website i just showed and then the esr gan takes it and upsizes it so that's the next thing um i did not say the name let me go find it again good point um let me bring up that it is this one i'll just put it in the chat for everybody though by the way the ui does not look like it does in here he's he's very slow at updating his uh his stuff um his documentation but this is the one i'm using and it has a an esr gan and the gfp gan all these gans are built into it plus it has the ability to take an image and then apply the apply it again and slightly tweak it based on your cfg so you can really get some nice like iterations which is what these are these are all iterations out of that now some of these are from a journey not all of these so most of these let's see these are almost all mid-journey through here and these two and then this is obviously a stable diffusion because that didn't come out of mid-journey no no it did not certainly did not but some of these other ones did so i like the the crazier looking stuff and then again my masters these are the photoshop ones these are the ones that are all done with photoshop so that's my masters in case i ever need to go back to it um and then i'm sorry masters and then my etsy master so the masters from the the print shop i'm using down below hooks into etsy so you don't have to like physically deliver the prints but someone could buy a print off of your etsy store now use etsy over something like redbubble because etsy has a much bigger marketplace um for the type of artists i'm trying to go for um i believe that it it um that's a good question i don't know i'm not a mac person but i can't believe that that whole world isn't ignored i know it'll run in a collab notebook so you can even do that um yeah the 1.5 models will be here soon so this is what this is what i've got i've got these um make sure i got my nudes turned off right yeah well they're not even the nudes i don't even know what i did or what i did so these are the ones i i have generated um and i actually was playing with doing other generations of these to to tweak them and to adjust them uh but i'm i found a bug actually uh where things start to slide uh toward magenta so the more you do the more they slide toward magenta and uh reported the bug and i i'm thinking it's gonna get fixed fairly soon so so these are the ones that i loved out of the the ones i generated so what i did is i set this up and i let it run all night long basically it ran for um i think it ran for maybe an hour and a half and it did 250 some odd images and some of them suck right some of them are not not good but images like this i can't get out of my journey now because they're banning all these like i can't get the midriff out of there we can't get anything that's going to have can you say nude shoulders for example you can't do that but these are the ones i love but they have problems so i thought we'd work on a couple of these and like this one i actually ran through the image to image tweaking which was really powerful this allowed me to kind of get this tuned in a little bit because i didn't like the mouth so much and i don't know what this is but it eventually grows into a giant horn which i thought was very interesting i love this one just just creepy i love how creepy it is but it's so it's so well done um but these are the ones like i kind of like this one maybe we'll play with this one today um that's funny is have you noticed that these look like people you know like i swear i know her and i swear i know her and i've seen that more than once now i'm like i know these people i could love this is so cute but again i know what that is and this can go away um different art styles i've been playing with different art styles i talked about this yesterday um this is called a zorn palette uh z-o-r-n it's after anders zorn a swedish artist and it only uses four colors so it's a limited color palette it's a red an orange a black and a white basically and from all of those he's able to make it's actually a yellow or red now if you look up zorn zorn palette though the all the engines understand what zorn palette is which i think is really it intrigues me um because you can get so many different variations of color off of a limited palette which is neat uh playing with some of these like that's really cool again a different art style for me um trying to get something that satisfies my my artsyness and i want to paint on it as well as that it's just a beautiful picture um these obviously have not run through the gang yet so their um eyes are still wonky and things like that in fact maybe i have to start there i don't think i can actually run that with the stream open i tried to do that the other day and it was wildly wildly terrible anyway uh so those are the images i've generated so far and then these are the ones that have gone through the gfp gan already so again the face has been fixed um but the the size of the image for example or something about the image isn't done yet and i kind of want to wait work on that and then these are the ones i have up sized already in fact maybe we'll work on one of these too because i need to i need to get these done but uh there's little things in them that are that are bothering me and i need to fix those things before i call it finished because nobody wants to release a half-assed piece of artwork which i'm going to say that again because i think i think there's a lot of laziness i mean this is already pretty damn lazy for making art let's face it right we type something in yeah we have to sweat over our word choices but at the end of the day it's a lot easier than learning to paint but that's when i think a lot of people just like oh that was that was too much work i'm done now here's my piece of work and i've seen stuff that people are putting up there's nfts and i'm like you couldn't take the time to just fix that like that stupid little thing there why didn't you just fix that and um people haven't done that which bothers me so i don't want anyone who watches this channel regularly to be in a situation where you are not armed to be able to fix your images like let's polish these things up so that when we're all done you're like proud of what you made and or you know you made it in in concert with the ai you didn't just like whatever it handed you is what you got and that was the end of it as far as prompt goes i think these were just like again i think most of these prompts are like four or five words so i think this was just rococo girl um style of and these might have been um fragonard or um i'm trying to think of the other artists that i tend to like in that period davide there's a few others if you have not seen my video on references there's a great artist reference sheet which is pretty decent um there's a video on all that i'll put a link i'll throw this link in there too for you if you don't have it already um but this has all your different artists so you can find the one that speaks to you but i tend to like the rococo style artists so that's that tends to be where i go um but the um the other one this is actually uh pretty entertaining this this one here by sync carnate which i also link to i'll link to and here too as well so syncarnate actually just won the colorado art competition with the mid journey image and then he told everybody that he generated it online so there's this huge giant like mob