Microsoft Loop or Notion: Why Loop Isn't Ready Yet

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so hello everyone and welcome back to another  video today we are going to look at notion   versus Loop and I want to talk about how Loop is  different to notion and I want to talk through   some of the reasons why you might uh on the side  of notion right now as a collective experience so   here we are inside of our notion at cam now  one of the things that you'll obviously get   from the get-go is that notion does have a lot of  capabilities we know that I would say probably the   database function is largely the most powerful  feature in this and it can quite it can extend   quite fast so I want to talk about that first  as you can see this is a database that we use   for Content writing and things like that and you  can go into quite a high level of depth here you   can see not just properties that are part of each  database but filter sorting grouping subsorting   even subtasks layouts on multiple levels and lots  of different customization if you do that directly   compare that to the feature that's available  inside of Microsoft Loop right now it's vastly   different because you get some very basic sorting  some very basic column abilities and you can see   you can change column type here and it's very  simplistic in its structure it's not going to be   doing vast views vast setups like this and I think  that's the primary difference between notion and   the likes of Loop and obviously we've got here  this part is so like the canvas experience is   they're very similar in a lot of ways obviously  you can't do the Great dealer functions like   slash command and using certain blocks to create  you can't create pages and you can't do a lot of   this Mass multimedia stuff and creating databases  and buttons and breadcrumbs and synced blocks and   all this sort of jazz but you can do a lot of what  it does already it's quite simplistic in a sense   where they've laid the groundwork for the basics  but the difference between this element the tables   function and notion is vastly different like  they're gonna have to do a lot of catching up the   core difference I think is that Loop is very much  structured to be a little bit more less I guess   flexible the notion with notion you've literally  got unlimited flexibility with the database it's   like here if you wanted to do a voting option you  are reliant on the team at Microsoft releasing new   functions for this and sort of giving you more  capabilities whereas at notion you do have a lot   more the key difference between Loop and notion  is this element and that's the loop experience   so obviously with this you can turn anything into  a loop component so if I want to turn um this into   a loop component I can create it and naturally I  can share and extend it obviously one thing you   could do in notion is create a link database and  share it with people obviously there would be some   limitations to the workspace but largely you could  do something like that you could make it shareable   but the difference that I think a lot of people  are finding is that if I were to share something   with notion it still requires you to go into links  and actually interact with those links whereas   I'm sure Steve will show it on screen as  we're speaking the loop components actually   go uh between that so you can use it in Microsoft  teams anywhere really literally any Microsoft 365   platform that has the loop component capability  to do that which is very different and it sort   of breaks that barrier between using a component  actively and not so imagine being able to send   something to somebody and then being able to  interact with a database of notion without had   them having to go into a link and to be able to  view and guest mode or anything like that there   is that step that can really be ironed down now I  want to talk about that a little bit because Loop   components are a the only saving grace for Loop in  my opinion but at the same time is this a problem   that we're fixing or is it probably that we're  creating like with Loop components are do people   really need this do people really need to interact  in real time in these areas and I think the answer   is yes I think having real-time collaboration  without having to go into areas is really helpful   but I think the largest problem will actually be  sorting them and making sure that you are aware of   where they are and this is where I think loop as  a platform like this exists and the reason exists   is because you need a place to store and organize  all of these whereas before Loop components could   exist and be able to be collaborative but they  would only be available in those collaborative   spaces and they wouldn't really have a home this  is a home for your Loop components that's the way   I view it at the moment so other aspects of  it I think workspaces are nice inside of Loop   and that sort of I would say that team spaces are  probably a lot smarter in their sense like in in   the structure and you've got workspaces as well  up here I just think overall the entire package   of notion is considerably better everything from  down to templates down to the ability to structure   stuff is so flexible and I think Microsoft will  probably do a few things and the first of those   is they will build on what notion has as a core  Loop experience like for example making this a lot   better to manage and easier to manage so that's  number one the second is advancing these tables   probably in being a lot more capable viewing a  lot more different styles because at the moment   you've only got table and this task light for  you so being able to correct that or make them   more enhanced will be something that they do and  number three is probably make it a lot easier for   um the admins to switch Microsoft lupon right  now Microsoft Loop is switch on only and you   have to be an admin so that's something that can  be a little bit of a barrier to entry especially   when they've got the distribution they have  it's probably just because you know like a lot   of the plans probably don't include Loops so it's  like trying to make sure that they future proof   themselves if they want to remove loot from a plan  and move it to another plan but I do think that's   almost the issue right now is they almost need to  go okay we need to make Loop part of our larger   system and sort of commit to it and actually get  admin set up if you're somebody that is looking   to activate then you can find  out videos from Daryl as a service he does Modern   work Mentor I'll put him linked below he has some  good videos and content about how to make sure you   switch on admin properly for you and your team  but largely it's I would say at the moment it's   it's almost uncomparable if they didn't have Loop  components notion wouldn't even be worrying about   these guys because Microsoft and Google are these  big companies have the um the mindset sometimes   of just switching them off and not really taking  advantage of them so I think Microsoft Loop has a   lot of potential but if it develops fast  and it rapidly improves this experience   um the actual structure experience of the account  and the future functions that that comes within   it one of the things that even like when they  launched they pre-launched they had like this   feature where it was like video notifications  where you could reply back with video notification   but they dropped that for launch which makes  total sense because obviously it's quite a lot of   information but that's the sort of features that  are gonna differentiate from notion is that sort   of like um you know that sort of step forward that  they might need to take a little bit of risk on if   they're going to LeapFrog but obviously Microsoft  Loop isn't going for their smaller audiences like   notion is they're going for medium to large teams  but in the sense notion could also take a lot of   hints from this like there is this area private  down here but they could have area for the ideas   and recent that's a really nice feature and I  guess link databases is sort of similar to this   but you could develop some sort of loop component  element as part of notion if it's something that   teams are looking to enhance like I'm not sure  how you can do it it's mainly because 365 and   teams and all that are built for this so you're  sort of building something that works in a system   you've already got but I feel like notion should  be thinking about how they can approach being   more widely accessible um but again only because  this problems come up that they've created so it   might not even be a problem anyway folks I hope  you found this video useful I thought it was a   fun overview of just where my opinions are with  Loop versus notion right now giving you a bit of   a side concise comparison of how it works at the  moment we're doing we've got a few videos we've   got Microsoft Loop in depth that we've done that  I'm sure we'll be posting on the other channel and   um I'm sure you can find that there but aside  from that this was just an overview of my thoughts   of where things stand at the moment so folks  hopefully you enjoyed this one I look forward   to seeing you subscribe and I'll see you in a  next video I'm very sure cheerio foreign [Music]
Channel: Keep Productive
Views: 7,996
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Keywords: keep productive, keep productive notion,, notion, project management, personal productivity, tool finder,, notion microsoft loop, ms loop, ms loop vs notion
Id: l970ehx3qN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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