Logic Pro X Tutorial - Everything You Need To Know For Beginners

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Logic Pro X tutorial in this video I'm going to break down everything you'll need to know about Logic Pro X whether you're a music producer or a singer-songwriter like myself I'm going to break this video down into sections so you can reference the video at a later time or come back to it whenever you want whenever you have questions about Logic Pro X also feel free to leave them in the comments and I'll be sure to answer them let's get right into this video though Logic Pro X tutorial here are the sections we're going to cover in this Logic Pro X tutorial we're going to do a quick lesson on the general layout and main view of Logic Pro X we're going to get into the loop library and all the sounds that Logic offers we'll talk about how to set up an audio interface recording with microphone like your guitar or your vocals and then we'll get into recording with MIDI and software instruments how to use the loop browser and drum machines well build a song arrangement from scratch we'll talk about some helpful shortcuts to make your a session in Logic Pro X more effective and efficient and then we'll export our song Arrangements as an mp3 so we can listen to it later on just a quick mention I put a free download link to my Logic Pro X tutorial session that I'm going to go through right now and it has this song arrangement that we'll make - so if you want to follow along with that you can download it for free there is a link in the description so let's get started with this Logic Pro X tutorial the Logic Pro X application lives in applications inside our Mac finder window so let's go to a Mac Finder window under applications and reference Logic Pro X here when we double-click Logic Pro X we're going to get this window and this window is just asking us what type of project we want to start because we're not getting into the more difficult or advanced topics of Logic Pro X yet we're going to keep it simple and just start an empty project so click empty project and then the button on the bottom right here choose the next window we get Logic Pro X is asking us what type of track we want to start is it a software instrument audio drummer external MIDI guitar or bass to keep it simple we're just going to start audiotrack which is already highlighted in blue for us don't worry about the audio input and audio output sections yet we're going to cover out how to do this in another section so just click at the bottom right here at create now this is what a Logic Pro X empty window looks like and if you have Logic Pro X you've probably already seen this before let's just go over a couple of the main icons just so we can get comfortable with it just to note here you can reference that you can see this green bar popping up left to right that's because I have a microphone plugged into the computer and as I talk it's referencing my voice don't worry about that right now we'll get into that in a different section let's talk about some of these main icons the first icon I want to mention is this question mark here which is an information bar and this is super helpful at the beginning it also can be quite annoying so you can turn it on on and off depending on how you feel but this button is a Help button so if you hover over anything it's going to give you a little bit of information to tell you what it is for example even this play button or this metronome here it literally will give you a bit of information on anything you're looking for inside Logic Pro X so I do recommend just to keep this on for the first few weeks as you're getting your feet wet with Logic Pro X just because it's going to give you a lot of information but yes it can get annoying because it does put a little yellow pop-up on everything so you can turn it on and off as you please let's do a quick left-to-right pan on the Logic Pro X window and we'll touch on all these main icons very quickly this first is the library icon and this is where it hosts all the Logic Pro X preset channels and not to worry too much about that right now but let's just give a quick example if I wanted to sing some songs and record my voice in this audio channel I could use a preset vocal that Logic Pro X is giving me to make my vocal sound better maybe it's a bit more crisp as a better EQ and I could pick any of these preset vocals that Logic Pro offers me bright vocal classic vocal compressed vocal dance vocal so I don't have to have much knowledge on how to compress a vocal or EQ a vocal because I already have these nice presets that Logic Pro X gives me so this is great if you want to do something quick or you don't really want to get in too deep on becoming an engineer yourself the next icon on the left here is our inspector button when we click that another window will open right here this window is a bit more detailed and I can just click the library button here just to expand that in to get a bit more space so as you can see this yellow thing is going a bit crazy so I'm just going to poke it off there now this inspector window gives us all the information that we need that is in reference to the track that is highlighted so we only have one track here called dance vocal and it's highlighted and so that means all of these little blue things are all the effects that are on this one dance vocal so remember when we were in library let's go back to library and let's just change it our dance vocal to a classic vocal you'll notice that these blue things have changed keep your eye on them again and I'll change it to bright vocal they're changing again because they're in reference now to bright vocal and so don't worry too much about these and what they do you can click on them and see that each little effect here has their different things going on don't get too overwhelmed right now let's go back to a simple just straight audio vocal with no effects and how we'll do that is you just want to go up to right here where it says bright vocal and we'll go down to reset channel strip now we're on a vocal with no effects as you can see in our inspector window no effects all it has now is an audio tab that we can go up and down and you can see that right over here this is also going left and right when I put this volume tab going up and down so it has our volume tat of the audio coming in the volume tab of the audio going out stereo out oops stereo out and that's all we really need to know for the inspector window right now let's click these two off to make some more space here we have our question mark information bar and here we have our toolbar menu this just goes up and down here with extra toolbars that could be valued to you when you get it a little bit more in the advanced sections of Logic Pro X here we have the smart controls button this will pop up a window at the bottom and will give us information on the track we have our mixer window this pulls up a big window from the bottom and gives us a big view of all the tracks that we have inside our project and then we can just put up the volumes up and down to mix the track and also we can go to the effects on each track and tune those as needed let's click the mixer off here we have an editor's button and this is going to pull up a window from the bottom as well and this is where we can do some quick cutting and copying and pasting of the track and we get a nice zoom in view of that here's a simple fast or sorry rewind fast forward stop play record button and a cycle button this button is quite useful when we want to loop tracks and hear them over and over again I'll get into this a bit later here we have our main project window and I usually like to go the drop down here and do a beats project large this is something simple and not too much to worry about now a good thing to note though is the tempo and then right now our tempo is at 120 we can double click on this and change your tempo to 90 if we want a slower song changing the song tempo is really helpful when we start working with drum tracks and loop browsers and I'll get into this in a later section let's get into the next three icons quickly replace button tuner and solo tracks I'm going to skip over these because you probably won't need to use them very much and I'll show you a better way to do them later on counting and metronome these two buttons are very helpful when you start recording because it will help you be able to count in so you know when to start playing your guitar for example also the metronome button when you have it on and it's purple that means you'll be able to hear the click metronome in your headphones when you're recording obviously the master volume slider which is a great tool but you can also raise and lower at the master volume on your audio interface or your computer as well next few icons is a list editors button not a very important icon just for beginners notes and I think this is really great for songwriters because you can start writing your lyrics on the side here songwriting session next icon is loop browser now is really great because Logic Pro X comes with hundreds of loops that you can use to start writing songs or start making music right away so example we have this 12 bar blues bass and you can go up to the top instrument genre descriptors to find loops that are right for you we're gonna get into more of this later and the last icon is obviously your media and files and project space or if you want to upload other audio from GarageBand or