Michigan vs Notre Dame September 23, 1978 Bob Ufer

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monumental day as far as NCAA television is concerned we simply can't recall a time when we've had a doubleheader of more exciting magnitude most of the nation's seeing the Michigan Notre Dame game and then everybody will see Alabama ranked number one in the country against the University of Southern California Trojans from Birmingham so stay with us it promises to be a great afternoon of college football now let's talk about Michigan another day would you know if you were asked who the first opponent in football of Notre Dame was well the answer is simply Michigan back in 1887 Michigan was the very first opponent of the Fighting Irish since that time there have been 10 more games played incidentally Michigan won that first one eight to nothing in all its nine to two in favor of Michigan but realistically speaking in the modern era from 1930 on there were two games played in 1942 Michigan one here at Notre Dame by the score of 32 to 20 in 1943 the last time these two teams met the score was Notre Dame 35 Michigan 12 and so we're very happy to be back in 1978 after a 35 year lapse to see these two teams football of course is much more streamlined now than it was back in 1943 in fact we have two of the finest quarterbacks of the nation Joe Montana a right-handed thrower for Notre Dame Rick leach a left-handed thrower for Michigan both our seniors both are veterans and both can move an offense both the bands are here today and in just a moment we'll be back then to have the music at all the pregame festivities as well as a look at these two dueling quarterbacks Montana and Leach as nine years ago that moves Krauss the athletic director of Notre Dame at Don Ken of the athletic director of Michigan signed for this game little did they know who would be the cast of characters in 1978 but we do have a great cast here today the quarterbacks in particular Joe Montana of Notre Dame the comeback kid of 1977 who led the team to a national championship Rick Lee to Michigan who started every single game except one since his freshman days at Michigan he is now a senior let's take a look at the two opposing quarterbacks and their career statistics as you can see Montana has the better percentage of completion by some 6% but look at the number of touchdowns 31 touchdowns passing by leech 15 for Montana if you want to get an idea of what style goes with each man take a look at this next statistic in terms of running Rick Leach has carried four 357 times and scored twenty four touchdowns and as you can see Montana 63 carries a total of eight yards and eight touchdowns which leads one to believe that he's had a lot of quarterbacks teeth now coming onto the field the Michigan bad [Music] now as we said the passing specialist today is Montana the versatile performer perhaps is leech these are the two dueling quarterbacks [Music] both quarterbacks have excellent receivers to throw to as the Michigan bands touchdown the penal with a floating block in you see that Pete Holohan the flanker in love Clayton frankly a Michigan uh perhaps the most dangerous but also look for fear of Notre Dame and Jean Johnson to Michigan the tight ends between plenty of action here today in addition to two five football teams in two great quarterbacks we also have to think fight song the victors being played by the University of Michigan now the Michigan band will and the Notre Dame victory March [Music] [Applause] [Music] firstly a Notre Dame marching band is today and both teams said both the fans rather will be performing here at halftime now we've talked Maine wedding a spirit ear on both sides of Notre Dame Stadium as Michigan returns to South Bend for the first time in 36 years well I mentioned runners and of course the running attack has to work for both teams today there are four outstanding runners on the field two for Michigan and two for Notre Dame first of all the Wolverines gone on the speed of number 25 Harlan Huckabee the deep back did the ion formation but we may see him in a little bit different formation here today if the word from the Michigan camp proves to be true Harlan Huckabee now Notre Dame counters for the speedster of their own Vegas Ferguson where's number 42 [Applause] the player in the game by his teammate [Music] 30-fold on the cricketing to roam heavens certain to become the all-time leading rusher in Notre Dame football history in fact he needs only 341 yards to surpass the all-time record set by the immortal George Gipp in talking with Bo Schembechler about this Notre Dame team he said he fears Jerome heavens as much as any back in the country simply because he starts faster than anybody in the country in the first seven yard well what about the game overall from a coaches standpoint yesterday we had an opportunity to talk with both Bo Schembechler and Dan Devine we asked him what each man felt was toughest about his opponent well I think primarily the passing of Montana the running game is excellent there's no question about that but I think maybe the passing game is the thing that were most concerned about are you concerned about the grass field at all well no we practiced on it though about 40% of the time this fall and I feel that you know we can make the adjustment pretty well is this the biggest non-conference game you've ever been involved in in Michigan I think so at Michigan there isn't any question about it northern aim is a great football school a great institution great tradition and we're looking forward to playing them tomorrow Michigan has always been and probably always will be bill a very fundamental football team you can't make mistakes but getting it down into personnel we feel that Leach and company they have a great insight attack and Kris his option running and his option running and passing are tremendously offensive threats defensively they come off the ball as well as any team I've ever seen they just hit and pursue and nobody scores many points on them so it's basic basically abortion liquor and Michigan ballclub how important is this game to Notre Dame bowl says it's the most important game Michigan's ever played outside the conference well let me put it this way it's is important in order Dame's that is to Michigan the band of the Fighting Irish America's first college man celebrated at 143rd years [Music] [Applause] and of course they're leading up to their victory March which they think is the most famous fight song in all of football coming up Irish on the field themselves so let's join this Notre Dame ban [Music] [Applause] first this is a bit of a change the noticeable Michigan [Music] here the opening game of the 1979 season both teams will be played in Ann Arbor [Music] as the public admission answer says the greatest victory March of all the Notre Dame victory March [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so both fans performing out on the field in the pregame and of course we'll be seeing him again at halftime back for a final word about both teams after this just think how remarkable it is Michigan a Notre Dame have produced 177 all-america football players between them such legendary names in coaching - as lucky lady lady Parseghian Chrysler gifted notes poster Bob yes this is a great series and we're very happy that it's been renewed after this lapse of 35 years Notre Dame loser of the first game to Missouri 3 to nothing but with two weeks to prepare for this one Michigan winner over Illinois 31 to nothing and anxious to get back and an ancient rival it it'll be an interesting matchup in fact it's just about made of dead even by all of the experts one thing we think is certain gonna be a wide-open game Michigan has said that this will be a game where they're going to open things up it remains to be seen the fact is though the scene is set for this one number 12 in the long series that dates back to 1887 those I mentioned before it's an ideal day for football here in the Notre Dame Stadium the scene is set then for this battle between the seventh ranked Wolverines of Michigan and the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame stay tuned for not only this game but at four o'clock Eastern pre o'clock Central Time Alabama and USC pack animal NCAA college football today presents the seventh ranked Michigan Wolverines featuring their talented quarterback Rick Leach and the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame with their great quarterback Joe Montana this ABC Sports exclusive is brought to you by the folks at Chevrolet who invite you to come on in to your Chevy dealers coast-to-coast for a look at an all-star lineup of cars by IBM helping put information to work for people and by Texaco who also brings you quality automotive products you can trust that scene has been in northeastern Indiana for 48 years Notre Dame's Stadium as two giants of college football are about to make their appearance we don't know which team is coming out first because of a psychological battle between Dan Devine of the Fighting Irish and Bo Schembechler of the Michigan Wolverines meeting for the first time in 35 years and we've said for years that college football all the color Nick stipend what a way to spend an autumn afternoon and Frank Boyles who knows about national championships and great games is just as excited as bill Fleming and I are about what will take place in just a few minutes Frank this is some afternoon Chris I'd like to welcome all of our fans to this football game this is excitement it's very fast it's always a peak here in Notre Dame and this is college football and it's fair at best and we're looking forward to this contest well who do you think which team will come out first well I would guess that bull will have to come out first he stays in the locker room at Michigan last and makes the other team watch him take the field with a hundred thousand people cheering him on and of course the home crowd here is something to behold it causes the opponent to have fits well I don't think Michigan are awed by this crowd before they got here but once they're here it will have effect on the game because the partisan fans give this home team of Notre Dame some momentum and when they get this momentum their chairs and once they'd lose at the Michigan their fans will help him get it back and that's important in a football game what do the coaches have up their sleeve anything different they have some intrigue and talking to both shim back then he was telling me Krista they've been working on new wrinkles all spring and all fall and it did not use them in their opener against Illinois and they go to trim' today against Notre Dame and of course stuff excuse me dan Devine was 10 he got a couple Dipsy doodles that he's going to use that he thinks to give him a big play against his strong michigan defense we've already had a beginning of the Battle of the Bands Michigan and Notre Dame we have a battle of two excellent quarterbacks as we see only an empty tunnel we're on the west side of the field and of course that's in an orderly direction here in South Bend Indiana so we're having the little psychological warfare and I guess since they haven't met in 35 years Notre Dame winning the last game in 19 forty-three well they're doing a little psych job right down there in the tunnel but Frank I know you're impressed with the conservative attitude of the two coaches and as you mentioned a few new wrinkles today they will play it close to the vest starting out they have both football conservatives and what they're saying is avoid loosen before you try to win another way is ladies let's don't take unnecessary risk and Gamble's and throw away any chance of victory what they teach is avoid mistakes don't beat yourself and the way you do this is really execution then you have the and you go into the ballgame with ideas they gonna beat themselves and we're gonna win this is a partisan crowd sellout over 59,000 as it always is and of course you hear a few dissenting voices there are 3,500 tickets that went to the University of Michigan so the Wolverines are going to be on the losing side of the cheering but not in the spirit Department alone here we have a natural grass field ladies and gentlemen the finest grass field I've ever seen it is Marian bluegrass this has caused Bo to make a few comments and of course the defending champion Notre Dame Fighting Irish their fans still think they're number one despite an dota 3 loss to Missouri whereas Michigan 31 to nothing and now we look down and we get the word that only the game captain are coming out on the field well there's a switch Frank Broyles well I think that Michigan is wait the tunnel I've been in that phone as a player in coach and coming out of it you come out together then you won't want to go first and the other second of course there's no rule in the playbook Christic says that the visting team has to take the field first ball doesn't want to see hit but he didn't want his players to see the Welcome that the Notre Dame fans give to their T because maduk experience all right in the green jerseys for notre dame we're looking number three that's quarterback Joe Montana number 30 is Jerome heavens and a great all-american linebacker number 55 Bob Golok the referee today is a veteran Big Ten official his name is Jean Calhoun an attorney from Madison Wisconsin he's in the white cap and now coming in from the far side of the field the east side we have number 46 jure meter a very fine linebacker and number 33 we'll be calling his number a lot today Russell Davis get back the toss of the coin I'd introduce yourself here this is captain's Golic heavens and Montana meet captain Davis and leech captain Demeter okay you're the visiting team who's going to call it by a car [Music] there's a head that should sail while it's in the air I'll catch it you're gonna have to get back let's get back hands causing the referee Jean Calonne a little problem and this is about the friendliest these five fighters will be all after some of the fans who here comes the Michigan team undefeated having knocked off Illinois a week ago 31 to nothing there in white with amazin blue and those spectacular helmets at the great quits Chrysler developed many years ago by going back to the 1949 so thank rose Michigan that long stage wait they have made their entrance and here's their coach Bo Schembechler his tenth year and what a great guy and what a technician of intercollegiate football he is that Chris and he is an intense person I don't know there's more intense than he is his team play just exactly the way that his personality exemplified heat they are strong and they are ready to play you can see that and there you see the green jerseys of the Fighting Irish the defending national champions who had two weeks to lick their wounds and the upset handed them by the Missouri Tigers [Applause] we're in South Bend Notre Dame Stadium [Applause] you get an idea once the fans get away and we can get a look at the team at the size of the Notre Dame player Frank 65 as our usual happening on this they just physically overpowering but Michigan does have the most steam speed so we're gonna see a physically strong team against quickness and speed so it's a good time and music such an important part of intercollegiate football let's listen to that great tune by the Notre Dame band all right at Notre Dame Stadium you'll be hearing that song again and again we'll have the kickoff very soon right now this break in male 511 180 pounds senior will kick off a Notre Dame wearing the traditional green that they started against or revived against notes against Southern California in a big win and upset when a year ago but Notre Dame the number one team in the country of 1977 facing Michigan the number eight team in the country and the only team that's finished in the top ten in both the AP and UPI polls for ten straight years in the final voting in January Notre Dame's mail is ready to go as ten other green jerseys are all wearing the gold leaf Figgins 11 white shirt his legs are all set ledum Lindsey De Santis Witkowski enhance our Bezdek between the 50 and the 45 Johnson bars Larry Reed and there it is end over end and it is going to be taken by Huckabee Huckabee flips at the goal line to the five of the 10 to the 15 and at the 19 and bring to the 18 yard line Ireland Huckabee brings out that kickoff return for mica got a year ago he brought back for everything 23 yards to return last week against Illinois he brought one back for 25 yards Chevy in Michigan's office now Huckabee who just fought back the opening kickoff from the goal line house who the quality 18 yard line 18 yards infamous the Western sideline Carson powers that buzz mcnaught up I think deeper in the backfield with a bone as Huckle being Clayton at the wing bags Russell Davis closed at full fare Russell Davis he's a recovery the fake of the ball game goes to the Fighting Irish as Notre Dame gets the flake oh is that a psychological big as Michigan only had one spent over a week ago it was a handout from Lisa Davis been there I can please the Davidson he fumbles a Notre Dame recovers on his 17th the man who recovered the fumble was Zedeck number 70 gone setting and so check in Notre Dame's office we have bear Foley hustling hustling two brothers and garden center hustling at left guard but soon a at tackle with Hayes discipline in Montana under center he heads off to heaven 7th of April 15 the kids and practice the nine and a half yard line Raymond makes the tackle he made two tackles a week ago against the Illini for Michigan the white-shirted last for Michigan not wearing the basel zoo but wearing the white and blue right now the dark blue numerals on the white jerseys amazing blue helmets in michigan's mole must dig in with a front 5 of C Brown got three tight sprayer and meter now Notre Dame comes in with two setbacks this heavens and Ferguson at quarterback as Montana Joe Montana the senior he puts in motion number two corny there's a hand up this time to heavens he's been at the 6 yard line they claim that Jerry heavens is the fastest pull back in the country for the first 7 yards he carried the ball 14 times two weeks ago against Missouri seven guys an average of three and a half yards per carry and he has just six up the first first down of the ballgame the first big break for those of you who may have just tuned in Michigan on the first play fumbles Notre Dame recovers from the Wolverines 17 the Irish hammered at the Michigan six and a half guideline midway between the sideline stripe going towards the northern goal Meghan spent five digs in Joe Montana checks it over the i-formation Ferguson's deep in heavens float joe montana and ER center first and seven at the 7 yard line Carney in motion there's the pitch office kind of frigid he's headed to 60 loses ground he loses about a yard on the play the line of scrimmage with the six and a half and run Simpkins the number one linebacker in the nation if you asked any football man that's not only wearing maize and blue but Simpkins last year had 174 tackles and 5 humble recovery last week alone he had 13 solos and 4 assists for 17 tackles against Illinois it brings up right now 2nd down and we have about six and a half to go here comes Kearney in motion again across formation is hole ahead there quite an eventful past he throws the pass 793 for social babe number 93 is winding earth catches the pass right over the center 17 yards after the Michigan fumble and for big plays and the Irish fans go wild it'll be blessed blessed equal whole and kicking the extra point for Notre Dame will be go unis he may three out of four a year ago he does not have a chance to kick one last where two weeks ago against Missouri because Notre Dame didn't score