M-Audio Oxygen Pro 49 MIDI Controller - Setup and Demo

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well hey there we uh recently unboxed this m audio oxygen pro 49 and i would do want to distinguish between the oxygen pro and just the regular oxygen a slight different uh set of features and kind of the first thing i want to do is just plug it in turn it on and see if it works um here we go oh i forgot to turn on we'll turn this on everything lights up that's good looks like the uh the metronome or the tempo is is uh blinking there got some multi-colored pads with this preset all right so we have loaded this up let's expand this a bit make it larger i don't have much in here i've got most of the channels blocked but i can see it's already set up i first time in i did go with some of the instructions and set up a again i'm using logic pro on mac osx i set up a mackie h-i-h-u-i control device and i did go ahead and assign it so let's see i assigned it to oxygen pro 49 mackie hui input and output i think it's going to help with some of the daw functions all those are in the instructions we'll kind of go over there those a little later also when i turn it on i just want to see if it works ooh it's liking the sound [Music] octave down and it tells me over here go back down how many octaves it is above maybe some pitch that one doesn't have a lot of let's try this this sound here nice okay very cool do the pads work they seem to be assigned certain um items so uh the next thing i want to do is kind of go through a little bit of the software and the installation and that sort of thing so let's go ahead and uh close this we will leave logic open for now and uh you've got the m audio website and actually we get this little card right here it has a little website it says visit maudio.com software downloads so the first thing we get to do is go to the website and it has that card and then you go there and you've got uh thank you for purchasing your m audio product log in so you can log in create an account which you'll need to do you register uh basically the code that's on the back uh and then you go to download your software so uh let's go ahead and i'm gonna log in like i like i already did but you may already have one and here uh normally once you register it takes you directly to my products and you have all these things you can download you've got a firmware update i always like to check i'm sure there's some instructions that tell you how to check which firmware you have but i just went ahead and updated there is a preset editor which i think is going to be important for setting up this for the first time uh if you don't want to use just the basic defaults a lot of troubleshooting setup for different kind of daws logic uh is and i'm going to go ahead and open that real quick um logic has some instructions once you update the firmware uh it will take you through how to switch it over to daw and also how to how to uh connect that controller hiu that hui that i was talking about so that is some important stuff let's see you also have uh the software manager and i've installed that that basically gives you all the different software and goodies that you get with this as well as the firmware updater um and and that's really uh what you might want to kind of cover first then uh once everything's installed uh you can come back to logic i'm gonna go ahead and open up that file all right so here we have it so uh you do have some settings if you uh pretty much long press these you get selections so you can set your daw um you can set in the global presets you can set with using a mac or a windows mac or windows you can also set your presets i don't yet have so i'm going to go back out of that and you can work on either your preset or your daw you want to control your daw you can do that or you can just do straight presets so um for instance if i'm wearing their daw i notice there's a few things you can do you can you can turn this this dial and you can select the different sounds so [Music] very cool and then you can go to the next sound which is it's kind of cool uh maybe the base [Music] that's cool and then uh maybe maybe a pad down here on the end right [Music] let's give it some mod [Music] wonderful all right so if we go back up to the uh hypercube couple other things i believe that we have uh the knobs right now are routed to um pans so if you if you see if you see this first item up at the top instrument one you can see when i turn the knob one it go it will go left and right it's just kind of cool all right very good okay so we've got this sound and you've got to set up your sync correctly that is sending out midi time code but if that's the case you can either have internal or external right now you can tell it has we'll both have internal external but right now you can tell the this item here the controller controller is controlling its own tempo it is probably not see it's 120 whereas if you look on our daw it's 129. you can turn on the arp and let's just see what happens that's cool and then pretty pretty straight and accessible that's pretty cool you can even latch it but the question is how do you do this if you're you have a song going so um you'll you can long press these things to set things and right now my clock is set for internal external you can simply click this change it to external back out of it [Music] i don't think it will work because there's nothing playing if we get this and then anyway there you go of course you could latch it right let's say uh you could stop that so the um this is set up pretty straightforward i'm gonna go ahead and stop the drums set up pretty straightforward you've got your arf your latch uh there's scale so you can hit scale and you probably have to shift edit scale and probably pick let's do a okay and let's see if we can play other anything other than there let's change to a different sound [Music] so we're in a major so we might want to go shift minor [Music] basically scale will let you play keys are not in that key but it will move them down or up depending on how that works probably not something i would definitely i would necessarily use but it might be helpful if you're doing i like the cord if you set up a chord so i'm not exactly sure how this works so this would be a learning thing for me as well so let's do edit okay so smart we should probably do smart key uh a minor all right let's