iTunes for example and put that into your Logic Pro X session and so that's the last icon we're going to click the information bar off here and before we go on we're going to want to save our project talk a bit about the settings and then let's get into the further sections of the video so to save our project we're gonna click command S on our Mac we're going to save this as Logic Pro X tutorial YouTube save and so the last thing we want to talk about is under settings and we can quickly go to settings at the top under Logic Pro X preferences or we can also click command , on our keyboard and this will bring up settings I don't want to talk about all these settings because now we're starting to get into the more advanced topics of Logic Pro X but the things I do want to mention are the output device and the input device and so the output device is where the sound is coming out of your computer and the input device is where your sound is coming in and so if you have an audio interface and you plugged it into your computer it will show up here for example my audio interface is the apogee 1 V 2 and so my 1 V 2 is the input and my output device is my built-in output because I have my headphones plugged directly into my computer right now some other popular interfaces are the scarlett for example so for example if you have a red scarlet and you've plugged it into your computer it should say scarlett here and sometimes your output device will be your scarlet as well because you could have your headphones plugged into your scarlet or you could have a pair of big studio monitors and that could be your output device so you have to ask yourself where's the sound coming in from is it coming in from your studio microphone and where's the sound coming out from this is coming up from your headphones or your studio monitors the i/o buffer size I briefly want to mention on and don't worry too much about this it's really more important as you become a more advanced in Logic Pro X but really this is the buffer size and the standard buffer size that logic products gives you is 128 so you can see with 128 selected we have eleven point four millisecond round trip and you can see if we if we move this down to 32 now it's a 7.0 millisecond trip now if we bump this up to 1024 it's a 52 bill and second trip so the higher we go the longer the latency will be so if we're recording vocals for example we want a low latency because latency means the amount of time it takes my vocal signal to get into the microphone and to start recording on Logic Pro X so we don't want a long latency because then we won't be able to hear ourselves as well if we want to hear ourselves inside our headphones don't worry about that too much but one thing to understand is the lower you go in buffer size the harder it is on your computer because you're asking your computer to do more work so a good average is 128 I'm going to go down here and click apply changes and then X settings window great now we're ready to make some music so let's get into the second section of this Logic Pro X tutorial where we talk about loop sounds and the Logic Pro X sounds and it briefly mentioned this already but in this top right icon we have this loop browser and so here we can browse all the sounds that Logic Pro X offers us and Logic Pro X gives you hundreds of sounds so we can quickly filter by genre let's say we're interested in modern R&B so right away we get all these loops here that are modern R&B and let's say we just want an instrument well actually I'm actually just looking for bass so let's click bass here so for simplicity sake let's just use this one at the top I'm going to click and then drag right over to our session and let go it's going to say the added audio file contains tempo information do you want to import this into the project you know what that's fine we can also import that and you can see our tempo was 90 but now it's 129 and if we actually wanted to go back to 90 we can go double click here go back to 90 and it's going to change the tempo of the audio track that was given to us throughout the video as well I'm going to mention some shortcuts here and there but I'm also going to put all these shortcuts in their own section at the end of the video so we can have them all in one place if you want to reference them at a later date for example we can hit spacebar right now to quickly hear what this sounds like so not so great but you know we're starting to make some progress we can also zoom in easily if you have a trackpad by doing the typical zoom or you can just go at the top right here and slide this to zoom in or zoom out so after I listen let's see we didn't like that all we have to do is click in and press the backspace button and then we've deleted that track and we can go over to the loop browser and start clicking loops so I'm just going to go quickly through some of them now see which ones I like and then I'm going to paste them into our session [Music] now remember we also filtered just base at the top so if we don't want base at all we can click out of base and let's say we just want piano let's go piano let's choose breathless piano it's quite nice so I'm going to click that and paste it into our session for this time let's not import tempo let's keep it at 90 so now we have our loop browser kind of awkwardly in this middle here we can click on it and drag it anywhere as we please alternatively we can click on it and click semicolon and that will bring the track to where the cursor is a quick way to do this if I go back whenever we press ENTER the cursor will go back to position number 1 this is a really nice quick shortcut so if you press Enter we'll go back to play head for number 1 and then then if you press Enter semicolon the track will go to 1 so that's a great quick shortcut that I use a lot to get everything back to position 1 so let's have a listen to this kind of sounds a bit creepy a bit eerie and if we don't like it we can always go to the side here and find other tracks that we might want to add in but for simplicity of the video I'm going to keep that there and then I'm gonna go look for a drum loop so what I'm gonna do to want to get to drum loops is I'm gonna want to go back to all genres and then I'm going to want to go to all drums so here inside of all drums you can see I have tons of available loops and I can play through a few so you can see what I mean and then if I keep scrolling I have some in yellow here than some more in blue some more in yellow so what does that mean basically the ones in blue means they're actually audio files which looks like the one we have in our project here and then the ones in yellow are actually drum files and we can change those a little bit and I'll show you how to do that now so let's say we want to start building our song and let's say we like this one down here eight inverse so I'm going to click-and-drag inverse into our project and as you can see it's already created a new track for me called Portland Aiden but if I go back to the right here and I look at Aiden verse the tempo to this track was 100 and as I pasted it into my session here the tempo has automatically changed to 90 so if I press ENTER to get the playhead cursor back to position 1 and play through it will all be synced up nicely because the tempo is at 90 and everything is automatically snapped to the tempo of 90 so let's have a listen [Music] great that sounds actually pretty cool well you'll notice is the drums keep going and our breathless piano here stops so there's a couple things we can do we can either loop the breathless piano to match the length of the drums or we can shorten the amount of drums and in this case I'm actually going to just loop the breathless piano and so if I hover over the top right you'll see this little arrow circle and I'm gonna click that and drag it and it's gonna snap to the end of position 9 then I can drag my cursor anywhere I want press spacebar hear it out so it sounds pretty good so let's say I want to change a little bit of the dynamics of the drums for this breathless piano I don't actually have much availability to change that because it's an audio file but as I was saying these yellow files you do have the option to change but the dynamics and that's the flexibility of Logic Pro X and one of the big benefits especially for songwriters and producers that want to change the dynamics of preset drums so let's click into the drums and you'll notice the bottom has changed and it has this little grid here simple loud complex soft and we can actually see a drum set we're gonna have to click this icon to make total space so now it's a bit cleaner and you can see I have all these options of beat presets on the left and then I can click and drag this big yellow thing to make the drums more complex and loud or I can go down here to make it more complex and soft or over here to make it simple and soft and you'll notice if I leave it down here look at the dynamics of the drums now look at how much space is between the beats and the kicks if I go over to complex and loud look what will change the signal is louder and there's more things happening and so let's listen to that so that is much more complex let's go down here to simple and soft now let's take a listen much more simple much more soft so that's exactly what this does we can find a nice happy medium in the middle here but let's say we're missing something let's see we want to clap well we simply press this clap let's say we want a tambourine it's as