How To Use Microsoft Loop For Work

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hi so in this video we're going to have a look at how to use Microsoft Loop for work so let's get straight into it I'm Gavin Jones founder and director at me time where we help people get more out of Microsoft 365 or help them save time at work depending on your outlook if you're interested in working together then stick around at the end of the video to find out more or check out some links in the description of this video below so here we are in Loop it is a web app and a mobile app at the moment it's in preview which I should say long time coming I wish Microsoft would just go ahead and release it now if you want the mobile app you need to have test flight on your Apple device at least can't get it from the App Store just yet at the time of recording if you watched in my previous videos on Loop then Loop components uh it's been out for a while but only in teams chat and in Outlook this Loop app is then the loop workspaces and loop Pages which should make Loop at least a bit more useful than it has been in the past so we'll go and have a look at that now I've got new videos on Microsoft 365 and Microsoft teams coming out every single Tuesday so make sure you hit the Subscribe button and the bell icon to get notified when they come out so the first thing that you need to get is a workspace is a collection of pages I'm sure I'll mention this a few times as we go through it doesn't now make sense to have Loop and one note for me because they're both kind of one on the same thing I know one note's got handwriting support and loop I don't think it does currently but it would make sense for me if Microsoft merged one note and loop together but that's just me so the workspace is at the time of recording are just completely their own sort of entity you can't use Loop in team's Channel yeah either as a tab or as posting a component the only thing you can do in teams is paste the component into chat which we'll have a look at but the workspace is to me would make sense if they lived inside a Microsoft group or in a Microsoft team so that everyone already has add access to the team or the group had access to the workspace you can't do that at the time recording it's just its own entity with its own sharing and so we'll just jump in this one to have a look at so you can create a new one with a little plus icon we're just going to getting started at the moment to sort of walk through what's available so if you've ever used notion it's heavily borrowed I would say from notion of what Microsoft have done where you know you've got Pages down the side you can have indented pages to keep track of stuff and you can link components from one page to another page to show the same thing keep them in sync and I guess what Microsoft have done is expand that across their entire ecosystem although only teams chat and Outlook at the moment where you can have a component shown up in any app not just across Pages because actually Microsoft owned more apps than notion do and how they all stay in sync wherever you're seeing it which I guess with greater power comes great responsibility it could be quite confusing if everyone doesn't know that they're live and updating and it's going to show up somewhere else especially if you've got I don't know a customer presentation that's uh has got something in LinkedIn and you're you're typing into it but if you ever use notion it's going to look very similar so you can have a little cover at the top and a little Emoji to go with it and then this sort of getting started workspace sort of walks you through everything that Loop can do at the moment so it's got a little YouTube video for you to watch if we jump on to check the basics page I've been playing around with this before already getting here some steps to get started so the main building blocks are you can sort of click in a line and make a bit of space and it's just a says just start typing sometimes it says type slash to insert an at to find things so if we type slash that's where you're adding in building blocks of that page it's just sort of stuff going down the page so you can't arrange things to the right and left or anything like you would do in a SharePoint page although you might start to see some overlaps with usage as I go through the video perhaps but you can have whatever heading you want a table sorry my camera's in the way of the screen a possible recording um so I can't say anything like check boxes bulleted lists numbers stuff that might help you divide up the page but maybe not that useful then probably more usefully then you've got like templates which are task list phone table progress tracker at the moment and then communication person is appears here which also appears under that when you do an act but files doesn't that's only under app which uh I'm not sure what they just put in one one list so obviously you can just do a heading and just say this is the heading when you just start typing it's sort of the body of text and you know each line is its own sort of component so you can like drag it and drop it underneath and then when I come on to like sharing components you can either share one specific line even that you can turn into a component create Loop component of that line or we can highlight the entire line and create a loop component of everything you've highlighted and that's where you'd share it and people can keep in sync with what's going on so if you've got the headings I was messing around with headings there and the other one is is at so we start typing at you can at mention people and pick from your recent files so if you go ahead I'm the only one in my organization at the moment so if I go ahead and do at Gavin Jones you can't get rid of the last name like you can in teams again this is a preview so if you're filming for Microsoft for watching this that would be nice but you could do that also like other app mentioned or modern commenting across the Microsoft 365 ecosystem the notifications when you do an animation send you an email which has been a bug bear so at mention only came along really with slack in the workplace Microsoft teams borrowed stuff from slack and so the first time that app mentioning was available in the Microsoft ecosystem