of people that are really mad at him uh but uh yeah so that that just happened but it's the same guy cincy is the one who did all these so um yeah you're welcome yeah [Music] so so this you find the one you want but again it's a rococo it's a girl who's a rococo era painting but i chose a rococo era artist to go along with the mood when you're prompting it isn't so much that you keep forcing like people capes keep saying like um barbarian sword you know they're really trying to spell it out or if you would just say something like well what what does it look like to you just generically well it looks kind of like a dungeon and dragon scene if you type in dungeons and dragons as one of the descriptors you will get something that starts to feel immediately like that thing that you're looking for so using very basic terms are sometimes more more easily guided by the ai in in and i think that like these super complicated ones i see a lot of people just like put like 15 or 20 artists after a prompt because that think that magical combination and it may be but for me it's usually one or two artists is enough for me to get something that i want because that artist tends to do a certain type type of art like i close those sheets down already but there's uh one artist in there i love his work like his his just his his mark his color choices everybody paints mostly like ships like battleships and um old schooners and three master ships but um he like if i say i want a portrait done in his style i can't get one like it won't give me one it just gives me ships like it's trying to interpret the prompt but i've given it a person who because of that person who hasn't really done any portraits it really doesn't give me a good answer and if i do get an answer it's usually something that looks like it's you know an outcast from the thing movie like it's pretty pretty weird so yeah keep keep your keep your prompts at least simple initially um when we i want to talk about prompt waiting but we can't use prop weighting in the beta so once we get our proper weighting there we can and i can use it we can use it in uh in stable diffusion as well but i i'm kind of saving my stable diffusion credits i have to admit it uh for one for 1.5 because 1.4 although i think i like the art better from stable diffusion i'm just going to say that i did not ever expect i would say that uh it's speaking more to me now than mid journey as it used to be the other way around the other way like i couldn't understand why people would even use stable diffusion same with dali like i have no love for dali at all i mean i've tried it um it dali i think was trained in on stock photography so what you get out of it tends to look like stock photography where mid journey and stable diffusion were were trained in a completely different gant i think they're trained in the same game actually and it does contain nudity which i don't think the mid journey team was aware of so i think they're going to go back and try and look at retraining their bot without that or stable effusion's like whatever is out there is out there i'm sure that as one of the ladies said during their their town hall the other day eventually somebody's gonna have a porn pot out there and then all those creepy people will go in on the island of their own and they'll leave us alone and then maybe the journey will relax it's it's stuff it's a shame we have to do that but yeah anyway so these have gone through the uh the um gfp gan so i did a video on that that fixes the the face and straightens things out because it's trained on humans right um yeah it's it's just fixes all but it's not quite working real well [Music] the other thing that you have to do is you have to upsize it so this is this is now up sized using uh e um the um what's it called esr gan so there's one called real esr gan again it's a free one that you can use um in um in one of the collab notebooks or again if you're using something local i'm not gonna i'm be laboring the point here you guys are probably bored all right so let's work on one of these let's work on what's working that's got a problem right this one is a forehead just got a problem we need to fix it most of these have issues with the eyes that one's really good actually so i do as i i color code them so they're all here i just color code it so a red means it's ready to go um so i can go through here quickly and say well is this one ready to go um this one for example had trouble with the eyes this one looks good now it's not almost good see this is one of those really quick ones so let's do just take that marks off the neck um and maybe add a little bit of floweriness to it something simple um i won't belabor these but i don't like i think i think this isn't let's see let's fix let's fix a couple of these let's fix this one um let's fix this one these are because these are all super super easy effects and then let's do something fancy with this one okay so that'll give us three that we'll work on and i have um if i talk about this before xp pen sent me this really nice um alternative here you look at the side of my head again sent me this uh new pen tablet because my wacom was being naughty the wacom has been uh left over here on the side so it's still around my only complaint about this um is it doesn't come with the pen holder um so i still use my wacom pen holder so i can put it off to the side of my desk here it come it comes with a nice pen holder it comes with this thing but it's all it does is roll around off my desk because i'm like i don't need it so i use the wacom wacom still has a use in my life and that they get to hold the pen all right so by the way so if you're if you're a photoshop person and you're like looking at my interface going wow that's really organized where that's because i took time to turn all the stuff off that i don't use like almost everybody has their color palette up over here do you ever use it turn it off i mean your layer palette is shorter because you have the goofy colors on there i mean i use the colors but i use this plug-in called caloris this is much nicer than the one that comes with photoshop so i've been using this for years and it's nice that they still they still come along with it do i own any screen tablets i do not i have never even used one so i don't know if i'd like it or not but i'm very happy with this this type of system to me works really well someday i'll try a screen tablet someday all right so let's at least when we got open we got this one this one what i want the other one that was more interesting this one turn your rulers off too which is another thing i see people do you have your goofy rulers on turn your rulers off so uh ninety percent of the time we're going to make a copy of things before we start modifying it but um that's the other thing about this the driver tends to turn the windows ink back on which um where is it in here [Music] why isn't it working [Music] okay let's reset this thing i think i just screwed it up and by the way for all of you all you who don't own a pen tablet um i will tell you no i just configured it weird uh i will tell you that it is worth the money totally worth the money [Music] i like a smaller tablet i'm not a person who wants to sweep my arm in huge areas so i tend to like these smaller ones [Music] we want to do sorry i want the whole screen sorry i screwed myself up here pen tablet is