simple as adding tambourine I do like a clap so let's click clap and see what that sounds like [Music] so that's sounding pretty groovy we can also add these cymbals we can add toms we can change the style of Tom hits we can also change the style of kick and snare hits so you can get quite custom into how you want your drums to sound without being a drummer by just clicking and seeing these different patterns that you like and then having a listen to see what it sounds like so that's kind of sounding a bit jungly so I'm going to add the high hats back I can do a different pattern may be a pattern 3 on kick and snare that's turn to sound more groovy so I like that so now that we got our drum track in place in a breathless piano that we kind of like you can go you can extend this quite far and you can bring as many loops as you'd like to into this project you never even have to play an instrument to make a song we can always be going to the top right of each track and hovering to make these tracks longer or shorter for example this as well and if we want to add more loops we just go to the top loop browser and let's say we want to add some since well let's say we want to add some acoustic guitar you know it's as simple as that I'm gonna add some vibes let's just launch fives what does that sound like well we just click and drag it's going to automatically change to our tempo of 90 let's have a play and see what this sounds like obviously this is starting to sound a bit outrageous so if we don't like that let's just double click hit backspace ok let's go back to here and let's say actually you know we want some bass I want some bass and let's say this subsonic bass is in the key of F sharp well our key is an E minor so that's not really going to work for us we want to find some key in E minor so we can go here and we can type press key and that's going to filter our keys for us alphabetically and so we can go scroll down to E and we can scroll through bass that might work for our track and part of the fun is going through a lot of these loops and seeing what might fit free track and sometimes it does take a long time so I'm not going to go through all these but let's just say we want this agile funk bass let's click and drag that in you'll notice it's all quite shorter I'm going to zoom in and I'm gonna do our little shortcut I'm gonna press enter and then semicolon that's gonna flip our track right to the beginning let's see what that sounds like [Music] kind of cool right let's loop this to the end let's press ENTER to get back to one and let's have another play and then we're actually starting to build a song and if you want to do these quick mix things you can do that as well and that's just a little tidbit that I like to do while I'm building a song as you can see all these volumes here are the same and so typically we want our bass not to be so loud so I'm going to lower this a little bit you know it drums might just be a little lower and I'm gonna put the piano quite low like this let's hear it that sounds like maybe the basis yeah the bass could probably be a bit louder because it's kind of quite intense and upfront and I like that but I'm not going to get into mix engineering so much that is basically the section of loop browsers and how you can build a track without really playing anything and you can go and add more loops of more different types of instruments and build your track from there but that's it for this section the next section I'm going to show you how to add guitar real guitar and real vocals to this track we're building so we can take it even further so let's move on to section 3 of this video which is setting up an audio interface and in brief you need an audio interface to use a microphone like this one and to record good audio vocals if you're going to record an acoustic guitar if you're gonna record anything out of a good microphone you need an audio interface and what an audio interface does is basically it takes the audio signal and converts it digitally so you can actually record inside something like Logic Pro X hopefully for the purpose of this video you do have an audio interface for me I'm using a very basic simple audio interface it's called the apogee one so how do you set up an audio interface so we're going to need to connect our audio interface to our laptop or computer and you can do that through USB so plug it into your computer right away Logic Pro X is smart enough to notice that there is an do you interface connected to your computer so like we briefly did mention at the beginning we can go to Logic Pro X preferences or we can type in command comma to bring up our audio preferences and so when you plug in your audio interface to Logic Pro X it should identify inside this drop-down for example my apogee 1v2 is noticed and it is my input device right now if you have a Scarlett Pro or something else the name that audio interface will be here now you want to do is click on that name and that means whatever is plugged into the inputs of the audio interface will be coming out so you then you want to go and plug in a microphone to your audio interface your output device will be likely your studio monitors or your headphones in my case isn't the USB PNP audio device which are my studio monitors ok the audio interface is set up the next thing that we're gonna want to do is plug in our microphone to our audio interface and we do that using an XLR cable so we have our microphone we have our XLR cable and we have our audio interface we're gonna want to plug one into the microphone and then one into the audio interface and then we'll be able to start recording inside Logic Pro X with our microphone ok so now we're back inside our Logic Pro X session and so we now we want to start recording a audio whether it's an acoustic guitar or vocals and so how do we want to get that track is we want to go up to the top here where it says track and new tracks you can either click new tracks or we can simply you see below here it says new audio track and because we actually know we want an audio track we can click audio track and that's made a new audio track called audio 3 for us and in order for us to record and want to arm this track by putting by pressing R and now we can start recording right away either pressing this red button here at the top or we can press R on our keyboard before we record I don't want to hear the other tracks in place so I'm going to press M here to mute all the other tracks and now I'm quickly just gonna want to record a quick example of me talking so I'm gonna press R on my keyboard and now I'm seeing a few words and the signal is coming up I know I'm actually recording so cool now if we go back and hear what that sounds like and then I'm seeing a few words and the signal is coming up and now I know I'm actually recorded cool so now I know that I can start recording vocals if I have my lyrics ready and I want to do a take right away what I can do now is highlight this press backspace to delete it it's going to ask me if it wants to keep a file referenced in their artists entries to the right or if it wants if I want to delete this permanently and for me because I'll likely never want to use that again I'm just going to leave this permanently press ok then let's say I want to start recording vocals right away and I'm ready and I want to hear the other tracks in place well I can unmute the other tracks and I want to make sure the sound is coming out of my headphones instead of my studio monitors if I'm gonna want to hear the other tracks for example if I start recording audio right now where the other tracks are coming out of my studio monitors it's gonna sound pretty bad for example see the sound of my studio monitors is picking up in my microphone and I don't want that so how I'm gonna fix that is in quickly gonna delete this I'm gonna go back to my audio preferences and I'm gonna change the output to my built-in output which are coming out of my headphones now apply those changes I'm going to X here and then I'm gonna record again and now the sound is coming out of my headphones and a microphone is only picking up the volume coming from a voice so I'm going to show you a couple of ways that you can troubleshoot if your audio is not coming through your microphone so obviously first off make sure that's plugged into your audio interfaces that it's plugged into your microphone a couple issues could be that you're not having the right input setup so let's click this inspector window here and we're gonna want to go to this section where it says input you want to make sure the input you put on your audio interface that that number corresponds to this number so if you put your XLR cable into the input number 2 into your audio interface then you wouldn't want to make this input number 2 if you put it into number one then you wouldn't want to make this number one one problem could be if your audio is not coming through is you put your XLR into your input number two on your audio interface and it says input number one here so that could be one issue that you're going to resolve quickly by just checking the inputs another issue could be that your gain level is just too low on your audio interface so what I mean by that is every audio interface has a gain knob where you can increase the amount of signal that you're getting from your condenser microphone so if you don't have enough signal then sometimes the microphone is not picking up any sound at all and I'll give you a quick example