the Irish who scored their first time in 1978 17 yard drive in four plays the pass play Montana into the end zone is funded by rustic ass end over end at six and it is good Notre Dame leads in this ball game seven to nothing over this the very maize and blue surprise football Network just played the extra point end over end the last time he kicked at the hackle be Huckabee his gonna like to go in the end zone automatic touch back place is dead luckily deciding valve is that gonna be any good Huck says to himself to take that fall in the first five because those big team green jerseys are moving down and so Michigan takes over first and ten on their own 20-yard line checking the Michigan offensive line for the second time in the contest two minutes and 45 seconds having elapsed tear and Notre Dame leads in the ballgame seven to zip wait a minute there seems to be confusion there is Jean Calhoun the referee indicated that Notre Dame a dead ball foul after the ball had gone out of the end zone Notre Dame was guilty of hitting a Michigan man some way that's against the rules you know the Fighting Irish are a little too fancy here after they scored seven points o Michigan get 15 yards the easy way first and ten in a row 35 yards like wide to the right is BC it's a balanced life it's the wishbone now they're shifting into the eye of Chuck will be deepened Davis Poston Clayton in the slot on the right side and Ricky leach looks over a 4-3 Ricky lease goes on Ricky these pictures off stock will be around the right side he's up over the 39 and drops right there at the 39 or 40 yard line Michigan's offense figured that they could run the flanks of Notre Dame because Notre Dame uses that Pro set of front four with three linebackers shifted to the strength and Michigan's figuring running out of the phone as they did a week ago against Illinois they didn't show about 45% of the offense they have from that phone and you just saw a play that featured part of that offense that you did not see against the Illini where they go from the bone and then shift now wide to the right is Feaster the rest of team the back of the bones now they're shifting from the bone into the eye as hubby deep and Davis posting plays mr. slot on the right side there it is Davis up the center 41 42 43 yard line on second down and six Russell Davis picks up about three and a half yards check it was Huckabee taking the ball Huckabee was in the tailback and he followed Davis through and isolation picking up a block from Davis and it was Hawk in there number 25 brought down on the call it's the 42-yard line he was tackled in there by Bob goalie the senior who had a hundred and forty six record tackles for Notre Dame in the 1977 season seaside ensign imbalance line it search down into box three and the two running backs to Huckabee and David Eiffel be another Dane jumps off sighs Ricky leads the experienced quarterback change the cables of the line of scrimmage Notre Dame made contact and it'll be a question of whether Michigan's Center pulled Notre Dame but it is not illegal procedure I guess Notre Dame they jump in coach the neutral zone before the ball is snapped that's an automatic five yards and that will give me Chigi their first first down to the ball game through the penalty ride so the Wolverines after Notre Dame 17 yard drive into the Wolverine endzone after recovering a Michigan fumble have taken the kickoff rather they didn't take the kickoff and went out of the end zone for a touchback from the 20 to the 47 yard line picking up 20 of those 40 of those 27 yards via the penalty rod first version 10 on the run 47 yards on heckle be deep and Davis close face to Davis gives off he's hit right there by a great big dose that a man in there in the person let's check it out in there looks like it was Mike Calhoun who has 17 tackles two weeks ago against Missouri and boy was he in there big and strong and made the tackle for Notre Dame on call at the 46 yard line it brings up second and 11 of all resting 22 yards in from the eastern side line that's the Michigan side of the field fake Marcia coming into the ball game is Fergie fly to the right his Feaster Mergui tight on the left side it's the bone was Huckabee deep inflating deep now Clayton goes to class formation setting up approach that with one man back a passing offensive formation there's Ricky leads back boxes on for the first pass he throws time film is shot down there commits to excite he gets away and he falls over into Notre Dame's territory b-being Russell Davis who a week ago caught one fast against Illinois for 14 yards and it looks as though there is a flag on the play the ball caught by Russell as a midfield stripe falling over to the 49 but evidently it was a late hit and it'll cost Souter Dame another 15 yards boy Victor good has picked up 35 yards on this slide - 15 yard penalty of five yard penalty and Notre Dame leads 7 to nothing but the Wolverines vo the penalty routes have moved all the way down is through the Notre Dame 34 yard line go check in Michigan's office right now we see that as huckabee inflaton at the back of the phone with russell davis it's a fullback fire there they are the bowl and it'll be one tight end that's Marsh there goes placement motion out to a slot on the left side have to be deep and Davis close Ricky neat under center at the 34 yard line he's going to throw the long bomb downfield to Feaster and his way over sent incomplete at the southeast corner it was thrown about two yards too far would you say Donald I would think so Bob it looks like he had the man licks but it had to be just a perfect pass that he sent the man had him covered pretty well but he just had to be a perfect pass and like you said it would turn just a little too far a week ago Ricky leash connected on 6 of 4 out of 13 good for 75 yards longest was good for 18 yards a week ago leach ran 15 times for 96 yards actually he picks up a hundred and 17 yards but was thrown for losses of 22 wide to the left this time his bestir there is lease back again for a pass he looks for receiver he throws a Sardar Kobe is kind of the 23 first down Michigan as they Fighting Irish 23 yard line the same paths that set up the first score of the ballgame for Michigan against Illinois a week ago but wait a minute there's a flag on the play and an all goes for not remember that past a week ago if you were in this stadium you could picture Leach fighting Huckle BD pony instead of over the center he was out in the left deep and Huckabee got behind a half bag but wait a minute they're bringing it back and there's flooding the ball third down Don do you want to pick that up for him I think he just looks like you bet it caught the ball out of and that's to late May father they ain't in please have that's over away from us we're high on the western side and we couldn't see that looking so he caught it and the officials were there so one man back now Davis back elite two wing back Clayton and Huckabee there's Ricky Lee she throws downfield and it is almost intercepted in the end zone so to bring up fourth down in fifth and we'll Greg will der try now from the 40-yard line of 50-yard field goal he kicked one against Notre Dame a year ago and he is going to try it he kick 146 yards he being quick Wilner the Miami Beach walk on the senior 510 156 pounds he only made three out of 12 field goals a year ago but wait a minute now he's in the pond check it's not a field goal so the line of scrimmage is a 34 Greg will nurse standing on his own 48 he punted last week six times averaging 40 and a half yards apart there's a high lazy pipe that'll go into the Notre Dame end zone automatic touch back and in under one that the Michigan men could not down it there that went right into the end zone so for those of you who may have just tuned in following that 34 yard five by Greg welder Michigan went across selectors to receive when the first play from scrimmage Ricky leach handed off to Russell Davis there was a fumble on the handoff Notre Dame recovered on the Michigan's 17 in four plays they had a touchdown on a beautiful pass Montana to his big tight end Rhine dinger and then the intrud appoint was good Notre Dame kicked off in Michigan moved all the way down to the Irish 34 yards my word fourth down they had surprised into the Notre Dame and zone and that's been the picture so far specifically in this ball game that has captured the imagination the entire football world Notre Dame the defending national champ not meeting Michigan for 35 years and these two great football schools steeped in football tradition and heritage now Michigan has the front five composed of cifra and Godfrey Kaiser and meter two ways up over this baby to 35 to 40 to 43 Fagin was the late handoff for Montana picking up a key flocks with Kim hustling the guard on that play and aiding him to move around the right side cook around Michigan flanker over there and moved that big green jersey is all the way down to the Notre Dame 42 yard line he would tackle down there by Bell off by himself helped by Simpkins now who a week ago has six tackles against Illinois helped by big Ron Simpson who had 17 tackles against the Illini first and ten for the Fighting Irish i-formation Ferguson's deep in heavens post Jovan 10 under center with two tight ends in the balance line there's a handoff his side of Fergie's over the 45 and his head at the 47 yard line Vegas Ferguson from Richmond Indiana carried the ball 19 times against Missouri good for 84 yards that's four and a half yards per carry that is one of the finest tandem for the eye in the country Ferguson deep and heavens close [Music] resting the safety man or pre safety for Notre Dame seems to be limping up and down the sidelines below its beer and it looks like mail is taking staff to remember rustic as their punter so Notre Dame the way they've been moving though the first time the heads of all the booths 17 yards escort second five others to handle this time to Fergie again he needs five he gets three for the 50-yard line the line of scrimmage is the 47 yard line to the Fighting Irish and they moved to the midfield stripe where Notre Dame has a third down situation coming up now third and two in third down situations we see Notre Dame this is their first win Michigan Ricky leach converted one out of two the Wolverines moved well from the 20 yard line to the Notre Dame 34 yard line but 35 yards of that was via the penalty wrap up over the ball comes Huffman the line follows two tight ends of the balance line they're going back out the left side that's Holloman only and number 31 there is the fake end of their Jovan Terry the completed pass at the 40 the 35 sighing dinger Dennis grinding earth every day he fries the land who caught the touchdown pass for six and a half yards with a touchdown earlier in this first period has just given those four game some a real life once again as the Irish have now moved from their own 20-yard line all the way down to the Wolverine 34 yard line with Joe Montana directing this team majestically Montana coming into the ball game in his career Notre Dame at throwing the ball 283 times completed 144 2204 $63 15 touchdowns will give you ricky leeches from pairs of barks in a minute there is motion across formation Holohan the two running backs heaven 7th hazard he's hit at the 30 yard line Gerry heavens upended in there by tight rear DeSantis through godfrey checking Michigan's front five right now from left to right at sea prawn Godfrey kites Greer and disentis and Michigan's defensive line averages 242 pounds Wow the Notre Dame offensive line goes to two thirty eight so Michigan has a slight advantage defensively right now and the forward wall but it's hard to judge because Michigan only has five men up front looking that over Joe Montana glory in motion across formation the running back for heavens and Ferguson but those are Dame takes too much time and I believe that will cost the Irish five yards so another Dame has been penalized four times for 40 yards so far and yet they completely dominates the first seven minutes of this ball game as they recovered a Michigan fumble and the Wolverine 17 moved four plays into the Michigan end zone on a five past Joe Montana connecting through the Notre Dame and Dennis the grinding ER and the extra point was good and that's been the scoring picture approach that I formation Ferguson deep and heavens coach Joe Montana Andrew Center trying to go right to the right there's my center rolling out to the right he's gonna run he doesn't like doing he's hit just over the line of scrimmage at the 33 yard line remember the series started at the around a 33 yard line and they're putting the ball down at the 32 yard line so it will be and now third down I believe coming up the yard marker across the way there it is third down in about seven a third time situation Notre Dame is converted one out of one so far so Joe Montana studying esteemed Jimmy stone is into the ball game for Ferguson wide to the left right now his curry wide to the right is konbini the two running backs for heavens in stone a drop bypassed by Montana he's being right he's evading the man now and now he's being chased over there by Kai see first of all incomplete and if it hadn't been for Dale kites at Columbus Ohio lad if he didn't give in Montana anymore time Montana can pick a receiver let me tell you that lad Montana as we said his past 420 362 yards and 15 touchdowns he's a type of quarterback that doesn't like to pass a run unless he has to in fact his entire career Montana's only carried the ball 63 times and his net yardage is 13 yards standing back is resting he was limping but he is in to punt he's averaged 42 yards that kicked throughout his career for three years he's standing on the Michigan 46 he's angling for the corner but I don't believe he got it wait a minute did he get it at the goal I know it's an automatic touch back it didn't get the coffin foyer where everyone sits up but Michigan would be having any luck at all and all the good luck is for the Irish so far this ballgame arresting the very fine fighter just kicked 29 yards there's a freshman cricket team with a three pack the to kill Mike Huckabee and Slaton in the end zone Huckabee takes over the five six seven eight flags on the play somebody was offsides on that forward wall and I believe it was noted a so Michigan captain on offense Russell Davis will have the choice of first and five or second and five because on to play it looks as though Huckabee picked up five that's not much of a choice since he picked up a down if he takes the penalty so it'll be first down in five they'll move it out from the three to the eight yard line the illegal procedure against Notre Dame as Notre Dame is very aggressive but they're leading in the ball game seven to nothing they have certainly dominated the first eight minutes of this ballgame going 17 yards on a big break after a Michigan fumbles to score the only score so far and their only score of the 78 season having lost the opener 3-2 zip it'll be Huckabee in Mitchell at the tailback there's Ricky nice going on he's going to pitch to he's going to keep a nice Iggy back written into the clouds at the nine guys line Ricky Lee so in his career has carried the ball 357 times for 1661 net guys compared to a career running net for his counterpart Joe Montana 13 yards Ricky leaches lenten for 24 touchdowns Montana's run for 8 so it's not hard to figure out the Montana is definitely a passing quarterback bleachers about 70 to 80% running and 20 to 30 percent passing and statistic certainty bear that out so the ball now rests 18 yards in from this the Western sideline Michigan intersection they have a second down and at their own nine yard line huckle be deepened Davis close Ricky these hundred centerpiece too wide to the right plate and wide to the left there is Ricky Lee she's over the 10 the eleven he needed to get to about the thirteen and a half yard line and he stopped all shy of that it was second and four it will be third and inches night they may call for a measurement here and I believe the officials Jean Calhoun the referee along with the umpire Leslie ruling are claiming that Ricky Lee did pick up Michigan's second third first out of the ballgame so in first downs Notre Dame has two in the ground and one in the air the passing arm of Montana on a well-thrown pass to grinding her for their one first down in to running first time Michigan in first time says to be in the penalty route and one on the ground just picked up by WikiLeaks there's leads base to table it'll be fumble michael bay was hit so hard that's what happens when a banana leaves the package gets skinned and boy WikiLeaks was really in on a tremendous tackle in there by Jeff Weston number 74 it he just guard the ball lose Notre Dame Donald has come to play football earning the I bother sky-high you can see him they got to break that off the back where we have the purple and they've recovered and that way that guy really popped huckle be that time and police was able to take the ball up recovers and then another tough break for so it brings up second down and judged about 19 yards to go second 19 to fall resting 21 yards infamous for Western sideline from the basic it has two wing back make sure on the right huckle be on the left their famous over the center to the five to the seventh and his touch like they're at the 8 yard line trying to pick up such Boston they're from nada and Berkeley and coming in on the defend his spot go like the linebacker Notre Dame on defense is utilizing as we said before that basic four-man front the three linebackers and then they have the four men deeper the umbrella they over shift towards Michigan strength and Michigan is trying this afternoon to run toward their slot or to their wide receiver because last week they centered their a tire attack against the Illini against the tight in figuring Notre Dame would pick that up and they would run they being Michigan or the rancor or this receiver right now happens to be placed right on the left is Easter at the slot on the right side is Huckabee and there's the delayed and off the day mist he's up to the 10 to the 12 and slips at the 13 yard line and these Michigan men you know they've been playing 99% of their careers on fighting surface and that time Davis tried to cut back in is flipped and offend oh right here's Notre Dame but playing on the church may take a quarter or a half to get used to it making him slick loader down who is punished once and it was the 34 yard kick five yards below his average and Notre Dame will write seven men though they're gonna write nine men will endure two yards in the endzone standing back there it gets a nice snap from Lille gern there it is a nice hog plays d take take a bite Weimer at the 45 to the midfield stripe piggyback written into the ground at the Michigan 46 I by the Notre Dame has excellent field position as the Fighting Irish take over for the third time in the ballgame with four minutes and seven seconds remaining Notre Dame leads in the contest 7 to zip a 42-yard kick with a nine yard return defensive lines averaging right now about 226 so Notre Dame has the 12 pond form an advantage as they break Ivan huddle up over the ball comes Dave Hoffman the line follows his balance the wing back on the right side is Chloe the wing back on the left side conbini there is the end around the cornea and he's just right there at the 47 but he breaks the tackle of symptom and he goes over the 40 yard line to the 38 and you don't see that very often Ryan Simpkins the ap Player of the Week last week for his tackles against boy 17 tackles he had a hundred and seventy four record tackles a year ago has a great great player for Michigan as a sophomore and that time he had the man dropped for