was in teams well then they then later brought it into email we'd get a slightly bigger prompt in your inbox if someone app mentions you in an email so for me app mentions is synonymous with teams most of the work I do is trying to get people out of internal email and fully Embrace into teams so there's one way of doing stuff and one place to do it which can free up multiple hours per person per week if you even just get that little bit right as well as all the other stuff you do to help organizations and so having comments where you can mention people so this is the same in Excel word PowerPoint you can app mention people in that document it intuitively would want that to appear as a notification in teams but it doesn't it sends an email into your inbox which you then need to go and do something with and same with Loop even me at mentioning myself which I don't think PowerPoint does I mention myself then it knows that I don't need to get a notification I'll get an email from Lube saying either that mentioned in this page so useful if you want to bring people into that page or whatever you're talking about and the notifications presumably would then appear in loop as well if it was from somebody else so notifications about app mentions assigned tasks invites and conversations that you're part of will be shown here so you can tag people you can put files in so here's what I did earlier which just gives you like not even like a real preview of the file but just a big sort of card if I click on it it's going to jump me out into the web app of word because it's a Word document and obviously this is in preview I did get some feedback about this already I hope you Microsoft fixed this if I type at to because I want to put a file in because I've been in the loop all of my recent files are Loop Pages well I haven't actually even done anything to many of these I've just gone and looked at them if I click on files I would then expect something to show me all of my files or at least all my recent files but it doesn't it just shows me the last five Loop pages so quite quickly any PowerPoint file that I wanted to share in that page I can't get back to and I can't go and pick from my OneDrive or anything need to go and find that link and paste it in which is sub-optimal at least when I first started using it I was able to do an apps this was one of the files I looked at recently and I could put an app mention and put a file in there so this one already has tasks in already which you can see I added a task for myself does this thing to to do or planner and the answer is this thanks to Juana which is better than I thought it'd be I thought it wouldn't go anywhere at all so if we jump into my planner it's useful that it goes somewhere it's useful that goes somewhere so because it's in my planner planner also syncs with to do tasks we're planning to do in teams shows you both of those and if you've got the to-do app open all the time which I do because that's where I do my tests from it will appear in the assigned to you bit of planner and also if you put a date on it flag up from a notification from to do when it's time for you to do it or appear in your planned or my day lists if you're using to do to do your task list so at least it goes somewhere in the Microsoft Studio system that's good the bad bit going back to what I was saying before is because the workspace is completely separate from anything else in the Microsoft ecosystem so the only way for me to get other people into this getting started workspace or whatever workspace I've created is to share it share access to all pages with this workspace getting started I click that and I need to invite people one by one rather than just inviting like YouTube team so or what's it called testing for YouTube the other thing I can do is invite someone by their email or even if they're internal to the company by their name so if we're able to link that whole workspace to a team and then say you know whenever I do a task thing I want it to go into this specific planner maybe the default one that's gets set up when you set a team up say or they can have multiple plans in each team the way Microsoft does in the background at the moment at least it seems to be it's created a new plan from that workspace so all of the tasks that I put in my Loop workspace go into a planner with one bucket that just says tasks that appear there which will then appear in my to do because I've been assigned to it but if I already had a planner in a team so say that I had a loop to do with making content I've got a plan that helps me sort of kanban my content creation like for YouTube channels across recording to edit to publish to review if I made a task in Loop then it doesn't appear in my content plan it just appears in the loop one that it's set up which could be better could be better at least it goes somewhere so yeah you can make a little task list that's in the page here's one that was you know just a check box added which was already there so we can add that by doing a slash and uh checklist and then whatever you want and and check them off again this is all co-editable like live co-authoring so multiple people could get the same page at the same time and from multiple places and because each line like I say each line is its own sort of component you can have a chat about any single line or any bit of text on the entire page so there's me trying out a comments I can add a comment just to this one line so you can put an emoji on it which sort of breaks up the formatting a little bit if you were bothered about that I only put a comment in and I think you can mention from the comments as well and it's even let me put a file in here which is just a link so maybe that text was about a file I can damage in the file and it actually popped up files then and didn't just show me Loop once which was uh which was interesting I can add another comment and that mention myself so rather than changing the body of the text you can put comments in about the text in whatever context it is like it says you can text to format it which is fine you know I mentioned to do like a fault you can hold the these icons to sort of drag and drop content and the check boxes don't need to live in the same list they can split apart from each other so we could