Microsoft Flight Simulator Xbox Console Review

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microsoft flight simulator was announced june 9th 2019 and everyone saw it and said nope you wouldn't be remiss i mean first it looked almost impossible second was being made by a sobo studios whose other game was plagued tail innocence not really a lot of crossover experience there as gamers we already had to live through the watchdogs fake trench coat lighting and basically everything world debacle and while cyberpunk was just a future future future date at that time to be moved many times after that that would also leave a lot to be desired on the old truth front and then it was just out on pc and sure enough you did need a monster rig to run it really well but even at lower settings the numbers holy moments was like riding a really bad safety record roller coaster 20 plus airplanes no helicopters sadly and a billion gigabytes later microsoft flight sim was a damned good title and if you get a chance you can check out my review on the pc version and it's now hit the consoles of course we'll have tribes of midgard ascent and other reviews coming up so if you get a chance subscribe but let's talk about microsoft flight sim because it's finally here and for everybody else out there the 27th this thing is going to show up on game pass everybody's going to want to know how this translated from the pc to the console fly sim is easily one of the best looking xbox games there is full stop even with some aliasing in various places most noticeably on the takeoff and landing and in some structures and of course that ram shackle way that bing maps interpolates data and plots it down in the game world so that boat looks like a half sunken cylinder created from the sad stories of sailors that they have to tell each other before going out it's the flying that matters though it's the wonder of terra ascend through a cloud in a stunt plane or trying to retrofit your body with four other arms when landing a jet on a windy island runway the game is stellar looking at the proper distance from realistic cockpits to stunning lighting and textures flying over new york is a sight to behold paris san francisco italy london australia florida okay maybe not florida but all those others for the most part you see a game that's huge you see a game that's massive that looks at most other titles and say nah man here's the world it's probably going to have some random problem somewhere where people couldn't test every single combination of speed loading times world design and airplanes and i present to you 3fps mode so one of the reasons why i test everywhere i can is because it's easy to play a game and say hey man this is locked here or locked there but here and there in an open world game is about as accurate as saying tacos or lazy burritos which is somewhat accurate but doesn't actually tell the entire story and i want to make sure that this is clear almost no other locations have this kind of situation going on one airport in particular taking off into that seamless blue sky of memories and futures yet unlived came crashing down to earth the only way to fix this kind of issue was to not take off from there reboots deleting the rolling cash that you can set up in this game none of that worked it was very particular to those airplanes and that one particular airport however that's one airport out of thousands though i do need to say that if i found that one you might see some others popping up in reviews coming out this week i did continue to troubleshoot this and never found that experience anywhere else though the trouble spot aside what you have here though is a mostly 30 fps experience at 4k on the xbox series x and 1080p on the xbox series s you have some drops depending on locations but nothing that actually impacts gameplay except for that one location there's no graphical options in this game to really speak of unless we count turning off bing maps and other features which by the way i suggest against despite those issues the game is breathtaking to experience it is simply one of the best looking games i have ever seen even though when you fly over new york it looks a little bit like the last of us three where all of a sudden you see trees and growing in places they probably shouldn't it does bring me to one huge point with this game though it needs the internet connection to even look remotely its best here it is without it and here it is with all the online settings on listen you just gotta know what you're expecting from this game and what it's trying to deliver to you which is the feeling of being inside of those cockpits at any one time taking off from places you know places that are familiar places that aren't landing in places that you know or that you well aren't familiar with or just crashing into something on accident because you forgot to do the flaps right it is a phenomenal simulator experience if you understand what those kind of titles are trying to deliver one of the most impressive console games i have ever seen [Music] graphically [Music] on the other hand when you look at sound music and voice which i covered in the other review i would say it's very good the sound inside the cockpits is accurate the sound outside of them is pretty accurate if you're hanging outside of an airplane for dear life and the voices are usually ai handled via an ai speech algorithm that actually works pretty well to mimic your different radio calls all of that works fine the music i really do like it's a very serene very laid back almost an austin wintery kind of just sort of sit back and let the world sink in almost main menu music when you think about it it's not going to be for everybody and many times it sort of peters out and goes away and then cycles back i liked all that gameplay though is going to be what matters here so microsoft flight sim starts you with a number of tutorials as well as the ability to free fly and discover locations let's talk about the tutorials first you run through basic steps like starting the engine and taking off landing taxing reading the instruments and climbing up the complexity chain the further you proceed in these these are pretty good tutorials they're not excellent there are some gaps but overall they let you learn what you need to learn and there's also some free flight in some of them at the end which lets you sort of test out other skills or just sightsee flight sim is what it sounds like though while there are various trials that you can do as well as the discovery tours which take you to touristy locations like central park or san francisco it is not called plane pilot simulator where you jump in a plane you're a pilot you have to taxi on and off with a bunch of people on board pissy about everything there are no people on board and they're no real actions or missions like that so be prepared if you're somebody who comes from a euro truck simulator kind of thing where there's all these deliveries and stuff to do it's not exactly set up the same way and speaking of euro truck where a lot of people will grab their old steering wheel and strap it to their desk the game does work with mouse and keyboard on the series x and s when it comes to