a loss the ball carrier that time was curry on the end around or the halfback around he was lined up on the right as a half sight came back around just a handoff and loose it immediately but he broke the tackle on went seven more yards this brings up second down in three the i-formation ferguson deep and heavens close historian motion across formation two tight ends as i am a big sign to first he's hit right there at the 35 yard line picking up enough yardage for another first down for Notre Dame will now have four first downs run piling remember the series started at the Michigan 46 I'm piling at the 36 and we may have a measurement here as you're right at the 36 yard line it's late down for my vantage point here high on the western side line a packed house 50 9075 fans enjoying this fall game along with you and me and Notre Dame leading in the contest now in the closing three minutes of the first period wide to the right over there goes Haines he had a hamstring for yesterday in practices as his first appearance two running backs through heavens and Ferguson there is the hand up for the halfback heavens he's over the 35 and drops at the 33 yard line trying to pick up blocks in there from husband and Mike's innovate Notre Dame's offensive line right now has a 15-pound advantage on Michigan's defense of 25 Charlie Godfrey with three tackles against the Alliant I have 29 tackles in 77 made the tackle that time for the maize and blue wearing white jerseys it just doesn't seem like Michigan you know it Donald with those white jerseys on [Music] why did the writers whole ahead why double up this time is Haines two running bachelor heavens in Ferguson there is the faith Montana's fact for the entire Murray they spouses quitting their domestic and he founded the 19 yard line and mastic is in the ballgame for the first time and but technique old is he fence when lasting some danio he came in West against Missouri they passed him over the center on the back the kids were told that and the mastic came into the ballgame they looked at him and they let him get free and he caught the pass down to the 18 yard line Michigan is not alert right now the ball is resting 18 yards in from this the Western sideline that over the ball comes Dave Huffman I know that because one of the defensive men told me that a defensive player said when NASA comes in we know it's going to be a fast two tight ends and a ballot slide the i-formation fergie deep in heavens close they reduce to Fergie he's hit at the 16 yard line and Notre Dame is just where they were in the opening series of Notre Dame had it here this afternoon after Michigan took the opening kickoff brought it back to the 17th on the first play police handing off to Davis there was a fumble Notre Dame recovered on the Michigan 17 they have it right now in the 16 yard line earlier in this quarter they moved that 17 yards in four big plays with blind diggers taking a six and a half yard touchdown pass from Joe Montana now the other Dame sets themselves second and seven the ball resting of the Michigan 16 yard line the running backs for heavens and Ferguson Nass because then again there's Anna this time to heavens he is hit roughly right there at the 16 yard line maybe Michigan linemen hurt the other class under Sanders was there he was alert he made three tackles I guess it's snapped right now it's fun if I rustic is picked by enters this slot and it's going down into the end zone automatic clocks in their automatic touchback and so michigan's mike jolly the lad who intercepted and went fifty eyes against Texas A&M in a big intersectional game a year ago came in and blocked out a field goal attempt and Michigan's defense rose to the occasion footballs the game of emotions and Michigan emotionally had their Dobber out because Notre Dame took the opening or took the fumble move 17 yards and scored and Michigan had a real break with 35 yards and penalties but fizzled out on the Irish 34 and then Notre Dame has come back in and they tried that fear gone had they made it that would have given them a big lip instead it gave Michigan a big lift now the Wolverines offense will be Ricky's lead is under center he has he'll be deep and Davis close in there they sleep in motion to class formation be sirs wide to the right out here there's the fake and up freaking these foots down the line pitches off the hockey's over the 20 is this a 24 and flat for a five-yard gain at the 25 yard line now Michigan was 51 seconds remaining in the first quarter have moved the ball five yards on this series of downs in Michigan's front seven are smirky at one end powers at the quick tackle our PES Nick the flame from Cleveland at left guard Steve not as the Norristown Pennsylvania lad at center Greg Barton a from Detroit Cody high school playing at right guard John Kiefer from Woodville Ohio at right tackle and Ron Feaster one of those Flint's phantoms is in there right now flanked out to the left and here comes in motion Clayton from the bone and there goes Huckabee setting up the eye with Huckabee deep and Davis close and Ricky Lee speaking to hawk will be back for a pass Ricky nietzsche's going way over the head of everyone because there was a missed assignment because be circadian and buttonhooks at the 42 yard line Henrik Neely Charles the ball down to the Notre Dame 47 yard line the Wolverines have got to put it together here offensively as Bo Schembechler told you and I that if Michigan makes as many mistakes today against and Devine as his team did in was against Missouri in 1969 the Notre Dame would make 40 or more points Missouri capitalizing on seven turnovers in that 69 game beat Michigan and Bo Schembechler 4217 now Michigan trailed seven or nothing Michigan has the i-formation its third down in five and leaches back for another pass and he's cooking he's gonna scramble and now he finds the man who's going to eat the ball back there at the 15-yard line Ricky leads his family but he can't find anybody open Notre Dame defense is doing a tremendous job back there Harrison Weimar and resting are really fact they're covering although would be receivers in Michigan's in the hole again and there it is the end of the first quarter dominated by Notre Dame but never say die Michigan is coming back upfield they're going to change those to the field we're going to change microphones for a word over this the very maize and blue and blue and gold football Network see three rushing thirty-eight passing Michigan had six from the ground and five in the air hundred the one to 11 Greg will nurse back for a punt his third part of the afternoon he's standing on the hash lines at the Michigan free yard line he has plenty of time and he gets a nice long spiral beautifully kick to the 33 eye line by Weimer he's here for 35 areas he drops right there at the 33 yard line a beautiful pipe with no return and that leg will der who picked a 46-yard field goal a week ago to put Michigan on the scoreboard after media was frustrated offensively in the first quarter and then the Wolverines wound up leading 10 to nothing at the half so here we have Michigan now after that 50 yard kick with a - 2 yard return beautiful punt by Craig welder Notre Dame's Joe Montana that's the team for Justin in heavens with the running back there it is Ferguson following heavens he gets no blocking now I get the Rockies over the 35 and hit at the 35 yard line three men in there Jerry meter in there beautifully for Michigan meter at that line backing spot who a week ago made ten tackles against the Alliant I hear ago he's the number two tackler behind Simpkins with 104 he made the tackle right that time on the 35 yard line it brings up second down to the body why do the left this time goes konbini at the type flood and a riot is Jolla hand there's a handoff this time to the half I he's hit right there for 37 yard line and you know Londo where the complexion of the game we talk about emotions Notre Dame had a big lift they went in recovered Michigan's fumble after the opening kickoff scored came right back and after that spherical they just haven't seemed to have the life and Michigan now is slowly picking it up defensively the Wolverines are great it's offense they got to get going all right third time they have two out of four right now conversions on third down situation there's Montana and the creepy his office a football back at the 23-yard line recovered by another game at the 21 well Notre Dame is having their share of misuse right now Jimmy Stone taking the pitch back from Cory who had taken the hand off from Montana remember that was the play that he broke earlier in the game and went down for about seven yards with this time it was well-conceived but poorly executed and it was just got free the Florida lad who lived as a child in Detroit was in there to make the tackle after the recovery of that fumble by sown at the 21 yard line there is the punt this time by rustic he gets a beautiful high lazy kick tips over the midfield stripe of Michigan bogs back out of bounds right in post jump back first left Michigan is on the eastern side line the visitors side Notre Dame on the home side down below is here it's real as we said it before but it bears repeating the exact replica of the Michigan Stadium only in a miniature South 59,000 and his fourth year at Notre Dame 28 wins and eight losses that's winning at seventy nine percent overall post um Becker's 81% and Dan to find his 75% in coaching at Arizona State Missouri and here at Notre Dame the i-formation there's a head up the Davis is over 245 242 240 was like Roscoe steel horse famous picking them up and laying aside and fight they cannot I'm making the blocks up front it was frightening kanata making the blocks up front opening up a hole for russell davis and that big lad for virginia giving michigan an offensive press right now is a trailer the ball game 7 to zip but hello Vereen dobbers are coming back up to the floor of already seniors in from the parties through size on the focus of all come Steve not it the line follow slide to the left his feature in the back of the bonus place and Huckabee here comes plate in motion across formation setting up a medium spot on the left side Ricky leaches logging out to the right and he's going to throw it down here and it is shorter that targets Easter's open at the 27 yard line and Ricky leach under throws his target Ricky Lee Chiu a week ago connected on six a 13-4 75 yards that's just where he was a week ago throwing short of the target in the first half and then he came into his own in the second half Rickey leach who engineered that Michigan team last week in beautiful style running the option and we have a hunch this Michigan's offense now will get out of that sort of rust they've been in in the first so-called twenty two minutes of this half actually first 18 minutes we got 12 minutes left in the first half there's the bone plates and huckle bsd running spots with davis up close there's Ricky needs for the ball he's going to keep it's over the 40 cut seconds for 36 that's what leads does best any pics of Michigan's fourth first down of the ball game check it out Michigan had 11 yards in the first quarter and three first downs Notre Dame at 120 ARDS in the first quarter in five first down Michigan picks up the first first sound of the second period by either team and the Wolverines have it now at the Notre Dame 36 yard line remember the furthest penetration by Michigan was their first time with the ball the second time the first time they fumbled the second time they moved to the Notre Dame 34 yard line where they had to fight and now Michigan has Steve not a hop over the ball behind follows the Wolverines have Feaster wide to the right to tight ends in the balance life the running backs Mitchell goes through the left side of the wing back huckle be deep and Davis close and Ricky nice rolls on features a faculty he's got a block but he's hit at the party down over the 30 the 26 and hit at the 25 yard line WikiLeaks was hit on the play as he let go of the ball Ricky leeches down and is ripping some he is the first down as Ricky leech slowly gets up remember beau told us he was hitting practice on Tuesday and he gets up slowly and walked back to the Wolverine huddle the ball rests 18 yards in from the party's first sideline BJ Dickey is warming up on the sidelines Feaster goes out coming into the ball game for Feaster is Clayton [Music] it'll be two tight ends live with fate wide to the left and there's the golf play to Huckabee's hit at the 23-yard line going up the center picking up blocks to our business not and powers Harlan Huckabee coming into the ball game with a 4.7 for Kerry average against the Illini in 11 carries who went 52 yards for set up most of the second half with a pinched nerve he cuts too fast as a week ago good for 20 yards right now it's Notre Dame's front five digging in with Case Western Poly Calhoun and setting notre dame looked at over Wikileaks looks over that five or two defense and Michigan goes into a second and eight situation with Huckabee deep and Davis close david says the ball he's over the 20 cakes fake to throw and he's right there at the 20 yard line brought on by collie who coming into the game had 12 tackles against Missouri two weeks to go in a hundred and forty-six record tackles in their national championship season of 1977 and garlic that time shot to Whitby blockers and made the tackle and Russell Davis garlic a trike co-captain of the Notre Dame team well Michigan's Russell Davis the co-captain on offense carried the ball so it is a third down situation Michigan's leaky Beach as one out of five well Ricky Lee says his team tonight has been a balance line now they go into power I with Huckabee deep and Davis quotes answers down and foreign listen to the voice to know that a football I think that her name jumped offsides there's a fixed acquaintance ladies down to fifty nine to ten heads back into the five a Notre Dame I believe was offsides but Michigan will decline the penalty but maybe we're thinking ahead too much hold if you hold it Betsey Hall was against it'll be the Notre Dame captain Coley going in there with Michigan's captain Russell Davis and it is against Notre Dame and Michigan will refuse the penalty and have the ball down there on the six yard line so the ball rests now 18 yards in with Notre Dame on top of Michigan seven dismissed but the Wolverines toppers are up and they're coming back coming back him down and under with an emotional drive as Clayton goes out of the Michigan hello overly strikeout not as over the ball we have two tight ends and a ballad slide i'm michigan their ships Mitchell boy wide to the left Huckabee Deepa Davis tokenistic sideline there's the handoff the Davis he gets to the 4 yard line to the 3 yard line the Notre Dame proudest the two to remember the new rule in the intercollegiate football as the home crowd boos while the office of team of the visitors move towards the goal line they will be automatically given as that's the timeout they'll be penalized the clock will stop and Notre Dame evidently well disciplined the fans here because 36 years ago they would be yelling their heads off right now as Michigan trailed seven another they have the ball second and four two tight ends little balanced life here possibly making the tandem of the I was Clayton wide to the left huckle be deep and Ricky leaders going on Rick and he scores and it's 76 78 Ricky Lee Shu had two running touchdowns against Illinois they just boot six guys for a touchdown here I guess Notre Dame and Craig Wilner who has four for four on extra points will attempt to tie it up and holding for Michigan will be BJ Dickie and Ricky Lee who is a freshman playing for five touchdowns who is a sophomore in 76 ran for 10 touchdowns who is a junior in 77 ran for seven touchdowns he has now run for his first touchdown of 78 from 6 yards out BJ tikki spots but it's part of this kicked it send over Lance a brand new ballgame me Egan's lip Notre Dame Michigan 7 you for you getting carried away baby we've got 40 minutes left of this contest everyone knows this Michigan 7 notre dame 7 over this the very Mason blue coming from behind football networks in fact 50 yards in nine big plays with Ricky Lisa got some glue as amazing blue moving in from the six and a half guys life Craig will nurse had a tremendous career so far 278 kicking puting field goals extra points he's 5 for 5 and 1 out of 1 and his Brian Virgil's of Buchanan Michigan lad kicking off he kicked them out of the end zone a week ago this time it's taken by stone as the goal I started to death 250 he has say lighted 224 and drop right there he saw for a moment a bit of daylight 221 he tried to duck towards the sideline becoming up beautifully was Brian Virgil number 2 the lad who kicked the ball for Michigan made the tackle that's what you call extra effort on the specialty team boy when you kick off and then you go down and know you're not gonna be in again until they pick off he gave that extra effort that Buchanan Michigan lad and Notre Dame has the ball up a little ball come Huffman the line follow Montana sets his team Ferguson deep in heavens close that the slightest call ahead he goes in motion across formation and Montana goes back just off to heaven he that by the suffering Wolverines at the 26 yard line and Michigan's defense in there headed by Chris Godfrey who had tree against Illinois he's had three so far in his first half against Notre Dame he had 29 against 11 opponents last year he being Chris Godfrey number night he made the tackle that time the ball rest 21 yards in from this to western sideline for those of you who may have just tuned in we got a barnburner cliffhanger call it what you will Notre Dame seven Michigan seven pros that the two running backs fake their Joe McKenna back he's rushed he throws downfield caught pitifully at the 45 yard line by a bear this fair number 9,500 inside boy this part la is beautiful the way he throws those soft passes he dropped that Joe Montana he was 13 out of 28 against Missouri and in his career he's completed 49% 140 out of 283 the receiver was nicked they're one of the finest all-around athletes on a Notre Dame team to give you an idea of how agile this band is he was the high jump champion in Ohio jump to senior year six foot seven Russell Davis comes six nine in high school in Virginia so like you for back at Notre Dame's gridiron Notre Dame as a ball person tent there's the draw play to the full-back he's up over the misses and he sits right there Ferguson at the 41-yard line beautifully conceived a beautifully executed Montana colonies plays real well from the bench they're called that he's executing them as well as they're being called believe me he went back that time Michigan expecting a pass drop back the oldest play in football the draw play handed off to the man who looked like he was walking they get Ferguson and he moved the ball all the way down to the Michigan 41 yard line the ball rest 21 yards into the parties from side by the roll with the ball for Notre Dame comes Huffman wide to the left is conde knee and there is the hand out to heaven he breaks for those 54 yard line Notre Dame's offensive line is starting to kick out the Notre Dame offensive linemen averages 241 pounds the man to Michigan five man plus the coach to 26 so Notre Dame right now as a 15 pounds per man advantage on that forward walls of Allred 23 yards in from the far eastern sideline Simpkins made his third tackle of the afternoon up over the ball for Notre Dame was second down and three on the Michigan 34 yard line it's the i-formation Ferguson's deep and heaven coach Joe Montana under Center puts the halfback hold a hand in motion gives it off to heavens as a flag on the play and somebody I