Midi Keyboard Setup in Logic Pro X

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hey what's going on guys in this quick video  i want to show you how to set up your midi   keyboard inside the logic pro so the midi keyboard  i'm going to be setting up today is an m audio   keystation 61 mark iii but this will be the same  process despite what midi keyboard you are using   it is just a case of changing a preset which we'll  talk about in just a moment so when you first plug   in your usb cable into logic pro it should work  straight out of the box in terms of playing notes   and sounds but if we focus on the transport  section we'll find that they don't work as they   should so it's playing a note rather than the  function itself and this is what we need to fix   so in order to go and do that the first thing we  want to do is come up to logic pro in the top left   hand corner right there and we're going to go down  to control surfaces first of all and down to set   up so going back a few updates ago we used to have  a section over here on the left hand side of all   the perimeters in there that we needed to change  that isn't there automatically anymore so if you   guys aren't seeing that i'll show you how to get  that back in a minute as it is really important in   order to get this to work but before we do that i  just want you to focus on this new tab right there   so if you tap on that and hit that install button  will be presented by all these templates inside of   here so you may have to a bit of research or maybe  go to your manufacturer website or manual to find   out which one of these you need with logic pro but  for anybody that is using a m audio key station   we need to set that up using the mackie designs  mackie control right there so once you guys find   which one it is that you need along here you  just simply add that and we can just close this   box there because we no longer need it so at the  moment we can't do anything with this because we   don't have the perimeters on the left hand side  so we can double tap it we can try and delete it   it just won't do anything so in order to get this  to work now we need to come back over to the left   hand side at the top and this time we're going  to go to preferences over to audio and all the   way over to the right hand side to where it says  advanced so once you tap on that you've got all   of these here and the one that you need to make  sure that is checked is that control surfaces   one right there you can enable all of these  if you want that's entirely up to you but if   you don't then just make sure you've got control  surfaces checked for me i'm just going to enable   them all and i'm just going to close that so  if we come back and we close this now and we   come back to logic pro again back down to control  surfaces back to setup there's all our parameters   that i was talking about so now we've got these  all we have to change in all of this are these   two top ones right there the output port and  the input port so for the m audio ok station   it will appear here yours may have a different  name providing what you're using so for the output   we need just the usb midi and for the input we  need to make sure that says transport and that   is all you have to do and it will work from there  so if we close that now and we just hit the notes   and now our transport should work with the  play button straight away you can see it's   moving the playhead we can hit stop to stop stop  again to go back we've got the record button and   stop we've got these buttons here  that can scroll through the tracks   and if you hit that one there it will make  them bigger or smaller by zooming in and out   and our volume will work as well for  some reason it doesn't seem to move   on the screen as you can see it did used to work  i'm not sure why it doesn't anymore but if we play   a sound sorry i've just got to go back up to that  piano at the top there so we've got a sound loaded   you can see that it's working  and as we adjust the volume   it gets quieter all the way down and we've got no  sound at all so you can see that is working also   so i hope this helped you guys out if it did then  please give me a thumbs up as it makes all the   difference and hit that subscribe button if you  want to see any future logic pro videos by myself   but for now have a great day and  i'll see you in the next video
Channel: MJW Media Studios
Views: 176,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Logic Pro x midi setup, logic pro midi keyboard, logic pro x setup midi controller, midi keyboard setup, midi controller logic pro x, logic pro x setup, M-audio Keystation MK3, midi keyboard, logic pro, Midi keyboard controller, Logic Pro x, M-audio Keystation, midi controller, Logic pro x setup midi keyboard
Id: 61dxpeEV3AU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 37sec (277 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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