Texas A&M vs Michigan Oct 1, 1977 Part 1

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[Music] NCAA football from Michigan Stadium in Ann Arbor the Aggies of Texas A&M against the Wolverines of Michigan the second time these teams have ever played the football and this ABC Sports exclusive is brought to you by all the new 1978 Chevrolet's at your Chevy dealers October 6 by Texaco working to keep your trust for 75 years by bringing you quality gasoline and other fine automotive products and by light dear everything you always wanted in a beer and less and here come the Aggies from Texas A&M [Music] looking down on them and in this year defeated Kansas 2080 14 Virginia Tech 27-6 Texas Tech 33 17 the head coach and athletic director is Emery Villar they are ranked fifth nationally by both the major wire service poll Texas A&M comes out of the Southwest Conference and our analyst and commentator today as mr. Frank Broyles who put in a lot of years in the Southwest Conference at Arkansas as a football coach I'm Keith Jackson I'll be calling the play-by-play bill Fleming is with us today to keep you a rest of all the scores and some feature stories from this game and around the country but Frank Rose we've come out here today getting our first taste of sort of winter like weather it's 53 degrees it is windy it is wet and it's not terribly comfortable down on the field but the kicking game is gonna be a big factor today Keith with the wind like it is the damp ball the slippery turf usually big plays happen in the kicking game when one goes against you it means points on the scoreboard demoralize in effect you lose the momentum and coaches fear this now the Michigan Wolverines are assembled in the tunnel and the crowd is coming to its feet and when the Wolves come onto the field you'll hear a roar knock pinecones out of trees 50 miles away this is a moment of psychology for emery ballard and his coaching staff to keep their players and their emotions under control when Michigan comes roaring in here the Wolves opened with a 37 9 victory over Illinois beep 221 denied and then struggled in defeating Navy 14 to 7 Michigan is ranked third this week in UPI as coaches poll and The Associated Press poll [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the football on the tee in the second football games have won the toss for today's ballgame Bob felons a referee bar burger and burgers the umpire head linesman Wayne nice line Judge roll across field judge Jim effort to the back judges Tom Klein rightful hours have been many times you walked into a big old stadium like this with this many people laugh a little curious as to what your reflections are looking down on 101,000 this is a sight to behold something that people dream of in Michigan has it everybody is in Tucson I think the reason this has been chose the wind teeth they they want a indium to handle that ball deep hole there in the field with the wet turf in the slick football Curtis Dicky is 22 Daryl Smith is number 20 Dicky at 202 pounds sophomore Smith is a hundred and seventy pound junior both are Texans they will return they kick off as Emeryville our faces the sidelines Greg Willner will do the kicking for the Michigan Wolverines from the 40-yard line this ball game is ready to go Wilda return Jerrod of Miami Beach Florida and here we go the last time they played 1970 Michigan beaten 14 to 10 he hooks it toward Dickey at the six Dickie is back to the 23 yard line where he is tough down L Owens brought him down the offensive backfield for Texas A&M now they will open with a left-hander at quarterback and his name is David Walker and he is a very poised good football player the speech to his Curtis takea the have had your Armstrong burner quick outside and the hammer is big 33 Woodard there with Daryl Smith that they split in here come the white shirt and Aggies Smith wide to the left they give the ball to Dickie Dickie puffing through there across the 25 and you see the Michigan Wolverines jumping around puppet themselves up working up front for the Texas Aggies Cody Rison offensive tackle and Petrovski is the guard in the middle it's mark Dinard and he's one of the game captains Kenny Kirk will be on the other side at right guard Frank Myers at tackle and Russell mckisco will be the tight end it is second down and eight yards to go from the 26 yard line as they go inside the gorge Woodard did at number 54 Steve graves the middle guard got underneath and chucked him down Michigan lines up defensively this way with Curtis Grier Steve graves and Chris Godfrey the three down men Ron symptoms jerry meter Tom Tedesco and John Anderson backing him up the defensive unit in the backfield is Mike jolly Derrick Howard white Hicks and James [Applause] this time Michigan Sims a five man on 3rd down and 7 that's Walker on the option pitches it outside the pitchbook for the night side of the field there was no place for Curtis ticket ago as Jim Pickens the safety man came across the so now Texas A&M coming Michigan should get decent field position since Appleby is gonna have to get the ball into the wind he had six kicks last week average 45 yards he had one gifted with only 11 yards Michael jolly and michael hart are the deep man for Michigan as Appleby averaging just under 45 yards of kick gets it up hangs it beautifully it is Hart good good coverage downfield by Texas A&M so into the wind Appleby knocks it 41 yards that is a heck of a punt and he had it in the air almost my seconds now watch what happens as I hanging kick like that Martin Andra the Aggies were able to get down and there Michigan's lucky they didn't get hit right there with a clipping fall contact however was not made here comes Michigan up to the line of scrimmage now with Russell Davis and Holland huffily set the line Ripley and it's outside the Huckabay they got him out there one-on-one and he almost turned it up the [Applause] Michigan Wolverine backfield lines up bustin out to give you a good look at it left-hander Rick leads Harlan Huckabee is the tailback Russell Davis is the full-back at 220 pounds max Richardson is the wing back and Rick white is the wide receiver the ball is at the Michigan 35 where it is second down and six for the world which Stevenson in now at the wide receiver position he's wide with the open side of the right side of the veal and leach gives the ball to the second man Huckabee uncle dick coming out of the I is hit at the 36 yard line Michigan operating up front with these big people Mike Ken he is the offensive tackle of 244 Donahue is at 245 pounds while donning 250 plus Greg bartnik 200 and Gary saara 240 John Powers to 61 and gene Johnson to tied in at 227 so they didn't have size up front and it is a very good offensive line it is third down from the 36 yard line and they need five as leach goes back to throw getting some heat and re going back at the 24 yard line as 89 filled Texas A&M defense does its job and the Michigan punting unit will come on the beer dropping back for Texas A&M it will be number 20th Darrell Smith and doing the putting it is John Anderson who plays a linebacker on defense for Michigan he stands at his 12 he'll hit it around the 16 he has the wind at his back line drive Smiths control slides down 31 yard line that's a 44 yard punt by Anderson with the wind helping in 1139 to go first quarter no score not that much difference of the total offense average per game for the two teams differential of 15 yards not all that much Texas A&M getting the football at the 31 yard line first down wishbone up tight it is Woodard Walker gives it to Curtis Dickey and Dickie is up to about the 34 before Ron Simpkins number 40 makes the tackle Simpkins is the leading tackler for the Wolverines linebacker number 40 finally picks up Nikki on the counterpoint follow the gain of two plus just over two yards make it 2nd down and a short 8 from just outside the 33 yard line of AM the pitch is outside the dick he goes to the tight side of the field Simpkins comes over and makes first contact and then Dickey is shoved off into the crowd so they're going to the tight side that shorts out of the field and leaving it off to the trailing back here Simpkins number 40 again playing the wide play out the line the quarterback pitches he has Dickey at the boundary safety man helping at the 36 yard line it is third down and five for A&M no score both teams just kind of poking around looking for old Walker to throw comes straight back to the sidelines Pass is incomplete they threw it very hard he had Russell macheska over there and couldn't get him now let's check in with bill bunny here's up-to-date on what happened [Applause] 41 to 7 and Charlie White scored a couple of touchdowns as you could see there and had quite a night Randy simran caught a pass the 20th consecutive one for him a us a record cookers of Washington State lose to the Trojans of USC david Appleby who hit a 41-yard or into the wind his first time doesn't quite get all of this one but he does not get a good roll on it either it bounces back up the field and Michigan will get the football at their 31 yard line which is where they held Texas A&M a moment ago that's a 33 yard bill more sports the last night also Keith's BYU defeated New Mexico 54 to 19 remember the stats on Gifford Nielsen who was the second leading passer of the nation a year ago and figures to be that anyone this year nineteen out of twenty three five touchdowns what a night for him he must be averaged over 300 yards per game way to put that up a lot here got the Wolverines now their second offensive possession out of the I formation Leach rides it off to his fullback Russell Davis cuts in there gets it to the 34th out of a 3 a.m. as play denying male idled first and second down in the other series and it'll third down they dropped off into a four-man rush at 7 defender into the lineup number 84 Rick white at a wide receiver he rotates in and out of there with ways from the sidelines with number 43 coming out of there max Richardson and leach comes down the line good penetration from the pitch is outside to Huckabee and penalty flag is Huckabee gets up into first town area but there is a penalty flag thrown back at the 37 yard line and Bo Schembechler jumping up down on the sideline I think the line judge threw it but it could well be a clip right there holding that was the plank of trying to stalk block the quarterback delayed as a delayed play the pitch and he has to stay with him a long time you can see 84 trying to stalk lock in and then cut him [Applause] they reached an instruction here the foot I'm not sure Bo's arcing because he's not sure that the block was illegal he didn't hold him he I guess he called keep walking below the waist that's probably what it was and Bo is upset over the call and now the fire is team up that flag might have been thrown against Bo I don't know you can say in blocking below the waist question whether he made the contact above the belt or below the belt this is to protect against interest the flanca cannot block within a 5 yard radius of the the line of scrimmage below the waist all right