Mick Foley SHOOTS On Backstage Reaction To Hell In A Cell Dive!

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when me Steve Austin and Shawn Michaels you know we came down and it was this amazing experience because uh I came out and uh Steve Austin's music hit right and I know every eyeball in the place is going to be on him and so I just took a look around 101,000 fans like I've never seen anything like this before I've never see anything since and I had the weight of the world taking off my shoulder because I was on the no touch list I was not to be touched by any of the talent but I could touch them and right before we I you my apologies to any Irishman out there I'm going to do the worst brogue in the world right uh Sheamus comes up to me right before they go out to wrestle the new day and he goes when you get out there fella hit me as hard as you can I said I'm I'm pretty sure I can do this make it look good without doing it he just looks at me goes as hard as you can as hard as you can I went back and watched that footage and I thought someone had sped it up because I was moving faster and as I'm talking I know exactly where that point in my forearm is that still soar over three years later from hitting that hard-headed son of a [ __ ] as hard as I could like 27 times and uh he was fine 5 minutes later and I'm lying there after WrestleMania with ice pack on my forearm I could still touch the exact spot where it hurts and that was the only time I've been there so unfortunately like even for the U when I refereed the Hell in a Cell uh I walked in to see Hunter and he was like don't even think about it Mick don't even think about it you know my son huie who's always tough on me like he was like Dad were you disappointed he he and my daughter know while were're at the match he's like were you disappointed I was like yeah I was he said did you want to do something I said yeah I did and I laid out what I wanted to do and he looked at me goes Dad I'm glad they didn't let you do anything I could have been in considerable pain if what I had envisioned and suggested had come to fruition what so didn't you see that WrestleMania 302 segment with Shawn Michael Steve Austin M Foley so I did a few so when we had sh were here one of the things he talked about was that he got a phone call from Vin man in the Janu and he said hey we want you to do some the Wrestlemania in gear and he's like okay he's like he was the only one who got that memo right well he was so V like everybody's going to be in gear mech's going to be in gear and se's like well I mean come on that's and then he said I was in gear was in sweat BS sers he said and then he said the other guy's going to be Austin and Shawn said what about Steve and Vince said Steve's going to be in gear and Shawn apparently looked at his wife and just went put me in a diet I'm going to be the only one wearing gear and and he came out and den so fair play Shawn Michaels for getting himself in can I just give you an observation about Shawn right I mean sea and I friendly I wouldn't say we're necessarily friends right did great business one thing I wish is that we had a Mania match you know we had the the Mind gam Mind Games one of my absolute favorites first ever singles match we'd had and it was just you know one of the best things I've ever done in my life and I'm just so flattered that he considers it up there one of the best things he's ever done uh but we don't necessarily keep in touch and I See Shawn as we're getting ready to go out and he looks like he looks so thin and almost like weak and he's eating uh celery sticks and carrots and I'm like man I think someone's making a bad call by letting sea get out there then I watched the video and I was like who the f is this guy hitting the double biceps I swear to God he looked like a different human being and it was like these guys I guess under had that same way like that character comes alive and Shawn went from being just kind of shy hey how you doing Mick you know good to see you again and boom that music hits and he comes out and he's like he's just loaded with it it was like a I swear to God it was like a physical transformation that took place right before my very eyes that sounds crazy right but that [Music] yeah and I just want to point out for the record the new day lost to the League of Nations just so we could do a run in Thank you new day if it was a dream match I'd wrestle love to wrestle someone like Ricochet because [Music] [Applause] uh because uh i l working with guys who had a style contrary to mine which is part of the reason Shawn Michaels was like a dream come true uh and uh Ricochet was is small enough to where I could do big guy stuff you know what I mean and I just uh you know I would just love to think of ways to ground him and then make the flying you know really mean as much as possible and I'm not just saying this because he runs the place but it was a case of me working a match in my current state then I know I could still have a good match with Triple H because he could work around my weaknesses I could yeah so uh do you uh what thises that so you want to have a 40-minute merch is that what you're saying but we did that one of the the Highlight not one of the the highlight of my tenure as general manager was cutting the promo where uh uh with Stephanie where I said if I had to fire anyone it would be her Triple H came out cut the promo on me and then uh he ordered me out of his ring and we didn't know sometimes you don't know how people are going to react you know and Michael Hayes pitched to me like you're going to walk away like wiie long mman who was in a play called Death of a Salesman walk away just hurt you know and be leaguered and then I just looked down you know just reached in and just pulled out that little bit of the sock and the little section of the audio you can see it just went crazy you know and uh you know Triple H and Stephanie acted like the applause was for them and that sock came up there and the funny thing is there's no blow blows anymore right so people don't just naturally know how to give a low blow right right I was the first guy that first person that Stephanie ever slapped right so I'd be so proud if she went on to make that her thing you know when I was a commissioner in 1990 and she had to slap me I was like Stephanie you can slap me as hard as you want just hit me with your fingers and not your palm and don't hit me in the eardrum and then it's easy it's like me with Sheamus I can hit him as hard as I want right so now it comes to a low blow and Stephanie hasn't given a low blow in like 10 years and I was like you want to get one shot I okay you want