You Won't Believe These Crazy PIVOT TABLE Hacks!

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One of the most used features in Excel are  pivot tables. They save us time and effort   because they do the calculations for us. And  I have many videos on the channel about them.   But if you want to save even more time,  make sure you're going to check out these   10 Pivot Table Pro Tips that I'm going to  share with you in a second. What I'd like   you to do is tell me which tip is your  favorite. Mine is number four. Let's go! Tip #1: The Fast Pivot. So, I have here  a table with salespeople, the order date, and the   sales. And I'm going to create a final pivot table  that looks like this with formatted numbers. Can   you believe that I can create that from here to  here with just two clicks? Yeah, two clicks. So,   check this out. I'm going to click on Recommended  Tables, which is in the Insert tab, and scroll   down to see what we want: Salesperson by Sum  of Sales. That's the second click. Two clicks   to find a result. Yeah, I did kind of lie because  I was already on the Insert tab. You're probably   going to be in the Home tab. So, in theory, it's  going to need three clicks. Just sounded cooler. Next tip is to adjust your pivot  table fields, tools, settings. So,   there's a gear icon here that not too many people  explore. But there are two useful features hidden   in there. Number one is this one right here.  If you have a lot of columns in your data set,   it's much easier to locate the column if you  sort these A to Z. If, at any point in time,   you want to go back to the data source order,  you can do that by adjusting your selection.   The second useful feature is the way you define  the layout of these boxes. This is the layout   I prefer, but it's not the default layout.  The default layout is this one right here,   and I find these two squashed. I prefer to  change my view and work with this layout. So,   be aware that there are different layouts  of this. Pick the one that you like best. Next tip is to use the timeline. So, the timeline is really helpful whenever you work  with dates in your data. So here we have order   date. We could add a timeline to this by going  to PivotTable Analyze and inserting a timeline.   You're going to see any date fields in here. I  just have one called order date. So, I'm going   to place a checkmark and click on OK. And that's  it. I have a timeline added to my pivot table,   so I can adjust my selections here and take a look  at my data changing. You also have more options.   You could change your selection to view quarters  and adjust some settings from the timeline menu.   You can, for example, change the style. And if you  want to remove that border around the timeline,   which is something I always do, you can do that.  Just right-mouse click on one of these designs,   select Duplicate, go to Format, Border,  and remove that border. And then you can   give this a name. Click on OK. Let's go and  select it, and that border is gone. You can   then make adjustments to your pivot table and  arrange these so it looks more professional. Next tip, and this was really cool, is to use  a pivot table without showing the pivot table.   Here's what I mean. I've created a sample  report here with formulas. Some are coming   from different sheets, and what I want to achieve  is to use a pivot table slicer to control this,   so that for each sales manager, I can click on  this button and my data updates automatically.   How am I using a pivot table slicer on something  that's not a pivot table? Here's a secret. I'm   using a hidden pivot table. Here's the big reveal.  I'm going to unhide these cells. That's my hidden   pivot table. All it has is the salespersons in  the row. I then went ahead and added a pivot   table slicer by going to PivotTable Analyze and  inserting a slicer, and I selected Salesperson and   clicked on OK. And I got my slicer. Just adjusted  the settings to make it look like this. Now,   how are these referencing this? Well, they're  not referencing the buttons directly, but they're   referencing this one. So, notice here the formula  is just referencing this, and these ones here are   referencing this as well. Now, what happens if  you have multi-selected more people? Well, this   formula currently is just picking up the first  person, but you could put safeguards in place to   count the number of items here. And if it's more  than one, you put a specific message here or you   use other formulas to get the result of the entire  selection. Up to you how you want to handle this. Tip #5: Only show the top or bottom  values. So, let's say I want to create a   quarterly report for the salespeople, but I  don't want to show all the salespersons by   quarter. I want to show the top three. I can  easily do that using Top N. First of all,   we need to add the quarters in there. We don't  have quarters in our original source data,   but it doesn't matter because we have something  better. We have the date. At the moment, I grab   the date and drop it here in rows. Notice what  happens. I get categories for years, quarters,   and months. Now, I'm going to remove what I don't  need. I don't need the order date. I don't need   the months. I just want to keep the years and  quarters. Notice this report gets far too long.   One thing I want to do is to get rid of these  subtotals. I'm just going to right-mouse click   on this and remove the checkmark for the subtotal.  