How to connect GNS3 to the Internet on Windows 10

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yeah hello guys today i will be showing you how to connect gns3 to your physical internet access on your host machine that is gns3 would be able to communicate with your internet through your router or to your router through your network interface card okay so i've started janus3 because i don't make a video long so the prequel site you need to have to follow this tutorial is to have your genes theory installed if you don't know how to install genes through it kindly check um you know the internet youtube or your comments in my you know down in the comment section and i would be able to create um teach you how to install gns3 it's so very simple also you'll notice that when i started genes3 my vm also started because i linked jns vm genester vm with my genes3 application so genes3 advised that we should always create a topology on the gns3vm instead of your local server but any of them will work okay but for efficiency or for best performance they advise you create a topology on the generator vm now with the with this box i'm having in front of me i need to create a new project okay so i'm going to call this new approach okay and give it any name okay you just want to demonstrate how you can connect your genes theory router to be able to talk to the internet you can browse google you can actually you know you'll be able to reach the internet you know that's really what it means so before working on generous three-year all you need to do one thing is to go to your internet or your nic your internet settings i'm on your adapter page it's necessary we create a loopback now i would have shown i'm going to show you how to create a loopback right now but i decided to create the low back of it you know before now because you know i've encountered problems most of times when i create the loopback and i don't restart my system when i'm connecting it in general theory i'm going to get error so it's always advisable that once you finish creating your loopback interface you restart your computer okay that's why i'm not going to delete this loopback but i can show you how to create a loopback okay so this lookback was created this loopback was created just some minute ago and i restarted my system so to create a look back guys it's very simple right click on your pc go to manage go to manage you go to device even without going to device manager but let me just show you on device manager under network adapter that we have the loopback here created you can delete uninstall it i'm not going to do this because if i uninstall and create a new one i would have to restart my system and you know i'm doing a live recording so i'm not going to delete it but to create a look back you go to action you go to add legacy hardware you click on nest you're going to choose the second option that says install the hardware that i manually select click on nest then you scroll down to the network adapters you click on nest in the list provided you look for microsoft and because this is a microsoft windows pc and you locate the loopback adapter came microsoft okay you click on it i can have multiple loopbacks here click on nest you click on that or it's going to appear i don't want to create extra so i'm going to just cancel but this is pretty much how you create a loopback adapter okay so i'm going to cancel so i have a look back already but one thing i need to do before i go to gns3 is this loopback needs to be connected to my wi-fi now i wouldn't have i wouldn't need this loopback if i was connected directly look using lan or using a cable to my router or to my local area network i will just use my local area my local area network to connect directly to js3 but because i'm using a wi-fi network adapter this may not work connecting to gns3 to access the internet so i'm going what i've done is to make sure i have a look back and i need to share this wi-fi to this loopback so whatever happens is as i'm trying to browse or access the internet from gns3 this is going to be like intermediary but i'm going to get internet access through my router okay now how do you do that i'm gonna right click on my wi-fi i'm gonna click on properties i'm gonna click on sharing and allowing other networks user to connect through this computer internet access or connection and i choose my loopback interface and i click on ok that's pretty much you need to do here guys now it's shared already but you may not see it i need to refresh this explorer here and you can see it shared now this guy is having an ip address now how do you know that you double click on it and i can click on details and i am you know i've been assigned the 192.168. do you understand now okay let me just show you let me check properties to cpi before look at the ip it gave me it has removed it from ip automatically and created a static ip so this may be serving as the gateway through which my router will connect to the internet okay so just like you know not for instance so having that done my low back is connected to my wi-fi so we go back to js3 go back to js3 and we need to just bring out a router okay and the cloud that's just it on the cloud this would be on the local server i'm not going to use the vm i want this cloud to be on my local server which is this desktop here now with this cloud here all i need to do is to right click or double click and click on configure i'm i'm gonna remove this this um internet this ethernet tool i'm gonna delete it now i need to choose but you notice this is not allowing me to click so i need to show some special ethernet interfaces you know in general theory so here i can choose i would have used wi-fi to just connect directly but like i told you it may not work so using the low back interface will solve the problem so i'm going to add it to the list here can add more if you think you want to add any other adapter this is just fine i'm going to click on ok now i'm going to click my connector add one interface here and i add it to my loop back here now let's wait for it and that's it guys now once again please when you create a loopback restart your system before you come to genes3 if not you're going to be getting error when you connect these two together because the loopback interface you created has no sync with the system okay so that's now i think i'm okay i was running this um [Music] tutorial i was quitting this live session and that i was talk because i discovered i didn't restart my system and i had start this all over again guys so take note of that so with this guys all you need to do is to start up the devices everything and turns green okay my cloud is okay now buddy what we want to do guys i want to