GNS3 - Connect Your GNS3 Device To The Internet

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for today's video i'm going to show you how to download install and configure gns3 on a windows 10 computer so you can connect your network devices to the internet [Music] as you can see right here i got windows version mac version and linux this is the requirement for installation on a windows box you need 4 gb of memory for a windows 10 computer let's take a look at my system it's a gaming computer you don't need a gaming computer obviously but mine is just an overkill 32gb of memory and a very cool cpu with six cores so i have no problem running gns3 even though it's not my favorite my favorite is even g which in my opinion is way cooler than gns3 but it's not for everybody i understand it you need linux skills let's talk about gns3 so you're going to download it it needs an account to be able to download gns3 i'm going to save it on my drive and go through the installation wizard which isn't really a big deal you just need basic knowledge and then understand a little bit of how to click on next next next and again that's not a big deal so once the download is finished i'm going to resume the recording and show you guys how to install it here's the file just have to click on it you need admin rights obviously and like i said click click accept the terms and licenses bunch of questions and here we go the installation is underway here goes nothing veeam pcap driver needs to be installed which you have to install it click on next next and load it on startup leave it checked this one goes well nmap i do not use it on windows i don't know what's the capability of nmap on windows i always use it on linux but let's just install it and in here it asks you to install wireshark i don't see any harm installing it even though you have the option to install it yourself just click ok and finally it gives you a package which is called solarwind um not sure solar putty not sure how good or bad it is i don't have any experience with this one but i normally don't like free stuff so i'm going to say no to that and then i'm going to click on finish and start genus 3 browser opens up for no reason i don't know why close it and in here it gives you three options and in here you got the option to run the appliance on a virtual machine not sure what's the benefit run it locally that's what i'm familiar with i use it i don't have any problem like i showed you earlier in the video i have enough resources so i'm gonna select this one and advanced point running on a remote server again it's too complex so the one in the middle should really serve the purpose i have no reason to go with advanced version and it's enough for the audience of this video so just run it locally pick the one in the middle and then click on next apparently i clicked twice on this one when it comes to windows environment i'm a bit of an elephant in a wedding i get confused and panicked and i might step on things where i shouldn't let's just click on finish and then close the other instance and cancel that one so our gns tree is almost ready i'm gonna close the extra one with so much difficulty and then this is the gns3 environment so a lot has changed let's go and create our project i'm going to create a new one right from the start i'm going to call this one gns3 loopback since we are going to add a loopback interface and communicate with our routers over gns3 as you can see i don't have any image which i will need to go under the settings and then in here i'm gonna drag the image that i have a 7k router pretty old i know and then here i'm going to add an existing image platform and chassis is the memory leave it as default the slots you can add different modules yes they are for free and then click on next and then here it's very important that you click on this button find ideal pc value which it's gonna find the niche spot of the cpu and adjust the settings of gns3 so you don't run into high utilization let's go create our loopback interface in windows and go into hardware wizard i'm gonna add a loopback interface so gns3 can communicate with the real world or our computer using a virtual network card okay as you can see the value has been calculated let's just continue with this one i'm going to select microsoft and then microsoft loopback interface click on finish okay this one is apparently also finished let's go to our device manager to check what kind of hardware has been added these are the network cards that i have and this one is of importance to us let's go to the control panel km test is the name of the network card so in here as you can see it's km test i'm going to assign an ip address so i'm going to give this one 10 10 10 slash c subnet mask slash 24 subnet mask and rename this one so that we don't mistake it with another network card i'm going to call this one loopback and let's close it so our idle pc value is finished so we don't run into high cpu utilization this is very important especially if your system is a bit old let's just create a new project drag my router into the center and then i'm going to add a cloud and go into the settings of the cloud click on configure and i don't see my loopback adapter listed let's matter of fact close gns tree and and open it again gonna save this project project is already open let's just close it we're not going to lose much so i'm going to close this one open it again so let's just open it i just want to make sure i don't open two instances let's take a look i have only one of them running i guess so let's open my project go into the project that i just created my devices