I Surprised My Wife With the World's Worst Cruise

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we went on the world's worst cruise it's not the best out know and the funny thing is we didn't know it until we got here I got to walk up eight flights of stairs with the luggage from huge crowds chaotic boarding and lost luggage join us as we experience our first ever Cruise which just so happens to be rated the worst in the world should we just get off and leave today is the day we are losing our cruise virginity is that a thing no it's not a thing but we are kind of we have been told so many times recently that we need to do a cruise and we've been putting off for some reason phes I don't know why but I'm going in a tiny bit closed-minded surprise surprise a healthy amount of close-mindedness has never hurt anyone so I have a confession to make I was the one that convinced Emma that we need to do a cruise how could we have been traveling for 12 years years and not done a cruise so I booked this and I was very very excited until after I started to research about the company and it turns out that we're going on the worst rated Cruise in Europe and Emma doesn't know I got really excited with all the destinations it's going to it's going to the Greek Islands it's going to Malta super excited to go to these places but um appar apparently it's not very good or at least the boat isn't very good so as far as taking our cruise virginity this is going to be an interesting experience I've looked at the boat and to be honest it definitely doesn't look like something that Emma will like and I don't know I'm very interested to see what her first impressions are going to be you ready and excited to go yeah can't bloody wait bet you can yeah new experience new experience for the beans let's do [Music] it we're here at the port and we got our first Glimpse at that bad girl behind us what do you think I mean I'm I'm intrigued I'm intrigued to go on it because I've only ever seen them from the outside I've never seen them from the inside you promised me you'd be open-minded I am being open-minded I'm just saying what I see and what I see is a monstrosity now I'm joking what I see is a ship bigger than anything I've ever been on so what I see is water slides on top of a ship oh yeah yeah I actually can see that looks quite [Music] fun I've actually never heard anyone that's been on a cruise like this say a bad word about it and pretty much everyone that I know have done that have said bad words about it before they've gone on so deep down I'm really hoping that we absolutely love this and we unlock a whole new world of travel I cannot comprehend how big this is I'm speechless this thing's enormous I don't even know if this is a big ship or not there can't be bigger ships than this this is absolutely Bonkers I've never stayed in a hotel this big it's a good start it's not the best start no we just made it all the way through to the ship and now they've turned us away cuz we don't have a car to get on but nobody told us we needed a card we're just wandering around the port looking for somebody to help us okay now we have all the stuff that we need we eventually found somebody who told us what was going on now we have all the stuff that we need we can finally board the boat we seem like such miserable British people right now yeah this is Peak heat of the day here for boarding the ship so it's not ideal I have an absurd amount of sweat dripping down my back right now is not attractive it's happening this is the lobby as soon as you walk in I'm Blown Away I'm sorry I'm just hot and bothered and need to get to the look how f up you look oh my God I'm not trying to I'm just trying to preserve energy I'm melting away right now we've been in this lobby area for about 10 minutes waiting for a lift and we can't seem to get one along with all the other people here and uh first Impressions is like being in a hospital it's very odd floor and all the like yellow bards make it feel like I'm in a hospital and I used to work in hospital that's not fun I feel like I'm at work why can't we get what they just keep going [Music] up oh my [Music] God experience like this make me question my sanity like am I in the wrong here and I should just accept this I'm taking the stairs I've been there for 15 minutes trying to get a lift and it comes down to the bottom and just goes up again Emma managed to squeeze in but I can't seem to get in so I got to walk up eight flights of stairs with the luggage this is the worst travel experience I probably had at least initially on first impressions SI did you just go a couple of the stairs it wouldn't come the lift literally stopped at every single floor on the way up and like people were waiting to come on and they just couldn't was full absolute Mayhem like I genely feel sick I'm not surprised I've got I've got some more luggage back there to go and get cuz I can't carry the camera and film I'll be back with all the stress of the day I am taking a moment to unwind and play June's Journey who are the sponsor of today's video jun's journey is a really fun murder mystery and hidden object game that takes you on an adventure through the Roaring 20s you follow the protagonist June on a quest to solve the murder of her sister you have to find Clues to unravel the mystery and it's extremely captivating with so many twists and turns along the way I love the 1920s Vibe of this game it's an era that I've always been really interested in I've always loved who done it and Murder Mysteries and they capture it beautifully and I love getting lost in the different scenes I find the challenge of searching for the hidden objects to be really therapeutic and a really good way to switch off also the perfectionist in me likes that I can go back do it again and try and do it faster the quicker that you find them the more coins you get and then you can spend them on your customizable mansion and Garden Island it's completely free to download and it's a lot of fun so if you're looking for a new game to play and you want to help out the channel you can download it in the link in the description or scan the QR code on screen right now it's available on IOS and Android stores as well as on PC through Facebook games shiny this gets funnier and funnier so our room is 83 98 so that's 97 that's 95 91 93 so wait wait so you would assume that over here would be 98 but no 99 it's 99 I'm guessing it must be the opposite side of the ship maybe it's odds and evens yeah it will be odds and evens okay so we just need to like