here's an unusual circumstance where the holding call is 15 yards and then an unsportsmanlike conduct fall against the sideline against the bench and in this particular case the coach Bo Schembechler and the ball is moved all the way back to the 11 yard line that's an unusual call early in the ballgame usually they warn the coach split crew officials from the southwest and the Big Ten so now Michigan's all the way back on the 11 yard line and Rick leach back to his goal line patrol gets it off over the middle the pass is incomplete intended for Harlan huckle be over there defending for A&M they had good coverage on it was Jimmy couch Eric and Kevin monk and Johnny Donahue were both coming and leach had to unload it otherwise they had it he was within one step of having a safety against him Kevin monk linebacker who is one of the leading tacklers for Texas A&M he's blitzing and he shut sheds the blocker gets his hands up and nearly gets for safety now it is third down Michigan has to go to the 41 so they need 30 yards from the 11 and in coachmen Texas A&M unless one of the Michigan offensive lineman moved but Johnny Donahue trying to anticipate the snap and read the count on the quarterback leach had jumped across the line of scrimmage beyond the neutral zone and it'll be offside call against Texas A&M late staggered his snap count and Donahue wasn't ready for he was going on the previous count couch Iraq goes out for Texas A&M and Frankie lemons 217 pounds sophomore comes in at the defensive unit this is the way a and him lines up defensively with Eddie Heath Johnny Donahue's name's Fitz and burger and filled finit and the linebackers are Kevin muck Rodrick Reid and butcher acne just stepped out of the game for a moment Mike Williams Jimmy Hamilton Kenneth Taylor and her own drilling are in the backfield and mr. Gurley is a very good field defensively for Texas A&M and you'll see him before this day is over he'll come to he solidified their defense last year rod Feaster a freshman with great speed number 13 goes wide to the left double wide off for Michigan ball was at the 16 yard line as Leeds goes back to throw on third down his board as far as he did for Feaster piston Easter was being covered by Jamie Hamilton Thanks typical amem defense Keith they think the rush is gonna get until you make you throw bad you can get behind them completely it's another matter okay from the 16 yard line now John Anderson comes in the pot and number 19 Krulak drops back in deep whoo but the man behind him is the flyer Daryl Smith puts a short kick it'll be grueling and if it's a long kick as you would certainly expect it would be number 28 Daryl Smith officials having call time for just a moment I don't know exactly why the temperature 53 degrees as we started the ballgame but it may go down 9 minutes and 56 seconds to go we still have no score in this first quarter Michigan Stadium John Anderson standing back inside the 5-yard line too but now we're ready to go [Applause] apparently is pulled a muscle or something Anderson Bryan [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] a big break in the kicking game look how far some miss guttentag watch Daniel take the field here it is a replay he just dropped the ball and he was charging into it and it was a knuckleball which is difficult to get first down at the 45 yard line of Texas A&M so the Aggie defense is being put to a test here in the first quarter with 945 to go in the first period Greg bleats ETSU Davis and huncle be behind him and he gives to Huckabee and the youngster out of Detroit he is to the 41 yard line for 4 yards croolik number 19 and white coming up out of that safety position jump in there any of covers offensive guards with their defense shield Becca says if as far as his reads and he has to predetermine the call option place all right wide to the right is well Clayton number 22 Rick white to the left might be inaudible checked off throws it to the sideline the ball is dropped by Jeanne Johnson the fight in that he had some room he did for a fact to have a little Running Room second down and six and bring up third down here let's bring our fans up to date on the scores today and we'll be showing you our operation here very shortly but we have these up-to-date scores for you from the east of course first that was quite a ball game as you remember a year ago Miami of Ohio over Yale first quarter Pitt is ahead of Boston College now in the second quarter Clemson over Virginia Tech and I think we have time for one more before we back to play beep all right Vilsack is third down and six yards to go and leach to throw looks for Clinton gets in first down Michigan bath pea Texas A&M 28 yard line Berlocq made the stop so Rick leads finding Ralph Clayton in the middle nailed it his penalty flag thrown across the way the play will be nullified they're calling offside apparently or illegal procedure it's a tough break at a first down in the hoedown territory leaps raised walking it off so that's the third penalty in the ballgame against the Michigan Wolverines for 35 yards that's the kind of thing that's been bugging them all year to is a matter of fact against Duke and against Navy they have mistakes like this they have turnovers and things like that just enough to keep them from really untracked the offense penalty is demoralize your office you make a good play like that have a first down in the low momentum and you bring it back from shtetl first to 10 on the 30 you have a third and two and 12 on the 47 yard line and the ank is a temple third down let's see what Texas A&M and wife will do now how many of they might sin they line it up let's see who's coming if anybody each back to throw yeah they put the rush off and it is too long for Rick white depending on the play Jimmy Hamilton historically just old before in passing in the ballgame that brings up a fourth down and John Anderson will have to punt white was down feel that he was again behind the defender for a mmm but the ball was overthrown five yards behind him but the rush made leaps through before he contain his past Darrell spent the standing deep for Texas A&M saying catch the ball catch the ball catch the pummel John Anderson defined little better kick this time fair catch waves his hands takes it right on the 10-yard line so Texas A&M for the goal out of her back get it first down at the 10 with 8:45 to go first quarter at no score they good year but America [Applause] ABC cameras Michigan Stadium first I am at the 10-yard line David Brothers is in the backfield number 32 and George Woodard and Curtis Dickie and big George bang it away inside blocking for David Brothers total yards in this quarter you can see Michigan - 22 but that's a result of the sack primarily [Music] [Applause] second down call it six for gear the 15 Michigan almost jump in fact I guess they did jump penalty flags are on the field a Steve gray is trying began to anticipate the count plecos over to the strong side for nm as they operate out of that wishbone let's see how the co of those it is offside five yards coming against Michigan he staggered the step count that was the first time and Michigan was going on the rhythm of the previous snaps and they jumped offsides that is the first penalty called against Texas A&M know what's gun well kind of a surprise here a Penn State started off to attend a nothing leave but Kentucky's come roaring back a 23 yard interception return by Dallas Owen and then they intercepted another pass by few seen him and scored again so it's 14 to 10 now the Wildcats over Penn State all right it is second down and one for Texas A&M from the 19 yard line they give it to big George Woodard then the bull back gives a first down for Texas A&M up at the 23 yard line John Anderson number 86 made the tackle for Michigan that is the first first down in the ball game the defenses are going to force them to throw the ball or roller dance if they can coming why for the left side for Texas A&M is Doug Teague number 84 Walker keeping outside the dickish brothers and david brothers gets it up close to the 30-yard line that'll be about six maybe seven yards so Texas A&M now beginning to get some movement out of its offense that was a triple option and they ran into the split en and executed perfectly today at a farewell game of the most famous soccer player of the world from Josh steady at least one from New Jersey on ABC's Wide World of Sports Pele and it's the first big Gator of the game as he is finally pushed into the bench by direct Howard he got away from Dom Tedesco behind the line of scrimmage Tedesco hit him but Walker shook him off and he ran for 21 yards for the first time today Texas A&M has the football in Michigan country at the Wolverines 49 yard line that was what we were talking about a conservative quarterback he could have fumbled with Tedesco hit him just as he came off the fake but he just held his poise and scramble loose and turned back out the backdoor first down a gauge Michigan 49er wants to throw it throws it low throwing for Daryl Smith number 20 missed it there was good coverage for Michigan by Mike jolly number 16 to tell you a little more about what ABC's Wide World of Sports will be offering today hey Leigh will play one half with the New York Cosmos the team with which he played at the North American Soccer League and then you play one half with Santos of Brazil the team that he landed so many dramatic moments in World Cup soccer that's at 5:00 Eastern for Central and three Mountain time today on ABC's Wide World of Sports hey lay as Woodard talked it up and the ball just happened to bounce right toward where Curtis Dickey was turning inside hopefully if the block suddenly he saw it though said he found started its third down and two and still got it instead of Michigan Avenue would you make a funny-shaped ball like this when you expect [Applause] after Michigan 41 third down to for the Aggies outside bad pitch David cannot get it as walking through it behind him long and obviously an apple this is outside even the range of Tony Franklin because the football is marked back at the am 49 yard line they are facing into a rather brisk wind he called a backfired and waka watt quite anticipating it and he didn't see him and pitched very badly that's the latest thing defend the wishbone is bringing the quarterback at the core quarterback Apple D end the kick for the Aggies jolly and harden are deep for Michigan Alf of his third kick of the ballgame he's been over 40 yards on both of his kicks into the wind oh good rush kick is away the lactic job by Appleby knocks it out of bounds now let's see where our market as it goes into the message the cheerleader to bring it up to the 18 yard line where it will be first down for Michigan Tom Tom zebra with the man who almost bucked at what seemed coming into the screen here and his thought of penalty since he was blocked into the kicker if he had hit him in the new rule says there's not a penalty I don't think I hit him at all how they half of it was just difficult alack they get cousin Tommy Awards 33 yards on the punt that was sliced out