Mick Foley Emotionally Opens Up About Hell In A Cell

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[Music] [Applause] you guys would have this really intense feud for a couple of months then it'd go away and come back it'll go away come back so I know I know it's really hard for us to talk about hair on the sail and try and find some new ground with it we're gonna try right so the thing about how what I said was like hey that's no the most remembered thing that you guys did together but in actuality that wasn't part of really the best part of your field so why do you think and for a long time you were not really that keen about talking about it you didn't really want to go into it it wasn't something that you enjoyed you wouldn't dare be seemed in a network show about it for an hour but I'd like that better be you learn to embrace it why what's changed over time yeah I did I presented being the guy did the cell match it got to the point where I literally felt like Bill Murray in an airing of Groundhog Day that never ends for 15 years someone will come up to me at least once a day as if it's the first time I've ever been asked oh did it hurt so I go in one time I remember this wasn't specific to the cell match but before I had my hip and knee replaced I was really struggling to get around if any of you guys saw my show as man you know I would I did more sitting at those shows than I did here you know I was like I was pretty much just immobile it was painful to watch me get around I remember getting out at like the Jiffy Lube place and it just it took me about five minutes to get two out of my car and going and I limped so noticeably and the guy goes yeah I guess that wrestling really takes its toll on your not I go yeah he goes did you ever get hurt it's a stupidest thing I've ever heard after housing that wrestling takes its toll on you and then I was in Kansas City and do a Q&A like rooms do tonight and there's this kind of tough yeah cowboy guy you know in the audience and he doesn't ask a question but he waits into the queue he waits to the meet-and-greet afterward he comes up and I think he did it to protect my image you know some kind of tough guy he goes hey uh I noticed when the Undertaker's threw you off that cell that you landed on a table and he leans forward he whispers my Jurgis it broke your fall didn't then I realized he was on to me I said yeah it did so you go see you didn't get hurt and I went not at all and I leaned forward and whispered in his ear and I said it was a magic table but I did I resented it to the point where I expected it and Barry Pyle give you a example Barry blaustein the guy who directed beyond the mat had a favor he wanted me to do anything yeah I'm just wondering and I'm doing this job and I wonder if she can meet a friend of Mines kids they're big fans names Brian Grazer like calm baby you want to be bright racist it's like this is this will be easy so I go to imagine entertainment you know and the mr. Foley mr. grazier is waiting for they ushered me all the way on the top but I'm overlooking Los Angeles and the I guess what kind of question okay question okay here it comes he goes did it hurt when the big show threw you off the stage into the grave as anyone remember that a Smackdown buried alive me and the rock against Big Show and The Undertaker right and it was such a relief and I was like actually I was so relieved that I made it into the grave that I even think about being hurt because see if you guys see it like given my lack of natural athleticism right I made up for it and creativity right imagination I remember walking with big shower we're on the stages like do you think if I got a head start could you throw me off this stage into that grave and he said you know I can and it wasn't like you rehearsed it you know there were no crash pads it was just you ready here we go there's a brother and that took flight you know and I just hit that thing it was like a hole-in-one a goblin and I was in the grave and there's this crazy at that time Big Show was kind of jacked right he was like 350 and he had abs and there's this photo it said then it only it only makes sense to wrestling fans like I put out a photo and Facebook refused to let me - let me promote it they said this we cannot promote this it has sexual content or innuendo and it was like hey wrestling fans don't need a reason why a guy with a leather mask has his fingers down the throat of a dead man while having his missing ear look licked by a man painted in gold it just it just makes perfect sense right it's wrestling in the same in the same way it's like do we need an explanation why a man is coming out of a grave with a sweat sock and applying it to a 7-foot two-inch giant in black underwear absolutely not it's professional wrestling it makes total sense to us right but that was the point I was where I you know I I did that you know I I disliked being the guy known for that one mask because there are other things I want to be known for it kind of felt overwhelming and then there were three and I touched on this in my special you know the 20 years of hell special but I think it's important especially it's one of them deals with a backstage visit for the Undertaker there was three primary things that changed my mind the first of which was my wife told me that my children had heard about this match in school these are my younger children like eight and ten at the time and they wanted to see it and I said are you sure they're ready for that and other kids in school already talking about it and so we waited for them to come home and I watched that match in its entirety for the first time in many years like we all see the clips if you have a chance to go back and watch it its entirety man it's it's it still packs a wallop right it's heavy you know and and what I took from it was this incredible dedication to getting over the finish line you know by whatever means it took you know and it's this strange thing because it obviously things went wrong you know didn't go in like we'd hoped and you see you know human beings trying to pick up the pieces with help from world wherever we could get it Terry Funk entered the ring and he was chokeslam by The Undertaker and this was a key thing because I went back and I watched that match a hundred times right sections of the match in the days that followed because I didn't actively remember too much of the match because I'd been knocked unconscious I went back mr. McMahon was nice enough I did wrestle the next night I did wrestle the next time and a very short match and I went home for four days and must have watched pieces that match for a hundred times and it was clear to me that when Terry Funk entered the ring its funk with an end to him still at zero and the f-bomb scale right that there were words shared between the Undertaker and Terry Funk but they were just said so casually that I never once asked my wife my friends anyone like I wonder what words were shared and it was just boom words were shared