so let's say I start recording a vocal here I'm going to arm the channel on audio number three and now my vocal is coming through I'm going to meet the other channels right now and I'm going to press R on my keyboard of record so now the signal is coming through and you can see I'm talking and the vocal is coming through my microphone but if I go over to my audio interface here and I turn the gain knob all the way down let's still talk I'm still talking I'm still talking and now I'm not getting any signal from my vocal but it's still connected and I've got my inputs and everything's right so let me just clean slowly turn up the gain knob and as I continue to talk the vocal will start coming in checking checking checking vocal taking a bit of time now it's coming in and continuing to raise it now it's getting quite loud and now it's starting to peak and this is bad I mean it's not bad but you don't want it to be this intense because it's actually coming in too hot and you can see on the left side here it's starting to yellow so you want to find that sweet spot where it is around I'd like to record it around negative eight so you have enough Headroom that's a good volume that I like to record at so I do think recording vocals around negative eight DB just to have enough a Headroom is good for your vocal recording so you can increase it later if you need to don't worry too much about DBS and level of recordings the most important thing is that you're getting signal from your micro from and that you don't want it to be yellow or red so as I'm talking you can see it's negative 8 it's green and that means it's getting enough signal for the microphone but not too much and so that's exactly where we want that to be so that's how to record vocals and how you set up the audio interface with your microphone in Logic Pro X let's quickly show you how to set up an acoustic guitar and with Logic Pro X and how to record guitar so now I'm going to highlight this delete this and use the same channel to record like an acoustic guitar audio so delete this and you go back to the beginning and now I'm going to change this input to input number 2 because that's where my guitar input is and I can right away because I just changed that input I can start playing my acoustic guitar which I can grab it right now here so I have my acoustic guitar I can press our start recording my acoustic guitar so as you can see it starts recording and stop picking at my vocal anymore which is great which means I have my inputs correctly I can start strumming my guitar make sure my volume is up on my acoustic guitar and make sure the gain is up on the audio interface increase the gain a bit more and there comes the acoustic guitar so let's get into section 5 of the video where we're gonna talk about software instruments and recording MIDI and this is probably the biggest value of any digital audio workstation especially Logic Pro X if you're a music producer or a singer-songwriter well we'll talk about how to record MIDI how to quantize MIDI how to use it with other loop browsers and and drum loops to build a song arrangement let's get right into that what we're gonna want to do first is add a new track and to do that we can go right at the top and add new track we see new software instrument track I also want to point out right here we have a little shortcut it's called option command s and that's actually how we can add a new software instrument track as well and I just point this out because this is how I learned all my shortcuts as they point them out everywhere I recommend looking into the shortcuts especially if you're doing tasks over and over again it will save you time so let's just do that now option command s to add a new software instrument track and you can see we've added a track here so in our inspector window we have open here click open great we have alchemy as our main software instrument that we've added this is just a default software instrument that Logic Pro X gives you and you do have the option to change this so let's look at changing this if we want a different instrument right now alchemy is a synth so whatever we're going to play on a MIDI keyboard we're gonna get the synth sounds so let's look at adding a different instrument when we hover over alchemy you can see these little two arrows we're gonna want to click that and we can see all the different software instruments that Logic Pro has a stock plugins that we can get so we have alchemy drum kit designer sint all these since es 1 ES 2 synths an EVOC all these a lot a lot of options I'm going to do the standard alchemy as we have because it is a standard ecent stock plug-in to use and so I'm gonna have this stereo and well we'll use alchemy as standard synth so inside each software instrument you have hundreds of different sounds available for example if we click in the middle of alchemy we're gonna pull up a window of all the sounds available to us under the alchemy synth and so we can we can filter here by category and subcategory and then we have all the synth sounds on the right here if I scroll down you can see there are hundreds and so there's just way too many to go through right now so I'm gonna do a simple filter I'm gonna go keys piano and pop so right now I filtered there's much less there's 28 here that I can that I can filter by so 80s digital piano is good enough and I have my MIDI keyboard plugged in here and I'm gonna can test out what that sounds like [Music] so kind of cool and if you have your MIDI keyboard plugged in it should also be working just like mine is working now if you don't have it plug it in by USB and Logic Pro X will recognize that it's a MIDI keyboard and you should be able to get up and running without a problem so let's say we do want to record with a DS digital piano then all we have to do is close this down you can see that it's reference Eadie's digital piano here i can arm my track I can put the cursor wherever I'd like to start recording I have the other tracks muted now I can keep those muted let's just start recording some notes just to see them come through [Music] just a simple example and I can zoom in here by pinching my trackpad and I can also go up to the top right and I can make these tracks fatter if I want them to be just so I can get a better image of what I just recorded but I want to pull up the smart controls here I'm going to click on a E's digital piano and you can see that this has come up this is the same thing of pressing the scissors in the top left here so I can press the scissors or I can just double click on the track where I'm going to pull this up so we can see it a little better and zoom in here so this is what I've just recorded and I just want to hear it back separately I always have the option to press s and what s does is it solos the track and it will only play out of all my tracks just the one that have the s is on so I'm going to solo this track and see what it sounds like [Music] so cool I mean terrible composition but you see what I mean and so I have the option here to do whatever I want with these MIDI notes I can click a MIDI note drag it anywhere I want I can extend the mini note I can delete the MIDI note I can bring it back if I want so you get you see what I mean MIDI gives you the flexibility of basically drawing musical notes so if you made a mistake you can if you had actually played the note here you just move it back instead of actually having to play the whole composition again so the biggest powerful tool with MIDI is quantization and so if I didn't play this in time which you can see I haven't because this note for example here does not fall on the grid and that would be locked in time if everything's on the grid and that's the great thing about MIDI is you can lock in everything after the fact you don't have to play everything in time just remember when we were doing our browsers if I go back up here and we were dragging things in from our browser window from our loop browser everything was locked in a tower Tembo of ninety and so now we want to lock in our MIDI notes as well so let's write a better composition for our track and then lock it in with quantization so now we want to record a better composed track with our loops that we have so it sounds a lot better we're gonna mute our digital 80s digital piano and let's just have a listen to what our track sounds like right now kind of groovy right it's still basic very much in the early stages of the creativity of our song but it's worth pursuing a little bit to see how far we can get with this and I think that goes with a lot of music producers and musicians don't quit at the beginning obviously nothing is gonna sound great at the first step so let's continue with this we're gonna want to find something better inside our 80s digital piano and I'll show you after once we would get the MIDI recording down then we'll have the option to find any sound we want using the same MIDI recording so it doesn't really matter if we if we don't like the 80s digital piano sound once we have that MIDI recording of the right composition we like then we can change it to no any sound we actually want in the world really so let's quickly record a better MIDI recording using our 80s digital piano so I want to get rid of this one by highlighting it deleting it well unmute the track and we're going to play along with the recording and it doesn't matter that the sound is coming out of my studio monitors because MIDI is only collecting the digital signal from the MIDI