the instrumentation you can do everything with the gamepad though and surprisingly enough with some adjustments it actually worked incredibly well flying itself there's no issues of course when it comes to the gamepad there are some more arcane bits on complex planes that can be a little bit daunting at first it uses the left and right bumpers as modifiers and once you sort of understand that and identify what they're thinking of then it's not that hard to figure out where the majority of different instrumentation may lay however i don't demand my united airlines pilot suddenly use a freaking xbox one controller and the reason is probably because landing at complex airports or flying in insanely difficult conditions will test your ability to bounce around between hard lock location screens as well as some soft locations for instrumentation there's a reason that most f1 racing wheels look like a star trek command console because there's a lot of to do no amount of shortcuts or modifier buttons is gonna magically replace hitting the bracket key for simplicity so be aware of that you ever gone driving with a grandparent and half of the way there they forget where they are where they're going or where you are or who's in the car that's a little bit like the ai in this game if you want to take off or land or just fly around you can turn the ai flight system on you can pick a couple parameters for how it's going to work takeoff it's not so bad it does a pretty excellent job but it can be very confused when you're flying to a one place destination and you take off and fly for a bit and then let it take over it has that grandpa moment where you have to sort of push him along because it can ramrod you fly around for a bit and then remember it was going to the store not from the store and will turn back towards your destination that can lose you a lot of time as well as some gas at any time you can easily take over or give back control now at any time you can also pick various destinations key sightseeing spots and the game will fly you there or point you to it if you want to do so simulator games especially like this there's absolutely no weapons at all other than a confident ego in a situation you have no excuse being in it's just you and the sky you do have the challenge missions these are okay there's nothing great at this time but it puts a bit of a cage around that squirrely beast of a sim game that we all experience it so far doesn't have a real mode in it though that says something like get these 150 passengers home with half your systems dead like kurt russell also i did run into some issues the game took my controls from my pc version and whatever it did it did not work in fact nothing worked i couldn't move the controller and get any options to work at all i had to hook up a usb keyboard to the xbox series x and reset the controls there back to default no matter what else i did it would not fix that gameplay wise this is a hard title to qualify you can spend a couple hours or hundreds of hours in it and not see remotely close to everything either way you could spend hours exploring the areas around your home or your old hometown or another continent or you could turn it on fly a bit and then just happily sit back and watch it the game has less of a requirement and more of a resolved determination that sticks in you and asks you to go just one more flight and in the past full-on flight games like this they didn't even come to the console or if they did you got something where the game could have just been called spot the most things that have been cut from this game simulator simulator not so with microsoft flight sim graphically it didn't take near the hit that i expected and what you're left with is what i said about in the pc full review a spectacularly sedate flyer that offers a one-of-a-kind experience except that now it's on two platforms and uh requires like 100 gigabytes download not standing fun factor the game it's incredible on pc it continues to be that way on console while a simulator game may feel shallow when it comes to the typical gamified mechanics flight sim's depth is in picking a plane and knowing it much more like a fighting game if your fighting game was a simulation of smoking a giant blunt like snoop dogg and then streaming on twitch for two hours without turning the audio on it's laid back but it's not carefree it's simplified at times for sure when other games might appear more complex but that doesn't remove its worth instead it just shifts into another genre of that wtf side of eurotruck or other emulators while you don't have a huge list of activities hoops to jump through the fun here is actually not needing them it's flying across the coastline and saying that's my house and if you're in luck actually seen your goddamned house as you guys know are rate games on a buy weight for sale rent or never touch again rating scale this is on game pass so we're just gonna say get it or forget it get it for sure if you have game pass if you want to go out and buy it you can see the pc review i did i do think this is worth buying i think it's great i think even with that one place i can't even remember what it was i think it was like australia or london those two are completely separated it was one of those places it was some place that had the really bad fps i didn't see that in any other locations by all means check out other reviews because maybe they will point it out but no one at all will be able to have checked all these locations unfortunately because there's just thousands of airports and thousands of different places i will suggest to you that if you get this you do make sure that your bandwidth can handle it i played this on a wireless network at about 200 and then of course on a lan network which was up in the thousands when it comes to the download speed and there was a couple stutters definitely on the wireless but with wireless especially with my xbox series x i've never been perfectly stutter free anyway when it comes to the lan cable i didn't really notice any stutters at all now you do get the occasional fps drop which is different than your streaming stutter anyway that's it for me i hope you guys like the review remember we're doing tribes we're doing a scent there's other videos coming up there's going to be a community video you can of course check out the patron where we do all kinds of stuff special secret podcasts as well as d games all kinds of crazy in there but regardless of what you do regardless if you get this game i hope you have an awesome week
Channel: ACG
Views: 373,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geek, acgreview, angrycentaurgaming, gameplay, ACG, gaming, nerd, review, xbox, ms, game, reviews, gamepass, ps5, xbox series x, xbox series s, gaming news, #gamereview, #reviews, #gameplay, comedy, acg reviews, video games, angry review, trending, acg previews, acg impressions, ms flight sim console review, microsoft flight simulator for xbox, ms flight sim xbox review, microsoft flight simulator console review, microsoft flight simulator review, flight sim impressions
Id: 2wCN1uiRxfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 26 2021
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