set to an area that's too small yeah i don't like it i don't like a huge area but that's right all right so let's get back to what we're actually doing here uh so what i need to do is resize mine [Music] there we go we discovered that when the last hour in sub the jazz brings a special meeting to the show well thank you yes the the jazz is actually live i have them here in my office they're right behind me they play the same song every time that's actually epidemic sound um i use them for my channel because that's they're reasonably priced and i don't have to worry about getting stepped on with copyrights which is the bigger problem like everyone's like you should play this kind of music might you understand that that's like a work of an act of god to try and get music that doesn't get you constantly reported uh that is work i used to use video game music because video games have music in it and you're like oh well i should just be able to use the video game music because you know that anyone playing the video game on youtube is going to be using the same music so that should work right uh so the only trouble with gfp game is it really takes the life out of the face um i noticed let me go see if i can find [Music] this it should be blue there it is so i'm going to do is i'm going to bring this in and we're going to move it right on top of this one and it's obviously low resolution because this is the upgraded one but um this should still work for what i want i just want some of that original artisty texture back so look how much more interesting this is uh but it's it's kind of screwed up too so i'm gonna do is i'm gonna hold on my alt key when i select this so it turns it back off and then go and um just kind of bring back the parts that i like about it i don't want all this in here but i may just actually bring it all back and then turn the opacity of it down which i never do but that might be my my solution to this i just know the eyes are messed up so we don't want the eyes [Music] whatever the shiny thing is [Music] there's a new upsizer that i've seen that i'm looking forward to trying actually [Music] that uses the latent diffusion model and then you can bring those in and it will do the correction as well as kind of improve the image and again that's available with that that online system i'm using but um it's not quite hooked in like they kind of have it hooked in but that'll also give you a huge upscaler as well like be able to take it up like 16 times or something like that i mean i don't know why you'd want that this this is already how big is this this is um 2700 by 2000 i'll probably take this up one more time closer to 10 000 but i'm not gonna do that until i fixed it which i think it just did right uh so if we just look at there's a little mark here that's bugging me um this is all i did was i brought the original picture back and used some of that texture in the face because it just the the gfp gain took all the life out of her um like her eyes though i mean we saved those their hair as a train wreck um are there any other parts of this image that benefit from that old gan let's look here so i'm just gonna hold down shift key when i click on the mask and allows you to turn it on and off um what i might do is bring some of these flowers in here back using the old system oops i'm drawing that draw the mask with white just a little bit more of that texture back in it's almost kind of a noise though so i want to keep it off of the skin here i think a little bit [Music] anybody looking to buy a screen table you recommend the human yeah the healing i've i've heard good things about them again i've never bought one uh the other thing i want to do with this is i want to improve the eyes a little bit so we're going to go back to this one because this is the one where the eyes are um in fact we turn it's two ways to look at this we can use the the slash key above the inner key so you can kind of see what you're looking at so if you need to say oh i just need to make sure that i get the whole lip here and not like part of it like what part of the eye do i want i don't want this side of the ear here that allows me to kind of quickly see what i'm using and not using from that mask and then again that enter key that slash key but do i like those lips do i want the original lips [Music] no i think i like the nude lips better [Music] and what i want to do now is let's just put a gray layer on top of this thing shift backspace brings up the fill dialog and then it just changes to sorry it's not really a beginner level um photoshop show um been using onward read size and portrait pro i i do have um i do have portrait pro and i use it for um so i'm i'm a boudoir photographer in case you guys didn't know that that's like my full-time job so when i'm working with a client and i need to get them proof for their book i'm not going to retouch all the images from their session and then say hey which ones do you want to buy because that's a stupid way to run a business uh so what i do is i run portrait pro on those which will quickly kind of take and smooth the skin and whatever but in no way would i ever release that to a client like no client will ever receive images like that from me that's poor in my my humble opinion that's not the kind of business i want to run so i don't do that i see why i now why i took that one part of this office is too too it's blown out actually from the original yeah i think that looks better so all i did there was add a little bit of dodger burn to this you see the tiny little nuances there uh doing how to make uh correct faces to make them look more realistic no matter what you do mid-journey never gets a face correct uh again that's gonna be with the test the beta environment so i would expect that to change in the next day or two um that i mean there's leaps and bounds are being made every day on that so i would expect that to happen pretty soon okay i i actually see another problem here this is blown out right here um so that means that when it prints this will will actually leave an area where um there will be no pigment on the canvas so it'll actually leave a line and that's going to look like terrible so we're going to do is we're going to frequency separate this real quick i actually have an action for that it's down i'll link that to it down below it's free you can get it of course you can leave a donation if you want to but um it's free um i'm looking right through it here i'll just give me touching face and i gotta pick a number that works this is a tough one [Music] and they just need to fix the color in here so we're just going to paint some color don't be scared to paint on your pictures especially if you're like this because it doesn't hurt anything right i'm just going to paint in a little bit darker colors so we see there's a color here i don't want to take a life out of it but i i can't have it blown out like that that doesn't work i'm just going to scribble it on there again it's on a separate layer it's on this layer so that's why i did and then this is the texture so if we look at just the texture by the way and if you can't see it let's put a curve on it just for a second we're not going to leave the curve on it but you can use a curve to see what you're [Music] doing so if we look at the texture on this thing we can see where there is no texture right this area here has no texture we can't