keyboard so you can see here our keys in E minor so I'll be playing in the key of E minor on the keyboard let's count in at the top here 1 2 3 4 we're gonna want to count in so I'm not rushed as soon as I press record that I have to start playing so I wanted to do a count in of one bar I do have the options if I find that I might need some more time to do up to 6 bars but you really rarely will ever need that much time so let's record a 1 bar count in playing our eighties digital piano so that's kind of cool I'm gonna work with that right now let's have a let's put our cursor back and have a listen back [Music] alright so as I was saying before let's double click this track and bring up the editor here zoom out just so we can see what we're working with and let's start cleaning things up taking things out moving things back and forth depending on how we like it but the most important thing we can do now is quantize and make sure everything is locked into place with our drums and our base and our breathless piano here so what we're gonna want to do to quantize is by doing command a or we can do double click select all which is also command a here and then we can go over to time quantize here and go quantize by one sixteenth note and you can see how everything just moved over slightly well that's exactly where we want it in place so you can see that I was off time and now if i zoom in you can see just let me go to the beginning here everything is on the grid perfectly so everything comes in on beat to those notes that see note comes in perfectly sorry that II minor no it comes in perfectly and then the C note comes in on beat three we have a little bit of a note of a triad here which is nice and they're all landing on the grids perfectly in time and then we have back to the E minor you have the option here if you want to remove this and only have the beginning we can also loop it if we want to continue looping and you'll see that the MIDI has gone forward and I can go up here in you to loop my bass continue to look at my drums and so on and so forth but right now I'm gonna just keep it all in the standard little section here what I like to do sometimes if I am running low in creativity and I just need to play over and over again to find some new ideas you can use the cycle option which is clicking this bar at the top will put everything in yellow and that's just gonna loop everything when it comes to the end here it will start right at the beginning so now that we have our 80s digital piano quantized we're basically ready to start experimenting with other sounds we can start recording more MIDI we have a lot of options what I want to mention now is how to use MIDI and Logic Pro X to use for other sounds what I mentioned earlier is we don't actually have to use this 80s digital piano sound and over here we can go back to alchemy and we can open up alchemy by pressing in the middle again and we can already choose 80s pop electric piano we can even go as far as not even choosing keys anymore and going back to the category all and going to bass strings let's try strings for example let's go strings pop as a category and let's do this ocean flow and we can click out and we can see what that sounds like even if we want to solo this to see what ocean flow sounds like loop at the top see what that sounds like [Music] kind of cool gives it a cool vibe now let's take solo off and listen to the whole track [Music] so it's it's you know it's not great but we're starting to get creative and so if we don't like that let's go back to alchemy and choose something different we could spend hours going through every little sound here and figuring out what we want that to sound like going back to the guitars anything we want we can go as so far as choosing a completely different synth instrument if we want something more acoustic something more natural we can use the exs24 sampler and we can go to stereo and this will bring up a sampler that has acoustic pianos if we just click this top part here this little green three green dots we can go down to all these instruments that this sampler has one one I really like is the yamaha grand piano so we choose yamaha a grand piano let's just X that out and now we have a Yamaha grand piano well that's what it sounds like the solo this easy as that we didn't have to record anything else and we just have our MIDI in place so we can try out tons of different sounds let's say we really like this Yamaha piano sound right then we want to leave that in there cool so let's just make some space by clicking up this scissors at the top let's make our tracks a little bit less fat take out the loop browser and so let's say we want to leave this yama actually a little bit more fat just so I can see some things let's say we want this Yamaha track in place well let's just add another software instrument track by going track software instrument or you can go option command s another option to quickly add a track if we want the same track so we want this Yamaha grand piano again we can do command D and that will give us another Yamaha grand piano so now we have another Yamaha grand piano and we have another alchemy track but we want the same MIDI all we have to do is click this midi command C or edit copy and then click to where you want to paste it in what track let's say we want this down to another alchemy track go down to our another alchemy track paste it to where we want the cursor to be so let's say we want it on the same spot at beat 2 command V and we will have that MIDI going there as well so we can solo this track and start shopping around for new sounds I want to use a completely different synth you know I want to use I want to even design my own sound and this is something possible as well and this is the very popular thing with Logic Pro X is it has decent stock since that you can use so let's go to back to the exs24 sampler and right here we can start using a synth and the oscillators on a synth to start making our own sounds so let's just see what this sounds like right now if we solo it let's loop at the top just lower the volume [Music] so it doesn't sound good at all right no that's the beauty of creativity get in there and start changing dials I mean to properly make a good synth sound takes a lot of work so that's why there are stock plugins so if you don't like that let's go open the the ESX 24 again click on the three green dots we tried acoustic pianos out we can go bass go drums keyboards Orchestra wow you know what let's do Orchestra let's go strings let's do a string ensemble ah see what that sounds like that sounds quite nice and I think that could sound quite nice with this ATC doodle Pierrot even cool instead of having the string ensemble doing the exact same thing as the yamaha grand piano what am i do is open this up by pressing the scissor window or double-clicking on the track and I might just clean this up a little bit might take away these three notes just so it's not exactly the same and I might extend these notes just so it's a nice underlying tone across the track so I'll do that with the same other little notes here and delete these and I'm gonna bring this track these notes if you want to extend them over just so they elongate a little bit and fill up a nice and fill it the sound nicely so you want to mean a second let's just delete these little notes [Music] so let's just solo this for a second-stringer samba okay so let's see what this string ensemble a sounds like with a restaurant track without the digital's piano so let's take it this s off here we can also take it off at the top here with this s let's mute our a T's digital piano and see what this sounds like so it definitely gives it a different vibe it contrasts you with the strings and the bass so we'll have to spend a bit more time coming up with the right composition and instrumental but this is the part where creativity comes into play and where you can really put the logic procs tools to power with your creativity so take some time and go through all the instruments and use your MIDI keyboard or paint the notes in with MIDI as you please but that's section 5 on the power of MIDI and software instruments inside the Logic Pro X ok let's move on to section 6 of the video which is talking a bit more about the effects inside the inspector window and Logic Pro X and also we're going to talk about loop browsers and drums I did already take more of a deep dive into loop browsers that I thought I would in the earlier section so I'm not going to go too much further into that but I am going to talk about drums and how you can record drums using MIDI as well so let's first dive into that we're going to want to start another software instrument so we have our tracks here we can continue to add more tracks with our shortcut option command S with a new software instrument and we'll pull up obviously the alchemy and so we're going to want to change this instrument into a drum kit designer drum kits designer stereo great so it's going to pull up a drum kit designer here and now we have the option to choose through different drum kits so we have this blue Bertram kit we have Brooklyn kit a detroit garage kit and you can see things are changing we can also go to the left right here to change different kits and so let's find a kit that looks cool let's just go quickly just for the time sake let's just say this one here and so this it's called neo-soul kick and so we can exit down now we have this neo-soul kick so we can actually start