believe exchanging pleasantries down there and it looks like Michigan's co-captain 'iron Simpkins knocking things over a little heatedly with Jean Calhoun the referee along with Dave Huffman the center and it looks like it will be illegal procedure against Notre Dame so on second and three it will now the down part remains the same the artis will move up to seven second and seven Notre Dame has been penalized so far six times for 50 yards Michigan has yet to pick up a penalty but the only turnover of the ball game was Michigan on the fumble they led to Notre Dame's first score after the opening kickoff 17 yards in four plays Notre Dame's touchdown Michigan went 90 50 yards in nine play Michael B carry four times for 31 yards Davis three times for 14 yards and Ricky leads twice for seven and a half yards Joe Montana sets this team I formation is second and eight across formation comes whole ahead number 31 is Fergie deeper he takes follow sevens over the 30 five to thirty four to thirty two and got to the 31-yard line remember the series site is at the Michigan 41 so Ferguson may have picked up another first time for Notre Dame Notre Dame as seven Michigan has six it's a 7 7 ballgame 36 years ago hero was 14 to 13 at the half with Notre Dame on top by one point history has a way of repeating itself as faithfully in football third down and inches to go on a third time situation Notre Dame has connected on two out of five this will be the sixth attempt for Notre Dame's Joe Montana he has formation to tight ends in the balance line heavens deep heavens as yet and I don't know whether he made it or not he's just right there and the Notre Dame man naturally are signaling and the official signals he just pick up the six issues he needed so Notre Dame has just converted on their third third down situation out of six into a first down they have the ball 19 yards in from the far eastern sideline six minutes remaining in the ball game from South Bend Indiana where the score tied 7 to 7 up over the ball comes Dave Hoffman the line follows Palace wide out as Corey and there is the fake handoff at Montana's down he connects on the 21 by heavens and he rolls out of ours with an 18 and then in first time for those today they pick up to up here in a hurry they have nine first towns in the ballgame Michigan has six Notre Dame's Joe Montana is connected on five out of seven as well above his career average of 49% the ball is fried in 18 yards from the party screen sideline Notre Dame comes out of the huddle with two tight ends to the balance line Ferguson deep and heavens folks Joe McKenna looks over a five-to-four defense and he puts the halfback in motion as Holohan across formation they just got the Fergie follows heaven so he's it at the 15 is up at the 12 yard line Notre Dame's offense is not to be the knight on this Drive they are moving with reckless abandon in and out of the hands the would-be tacklers than being dropped down there at the 12 yard line by Simpkins along with the Santa so Michigan's white-shirted lads representing the maize and blue and Ann Arbor had better dig in now with the Sanderson career and her go back at the nose guard Godfrey and see Braun at the left side on that defensive line his symptoms and Mito backing it up with Bella the strong safety Joe Montana hands off the Fergie's hit at the Penn the 98 he almost gets to the 7 yard line he needed two and a half yards he picked up three and it will be a first time for Notre Dame and listen to the voice of Notre Dame football in the background with five minutes and 50 seconds remaining in the first half and Notre Dame seven Michigan seven and in we have a hole a hand coming into the ballgame going out of the ballgame for Notre Dame's is glory and so Notre Dame has it now inside the Michigan NUS I hasten 8/8 to go to tight ends in the balance line Ferguson deep in heavens folks here comes curry in motion our check hold a hand in motion and Notre Dame will be called for five yards the illegal procedure but Montana's gonna run with the ball anyhow he's hit at the line of scrimmage and dropped right there there's a flag on the play and they're gonna call I think I don't know what they're going to call on that one that was the late here because Montana was going with a ball Donald confused it seemed like the player stopped they heard a whistle and I don't know that whistle within the stands or not but everybody stopped running and then finally Montana went and I don't know what's been called Bob we'll have to wait for the decision from the official it was obvious there was a infraction of the rule that the line of scrimmage and then Joe Montana went anyhow he should have stopped on the whistle now there may be claiming the offsetting penalties with Michigan coming up on the late he had anyhow we'll see and they're going to end up penalizing Michigan let's see what signo he gives the $200 an hour men follow Bob we're still foul against Michigan evidently they did they detected a man filing on Montana and yet there was the a flag wouldn't one flag offset the other Donald didn't the flag drop in the other okay two tight ends to the balance life Fergie Keith first and goal at the 4-yard line Notre Dame seven Michigan seven thirty and he's driving into the end zone Ferguson drives into the end close to the 4 yard line this is a game of emotions and Notre Dame's were really allows that was real heady footballer the part of Joe Montana they really thought a touchdown in a previous play when Michigan was paralyzed half the distance to the goal we still maintain there was a yellow flag at the line of scrimmage and a whistle blown and then the late hits later but that all into the record book as a Michigan piling on penalty and so it will be another name touchdown as the Fighting Irish of moved after Michigan tied it up to a 13 to 7 lead kneeling is lefty and there is the extra point by units is up and over and then it's Notre Dame 14 Michigan 7 5 minutes and 21 seconds remaining over this the Michigan football Network Burgie went in from the four yard line mailers set to kickoff number four and over and the third time he's kicked off in the ballgame is taken under five by Huckabee for the first time he's up for the jab check that says and he stops like there's a 15 yard line Roosevelt says the cast sexy played last both huckabee and fans they're the quarters from death spec he took the third kickoff of the ballgame by notre dame brought it out from the michigan five to the Wolverine 12 yard line where michigan's Ricky leech has his work cut out for him trailing in the cantos 14 to 7 5 minutes and 16 seconds remaining in a ballgame the Church of the remember in a ball game that I'm gonna remember for a long long time up over the ball comes Steve not it the line follows it's the i-formation his truck will be deep and Davis close in motion across formation is Ralph late Ricky leach looks at a five-to-four and then he rolls on pitches off to Huckabee allow the left side he's up over the 15 cuts into 22 22 it almost says the first staff and that's the office to play that Michigan figured on utilizing here in this ball game they figure they could run the play well Notre Dame figured they would keep making it off balance you know Notre Dame been watching them Rainey like Washington was in the road for and it's a keeping Michigan off balance by mixing up their passing plays beautifully they are passing on first time you know in that Washington Michigan Roseville game fortunate about 15 times in the first half and they passed eight out of 15 times on first down I kept Michigan off-balance and they made 17 separate the half there's a handoff the Russell favors he's hit right there 223 he needed a body yard for the first time there was second one after Huckabee had taken the first down from the 13 yard line all the way out to about the Michigan 22 and their run filing right around the 20 tree and the man getting up last it looks as though it's Mike Calhoun number 77 along with hime Crider Notre Dame defensively last year was third in the nation against the rush and they lost their fourth less men and their two quarterbacks one of the playing Luther Bradley for the Detroit Lions right now and that was a great great contingent of defensive players that four-man front the two quarterbacks six men a loss from Notre Dame defects while the defense right now Ricky leach is looking at over Michigan's Russell Davis picked up the first sound there's Mitchell notion of class formation fakes to Davis back for pass Nikki lease those time permits to far the intended receiver down there without make sure he was open the pass was overthrown we're gonna pause fifteen seconds for station identification over this so 14 to 7 Notre Dame a head football Network this is America's great radio station WJ r detroit otherwise we can expect mostly sunny today with a high near 70 degrees for tonight fair and cool with a low near 50 and then for tomorrow mostly sunny with some afternoon cloudiness and a high of 72 to 75 Bob Uecker here along with Don line Jack Lane Bill patrulla Jimmy Anna check Bob Poorman and Johnny radar producer all set to bring you the final four minutes to 12 seconds for the first half Notre Dame on top 14 to 7 Huckabee deep Huckabee blocking now he's eyes the right flat Ricky leads ghost on film it's almost intercepted Ricky leads is not throwing the ball well at all in fairness to Ricky he had his ankle his enthused effective Ricky Leach and we asked Rick on Thursday just what happened to his ankle and how it was and here was Ricky leeches answer Bob we were in our practice schedule on Tuesday and we were going through a passing drill at the time and there was not about the third or fourth play that our first team offense ran that the backside end came through and ready when I was trying to release the past he stepped on the back side of my foot just below the ankle which gave me a lot of pain rate at first I think it was probably a lot worse when I first did it and what it feels right now but we're just hoping and praying that everything's gonna work out starting to feel better now and hopefully all our dreams would come true I've been thinking about Notre Dame all summer and all fall ever since football started to get together and I'm hopeful that I'll just be able to do everything I'm normally able to do in the football game well he just dropped on third down that was the same rickielee she just heard tell about his experience to see in practice he was chased Eastham but he threw completed pass to Russell Davis getting out for the 22 and fourth down and 12 so they lost two and a half yards on the series of downs that will be fourth down in 12 and quick rollers back on his own 7 yard line there's the kick a high long spiral and it's coming down on the 36 yard line by waiver he sit right there supporting and Notre Dame takes over the last time Notre Dame has the ball they moved 75 yards in nine plays to take the lead 14 to 7 and we see coming into the ball game now is Michigan's defense that was a 43 yard kick for the 4 yard return and Joe Montana gets a fine hand from the crowd here as the infesting Ricky leach in the battle for the Heisman Trophy at this particular point in the ballgame 3 minutes and 50 seconds remaining Notre Dame leaves 14 to 7 Burgie deep in heavens close the i-formation there is Fergie and he right there moving in beautifully for Michigan the two defensive tackles Kirk clear along with Chris Godfrey a tandem two-man tackle teaming up to bring the ball carrier Ferguson down on the call at the 42 yard line brings up second down today to foresting 14 yards in from this the Western sideline Notre Dame changing half backs in here with the placed and divine calling them on this sideline Bo Schembechler across the way up over the ball for Notre Dame comes Dave Huffman the line follows wide to the left this time is conbini and there is a timeout down in the playing field timeout for Notre Dame with 2 minutes and 43 seconds remaining you know when you look at this crowd and you look around this beautiful Notre Dame campus this brings to mind new Rockne again we just can't help but we read a book on new black mayor was written by Jerry Brown field is called Rockne on 2nd and 8th on their own 42 yard line there is the fake handoff to Ferguson a drop back pass and it is spotted didn't complete at the 39-yard line covering over there was Mike harden he moved in there beautifully the intended receiver was Mike curry coming down from his wife Notre Dame will utilize approach that with a halfback light to the right now within wide to the left or vice versa and then the I formation or the twin set and they'll look as though they're coming out of a lot of formations but they basically have about three direct routes that they either run or pass from now there goes Houlihan wide to the left and coming off wide to the right is Kahn Dini the two set backs right now are heavens and Ferguson as they've been all the game they're forming a pocket for Montana 35 throws the swing pass out here to Fergie and he's hit right into midfield stripes and remember they needed on that play about five yards and they picked up I believe about four and a half so to bring up fourth down and about inches with two minutes and 29 seconds remaining it'll be fourth down in the yard and one mr. stand a vinyl decides right now the field general for Notre Dame whether Notre Dame will go for it or will they get and the cloud behind naturally encouraging the end of mine to go for it but then Devine like general ball they're playing conservative football and why not to great team locked here in dead earnest believe me and rustic is standing back in the 35 yard line averaging 39 and a half yards per punt coming into the game a lazy long spiral taken down there by jolly se 14 he's up to 15 the 20 to 25 to 28 and drops at the 28 yard line Mike jolly who brought back punts a year ago along with Dwight Hicks brought that one back 14 yards after rusty care punters of all 37 yards then so Michigan's offense takes over trailing in the ball game 14 to 7 Ricky leach moved the team earlier in this second quarter 50 yards in nine plays to tie up the ball game 7 to 7 but Notre Dame came right back quarterback by Joe Montana and moved 75 yards to take the lead 14 to 7 proach that is Huckabee deep and Davis push and Ricky beats under center looks for a five-man front so I'll play the Davis and heat it at the 30 gets to the 34 yard line picks up about five yards on the play 18 yards infamous the Western sideline the crowd sort of subdued right now there have been no real spectacular plays by Michigan or Notre Dame Notre Dame in their 75-yard Drive just a well group series of plays mixing them up beautifully Joe Montana faking the ball well handing off on the drop plays exceptionally well and then going back and passing and connecting as in passing right now he is connected on six out of nine there's Nikki leach back for pass in the 23 throws downfield Mustafa right into the hands of Duck Marsh that Marsh hasn't caught one this year but a year ago he caught five for one touchdown but he just couldn't hold on to that one right in his hands and it is not Michigan's day offensive layout here this afternoon the only show of strength Michigan is that offensively is moving the ball midway through this first half 50 yards of nine plays to tie up the contest while Notre Dame dominates with ten first downs to seven Michigan has had two completed passes out of ten while Montana is 6 for 9 there's the I formation Ricky leech factors and five he's hesitating he's going down with Clayton at the midfield slide catches the ball and falls forward so it's 47 yard line Ralph Clayton who led the Wolverines and passed receptions a year ago with 24 big ones in 12 games the 1977 catches a clutch pass there on Thursday now Michigan calls timeout with 62 seconds remaining on the digital scoreboard and with timeout down of the playing field let's go back in the history but when we talk about that great Notre Dame coach Knute Rockne and that famous four horsemen team the Four Horsemen of Notre Dame and how well any football fan always remembers what a tremendous sportswriter Grantland rice was for the New York Tribune and I think it was on a Sunday morning of October 18th and the tribute to these Notre Dame backs when something like this outlined against a Blue October sky the four horsemen wrote again in dramatic lore they were known as famine pestilence destruction and death but those were only aliases Saturday afternoon their real name we're still Brer Miller Raleigh and Layton and I guess when you talk about that great team you got to remember they were unbeaten they were untied in 1924 they beat Stanford's arose for twenty seven to ten they ran up 285 points at all times a season record for Notre Dame and they limited the opposition to 61 and Michigan's answers require that great team of course of Notre Dame's 2411 would have to be Fritz Kreisler's mad magicians of 1947 they went ten and oh they ran up 394 points they limited to ten opponents to 53 in Michigan fact command magician happiest Elliot Yogi's and Weisenberger okay Rickey leach back first and ten on the Notre Dame 47 a completed pass that he drops without the right flat Ralph later because in Michigan a critical first bounce here couldn't hold on to the ball checker with Harlan Huckabee you got to give credit where credit's due and you got to give the negative side when the witness do it was hardly knock he'll be right in his hands on the right flat so it's just one of those situations Michigan's got to put it together offensively because the Rickey leach was off on his passes and that they were short and they were long now he's starting to hit his targets and they can't hold on my thoughts went over the middle how Kobe just stopped going out in the right flat Clayton caught his to give Michigan a second and 10 right now on the Notre Dame 48 yard line why do the right this time is Clayton wives of Alexis Mitchell it's Huckle be deep and Davis post it'll be second down and 10 there's Ricky nice package today it's from the five side he throws the huckle be loose can't hold er together the midfield try be in a ripe melon numeral right in the chest and Harlan Huckabee just couldn't hold it it stops the clock that's the only good thing and brings up third down in at the clock recite could have run out Michigan I have time for their two plays here with 52 seconds remaining the clock stops the ball resting 18 yards in from this the Western sideline Notre Dame's front five right now Case Western Golic Calhoun and Zedeck and Notre Dame's defensive line goes at 242 Michigan's offensive line averages to 38 so Notre Dame has a four on four man advantage Ricky Lee drops back at third and he's supposed to have the right flat that's too far this time and not holding on to the ball his Harlan Huckabee and Michigan his quest plate is completely here on offense Donald Bobby you know it's a ketchup situation and you just got to keep your poise and some of the colors are just a little anxious Huck's has had a couple of tough breaks dropping the marsh drop that one so again keep your poise don't panic there's a long way to go yet we're getting ready for the kick Bob sure I 30 minutes and 45 seconds from here the hole that Rockne built got plans pay for kneeling over the ball right now is lilja george snow just standing back as greg Willner at the 38 yard line this will be well nurse fourth punt of the afternoon he says three buttes 34 42 and 50 yards there's another one right over the heads of the Notre Dame safety man it hit right inside the goal line about 1 yard and bounded right there like a golf ball two hits on the green when he wanted to stick on the green that stuck right there a 48 yard