just see if that works that's the whole chord [Music] so i think it's kind of a smart cord here i just turned it off i'm gonna back out of it that's cool um basically it'll stay within the key they have smart cords they have manual cords if you want to do some funky and then move it across the thing so that's kind of cool again pretty accessible and that's one of the things that i'm really liking there are some features if you if you go through this global mode um let's see and you right now all you can do is midi but if you come over here to daw uh all these buttons serve as uh the first eight whatever you record record buttons so if i press this you'll notice that on tr instrument track three it'll turn on and off and then if this is select you know if you wanted to select a track you basically just kind of like that it's a mute you can kind of figure out select mute three or not there we go uh you can also solo so maybe you only want instrument seven on there you go and then back to midi which kind of turns all those auto items off but it still will allow you to go between the tracks also this is kind of cool if you hold down here let me widen these tracks here a little bit if you uh hold down shift it will also adjust the sub oh if you click it then it will do size and click it so yeah there is a little bit of learning curve uh there's also a note repeat which you can turn off momentarily and no repeat only works for the pads so if you're doing a drum you want and you want to do like a fill or something like that i wonder if this is a full set all right so so you see and maybe we don't want i want like 16. [Music] that's what that's for you can also latch it so uh because it's down here it's a shift now the latch is on [Music] you can tell they're they're lost [Music] anyway there you go with that that's kind of cool um also when you're doing the arpeggio if we can if we come back to that uh let's let's just go down to uh something like this hypercube right now uh if the daw is running it's gonna go to the beat so [Music] and again maybe we don't want 16. maybe we're going to latch this the knees will control some of the art controls so right now it's set to up maybe we want it down or maybe we want it [Music] the order that it was played and then random all those are kind of cool you can also add octaves you can add a gate so it may be a short hit all right very cool so there are definitely some controls now uh there are also some other shortcuts save this is an interesting save i am not necessarily uh something not something i necessarily like because i like to save directly in my daw and i don't want to accidentally hit this and then save if i'm not ready to but there's also a quantize there's a view here let's see there's also an undo [Music] this is a doing view it looks like we already have that uh there's also you can pull up a new view oh uh and then you can pull up this track as well pretty sure all of that is adjustable and let's just take a quick look i'm going to go ahead and load the uh preset editor and you're going to find that there are a lot of options here let me move this over to the screen real quick so if you've got a preset i'm not sure this is the preset and i'm going to pull it i'm going to retrieve preset and i happen to be on preset nine i created a new one there we go so this is basically the preset it's an external clock right now um you've got your node you've got your time division you can change all these things to the basic basic items you can change the control codes and the channel that these all send out on the same with the pads and then if you notice there are actually four different pads if you press this this is bank one and this is bank two bank three and it refers to uh these items here it also refers to the knobs so uh you can set all four which is very useful to me for my uses and then if you go to da you can change how these things control so right here it's the same as preset so like i don't like to save maybe i want it to be something other than the save button and then of course you can set the global so this is a real quick way to set things up without diving in there real quick but i don't see that i would need to do this a lot you can also divide this in four up to four different layers such a small keyboard i don't know if i would do that and because i will be using main stage primarily for live performance which is what i do you can do all that stuff in main stage and you can basically take what's assigned here and route it to the the controls that i have on on the screen but all in all um i have the novation launchkey37 i really like that very good build just a lot like this someone said i'm not sure about this but m audio is made by novation uh maybe it's a different branch if the build quality seems same yes it is plastic but it seems nice and sturdy i like to feel the buttons uh these are semi-weighted keys uh these are semi-weighted keys they're not quite they also even have like the little edge edge things i don't know if i would use that i don't know how used to i how used to that i am but we will see but the feel is good [Music] it's it's got a great feel and these feel uh pretty good the pads are responsive uh there's right now there are different levels there's linear or there's a soft touch or or a more sensitive touch that sort of thing uh that you can set um but i'm really looking forward oh and i i didn't i neglected the main thing also that when you have it connected to your jaw you have a transport function here which is going to be really important to me as well [Music] and then so there we go but there you go and if i want to loop it i can or i can turn it off you can also lock the pads so you can't move them same with the arp knobs and i think there's definitely more to this it's all powered by usb at this point so uh that's another plus for live situations uh just kind of a quick overview i hope you enjoyed it and we will maybe come back and do another video uh how i route this through main stage but we will see on that all right thank you
Channel: Eric C. Powell Music
Views: 69,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eric C. Powell, Music, Synthpop, Indie, Electronic, Controller, MIDI, M-Audio, Oxygen Pro 49, Setup, Features, Demo
Id: qScjhs9ytpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 06 2021
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