somehow get I know sorry he's hating it already it's because our energy is rubbing off at him [Music] probably no 839 you can write this what's wrong nothing nothing's wrong you can't get [Music] into honestly like I cannot deal with this should we just get off and leave yeah I have a um a confession so after we booked this I googled this company and it turns out it's the worst rated Cruise in Europe that we're on are you kidding me how could you not tell me that got save it for for this did you know when you booked it no I found out after but I can't say that I'm surprised to be honest my first impression is not great and I know I'm hot and bothered and so everything is definitely being seen in a more negative light but I can't even get into this room and it took us half an hour to find it okay I've gone and got it fixed so moment of ladies and gentlemen may I have your attention please we inform you that's in 10 minut hey this actually pretty spacious this is sick oh AC oh my goodness it's air conditioning let's get this baby off me that is the end of the negativity it's now time to kick back and enjoy the worst rated Cruise in Europe we got a balcony this is pretty sick so we're in the port of katna at the moment and that there is Mount etner or a little bit of it I'm so happy like I don't think I've ever been so happy to get to a hotel room before I know it's not hotel room yeah my hotel room I've never been happier to actually arrive in my hotel room before I guess we should give you guys a quick room tour this is the bed thank goodness plenty of room for the travel cop for know I was a little bit worried it was going to be like super super cramped and you wouldn't be able to fit it in here but it's fine quite a bit of storage for clothes and stuff you could actually like unpack everything and hang things up which is quite nice and here's the bathroom which is also pretty spacious wo I'm actually very pleasantly surprised okay it's happening we're off mate no turning back now we're unpacked we're rested and are we in a better mindset now yeah yeah I'm I'm happy that all the fa is over with and now we can just relax and enjoy because like now nothing else can go wrong right God don't say [Music] that okay now we're actually on the move I think it's time to go off and explore the ship that is so daunting I'm am so overwhelmed I don't know where to start so I guess different floor have different facilities I think there's like two different night club know where we are I think there's like two different night clubs on nightclubs bloody hell girls night out on my own you know I can stay in and I'll go check out the nightclubs also for all the seasoned Cruisers out there watching this bear in mind we don't have a clue what we're doing this is our first ever cruise we don't know how any of this works this is all new to us even getting on the ship was confusing for us yeah so I think it's going to be a week of confusion but hopefully also a week of relaxation and a lot of [Music] fun the sort of Lobby areas of each bit kind of reminds me of like' 70s Vegas I've never been to Vegas but I could imagine this you've seen movies true and you got like the music blaring yeah it's got pop like Hotel carpet and all that kind of stuff now we're off the entrance level you okay you're vibing no I got a sunsh I was going to say that after coming in the initial when we first boarded the floor made me feel like I was in a hospital now I don't now I feel like I'm in a hotel or a casino [Music] [Applause] I don't know what's happening but I love it I love it I thought I was confused as now but I'm happy I said I wasn't going to drink for this whole time and I instantly want to drink look how happy everyone is apart from us everyone on day [Music] this is cool so there is a sports area which I believe each day they do lots of sporting activities it's very windy as you can see by my hair I am going to try and play football every day that I can and I am so excited for this cuz I haven't played in a long time [Music] [Music] he was exhausted he like fell asleep before he even got put down have you seen the sun sitting behind the volcano that is wild that's the first time I've ever seen that okay this bit's kind of cool I do really like this part [Music] I thought it was going to be easier to go and explore the boat and firstly it's just so big that with Noah that's not happening it's going to take us days and days to figure out how things work we might we might figure it all out by the of the week yeah but what's very apparent is that like cruising culture has clearly been going on for a long time and me we not been a part of it we were late to the party this is the biggest culture shock I think I've had yes possibly even ever yeah and we've been to Delhi that was intense this is wild yeah I I don't know what to do I don't know where to look I confused by everything I mean I feel like I'm constantly missing out and I need to be somewhere at all times there must be something really fun going on but I'm just so exhausted and Confused that I I just give up and we're back at the room now and to be honest this has been my favorite part of the day just watching the sunset from the balcony it's really peaceful really relaxing and absolutely beautiful I think maybe we've had a very hectic day to get here it's very hot with a child and it's just been a lot so please give us a little bit of Slack that guys for being a bit negative but now I think finally hopefully we've settled in to the experience this is the first time where I'm like this is okay this is perfect this is 10 out of 10 10 out of 10 yeah and I'm so glad that we paid that bit extra for the balcony I think I'd be heartbroken if I saw this up on deck and then went had to go back into my room inside what without a window some of them don't have Windows yeah we almost did that one but then I was like oh I I get a bit seasick it is nice to be able to see Horizon I would go absolutely insane if we didn't have a window at least no yeah I mean it is a lot cheaper to be fair to get without window so there is benefit to that so I think our plan is to just enjoy the rest of the evening go to bed wake up Fresh Start yes let's fresh energy take on the boat cruise ship and do all the things that you're supposed to do here but it is stressful guys there's no Maps anywhere and so big it took us 30 minutes to go and find the restaurant for dinner this is true they give you a flimsy map when you first get on the boat and Noah tore that with about 5 minutes so it's a mystery to us