kick and so Chucky and Notre Dame's offense with about 38 seconds remaining and remember our master of halftime ceremonies will be one mr. Bob Foreman the executive director of the University of Michigan Alumni Club and all of the clubs all over the world Michigan has over 300,000 living alums Notre Dame has 50,000 living alum Notre Dame with 87 hundred students here on the South Bend campus Michigan quiz 4141 thousand students up there in Ann Arbor Bob Foreman will interview Fritz Kreisler with a pertinent question about what happened in the 42 game here 36 years ago and talked to two of the players on that team Don line bill for Trula meanwhile down to the playing field Joe Montana in 1st and 10 is going to run out the clock and he may have fumbled the ball right there why they're gonna run out the clock Dan Devine playing at very close to the bell with 29 seconds remaining Notre Dame 14 Michigan 7 and the crowd feeling somewhat frustrated the partisan crowd here of Notre Dame fans elated that the Irish have gone for two touchdowns they have moved the ball 75 yards in 10 plays in 17 yards and four plays that's er two scoring opportunities they capitalized on both of them to extra 14 to 7 there's a pass over the center is good down there to Ferguson and he's given 229 remember the series started after the automatic touch back on wilderness 220 and there it is that's all there is there is anymore 20 minutes into the record book 30 big minutes to go stay with us the same spike your radio down I have a hunch we're gonna see some explosive offensive football on both sides in the second half over this the Michigan Notre Dame football Network what a splendid job of Defense you've done on Michigan Michigan has a team with great tradition as you know a bill and and our guys are just playing their guts out and I'm very proud of them were starting you know for 18 year old sophomores on offense and I know we've had some penalties it's a kind of an ironic one on the leech Bob's his head at quarterback and referees interpretation is that he knows it's against the rules but they decided in the big 10 not to call it so it's kind of put our guys at a little bit of a disadvantage you mean when they're jumping off yeah that's his exact words you know it's a he knows it's against the rules but in the Big Ten they've decided to ignore it because he's played for four years it's not really a violation of the rules I guess so we've got to settle down and we've lost some crucial yardage both on offense and defense because of penalties okay coach I know you want to get to your team best of luck thank you so the stage is set for the halftime the both bands are here today marching band of Notre Dame and also of the University of Michigan will be back for the halftime activities and our fireman's fun flash back after this word about an upcoming ABC program scene the Wolverines of Michigan sell it on the Michigan band is on the field right now we'll be getting to them very shortly today's carbons fun flashback is a fresh back to that Dame of 1940 period what names were there it was a sellout crowd at Michigan Stadium eighty-seven thousand fans Fritz Kreisler the masterful coach of the University of Michigan and Frank Leahy was the coach of the Fighting Irish the Irish that they had a backfield of Angelo Bertelli remember him while he's here today as part of a reunion Julie ray Kovich great Miller with a half action Jim Mello was the fullback Michigan had Phil Daly an all-american transfer from the University of Minnesota to a war program and the tailback in a single wing was Elroy Hirsch Notre Dame in the t formation Michigan in the single wing both teams went into the game undefeated both had a shot at the national championship today's firemen's fun flashback is brought to you by fireman's fund insurance and fireman's fund insurance is brought to you by an independent agent near you now let's turn back to calendar to that October day 1943 that historic game 35 years ago the Irish exploded early in the first period with Creighton Miller running 66 yards off right tackle for the game's first touchdown Notre Dame scored twice more before all-america fullback Bill Daley rammed one in for the Wolverines of Michigan but the notre-dame attack led by the brilliant Angelo Bertelli simply was too much for the maison bleue that day here he fires the bill early who is wide open in the Michigan secondary and he loves it all the way for another Notre Dame TV [Music] Bertelli came right back with another perfect strike right over the middle to all-america halfback Creighton Miller the Wolverines were behind 35 to 6 but they battled to the very end tailback Elroy Hirsch shifting into that deep single wing spot tosses a pass to captain Paul white Michigan scored but it was all Notre Dame that day the final score Notre Dame 35 Michigan 12 on the field right now at Notre Dame steam stadium is the celebrated Michigan marching band 250 strong under the direction of dr. George Cavender with interlocking hearts squares and their concert number how deep is your love the theme of the halftime show today is Saturday afternoon fever with some of the current tunes of the 70s as you know in the 40s it was the big-band sound and then in the 50s we went to rock and roll in the 60s it was Hard Rock and now in the 70s it's the disco sound and so the Michigan marching band prepared their show today called Saturday afternoon fever truly one of the beautiful songs from the soundtrack of Saturday Night Fever how deep is your love [Music] [Applause] well as you know john travolta popularized it in the movie and the michigan band now brings it first on the gridiron Saturday Night Fever complete with disco dancing [Music] this is salvation [Music] hey she joined us a little bit late in the football game Notre Dame scored very quickly in the first two minutes recovering the Michigan fumble and going in to score Wolverines then climb ouch the long drive when I get seven to seven another Dame then turned right around March 76 yards up the field and went ahead 14 to 7 it's been a tremendous football game in the first half and his publicized a great battle between the defenses and the three quarterback I should say also that because of the early start of this game we haven't been able to bring you any of the scores of the other games around the country we will do that now complete survey of some of the top games Ohio State and Minnesota Penn State and SMU Washington and Indiana many of the other ones during the second half of this game [Music] [Applause] [Music] so the Michigan man will climax their halftime show with the Saturday Night Fever Disko line them [Music] the University of Michigan marching band performing for the sellout crowd here at the Notre Dame Stadium in South Bend Indiana on a delightful September afternoon the renewal of a rivalry that began back in 1887 on the football field we knew today after the last game was played in 1943 at Notre Dame is leading at 14 to 7 at halftime this Michigan Notre Dame game is being brought to you by Goodyear maker of tiempo snow tire rain tire Sun tire one tire you can drive with confidence all year by anheuser-busch brewery sub Budweiser the king of beers there's no better way to relax but the easy taste of Budweiser by the books at Chevrolet who invite you to come on in to your Chevy dealers coast-to-coast lineup of cars and by Westinghouse and the 140,000 Westinghouse employees worldwide the Michigan band is coming off the field the Notre Dame band will be performing here very shortly right now we're going to pause for this special message from the National Collegiate Athletic Association still climbing along with Chris Schenkel and Frank Broyles at the Notre Dame Stadium in South Bend Indiana well right now the University of Notre Dame marching band the oldest university band in America is on the field for their special halftime presentation of any visit probably Broadway musical to such a tremendous chef based on Harold Gray's famous comic strip of course Little Orphan Annie wish number in smelly is the number that begins the tough life of the show of Annie when she's in an orphanage the tune is called it's the hard-knock life [Music] Robert O'Brien is the band director at the University of Notre Dame he and his staff putting together this halftime show and now as the music runs on we hear we'd like to thank you Herbert Hoover this is when Annie ran away from the orphanage during the Depression was far from happy leading a group of Hooverville residents who sang this crusting tribute to the incumbent president [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's live it up at our side you see all the field most variable [Music] [Applause] [Music] now one of the great tunes from the show that was the climax of the Notre Dame halftime show tomorrow because in spite of Annie's problem she always this console with the thought that she keeps repeating to herself constantly throughout the program there's always another day tomorrow incidentally don't forget following this Michigan Notre Dame classic at South Bend Indiana we'll be switching to earning an Alabama Legion Field between Alabama and USC you remember a year ago the Trojans of Southern California were number one we're upset in California 21 to 20 by Alabama by a strange quirk alabama is rated number one in the nation and they meet today and you'll see it here on eight [Applause] dude smiling face Lani [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a marching band of the University of Notre Dame a symbol of musical excellence for the last 133 years performing physical Annie here at halftime and of course they leave the field with a position indeed and play the Notre Dame victory March [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and almost won a real squeaker losing 27 to 20 in the closing minute and 40 seconds when they had it remember first and goal in the 7 yard line then that tough pass from reached Edwards rolled off his shoulder pads and Washington the linebacker of Washington intercepted but this is 8 months later in the second half of the Notre Dame game the kickoff is down to the three island taken by so nice after the 15 to the 20 and he hits his own man at the 21 at his stop right there at the 24 yard line Harrison is there to block of all he did was made the tackle on stone and he sort of flew through the air from the 21 to the 24 as a matter of fact he's very slow in getting up he really hit his own man as he went by him Harrison turned around to see where he was and he was right there in the whale Thank You mayhem there it is the ball resting 24 yards ID for mr. Weston sideline Notre Dame leading their out of the huddle the big green jerseys some of this Notre Dame campus under is Joe Montana hands off to Fergie Ferguson 25 to 29 to 30 33 high five beautiful running in there from the 24 to the 32 in and out of the hands the two would-be tacklers DeSantis Grier finally making the tackle right around the 31 yard line so it brings up second down and three the score from South Bend Indiana on this beautiful beautiful weather-wise September afternoon September 23rd of 1978 Notre Dame 14 Michigan seven two running backs for Ferguson in heaven Corey wide to the right he's going wide to the left now and there he hands off this time and heavens is over the 40 to 42 and he picks up on the play 12 yards as Notre Dame comes out of the hollow full of the old Fighting Irish spirit and that's where they picked up the name Fighting Irish was at halftime against Michigan in 1909 Michigan was the head and they had a captain by the name of bill Murphy and at halftime he said.you Notre Dame players your name Ryan and O'Donovan and Sullivan you're Irishmen you're playing like wild fires get out there and fight like Irish you know that's where the next day's Dave at halftime against Michigan and o.9 the Fighting Irish there's Houlihan in motion Ferguson deep and Evans close Ferguson takes up the center he's hit right there at the first antenna he's hit at the 43 yard line separating in on the play beautifully for Michigan Tom Steve Braun run Simpkins and Dale kites making the initial breakdown of all the blocking with Simpkins and see Bryan coming in to make the tackle on the 43 yard line so it brings up on the play second down and 10 Notre Dame taking the second half kickoff very alive coming out from the 5 to their own 24 they picked up a first down they now have in first downs 11 Michigan has eight two running backs are ferguson in heaven there goes carney and motion across formation and there's a handoff to heavens and he does not get much in there about two and a half yards for the 45 yard line so it brings up third down now in about eight Chris Godfrey in there on his sixth tackle the afternoon he had three against Illinois he had two sacks last week against Illinois for three yards and losses team Bell made a beautiful sack you remember week ago on white than a Illinois quarterback right now Bell is out to the white side looking over the flanker wall Montana's back looking at the same flanker for a pass throws downfield and it's caught at the 47 yard line of Michigan bundini who has caught his first pass since the spring practice game here on this same gridiron back in May he didn't catch any against Missouri he's only a sophomore 19 years old for Cincinnati Ohio he caught five passes in the spring game and he just caught one to give Notre Dame what looks like their 12th first sound of the ball game and their second here early in the second half so the first first down was on the ground running it as we said Don you know we can't help but relate this team to Washington's team they keep you off balance they'll throw in first time they'll run on first down and it keeps Michigan defense off-balance it happened against Washington in the Rose Bowl it happened here in the first half and now in the second half they're coming right out here the second half kickoff they picked up two first downs they have it may lead 14 to 7 Joe main cannon looks over a 5-2 umbrella 5 Michigan he sets it at the Michigan 47 and the ball carrier is fought right down there grabbing legs in there submarining the whole front side it looks like a Godfrey number 90 and Greer number 95 both tackles in there on that tackle rear has six tackles against Illinois he had 94 a year ago the fourth leading tackler with 11 sacks that was the new Michigan record for sacks in one season why do the left this time goes conbini tight on the left side at the wing backers Houlihan and there is heaven's right behind Montana and off to his right is Ferguson and there is Montana getting the flocking rolling out Troy and it is incomplete they may call it a first they do fall little boy Spike's Ali rode up on the back of Dave konbini and so konbini is Dylan said it for a second reception and that was second and nine and he picked up eight yards then my very astute statisticians you take this head seemingly of course he's not amazing who area to very much but he claimed Mike Charlie was legitimate in any place to fall and used his hands but he made contact according to the head linesman down there so it brings up a first time for Notre Dame automatic first down it'll be first and ten for the green their actual colors here are gold and blue here at Notre Dame it's Fergie deep and Mitchell close mitchellson at fullback number 44 and Montana gives it off to Fergie follows Mitchell and Fergie sit right there at the 35 yard line Notre Dame slowly and majestically moving the ball just as they did midway through the second period 75 yards for the go-ahead touchdown they've moved now from their own 24 down to the Michigan 35 yard line it brings up second down and seven tackling in their jury meter along with Chris Godfrey Michigan's defense now angling studying trying to cut off this Notre Dame methodical running and passing attack Joe Montana masterful at the quarterback spot he has Ferguson deep and Mitchell close he's back he fakes the Rachel gives the Bergy Bergy makes two tackles in his business for 33 eyes life drops right there for 31 yard line by Jerry dig jinxes in at the half back fought along with mike jolly Biggs is the junior he had one tackle against Illinois he was a prep all-american at Sullivan high school in the Chicago area the ball rests 18 yards in from the eastern side line that's the Michigan side of the field right in front of the Michigan band of the Michigan team and coaches are down there now it is a third down and three and Notre Dame's quarterback in third down situation that's connected on four out of eight so far in the ballgame and Joe Montana says the steaming look for the five-man front the famous green tights Godfrey and Steve Braun then he goes back fakes a handoff he's back Montana's Rockies gonna write to they picked up first time goes out about you know Montana doesn't like to run as we said his net gain yardage or 15 yards of his whole career and he's only carry the ball 63 times in three and a half years of playing football here but that time he executed well he used to said well displayed a lot of poise as he rolled out to his left the short sideline all the receivers were downfield they were all covered by Michigan defenders and he just just methodically moved on that eastern sideline various right running and thinking at the same time and now he's gonna call timeout Joe Montana calls timeout ten minutes remaining in the third period and we're gonna change microphones for a word over this the Michigan down a bit but not out football Network ominously covered in there by who it looks Isola Michigan recover it is so Mexican recovery quite clear recovers the ball and Michigan gets a big break just a social game did to start the ball game after the opening kickoff Michigan's WikiLeaks was handing off to Russell Davis he fumbled the ball on the Wolverines 17th Notre Dame capitalized and moved in four plays in to pay dirt and they led they've been on top ever since although Michigan did tied up at then Notre Dame came right back with 75 yards to the left the field at halftime 14 to 7 another Dame took the second half kickoff they moved all the way down to the Michigan 26 yard line and that's a big psychological plate for the Wolverines the question is can they capitalize on it they go from the phone into the I formation huckle be deep and Davis coach Mitchell at the slot on the left side there's Huckabee with the ball he twists over the 30 the 32 yard line remember the series sided at the point of the pummel recovery at the 28 yard line to the Mason blue boy that is a big list for Michigan now if they can catch take advantage of that break football is a game a break and the Wolverines right now have their big opportunity here with 10 minutes remaining in the third period Notre Dame leads 14 to 7 the Notre Dame team is not making many mistakes that's the first one they've had the first turnover this afternoon very two turnovers they've had a lot of penalties though Notre Dame has had six penalties for 50 yards there's Ricky Lee chest I'm handing off to Russell Davis he's hit right there just over the 35 yard line call it a 5 a 3 yard gain it brings up third down and for Ricky Lee just after noon he's connected on three of 9/3 downs in the first down situations while his counterpart Joe Montana displaying excellent football poise as the quarterback the engineering spot on the Notre Dame team has connected on four out of nine both quarterbacks incidentally have had nine third down situation Ricky has converted on three Joe Montana on four so Rick in each now with third and three wide to the left is played in two tight ends the balance line huckle be deep and Davis post Wikileaks looks with a tight five-two defense of life breaking these rawhide is going to keep he pitches