MicroNugget: How to Connect GNS3 to the Internet

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connecting gns3 to the internet the interaction between live networks and our virtual networks is an exciting prospect in this micro nugget and I'll walk you through these steps required to do exactly that let's begin one of the questions I hear all the time is ok how exactly do I take my windows-based gns3 and I how do I get it to interact with my home network or even with the Internet how do I pull that off and the answer is really simple we're going to leverage inside of gns3 a cloud now a cloud represents some type of network connectivity what we're going to do is we're going to create a Microsoft loopback interface will tell the cloud that it represents that Microsoft loopback interface and we'll tie it to a router so now we have a router tied to a cloud that represents this logical Microsoft loopback interface now you might be thinking well Keith ok you can see that all happening but how is that going to help gns3 get out to the real network here's the secret once we have that setup we are going to take our real interface so it could be Wireless or a hard wired connection from this PC and we are going to bridge the two together I use a different color for that we're going to bridge our real interface and that Microsoft loopback so they're effectively like in the same layer to broadcast demander same VLAN so what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas not anymore whatever happens on the real network also happens on the Microsoft loopback and vice-versa and that's how we can bridge these virtual network into the real network now to do it we need to do a couple things we need to create a Microsoft loopback interface and we need to create this bridge between the real interface and the Microsoft loopback let me walk you through how so simple it is to create the new loopback interface on a Windows PC to create the Microsoft loopback interface I want you to think of Cheez Whiz that's what all I think of that whenever I see the command to generate a loopback interface and Cheez Whiz was that got to do it well it reminds me of the command which is HD WWI Z it's the hardware wizard we run the hardware wizard that pops up a new window which I'll bring down and from the hardware wizard we say next I want to manually install I want install a network adapter I'll hit end for network adapter and click on next I want to do it a Microsoft and I want to do a loopback adapter click on next and it's going to go ahead if I click on next it's going to install it now conveniently I've already installed the Microsoft loopback interface so mine's already done however for most people if you install that you have to reboot in order to take advantage of that inside of gns3 so after you install the Microsoft loopback adapter reboot and then after you reboot it you can go back to control panel and you'll be sitting there waiting for you so here's my Microsoft loopback interface right there now the next step is how do we create this new bridge interface and I already have one in place it's right here let me go ahead and delete it so I'll remove it real quick I'll just say I want to delete it says are you sure and I say yep and that bridged interface is gone so this is my loopback interface right here and this is my real wireless which it is the way I bridge those two together is I would go ahead and hold down my control key on my keyboard holding it down select one then select the other see how they're both highlighted then on either one while they're both selected right-click you notice how they're still selected and say I want to bridge them once we click on bridge connection it's automatically going to create this new logical bridged interface which allows both of those devices now to effectively be in the same layer to broadcast domain the last piece of this to make it all work would be to make sure we integrate that loop back into gns3 and i've done so here by associating that Microsoft loopback interface with a cloud and then linking that cloud to us layer to switch which is connected to our two SFA 0/1 interface now if everything is working correctly this interface right here logically is on the same network because it goes to the loopback which is bridged over to the real interface which is connected to 192 dot 168 1.0 and my default gateway of dot 1 I should be able to use as well let's test all that so back let's go take a look at our - and looks like I have an OSPF neighbor ship change between R 2 and R 1 which is great I've got a neighbor ship let's do a show IP interface brief so here it says I got an IP address that is manually assigned it wasn't learned via DHCP unless see if I have a route as well I've also got a default route that says hey 192 168 1.1 is my gateway of last resort so let's try pinging that device we'll take baby steps okay so I can ping my default gateway and let's see if I can peeing out to a Google DNS server and that works as well we'll do a trace out there as well so the trace is just verifying that I really do have the internet access that I I think I have and also we take a look at this this trace that we're doing there are some devices that are not responding so hop number four isn't replying back that's perfectly fine hop 12 it appears is not replying back that's perfectly fine and then the final hop does which is the 888 server also attempting to note that maybe somebody needs to work with their TTL propagation in the MPLS network space this is going through some service providers and because this is a router doing this trace this information would not normally show up the label information if we are doing the trace from for example a Windows or a Linux box doing the same trace in this micronet we've taken a look at the components required to connect a gns3 environment to a live network including the Internet I hope this has been informative for you and I'd like to thank you for viewing
Channel: CBT Nuggets
Views: 12,971
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Keywords: gns3 nat, gns3 physical network, gns3 talks, gns3 cloud, gns3 physical devices, gns3 nat cloud not working, gns3 nat node, gns3 nat lab, gns3 nat vs cloud, gns3 nat cloud configuration, gns3 nat load balancing, static nat gns3, gns3 talks how to connect gns3 to a physical network..., connect gns3 vm to physical network
Id: 6EXqnWRhkIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 55sec (355 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 12 2012
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