and then you see Terry he goes over and he like touches my face he comes back to the Undertaker and he gets chokeslammed and in the process Terry shoes came off his feet and so legitimately after being out for almost a minute you know I rolled over and people like what were you thinking what was going through your head and I was like I swear to you the only thing I could think of was where those shoes come from I had no answer for where those shoes came from but that was that was the first of of three life experiences that changed my mind the second one was I was doing a one-man show and and Taker came by backstage to to see me and he was with his wife and people might wonder why I'd be surprised cuz we've known each other since 1989 like wouldn't he call you or text you and I'm like I know things are different with social media but at the time it's like he's the Undertaker he doesn't use text messages he doesn't use emojis you know he shows up and personally surprises you and we had this talk and I had completely forgotten the situation he was in his physical conditions anyone remember what he entered the way he entered the ring broken ankle right broken foot broken ankle to the point where when I go through that cell and I'm unconscious he's got a hang suspended several feet above that mat he drops down he's hobbling noticeably and we reminisce like I'd completely forgotten about our feet sinking through that you know through the mesh and it's funny the things that you remember vividly like I said like a lot of that was a fog to me and I picked up the pieces over the weeks months and even years what Undertaker vividly recalls was the sound the twist ties were making as they were springing off the structure we should have realized still like I said the harbinger of things to come because I had watched that Shawn Michaels match with the Undertaker and it was because of that match and how great it was and I felt compelled to do something no one had ever done before no one ever thought of before and I told the Undertaker like if we can find a way to do things no one's ever done before numbers everywhere maybe we can make people think they're seeing a great match even if they aren't and now we went up there and that's twist ties are shooting off the buildings so if you go back and watch when I take that chokeslam I'm laying amidst like three or four twist ties laying on the canvas watch and go back it's really interesting to see that I attempt to suplex the Undertaker on top of that dilapidated cell and brother he shot that [ __ ] down in a hurry not happening under my watch but the third life lesson it was Terry Funk giving my Hall of Fame speech in induction and it was beautiful it was funny it was poignant it was brief and that's important in the days of seven and a half hour induction spectacular I've held belief in German if we all listen closely would still hear Hillbilly Jim talking but I'm I'm getting ready to go out keeping in mind Madison Square Garden was the arena where I grew up hitchhiking to taking trains toots where I snuck saw Jimmy Snuka dive off the top of the cell and I was so fortunate to be able to be inducted in the arena that meant so much to me and I'm behind the curtain like right through that curtain is here and I listen as Terry Funk relays to the people out there in the garden and there for like around the world the words that were shared between he and the Undertaker remember I said they were just so casually he said the Undertaker walked up to him very simply said see if he's alive see if he's alive and so when Terry went over and I said it looks weird he's touching my face he was taking my pulse to see if I was alive he came back and reported to the Undertaker hey still breathing at which point the Undertaker chokeslam Terry Funk out of his shoes because [Music] in WWE at that time we didn't stop matches right now we would be the wise move the smart move as we learned so much about head injuries I got no question there'd be the the move to make the move that would be made but at that time 1998 we didn't stop matches we bought time and that's what Terry the Undertaker were attempting to do attempting to buy me time and you see the clip I mean I was watching from back there when the Undertaker punches me and I just crumble over you know and I just fall and it was sad and it was also scary that's when the Undertaker this is where I'm gonna confide in you guys I've never told the story before he leaned over and he just said a few simple words you had that long mane of dark red hair and I'll never forget he just leaned over and he said hey are you okay there fella just being honest with you Oh doggone it that was one humdinger of a landing there pal don't worry he doesn't sound like that he just said two words you go home you know Russell speak for this match is over and this is uh this is when I talked about that ego coming into play you know I said it like in this but I don't know what it was there was like something larger than the two of us out there the truth is it was my ego taking offense to anyone even the Undertaker telling me when it was time to go home that's the honest truth that's what got me up I don't know how I conveyed that to him verbally I honestly don't know what it is I said that made him think that I was okay to continue but I was offended that anyone even the Undertaker would tell me when it was time to go home you know it wasn't like I was being a tough guy about it because I almost needed to be spoon-fed or bottled sad like those next two minutes are pretty harrowing right like he went old-school on me he took me by the wrist he went up to that top rope and if I had a hundred matches with the Undertaker he probably went old-school on like 80 of those occasions if you don't know what that means it's like this near 7-foot guy walking across the top rope it's pretty majestic looking on every other occasion the rest of my body be like kind of wildly thrashing about you know selling it as we say but I'm at occasion I just there was no movement at all my left arm was up in the air like this and I was still gone you know like and I knocked him off the top rope with his cooperation and then like sat against that bottom and middle turnbuckle and let the cloud of you know unconsciousness begin to dissipate and then we pulled it together and we saw the Sun taxi merged and by God you know we got across that finish line [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Inside The Ropes
Views: 1,902,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Inside The Ropes, Kenny McIntosh, Mick Foley, The Undertaker, Hell In A Cell, Mankind, Mankind Vs Undertaker, King Of The Ring, undertaker throws mankind off cell, undertaker mankind hell in a cell full match, the undertaker throws mankind off the top of the hell in a cell, Deadman, Terry Funk, King Of The Ring 98, WWE, WWF, Raw, Vince McMahon
Id: f6-XfYWjYnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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