leave it like that i mean you can leave it like that if you're lazy but why would you do that just take it and put a texture there real quick it takes no time at all and it ups the believability of everything a lot more because the original image remember we didn't like it because it didn't have any texture so we can use that texture and you don't have to work with it like that you can work you can work with it um just like this you know if you want to leave it alone put this and put everything back on again now we can see this again the texture is now back there so [Music] so that looks much better to me than the original in fact we could actually we can actually discard the color layer here if we wanted to and keep just the texture that we introduced but um i tend not to like that it tends to look too sharp to me i don't want it to look overly sharp now people sharpen the crap out of everything and i'm not a big fan of that but again that's your art you do what you want to do this curve is nowhere needed this is a dodge and burn and i think okay so we came from there to here so that's that's the step that we made um let's save it and this goes into the masters let me give her a name which um she doesn't have a name i'm just gonna leave it the number for now okay there you go that's one done if you have any questions throw them in there i'm just working on stuff i thought we'd chat um another thing i've heard is that shows or channels that have a lot of live streams tend to lose a lot of subscribers um so i'm hoping that's not true but i need you guys to tell me if uh if you want live streams or if you want more videos you know give me give me hints as to what you want we need 603. [Music] i'm never gonna remember the name of that file [Music] 3-6 [Music] more live streams okay i've got one vote for more live streams i mean i i will obviously keep making videos as well but um i since i'm working anyway like might as well have you join me um i don't know where this one is it should be in here but it isn't [Music] and it wouldn't be in here anymore i think that's one i actually worked on and um got it done and didn't think anything about it which is why it's still sitting in this goofy state this isn't too bad the only trouble is i think your eyes are a little yellow let's fix that so that's super simple hue and saturation yellow just desaturate the yellow like a lot apparently a lot a lot and then just invert the mask on this and then just paint in what you don't want yellow [Music] what is that what is that that's unacceptable that's what that is [Music] i'm going to put some flowers or something across so we did now is we took the yellow out of her eyes [Music] i'll put this photoshop document in for the people who are the channel professionals uh so you guys have that um jasperart i have not seen that one yet i'll have to take a look at it well um mid journey the images is yours the copyright belongs to you i have let's see here floral backgrounds blooming tree branches that sounds promising these are the ones i bought off etsy i believe [Music] some well these are generating let's just try this one just for giggles and i don't want this to dominate but i do want a little bit of something so we're just going to put it over the whole thing here we go [Music] and i don't want it showing everywhere so let's use it again a mask you notice how i pick my pen up and put it down like i don't hold it all the time uh i think that's one of the mistakes that people make is they just get into holding the pen the whole damn time and it slows you down don't do that right pick it up when you need it and put it down you don't need it there's no reason for you to hold it the whole damn time in my humble opinion um i'm gonna try let's try this again but i'm just gonna take and block all this out right away because i kind of like the small flowers up front there i don't want them over chesticles [Music] yes i said the word chesticles all right so let's do a human saturation [Music] something [Music] i just want something there i think [Music] trying to make the colors match do i like that i don't i don't know they like that but i gave us time for the other ones to get done this might be interesting and hit the spacebar by the way in bridge and it goes to full screen so you can actually see kind of what you're doing yeah let's try this one [Music] that might be making me happier than this thing [Music] yeah i think i want i think i want something up here right i think i want something am i wrong [Music] it needs to be blurry whatever it is [Music] do i like that did i do anything good no i didn't but it's worth trying i'm just going to save it call it good this goes into again masters keep yourself organized give yourself some names for stuff um jasper sure loves seattle beta male grunge look yeah that is not my uh not my thing i photograph women as my 100 of my business my business model is all women um i like this one a lot let's do let's do one of these other ones that's kind of cool that that is weird i just had so much fun generating these i mean you come down in the morning and see what i made i'm like oh man i just hit the jackpot there's so many good ones in here i love this one i'm not really sure why it's just bizarre i even like the hands or whatever this is this could be what i might do is once i i can't do it online while i'm online with you guys but uh i might run this one through stable diffusion uh and tweaking the the d that's called denoising between the steps and see if i can get like other little nuances like hair or something because that might be pretty fun [Music] just looking for one of the okay let's play with this one so this did not go through the gfp gang yet let's use a quick can here let me find one hugging faces a hugging face one's still up so i'm using this this hugging face again here i'll link to this right now for you and all you just do is drag the image into it and hit submit and it'll either error out or it'll work okay so it worked so that needs to go into the gpgan folder this somehow i gotta save it as and then put it into [Music] missed [Music] [Music] this one so just again keep yourself organized and you'll be a lot happier um than people who are just like wandering all over trying to fix crap makes life hard in my mind so blue means by the way that it's done and there's a a file of it in the esr again which we're not going to do right now uh do any art that does 3d humans not yet um but they're coming i mean they are they're right around the corner in fact that people who do stable diffusion here said that next is 3d they're also doing uh 3d art but um things like metahuman you can upload your face into metahuman uh but um it doesn't do you can't do a lot with it yet [Music] yeah for the amount of time it takes to learn photoshop ai basic problem again you can learn to paint yet i actually know how to paint so i i do all of the things but i it's this is my so it's funny my job is also my stress relief like i do this for fun so even when i'm working i'm not working like this is what i this is what i do for fun so okay so we got that part we need did i do that wrong because i should have gotten the whole face back out of that correct well this must do just the face and actually that's fine because this has not been upsized yet [Music] pending find her [Music] i swear i just saw her oh right there crap i