off the hawk hot sauce first down over the 30 the 45 checked the 40-yard line over the 35 down to the 40 just flying along that Eastern sideline with at nine five speed 100 yard dash called Harlan Huckleberry Finn Huckabee and so the Wolverines now coming to life here Midway with a lot two thirds of the third period left on the digital scoreboard feel that show notes the name with two touchdowns in the first half Michigan was one touchdown in the first half and the Wolverines now moving from their own 47 on a recovered fumble by Greer and so now we have two wide outs as Clayton and Feaster wide to the left the rest of team in the I formation going to the short sideline Ricky litchi has the russell davidson they get no running room at all the whole left side case Western and garlic that Notre Dame defensive line in there averaging 242 pounds the man to Michigan's 238 so the Wolverines are offset of Popeyes four pounds the man that's been significant football it's the quickness that you have with that weight to count so the most partying 18 yards from the far eastern sideline the hot humid field down there right now why do the writers Feaster at the slot tight on the right side is Clayton he goes in motion across formation Huckabee deep and Davis closer Ricky leach looks at a 4-3 defense of bindery Quneitra got these key he's into the openness of 45 and gets to the 48 yard line two and a half yards shy of the first down that was second down at 10 and Ricky leach picks up about seven and a half yards right through the center on great running a great second effort and if this foots hurting him you wouldn't know it now and we're not trying to make any excuses for Ricky Lee she needs no excuses with a brilliant career he's had since his freshman year in 1975 when he started the first game of his freshman year against Wisconsin in he played in thirty eight ball games counting this afternoon he being Ricky Lee two tight ends were balanced - the wishbone with Davis quotes Clayton and Huckabee deep WikiLeaks rolls out to the light and Rickon East keeps the first time over the 45 and down to the notre dame 42 yard line that play is fair it was there in the film it is Sarah Michigan is starting to execute they go down the line with the option Notre Dame couldn't stop Clemson a year ago Clemson came up a year ago last spring took the whole Michigan offense took it down there and last fall Clemson led Notre Dame going into the fourth quarter 17 to 7 they had the ball on the Notre Dame eight yard line and fumbled Notre Dame's got a quick recovery and moved 80 yards on a long play and finally won 20 to 17 but the Clemson coach told rikki leaves two weeks ago Notre Dame can't stop your option we'll see right here Michigan first and ten on the Notre Dame 443 are they there's the amethyst and Huckabee up throw there's a 35 the 32 yard line and me she can take an appendage of the fumble recovery on their own 27 yard line and now moved the ball down to the 33 yard line and rickielee just starting to catch up with his counterpart Joe Montana who is displayed excellent field generalship here in the first 40 minutes with the ball game for a chelate that time six up for Michigan they're 14 first down the ball rests 18 yards in from the far eastern sideline Notre Dame the green jerseys lads with a five man flies a 5 3 3 Ricky Lee flips it over he puts the phone into the eye huckle be deep and Davis close to Whitehouse Clayton along with Feaster and now he pitches hot the Huckabee coach Detroit spotlight Huckabee at the 30 OSE manhandles as a 29 yards i big bob garlic the try captain number 55 who they claim is a shoe fire all-american well I don't know how they figured that with a hundred and forty six tackles a year ago to Ron Simpkins 174 to his one fumble recovery in the entire 1977 season that's goalie to run Simpkins five bubbles recoveries and his one block part in the middle of the field to ride Simpsons blocked kick against Texas A&M for a touchdown but that's all history the facts are Michigan's Ricky Lee Stetson second and seven Ricky Lee strolls out to the right he pitched laughter Huckabee he me three jerseys at the 30-yard line and he's dumped right there it was second and seven and it was Whittington with one tackle against Missouri two weeks ago he had nine he being Whittington against Michigan State last year in Notre Dame's win over Michigan State of 16 to 6 a year ago right here on this same Arachne turf and we talked about rocky boy we were impressed with that book you know new Rockne had any of secrecy's we told foe he took a fluke to every ball game you know he didn't press drinking water he took 150 gallons of South Bend drinking waters every single game in Notre Dame played in his entire 13 years away from this campus stairs creaking these rolling odds flag on the play and they're gonna stop what happened on that way a third down an automatic whistle that stops Ricky leach stop dropping back on his own or the Notre Dame 39 yard the illegal procedure against Michigan so instead of being third down and eight is going to be third down at 13 and now mr. leech you have mastered that come back here quite successfully after the fumble you have moved the team down to the 46 yard the 40 call it the 36 yard line and now with a critical third down everybody in the place 59 thousand 75 fans you and me along with millions on TV know that this is a passing situation Michigan trailing 14 to 7 of all resting on another day 35 yard line Eastern Mitchell wide to the right and wide to the left breaking inches back for a pass and will he connect he's gonna scramble ow he's getting away and he ronita squawking he throws to the completion at 20 I line sagat's my Androcles rises to the occasion the Flynn phenom arises as I said I put the challenge to the cuts and glue is amazing blue and did he respond everybody in America knew he was gonna pass and yet he completed the pass that's playing quarterback under pressure now Michigan has the ball it's another name 21 yards live now Knute Rockne you better come out because building yos is right behind peeking over your shoulder from us there in football Valhalla why to the right it's Easter Ricky leach under center first presented the 21 yard line they shift from the bone into the eye his rig is luckily deep in Davis closer to Ricky he's rolled my piggies are a thousand 20 he turns on this janitor 15 drops at the 14 yard line P six up seven yards from the 21 down to the Irish 14 they're gonna bring it into the hash five 18 yards in from these party sprint sidelines blow it down you poor baby you still got about 20 minutes left in this game five minutes in the first period 15 minutes in the fourth and final pair we hope you're enjoying this ball game just as much as we're enjoying bringing it to you now started every Saturday over this network there we go Ricky lead such a scene second and fourth the Notre Dame 14 yard line it's the boat there it is highly plate now the ten nine eight seven six five four three yards rise rouse Clayton took that fall and move behind Mike McKnight are specific to flame the left guard from Cleveland all the way down to the three yard line it was Huckabee give credit where credit's to I could be head the ball and it'll be cold to go for the maize and blue as old General George Patton troops are on the move now let's just blow the horn ahead of time there it is Jack giving him a little bit of a push here from the three yard line Steve nada shaken up on the play remember he went down with that bad ankle against Illinois a week ago he's being held in know today the irony 14 to 7 Ricky the to see two tight ends to balance right the phone in the backfield Huckabee and platon there is ricky neat rolling out it he sampled at the 5-yard line flipping him beautifully with any number 75 setec and kills Osiris fetid Jenny huge his hands well on defense when Ian grabbed Ricky leash before Ricky could maneuver to pitch out to Huckabee or keep it himself so it brings up second and five remember they started at the three and a half there are four minutes and 39 seconds remaining in the third period Notre Dame putting up a goal line stand up over the parlours Lilja it's Mitchell and Huck will be there at these they shift now Mitchell in motion Huckabee deepened David Costa Rican lead under Center and Notre Dame almost coming off size breaking each row guys for the right switches off because after - he can't get any IDs he stops at the 5-yard line Ricky leads trying to put down on the option play that worked so successfully after Michigan recovers the Notre Dame for more on the Notre Dame 28 yard line deliveries are moved all the way down to the three yard line goal to go it is now third and five in two plays Notre Dame Fighting Irish have risen to the occasion and that's the door on Michigan's dropping him for a yard loss on each play it will be third down in five once again would you say it's a passing situation it's hard to tell only George Patton Schembechler knows what they're going to do now plate and ride to the right to tight ends to the ballot it's Huckle be deep and David closer rickielee under center WikiLeaks on the log County bring Souter Dame outside so I believe lishus back throws the pass down in the mire catches a touchdown remember he made a circus catch for a touchdown against Wisconsin a year ago that's my sketches that fall in the Notre Dame Enzo Ricky leaches caught Montana this afternoon for that old eyes for the wars brick in each engineering that 73 yard drive in 15 plays and now and now Greg Wilmer will try and tie it up and all we can think of is michael entry in 74 and Bobby wood and 76 of Purdue but it'll be number one Greg Boyle Newark Hickey BJ Dickie holding his snap by luge it's part of this kick is up it is and we have a brand new ball game from South Bend Indiana this is what you were expecting this is what I was expecting that's why 59,000 fans are here in you're glued to your radios and television sets across the nation we're gonna pause right now for a word over this the Michigan comes from behind 14 to 14 football Network [Music] [Applause] [Music] the caller them and passing them as he should rickielee and now down on the playing field it is Michigan's Brian Virgil number two will try to duplicate his kickoffs against Illinois in the second half which every one of them were out of the end zone there he goes end over end and it is down to the 1 yard line by so zona Notre Dame's at 10 the 15 to 20 he sit at the 24 yard line and remember remember when Michigan tied it up 7 to 7 Notre Dame says the following kickoff back to their own 25 yard line and moved 75 yards to go ahead again 14 to 7 now Michigan has come back and with three minutes left we'll meet again see fence rise to the occasion the wolverine defensive line to stand his career kite sky friend Steve Braun as the game of emotions you know it and I know it and the DA person amazing blowing up the big green play cut off this relates his Ferguson teeth and heavens post that the slaughters Holohan he's in motion across formation his Conde knee wide to the left there's a drop play to Ferguson boy he's scrambling he's a hard worker he picks up four yards through the left side Martin ovitch and Houseman boats in there making fine blocks giving the ball carrier mr. Vegas Ferguson who carried the ball 19 times against Missouri an average 5 yards to carry he picked up on the play just about his average about four and a half yards on that play it'll be second down in six throws that wide to the right this time is curry wide to the left is conbini there is Fontana handing off to heavens heavens picks up three more yards to the 32 yard line it will be third down and two and in that third down situation we have Joe Montana connecting on six out of a loop 12 and Michigan's Ricky leach four out of nine four out of nine six out of 12 and third dimes and this is a big win for Notre Dame to keep their momentum up down after a Michigan is scored because of the Wolverines defense can hold now Michigan with that offensive momentum and drive and spirits that just moved that ball 72 yards to score and tie it up Fergie deep and heavens close to there goes corny in motion - Skyy tinsel palace - pictures off the fergie he needs three and he gets four right over the 35 yard line he's a hard driver that Vegas Ferguson Notre Dame claims and they have a right to that Ferguson inhave heaven by the finest one-two punch in collegiate football Michigan's Huckabee and Davis will argue that the Sanderson tight fade to tackle this is the voice of Notre Dame football in the background oh brother if we got a football game here from South fan Michigan 14 Notre Dame 14 for Chrysler if you're listening it's just like it was 36 years ago how well you can remember it wide to the left this time is convenient right his whole ahead there's Montana - frigging he's snowed right there at the line of scrimmage in fact he lost the yard on the play Michigan's front five right now - Santa's career turtle act Godfrey and Steve Braun the linebackers meter in Simpkins the halfback digs and jolly Mike harden at the free safety would gene Bell at the wolfman of the strong safety those 11 men keeping the defense keeping it intact trying to diagnose Joe Montana who is an excellent quarterback and has done a fine job here this afternoon he's connected on 8 out of 11 passes he can't do much better than that he sets with two running back she's back for another pass on his own 28 he's being rushed he throws that at Bergy can't hold it on the 38 yard line Vegas Ferguson couldn't hold the pass and now Montana is having the same trouble Ricky Lee sat in the first half he's listening to those footprints behind him those Michigan linemen are getting in there sacking them a little bit that time he hurried his throw he had a man open just as he did in the first half when Fergie caught two passes like that this time Montana was rushed it was Chris Godfrey who was breathing on his neck and he was hurried in his flow and it was misdirected and Fergie couldn't hold on to it so it brings up now third down and still can't a passing situation for everyone in the stadium to watch there it is a drop back pass it's down still it's intercepted by Mexico he's found in the 40 he cuts into 35 and it's intercepted by Michigan's Gary meter Karim either intercepts the number to tackle in 77 makes a big interception here the first of his career is making us look at those former is in white jersey style look at Oh general let's get the old not now let's get that chief we did it before they scored last time they might as well try again so Michigan's out there Donald you know that's the difference Bob you see before he didn't that third and long situation there was essentially canoe it was a pass you could be prepared for it and then slip over it so it does change the situation a great fight boy it sure does the complaint complexion changed from gold and blue to maize and blue is just what it did inside the Notre Dame 34 yard line wide to the right is fighting to tight ends the balance line huckle be deepened Davis closin Ricky Lee Thunder Center look to the five three three defense he fakes the Davis pitches off the hawk I guess a man to beat he can't beat him because piggyback riding him into the ground is Leroy Leopold who made nine tackles against Illinois he's had three solos into his sister this afternoon number 61 piggybacks Ricky Lee chats are rather Huckabee after he takes the pitch shot the flow is to the right Ricky came back turning completely around and fishing off after faking to Davis to the right to Huckabee coming back on the short side line so it brings up second down in ter this is a critical play Roosevelt Smith comes in Huckabee goes out it's wide to the right with Clayton now they're running the bread-and-butter two tight ends in a ballot slide rosy teeth Davis coach Ricky leach under Center at the Notre Dame 34 yard line 14 to 14 is the score Frankie leach gives it off the Rosi will just right there at the 34 yard line as Michigan tries to go up the center on the draw play no way so it brings up third down and 10 and once again it was Western making the tackle once again Ricky leaves his face for the third down situation and 10 yards to go the last time he came through beautifully to set up Michigan's second touchdown of the ball game to tie up the Fighting Irish here with three minutes left in the third period and now Michigan's defenses held in the offense have it back again after the defense intercepted the ball brought it to the Notre Dame 34 so it's curtains can Feaster wide to the right plate and wide to the left the drive back passed everybody know it's time field is caught by mark and he's first down to the 21 yard line that Marsh who caught the touchdown pass earlier in this second half to tie up the ballgame just catches another one in Ricky leeches on target just as he was a week ago Radek against illinois in the first quarter he was erratic against Notre Dame in the first quarter here but in the second quarter he got found as targets but they couldn't hold it and now here in the third period Michigan's come from behind there with 19 seconds remaining in the third period Michigan is coming back in first and head has to Notre Dame 21 yard line his Smith's deep and Davis close to run feet through in a quarterback a run feature wide to the right there's Clayton wide to the left the pitch officer rhoads defense that he's over the 20 picks up blocking there but he can't quite wrists away from two or three would-be tacklers wearing the big green jerseys here and i believe that is the final play of the third period Notre Dame 14 Michigan 14 75050 9075 fans going wild along with you and me over this the Michigan football Network 17 and a half yards to go ahead in this ballgame for the first time Michigan vs Notre Dame up over the ball come Steve naughty he's back here he tight ends in the balance line is the I formation it's Spence deep and David's close to Ricky needs under center it's a seventeen and a half yard line second and seven and he goes out to the right he being leach he spots a man open down his high sound he's wide open his mark that mark the akron ohio junior catches his second touchdown of 1978 his second touchdown against Notre Dame the third in his career he thought he was a master magician a year ago when he made a circus catch against Wisconsin when he caught one for a seven yard touchdown but that's nothing to what he's gonna tell his fans shoulders when he tells them he's got two touchdown passes from the great all-american quarterback Ricky leach on September 23rd in the Notre Dame Stadium and Michigan lead 2214 his Michigan strike Willner now he's 2 out of 2 and he afternoon six out of six on the season it spotted his kicked it sent over and there it is oh it was no good I'm sorry it was off to the left for Willie premature on that horn that time well that could be an awful big break psychologically was 14 minutes and 55 seconds remaining and Michigan with 20 a Notre Dame 14 Gregg welder couldn't have picked how do you word it well that's the breaks the football he missed his first one he was 5 out of 5 in his sophomore year two years ago he was 42 out of 44 a year ago he was five out of five until this one right here he missed it but Michigan is going to kick off right now incidentally other non-conference game Michigan State hosting Syracuse up at East Lansing and Purdue entertaining Ohio University Nebraska playing Indiana Illinois hosting Stanford Iowa playing out of Arizona that I listener Notre Dame fight song but I just robbed this old guy I say the only thing better than a set Michigan fixers the class's away and they're over in the Western sideline and you can't hear him they're playing but all we can