Goldust TALKS Candidly About Wrestlemania 12 & The Hollywood Backlot Brawl

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[Music] so this isn't this isn't a long drawn-out question can you just tell us every single piece of information about what led to and what happened at the back lot brawl at WrestleMania 12 with Rodi Rodi paper please well you know that was supposed to be me and Razor Ramon first all right and then razor ended up leaving we were supposed to have a Miami street fight via satellite from Miami while WrestleMania is going on in Los Angeles California but he left two weeks before were shooting TVs and stuff and Vince walks up to him and he says hey I need you on a plane with me Bruce Richard and Roddy Piper tomorrow morning and so and so time I said yes sir no problem this is when Vince would fly commercial still so some way back like [ __ ] 90 years ago sorry guys I'm old as [ __ ] and we get on the plane and I'm like I don't know what's going on nobody's like really told me what's happening they start to kind of tell me you know what we're gonna be doing out there and we stop in LA and we go eat at this really fancy restaurant that Vince knew the Wolfgang Puck's or something you know that Vince knew the owners and all kinds of food and I'm sitting there at the table with Vince McMahon Roddy and Bruce Prichard and we start talking about what we're gonna do here and this is two weeks before WrestleMania 12 so we drive over to Universal Studios in the backlot area where they had hired some extras just to stand around you know by this table they made this this table with all this catering stuff on it and I'm looking around and up and me and rowdy really aren't talking because we just this is one of those times where you've been in the business for a while and you you trust the person you're with and you know you're gonna you're gonna create some magic because he knows what he's doing and I know what I'm doing so at this point it's like I'm looking around to see what I can utilize in this one-take shoot we cannot redo this this is a one take well Vince went out and he bought brand-new white Bronco just like OJ Simpson had right the same year same color all that stuff and then he got me an old [ __ ] piece-of-shit Cadillac and spray-painted at gold I'm like what the [ __ ] how do I get the [ __ ] end of the stick so I asked Vince I said can I take the car and just spin out a couple times and test it out and make sure I can come around this corner you know decent and so yeah yeah so I'm we're playing around and finally it's time to shoot me and rowdy a talk just a little bit so we kind of know what we're gonna do but I am NOT to get any offense in at all this is all rowdy kicking my ass and the only piece of offense that I get is a nut shot and then I get in the car and I Drive off in a in in me driving off I clip Roddy's Bronco that's what I'm supposed to do and then cut around the corner and out of the [ __ ] scene he gets in his Bronco he drives off well a lot of that didn't work like that so the start of this thing I pull around the corner man and there's rowdy and he's got a baseball bat in his hand and he's hitting his hand so I'm revving up the engine and I Drive up and he drops the bat and he pulls up this big [ __ ] fireman's water hose right and he starts squirting me like that's gonna stop the car right but it does I'll put on the brakes and then he stops and he picks up the bat and it comes in bashes in the [ __ ] window right beside me glass went everywhere he cut his hand there was blood on me I climbed out the other side and he met me any commenced to kick in my ass for real he hit me a couple times in the head with a bat I guided him over to this big giant dumpster which I did not feel before we shot this and I said throw me I'm talking to throw me in this dumpster I loved I always loved because it makes it really real and if I can make something look [ __ ] good I feel so good and he threw me into this dumpster and it did not [ __ ] budge and I banged my I mean I hit my head so hard that I had a concussion you know it was bad it hurts so bad Vince did not want any blood because I had asked him I said can I [ __ ] get some juice in this since he's kicking my ass like crazy he's hitting me with everything he said no no no no and you know that's that's how Vince is sometimes sometimes he lets it go but he did not want any blood so I talked to rowdy before this all started I said this is the only thing that we really talked about I said I want you to bust me open the hard way he said okay I will sure no problem I'm looking at him I'm saying to hit me right here you know cuz that's how you do it you hit it right on that [ __ ] eyebrow and just twist your knuckles and it'll split open like crazy so finally we end up and he throws me on the hood of the car and he bounced me and it grabs my head and I'm saying okay do it now and he hits me square dab in the [ __ ] forehead not the eye it hurts so [ __ ] bad man and I'm just like no there's no blood nothing I'm like do it again now if you watch this [ __ ] match and you slowly do the tape and you watch it you can see that on the second shot when he hit the same spot in the forehead not my high he broke his hand he broke his hand and you can hear the crack you can see the thud into my hand into my head and he broke his hand so I thought I got a concussion he's got a broken hand I roll off the car going god damn and I'm thinking no [ __ ] blood I'm pissed because I don't have any blood you know and there he is and this is my one shot for an offensive maneuver so I [ __ ] nut shot him he goes down I jump in my car there's glass everywhere I'm putting my hands in it's just cut and never work as he bashed in everything I put it into drive and there's rowdy probably from here the camera I guess back there and I'm revving up the engine now this is one of the other things we talked about he's gonna move out of the way as I Drive past him and then I clip his I clip his Bronco right so I'm waiting for him to move now I'm not driving too fast it's probably 15 miles an hour 10 miles an hour I guess I don't know but I'm driving and he's not moving I'm getting closer and closer than that now in my mind it's slowing down like really slow and I see him just moving closer on point and I'm just playing it out in my head please [ __ ] move please [ __ ] load please [ __ ] move he doesn't move and I hear this Punk his [ __ ] knees just buckled on that car and he grabs the where the hood is right there and I'm looking right at him and his [ __ ] eyes and he's looking at me and I'm like oh my god god I just [ __ ] killed Roddy Piper man Jesus right he didn't move but at the same time I know that he's been in films and he's been a stunt man so I'm thinking to myself okay maybe maybe he's gonna