changed the color on her all right so then we go here grab her face it should line up perfectly um but it might be the wrong size so [Music] i know there's ways to do this that are quicker but i've just done this way for so long [Music] use the auto align features inside of photoshop turn snapping [Music] all right and it looks a lot crispier doesn't it maybe i don't like that gan because that gan kind of sucks that's not the picture i wanted it only gave me part of the face do i have another one [Music] i have this one [Music] this is a collab sheet though we can't really use that in here let's try it so the collab sheets i'll link to this one right now for you as well uh this is a way you can do upscales with this as well this is this one um is just for fixing the face right so i'll i did a video on this but i'll show it to you right now anyway hopefully i'm not boring everybody and you're like dudes you're already you're these ones sorry it won't take about two minutes to do and if you like this stream click the like button right that's your that's your only thing you have to do today you can also click the join button down below if you want to support the channel there's also like a super chat thing which somebody left the other day which was pretty cool like nobody ever super chats which is neat all right so upload choose our file we need to go to gfp again now we want to go to our pendings [Music] is there an easier way for me to do this yes let's go and grab the file name directly from [Music] should be sitting in pending right yeah [Music] videos are exactly what you're doing you're way ahead of me knowing where to find the tools oh awesome i appreciate that [Music] and you can by the way so this will upscale um so you see there's an upscaler here so you could upscale it to four um but now i know that colab is starting to charge um so just be aware that there might be cost involved but um i see this is a much better one so this is just the face and then we go down here and we can say now uh do the whole not just do the rest of the image so it takes the face and merges everything in and download the result there you go that's how you use that and again i put the link up there um but and it gives us a results folder like this and we want to put this into gfp [Music] now we got this working so now we can bring this into photoshop update that bad boy so this is the original here's the gp and that is so much nicer look at that it's much better than the other one we pick it's got a little bit of a line if you will but um let's take and grab this one and drag it um try which one is bigger i think they're the same size um really the same size this is uh 1400 that's bigger than this one by far so we'll just borrow um we'll borrow this as reference in here turn off your stupid rulers are you not using them okay it's so funny i teach i do coaching like i teach people photoshop i do you know all this stuff and i walk around and everybody's got their color palette open over here they never use and they all got rulers on which is just taking real estate from you all right so what we need to do is we need to get rid of this line so let's um mask that out i'm just going to allow this to blend good enough we don't need to be perfect i mean you can't even tell where it is anymore so good enough now do we like anything else about the original face let's see [Music] uh no i well maybe i think i like the texture a bit so let's um let's do this a different way let's take and um frequency separate this first [Music] and we'll just borrow the texture part of it [Music] i don't want it in a lot of places but [Music] so let's see this is first of all let's mask out the part that we don't want yeah this whole problem with this area here right the hair and i like the rest of this so we'll leave unless it's uh no it's much better after it rains look at that gan did a lot of work didn't it although i kind of like this um we do have this line up here [Music] makes a line away around the edge it did not do the world's best job of blending it back in didn't it i'm noticing that a little bit but no one's gonna notice if we're strategic about that that looks good to me um but maybe i want texture on just the face so i'll take this and mask this out and again bring the face texture back in here just the original texture [Music] again see what you can do g'day goodbye you guys get to endure my awesome uh my not so awesome accents [Music] all right so that looks pretty decent so we got some texture back even though the gan fixed the face we needed the texture back that looks nice let's dodge and burn this a little bit while we're here okay we're just going to use a white and just kind of go and pop this a little bit more and maybe underneath the eye just inside the iris we don't want to i don't don't whiten the eyes whites like anybody tells you to do that just turn the channel off so many people who don't know what they're doing and they have videos out there it's just wow i mean they teach this stuff nationally so like i actually do this again i coach people i do a lot of not that i know everything either i can i still attend conferences as a person who learns so this is where we started this is where we ended [Music] okay let's um say this goes into this needs to be up sized yet um so i'll throw it in the esr gan folder and i know that i'll have to change it at some point i want to add a little bit of light there maybe maybe [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] i think this set was a hundred but i use it a lot a lot a lot [Music] we're looking for artistic happy accidents right now right [Music] i like that okay how about the rest of the image we do [Music] i love curves there's somebody in here the other dave said they never used curves before i'm like wow you are missing out curves are probably the most powerful tool in photoshop next to the patch tool patch tool is my is my other favorite one i use that a lot but and i got a ton of use out of that curve let's go see if there's a channel that's got a nice contrast to it [Music] get another mask on a mask and we'll turn this mask black [Music] actually um played with stable diffusion on your local computer yes that's actually where this came from this is a stable diffusion from local [Music] i i do use the website as well but in truth as i said earlier i'm waiting uh to spend my my my credits kind of uh on 1.5 but i've already paid like i already i already gave them some money i love what they're doing you're going to hear me say that a lot like i already support the guy who does the stable diffusion the local branch i already donated to him too like the dude's doing work and he's saving me money so i can give him five bucks a month or whatever which is what i gave him i mean i've spent five bucks a month in dumber ways in my life that's for sure i've probably done that this week in fact i know i've done it this week [Music] uh we gotta crop this one time just make sure there's nothing leaky outside yeah there's something up there and let's rasterize this oh that's all local that looks good and let's do a color grading on top of this whole thing see or maybe do a color grading see if there's something we like again this is just rolling around to see what's interesting if not we have to keep it i'm looking for inspiration i like this one a lot for down here quite a bit actually um i like