hear below its here as it was in 1942 they just drowned out everything this bands he's cheering fans here at stout stairs okay Brian Virgil pick strong and deep and it's taken there by Weimer at the 5 he fumbles as it fans here at South stairs okay Brian Virgil pick strong and deep and it's taken there by Weimer at the 5 he fumbles at the 7th he's headed to 10 and drop right there at the 10 yard line and Michigan's kickoff steam coming down beautifully deep run to Santa's Bell Owens Jolly turtle vac need a meter harden and digs all down there and Amanda made the tackle for Michigan out there was big Tom Seaver on the cast tech cavalier making the move beautifully as he came in we're sure no one was going to get around to stand on the kickoff and then came in and made the tackle on Weimer at the 10 yard line ok mr. Joe Montana now you've got your work cut out for you and he's allowed to be reckoned with believe me he's got two running backs you're right the running backs he has are Jerry Heaven and Ferguson and there goes pulla hand in motion and to handle this time to the half fact it's heaven and heavens has hit at the 14 yard line Notre Dame now on the ground conservative they're inside the shadow of their own goalpost Notre Dame has coughed up the ball on fumbles once that they lost and a very crucial pass interception that set up Michigan's touchdown from 34 yards on to the Wolverines move 34 yards on that last score and it took exactly five plays before Ricky Lee spotted that Marsh in the end zone and who said Ricky Leeds can't pass under pressure twice now in Dave Huffman the brother of the right guard Tim Huffman joe Montana's underneath Dave Hoffman he has two running backs Ferguson and he hands off this time to the full-back and he's hit right there at the 17 yard line his heavens Jerry heavens in there a two successive play so it brings up third down and about three and Ron Simpkins the real power behind Michigan's defense the lad who had 17 tackles a week ago against Illinois he had a hundred and seventy-four in the 77 season he went to Western High School in the city of Detroit he was the number one tackler as a sophomore for Michigan last year he hurls at 217 pounds frame around there with reckless abandon he chews up smitten fits outside watch that guy Oh Ryan Simpkins looking over Joe Montana who has a third and three he is fergie deep in Heaven supposed to top back as he throws it over and it is hot beautifully but he's not gonna get Fergie is not gonna get the first down he is driven back to about the 18 yard line remember the series started on the 10 and Notre Dame is forced the kick was 13 minutes and 57 seconds remaining in the fourth and final period Gerry Diggs was in there beautifully defensively for the Wolverines and stop Fergie on the swing pass off the right flat so rustic is back Joe rustic who is punted only three times 29 31 and 34 yards standing on his own 40 eyes line Michigan has a dual safety back with harden and jolly there it is then Dover in not a very good kick hitting on the midfield stripe and hardens gonna allow it to roll dead on the 31 yard line Michigan in good field position on the road 31 yard line will take over now a 51 yard kick and we're going to pause 15 seconds station identification oh it is so Michigan I had football network from the W jr. Weather Center we can expect sunny today mostly with a high near 70 degrees for tonight fair and cool with a low near 50 degrees and then for Sunday mostly sunny with some afternoon cloudiness and a high 72 to 75 this is w junior Detroit okay Bob you for all set with Ricky Lee sat on the field he has this deep and Davis coach they're stainless up over the 35 the 40 to 42 and the series started at the 31 that will be a first down for Michigan on their own 41 yard line that now at the office could just manifest the drive here it'll be a great beautiful trip back to Ann Arbor but you for don't get ahead of yourself by golly there's 12 minutes and 50 seconds remaining in this ballgame they're claiming that Davis was about 6 inches short that's just as well because now they have actually five downs to move from just about the same spot on the field 12 minutes and 38 seconds remaining wide to the left goes tech Marsha was caught two touchdowns in fact he's coming out of the ball game check that's too tight is and it is Smitty deep and Russell Davis has the first down he needed about 6 inches he picked up about three yards through the left side behind our bez Nick and powers Michigan's front seven right now Fergie powers our Bezdek not as Center Park Nick Easter along with speedster those seven men up front and of course Ricky Lee should quarterback and what a job he's come I tell you the press box was muttering here in South Bend what's wrong with Ricky Leach joe Montana's by far better he is Notre Dame's gonna blow Michigan out here in the second half well football fans it's not over Ricky leach is just engineer to scoring drives and phimax than with passes to Doug Marsh for touchdown Michigan has the first and 10 on their own 43 yard line there goes Mitchell in motion across formation Smitty deep Ricky leach is going to keep and he's hit right there at the 43 yard line Ricky Lee found no running room at all Rosie Smith was covered beautifully over there by Harrison the cornerback and so he has no choice but to tuck it under move upfield and he gained maybe a half yard at the most covering nicely defensively was the outside defensive linebacker which is actually the defensive anj case who had 14 tackles against Missouri he's had three here this afternoon against Michigan up over the ball now with second down and ten Michigan leading 20 to 14 it is Smitty deep and Davis quotes the i-formation Ricky leach under center reaches back these pitches off to Davis and he huckleberry cliff and he's down that sideline and steps out of bounds just shy of the midfield stripe Ohio State 14 Minnesota zip halftime score from up in Minneapolis but this is the ballgame that you and I are interested in Michigan a Notre Dame playing for the 12th time in history Michigan with nine wins Notre Dame with two wins miss was run out of bounds her calling it right at the midfield stripe Michigan has the ball now just on their side of the 50 yard line 18 yards in the far eastern sideline Michigan Ricky Leach has converted seven out of thirteen seven out of thirteen third times this is a big one now with the pone set up Davis closer and Smithson plate and honesty wingback and it is Ricky leach rolling out he pitches off the Clayton and they get nothing but green jerseys riding them out of bounds Michigan tried to use the bone and run deceptively fingering Notre Dame would figure a pass they were not fooled they were headed in there by Bob garlic's a very fine defensive linebacker for the Irish to try captain one of the three heavens as the other ones along with Montana as the three try captains for Notre Dame throughout the 78th season so Greg welder now will kick with 11 minutes the 19 seconds remaining on the digital scoreboard Greg welder is standing back on the 32 yard line over the ball is Steve nada the Notre Dame team will run nine men in on this punt taking plenty of time there's a nice step and Greg Willner has plenty of time a high lazy kick and it's a fair catch at the 22 yard line by Gibbons number 27 and so anybody knows her name's Joe Montana 78 yards away from tying up the ball game a 31 yard kick and listen to the voice of Notre Dame football as you move out to the edge of our seat with eleven percent of their games that they've coached over five years and all of these men that I've mentioned have all coached over ten years now at their respective schools of Notre Dame and of Michigan no wonder they've won more games than any other schools in the country except as Harvard Yale and Princeton who as we said at the top of the program when most of those against lesser opponents throughout most of the first half the 20th century there's Joe Montana back first in ten he could've scramble when he's gonna pass the time field it's incomplete the intended receiver with Jerry heavens he was covered over there beautifully by Gene Bell the Wolfman and so it brings up second down but it stops the digital scoreboards with 11 seconds since 11 minutes and 6 seconds remaining in the fourth and final period 11 minutes and six seconds with Notre Dame 14 in Michigan 20 and the ball now is being brought back to the original point of scrimmage the 21 yard line Michigan's front five right now our steeper on Godfrey kites career and aseneth the linebackers meter in simcha Bella's strong safety diving at free safety Joe Montana looks over that five to four defense he has two running backs he's dropping back with plenty of time to pass he forgot the right plan that's caught there to 12 he's at the 15 he's hit at the 25 yard line remember the series started this at 22 so Jerry heavens catches the swing pass off the right flat picks up a key block and the deception on the play made him very elusive and open out there and he caught it and moved on and he was stopped over there by the Sanderson clear at the 26 yard line so mash Tech has come into the game and Michigan's defense but to remember when mastic is in the game against Missouri they passed and here earlier in the first half they passed and they will pass with certain five here whether mastic is in or not his close death is Fergie deep in heavens floats in my tennis back for the pass there's the long farm and it is five first down at the 43 yard it's higher than both shun Becker is filming a Michigan defense there's a little Howdy Doody over there believe me never mind who he was but the product retains caught the ball his third reception of 1978 he had won against Missouri and two here against Michigan but wait a minute there's a flag on the play there's a flag on the play and maybe Bo Schembechler will take back those words from that defensive halfback who was right in front of them when Haynes caught that pass but it is against Notre Dame and this is a very critical time for Michigan to come up with a penalty and you can rest assured that the Wolverines will accept this penalty I don't care what it is we're having too many numbers on the back of too many players anything in the Wolverines oh wait a minute now they're gonna bring the ball back upfield and now Bo Schembechler is really asking for an explanation now they're bringing it back up to the 42 yard line and it'll be Notre Dame's fall first and 10 well that's something we're going to have to have explained later Donald I think what it's gonna be as a dead ball foul they made the first down with game the automatic then let's get at the dead ball foul so you put it down it'll be first in 25 bobber first question 25 you know that's the same thing that happened to Missouri the same man Hanes caught the ball on the missouri 3 yard line and then he came back and the man that haynes beat when he caught the ball of missouri he wrapped him on the helmet you could see it in the film and it was a dead ball foul and that moved Notre Dame back from the 8 yard line to the 23 and they never scored and here at Ken Haynes caught the ball I don't know whether he wrapped figs or not but they get another 15 exactly the same lack of discipline displayed by a football field it's very unusual with a - s usually displayed by football players playing for Michigan or Notre Dame but any Holocaust the Irish 15 prices charged first and 25 that puts a different complexion the pocket is set up there is a long ball too far for anyone the intended possible receiver was Houlihan number 31 and he was covered over here by jolly but the pass was 10 yards overthrown and jolly and he were kind of mixing it up down here on the midfield stripe so Houlihan had no chance to go down and catch that long desperate bomb and that 15-yard penalty could be very critical it's funny that the lad would do it again in the second thought I don't know what he said Bob but it was after the first down and then your tackle and the wick was blown and they had made the first down and I don't know what it was there's a personal apology a lot of yell I'm glad you picked that up Connor do you always do that's that old official Zion work John was not only a player here on the Michigan teams in 42 3 & 4 actually is the only man that Michigan has ever captain 3 sports football basketball and baseball Fergie deep haven't supposed to drop back pass and there is Fontana throwing down field it's intercepted by Hart intercepted and he goes out of bounds at the 22 yard line my classmate what face proved to be the biggest interception of Michigan safeties 78 season he caught it inbounds stepped out of bounds immediately Mike harden presence cotton-pickin maize and blue lights coming in from that free safety position let's call him the free spirit not too free safety the freemason blue spirit oh man and now Ricky leaves you ole Heisman Ward candidates you he won't all-america you've got some clue was amazing blue let's see a pilot these boys 42 yards and put it to the Irish here this afternoon it's the bone the two running backs for Smith and platon now they're going into the eye is Smith Steven Davis close Ricky leach under center first and ten at their 42 there's Russell Davis getting about two and a half yards through the center Notre Dame is far from giving up believe me they only have six points separating them from this Michigan team 20 to 14 at all important extra point it was missed by Michigan looms over the horizon of the stadium very very big it gives Notre Dame a lot of hopes of winning not just tying it means Michigan has the pressure on them unless they can move this drive after the intercepted pass to critical paths interceptions in the second half Jerry meter and Mike harden upend the difference here wide to the right this time is Feaster wide to the left is Clayton it's miss deep and Davis close Ricky needs his back and he's gonna throw downfield to claim [Music] god bless God's sake amazing blue eyes right alive with my cuz look at Bo Schembechler over there on those Michigan coaches Clayton was knocked out maybe it's what happened to Clayton in the Rose Bowl he hyperventilated to remember when he almost got that pass in the end zone in the Washington end zone late in the ballgame and he just couldn't quite catch it and then he came back to the bench and he hyperventilated and it was just weather situations Ricky least set of feet up and good I don't know whether he was shaken up was he done Bob he really got popped if that's expectant that can be used in football he really got wrecked he caught it in full stride just going over the goal line and the guy caught him he's going at full tilt and he really felt it him so he held out of that ball for a touchdown which with a great effort believing boy and as we said to Bo Schembechler right after we tried fo was wanting to beat Dan to by so bad he could taste it here we said and we closed that going into those commercials just before the game we said over this the Michigan do-or-die football Network an old route Clayton's almost dying out there now but his little ole maze of blue heart is happy he's coming out under his own power he was really hit Michigan they go for two here as they leave 26 to 14:26 to 14 the score in 1942 is 32 to 20 so Michigan Wolverines now will go into a pass prevent you can rest assured of that with 9 minutes and 18 seconds plenty of time left as the Wolverines under the masterful touch who said he can't pass I defy any of you second testers Michigan is going after Ricky leach through a 42 yard bomb he sets his team the i-formation there's Mitchell across formation in motion bleaches back for two yards past play a two-point he eats the sack on the 19 yard line well Ricky Lee came through when he had to he came through in certain situations for touchdown drives earlier in this half he threw a beautifully thrown Donald have you ever seen a finer thrown fast you know when they talk about Duke Rockne Augusta Ray inventing the passing situation for Kadena and Joe Montana has his work cut out for him right now making it with nine wins and 11 games of a hundred and sixty-eight points coming into the ballgame have now 26 more and that is a hundred and ninety four point notre dame's Halla hand in motion to draw play to Fergie he breaks the tackle he sit right there for twenty three I line picking up about two yards on the play Jeremy's are making a beautiful tackle his fourth of the afternoon remember the ball game started with Owens along with Simpkins at the linebacking spot Jerry Meador moved out before the first game against Illinois to the outside line banking position or defensive end and the coaches all felt that they couldn't keep either in there on the bench with three good linebackers he had to move in there and play first team so he took the outside defensive end position then when the first spring linebacker went down Owens meter moved back into Sanders has moved in to take his place and that's the way they're lining up now with Joe Montana second and 10 he's back for a pass Montana can't find a receiver he throws downfield incomplete and now he's being right and harassed and Joe Montana is revealing the pressure and the foods that came for Ricky leach in the first half are being moved now from the mouths of the Michigan fans to the Notre Dame fans and they're booing Joe Montana the fickle finger are the fickle minds of football public you're a hero one minute and you're above the next what is it they say in football they wrap fish in yesterday's newspaper at the end of the half everyone thought there's no way Michigan's gonna win this game Notre Dame has got momentum they're gonna do it Michigan's come out here turned it completely around it's third down and ten eight minutes and 51 seconds remaining a passing situation poor man don't go out this time and Joe Montana will roll out to his left he's throwing right-handed he says he throws it's almost intercepted down there almost intercepted by Michigan steeper on number 91 and the Wolverines also had number 46 to his Joey meter who almost intercepted his second pass of the afternoon so now with fourth down coming up at 8 minutes and 25 seconds remaining between here and that beautiful beautiful plane trip home I don't think these Wolverines are even couldn't eat an airplane they're gonna be so high flying back to harbor tonight if they can maintain this 12-point lead you for don't get overconfident there's rustic standing back on the a guy's life he's averaged 41 yards a kick for four seasons now there it is a long spiral and it's taken by Hardin at the 45 missed the 45 harden at the 43 reversing his field he stopped at the 41 yard line my cousin will be forever remembered as the lad who intercepted the Notre Dame pass to set up Michigan's touchdown that gave the Wolverines breathing room here in the ball game with a 12 point lead a 37 yard kick with no return and rickielee sets this team sets himself again and this is on national TV the first half is well forgotten as was the first half against Washington in the Rose Bowl remember we kept saying Notre Dame is like Washington they had Michigan off balance in the first half Washington led 17 to nothing Notre Dame led here eight months later in the first half 14 to 7 Michigan came back here this afternoon Ricky leach on the drop play tackle be any stop right there at the 42 yard line Harlan hock will be back in the ballgame now Rosie Smith has been in throughout most of this fourth period and the latter stages of the third quarter the ball is resting about 21 yards in from the far eastern sideline in case you just joins us would you believe that Michigan has four big touchdown and two extra points 26 big ones Notre Dame has