of bounds its first down at the 18 for Michigan no score 6:20 to go first quarter the inside goes Russell Davis and he gets maybe a yard as number 49 was right there to really pop him for Texas A&M that is Rodrick Reed Wagner middle linebacker position just going over the roster there are four players on the A&M roster from Louisiana one from New Mexico and I believed four freshmen from Arkansas everybody else is from Texas second down 9 for 19 Davis again inside at this time the day a fumble the ball and number 10 is live for Texas A&M back for you there are some question as to whether it off the plane might have been blown dead but he had not been flown and Russell Davis trying to struggle for second effort ball was pompous Texas A&M gets a big break here at the Michigan 27 yard line and watch Carl croolik bellow I told you the safety man will come in and hit you hard and he's the guy who knocked the ball loose and then you see right there Mike Williams falling on it and so the Aggies make a break and get a first down that's a Michigan 27 [Applause] George water [Applause] [Music] to get as far as the 16 very close to the 15-yard line at a first down so big George almost that one he's a little bit quicker than you think he is and he is a great deal more mobile than you might expect from man who weighs 273 pounds first down at the 16 yard line it is Woodard again for the 10 yard line that time he ran through two tempers to get the better part of six yards on the carry we're working with five officials right now the muscle that have to leave the field but that's what they used to use five those coaches it is second down and four yards to go for am at the Michigan ten Walker lights it off to Woodard and Vic towards is to about the seven yard line before the Wolverines gang up on it with Braves Simpkins and John Anderson down the goal line defense going on the field two more big guys go out there for Michigan the football is sitting let's say the eight yard line make it third down and two wishbone Dean gets momentum they're gonna hand it off to the full-back most of the net [Applause] the right hash mark on third and two [Applause] and David Walker says as he turns to the referee it's too noisy [Applause] that's poorest in a senior quarterback that's exactly right he could have hurt his chances to have a good takeoff by snapping the ball with a noise a.m. with the first scoring opportunity of the ball game for either team sitting down third down and two at the Michigan eight yard line and obviously if they should fail here we'll probably see [Music] these people can hear it now he gets it gives it to Vicki Vicki eighty-six linebacker step wide getting help with Derrick Howard [Applause] that will bring up a fourth down my yard Franklin right there here comes Carter Franklin who has hit six in a row last week against Texas Tech in four field goals in the fourth quarter as the Aggies want a big ballgame along with last week was 51 if he had his prep escape he'd rather be on this ice block in the middle of eel he's got the hook all the way back to the left it'll be a 24 yard viola member he has hit six in a row [Applause] and it's good he just Tenon's it through and so a 3-13 to go in the first quarter of the Aggies take the lead [Applause] the productive barefoot of Tony Franklin watches he steps into that ball he really swings that leg he weighs 100 270 pounds he is a hybrid soccer style that he is not a pure soccer kicker does not buy the game [Music] a steep an angle he comes walking back to the ball this off the top of his foot more than from the inside as he kicks off for the Aggies leading three to nothing 313 to go and the ball is fumbled picked up by Roosevelt Smith and Smith pops it out of there Smith brings it up to the 27th close to the 28 yard line before Doug T makes the tackle for Texas A&M so now the Michigan Wolverines with 306 to go in the first quarter with the wind if they're back have failed to come up with the first couple of penalties have two back-to-back 15 yarders early in the ballgame really did put them in a hole so they haven't had particularly good field position once they did make the penetration to Agee country the penalty stuff from their first down from the 28 yard line Huckabee to the 34 to bring up second down and eight years ago I keep with 136 to go in the first half Penn State has scored on a 20 Pastor Chuck cocina the Mike government and so Penn State's article 17 the poetry Tony Franklin on the sidelines getting the florets of his teammates is Ron Feaster number 13 the young freshman goes in he'll go wide to the open side of the field and Jimmy Hamilton goes over there to take him on eyeball-to-eyeball second down and 8 yards to go as Feaster comes back inside now leach steps back to throw throws and the pass is given complete gene Johnson the tight end 6-3 to 27 pleats put it on his hands in the meantime Feaster who had come in motion back toward the snap of the ball suddenly turned up feeling he was gone he was in behind the safety they mixed up their coverage and made a mistake I think leach is throwing a little bit too quick if he's he's not waiting until the man develops a pattern and he therefore has to guess where he's gonna be able to vote it is sort of a soggy day Ann Arbor Michigan the wind is chilly double-wide that required and Bert Stevenson to the left this time on third down and eight dates back to throw over five dumps it off shortcut huh Colby karlitz after all by himself trying to go for the first down and he's not going to get it as the Mackel is made but Johnny Donahue number 73 he's six six 254 pounds junior out of Houston and that big restful has been all over this football field here he recognized the screen and vocal the face had made the play so it brings up a fourth down and three for Michigan as we go inside two minutes to play a Daryl Smith is back to accept the punt from John Anderson this time haven't really hit it the wind at his back it was way back there it takes a Michigan found it's inside the 10 yard [Applause] John Anderson who is also a starting linebacker nails one for 46 yards with the wind then he puts a in him in a hole first down AK is just inside their 8 yard line no place to get Betsy on a wet day so Big John finally hit one hard being a putter and having to play linebacker to signature is you'd like to have a specialty they can concentrate it on bananas on is a great football player mo says one of his best Smith comes wide to the left for Texas A&M as a start from the 8th and Woodard has it George just keeps home pound at 200 273 pounds and it's pretty hard to get him one-on-one Peter and Cynthia's the tackles all Michigan where does carried 8 times 41 yards and here in Oakland all right a couple of quick scores here Colorado jumping off to his internet they lead over army how about this one Texas Tech [Music] they recovered a full moon Carolina took it in best out of me doing the quarterbacking for Texas Tech and relief for Bobby Allison who was in last week's am Gabe the carry by Woodard gets the ball out across the 15-yard line they're gonna be looking at third down at about two and a half with Steve Braves making the tackle he's seen you out of Cleveland Ohio Texas a hands offensive ladder get some fall and movement and good it is getting started they can't tackling low at these downfield third down and a long two as we look down from the Goodyear blimp America it goes to Witter they stop it for the first time so Apple as motion vector is pointing to time out and there's good reason for it because they want to stop that clock with 26 seconds to play in the first quarter and biggering they're going to get decent field position they'd like to have at least one maybe two plays next Monday night on ABC's NFL Burnett football at 9:00 Eastern 8:00 central than 7-thousand time to great team for doing an old rivalry the Oakland Raiders who are something these days and the Kansas City Chiefs open the course the Super Bowl champions defending champions and Kansas City slow to one track this year but there's a lot of potential in that ball club so join us at 9:00 Eastern ABC's NFL Monday Night Football over host to these ABC station scores coming in out of the Ivy League now bill gave you that score on defense state kentucky game you saw Pitt State last week Frank it doesn't like they had a good ball game Fusina is one of the best quarterbacks in the nation and they have populist and Bill Clinton said they threw for two interceptions but they still came back to get another touchdown pass they played Carolina State they're hanging on to Maryland and North Carolina leading seven nothing over Texas Tech this time is out that on the field Michigan spending a timeout in order to get 26 seconds use of the wind advantage here in the closing seconds out the first quarter a third down play that usually the conventional called as go to the tide in but they went through the split in and the defensive end Christ his top would have we got started all right Appleby is in he had a 33-yard or under a big rush there's seven man front for Michigan but this time half will be really hit beautiful kick into the wind going back to the Jolly trolley gets a block and a penalty flag thrown back downfield I have a clip I have a at ball hung at good four seconds of the local four seconds for Applegate and so far the wind hasn't bothered him that much had one big rush by Michigan bothered himself at that time he would have nailed it he hit it 53 yards into the web and it is a clip against Michigan you can see the the cornerback coming in and hit the ATM man from the rear unnecessary because it did not get her into the place he was number 15 Texas A&M penalties and bubbles have kept Michigan in the hole the entire ballgame all the way back to the 16 yard line with 15 seconds remaining to play in the first quarter and you can see we haven't had all that many yardage numbers to worry about doing back in the 61st down wolves I am crowding each thumbs down hands it off inside to this pullback Russell Davis who pumps it up to about the 20 yard line as the clock is running again and ticking away in the final seconds of the first period with a score Texas A&M 3 nothing the first quarter is over the first quarter numbers you see no yards passing at all for Texas A&M Michigan got 6 yards through the air and a total yard it's 72 to 18 in favor of Texas A&M it is second down now and 6 yards to go for Michigan has leached goes to throw runs away from the pressure gets his pass off the pass is complete to Ralph Clayton number 22 and it's good for a Michigan first down up around a 33 yard line i platon remember thought one earlier from bleach that would have put Michigan and threatening position but it was nullified by penalty this time no flag leach was forced out of the pocket and he scrambled and made a fine throw and a good catch by plate define for me Frank Broyles what AM is doing now with that defense they play they cover their go off in two guards and free up the linebacker middle linebackers where heat and golden flowing they get no one to block you out of the