that one even better i always love this one it's just what's wrong with me i love that one that one's good too i think i like that one so what i'm going to do is i'll borrow that one but we're not going to use it over the whole thing we're just going to use it over part of this [Music] just over the bottom here i was looking for something that would add more richness to this area here and i think i just found it and i don't like that over this at all just over the bottom [Music] this has to be under that curve all right well if it's under the curve then can i actually go and paint on this end i wonder [Music] just trying i don't like it here though i want the middle to be free so i'm just yeah i hate vignettes so you'll never me see me do a vignette on something i actually despise them [Music] now let's throw let's see if there's a texture we can put on this too just for fun so everybody who you donate to this channel um at the supporter level or better you get a texture from me every month i'm actually working on yours uh tomorrow probably today or tomorrow it's uh clouds so i got a really great cloud texture i've got nearly done um so every month you get uh where am i going you get textures from me for supporting the channel and i've been working on these for a while so for even five bucks you get to download all of them so even if you just wanted to donate for one month you still get all this stuff but i make one every month and i put it up here sometimes i do more than one a month and i do interesting ones like say there's this one which looks kind of boring but if you look at the other the other version of it it's it actually has more of the impasto from the actual uh product do only members get a reply dodge and burn oh sorry no i was not looking over at the texture and type uh i did some dodge and burn back here um i just did it on this gray layer this is my dodger burn [Music] see i did a little bit on the lip and it's just very boring dodge and berms that's all i did there so let's just use this one texture here again these are all in here for you guys or for the channel supporters channel sponsors or hire but you have to send me your email address because in a way for me to get it at google's stupid about the way they've done this where i have no way to get in contact with you so i can't get you i mean i know why they do it but it's still frustrating [Music] i'm just kidding you're awesome well i didn't see your dad didn't see your thing so i felt bad all right let's rasterize this thing and blur it a bit you can't have you or you shouldn't have this texture wrecking the picture see this is like all banding this out because the texture is so much sharper than the image in fact i might actually wait on this step until after i i upscale it which i can't do um while we're in here because it'll break but uh this so we came from here that's what we actually this is not even what we started with because we did apply the can to this so i think that's a nice change uh there's a um i think that's a good question it's uh just my name so it's scott.weller plus photo gmail.com i'll put it in the chat here [Music] plus youtube actually [Music] loving all the content well thank you i'm hoping that you guys are using this and and making some awesome art with it and fixing the art you're making so that it doesn't suck as much as everyone else's does so that's the other difference i think i'm trying to impart here is that you know we are all more or less equal now right and then we all have the same tools but it's like everybody who's got a camera right now which is you know hey look i got a camera right here um what am i doing to to differentiate myself around from the rest of the world and uh as a photographer i have to do something different well now you have the same problem everyone else in the world can make this great art but and it's a little broken and i'm actually okay with that because the second it's no longer broken for everybody means that they don't have to learn the skills that you're learning now and obviously there's a lot of things we're doing here that we don't have to do and most people will not do but if you're trying to differentiate yourself in a world full of artists well we're doing that right now aren't we so anyway i have um so many of these to work on say these are my pendings there are 284 images in this directory alone um and i've got some that i love and some that i are almost perfect like this one i really like but i get rid of whatever that hair is so i let this thing run um and i have no idea what i'm gonna get like some of these i haven't even looked at yet they they've run um when i was at lunch and uh these are cool uh i think that one's a nude won't show that one i think what the hell is going on here people but this all this this other stuff going on this allows me to kind of sneak in like we should do that next um i'll probably do it on the next live stream i'm a big hp lovecraft fan so we put a sneaker like an elder sign or something in here again make a meat piece of art this one we worked on last time uh so this one should actually color blue because it's got a different um it's done this one's also done so again blue ones red ones are pending or like i'm gonna work on next and then blue ones are ones that i've already done these are already done i did do a video i did not release the video um let me show you that because that's kind of cool i'm going to show you guys how to do these um as i um [Music] as a tutorial but i haven't made that tutorial yet um and i'm not releasing well you know i'll give you guys that since you guys are special i'll give you this link [Music] so what i did is this i took uh 250 looks [Music] i'm doing there is uh is uh taking hang on a second let me turn this music off here what i'm doing is i'm taking all the different looks and adjusting the seeds minorly each time and letting it re-roll so you see the face is pretty much the same but if i want to adjust different things i can grab a different face and go well this is really the face i was looking for i can find it but i just let this thing run i think oh i'm gonna make this an animated video and that's what i did so kind of a cool way to look through stuff and find an image you really like i see every so often even turns her head sideways like this is weird but i'll put that down there if you guys want to watch that at a really loud volume again sorry about that um i'm good nova i'm good i did a bunch of these too which i really like the look of here some of these i really love and some i don't i don't love like i love this one love this one i kind of want to make that into a big old something or other like something can hang on the wall and i love this one too really love that's just so gorgeous let's work on that real quick since we're in here and this will be the last one so you guys have been been troopers for hanging around with me today i appreciate that texture so let's go get some flower petals because that's what we need uh work with ui and graphics design on the side i have no idea where to start with this yeah i used to be um a ui designer as well so and i was a sql evangelist for microsoft actually so i'm very technical but i love this way better we want pedals we want petals and this is sort of the wrong way so i'm looking at it backwards um we use fabric and petals and we want um let's go with pink