Unveiling 4 NEW Microsoft Loop Features

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g'day there everyone Daniel Anderson here and today we're going to take a look at four new features of Microsoft Loop uh that are rolling out right now that are going to even further enhance the way that you use you think you plan you create together with Microsoft Luke but before we do that if you have not subscribed to my daily newsletter head over to Daniel anderson.io pop your email address in there and you can start receiving uh the newsletter as of tomorrow um where every single day you'll get some tips some tricks some use cases and some training delivered directly to your inbox to help you become better at using Microsoft 365 in under 10 minutes every single day so head over there pop your email address in and you can get tomorrow's edition free on to today's video and we are all about Microsoft Loop so let's get stuck into the first of the four new features that we're going to have a look at now the first one is going to be the ability uh for table expansion so as we can see on the screen here we've got an issue tracker that is made up of a Microsoft loop table now you can see that we do have have the ability to collapse the left-hand navigation of Microsoft Loop but what about the actual table itself so we might have a table that's got multiple or lots of different columns we don't want to do the the horizontal scrolling feature so you can see what we've got now is these two little icon this little icon here with the arrows pointing left and right that allows us to expand and collapse our table or the instance of our table on the page so a great little enhancement there now the other thing that we do have and I'm going to expand this out is the ability for us to have summary rows for number columns now one of the columns that we can add is a number column so if I add another column to this table I can change the type of column and if we change it to number and if we just pop some numbers in here what you'll see at the bottom of this row is that we've got the ability to have some simple arithmetic happening here so we've got three options we've got some we've got average and we've got count all right so some simple math there coming to Loop tables in our number columns now the third thing that we've got is some enhanced link previews so being well with inside of a loop page here we can use the at symbol and then start to type in the name of a file and we can bring in and link to that file but rather than just having a text hyperlink like we normally do we can have a new enhanced link preview so you can see there that we get the title we get a little bit of information we get a preview to the file itself so a lot better from a user experience point of view than just a text link now the last thing that I'm going to highlight here is a new little feature here that allows us to boost a piece of content so when I click on this boost I can pick a boost with we've got some love hearts we love it we've got to let's celebrate and then we've got to check this out as well so I'm going to choose let's celebrate so let's select this one now let's celebrate this um and go great efforts um Nesta so let's um now boost this so now what we've got is this little um it's it's like a movie player so when we click that it's going to boost that piece of content in our case it's a party blows out our uh our confetti and then displays our boost um message there as well so some great features coming to Microsoft Loop um we had the table expansions we've got the table summary for number columns uh we've got our enhanced link preview and then we've just seen the ability to boost parts of a uh a loop component as well so thanks for watching hope that brings you some value and once again head over to Daniel anderson.io and pop your email address in to subscribe to the Daily newsletter see you in the next episode
Channel: Daniel Anderson
Views: 1,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loop, loop youtube video, loop youtube videos, Microsoft Loop
Id: ZdV-J7Dmsh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 22sec (262 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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