put that one right under tasks say the tax header at least and then it says click the round button in the sidebar to add a page or a link so if I do a new link it's asking me to just link to an existing page or file so I need to go and get the link for that file rather than you know having a list of files to to get an attached and I can have a whole whole new page if I wanted to and so here's it's like creating a new page so you can add the cover add the icon at the title and then add all the content you want and it's got some templates that might help you as well so if you click on it it gives you a preview of what that template is going to be this one's got goals so team members and when they're working so you can actually mention them and and get the hover over and see more about them linking to the Microsoft graph project deliverables so that's the task one that we just looked at and then some relevant links team decision I'm just showing you some more you know using more emojis in the text some blted lists some tables and you know some pictures project planning and meeting notes so meeting notes is interesting because Microsoft uh of getting rid of Wiki the meeting notes in teams at the moment uses Wiki to make meeting notes when you're in a meeting so when you create a new channel it creates a one note for you to put notes in whatever notes you want to instead of Wiki when you create a new meeting and do meeting nodes Microsoft have announced that meeting notes is going to be powered by loot which is good but then it seems odd that you've got notes separate to meeting notes because most of your notes are going to be from meetings presumably so it's interesting how Microsoft's gonna Bridge those two together like I say at the start would be better in my opinion if Loop and OneNote were the same app obviously they've got the handwriting thing to get over so probably that won't happen I just feign that uh once for one thing and one to another which is not really so you can add a page you can have indented page is so this one's showing you how to create a component which is what I've already done here so we can create a component that's just that one line and it sort of whizzes round and then we can look at where this has been shared already it's turning in just right here we can copy the component or we can see who has access now if we copy that component it's opening up the usual sort of sharing tray but the default is people in the organization with the link can view it so we can sort of paste it anywhere so if we copy that and then go and stick it in teams say if I go into teams Channel just to show you if I I've done this unfortunately if I paste the link there it just gives me a text link and doesn't do anything if I click it it's going to jump out into the web app and just go to that page if I go into chat and paste the link then that's when it's gonna sync if there's people in your organization with a link can edit which you can sort of change there so people currently in this chat so you know that if they then share it on then opening up permission so there is a bit of thought and Nuance to like opening up permissions of loop components given that you can edit it from anywhere you could end up with people that you don't want access to have it changing it and it changes it you know everywhere all the way through back to your original page or think in the future if you put that component into a Word document it would change it in the word document so some things that might be a little bit dangerous if not everyone understands so we'll share that in the chat obviously it's just a chat with me but if I change it here um and I can even I think do the same formatting though I had done in Loop so say we make it bold and yellow then if we flip back to loop it's Auto it's you know it's already changed there it's like literally live editing synced everywhere and you can see we only shared that one line so it's done quite a big block around and sort of messed up our formatting beneath it we can add stuff that's going to be in that component or we can share a component that's all of that text but we can't now include that one I've already shared which is interesting and because that's already a component on its on its own so if someone made a component out of that one line and actually we want to share all three lines doesn't look like we can do that at the moment we'd have to sort of retype the line and I'm not sure if you can earn component something that's not in the uh in The Help so if anyone knows then let me know in the comments below but just to give example you could highlight that that line or you could highlight lots of lines of text across the page or you could make a component out of that entire page so we could share Loop component of that entire page and that's making the entire pager component and again if we go and copy that and stick it into teams you can then see that entire page including the separate component that we had at the top it's very highlight that there and go over that you should be able to see that in the other version of me let's highlight that text you can see like you would in word or Excel or PowerPoint other people's curses working on the same thing at the same time you can see now that that's the entire page that we've shared like I said it would be useful if we could paste that page as a tab in a team that's not out yet hopefully Microsoft's working on that because that seems the most useful thing that you can do with Loop and teams so how to use Microsoft Loop for work well if you follow any of the guidance that we set me time you should have a very simplified architecture across Microsoft 365 with hopefully one large team for the majority of your organization and channel to split stuff down and file structure that's quite simple that everyone can find everything we're learning to go and then use the tabs across the team to keep track of stuff that you need for that individual area of the business or process or project or whatever you want to delineate it by and so it makes sense that then if you've done all of that work that you would replicate Loop workspaces to be the same thing so I'd say if you've got a team or a channel you should have a workspace for each team or for each Channel and obviously