ones pink i'm looking for one one particular on this one i think uh yeah this is what i want here just gonna grab one of these and bring it in here okay now obviously the wrong color and i don't care about that because we can go we can fix that we'll just saturate this thing a lot and then and a lot like saturated a bunch when you're shifting stuff so you can get an idea of what color it actually is going to be no matter colorizing actually like i need to be really red i guess you're doing the same prompt styles for the portraits images in sd and zoom in journey uh most of the time yes but i have a lot more luck with sd right now in truth stable diffusion gives me a much better answer most of the time uh so i've been really focusing on that uh which i was not a big firm believer in initially i did not think that it was a better product but i don't know it's a better product it's a different product but it's one that i've i've certainly started to appreciate more that's for sure so i'm getting a lot more out of out of sd right now than i am out of the other one my journey i'm using both um obviously but um let's try to figure out where she leaves i like which petals i like here kind of hard to tell like that it blended in so well but these these can't exist because they would be um in front of her which can't happen uh they wouldn't be blurry and be in front of her right so that doesn't work let's do that and then we need to blur this layer a little bit okay what else do we want yeah with this d being free but if even i mean i'm paying for both right but i'm using the free one not because it's free i'm just getting better images out of it right now now that's going to change obviously when uh when this shifts up to the next version i hope i'm a big fan of of everybody winning right now like i'm giving my money to all these players because um to me it doesn't matter who you give to like you are helping the cause more or less so um giving giving money to these people means that it's stuff's gonna get done faster and we're all gonna be happier about it so um i don't mind giving giving money i've got the money to give to them why would i not donate a little bit at least that's my my humble opinion let's use this mask um let's do it oops let's do a group here and then we'll use this mask in the group as well put these things in the group um yes it is it is uh yeah it's free if you run it locally um which is not hard to set up i'll do a video on that um but you do need some hardware right it's not gonna work on the simplest pc uh it's it does take some hardware um these are pedals not leaves and these are pedals this one's called click click click like button now take a drink all right and i want more more like button ones right but we don't want these in the same place so we'll detach this part here and now we can move it around let me spin it i don't like the ones behind your hand here either um what type of hardware do you need um i run a 3080 nvidia you need an nvidia card by the way so an amd card you're pretty much like gonna have not a lot of options out there nvidia is really the the the powerhouse you need for that so if you don't have an nvidia card you're kind of screwed i mean there are solutions out there for you but um yeah so a 3080 would be what i would recommend um or 30 90 if you got the money um the 24 gig of video ram is really gonna help you i have 10 gig of video ram and i have uh i have no problem making a 768x540 image that works that's perfect for me and i'm happy with that size because it's reasonable for me to work on it this way um and it's easy for me to esr gan it up so um that's fine yeah i pay 50 bucks a month from my journey as well and i don't use a ton of it um let's see we got here yeah i've used i have i have 100 of my time left i haven't used any of the fast time i work in relaxed private mode only so i don't have to um deal with any i can just basically make unlimited images which is awesome but i got some idiots in here they just keep putting their these spam stuff in here it drives me actually nuts um anyway let's put a texture on this thing and then i think we'll be good textures let's do dust to find a dust keeping yourself organized this is so critical don't be lazy about it um dust in particles um dust no that's actual dust i don't want that particles this is actually snow i took pictures of outside of my house uh let's go in here this is what i'm looking for these overleaves by the way are listed down below uh there's a sense if you want these overlays i think it's things are on sale now right now for like 39 bucks for um like 1500 overlays of which about maybe a quarter of them are or are any good but it's still a quarter of them it's uh a decent um decent thing i use this thing ever well you know if you watch the stream you probably use i probably use this every single stream like i use this tool a lot there you go we're gonna put this all over the top and put it on my screen and then we can put a curve on it and decide if we want just on it and not on her face that is the wrong one right there not up here like what the hell did i do there we go so now the curve is everywhere except on her face do do i love that that do anything positive i don't think that did let's get rid of that and don't be married to some sort of thing uh the overlays are listed down below in the video description um uh let me find it for you um overlays here it is there those are the overlays so um again i use them freaking constantly and now let's throw a color look up on this just for fun i can make my own color lookups too by the way i just haven't i like that first one already i like that one yeah a bunch of these are nice even that one's nice i also try and mix it up like i don't want to make like if you're on the goth stuff and you make every picture a goth thing you really limit your audience so have have a variety yes a look is a good idea but um i think you make more money if you're doing it for money or you're doing it as a love figure out what you're doing there first um because you're doing it for money you're you may not love it right and that's okay i like that one i had an architectural professor once who ripped up and burned everything we made everything he was brutal um what was that on her nose that's weird let's fix that can't have that laying around like a weird purple thing going on there she's been in the sun too much maybe that's it could be it's borrowing bits little color bits here and there that's all we did was that basically that's better we only need this part and we're gonna address this nose this goes into esr again because we need to upsize it yet and let's do a little dodge and burnout too over here it has to go under this color lookup i actually have just a gray layer um it comes up soft light i'll change it overlaying i'm pretty sure i'm going to have an ai pop yeah it's already happening the same guy who's doing stable diffusion actually has a music one out now or it's been out and it does some scary good stuff already it's like it sings it's got the lyrics it makes the stuff up as it goes it's pretty wild i was looking at that the other day i was pretty impressed i know that when i upsize this i'm gonna have other issues i need to fix i'm not going to be overly critical of this at the point at this point because i know some of this is going to have to change anyway it's going to get