Now, we also want to remove these collapse and   expansion buttons. You can easily do that by  going to PivotTable Analyze and just toggling this   plus-minus buttons off. Now, let's restrict this  to the top three. We're going to click on this   dropdown, go to Value Filters, down here you're  going to see Top N. Now, if you wanted it the   other way around, you wanted to show the bottom,  the worst-performing people, select Bottom. In   this case, we're going to go with Top. Let's  change this to three. We want this by sale. So,   that's my sales column. If you have more value  fields, you'll be able to make your selection   from here. We're going to click on OK. And now  we have the top three sales managers per quarter. Next tip, type over fields to correct them. So,  for example, let's say my manager doesn't want to   see Qtr1, they want to see Quarter 1. You can  make corrections directly in your pivot table,   and notice it gets replicated to the other fields  as well. Now, of course, it's best to make your   corrections in your source data, but sometimes  you can't do that. You receive it from a system,   but you want it corrected in your pivot table.  You can do that. You might be thinking, "Well,   can I just correct the numbers?" No, you  can't. If you try to, you get this pop-up. Tip #7: Repeating labels versus  centering them. So, depending on your needs,   let's say you need to send this off to someone  who wants to create a data table and upload it   to assist them. You will want to have  these quarters repeated and the years   repeated. There is a setting for that. If you  go to PivotTable Design under Report Layout,   you can select Repeat All Item Labels, and that  does the job. If you only want it for a specific   column, you can right-mouse click, go to Field  Settings, and only for the settings of this field,   you can repeat the item labels or choose not to  repeat them in this case. Now, on the other hand,   if you want to design a nice layout for reporting,  you might want to center these labels instead.   Right-mouse click somewhere on your pivot table,  go to PivotTable Options, and place a checkmark   for Merge and Center Cells with Labels,  and you get this nice layout for reporting. Next tip is custom sort by dragging or typing.  So, let's say here for the salespersons,   I want to have a specific sort. I want to have  Justin and Jack on top because I want to keep   my eye on them. One way I can do this is just to  grab this field and drag and drop it here. So,   I'm just using my mouse here. There's no keyboard.  Another way you can do this is just by typing. So,   notice this says Bob. I can just type  "Jack" Potter. When I press Enter,   Bob shifts one cell down. And that doesn't just  happen in this instance but in all instances. Next tip, calculate the difference from the  previous period. So, let's say I want to get the   change to the previous month here, or maybe I'm  interested in getting the change to the previous   year. How can I do that? All we need to do is grab  our base value field, which is sales in this case,   drag and drop it a second time to the pivot table.  Then right-mouse click, go to Show Values As,   and select Percentage Difference From.  Now, we get to pick the base field. So,   let's say in this case, I want to get the  difference from the previous month. So, my base   field is months. My base item is not February,  but instead, I'm going to select Previous. So,   this means the previous period that is visible  here. Now, one thing to keep in mind is that this   doesn't have any inbuilt time intelligence.  By "previous," it doesn't mean the previous   month. It means the previous cell. In this case,  it happens to be the previous month. But if you're   sorting everything the other way around, you  have to be mindful of that. When I click on OK,   I get the change to the previous month. What if I  wanted it for the previous year? I'm going to go   drag sales a second time in here, right-mouse  click, Show Values As, Percentage Difference   From. This time, my base field is for years, and my  base item is Previous. I'm going to click on OK,   and I get the change to the previous year.  I can, of course, rename these as needed. Tip #10 is to disable double-click. So,  if you're in a pivot table and you want to   quickly view the details of any fields, you can  double-click on a value field, and it's going to   create a separate page with all the details. But  you might not want this behavior to happen. There   is a way you can turn this off. Right-mouse  click, go to PivotTable Options, under Data,   remove the checkmark for Enable Show Details,  and click on OK. Now, when you double-click,   nothing happens while this happens. Okay, so I hope you enjoyed these tips. Before you leave, don't forget to tell me which one is your favorite. And don't forget to check if you're also subscribed to the channel because if not, do consider subscribing. Thank you for being here, thank you for watching and I'm going to catch you in the next video.
Channel: Leila Gharani
Views: 355,299
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Keywords: XelplusVis, Leila Gharani, Advanced Excel tricks, Excel online course, Excel tips and tricks, Excel for analysts, Microsoft Excel tutorials, Microsoft Excel, Excel 2016, Excel 2013, Excel 2019, XelPlus, Microsoft 365, Excel 365, pivottable, pvttable, excel pivot, pivot table, excel tips, mastering excel, pivot table hacks
Id: ZZRl7fALdjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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