be okay I hope he's okay please get off my [ __ ] hood of the car I've already passed his Bronco now so I can't hit his Bronco he rolls off I drive off I Drive her on the corner the cut I mean he does whatever he does but didn't they cut the they cut the thing right there and I come back and all the extras that were there this is a long story sorry all the extras were there we're looking at me and this is and I'm still like this today I'm very cafe I really believe in keeping secrets and things and I know it's changed over the years and you know sometimes you just have to accept it but that doesn't mean I do and I'm very cafe banned all the extras are walking up man you did a great job and this and that I might get the [ __ ] off of me man like I'm acting pissed I'm acting pissed because I just got my ass kicked and I wanted it to be real to them they shut down and I made it believable to them which is good you know it's good we need that now our youngsters need to make the [ __ ] people believe that's something serious is going on in the ring and that's what so that's a lot what's missing and I did that and I'm watching the video Vince is in the back here Roddy's upstairs he's not watching he's nowhere near me so I'm really cafe being and the thing is over I'm watching the thing back and I'm just grunting and just like shaking my head and [ __ ] acting kind of hurt but pissed off and they shut down really quiet the thing gets over and I just get up and I just throw a chair and I walk off and they all were going to Vince like Madison he's really pissed and Vince was you know yeah we got you [ __ ] I went upstairs and I gave rowdy a hug and we're both complaining but god damn you getting [ __ ] hit me in the head you broke my hand on your [ __ ] head Dustin Jesus so Vince takes us both to the [ __ ] hospital right both of us and he's sitting in the hospital waiting room talking on the phone I can only think he's calling to Linda right and they're putting a cast on Roddy's hand and they [ __ ] checking me out for my concussion and stuff like that two weeks later now this is two weeks before WrestleMania two weeks later I'm I'm the Intercontinental Champion we arrived in LA and three days before we're doing a rehearsal of what Vince's vision is and what he would like to see you know I'm thinking to myself maybe we need to add to this here because he was looking for a way out of the match he didn't want rowdy to win the icy title but he didn't want me to lose the icy title so we had to come to a middle ground there and I said Vince what if rowdy ripped my clothes off and I had women's lingerie underneath and then Terry Marlena would cover me up with my robe as I got out of the ring and we just kind of ended it like that you know and then Robbie would have his son come in the ring and stuff like that and that's how we got out of that match but when it's our time to go they show the thing that we did two weeks earlier at the back lot then they show the chase scene then match happens you know and they go back oh my god I threw on 'hi I'm you know in LA looks like they're coming this way Robbie's chasing Goldust down the [ __ ] highway but it's okay that they're [ __ ] piped in there right it's the OJ scene so we're waiting in the back of the parking lot and the thing is he's supposed to give me a three-second head start and I'm supposed to bust through the barricade and go down the ramp which curls down to the left so that give me the cue and Robbie's supposed to wait three seconds because when I get out of the door and start running into the arena he's supposed to fence wanted some car carnage man he wanted him to bump into my door and just smash the [ __ ] out of the door well it didn't work like that they gave me the cue to go man it's our time now they're pulling in oh my god this is mayhem it's [ __ ] gonna be crazy and whatever not pulled down there I bust through the barricade he doesn't wait three seconds he's pretty close he's pretty close on my ass and I pulled to a stop and he's so close that I tried it but I knew I wasn't gonna make it so I pushed it open the door open so fast that it slammed because it was that close there's no way he would have killed me and he rammed into the side of the door and I just ended up crawling out the other side and ran inside and I'm waiting there and this was back when they had the tunnels was really cool and I'm sitting there and Marlene is there she's consoling me and I'm down on the ground I just got my ass kicked I had to make my makeup just like it was two weeks before there was blood on my suit from the the fight you know and the stuff and had to do everything really Kate babe and keep it keep it as real as possible and here comes right through the back door he's looking for me right so he starts coming at me and I'm in Marlena and myself for backing up through the tunnel and oh my god I'm in the [ __ ] arena now holy [ __ ] how did I how did this [ __ ] happen how stupid am i to [ __ ] come here to the arena right and I'm looking around in their [ __ ] booing and this and that man and the bagpipes hit the [ __ ] music hit in that place came unglued man it was [ __ ] I get chills chills about it every time I talk about it it's it was incredible and he walks out with his [ __ ] walk like he does man and he's doing this slow walk and I'm just like no and he's backing me up all the way to the ring and we have our good little match it was not bad and he finally ripped off my clothes you know and we did it it was awesome it's one of the things that stood out and some of the pictures man was the [ __ ] women's lingerie which I went to Frederick's of Hollywood some [ __ ] [ __ ] shop and got all this [ __ ] gear like a 6x [ __ ] lingerie with net stockings and [ __ ] so anyways I rolled out we get to the back and that was history that was WrestleMania 12 for me I gave the suit to his son not to lingerie I don't know what happened to that lingerie I wish I still had it but that was WrestleMania 12 for me man and I had no idea that that was gonna be I hadn't really heard of WrestleMania moments back then in my career so as I look back on them now that was my WrestleMania moment was at WrestleMania 12 start tearing up when I start talking about stuff like that man sorry [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Inside The Ropes
Views: 961,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Goldust, Dustin Rhodes, Dustin Runnels, Rowdy Roddy Piper, Wrestlemania, Wrestlemania 12, Goldust Vs Roddy Piper, Vince McMahon, Bruce Prichard, WWE, WWF, Mania 12, Hollywood Backlot Brawl, Street Fight, Wrestlemania Moment, AEW, Black Reign, The Artist Formally Known As Goldust, Razor Ramon
Id: jsKgsSqibe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2019
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