Microsoft Copilot: the End of Most Office Jobs?

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co-pilot remember the name because that is something that you're soon going to see absolutely everywhere if you use a PC and work with any of the Microsoft tools such as PowerPoint or even simply use Hotmail or OneDrive to store your files every single Microsoft software will now integrate this Ai and it will change the way you use it dramatically for example you will be able to generate a whole PowerPoint presentation just based on a text prompt and some specific settings that you like then you will be able to edit everything that you want inside this PowerPoint by simply talking to your co-pilot for example you will be able to say things like rewrite this text in this or that way or make this slide more visual less text animate the object on the slide create transitions between slides etc etc so this is really a new way to interact with software it's like a new user our interface your permanent AI body like copilot will be there for you and will listen to you and instead of you yourself clicking with the mouse here and there choosing things instead of that you will talk to your co-pilot and it will do everything that you want for you of course it will also be able to draft emails for you almost like talking in your place generate whole Word documents based on anything that you need and much more but the most amazing thing here and why Google is in deep trouble is the way that it works basically Microsoft will not just do it by using chat GPT behind the scenes now whenever you will write a prompt it will actually first check all your data whether it's your personal data or your business data depending on how you use it so it will go through all your data whether it's located on your Hotmail or on your OneDrive any of the documents that you have Etc Etc make sense of this data and the context behind this data then run it through the language model probably based on charge gpt4 then it will run it back through your documents once again and generate the output which means that it's not just chat GPT integrated into Microsoft software now it's integrated and connected to your own docs and this is how it will be able to create for example those PowerPoint presentations based on your Excel data or create those doc files based on your email conversations and your Excel data and data from your PowerPoint etc etc and this will make it super super powerful it will have many other functions as well for example for meetings that take place through teams it will be able to recap these meetings for you for example and generate notes based on those meetings so the possibilities here are endless basically these are all the things that people who have office jobs were doing manually by clicking here and there switching between apps copying text adding images looking for information also right here it will basically find all this for you just based on your text prompt and you will interact with it almost as if you were talking to it but you will just do it in writing and I guess this is in the beginning probably a voice communication with it will be integrated very soon afterwards and the thing is that of course it makes sense that to use this tool to your best Advantage you better have all your documents in Microsoft properties right if you use Hotmail for example that's fine but if your files are stored on the Google Drive well it will most likely not work because copilot will not be able to go there and analyze this data and that's where Microsoft is getting a crazy upper hand because it will motivate Microsoft products users to migrate even more of their stuff exclusively on Microsoft properties and this is super powerful to be fair though Google of course announced very similar system that it will also integrate AI in its properties but the thing with Google is that Google seems to be like stunts like totally shocked by what is happening they completely missed the moment of AI especially that they actually did develop a very similar AI called Lambda it was probably just as good as chat GPT but it didn't release it and you know why they didn't release it because of safety and potential bias that this system would demonstrate and they considered that it was too risky so for five years they postponed the release of their model and because of that well they lost which is crazy though because Engineers from Google who are working on this AI they were pushing Google able to act they said we need to release something and we need to show people what we're doing so they can test it and Google Executives were always saying like no no no we should not do it it's not ready yet it has too much bias it will hurt people's feelings so we should not release it and many Engineers actually left Google to go work to open the eye or start their own companies and that was an absolutely dramatic mistake for Google and right now Google seems to be scrambling like they are panicking and they're trying to do anything that's possible to catch up except that they still employ the same strategies for example Bard like Bard is coming it's almost like winter is coming in Game of Thrones it's never there they keep announcing it but every time they do this they say ah only a select group of Google employees can actually test it and it's the same for their AI features inside Google properties they say that for now they will only be tested internally inside Google so Microsoft was much more let's say a reckless kind of following the strategy move fast and break things when they partnered with chat GPT and with this AI tool the co-pilot they actually also said that it will not be available to everybody so fast however they will let a select group of their own clients use it so it will not be internal anymore other actual existing legit companies will be able to use it and it's not going to be something that will be hidden behind the scenes and only talked about like Google does all the time so it really seems that Google Executives made a series of dramatic mistakes even me I realized that I was actually using ping now that's crazy why because I want to try Bing GPT Bing chat so for that I have to use Bing as my search engine and Edge as my browser something that I would have never even imagined I would be doing and yes everyone body was mocking Microsoft but they were grinding behind the scenes they kept going they never abandoned anything and at some point years later boom they come here and they actually disrupt Google I found myself not even going on search engines at all anymore I go straight to chat GPT when I have some kind of question and I find that the answer that I get is usually the good one and it's much faster much more efficient than me sifting through countless articles or links to websites that I get when I search on Google so yes the AI race is heating up big time and we are going to see AI tools implemented in user interfaces absolutely everywhere from now on so it starts with going to chat GPT the link on the internet and now we will have Microsoft tools and Google tools which will integrate AIS and probably in a few months we will actually have ai directly inside our phones computers TV these and probably even our fridges it will be literally everywhere and it's happening right now
Channel: Business Disruptors
Views: 371,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HnQiiv5jvSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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