I formation first down Michigan from the 34 yard line [Applause] did it hamilton misses him he's gone first Michigan [Applause] we played early they're safe demands have solidified their defense last year here's luck it was a misdirection play together at the back feet drilling comes up Kentucky goes right by little help from the fishes get out the way first down at the 46 yard line for Michigan told you fire official was too many Huckabay this five-minute penalty flag we may have another call coming against Michigan right here my Kent had peeled back the quick tackle had come back to help block to do the lead blocking for the trailing back on the play and in the process the penalty flag fluttered into the air there's the conversation to the referee to define the penalty from the line judge who threw the flag this is a special play that sim Bechtler added to tackle pulling blocked into cornerback and obviously he's not accustomed to blocking real quick defensive halfback the big play up the middle was a misdirection and that was a misdirection option that is to hold and freeze the middle linebacker so that they can set their blocks and have a chance to make some yardage so Michigan continues to make mistakes it came into this ballgame with 126 yards of penalties and they're fighting about the hampered a 15 yarder from flipping the ball is all the way back at the Texas A&M 39 yard line they've got to the Michigan 39 yard line they've got to go to the Texas A&M 36 yard line for a first down hey miss lady fast for three to nothing with 1405 to go in the first half ladies watch the throw he has a man email haul he didn't miss him he put him right on the numbers and Rick white jumped up in the air no ball bounced right off his chest a good throw by Leeds a difficult throw all the way across the body to the far side of the field very very thing had a chance to pull this one down you can see the wide receiver 84 hooking and if he doesn't come back to the ball towards leach is thrown across the green never been dangerous right on the chest and all cradle it in Texas A&M has been hit with five yards of penalties so far in the game the Wolverines 67 are in a second element half a mile from the Michigan 39 leaves to throw it toward as far as he can and plate is the deep man running under it completely Kenneth Taylor Mike Williams born back 4:00 a.m. so they tried to shoot well flake 6-3 211 pounds sophomore out of Detroit they had indeed but leach misty so that'll bring up third down frustrating when you can get people behind them but the rice that lets you set up control the accurate tax third and 25 now as Richardson goes in that a wingback position for Michigan replacing Clayton obvious passing situation as they garlic drops off moves over to the center of the veal to play center field defensively for Texas A&M now time is gonna be charged to the metric at Wolverines as RIT bleach comes to the sidelines to talk Texas A&M leading three nothing 13:54 to go birthday well 13 54 to go you're looking down on about 100 to 2000 people I suspect I don't know how many chose to stay off today I'd skip the rain it is third that out of 25 for Michigan from their own and inflating 3-nothing completes wants to put it up again on the sidelines and it is incomplete the past poem for the tight end jean johnson the air pretty good coverage at time from jimmy hamilton of A&M and so michigan unable to move the football through the air as the leach now has gone to 14 and 19 yards he wanted to throw back but AM shifted their defense and the Tydeus not gonna defeat the halfback very often in the pass was incomplete and it's funning time with John Addison dropping back you'll be kicking to Daryl Smith deep for him he goes into the wind gets pretty decent kick out of it Smith falls fair catch and a hurry back at the 19 yard line there was very good coverage down field for Michigan that's a 42-yard punt by John Anderson into the wind so his last two kicks I've been very strong Texas A&M gets the ball first down at their 19 yard line and Auburn beating Ole Miss by a score of 7 to 3 ballgame down the Southeastern Conference there are two teams there they've been sort of up and down everything yes at the 19 for the Yankees first down [Applause] and you can hear the sound all the way up here as he bangs into Ron Simpkins and Jerry meters and he blinks the ball from 19 after the 22 for 3 yards with David Brothers Curtis Dicky and George Woodard lined up in that wish ball behind David Walker you see the time running there and it's time to go in the first half and the yardage so far in the ballgame I am yet to move the ball through the air second down and seven yards to go for the August from the 22 as winters got it again runs into the stack and gets out to the 26 83 on third down has made a first down run good and try to put out a first down well last time George went for the first down third and short Michigan held it this time although put it up and this is his man he had rust mckisco 6-3 junior on the temporal Texas the tide in at him [Music] Capaldi has the wind to his back see what he could do now Appleby with the wind that is back as they said the heart and jolly deep for Michigan alpha be last week at a 63 and a 59-yard Fair punch with little hope to win Oh chicken dead co staked it out of bound not much on that one or for me [Applause] on ABC's Wide World of Sports today at 5:00 Eastern for center-left we mounted a tribute to hail a farewell game Stadium in East Rutherford New Jersey [Music] these ABC station authors turned the corner this country I believe he yes sir I think it has he is greatly responsible for including those who paid the money the Reagan year 14 yards on that punt by Apple day he shanked one last week for 11 and it off to Harland Huckabee and coming up out of the secondary it was grueling 19 Roderick Reid 49 and Kucha wreck number seven truly is a safety but he's a linebacker for a UC he'll tackle up at the line of scrimmage if you run in the middle bring to nothing Texas I am leading Michigan the football is at the Aggie 38 yard line second down and eight pitches to Huckle the outside and he gets it to the 35 carl critic thanking this cop for Texas A&M Mike what do you miss number 10 rulings was land up on the weak side over the tidy and here he is watching sprint all the way across it but the coaches call he fill the gap inside like a free safety should he solidified the alien defense last year they lost two ball games early with another free safety on the passing game when he came in they have not lost six it is third down and let's go with five yards to go from the 35 yard line Bob Texas A&M leads to throw has Clayton missed him and it's almost intercepted by Jim Hamilton Hamilton had it in his hands Hamilton played that beautifully he covered the deep man until the ball was thrown he released and it was thrown right to him but when you're coming into the ball is kind of a shock to you sometimes now Michigan will go for the field goal into the wind Greg Willner 156 pounds une yer out of Miami Beach Florida will kick it from the 42 that is a 52-yard try if he fails her to go to the 20 and he will fail checked it off to the right side and so Texas idioms defense owes Michigan take over the football that's the 20 leading by a score of three to nothing Southwest Conference has posted an intersectional record of 13 victories and seven losses this fall in its first sixty two years of major college play a Southwest Conference has had only seven losing seasons when it lost more games than at one an intersectional competition those numbers reflecting the situation for Michigan tips for their passing attackers concerned but A&M has yet to get any yardage out of the air they take it up inside and this fan the Michigan defense to sit right in there with very meter jumping on Jorge Woodard Lavelle from Ron semkhet I don't believe George got quite to the line of scrimmage he certainly did get much more than that if he did get back Indiana look at their whole Oh what about that one Ville well the Indiana Hoosiers scored on an 80-yard Drive so it wasn't any fluke and Scott Arnett went over that 908 to go in the first quarter so now it's seven minutes to go till seven to nothing Indiana of course Indiana down 21:10 against LSU they open a came back with two fourth-quarter drives to beat the Tigers Walker keeps on the option gets around the corner and gets it out to the 29 yard line he'll need third down and he will need one yard as Tom Seabrook linebacker made the stop for the Michigan defenders that was the triple option and he opts in the corner back there in blocked the defensive in there was over him and he went all the way the call on the call mokona took the pitch man he turned up for yardage neither one of these two teams has converted to the third down right Mike Mike Swanson keeping high stats for us today and they're both over six on third down trying let's see what happens here all third down and one this time big George wood it doesn't have all that far to go he gotta figure he's gonna get it so there's a Michigan defense the two linebackers pitch in there they go to the gorge and he comes right up over the top he's got a first down for Texas A&M and that's the first third down conversion we've had as he went behind Kody risin the left tackle the net for Joshua the left guard has a little hustle there 253 of 239 pounds respectively Woodard was 273 I would think of offensive line but we'll just going to get out of his way don't fall on me George the old joke I'm getting out of the way Woodward's coming yeah Oh what you gonna do don't step on me 33 yard line first time for A&M and Walker gives it a gift of Curtis Dickey and four times in the game now he has come down the line on the option at each time he's giving it off to Curtis he's given it to him right on the side that's a no Lube to ride right on the boundary where Curtis could not use his feet he's an explosive football player and in most of the games this year he has broken for a long run what is most key once a rationale now do we keep running him into the tight side they gonna have to put the tidy and into the into the field and the split in into the boundary and getting the ball wide second down they did get yardage on the play though moving it the 33-yard line out to about 37 oh let's make a second out long six welcome back to throw goes to the sideline to david brothers at the 40-yard line brothers catches the ball for a gain right about three yards tackle was made by john anderson linebacker who was right there at nine minutes to go in the first half it is 3 nothing ballgame but Texas A&M leading on the field goal by Tony Franklin he had a 24 yard field goal in the first quarter most of the time to keep the ball has been on the hash mark that cost the Dickey to run the ball in the belly third down they need almost four yards and go to Woodard and George is close to it he pounds out to about the 44 before the Wolverines can drag the big guy down and it's close spots favorable so he looked like he made it they'll bring the chains on to make sure as