Midjourney Beginners Guide: Get Started with AI Art

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hi and welcome back to another mid-journey art tutorial So today we're going to go back to the very very Basics as to how to get started in mid-journey as it's fairly simple and fairly straightforward but we'll go through it real quick and hopefully get you started making stuff in mid-journey as quickly as possible I'm also going to include some really cool resource for you to check out later in the video so stick around for that so first we're going to go through what is mid-journey how to sign up Discord which you're going to need to have a Discord account in order to use mid-journey how to use mid Journey once you're in there some starting tips and we'll go over a quick conclusion at the very end so let's get into this so the first question is what is mid-journey and basically what mid-journey is from a high level perspective is a huge database that has all kinds of Art in there and art info so when I say art info it's like who made the image uh what kind of colors are in there what kind of objects are in the image uh what kind of style is the image made in is it a photograph or an oil painting Etc just thousands and thousands of little bits of information that can help the AI understand what that image actually is and then above that is the AI layer which basically takes your text commands and converts it into things that the AI can understand and help you get help it understand what you want and get you back an image that best suits your requirements now that's basically what mid-journey is from a very high level makes text images very easy for artists and non-artists alike now the geekier version is you know a headless data structure that uses machine learning algorithms in a generative adversarial Network to do text image transformation if you guys want a better explanation on the geeky side please do let me know because I love that stuff and I'll most certainly be happy to join into it all right so one now that we understand what mid-journey is and basically how it works the next step is joining mid-journey now it's pretty simple you go to midjourney.com and it has a very Matrix looking kind of interface on there and there's a button there it says join the beta you click on that you fill out a quick little form and then it will send you a confirmation email in that confirmation email will be a link allowing you to join the mid-journey Discord that's pretty much it you then go to the Discord and you start making art so how do you go about doing that well what you do and I'll bring this up here real quick is when you go to the mid-journey Discord this is what you'll see you will see all these various rooms in here and what you're going to do is you're going to go to one of these rooms that starts with General Dash and then the numbers you can see there's 20 different ones and what these are are these are just playgrounds where you can go in and play with mid-journey now one of the things that I highly recommend I'm going to scroll all the way to the bottom here actually you know what one of the things you can do when you have a mid journey is you can sign up for a full account and one of the things I've paid account allows you to do is it allows you to create your own Discord server and then import the mid Journey bot into that Discord server so because there's a lot of people using this I just want to cut down on the noise a little bit here so if I'll go over to my own personal server here one of the first things you want to do when you go into one of those General mid-journey chat rooms is you want to go slash settings and then press enter once and then press it a second time now what that does is it brings up several default settings that you can use now these default settings are you can change at any time but in order to keep you from having to type them in every single time you can set them as default settings so the first line here you have the different mid-journey versions the you know version one two three and four number four is the latest version and that's what I highly recommend using as the default because that's going to give you the best photographic and realistic looking quality images that you can find now there's also knee g mode here which is kind of a super anime mode which I will explain to you in just a few moments then underneath the versions you have MJ test mg test photo half Quality Base quality and high quality now if you're using versions uh version 3 for example MJ test and MJ test photo are different settings within that particular version they have no effect on MJ version 4. then there's half Quality Base quality and high quality you're given a certain when you sign up for the free account you're given a certain number of tokens uh per month that will be used on the number of art pieces that you create Within mid-journey and you have the ability to create half quality images which will use half of your token base quality which is a one-to-one token use and then high quality which is a two to time token use uh since I have a paid account I just keep it on high quality but for most cases base quality is perfectly sufficient for anything that you need then underneath that you have styles these Styles as you can see are currently grayed out because they only currently work with MJ version 3. um if you want to play around with MJ j3 the Styles basically is how much mid-journey adds to the image you know how much Freedom it takes from your commands to add stuff to edit thanks you might also like to see and then underneath that you have the upscaling options you have regular upscale light up scale and beta upscale basically I personally prefer light upscale but regular upscale is very good beta upscale is kinda random I've gotten really good results from it and I've gotten very bad results from it basically what the upscales do is it takes the low resolution image that you get when you do an initial image prompt and we'll show that I'll show you that in just a moment here and it increases the resolution and gives you a bigger image for example the base image might be 256 pixels by 256 pixels by using one of the upscales it can upscale it to 1024 by 1024 or I believe the betop scale will go to 1048 by or 2048 by 2048 giving you a much bigger image but it's kind of in beta so you may not always get the best results and then the bottom line here you have a few more settings you have public mode and private mode so what those do is if you're in one of those public channels for creating your art and you click on uh private mode all the things that you type in only you see them but if it's in public mode that means everybody sees them now there's some pros and cons to this if you're trying to be trying to make money off of uh mid-journey you may not want people seeing the prompts that you use and that's perfectly fine but public mode allows everybody to see the prompts and everybody learns from everybody else and the art quality gets better and better and better the uh so there's a balance between public mode and private mode then there's remix mode remix mode when you make a variation of an image which we'll go over in just a moment here you can add things to that command