Michio Kaku Explains String Theory | Big Think

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and what else could we do we can also unlock the secrets of the Big Bang you see Einstein's equations break down at the instant of the Big Bang and the center of a black hole the two most interesting places in the universe are beyond our reach using Einstein's equations we need a higher theory and that's where string theory comes in string theory takes you before the Big Bang before Genesis itself and what does string theory say it says that there is a multiverse of universes where do the Big Bang come from well Einstein equations give us this compelling picture that we are like insects on a soap bubble a gigantic soap bulb which is expanding and we are trapped like flies on flypaper we can't escape the soap bubble and that's called the Big Bang Theory string theory says there should be other bubbles out there in a multiverse of bubbles when two universes collide it can form another universe when a universe splits in half it can create two universes and that we think is the Big Bang the Big Bang is caused either by the collision of universes or by the fissioning of universities if there are other dimensions if there are other universes can we go between universes well that of course is very hard however Alice and wonderland gives us a possibility that maybe one day we might create a wormhole between universes this is a wormhole think of taking a sheet of paper and putting two dots on it the shortest distance between two points is a straight line but if I can fold if I can fold that sheet of paper then perhaps I can create a shortcut a shortcut through space and time called a wormhole this is a genuine solution of Einstein's equations we can actually see this in string theory the question is how practical is it to go through one of these things we don't know in fact there's a debate among physicists today Stephen Hawking many physicists are jumping into the game trying to figure out whether it is physically possible to go all the way through a worm oh because if you could then you might be able to use this as a time machine since string theory is a theory of everything it's also a theory of time and time machines are allowed in Einstein's equations but to build one is extremely difficult far more energy is required than a simple DeLorean with plutonium you know trillions of years from now the universe is going to get awfully cold we think the universe is headed for a big freeze all the stars will blink out stars will cease to twinkle the universe will be so big it'll be very cold at that point all intelligent life in the universe must die the laws of physics are a death warrant to all intelligent life there's only one way to escape the death of the universe and that is leave the universe we are now of course entering the realm of science fiction but at least we now have equations the equations of string theory which will allow us to calculate if it is possible to go through a wormhole to go to another universe where it's warmer and perhaps we can start all over again
Channel: Big Think
Views: 955,238
Rating: 4.905683 out of 5
Keywords: Big Think, BigThink, BigThink.com, Education, Educational, Lifelong Learning, EDU, string theory, michio kaku, big think michio kaku, michio kaku string theory, string theory explained, michio kaku big think, theoretical physics, kaku, string theory michio kaku, what is string theory, string theory documentary, unified field theory, astronomy, space, physics, theory of relativity, theory of everything, science, theory, einstein, quantum mechanics, quantum gravity, string, astrophysics
Id: RZ5dj-Ozwm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 2sec (242 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2013
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