wrecked by the upsizert like this area here is just going to get completely beat up i don't like what i just did um you learned so much about watching me experiment yeah i mean that's kind of why doing it i figure that something you guys can like learn from me just goofing around that's how i learned right let's uh let's throw let's throw this image on top of itself in maybe because i hate vignettes right but i i like the concept of a vignette and then we can go and we can paint in part of it not down here that's too much right up here this is nice like that it's okay and it's too saturated let's do um let's do a black and white adjustment but i don't want to use it this way let's turn let's turn these off this will be an alternative so when you adjust things don't wiggle it just don't bring it up a little bit like give it a wild swing and figure out where you like it i think people do they're too careful with this stuff something uh youtube hasn't helped me stumble on your channel it's not helping me when i want to find your channel sorry i'm sorry buddy but i'm glad you made it here today we have we've had 53 people in here for a while i got 39 likes so a few of you are watching but you're you're grumpy about it i guess you're like screw that guy i'm not clicking like you know how much effort that takes it's a lot of effort to click that like button i'm not doing it okay do i like this uh i don't think i do so i'm going to get rid of this uh i'm going to try one more experiment again i'm just playing around i'm not sure i like this either but just trying things because i like it better like that right let's do one more let's do a what are we doing we got four minutes left let's do gradient map on this thing let's do um pink pink and purple let's do this one but we'll reverse it and just yeah something like that you're having dinner that's fine we forgive you anyway so there we go we didn't do a lot to that one actually we played with it a bit um her nose is kind of wonky we had to fix that i didn't notice that right away again we didn't run this through any sort of filter this is right out of stable diffusion and then we just started playing with it like i just really liked it i think like if i were going to go back and do another animation i think i'd do this one where the pedals are falling but um that's like a ton of goofing around i'm not sure i don't want to take the time to do that much goofing around with it but everybody hey thanks for hanging out with me today i hope it was fun um i have videos again i'm working on but i want to make sure i get a live stream done i'm going to be in chattanooga as i said next week so i won't probably be doing a live stream from there i'll try and get a video done i might do a story though um i'm shooting boudoir for three days i have three days of clients back and forth like we got like 12 i think all lined up so a bunch of that but if the ladies are willing uh maybe i'll do some video of that process and uh even more willing i'll take maybe some of their pictures and we can come back and we're going to um obviously using photoshop offering danny's tomorrow on the channel via mid journey but i'm saying because of photoshop good good good awesome yeah it's very hard to be noticed or photoshop on on youtube because there are literally millions of people doing photoshop channels but this is what i do for a living so it's not like hey here's a trick you'll never use subscribe this is i i have a problem i have to solve and sometimes photoshop is the problem i know what i want and i just got to get it through get through that that problem so it's a problem-solving tool that comes with its own set of problems i'm also a user of painter now uh i don't know there's a lot of corel painter users out there is this expensive it has a learning curve that makes photoshop look easy um and it's like i kind of want to use it on the channel too but i don't want to scare you guys because that is a that's a beast of a program but it's amazing so that's one we might get into we might do krita as well which i can't get to work with this tablet i mean it works but i can't see my cursor when i'm moving over menu items so i'm looking at uh the driver there or it might be a setting in creta actually because creative is weird about the way the cursor works but that's another one to try so i do want to do other post-production methods it's not just me merge me journey stable diffusion of photoshop it's everything to do with imagery at all so obviously using my clients faces and bodies in my mid journey stuff um i want to do that as well and then i also use like other products i can play with like i i use zbrush i knew zbrush pretty well um substance designer which now is incorporated into photoshop actually so we can do substance designer stuff so i might teach a little bit on that again it's all this the goal is the same of this channel is making something that visually pleasing and here's a whole bunch of tools that you can learn to do it and i'm working on i have a laser cutter too and i keep that's like my new thing because i want to touch things you know like you think about this we make these non-physical items all day long i don't get a sense of satisfaction for that so i'm working on um well here's part of it so i part of my my laser cutter pieces for my i'm making a caton board a custom katana board so i might i might put something on the channel but i also don't want to confuse the hell out of youtube um cj duncan hey buddy i'm coming to love with texas to see that man that's right but um anyway so that's what we're doing that's all i got for today i stopped talking it was an hour and a half of me goofing around so nothing super complicated easy easy me journey kind of stuff um a stable effusion and stuff so everybody thanks for hanging out with me this video will be available for about 24 48 hours or so and then it goes into the member area where all the other ones are so there's all the other ones that are again if you're a channel sponsor or better all those videos these past videos in there and there are a lot of them uh of all kinds of retouching um different stuff so different problems different things i face from the photography world or from making art um how often do i stream i stream probably twice a week i think chris probably twice a week but yeah it's just um because i was working on some animated kind of looking pictures i was like i'll just toss this in here so anyway yeah i'll see chris and uh i'll see you after after the new year yes alright guys i will uh if you're in chattanooga next week i'll see you there otherwise i'll see you online around everybody take care stay safe i'll catch y'all next time you
Channel: Scott Detweiler
Views: 5,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney, midjourney ai, midjourney tutorial, ai art, dalle-2, midjourney ai tutorial, midjourney fixing heads, midjourney face fix, creativity, midjourney getting started, ai art tutorial, midjourney beginner, midjourney guide, how to use midjourney, ai generated art, ai art generator, mid journey ai, how to use midjourney ai, ai, midjourney discord, ai created art, midjourney photoshop, photobashing, stable diffusion
Id: 5aOu5ARVU8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 34sec (5554 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 02 2022
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