according drums with our MIDI keyboard and so how to do that is we just go over to our MIDI keyboard pressing things and so that's the snare and so obviously that's a snare so I'm gonna pull up our scissor window here and you can see everything on the drum kit is labeled here and it's attached to certain key so this low-tom is this this mid tom is this key and so all I have to do is find those keys on my MIDI keyboard so I'm pressing this pin Tom here if I go down I'll start pressing this kick and this snare kick snare and so if I just want to record a quick kick and snare these are I know these are the two keys and I can do that let's mute our current drums come down here arm the track with the red make sure our cursors at the beginning press are on a keyboard or this red dot and let's start recording a quick kick and snare [Music] obviously I'm not a drummer and that was terrible so but this is the beauty about MIDI is no matter how terrible I just did that and it was completely off time and sounded very bad actually I'm gonna go in and clean that up and fix it with MIDI so these are the notes that I actually just recorded so we can solo that and go back to the beginning and see what that sounds like so as you can see it's a very off time and there's really no drum pattern at all so what I'm gonna do is quickly clean this up [Music] we're gonna quantize these and delete this so what about if I just want to use this it's kind of cool right so let's say we just want this beginning section [Music] we only want that first bar so let's go let's put our cursor two bar two and we'll do command T to cut the track then we're gonna want to backspace this track then we can simply go to our original bar and we can actually loop this across like so and now we have this one kit it sounds like this so it's not great it's not super creative but it's in time and that's what's most important now so if you want to unsolo that and see what it sounds like with everything else let's do that [Music] so it doesn't sound actually too bad and that's because everything is locked in and in time and that's a great thing about logic products I mean any other digital audio workstation you work with is the the beauty about quantization and making sure everything is locked in because that at the end of the day that's what's gonna make things sound great so now that we've quantized our drumbeat we have the option to use this neo-soul kit or this Portland Aden that we've originally put at the top so let's just have those side by side each other and what we can do with that is just click on the neo-soul click this kit sorry click and we'll drag this up to the top and pop it just underneath or sorry above Portland Aden and then we can you know as we listen back to our track we can mute one see which one we like we can also continue to go back into Portland Aden and reject this drum kit as we want so we have options let's go and talk a bit more about the inspector window and what we can do with effects on MIDI so let's go back to our string ensemble here inside there's inspector window we have options here under audio effects to add different effects and I'm not gonna go too deep into the effects because it starts to get a little more advanced with Logic Pro X but for beginners some great things that you might want to add especially on vocals are like channel EQ and reverb so let's quickly talk about channel EQ there's a quick way to put a channel EQ on anything by just pressing this EQ and this will pop open an EQ window we can also do that by going to if I'll just take it off here we can also do that going to audio effects and pressing channel EQ but you can see inside Audio FX you have a lot of these our recent ones I've done you have a lot of effects delay distortion dynamics EQ imaging pitch reverb so reverb and channel EQ are definitely staples and ones you probably should use as a beginner especially on your vocal recordings vocals that are EQ properly and that of reverb on them sound better than just dry vocals so let's quickly talk about a channel EQ and reverb that you can use as a beginner with Logic Pro X so let's just press EQ here and that will pop open our EQ and that's a standard EQ that you can use in Logic Pro X it's very it's great it does everything you want it to do and at the top here you have different filters and when you press on these filters you can drag them across the spectrum here clicking this filter on and I'm dragging it across I'm dragging it back like I'm dragging it up I'm dragging it over and so you get what I mean clicking this one clicking it down and so watch when I play this 80s piano when I solo this track and when I have the EQ on watch the eighties piano signal come through [Music] this is the actual decibels of signal that is coming through the EQ and so we can see when we play again there's a lot of action happening around this area and that's the decibels of what that sorry the strings are coming through and so if we didn't want so much high signal or so much mid signal or so much low signal and the EQ is our option to take those signals out watch what happens when I slide this across when the piano is playing or sorry when the strings are playing [Music] it's becoming so much lower right that means all this area I'm being I'm cutting out all the signal and so only the signal is happening here as soon as I start dragging this up the full signal will start coming through I can do the same thing with this filter [Music] and I are only starting to hear the hive it's now this is quite a drastic eq and normally you would never take that much low end or that much high end out of a track but you still you want to start dissecting the EQ especially when you're doing like audio recordings with audio guitar vocals because in with MIDI it's not perfect when you're recording audio sometimes you say something too loud sometimes there's an awkward frequency somewhere in your voice that you want to pitch down a little bit so you can see what I mean you can start getting quite surgical with the EQ for example I can type in this mid EQ here and just bring down certain signals I just don't want this signal at about 500 you can really bring that down and now we can hear that you don't really notice the huge sound different but let's say there was a really annoying signal at this level we could bring that down and so that's kind of as far as I want to go with channel EQ without getting too advanced you don't really have to get too much into this as a beginner what you want to do on your vocal with channel EQ is to bring the low end down a bit around whether this number says about a hundred and fifty depending on how low your voice is it really depends on each person for me it's about 150 160 and I'd like to pitch down the mids a bit because my voice is heavy in that 2k zone so I'm gonna pitch these down because when I sing high those those waves really start to peak and it doesn't sound great so I want to just push those signals down of it so that's how I'm gonna channel EQ my vocal let's get on to reverb reverb is simply found under channel EQ you can click this little shut shadow here under EQ and you can pull out pull up more effects and then you go down to reverb and Logic Pro X has a few stock plug-in reverbs that are really quite good the one I recommend is using this space designer and you go space designer stereo an inside space designer instead of designing your own reverb I would actually use one of the stock plugins so you can go user default and you can click under large spaces medium spaces small spaces depending on how big you want your reverb I like to add a large reverb and a small room reverb and so you can see that I've added some saved reverbs here as a big old church and a small space and so you can go through and try out different reverbs on your vocal and you'll notice they all sound quite different but that's all you'll really need to do as a beginner in Logic Pro X you won't have to get too deep into designing reverbs and that kind of thing just just pick one that you like and put it on your vocal and see how it sounds one quick thing that you that is easy to do that will make you look like a pro is to actually buss out your reverbs instead of putting them on the channel and so what I mean by that is instead of actually having the reverb effects right here you can just have them over here where it says audio effects and the difference between in the inspector window the difference between this left side and there's a right side is that this left side is anything going on the track you can see string ensemble oh down here and this right side is anything going to stereo out so it's being pushed out so we can put the reverb on the stereo out and I realize as I'm talking about it now if you're our beginner this might sound more confusing than it actually is so what I will just say is you can same thing go and add the reverb here using the same space designer if you're a beginner don't worry too much about this but we want to send a percentage of reverb to the stereo out and how we're gonna want to do that is send to a bus we're gonna want to click an empty bus all these buses are empties consider it like there's actual yellow bus that's that's going to another place and you have to decide how many people you want to put on that bus so we need to click an empty bus bus five is an empty yellow bus and we're going to want to with this with this green wheel here we're gonna want to decide how many people we want to put