the Michigan defensive captain says let's not guess let's make sure today on ABC's Wide World of Sports hail a salute to Pele that is not his name that is a name it was derived from the Portuguese phrase which says kick the ball with your foot lordy has he ever done wonder if he'd like to use a little college eligibility maybe somewhere in house don't hey it's one of these in any college before and try this game at least the kicking part of it it is first down for Texas A&M by the length of the football at the 44 yard line Aggies leading 3 to nothing second quarter Woodard inside this time he gets a good stick right at the line of scrimmage from John Anderson Anderson brings him down if you're able to get him right on the numbers and put that helmet right on his numbers then you have a decent chance to hold him and that's exactly what Anderson does here hanussen number 86 controls a hand shucks him and the defensive tackle had built a hole in forced Luna to break to the outside and Henderson is a fine football player and it's second down and 10 for Texas A&M [Music] they get inside the woodard again act as a leading three to nothing and they're just playing very conservative football with the wind at their back if they could punch it on down the field a few more yards than Tony Franklin who can be a factor what it is Garrett 17 times already in the game for 65 yards and we're coming up now on third down at seven one drop of a 47-yard line i ban him basically has not stacked their defense inside and therefore they're staying inside third and long Walker crows all kind of spreading out of the hand incomplete forward pass intended for david brothers hold it David Walker gonna call and dart that time from Tom Seabrook who was penetrating from the defensive side and with the football sitting back at the 47 yard line Texas A&M the kicking team is on the punting team Appleby shanked 114 yards last time he kicked harden and jollity for Michigan eventually he'll step towards the middle appeal to prevent that [Applause] ah hanger and it's in the end zone hung it up there almost five seconds riding the wind 53 yards Michigan gets it first down at the 20 and here's McClendon alright there was a lot of interest in this game going on now at South Bend Indiana of Michigan State with five minutes and 46 seconds to go in the first quarter that a 38 yard field goal from Nielsen so the Spartans are ahead of Notre Dame 3 to nothing in the quarter and the weather is just about the same as it is here which means it's a little dank and a little cool little foggy yeah first down Wolverines up the 20 yard line the handoff goes to Harlan Huckabay and he is twisted down at the 22 by rot Reed junior from all Dean Texas it was a strength flow play and no one can block him home to this type of play the guards have covered the center has to get him and he can't snap the ball and block the middle linebacker Jackson was the great linebacker last he has one of the best that we've seen in our other country great football where he was looking gets cranked up you'll be alright the pros too it's what's being hurt 625 to go first half Aggies leading three nothing to get the ball off to the hole he blows it up the middle for a first down as he crosses the 30 to the 32 yard line and Carl truly played the stop so Buddha comes up to get the Michigan fullback s ain't the man really played like a linebacker at that tiny in blocks he is gonna support and he makes a lot of taxes some of those three safeties had made 20 tackle to the ball game and ruling may do it for this game is over go back to the original point we made in the pregame program that the key man for Michigan against the kind of defense that the Aggies play has to be in dorsal Davis the four but he's got to get yardage up the middle keep those linebackers at home they give it back to the Michigan 36 yard line a hard hit at the line of scrimmage the ball came loose and Jimmy Hamill it was all over it word read Roderick greener flavors of an adopted loose that is the second fumble by Michigan at the second time Jimmy Hamilton has jumped on the ball double linebackers need to make a lot of tackles no one blocked in he pursued to the whole and stuck his head gear right over the football so Michigan turns it over again [Music] [Applause] 50 on this possession because from here they've always got Franklin let's see what they do the first free scrimmage plays on first down from the 36 yard line and give it a big guy in the middle and George Woodard gets down to about the 30 yard line for the better part of six yards 71 yards so far for George Woodard and Colorado leading our Mia 10 to nothing I thought perhaps the Buffalo jump all over the cadets leaving Hall and company hanging in there well second down and three yards Bogart what it dives at he just short need about four yards on that carry and he's gonna be now on a third and what appears to be about one finally deep just in their defense they're still you have to stack in the middle to trauma stock woman and am very wisely has continues to head to the ball George was in the hospital early this week with intestinal infection they were scared at least appendicitis they give it to him he's outside he's got a first down he's still going oh wait out of the 16 yard line he ran through two tackles to get which is body fat [Applause] one second recover [Music] so Texas A&M turns it over [Music] might punch it in the Michigan defense stops the Aggies Agia stuff themselves on that way here there's linebackers pursuing down the line Rob Simpkins gets the football the defensive end let's and hits wall go before he was ready and this is most unusual David Brothers took a dive for the ball but it's part of the way from [Applause] first down Michigan at the 1925 six yards Rafa created Kevin there the turnovers on its forced fumbles concerning ball game play misdirection and other things other scores rolling in from the Ivy League if you can see scoreless from second down and four now ball given up the middle to the pullback on a quick snap and he stacked up by the middle of the Aggie defense mr. big surge behind Walt downing Greg Bourke Nick and Mark Donohue here short of the first down the football should be up around the 28 yard line which means they'll need another yard the half Miami Ohio and yield at least short ball game going Dartmouth leading Boston University cut leading Boston College panther sports 76 last week against temple 23rd down yard to have leaks turn book gives it outside the huckle be first down Charlotte Huckle D takes it up to the 40 there's a face mask fall coming up get buckled into the sidelines I think inadvertently got a hold of the base mask and if so that'll pack all 15 to the game that was a good call by the Michigan quarterback cleat Daniel was in a goal line defense a lot of factors could not help outside they took the ball to the quarterback and pitched all for the quarterback now you see here as Williams is trying to get him out he reached up to grab ahold of whatever we could get ahold of unfortunately in this place man that's now a 15-yard penalty for the Aggies which means new penalties at 20 yards fall against there the game Michigan now with a first down Saturdays Texas A&M 45 yard line leach gives it quickly to davis Russell Davis [Applause] without pearl Krulak reaching in there to trip him up he might have been gone it's another first down for Michigan as he reaches the Hockey 34 now they're beginning to get a little bit of yardage out of Davis of the van he now has nine carries at 52 yards in the game this will keep both men honest in the middle of the game jump around and help another place Mohsen this was the key to win the ball game for Texas A&M lady free tune-up 305 to go first half not much out of that place as leach junior out of the flip faster draw it up the middle that was the trap option in the quarterback there's five yards in the back deal of the training had [Music] numbers on Russell Davis number 33 as Max Richardson number 43 goes into the lineup bringing a play from the sideline replacing Kurt Stephenson who comes up Richard goes wide to the right now on second down and 9 from the Aggie 34 [Applause] chuckle be no sir no indeed fine defensive play by number 48 James Decker a sophomore from Midland Texas North Carolina State Maryland still all even in the second quarter Texas Tech in North Carolina halftime Carolina's holding the edge Blue Devils are jumping on Navy Navy losing last week to Michigan 14-7 little trouble with the dukers this week aren't they Eugene Sanders now in a defensive end for Texas A&M as white goes emotion on third [Applause] [Music] thanks the cat [Applause] [Music] it is a facemask against Texas A&M but is the second facemask at this part it there was a crossing pattern with a tinier reacted towards the fake [Music] and a penalty giving him [Applause] inside just inside Michigan [Music] [Applause] the chance to take the lead [Applause] [Applause] [Music] individual effort by Davis on that ploy thirty yards [Music] and the filters gave a chance because we're running out of time 49 seconds later [Applause] [Music] they take the lead on the Yankees seventh degree Curtis Dickey bottom of your screen Darrell Smith top of the screen deep in protects and him welder would kick off the Michigan Wolverines go 81 yards to score and lead 7 debris the closing moments of the first half it is Curtis Dickey at the 8 bumped out about coming down field in the hurry of my part popped him out one ball look at the Michigan touchdown and what's the good solid running here they Davis was determined admit the one he spins and goes in he is a key are going to vote in Bethlehem Michigan to have any office the football belongs to Texas A&M now just short of the 20 yard line with 126 to go in the first half they're down by four [Applause] Woodard in at the line of scrimmage breaks it out of there and George gets four out of nothing and scopes his feet in disgust because he had a lot of daylight what happended to get a mask off one more man who was playing deep for the past and it was the draw play and he had some Running Room he could have gone 15 yards before this good player will come into the picture the block is running coming up on a minute Woodard 89 yards in the first half on 21 carry just short of the 24 second down and six Walker on a long town gives it again the water George up for the 27 yard line Curtis brear 95 making the stock and he doesn't have the sophisticated past attack to make a big effort here 80 yards away they don't want to go behind 14 to 3 they gonna try to run it down the where they throw may be a pastor to right before the Hey well the park is still running as we go inside 30 seconds in the first half might do it they could hit a pass we got Franklin down there with a wind at his back who knows what I do he has kicked the 65 yard Woodard indeed bangs away for the first town and gets it across the 32:31 that'll stop the clock with 13 seconds to go in the first half as they move the chains and it looks like they've just let it out they go full time out of banking