this is in preview so it depends how Microsoft are going to integrate that into teams it might that the guidance might change we can't do that right now so I'm kind of just just guessing how that will integrate but it makes sense that you would have the same sort of wrapper in Loop that you would in teams it makes sense to have a workspace for the whole team depending on how complicated your team is and invite the same people you'd have to do right now and then have a page maybe for each channel for each project and you can have sub pages so you could structure it that way and you know use Loop to collaborate on stuff use it like a Notes app um maybe use it for meeting notes ahead of that coming into teams fully but like I say the benefit of loop which isn't fully realized yet is that you can share stuff across instances domains however you want to think about it across apps or across anything and it all stays in sync together so we've just showed you showing components from Loop to teams which is not that useful yet because you have to put it in a chat but you can share components anywhere so if you had multiple things across Pages if you had say you had a loot page for sales and you had a loot page for marketing and actually it was something that marketing were working on but sales weren't input you wouldn't need to decide where to have it anymore you could just have the same component in both and it's decency is one of the same thing so let's just do that so say we've got a sales page and a marketing page and marketing have got a calendar of stuff which they've put in one thing I didn't show that's quite cool what I think is quite cool is the progress tracker which is a table or you can get the same sort of thing if you do a label so you can you know pick from these and then customize them but say we want this you know something to show that this table is actually stuff that's not started or in progress or you know you can sort of add options say ideation say marketing speak and everything underneath that you can see by eye is just to do with that that one and then you could change it maybe or you could put that on the table as well so we've got this progress tracker and brand launch X that's uh me doing everything progress this is where the progress is in a table so we'll say it's in progress do a due date blockers is a you can add in a a check box within the table so that's pretty cool and then so we want to make that a header and that box all the components to create a component copy that and then we're going to stick that in the sales page so obviously the page could have a lot more stuff in some information about sales new starters how to you know do sales videos and marketing could have more stuff about marketing and the brands campaigns and whatever but for this particular thing we want both teams to see what's going on and be able to feed into it so we could have a Blocker on this there's someone in sales could say actually customer y does not want this so that might be a blocker to launch if there's not enough volume to go ahead and get those initial orders done and then if we jump back to marketing without sales leaving their own page bear in mind this could be embedded quite deep because you can have multiple embedded Pages if we go into marketing that's all in sync and you know sort of live updating wherever you're accessing it from so yeah you can have multiple embedded pages so we can create a new sub page and I think you can have not got to the Limit but you can have multiple embedded subpages don't know how deep it goes but say that was all collapsed you wouldn't expect then someone to go through into an area that they're not in to then go and find the page you could just link whatever you need from that page into another page that's just relevant for them which is sort of an example of what we're doing in the sales and marketing pages so hopefully that gives you some examples of how you can use Microsoft Loop for work right now if you want to get ahead of the game it is in preview I think you should need to go through social Microsoft loop on Google and go through and sign up I think you can sign up with a personal account straight away and just get access to it if you want to use it with your organization account you need your it admin to have done something in the admin Center which might be a blocker for you but if in a small organization then they might just go ahead and do it for you but let me know what you think in the comments below is going to be useful for you what do you think do you think Microsoft needed some more work before it's going to be useful let me know in the comments below so before you go remember to give the video a like if you liked it click subscribe and hit the Bell icon to get notified every time a new video comes out for free if you want to support the channel there's a number of ways to do that now in the link in the description below if you just want to keep watching these videos on YouTube and if you need more help either for yourself or for your organization it's got a couple of ways we can help now so one is some end user courses that you can go and sign up for in the description below there's probably a little money off code in there as well if you detect hard enough and if you need help for your whole organization probably worth just having a chat so click the book A call Link in the description below and we can see if we can help your whole organization work in a more modern way thanks for watching so far and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: MeeTime
Views: 1,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Use Microsoft Loop For Work, meetime, how to use microsoft loop, microsoft loop, Microsoft Loop Explained, loop, microsoft 365, loop workspaces, How to use Microsoft Loop app, microsoft teams, microsoft loop app, microsoft loop components, loop components, microsoft loop components in teams, microsoft loop demo, microsoft loop review, loop components in chat, microsoft planner, microsoft loop preview, microsoft loop components first look, microsoft loop first impressions
Id: Jm4scvFSN8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 34sec (1534 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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