Fix Faces In Your AI Artwork for free! Let's see GFPGAN to fix those MidJourney & Dalle-2 faces!

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hey everybody so if you've had frustrations with faces in dolly 2 or mid journey or any other ai software out there there's actually a really great solution out there that's free that you can use and it was used by a couple of websites that have since been kind of taken offline because they were hammered by the amount of people using the journey trying to fix faces i want to show you how to access that technology today and it's called gpfgan and it is an ai used for facial reconstruction we're going to do is we're going to use that on our own images so i took an image from a live stream i did yesterday where i'm working on kind of an ai challenge for the seven deadly sins this is a greed one that i did i'm very happy with it but i didn't like the face and by running it through gpfgan i was able to actually upsize it as well as fix the face so i want to show you all the steps involved in doing that let's go so here's an example of the faces i did yesterday from our seventh sense challenge and you can see the substantial improvement from left to right now you don't have to code or know anything about coding to do this but we are going to use a tool called google collab and that is a collaborative tool for working on ai projects or python projects i want to show you how to use that tool and it doesn't require anything more than you clicking a couple of buttons so don't freak out but this is really an elegant solution so i'll put the url down below for this you can get to it yourself and there's not a lot of steps involved and again the results are fantastic so just get used to the steps and i think you're good to go the first thing we need to do is we need to duplicate this because we may want to change it later but you don't necessarily need to to do that you would just change it to to copy it to your own google drive use file and then save a copy and drive and save your own copy and you can modify it and we're just going to use the one that's here because we really don't have to modify anything but we do need to connect it so it's going to go up and say connect to a hosted runtime and it's going to run it in the google cloud again there's no cost involved as long as you're not running a muck in here they're probably not even going to notice you're there but just keep an eye on this up here as to see whether you're connected or not so basically this is going to facial reconstruct whatever it finds in in the in the scene so this is very simple every time we see a prompt we're just going to kind of click on the play button it's that easy so right here we can see that it's going to load all this stuff into a folder we're just going to click on it and it's going to warn you that this wasn't authored by google so you just click run anyway because again it's running it in their cloud and you're going to see that it does a bunch of stuff and we're just going to let it do its thing again we're not coders or we need to code we're just going to let these people who establish this fantastic tool do its business okay through sheer luck of the draw we probably didn't draw the fastest processor in the world or at google but it took about 36 seconds to complete this first step note that every time you do this you do not need to run all of these steps again again this is a local worksheet for you and you're still connected you can just continue to feed it images over and over again with some of the steps we're going to do in a minute so don't think you're going to have to do this every time and then the next thing i'm going to do is i'm going to click on the play button for uploading images it's going to execute this code and then ask us for our file okay once this is ready we're simply going to click on choose files and upload if i would like to i'm going to use this one here see the unfortunate faces we got from dolly made me try and find another solution and this is just again much more elegant click on this one by the way large files don't tend to work very well here so if you're going to do just the face and you have a large file i'd say crop it down to just the face and use that in order to get a better solution out of this if it takes too long or is too big it isn't going to work out real well so load this in you see it's not a very large jpeg and then we would like to do is this area here if you're looking to uh use the demo images which of course we're not interested in so just skip that and then down here for the inference we'll just run that and then we're going to start to see some of the results of what it is that we've been doing here because we're going to be able to visualize these next again as soon as you see there's a green check mark next to this we know we're good to go on to the next step again we have a green check mark so 20 22 seconds and then we go down to visualize and click here and we should start to see the before and after as created by the scan and this is the whole reason why we're here because that's freaking beautiful that worked out great to fix the eyes it fixed the lip it did a fantastic job it's also going to upscale this a bit i believe by two so at the end you'll end up with a bit bigger image but it'll fix all the faces as well so this next area there will actually take and run the rest of the image through the processor so we don't want to put just the face so this is the entire image and then the gan output it may actually change other little nuances of the image as well because as it does it's upscaling but i found it to be pretty minor overall and then the last step down here is to click on plus to download the image result it will create a zip file and it'll hand it to you so the contents of the zip you'll get a results folder and inside of that you'll have the comparison which is the image you saw when i started this this uh this video and then we'll also have the faces that are cropped which is again what we saw earlier when it was the before and after and that's all it's really doing is handing you oops this is handing you the before and after of everything it generated anyway and then of course the ultimate ones under restored images would be the complete image with the real face involved so now we can take this back into photoshop if we need to and do anything else we need to do as far as borrowing this face and masking out the rest of the image or just using it as it came out but this is really nice because it's free you can use it today and it does a much better job than say dali does at trying to do things it does not fix hands though that's a big thing but i also love the fact that it can upscale the image which is pretty damn convenient let me know what you think in the comments below i think this is a lifesaver for all of us who are working in mid journey in dali and a stable diffusion for that matter that are having difficulty with faces this is a lifesaver so let me know what you think everybody take care stay safe i'll catch you next time
Channel: Scott Detweiler
Views: 63,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney, midjourney ai, midjourney tutorial, ai art, dalle-2, midjourney ai tutorial, midjourney fixing hands, midjourney fixing heads, midjourney faces, face fix, midjourney face fix, ideation, creativity, midjourney getting started, ai art tutorial, midjourney beginner, midjourney guide, how to use midjourney, ai generated art, ai art generator, mid journey ai, how to use midjourney ai, ai, midjourney discord, ai created art
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 18sec (378 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 19 2022
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