Michio Kaku - How are Multiple Universes Generated?

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michio I've been talking to physicists who tell me about multiple universes and explain remarkable mechanisms of how they they work and when I go home and think at night I want to integrate and really understand that this is more than metaphor I mean this is this is potentially real what what does it mean what what who multiple universes really mean in physics we have something called the giggle factor when you mentioned parallel universes the eyes sort of roll up and your giggle and you say to yourself ah this is just silly this is nuts however things have changed now the paradigm has shifted the multiverse idea one's thought to be so crazy it only belonged on evey night television has now become the dominant theory in cosmology it's unavoidable you cannot avoid the theory of the multiverse now realize that Einstein gave us this idea that the universe is a soap bubble of some sort we live on the skin of this bubble the bubble is expanding that's one of the greatest experimental achievements of the last century the observation of an expanding bubble well run the videotape backwards then the bubble may have come from an instant a dot the universe was smaller than a basketball you could put the universe in your pocket the universe was smaller than an electron but if this bang happened once it can happen again and again and again even as we are talking universes may have been created even as we begin this discussion and this is mind boggling realizing that entire universes may be created even as we take our shower but how does that affect us how does that how do how do we deal with it as it is it an infinite series going backwards an infinite series going forward what what is the the generating mechanisms are because there's so many different kinds they can be from string theory they can be from chaotic inflation they can be from from extra dimensions are they different kinds of universes they are in some sense different kinds of universes but for me it's very aesthetically pleasing you see my parents are Buddhists and they believe in Buddhism you believe in nirvana timelessness there's no beginning there's no end but as a child I went to Sunday school and we learned about arts we learned about great floods and we learned about the instant of creation when God said let there be light so all my life I've had these two competing paradigms in my head with a multiverse idea we had the beautiful melding of these two ideas because we do have this Nirvana this timelessness this 11 dimensional hyperspace this arena of string theory but bubbles bubbles form all the time like in a bubble bath and these bubbles expand rapidly giving us universes or they pop back into existence so continual creation the idea of a multiverse is very pleasing to me because I can now meld Buddhist nirvana with judeo-christian epistemology so so in that model the Buddhist Nirvana will be encompassed the entire picture whereas the judeo-christian creation would be within each individual will take our so called pocket universe so our pocket universe had this creation event which which we know from a lot of data and the the multiple universes is giving you the broader picture of this timeless entity in which all these multiple universes evolved that's right we have this arena this large arena of 11 dimensional hyperspace and within it these bubbles start to expand and they vibrate and in string theory of course we have the music of strings which gives us the particles we see in nature now to me this is very pleasing because Einstein spent the last 30 years of his life trying to read the mind of God and he asked himself what are God's thoughts well believe it or not for the first time we now have a candidate for the mind of God the mind of God according to this multiverse picture is cosmic music resonating through eleven dimensional hyperspace this large arena of Buddhist nirvana 11 dimensional hyperspace has within it universes universes that are being created all the time each one vibrating each one vibrating with the music of strings so in some sense physics is the laws of harmony of these vibrations chemistry are the melodies that you can create on these strings the universe is a symphony of strings and the multiverse is the mind of God are you using these terms metaphorically or do you really have a personal sense that there's some reality behind what you're saying in terms of mind of God and and this is how God thinks I mean using that because it's many scientists use that metaphorically is a beautiful way of expressing it but some not that many but some needed quite literally well I'm talking about the God of Spinoza not necessarily the personal God that answers prayers the personal God that parts the water the personal God that feeds the sick I'm talking about metaphorically the God of harmony the God of beauty in other words it didn't have to be this way our universe could have been random it could have been chaotic it could have been ugly and yet I find it absolutely staggering that you can summarize all the laws of physics all the laws going back 2,000 years back to the Greeks on a single sheet of paper and the goal of string theory is to have it in an equation one inch long in the beginning there was not light in the beginning there was this an equation one inch long which then drives the entire universe that's the holy grail and out of that with maybe one or two free parameters only one or two numbers that you'd have to put in you can create all the so-called constants of physics the several dozen and the few from cosmology so we have lots of these constant of physics today that that that are seemingly not random but are specific for our universe but if they can all be derived from one and then that drives multiple universes then indeed you're you're putting it all together that's right each bubble has its own each bubble has its own constants how fast do stars burn energy how strong is gravity each universe is different some universes are dead most universes are dead some universes are just exactly compatible with life but there is a metaphysics of physics beyond each bubble universe and that's string theory we think strengths there is the theory of the entire the entire shooting match this nirvana that I talked about and that physics then determines the physics of every individual universe how critical is it to have string theory be the driver of this we think that the goal of the progress of physics has been unification and if you take a look at Newton going back 300 years what did Newton do Newton unified the physics on the earth with the physics in the heavens he showed that an apple falling to the ground obeys the same physics as the moon falling around the earth in an orbit so so the first unification was done by Isaac Newton and then in the 1800's James Clerk Maxwell show that electricity and magnetism they can vibrate and they can go back and forth back and forth and that vibration is called light that's one of the greatest insights of all time that vibrating electricity and magnetism can create beams of light and then in this century with our atom smashers we've shown that light and the nuclear forces can be United and now the big question is can we unite everything I think so and that's been the guiding philosophy of Albert Einstein and that's where the action is a unification of everything and so that and that unification be it string theory or something else and string theory perhaps being the best candidate will then by fours lead to the generation of multiple universes you think there'll be a very tight coherence between the two right however there is dirty laundry let me tell you a dirty secret we don't like to talk about this but I have to the dirty laundry is each universe we think has its own constants its own parameters how long does the proton live how strong is gravity the the Sun how long does a Sun burn these questions are for each universe so where's our universe where is our universe in this soap bubble of universes where's our universe our universe has stars that burn for billions of years in most of these universes stars only burned for a fraction of a second life never gets started that's embarrassing because maybe we have a theory of everything but it may also be a theory of nothing because you can't predict anything because somewhere in this bubble bath is everything is everything and nothing because where's our universe where are we where are we in the US of A in one of these bubble universes that's embarrassing
Channel: Closer To Truth
Views: 60,633
Rating: 4.8818736 out of 5
Keywords: Michio Kaku, Closer To Truth, Physics, Universe, Multiverse, Cosmology, Cosmos, futurism, sci-fi, scifi, science fiction, future, parallel universe, alternate universe, dimensions, science, theory, education, lectuer, University, College, infinity, infinite, worlds
Id: ZhIsxAc3C30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2016
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