prompt which will make slight tweaks to the images that you are generating then there's fast mode and relaxed mode again for the Freer version actually for any other versions you get a set number of tokens that you can use on generating the images if you're using fast mode you use tokens if you use relax mode you're not using tokens so the and the difference in speed is let's say you're creating something on fast mode you may get an image back within a minute to Min half whereas with a um with the relaxed mode it may take three or four minutes so it's not really that big of a difference but one you'll eventually run out of tokens I have to pay for more the other one you won't run out of tokens and you'll just be able to continue uh to keep on making art so that is the settings in there now before we get in to prompts I want to show you a couple quick tips on how to do prompts better now when you go over to the mid-journey website uh right here for example the first tab that you're going to come to is your Home tab now what the Home tab does is it shows you all of the generations that you've been creating um and so you can see what it is you've done in the past now if there's something here and you forgot what prompts that you're using you can hover over it and then go to uh click on the little three dots go up to copy and you go to copy prompt and what that will do is I will copy the exact prompt that you used to create this particular image or you can double click on it or click on that particular four section and it will show you what prompt you used as you can see here I use the prompt humans can exist without AI can AI exist without humans and this is a type of image that spit back which I thought was kind of cool now you can use this as a base to make you know add extra prompts to change some things around get different results the other thing that this website is very good for is if you go to the Community Feed this shows you all the images that other people are creating these are the ones that they did in public mode so they can show up here and people can vote on them and as you can see there's some really stunning pieces of artwork here that people are creating now if you're just starting out you may go oh my God how did they do this image here and again just like before you can click on it there and it will show you the exact prompt I was using now you can either copy and paste it this way or you can go to the three buttons and go copy full command and it will allow you to paste that into Discord and create an image that is similar to this so it gives you a good way of uh understanding what different prompts do now what I typically do is I have a Word document where I keep a lot of the prompts that I've used in the past just so I can revisit it and modify it and play around with different prompts that I know that I've used and that I like so that's another another thing that you can do now on here we also have uh new which this shows this shows art that has been generated by people uh pretty much in real time so you can see what the community is doing again these are only images that people have done in the public mode and then the top one shows what the community is thinks is some of the best images that mid-journey has put out recently and as you can see some of the images here are chest amazing and again you can do the exact same thing here you can go three dots copy full command and then paste that into Discord and create something very similar to what you see here now let's go back to Discord and I'll go through a couple quick little things so for example I did one here where I typed in Monkey wearing a hat and then mid-journey put in these three prompts on the end and now those are based off of my settings so what these mean is Q2 means I'm doing a high quality image and when I upscale an image which I'll show you here in just a moment I am using the light version of the upscaling and then the dash dash V4 means I'm using version 4 of mid-journey so since we typed in Monkey wearing a hat this is what was returned to us and as you can see it gave me exactly what I asked for now let's say number three here I want to get an upscaled version of that I would click on u3 and that would use that light version of the upscaling to give me an upscaled image and then there's V3 and what I could do with V3 is this the v stands for variation and because I was using the remix mode when I click on that it comes up with this right here so for example if I want to say monkey wearing a green hat it will then say okay fine you want a monkey now wearing you want that same monkey but you want with a green hat or something very very similar to that monkey and you want uh it wearing a green hat not a problem so when I upscaled it this is what was returned an upscaled version of that monkey so what you could do is you can click on this open original link down here and what that will do is open that image into another tab just like this and then once it's in this other tab you can just simply right click on it save image as and save the image to your hard drive so you can use it in whatever other applications you want to use it in now we also did that variation of the monkey with a green hat and this is what it returned as you can see we have that basically that same monkey with a green hat there's some minor tweaks here you can see the arms in a different position on some of them the expression is slightly different the face structure is a little bit different on some of them but it's generally the same monkey in a same type of hat but green now one of the things that is something you want to take into consideration is mid-journey does some odd things when you call out a color for example the green hat one of the things that mid Journey does is it likes to go overboard on that it says oh you want green hat that means you want pretty much everything else to have some green in it as well so it puts Green in the background it puts some green in its fur it puts green pretty much everywhere it thinks it can get away with it now you can combat this by saying green hat brown fur and it will do its best to sort out the two and say okay first Brown hats green and try not to mix the two now it probably will and you have to do re-rolls a whole bunch but that's what generally happens now speaking of re-rolls how do you re-roll an image or what does re-rolling mean so basically if I go up here back to our original image of monkey wearing a hat and I say you know what this is kind of what I want but I'd like to see some different options I can click on this little uh icon here at the end here with the two arrows going in a circle against each other this is called the re-roll icon so if I click on that what happens is it will go down here and it will create a new uh prompt just like if I typed in slash imagine I typed it in again it's just saves you the uh saves you the trouble of having to retype in a prompt you can just click on that re-roll and it will give you four new images so as you can see here what it's doing is it's returning us four different images of a monkey in a hat and there we go we have four new images of four different monkeys in different hats so if you didn't like the first four it gave you you click