on that yellow bus let's say we want to put point zero nine people on that bus we're gonna want to choose our space designer and we're going to want to choose the reverb we like let's say jazz vocal room that sounds warm so now this yellow bus is driving over to this space designer and then it's collecting the reverb and going to the place and the benefit of using a bus to send reverb to it is it's not going to muddy up your track it's only going to put the reverb on the stereo out and that just helps being clean with your mix so the main things you're really gonna want to stick to our channel EQ and reverb don't worry too much if you got lost with the whole bussing reverb section just stick to channel EQ reverb and have a go at the other effects and the best way to learn I find and how I've actually learned most of this is just going around clicking things and figuring it out along the way so I do recommend getting getting getting your hands dirty with all of this let's move on to the next section a couple brief things I did want to mention with the editor window you have mostly the only things you need to worry about here are the piano roll and that's where you're gonna see your MIDI notes the score the step editor and the smart tempo aren't something you need to worry about right now as a beginner really stick to the piano roll and that's where you'll see your MIDI notes and that's when you can start dragging things around if you did want to get a little more serious with this you can start looking into these function windows and this MIDI transform where you can start for example humanizing the MIDI a little bit or fixing velocity where that means how hard the notes are and that would be my next step as an intermediate to take a look at and then if we look at the editor window with an audio track for example this funky bass or if this is your vocal track one next step if you want to get into the intermediate section would be looking at automation you can actually start dragging these waves a little bit if something is a bit out of time you can start tuning these waves and transposing them if need be that would be my next suggested step as an intermediate and you can do that in these functions view and these automations buttons here but don't worry too much about that right now as a beginner the focus should be really on just recording audio putting some reverb channel EQ on it but let's move on to section seven where we're actually going to take the arrangement we've built already and extend it and break it up into verse chorus sections where we can actually start seeing the song come together and so how we're gonna want to build our arrangement is basically by leveraging the color tools in Logic Pro X and also the loop functions and the loop browsers to bring new ideas in so let's start just pretending we only want the track to start with this agile base for examples so let's solo this and see what this sounds like again so let's say we just want the track to start like this because I think that's kind of a cool little lick to start and actually let's say at the second bar or sorry third bar to start at the beginning of the third bar we want our drum kit to sound so let's see what that sounds like and let's loop it at the top sever we can also drag this at the top is a quick shortcut by clicking and dragging this and extending this or lengthening this is a great way to loop that section and all you have to do is place it over at the top extend it to where you want it to stop and finish and then no matter where the cursor is you can just press the spacebar and then it will play at the beginning so that this will start playing at number one cool so our drum kits gonna come in here maybe let's start having let's see what the breathless piano sounds like coming in at bar five let's just start here at bar four so that's kind of sounds cool I want some organization here so I'm gonna go option C and that's going to bring up these colors and I want to organize that it's a great way for Logic Pro X users know what I mean it's a great way to organize so I'm gonna just turn that into orange I'm gonna make these all very unique colors to keep some good organization and I'm gonna meet that actually yeah that's pretty cool okay so that's what I have here you know what I'm gonna mute I'm gonna keep Portland Aiden muted right now I might bring that in later at a chorus and start making that sound better but I don't want this video too much to be about the creative side at my other rather what Logic Pro X can do so let's let's loop this our breathless piano and are our main instrumentals for the whole track and we do want the string piano I do like that so I'm going to mute that here and then I'm going to unsolo everything and we can see what it sounds like from the beginning let's have the digital piano also come in probably bar seven let's just see what that sounds like [Music] so doesn't sound too good with the strings but I'm just gonna mute them right now it does sound good with what we have here it is very the same thing throughout so what we're gonna want to do now is add some more loops or create some more MIDI ourselves if you would like that you can continue having that but I would recommend spending some time for me myself I'm just gonna bring in some new loops quickly right now to get a bit more peaks and valleys in the track and not having it the same thing throughout so I just spent a little bit of time here and for simplicity sake I just used all the loop browsers available in the right window here and to make it easy I know my keys in E minor and so I can filter by anything here and select the scale of minor and the key of e here on the right and I can go to anything and it's not all the time I'm gonna fit perfectly because if some vibes are different but if you're in the same key a lot of the time it does work especially if you're in if you're making if you're in the genre of music of like low five beats or hip-hop you can actually blend a lot of these sounds together and so here's what we have right now is skip it up an idea [Music] I just lowered the base there a bit kind of Bobby as you can tell a quick idea but something that's you know along the way I'm sure to something if we put more effort behind this as well if we put a vocal on it or if we're wrapping something over it and and what we'll want to do now is put a vocal on it and so how we would want to do that is just by going to track a new audio track making sure everything is set up correctly we're armed and ready to go we can put the cursor right at the beginning making sure our inputs are set up and we would record our vocal over that and some other things we can do quickly here now are just we could take all these tracks highlight them all by doing shift and click and then we could just delete these tracks here and okay delete those tracks what's a bit cleaner and as you notice as I was playing this song everything was really not mixed properly and that's okay but what we can do right now and what I'll show you inside Logic Pro X is the mixer window and you can do a quick premix just so when you want to export this song and bounce this song sorry to your friends it will sound a bit better and you don't have to be an engineer or know much about mixing to actually do a proper premix and so let's do that now we'll want to open up the mixer window and we can do that by going up to window and open mixer or we can also do command two which says right here so let's go do command two and this is our mixer window we're gonna extend this to open it up and so just like an old analog mixer would be in a studio is exactly how it's looking right here and so we have the I mean not exactly but we have the options too you can see my vocals coming through this track so I'm just going to disarm this so it doesn't come through right now and so we're going to want to play the song and see levels come through each of these channels so we can do command W to close this window and bring us back to our main window we can press ENTER to get the cursor back to number one and then we'll press play to play the song and then we'll open up our mixer window with command two and we can start leveling things out by just pressing the volume tab so I'm going to open them at the mixer window right now why don't we see the signals coming through you see these buttons here they're all at different levels we can play them for example right here as our drum kit right here was our yellow drum kit if we want our yellow drum kit louder just make it louder once softer just make it softer so with the premix to really just focus on the volumes of the tracks and don't worry too much about whatever is up here right now and we can kind of touch on that in just a second so let's just focus on the volumes so let's go so let's go command W to close this window let's press play and then open up our mixer so that's quite loud lower the drums a bit [Music] it's the bass guitar stay on the piano [Music] it's not so bad a bit left is the other piano over that a little bit bring these drums up a bit [Music] so you can see that's a quick premix that we just did obviously I'm no professional mixer either I wouldn't call my I'm myself a mixer at all but I do know that when I can hear things louder and when you can hear things quieter and I've had enough experiencing mixing my own demos that I know what should be quieter and what should be louder one thing to keep an eye on as well is your stereo out track which