Bobby throw deep one hope to get a pass into Paris they do then you take a deal go David Walker coming to talk to em rebel are pretty well dominating the early going in the ball game of coming up with only three points and then the Aggies defensive mistakes too facemask penalties accounting for 30 of the 81 yards Michigan traveled to get the go-ahead touchdown crossing patent and Doug flourished was the key in that Drive next week on our presentation of NCAA football good work Angeles will have at 3:30 Eastern 2:30 central and 11:30 Mountain Alabama the Crimson Tide against Southern California Trojan football Roget's last night beat the Washington State Cougars 41 to 7 next week we'll see the team's some of us think maybe the best team in the country take on Alabama Crimson Tide bear pride understand today most are two freshman defensive ends he's still fooling around with Indians trying to settle it down he'll need all of it next week I suspect first down Texas A&M that is Curtis Dickie on a sweep to the right not much there as the clock is rolling again with five seconds to go in the first half looks like they're just let it take away and they do go at the end of the first half the score the Michigan Wolverines seventh Texas A&M three bill Fleming now looking for Bo Schembechler to see if need to get a word with him and it'll have to be a quick one because this is a man who wants to spend this much time as he can with his team needs to get that off inside effect seven-to-three michigan leading the Aggies and we haven't had the kind of performance or the opportunities so far by the kickers that we expected yeah here's Bill okay we've got just a minute with Bo Schembechler bo is the kind of first half you thought it was gonna be on it's a tough game I don't like the penalties and fumbles but other night at seven how about Woodard this is as good as your thought in a stop you know you got to stop okay all right the words problem foot potion back then of course they're going to be back here but for halftime activities as well as the fireman's fund right back after this word about a new upcoming ABC show AIDS education to nearly 46,000 students a year while reaching far beyond its three campuses law students from the main campus in Ann Arbor give free legal service through a pioneering child advocacy project with the schools of medicine and Social Work bringing effective help to victims of child abuse and neglect um Dearborn students and faculty created a nature trail for the blind in the campus environmental studies area extending outdoor experiences of those with impaired sight the UM Flint's new riverfront campus is expanding the university's existing educational service in Flint while enhancing downtown renewal efforts the university's Industrial Development Division has gone to northern Michigan to plan a program to attract industry and create new jobs and it's working in Central Michigan to explore uses of waste wood for energy and more employment the UM Extension Service reaches an international audience joining other university units and hosting problem-solving conferences that send Michigan expertise around the world father of the wishbone offense coach - give us your impressions of the first well defense has been dominating both sides thus far from our own standpoint I think our defense has played well with exceptional onedrive where they Michigan took the football after recovered pummel one down got to a touchdown just for halftime offensively we've had several opportunities we haven't done anything to take advantage of them we've had some plays and we made them we've been a lot better shape we are now but we didn't make them and what we're going to start cranking up and getting that I'm saying one thing everything they've said about George Woodard is true he's tremendous he's a tank he's a big strong boy yeah we need more than that though we need to start getting some overall you know you've had a lot of receivers open does that bother you a little bit you have been able to hit them or certainly in father would let me just give you a quick score Kentucky has gone let's go up top side once again with Keith Jackson and Frank Broyles alright thank you very much course it bothers me play Michigan leading Texas A&M 7 to 3 the Goodyear blimp America with John Moran Eric our ABC camera up there Barbic Bader cameraman sitting up there on a coals for the win the wintry afternoon I think this yeah I'm sure the the coach ship over here and say wow this is football weather yeah well that's cold is what it is Michigan's gonna kick off Texas in and we'll receive neither coach realizes it's cold say if blood pressure's high the owner kicks it it goes to Curtis Dickey at the five hole and then it closes as Hartman comes over to get in my curtain so let's set up the Michigan defense for you now for the Wolverines these are the guys who play abroad Curtis Grier to tackle Steve grades plays that little guard position and Chris Godfrey is the other defensive tackle the linebackers are on Simpkins Jerry Leader Dom Tedesco who grew up to it in position as well as a linebacker at John Anderson an outside linebacker also stepped into an imposition on first down for the Texas Aggies from the 32 yard line to go George Woodard here is it one more time junior from Van Vleck Texas closing in on 100 yards in the ball game so far and ball sits now at the 35 second down at 7 defensively Michigan has Mike Donnelly got a halfback Derrick power back white Hicks number 17s playing the safety and James Pickett is the free safety on second down and seven to go at that time as water carries a number 99 was wait there now Tedesco a linebacker and he walked him right on the line of scrimmage and it is third down and seven yards to go offensive backfield for A&M David Wolfe for the quarterback Kurtis Dickie David brother George Woodard and Daryl Smith and Curtis Dickey is hobbling off the beat right there you can see it looks like he might have hurt an ankle or indeed looks like an ankle and he goes to the bench the offensive line Cody rise at pajersky mark Dinard Kenny Kurt Frank Myers Russ mckisco up front for the Aggies third largest crowd in the history of Michigan football here today 100 4800m to badger Armstrong is in the wishbone backfield now for Texas A&M and David Walker back the throw gets it off and he completes the pass to Armstrong and Azure Armstrong cutbacks which [Applause] on mark dinner at the center number 68 exactly sure why I think he clipped he's tangled up out there a little bit with Steve graves a middle guard so apparently there was a quick call his grave was coming and then the center for am that Dennard had pulled out and come toward the sidelines that little bit of trailing the runner and the flag was thrown at him so he saved white Hicks who is the wolf man talking to the referee there to make his decision on what sort of dispensation we'll have here and so far as his Michigan's decision is concerned and I'm sure they'll take the penalty because it probably 15 yards he had fourth in three you've got to have third and a half yeah the net football goes all the way back inside the 18 yard line flip was called Smith comes in number 20 running through your picture their word is third down for the Aggies they've got to go to the 42 to get a first down let's call it 24 yards Walker give inside david brothers and add your armstrong see if picking came back in yes Dickie was back in the back [Music] David he'll be fishing Roback right Chris I see them taking the flags down around the stadium I guessing from Sabre for another time wind really whippin up on the top rim of the stadium heart and jolly of the deep meant for Michigan snap is on the money dick rush tickets away if he went down but nothing called a great punt Charlie has it and he brings it back about eight yards coming back to the 33 that was a 52-yard hunt by Appleby and he's arguing a little bit with the referee back there but the referee pointed you know and I said now watch you put this down young man there's no penalty involved but a 52-yard shot by Appleby is let was down Simpkins came after freshman they're closed called the ball is at the 34 yard line of Michigan first down Wolverines their first offensive possession second half they lead 7th of three brave leads with Russell Davis our luck will be behind him give the ball to Davis Davis hits it over the 35 to the 36 for two yards Texas A&M lining up defensively this way Eddie he playing at the defensive end jotting down a news but a good solid ball in the middle along with Steve Smithson Berger Bill Bennett the other end linebackers are Kevin monk Rodrick Reed and Jimmy butcher II give you the back field in a minute second down and eight yards to go for Michigan from the 36 yard line it's Davis again and Russell Davis gets to the 42 he'll be 2 yards short of the first down the A&M defensive secondary sets up this way with Mike Williams as a quarterback Jimmy Hamilton the other corner Kenneth Taylor the strong safety and mr. Carl gulick the free safety the way he plays I think the article to Mister he's all oh the deal offensive unit there sets for Michigan that way at that wingback position with Clayton [Applause] second down third down and three middle linebacker almost jumped offside however as he got back in time and leach going down was run down by james sakura the man who almost killed outside [Music] they were in a stack defense and he came clean as a false charge to the middle and it brings up the four pound a loss of two yards on that play Michigan has Anderson is in a loo live drive to Smith then under the blue shirt surrounded and down he goes at the 25 that's a 40-yard line drive as walt doubting the man who snapped the ball was downfield to make the tackle 1110 to go third quarter Michigan leading 7 to 3 over the Aggies Duke is beating Navy 28 to 10 so Navy came in here against Michigan last week at a big effort losing 14 to 7 and today they're getting whooped by the Blue Devils of Boop and Charles Howard of course is dancing down in the carpet for this was a Louisville Kurtis Dickie fix it up and make something out of disaster Mike jollies shoving him out of bounds that's the kind of a ball rolling around on the ground with a fella trying to pick it up very oftentimes you see him kick it mess around with it somebody else will get ahold of it at this time it stayed still long enough for Curtis together at the artificial turf makes a difference and take the ball up and so instead of a big loss or perhaps loss of the ball he picks up seven yards to make it second down and three a short three George Woodard banks it over for the first time as George gets it to the 37 yard line now Woodard 26 carries and he is now gone over a hundred yards of the ballgame 102 yards for the big baggy fullback Michigan's linebackers the teeth of five yards deep still using them to protect wide and helpful Woodward if he breaks the Lambs premature [Applause] first down AG is 37 ride it off to the big pullback Woodard again the ball comes loose [Applause] well the Aggies turn it over [Music] this candidate