two touchdowns they made them all post in the first half and they let it have time 14 to 7 Michigan has come back with 19 big points here in the second half Larry Reed is in at fullback read close and Huckabee deep and Larry Reed is a fine fullback from Philadelphia watch him run when he gets the ball Rickey leaves pictures off this time to Huckabee gets the block for rereads but he doesn't get it now Huckabee's over the 45 to 47 picks up about five yards going to play Huckabee just outran the defense and I have a hunch Don Notre Dame's defense isn't as aggressive as they were is the game of emotion since the fourth quarter is hot down there they've got to make two touchdowns to come back into contention I'd say psychologically the blue and gold divers are down plus they've hit spend more time in the field Bob because the office any time Notre Dame is not carry the ball they go three downs and kick and so consequently you're playing a little bit more time out there they haven't and that creates a problem very good point Don and especially when those three dollar passes and then they're incomplete it stops the clock so Michigan's set now with third and six Ricky leach on the phone he has Huckabee along with so and there is the leech back and he's throwing the pageant sinners there's a fumble the past is someone who has been accepted and the other day men can't believe it Leopold the linebacker intercepted it I don't know whether he was trying to pitch back to Weimar on a lateral because Weimar even though he is an outside cornerback Weimar last year get this he was a split end that he caught ten passes for 151 yards he caught an 86 yard touchdown pass against Georgia Tech that's number 34 but Notre Dame was so weak on defense this year they moved that very fine swing back over the defensive halfback and naturally Leopold when he got the ball figured here's Weimer who's an offensive man at heart who has played all of last year as an offensive receiver out just lateral to him but incidentally the play was called back because on the place Michigan was offsides Notre Dame refuses the penalty and just think they the refused the penalty had they had that interception they've been right back into contention but this still ball game is still not over I'm gonna remind you of something I was just a kid oh I say let Notre Dame 14 to nothing in Columbus with seven minutes to go in the game and Shakespeare threw three touchdown passes to penalty and Notre Dame won that game 18 to 14 and Ohio State hasn't played him since that's 43 years ago there's a snap back this time the Willner it's almost and they may call roughing the kicker they don't it's a high kick of Michigan bounces to the 20 and it's dropped by 10 at the 19 yard line the man who picked it up down there was given and so will nerd punt was almost blocked a 35-yard kick and did you catch what I just told you Notre Dame came from behind with a clock showing just where the shows right now against Ohio State the last time the frost just leave them alone and Fritz made no substitutions on the line in the second half in that ballgame 36 years to go so Joe Montana census team first and ten on the Notre Dame 17 yard line he has Ferguson deep in heavens close they got to be running out of the gas they played the entire ballgame there's Fergie again with a ball he's hittin drops right there at the 20 biggest Ferguson is stop by you guessed it the number one tackler for Michigan Ron Simpkins number 40 right there at the 20 yard line everyone getting up slowly Dale kites is the last man the guy who Hall Woody Hayes the trash the guy who hauled Woody Hayes this trash bale kite and he made the tackle on that last play Joe Montana Thunder Center he has seven steep and ferguson close second nine he's back for fast he has plenty of time he's throwing guys illness cot down there by hazy fumbles the ball and it's recovered in there I believe I may see good it's a completed pass to Haines who fumbled the ball is recovered by Michigan Wolverines have excellent field position leading in the ball game 26 to 14 and the man who recovered the fumble will have it for you is Jerry digs at Chicago junior he recovered the fumble after Haines the cottage boy Haines has got to be he'll be in the doghouse after that was really play where he wraps the Missouri guy of the helmet and putz Notre Dame a scoring chance at the three yard line and then to say after Notre Dame had completed a pass he wrapped somebody at Michigan or a foul a dead ball foul and they would put Notre Dame back first and 25 they were forced to pass earlier in this quarter to come from behind and now again he catches the ball in fumbles well that's the breaks the tough tough break for the youngster Huckabee in Clayton at the running five smart placements in motion sets up approach that there's a fullback Davis or Larry Reid check Larry Reed into the center of the line picking up maybe a yard yard in the half has complete silence settles over this partisan crowd of 50 9075 saying but I tell you their hearts may not be going to their pack but I tell you when guys hearts is going pitter-patter sides yours truly that's old Bo George Patton's jump back where he wanted this ball game real bad he wanted to make revenge for Stan Devine whooping him back in 1969 as old Muhammad would say he whooped him good 42:17 two tight ends in a balanced line second and five on the 45 yard line there's faith around the left side he's trying to find Running Room he's hit at the 42 yard line picking up our two and a half yards on the play but the all-important visual scoreboards continue to move five minutes and six seconds remaining Michigan leading in the ballgame 26 to 14 and hang with us we got a great closing we got a great closing at this far game of Michigan wins the ovaries has the ball now 18 yards in from the far west eastern sideline Michigan smirky at one end and Feaster at the other there goes Marcia the lad who cut two touchdown passes for Michigan up over the ball comes Steve nada our Mitchell is that the slide on the we're short side of the field Huckle be deep and read close Ricky leach under center it's 3rd and 7th a long time Rick Ely chancellery reads and he drives that Philadelphia frame of his all the way down over the 40 s is a 37 yard line and it'll bring up fourth down now with 4 minutes and 24 seconds remaining 4 minutes and 24 seconds remaining and the voice of Notre Dame football is hushed here in the hole that Knute Rockne planned built and paid for believe me they wonder they wonder in their minds can Notre Dame scored twice and four minutes of nine seconds because Michigan is going to be forced to punt here with fourth down and three yards to go Greg will nurse standing back on his own 48 yard line 18 yards in from the parties through sideline Greg welder has planted five times in the ball game there is a long count there's the snap fat and there's the kick a nice high lazy spiral it's going to go into the end zone automatic touch back automatic touch back with three minutes and 48 seconds remaining a 38 yard kick into the end zone Michigan leads in the ballgame 26 to 14 hang on to your kilowatts because with ball game is not over there's a man injured on the field that we're gonna pause for a word over this so very Michigan winning 26 to 14 football Network first intended its own 20-yard line a swing pass complete to the 25 he's at the 30 the 31 yard line and the receiver there for Notre Dame is number 44 thats david mitchell the fullback in in place to heavens heavens finally leave his football game for heaven's sakes he's tired he's played the entire afternoon he's played the first 57 minutes here of the ball game that is offensively he's played all the way and Mitchell's now in number 44 to give him a rest his Jimmy stoner tailback and Dave Mitchell at fullback a junior and a sophomore a drop bypassed by Montana Devine Scott freshman in and there's a long pass and it's clawed and he's out of ours he didn't catch it in bounds incomplete it's called an inn completed pass the receiver downfield was Chris Haynes another tough break for that youngster from Sydney Ohio he just can't seem to have any good luck here this afternoon that time he caught it but he was out of Oz Michigan's secondary right now Stu Harris from Ohio number 31 at the strong safety in place of Jean Bell Mike harden is moved over to the short side halfback Mike jolly is this Jean fellows package safety there is Montana back on second and 10 he fact throws the pass is complete to the 48 yard line with 3 minutes and 15 seconds remaining and a first down for Notre Dame as the Fighting Irish now have 24 first downs Jack Notre Dame has 18 first downs Michigan has Notre Dame has 18 first downs and Michigan has 17 first down and down on the playing field condi nee was shaken up and hurt on that last play you know we talked about Notre Dame in Michigan we can't help but think back when you talk about the national football championships Notre Dame said 10 they edged Michigan a little bit Michigan has only had eight we remember Michigan's national championship teams 402 no two three four and five then two under 50 and 32 and 33 and then Fritz Kreisler in 47 but he used to bond in 48 Notre Dame had 10 but Michigan has had 14 undefeated untied seasons down through the year Notre Dame has had nine undefeated untied seasons down through the year and being helped off the field for a Notre Dame is convenien umber 80 although he isn't being helped now he's coming out under his own power it was hit by Jerry meter the co-captain on defense for Michigan the lad who has played such a tremendous fight here this afternoon and the big interception his only interception of his career but what a timely one at the end of the game we'll have Jerry Hanlon in there diagnosing this the jolly Irishman who played his football down in Ohio who coach most of it until he came up here with Bo Schembechler in 1968 and now Notre Dame was just penalized on that last play it'll move it back 15 yards and Don what was the penalty same situation got the first down and hit a personal foul and it's first and 25 you know I don't think Dan Devine is strict disciplinarian his fall at least play today would indicate that it dropped bypassed by Montana over the Senators to the 40 the 45 47 48 guy bang complete to Jimmy stone Stone has caught his first pass was a Notre Dame football player he was a freshman a year ago a sophomore he caught the only kickoff of the game last year that Missouri had and he brought it back 17 yards he just caught his first reception number 42 the 6-1 sophomore 184 pounds and there are 2 minutes and 50 seconds remaining from South Bend Indiana with Michigan's keeping that 12-point lead 26 to 14 Notre Dame's Joe Montana with a process Burroughs are like Staubach Cox's arm looking for a receiver complete down here the big number 86 mass spec at the 43 yard line he fumbles the ball and it is recovered I believe they're going to call it blown dead before he fumbled the officials moving in there the field judge Otto poles along with the line Judge John Nealon all the officials are in there the back judge Bob Walker Leslie rueland Richard Weller the headlines went in the referee Jean Calhoun will signify right now that it either was down as he caught the pass no they're claiming he fumbled and Michigan picks up another turnover that means the Wolverines have now picked up three recovered fumbles by Notre Dame and two interceptions five turnovers isn't that poetic justice because Michigan and Bo Schembechler gave Dan Devine seven turnovers in 1969 with Missouri beat Michigan and xem back for Missouri and and Devine 4217 now Bo and Michigan are beating Dan Devine in Notre Dame 26 to 14 and Notre Dame has had five costly turnovers it's Huckabee deep and Larry reflows freaking each under center first and 10 as its own 43 yard line there's the drop play this time - Huckabee it's nothing but green jerseys at the 45 yard line two minutes and 22 seconds remaining two minutes and 20 seconds remaining as Michigan's third Ricky leech is very contented right now to run out the clock very contented okay the ball is resting 18 yards in from this the western sideline Michigan leading in the ballgame 26 to 14 lives of the left this time goes big 81 that's cast Bernie Kerik in for the first time in 1978 there is the handoff this time to Huckabee he hits green at the Jersey right there at the line of scrimmage and that just go for four more yards to the 49 yard line stay tuned a lot of these stations will be on with the Troy Tiger baseball Paul Carey and Ernie Harwell to follow this far game on our key station or feed station of the network W junior Notre Dame calls timeout down of the playing field for the benefit of you fans who may have just tuned in tribute to the men who have been on offense rick leach the quarterback of the university of michigan senior quarterback who has started every game but one and in his name into the general scholarship fund at the university of michigan by chevrolet logo the sum of $1,000 and the senior defensive player of the game is jerry meter from Bloomfield Hills Michigan who is a co-captain of the Michigan team number 46 he played outstandingly today making a key interception that led to a Michigan score and so in his name to the general scholarship fund at Michigan goes $1,000 from Chevrolet congratulations to rick Leach and jerry meter for their performances in this game bill is just a tremendous comeback by the Michigan Wolverines and capitalized on consecutive errors that shows a lot of poise on the part of Michigan they have the ball now with a third down and five at about the 49 we have a minute and 40 seconds left in the game rick leach samantha was talking about is the offensive buckle be oh he had to go laterally far he turned up he's showing his speed as Mike Whittington number 54 made the stop forcing him out of bounds on the far side of the field I'd like to thank her spotter bill thrill again doing in his 21st year to booth with me and Rick Bernstein our statistician and Frank will catch up with you one of these weeks next week era Parseghian and I will be doing Indiana Nebraska and you will be wearing have a measurement now in Notre Dame territory with a minute 34 left on the clock here at Notre Dame Stadium so the grass really was not a negative for the Michigan Wolverines nor was this home crowd Michigan of course they won last year against Purdue on grass field I think maybe that kind of broke the jinx a little bit in their minds at least of course Michigan is accustomed to big games and walk they've been out on the coast and Rose Bowl the last two years many of these same players where the parson crowd was against them and so they they reacted like a good football team does they Big Ten champions the last two years register credit through the game of football and of course these are bordering states Michigan and Indiana although they haven't played in 35 years that rivalry so it was no problem renewing it and getting the tension high for the last couple of weeks gets off a punt on fourth down in one and weimar of notre dame or there's an effective weapon Roman has done a good job of kicking all in during the ballgame particularly when they were backed up in the first half with poor field position he kept Notre Dame at bay you might say and protected their leader Phil affected the game until they got going in the second half those smiles of victory and we saw the expression of defeat on the face of Dan divine because this will make a mole and two as the defending national champions this loss does more harm to coach in the squad fans and any other but do you think you've got it won and then loose and now at their own five Joe Montana continues to try to get the yardage incomplete so it'll be a second down at 10 and we have a minute and 19 seconds Dean met Malthus thing went off his fingertips is Montana now today 16 of 27 207 yards and one touchdown his counterpart from Michigan Bears Bo Schembechler he is a happy man because he thought things were going against him early and you know what he can pull it out but he just has his team has a character make it he said this was the most important non-conference game at his lifetime second down and 10 intended for man stack again off the fingertips so it's going to bring up a third down and 10 for Notre Dame Notre Dame next week against Purdue Michigan will go against the Duke Blue Devils Notre Dame has just got to change eliminate the turnovers that's the thing that's cost them two ballgames five two weeks ago today I've never seen so many consecutively as we have in the second half Frank most unusual but then to have a team take advantage of those turnovers vision to add insult to injury a safety Chris Godfrey coming in and getting on Montana I'll tell you when things go they go that's we talk about momentum Chris is a factor in any football game when things going going your way that little something extra in your block and you're tackling in your warning all blockers is the difference in how the game turns out number 95 is Curtis career following this game will be the Prudential College scoreboard I know that Dave dials of Andrea curvier poised with their have a correction to Bank we have some audio problems here there will not be time at this moment for the Prudential College School Board will be going right to Birmingham Alabama Dave and Andrea can do some score keeping a little buddy Ron Keith Jackson an era Parsi get pulled me down there with our ABC crew to bring you the Southern California Alabama game Joe resting a free-kick following a safety and it's taken by number 22 Ralph Clayton and a fine run back of that free-kick Frank with a minute and one second to go back to the 40 all he had on his mind was protective football he couldn't score get on the ground so the clock would be the ball would be dead at Michigan could run out the clock correctly three touchdown passes he scored another on the ground then his team with an end zone tackle on Notre Dame quarterback Joe Montana with a two-point safety at his 28 to 14 in classic rick has completed eight of nineteen for 111 yards one part of that yardage is a 42-yard touchdown strike and in at quarterback now for Michigan is BJ deke a sophomore from Ottawa Ohio giving it to jr. launch read number 23 less than a minute to go in this game Alabama and Southern California will follow but right now we're going to take a break but we'll be back for the final 51 seconds of this game [Applause] from the wheat bill South Kansas to the city by the bay along the Mississippi all of us the USA [Music] Michigan with the game well in hand just ran a second down and five play Lawrence Reed getting it from sophomore quarterback BJ Dickie Bob Golok making the tackle you see the time remaining coming up to the half minute mark as Michigan has scored 21 points here in the second half shutting out Notre Dame Notre Dame leading at halftime 14 to 7 so let's watch Dickie star of the future preps for Michigan calling signals he has a third and three and launch lead the junior fullback carried on the play and he gets the first down 11 seconds to go most unusual football game just a weird game to see one turned so dramatically around look at both happy 86% wins that's he'd been in Michigan and you hear the Michigan fans the final score 28 to 14 travel arrangements made 28:14 that final score will be back from South Carolina to North Dakota they know what makes us state fair from a house fire near Oak
Channel: Pizza Pizzichetti
Views: 6,180
Rating: 4.6923075 out of 5
Id: HtJkd2pSJp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 170min 39sec (10239 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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