are here so let's go into the settings i still don't see it show special ethernet adapters there we go that's my loopback so you need to make sure that this one is checked and i'm going to remove the extra ones that are here without checking that checkbox apparently loopback interface doesn't show up i'm going to remove this one remove the other one click on that and add the loop back so these are the two interfaces that we are going to need and keep in the settings of the cloud setting i'm gonna attach it to my router and to fix this error message open command prompt with admin privilege stop the npf driver and start it again so let's do that opening command prompt right and then you have to type in here net first let's remove this one net stop npf and then start it again okay now let's add our network card to the cloud and if this is the first time you're booting the router make sure you monitor the cpu utilization just to make sure you don't run into higher cpu utilization then after that i'm going to try to ping 10 10 10 10 to make sure i have the correct ips sign and then i'm going to try to ping the router ip which i haven't set it yet that's fine i let's go to the router console into it well this is something new for me so this is solar putty i'm going to change the preference matter of fact this is too much for me i'm going to set the default console to good old putty yeah the deprecated version and then i'm going to close this one console to it again console and open and get into the box i'm going to show up interface brief nothing is assigned fair enough i'm going to go assign an ip address to it ipad rest 10 10 10 10. sorry 10 10 10 1 5 finger problem so again no shot and let's take a look at my command prompt there we go we get the response so we can successfully ping the router from our computer let's configure ssh on this host i'm going to set it to ip domain names set it to whatever local and then crypto key generate rsa it's going to generate the value gonna set the username and privilege 15 obviously for myself and i'm the king in this kingdom so i'm going to set the secret line btvi 0 to 15. i'm going to set the login to local so i can authenticate and let's save the configuration i'm going to open putty try to ssh into the router just for fun just for the sake of showing you guys that everything is working just fine we need to enable ssh version two so let's enable ip ssh version 2. this is a very old one so this time around i'm going to select a bigger modulus key 1024 and then i'm going to restart the session as you can see except the key and then you're able to log into your box basically with the username and password so we've successfully connected to our router over ssh using our loopback adapter okay and as a bonus i'm going to show you guys how to connect this router to the internet for your topology so let's close the console and uh yeah no harm pinging this one i'm gonna stop the router go into the settings of the cloud and then this time i want to connect to the ethernet interface which is my lan card so i'm going to connect it this time around to my lan card and then start the router again as you can see i lost ping to the router so let's start it and wait for the router to boot up we will have to obviously change the configuration i'm not going to go with nat or anything else it's just routing the traffic to the outside this is my loopback interface and this is my lan address on the network card i'm gonna grab this one go into the router and then change the network interface ip address let's just wait for this to show up okay i'm gonna go into the same interface show ip interface brief still the old ip address let's remove the ip address and then assign the new one copy and paste my favorite so let's set 50 i know 50 is not taken by anybody i'm going to assign a stash 24 subnet mask and then i'm going to do no shutdown and try to ping the computer address which i have set on the interface i don't see a response no panic it's just a windows firewall i believe i have this ethernet interface already set and added i'm gonna try to ping the default gateway of my lan network which works fine i'm gonna add a static route to the default gateway basically the router on my network the physical one and i can sure enough ping the internet so basically my router can get to the internet as if it's just another device on my lan obviously it's behind the nat but it works just fine okay so if you follow these steps that i did you are able to connect your gns tree to your local computer to your lan network and experiment with it do various things copying image into it or connecting it to a server sky's your limit so that's how you can do it if you do not have access to physical gear that's the best way to practice and get prepared for exam or self learning so that's pretty much it thank you guys for watching i hope this video has been useful your feedback is appreciated and as always peace out
Channel: William Shanaei
Views: 127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eve-ng, tutorial, exercise, cisco, asa, vpn, virtual, gns3, how, emulate, dynamips, could not generate persistent mac address for, mac, address, error, fix, workaround, checkpoint, site to site, linux, ubuntu, exam, firewall, appliance, ccna, ccnp, tshoot, palo alto, fortigate, fortinet, esxi, kvm, lan, subnet, vlan, router, vSRX, Cisco, vmware, virtualize, configuration, deploy, test, lab, install, ccie, idle-pc, IOS, IOS-XE, loopback, microsoft, windows 10, windows, win10, add
Id: 7d4CeC0Yvi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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