to capitalize on their mistakes except for one time involved [Applause] Oh forty-two to go get the ball at the Yankee 40 outside the Huckabay and his shirttail by Carl Gerlach on our way across the field was over there bollocks to man and ran him down yards for Huckabee now 11 carries advance of the ball to the 35 watch grillak 19 come all the way across the field break this tackle he pills inside but the hooker breaks outside the quarterback and he changes his pattern and pulls him down second down for just inside the Aggie 35 Oh number 16 Kenneth pillar [Applause] first of gold mark Donahue dick number 60 an all-american guard makes a heck of a block [Music] right out the back door and it was an arc prestige our Oscar the guard picked up the line back they just broke right out the back the flow 30-yards the vagus total of 92 at the game on 13 carries and first and goal ago Michigan at the occupied [Applause] [Music] that time you took it over the right side running behind the Gregg Bart ticket John power having lost two of their score knuckles going into the season is grad do patent that's been [Music] like a 6-3 2-6 on the two second down [Music] [Applause] each [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] bollocks turned him back door to this pergola is really closed he looks like he has one at room the brunette comes up from outside Kampala screen and turns his hand back to the goal line Kevin book just missed it [Music] [Applause] so famous the escort both of the Michigan touchdown we'll horse at the game plan and for the first time in the game really the Michigan running game looks to have some authority and get the boat blew up in their offensive line an infant before then - Hardeep describe the stuff that is hurt oh is that a bad snap for a fake bad snap I guess the bird Stevenson tries to come up with it do something with it so the extra point try goes awry with a 44 to go Dirty Sexy didn't agree getting ready for the kickoff how to do the kicking the bun for Michigan Nicola bun kicks it off there is deke almost steps out of bounds pass to turn it back in now goes to the sideline out of our at my pardon and Nicola bun knock him out here's the touchdown as Davis took it in to give Michigan a 13-3 leave you can see him go up to and dive underneath the legs of offensive lineman who got a little movement forward the extra point now here's the ball he just slipped through the hands of Stephenson and he got up tried to make something out of it a good knock Jimmy Hamilton was right there to bring him down that's where we are 13 3 the Aggies ball first time at their own 18 yard line the end of the middle goes Woodard and he's across the 20 to the 22 for 4 yards it was woods fumble that stopped they attempt a while ago after they picked up a first down and the game between the Yankees and the Tigers the Tigers leading 4 to 1 in the 3rd inning still being held up by rain in New York City Yankees trying to win a game and trying to win the American League Eastern Division they have to wait one more day welcome back to throw supports short frozen short Dom Tedesco half the ball [Applause] on David Walker distant linebacker who had stepped up in that short zone Dom Tedesco [Applause] he diagnosed that screen and just charged out towards the feedback and was standing right in the line of offensive lineman downfield I had that thing well set up to be blocked downfield - they made all the hundred yards on that play against Texas Tech last week third down [Applause] Texas A&M yet to find the spark category [Music] [Applause] [Music] before his six straight fall to the outside hankies don't see it they said five receivers now and he's unlocked you like seven min up front for Michigan Apple this kick is away it takes an Agatha and it rose dead of the Texas area 39 yards into the wind [Applause] so here's Michigan lady 510 13 2 3 7 33 [Music] he's wearing a lot of momentum that the fans are helping ambassador big advantage of playing at home they prolong your momentum and make it very difficult for the team to change tasting tea Rick white 84 comes out of your picture wide receiver in the open side of the field Russell Davis and Harlan Huckabee the Hinrich leach [Applause] it's Davis [Applause] and he gets down near the 46 before Garrard and Milligan makes the tackle protects his A&M don't let me all right Keith we have a score here at HAP's I have Notre Dame 10th at Michigan State three with 239 to go in the half Notre Dame scored on a 56 yard drive with sophomore running back Dave Mitchell going over he was the hero of last week's game of course against Purdue so at halftime and that big one down at South Bay another Dame 10 and Su 3 Easter is n the freshman speedster leach hands it inside the Russell Davis and Davis had just gone over a hundred yards to carry the ball with two touchdowns 107 yards now a two yards 102 yards for Russell Davis on 17th carry this big play coming up third three bull venom in their favor another first down would give them chance to put the ball points on the scoreboard and comparing the two fullbacks of the ballgame we see that Woodard has been busier Davis more productive on the number of carries and especially when it comes to the points third and three of leach coming along on the option unloads the Huckabee and no place for Huckle did ago as Roderick Rida linebacker flowing with a play came up Teddy Heath came in put the heat on and Reed gets up the bit gingerly there as you can see he's led a hard hit on Huckabee and huncle did with his great speed at a hundred ninety seven pounds ago overhead and he's played that option beautifully the quarterback hits way before he got to the defensive end Maggie's out numbered among Dakota John Anderson de menthe Aerosmith deep protects it but it's almost blocked he just barely got that thing away and it's a five kick Commission gun goes dead inside the ten at the 8-yard Binet almost buckets but 536 to go in a third for thirteen three we've got an excitement can be found at 472 NCAA member institutions see one of these Division two games next week Jacksonville State at Tennessee Tech northwestern Missouri State at southwestern Missouri State or one of these Division three contests baldwin-wallace at Wittenberg our Hobart at Rochester here's John Anderson's putt now and watch Bill Bennett come flashing into the picture he evidently was untouched by Michigan lawmen and came very close to turning this ballgame oil Aggies now back on the 9 yard line first down and they give it a Woodard George tucks it away and bangs it out to about the 11th for two yards to be second down and eight well there is a final in now Kentucky has upset Penn State today 24 to 20 the turning point came when Derrick Ramsey the quarterback of Kentucky took it in toward the end of the third quarter and they kentucky wildcats held on to win it there is a surprise Curtis Dicky sweep to the right not Michigan defensa just storming now vistas linebackers are still playing deep and pursuing outside with a lineman covering pull the inside giving an extra man if a and M takes the ball wide at the corner curtis freer 95 Ron Jenkins for he called the tackle for the Wolves ball is out near the 11 yard line where it is third down at about eight to go Michigan leading by 10 13 to 3 coming up on four and a half minutes to go in the third give me the details Walker gets it off to the side line hits David Brothers he's pushed out at the 15 that is short of the first down good defensive play by John [Applause] [Music] chill bumps to all obeah these most distant players have got to be fired up the grill employee the pressure now will be on david Appleby and the academics alpha me again will go to his end zone and he'll kick it to jolly and hard [Applause] ruch good kid duty jolly at the 39 stumbles gets a little bit out of it that is a 50-yard kick so four times in the game David Appleby has kicked it 50 yards carboy on ABC's Wide World of Sports today at 5:00 Eastern Forsyth with pre mount a farewell game of the world's most famous soccer player John steady amount of East Rutherford New Jersey hey Leigh you play a half with Santos or Brazil is original team the team that they grew up with and play a half the New York Cosmos his team at the North American Soccer League Pele leaves as an active competitor after today Rick leads rolls out from the 46 throws it deep for quick and he can't get it depending Jimmy Hamilton round plate going down the sidelines on a straight fly pattern good blanket ends ahead it covered all the way Bansal ban and playing indeed given the short hit the fourth quarter Texas A&M will have the win in the fourth quarter last Saturday night at Lubbock Texas this was Lubbock woman yes they played in Louisville Tony Franklin kicked four field goals in the fourth quarter second down ten from the 46 to Michigan [Applause] outside Huckabee hambleton's after him he's got a first down [Applause] luckily had one man to get by that was a little Chris Paul's patent and the safety was covered in man-to-man and just couldn't get that back to safety came in with the wide receiver breaking into the middle left it wide open and uncovered sold its first down Michigan at the Texas A&M 39 yard line Michigan on the move they have nominated the third quarter out of there Davis Russell Davis the whole back hits it to the 35 before yards Kevin monk I seen you out of Seguin Texas makes the taco have a look at it funk is a typical Aggie linebacker pursued all the way across the line feels inside well good linebacker should go towards the Atlanta strain they did not tackle out the line and he bucks famous bright back towards his all goal on second down eight from the 37th are they in leaps to the 35 for two yard and a half it'll bring a third at all [Applause] third and a very long six Aggies have been Tuffle third day program special exclusive of ABC Sports let's pause five seconds to allow our local stations to identify themselves this is WXYZ TV channel seven detroit three minutes to go in the third quarter michigan holding the ball at the Aggie 35 on 3rd and a long six [Music] bleech going for Stephenson he's out there he's good [Applause] in beat Hamilton [Applause] [Music] the third quarter leave 19th agree [Applause] [Music] [Applause] three they lead 20 to three the Yankees are in trouble the ball is hook into the end zone that's the case they'll bring it back and kick it from the 35 there's the touchdown as leaps through two Kurt Stephenson he got behind Jimmy Hamilton looked the ball all the way into the numbers squeezed it and sported Stephenson runs a post route and groove it's a free safety was covered hopefully in the flat and just hesitated and Stephenson got behind me and the ball was right on the foot this is the fourth time they've been behind Angus but the first time they've connected you know something there have been a penalty thrown on that anyway because actually he had got ahold of the facemask but we didn't get a flag on it Michigan didn't holler because they got the touchdown and the extra point and Stephenson is a wall cold yeah he showed up one day