achieve here is that my router would get an intact would get ip address automatically from the um router okay don't forget this cloud has been simulated and this cloud is connected directly to my loop back my loop back to my wi-fi card and once i get ip from this internet i would be able to browse the internet that's what we were saying in essence so i'm going to open my command prompt on the on the um on putty but before then guys let me show you something okay i'll do that later now it's assumed you know how to use the command prompt if you want the tutorial on this i'm going to show you so currently if i do mention id interface brief okay i can see my interfaces the two interfaces that this filter is having first ethernet zero zero facilities address currently is unassigned do you know set method is on set at the time we get assigned now this is going to be dhcp and if it's manual it's going to be manual okay currently the status is administratively down meaning this interface has been shut down by default we are going to shut we're going to bring it up now then the protocol is down definitely if the interface is down yes we don't expect this um protocol to be these okay so what i'm going to do guys is to go to slower config mode and i entire into the interface i want i want to go into interface 0 0 why i'm not going to facilitate one is because i'm connected on this link of zero zero okay so i don't need to slash one so entering this interface guys i need to shut down the interface first let me shut down i do know which is no shutdown has been shut down okay still there is no ips and i can from global config mode i can use my do privilege that will enable me to run some commands that are in privilege mode with normal like transformer but with the do in front i can do my do show ip interface brief and you see the status is pop up now but so what you do normally if you want to assign an ip is to use the ip address and maybe use the the hcp okay as i press enter key you wait for some minutes or seconds you should get an ip address that has been assigned automatically okay guys can you see what i'm talking about dhcp address assign interface assign dsp address max 254 okay so with this if i do my do show ip interface brief and we see that i have the method dhcp and i have my ips assigned this should be able to ping the gateway and you with me now the gateway that would enable me access the internet my gateway should be the nick of the low back i created which is having so i can pin i can also use blue because i can ping from global conflict mode or interface mode i have to go down to privilege so instead of going just go back to privilege by typing the end from here [Music] 80 don't forget the first will always fail because it's trying to do an app address resolution protocol and you know the mac address of that guy okay if i do show mac address okay let me look at this show mark address incomplete command guys i need to show okay and show early in the face okay so with this now guys i've been able to ping but look at it now if i think oh sorry this is okay show up i should do that on the switch this is the address of that device and this is the mac address of my let's look at it let me look at it show interface on this interface account let's compare this mark can we see these guys this is the mac address here so this is the interface here you need to mark but this mark you see here is the interface on the loopback now let's see if we can paint from my system to ping post the ip address 109 so on my physical machine i open my command prompt and let's see if i can ping 192.168.137. my data is reachable accompanying my router so back to this can i think the internet connecting connecting guys this is post or address protocol not running so what it means is there is no app there is no address resolution um sorry there is no dns so to speak because this system needs to resolve to an ip address okay this is just the name but when the dns is enabled it would be you can see google dns is reachable because it's just my view but i need to ping ip and not names computers i don't understand this they can understand numbers but we humans understand and keep them let us in memory so that's why the dns is important if we just imagine you have to remember these numbers 192 when you want to go to facebook or you want to go to any website so that's the essence of dns now this how do we let this computer know that it needs to look for the ip address of by using this name server google 8.8 and go axe what's the ipo of so in this case now i need to do what we call ip okay oh do that let me my own config when you look at my running config i can see that the uh no this domain lookup is set is has been negated or is set to no so i mean i need to enable this to make sure that the ip domain record is this lookup domain and check for the ip i um also to okay i think that's pretty much what i need so i just need to do domain i think so i need to do that in global mode ip domain as you can see is translating it's building the ip it's going to go to my my router's interface because that low back is serving as my router in this case going to the internet through my wifi and it's been able to resolve and get it yes you understand do you understand so that's it you need to run this command ip so if there was if you needed the name server that would help you do that you can use names so you need to go to config mode and view the name server okay then you put the domain the server ip address you wanna and that's all so guys that's it any website i want to and we see guys they should get we should play a response five over five percent so i think guys we've come to the end of this this is how to connect your theory to the internet created the router created out got my nic into this by adding this loop back that has been created on my physical machine when i check it's going to appear in genes3 and i can use it to connect don't forget also to share your wi-fi internet access with your loopback okay so guys thank you for watching i appreciate your time if you need to and of course if you need me to do any other video please comment in the comment section or drop a message and please like and share my video i really do appreciate your time i will be doing more videos but you need to encourage us encourage me by liking and sharing this video if you like it i'll see you guys some other time to have a lovely day i remain mickey power bye for now
Channel: MickyparyGeek
Views: 147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: f4p7PJztCtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 24sec (1284 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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