on that reroll button it'll give you another four now I also mentioned niji I'm sure I'm mentioning that correctly but if I did Monkey in a hat and then I did Dash Dash niji or Nichi no space there so dash dash n i g j i that will bring up an anime mode of that same prompt so as you can see here we got monkeys and hats but everything's done in an anime style so if you like anime using dash dash niji will get you some really cool results in that particular style now I've thrown a lot at you today and I'm going to wrap this up real quick but before we wrap this up I wanted to show you one more resource that's out there and the resource is called promptomania.com I'll be sure to include the link down below and then either the description or possibly the first comment on this video as well but promptomania.com when you go to the website you go it's basically it's free free resource and I highly recommend it you you come to the website click on where it says prompt Builder then you click on mid-journey and let's say we're going to do let me just get rid of this real quick okay we're gonna do a monkey in a hat right what you can do in here is you can go through these different types of medium like for example art medium do you want to be a drawing do you want it to be a storybook illustration so I chose drawing and just back up here okay so art medium yeah drawing pencil ink chalk paint Etc so let's say I want it to be in a carving right I can then see because I have the face chosen up here I can then see what a face would look like if I chose wood carving so let's add that here with the little plus sign here and as you can see up here at the top it builds the prompt for me image slash imagine or slash imagine prompt monkey in the Hat comma wood carving and I've got a basic idea as to what it looks like then I can go scrolling down to other types of things like for example camera if I want different film types I can click on that and it will give me an idea as to what that image will look like if I chose let's say Kodak gold 200. right it then adds it up here to the prompt and we can continue going down through each one of these I'm not going to go through every one of them today because we'd be here for a while not I think this video has gotten long enough as it is but I strongly encourage you to go to this website play around with it get a good idea as to some of the types of prompts that are here there are literally hundreds and hundreds of different prompts for you to play with but these are not all the props they're constantly coming out with new prompts the AI is understanding new things all the time but this will give you a great platform to learn from and then expand your knowledge going forth so for example if we take this prompt monkey in a hat dot uh Slash comma wood carving comma Kodak gold 200. and we go back over here to Discord and I'm going to paste that in there I have no idea what this guy came up with but within just a few seconds we went over there we create a basic uh set of prompts we copied them bring them over here in the Discord and we'll see what this comes up with okay so as you can see here we got four wood carved monkeys with in a hat using the Kodak uh gold film style it's a very interesting kind of look but if this is what you were going for that that's how you would achieve it and as I said these things play with the prompts you learn so much from not only playing with the prompts but using mid-journey to look at the prompts that other people used in order to achieve different looks and feels here you can then modify them to fit your particular needs and you can also use the promptomania.com system to learn about even more prompts let me just go through and wrap this up real quick with some final things to go on now for some tips don't try using mid-journey for adult images if you use it too many times you can and will get banned from their system that's not fun it'll give you a few warnings saying we don't use this term you know trying to get around it could cause you to be banned the first few times it might just say you're banned from using the system for five minutes or so or something longer but if you continuously do it it will just ban you outright from the system the second thing is use the re-roll button a lot because the more you see the more inspiration you have for things that you actually want the system to do and when you're typing in prompts it doesn't matter if the prompts are an uppercase or lowercase it gets converted to lower case when it's fed to the system so it doesn't really matter whether you enter in uppercase or lowercase experiment with prompts and have fun while you're doing it and then there's some basic prompts here that I just wanted to go over real quick there's anime style which is a prompt Nija which it the difference between Nija and Anime there is some differences so I would recommend playing with both of them just so you can see what each one of them does the dash dash no blemishes this one is if you're doing faces and that puts stuff on the cheeks or on the nose which it commonly does you can put the dash dash no blemishes at the end of your prompt line and it should remove most that stuff that it puts on the cheek perfect hair perfect hair is a great little prompt to play with and we'll get you some interesting results then there's photography which will basically tell us mid-journey that you are using uh what you want to have returned to you is a photograph you don't want to be a sketch you don't want to be a wood carving you don't want to be anything other than a photograph so that helps it determine what kind of medium you want to see another one is like oil painting if you want to return an oil painting to you put comma oil painting and it will know that you want to see an oil paint you don't want to see a photograph or a wood carving you want to see an oil painting and then finally uh one of the other ones that I recommend playing with is uh putting comma by and then a list of your favorite you know a single favor favorite artist or a list of favorite artists so for example if you want an oil painting by uh Monet or a drawing by Escher or some of the fun things is an oil painting by Monet and Escher so it can take the two artists different styles combine them together and give you something completely unique so it's well worth playing with the types of artists out there there's lots of resources for different types of artists maybe I'll touch on them in the future but it's something that you'll want to play with and then of course promptomania.com which has hundreds of different prompts that you can see and use and you know using your artwork generation I hope that that has been useful to you uh if it has please feel free to let me know by the liking and subscribing and sharing this video to all your friends and family Etc and I hope you enjoyed it and as always I wish you a pleasant day have a great one everybody bye bye
Channel: AI John
Views: 6,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai art, midjourney, ai art generator
Id: RoCvpW_2Uus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 52sec (1612 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 05 2023
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