is right here and we're hitting a negative 4 DB which is which is good and we don't want to go over anything if that hits yellow while we're playing our track that means we're starting to peak and that means eventually when we play our song and big speakers and we turn the volume up high it's gonna crack and it's gonna distort and sound really bad so we want to make sure we're at that nice green green area and eventually if we're still at that green area at the end we can use effect plugins to race the whole volume of the sound and that's when engineering comes into play and people who are really good at mixing and mastering to get everything out of the song that your song deserves another few things if you want to get into the next intermediate stage of Logic Pro X would be taking a look at all your effects and making sure you have the right reverbs and channel EQ is on everything because that's when you'll start really getting to mixing and at each track level here vertically you can see there's a channel EQ and everything so we can bring that up and change the cue for example on our audio channel or on our drum channel or on our you know on our piano channels we can we can add an EQ and simple as that and we can add a reverb we can add delays and effects we can do that all from our mixing window you wouldn't want to go so deep if you're just in the creative stage yet save a lot of that stuff for after but do it here and there so you can clean things up and you'll know kind of in what direction you're going for so we can close down the mixer again with command W and now we have our song arrangement in track nicely color-coded we kind of know what sections are what and for the beginner level of this Logic Pro X tutorial that's how far I would want to go for this section so let's move on to the next section we'll talk about some more quick shortcuts that you can use as you're building your tracks and then let's export this arrangement as an mp3 so we can share it to some of our friends section 8 of this Logic Pro X tutorial are some shortcuts and I'm gonna go over 10 or 11 of my favorite shortcuts that I use every day but mostly what I recommend is just getting your hands dirty and by clicking around you'll be able to see what the shortcuts are for example I'm just under window here and I can see what the shortcuts are on all the sides like I was saying earlier in the videos as well not to mention put the information bar on time and again I know it is annoying but it is helpful with understanding what things are and where they are but let's get into 10 or 11 of my favorite shortcuts that I use quite often so the biggest one I would say is I would press ENTER a lot if the cursor is over here I first enter to bring it back to number 1 and the second biggest one is I use enter and then colon to get the track in place to the cursor and that is great because if you're recording something and it's over at where it is at 9 and you want to get it back to 1 it's a clicking and dragging it over you can just go enter and then semicolon and that track will slide over obviously simple shortcuts like command Z for undo command X command C command V I'm not going to mention those but obviously I use those a lot as well solo and mute are really valuable shortcuts instead of just pressing s or pressing M you can just press S or M on the laptop and you can use the down arrows to go through different tracks so I want to go quickly up and mute the drums I can do that or go over and you Audio doesn't doesn't really matter I do use those often I'm switching back and forth between my keyboard and mouse but it's still valuable shortcuts to mention the next big one I use is command-comma a lot to bring up the audio outputs and inputs that I'm using because sometimes I'm changing between different studio monitors and speakers and different inputs I'm constantly doing command-comma and then command W to bring the window down instead of going to logic profile preferences audio it's much quicker due to command comma and then command W to bring that down another big one is just pressing o will open the loop browser from the side here and as we saw most of this track is actually just done we're using loops so we couldn't constantly just be pressing o to open that loop browser open and close and as we saw our arrangement is nicely divided into different colors and how we did that was just option C and that brought up the color window nicely where we can just drag that around and have it here by clicking the track and putting different colors if we want to the next big one is mixer and instead of going open window open mixer I'd use command to alot to open that mixer and then command W to close it down because I'm usually mostly on just one window and I don't have to big screens all the time sometimes most mixers would have mixing window on one complete separate computer screen and then the main window on another so with that because I don't have those two screens I'm constantly going command 2 to open the window and then command W to close it down the last two big ones that I'm using often are command D to copy the same track with the same preset channel settings so for example if I really like this bell bottom bass and really like the EQ and the reverbs they have on that I'm gonna go command D and copy that exact same preset channel over so you can see this bell bottom base here as a channel EQ and two buses well I just copied this over and then it has the same exact thing so that's really valuable if you're doing vocal tracking and you want multiple vocal tracks with the same presets on it so I use that one a lot and the other one is just getting new tracks and I recommend just actually going up here and memorizing these but simple as just doing option and and and then choosing it up here as well so let's move on to the last section of the video section 9 where we actually want to bounce our project and bounce our arrangement from start to finish as an mp3 so we can share it to our friends and this is quite simple just because we're not using the tracks at the bottom here I'm just gonna go ahead and delete those just to save up some space and you'll see when I move my cursor over you'll see right here at this bar you can see the bars are going up so our song ends around bar 23 beat one actually exactly that so we're gonna want to bounce bar 1 to power 23 and how we do that is we're going to save it just so we have it locked in and so we're gonna go file and bounce it's actually not export we want to bounce as an mp3 so you can bounce project or section you can also do this by doing command B so let's go to the shortcut way let's cut it out let's go command B and this will bring up our bounce window and we want to bounce it as an mp3 file not as a PCM we're gonna want to start it at bar 1 so we can go up here sorry up here down to bar 1 to bar 21 why did it start at bar 9 I'll show you why because this track is highlighted and so because that track is highlighted it's starting at bar 9 so we want to unhighlight that move our cursor back we can go command B again bounces an mp3 and you'll see it starts at bar 1 however now it's going to bar 129 why is it doing that because it's going that because that's you see this little grey the difference in color of grey here that's where bar 29 is so we can drag this all the way here or we can leave it there and we can highlight it with our yellow bar here at the top and do this so let's say that let's bounce this and as you can see we have bar 1 2 bar 23 which is just enough and so we want to keep this don't worry too much about this offline is good is good because we don't want to hear the track as we're bouncing normalise we can keep that off 24-bit is fine you could even go down to the 16-bit to save some space if it's just a simple demo and we're gonna want to press ok so where you gonna save it well just go to your desktop save it there as your brand-new song and bounce it's a small file so we bounced it quickly so we're gonna want to go to open a new Finder window and we can go to our desktop and we can see a brand new song press spacebar to check it out there we go there's our new song all done within Logic Pro X so that's the Logic Pro X tutorial for beginners let me know if you have any other questions or you want me to go and explain something else I will reply to all the comments please let me know have listened to my music I'm a singer-songwriter myself I record all my demos inside Logic Pro X so I'd be happy to answer any more questions you have I'll leave a couple links to my music in the description as well feel free to subscribe to I make a lot of videos every week on music entrepreneurship and my personal growth as a singer-songwriter so I hope to see you in the next video
Channel: Charles Cleyn
Views: 442,814
Rating: 4.972517 out of 5
Keywords: logic pro x tutorial, logic pro x tutorial for beginners, logic pro x tutorial 101, logic pro x tutorial guitar, logic pro x class, logic pro x beginner tutorial, logic pro x beginner, logic pro x beginner tutorial guitar, how to learn logic pro x, best way to learn logic pro x, beginner course to logic pro x, beginner course to logic pro x tutorial, logic beginner tutorial, logic course, logic pro tutorial, logic pro tutorial videos, logic tutorial, logic pro, logic pro x
Id: nZ8UtZNOrfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 18sec (5118 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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