now and everything else is then done on the app but the app doesn't work so that's fun okay I think that's enough for now that's enough negativity for now good night guys [Music] [Music] look outside coming up W look at they like line [Music] good morning from the cruising beans we have just arrived in Toronto in Italy and we've actually already visited this place before so we're pretty happy it's the first stop cuz we can't be bothered to get off the boat so we are currently sat on the balcony while Noah has a nap and once he's awake we're going to go and explore the ship a little bit more good [Music] job today it is so much better on the boat I think because we've stopped so many people have got off that it's actually pretty quiet on here yeah but the fact that you can get sun lounges very easily is nice yeah and the pool even the pool out on the deck doesn't seem that busy so we're actually really intrigued to go see the inside pools cuz I'm thinking most people want a sunbathe yeah so I'm hoping the indoor pools are going to be nice and quiet and our British skin wants the least amount of Sun as possible [Music] [Music] [Music] one of the main reasons we decided to try out cruising is that we thought we could basically take care of all of the family in one go and we feel very very grateful that we've got this space for Noah and he can just run around and go mental with the other children and we can take it in turns to look after him and go off and do other things like they have a gym they the pools so although we can't maybe enjoy things together individually we can have a nice time I'm just loving the fact that they have an area like this because Noah is loving exploring the ship but it's kind of exhausting running after him constantly like making sure he's not bumping into anyone or anything like that or you know getting too close to the edges it gives me a heart attack anytime is within like 5 m of the edge so it's nice to have a space that you can just roam around and not get into too much [Music] [Applause] [Music] trouble wow you think [Music] hey hey hey hey I promise I promise I'm trying to enjoy myself but I don't think I've ever been more out of my comfort zone than I am right now I just went down to reception because I lost my my key card and it's 9:00 at night and right in front of the reception it's a major big party that I feel like I've chosen the wrong time to give up alcohol for a few months because I just want to drink not because it looks so much fun it's the only way I can cope and just to add to that just got back and we get a knock at the door and staff are going around to every door handing out this flyer and it says Dear guest we kindly ask you to check your cabin whether you received your whether youve received that's Noah not me if you can hear that dear guest we kindly ask you to check your cabin whether you've received luggage that's not belonging to you in that in that case please contact reception it sounds like they've delivered luggage to the wrong room it just feels like a comedy of errors here good morning I think we are now seasoned Cruisers it's been a whole couple of days so we know our stuff this morning I have found out that not only does this have the reputation of being the worst cruise in Europe it is actually the world's worst rated cruise I don't know how we didn't spot that before like that's quite a difference isn't it just Europe or the entire world we accidentally booked the world's worst cruise you you can tell we don't know what we're doing otherwise we would have seen that I mean considering it holds the title of the world's worst cruise I'm actually really surprised it's not worse than it is it's not that bad no and there's nothing like major that's terrible with it it's just all these little micro things which when they all are put together does add up to a kind of Subs satisfactory experience yeah there's these little things like for example the times that they tell you in the room for things like the meal times are not actually what the meal times are yeah so the the papers they give you when you first check in with all the information and each day all the information what's going on the timings aren't the same as when you actually go to the restaurant to sit down it's all different or yesterday embarrassingly we spent way too long following the signs all over the ship looking for the indoor pool there is no indoor pool and then we went and asked the staff like where's the indoor pool and they looked us like there isn't one those sign everywhere everywhere on the flip side to say something very positive about this is that the food is extremely good if this is the worst cruise in the world and I assume food would be included in there I'm intrigued as to what some of the best cruises would be supplying you in terms of food and experience so they're all dying to know are you converted are you a cruiser okay so you might think because we haven't had the best time that I'd be saying no but actually I'm kind of intrigued to book a good cruise and see what the experience is like and compare the two because like I said considering this is the world's worst cruise I think it's not that bad and it I definitely would have expected it to be way worse considering it has that title I'm glad that we've tried it and we've tried something that okay maybe it wasn't something we exactly expected that we would like and it turns out it's maybe not for us I'm talking like that we're getting off the cruise today cuz I'm ready to get off to be honest we still have five more days five more days of this so make sure you subscribe if you want to see how we get along and let us know down in the comments would you do something like this do you like cruising how wrong did we did it how offended are you if you like cruising I'm very sorry and also if you do know about cruising and you're more of an expert than we are please leave down in the comments below which cruises we should be going on because maybe we should book one of those if you're interested in June's Journey check the link down in the description and nothing left to say but thank you so much for watching we'll see you next time and beans out out [Music]
Channel: Travel Beans
Views: 300,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel bean, travel, youtube, youtube Travel Beans, travel beans, travel couple
Id: lyoS03L_Hu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 51sec (1611 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2024
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