to know the secret low blow is you can hit someone as hard as you want as long as the contact point is between the guys and the butthole if you can make contact with that little bit of space there it's often known as the taint so it was a dramatic uppercut to the Foley taint and it was just done with great ferocity it looked great you only have one angle and uh yeah it was and it was good stuff and as fate had it a huge snowstorm was hitting Detroit that night and for only like one of three or four times in my entire career I I uh got a lift home on the F on the McMahon jet you know the WWE Jet and uh otherwise I would have been grounded and left stranded in Detroit for an additional two days I remember being on that plane and just really enjoying a certain glow that I hadn't had in a long time it was the one thing I had missed about wrestling was that postmatch glow where you feel like you've accomplished something and you just want to celebrate it with the people who were part of it so on that certain night I'm going to segue here into something about the Undertaker that you know only haven't talked about in the entirety of my uh 20 years tour I never talk about this um I didn't remember a lot of it and had to be piece back together but uh Taker and I were good friends on the road in you know 1990 and I never rode with him once you know from 96 on never rode with the Undertaker never stayed with him again um by some means in his words that night in Austin Texas when he arrived at my show he said you know Mick he goes he still called me Jack at that time he's Jack you and I did something that night that will outlive us both like the memory of that match will be alive and well after both Tak her and I are dead and gone and I think that's a real Testament you know to what we accomplished that night but that next day when I was in so much pain I was really lagging I mean he stayed with me through throughout that whole day and we watched that match together you know we sat together in catering and it's the only time I remember this ever happening I've been around a lot when that match was over our eyes just kind of glued there you know we're not paying attention to anybody else and that match ended and the entire uh catering area stood up and gave us a standing ovation never seen it before never seen it since and I shared that moment with the Undertaker when Dominic denucci agreed to train me right I would go I uh a local promoter in the New York City area saw a video of me jumping off Danny zucker's roof right so it was a video it was a home movie it wasn't so much backyard wrestling it was a home movie that included a scene of me jumping off Danny zucker's roof uh and I went on his ring crew which meant that like two weekends a month I would drive down from my College University in Upstate New York down about probably 300 kilometers you know I think it's you know 200 miles so 4H hour drive and I would go to this storage building uh Right Where Brooklyn and Manhattan met and I'm the only guy I've ever heard of who had to set up a ring that was in a storage facility and not in a truck so I would take every single piece out of the seventh floor storage unit ring weighs several tons by myself every single piece and I would load it into a freight elevator take the freight elevator down then load it into a truck and then I would drive it and if uh if I got the ring set up in time before the fans came in Dominic tanucci would work with me which me work with me meant he would twist my body in various ways and test my will to see how badly I wanted to do this and later on you know he wasn't a back patter he wasn't someone who you know he didn't give out praise lightly and I knew I'd won his respect when he went up to uh one of his colleagues he said that kid as a ball this big never been proven historically speaking figuratively though he thought I had a lot of courage and he uh told me about some guys he was training in Western Pennsylvania Shane Douglas being like the prize pup and then he looked at me this is the piece of said don't think you're going to make your living doing this I absolutely planned on making my living doing that BS and before he would he ended up talking to my parents you know I can't remember life may whether in person or on the phone and he wanted me to make a commitment to my parents and to him that I would continue my schooling and so I always felt like that was the one of the great strengths I had that as crazy as the stuff I did I was doing ungodly stuff for very little money you know especially when I got to Memphis Tennessee and I remember we doing the neste plunge you know off the backwards off the ring apron in Memphis cracking my head open with a puddle of blood you know and jeez the crowd went crazy and I think I mentioned you know when I was talking about Jerry Lawler like Memphis Monday Louisville Tuesday Evansville Wednesday Indiana every Wednesday and Rober F God damn jackco you know like man that was some good stuff let's do it again tomorrow and I had to take that bump off the ring apron every every single night for a week and in Evansville Indiana where I'm getting paid $25 I take the nest te plunge and I remember being so disheartened on the way home because I didn't think I bled enough I didn't think the puddle of blood I produced was good enough for Evansville Indiana so I may seem like I was easygo but I was really tough on myself and I was a perfectionist like I watch any match that I've had I will not go back and watch anything I've ever done I will not listen I've never once listened to a match that I commentated I don't have a single photo of me wrestling I don't have any wrestling memorabilia because the truth is like I don't think anything I've done can live up to the expectations that I set myself for myself and the only the only exception to that rule is uh three exceptions mind games with Shawn Michaels backlash with Randy Orton and Helena cell so those are the ones that can go back
Channel: Inside The Ropes
Views: 131,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mick foley, mick foley vs undertaker hell in a cell, mick foley hell in a cell, mick foley retirement, कुश्ती, undertaker, the undertaker, wwe, world wrestling entertainment, mankind wwe, hiac, shoot interview, wrestling shoot, wrestling shoot interviews, inside the ropes, kenny mcintosh, itr live, inside the ropes mick foley, mick foley inside the ropes, backstage reaction, mick foley wrestling, mick foley interview biography, mick foley theme, #mickfoley, #undertaker, #wwe
Id: 1OWsk4jIC8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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