Southern California really said the walk got stuck out his hand and said coach I won't play for you bo said get out of here well he what noise so yeah you coaches can't be won you know what he came but they caught a ball problem is you can't open them up you know you don't know what's inside of it but some of these young fellows show up for the fire burning it up and they're gonna they're gonna do what they say here and a perfect Pat post round he baked outside and came inside the defensive halfback five yard penalty LaVon kicks it off short ticket goes to Smith up on the 14 yard line almost was cut in half as number 42 came down she fell and just missed him and the tackle was made by Tom zebra Caillat from Texas Mondo's or the Agra side of the beetle they brought 60 people [Applause] balled out over 32 [Music] now the agates gotta go scores in for the Ivy as a final voyage Brown [Applause] [Music] first down for the Aggies on 232 trailing by 17 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the quarterback come and Felicia's the halfback give himself up and tries to get the ball [Applause] second down [Applause] [Music] 17% Woodard up the middle and [Music] five I feel about yards the third is career hmm to get a hold of it break it down and third down and it's cut long that got to go to the 42 drop to 28 is 14 yard [Music] [Applause] Walker's pass brothers can't bring it down Derrick Howard defending for Michigan look to me like that ball was pretty the numbers too a front this could bring it down and Pittsburgh okay at Kavanaugh incident has been working out he's expected back to town for the Florida game to them that's what he predicted Vincennes Olaf better than a lot of folks thought the sores do all these Michigan fans are expiring this the faulty on fourth down it is Appleby in the punt and Michigan still kept the ball in decent field position now cookies been over 50 yards four times today and that's a relatively short kick coming up in a hurry as Michael jolly a defensive back who goes deep to receive the punts he handles it surely after 31 yard kick by Appleby at Michigan has it first down at the 40 that was a good play by looky here offered feeding hole minutes 14 to 6 after all been upset Tennessee last week Georgia Tech winning one today beat air force 32 3 and Tennessee running all over Oregon State at half time down in Knoxville [Applause] [Music] first down mr. good before H gives it to Russell Davis Davis gets four chuckle by kevin machine the time running out Washington leading Minnesota ten to seven Golden Gophers pulled off one last week leading UCLA Purdue a young fella Herman the freshman quarterback up there evil will be something he's gonna be a sensational but Neilson again yeah Levin touchdown passes in two weeks Stevenson why do the open side of the field volt almost in the middle of the field least rolls back looking for Stevenson going to it can't quite get this one balls kind of slipped out of breath leeches hands with Stevenson went through the secondary that time he drew a crowd in with three white shirt scored with it the ruling was backed on that play he did have man-to-man coverage he was a free safety and covering deep center field bleats now 5 out of 16 92 yards and the touchdown with 40 seconds to go block stopping on the incomplete pass Stevenson coming out of the wide receiver position the football is resting just short of a 45 at its third down 7 [Applause] you put it up throws it short and it bangs off the helmet of Steve Spitz and burger defensive tackle seen throughout Houston [Music] [Applause] in Kansas by the score of 10 to nothing mistake salute Kansas an interception in the second quarter and John Lott ran seven yards a ten bombshell hit the 35-yard field goal after a Kansas FOMO so they number-two ranked Oklahoma Sooners leading in the third quarter to another pawnshop let's see how many anchors are coming this time they're eight up up there [Applause] this is count them all - here they go no sir get up shot by Anderson into the end zone 56 yard it'll be texidium for 20 29 seconds to go that there the ACA's will have the way in the fourth quarter before I prove the very important with a man named Tony Frank and it can't be [Music] when a and him have had no success task that's that's the surprise to me I guess come up now first down walking to throw a lot of time picks it off and Michigan is back in business first down the Texas A&M 23 24 yard line Walker at all ready for it Hicks the premiere on the spot is he headed that was a popsicle a Valdez surprised because Michigan did not take the bait they were playing for fast like to wolf so the senior brother had silk'n New Jersey playing a new position comes up for the big play for Michigan at they call it the 24 of Texas A&M [Applause] the ABCs NFL Monday Night Football this coming Monday 9:00 Eastern 8:00 central 7 - the Oakland Raiders in the Kansas City chief new great old Volvo to play here at Ann Arbor Michigan 2003 [Music] we go to the final 15 minutes of this football game with Michigan leading Texas A&M 22 3 Texas A&M 11 yards in the third quarter as Michigan had just totally dominated since halftime and Michigan has the ball second down and three yards to go ball is at the am 18 yard line contact [Music] unless there was contacted by one of the Yak is the penalty will go against Michigan his goods offensive line but moved after taking his position that will make a total of eight penalties at 77 yards against the Wolverine they only had 30 penalties whistled on the ball of last year the third quarter numbers in the bowl game and Michigan just taking over the ball game in the third quarter 243 total yards now although the time of possession is relatively even mrs. suppliers everybody's third for the egg isn't it state of shock second down [Music] it is complete - quick quick [Music] now leech is beginning to pick on on the replay Keith Hamilton had the ball look here clean he had the ball and Stephenson reached his in and pulls it away from going it's wise loose and Stephenson is quick I'm stood me Clayton gets it before he gets four hits a grand almost an incomplete pass almost an interception but Clayton comes down with it and it's first down and goal to go Michigan at the am 8 yard line bleech outside Huck will be running for the corner [Applause] six to three [Applause] [Music] [Applause] rank builder for the extra point not occurred Steven Satou [Applause] 27:3 yourself I thank you Keith many of our viewers might like to know that we have quite an elaborate setup for telephones to all the press boxes every Saturday afternoon here on NCAA football we have phones - Norman - Austin fondant Boston College today and also to Notre Dame to bring you up to date with the very latest information on all these scores that we hope you enjoy that particular service that we give you and I to mention here but this crowd of 100 to 1000 plus is just one of seven sellouts this year at halftime I touched a little bit on the economic picture I think it should be mentioned that Michigan spreads evenly with all of its opponents and so a couple of weeks ago Duke took $250,000 back to Durham as well the Texas Aggies in fact it's so desirable to play in the Michigan Stadium the folk Duke and Stanford have requested that their home games of the next couple of years he transferred here to Ann Arbor because of the tremendous amount of dollars they can take back with all right let's go Pete that's called bottom line is the fun kicks off and kicks it out of bounds and that'll be five yards marked off against Michigan they worse defeat that an improve a large football team is half put on it was ninth to now way was back in 1975 when Frank Broyles Arkansas Razorbacks beat the Aggies 31 to 6 there's a sporting driver for Michigan three players 24 yards they leave 27 to three with Curtis Dickey and Daryl Smith deep and that incredulous look there I'm not sure if whether it reflects the wonder of what Michigan is doing or the disappointment of what's happening for the Aggie I was abused a little bit they're moving up all over to kick to Smith not to Dickie the tick off before the last kickoff they moved the ball over a little bit I hope saw bull run outs till he kicked the ball away from Vicki [Applause] Tully hits it at Smith again Darryl comes up on the 20 gets across the 30 Phil about the 32 now with the wind at their back the actives will get it if there's of advantage to be had they've better do a whole lot of get them to get back in the ballgame wishbone is a tough office to play catch-up Darryl role told me to battle one Optimates that playing don't playing catch-up I won't want to get their head put it on the 31 yard line first guy for Texas A&M what it won't be but good here because the clocks working in this kids favorite what is got it except on the golf ball well he almost got outside again the number 40 said begins him over along with John Anderson suppose a little more passive now that he was at the initial asset remember earlier they had a 15-yard penalty goal against will grant whoa got the athlete it means he got a flag himself but he's a person yes he is second down and seven Walker in trouble [Music] 2:18 the trenches any team I think I've seen this here it's not the biggest big 10 team but they have the quickness that makes good neatness a football team's losses back to the 24 yard line third down and 18 Walker's gonna throw [Applause] [Music] number 95 Curtis Grier was shooting messed up the play form and it top secrets got the tackle [Music] [Applause] charge considerably the triple option is so difficult to execute will take so many repetitions in practice you have very little time to work for mass production [Applause] David now beginning to walk a little more on his own as he leaves the field and Appleby is if the front with jolly and heartened deep for Michigan well according to go in the game this is got about to get the ball back and pretty good field position it is put it is a touchdown number 18 in tickets fix it in [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] watch this nap will be steps into the ball number forty Simpkins comes fly through and then Jim Pickens number eighteen gets the ball in the endzone and the Wolverines have scored on the buck runner look like a couple of all here he took an extra step position two walking probably wanted that extra step to try to get more leverage intuitively to get him out of a hole and it blew up in the space so Craig Gruber we're putting off the tee and kick off this time lavon's had a little trouble keeping the ball of the peel to play with a kickoff here the second half at Michigan 34 to 3 I'm surprised I am too all he's taken at the deke at the one I knocked it loose but the Nuggets get it back so Curtis Dickie almost turned it over to Michigan inside the 15-yard line ABC's Wide World of Sports following the ball game today we'll have the farewell game for Pele from East Rutherford New Jersey he plays a half to the Gospels and a half for Santos of Brazil competitive performance in this country at least to fill a perhaps the final anywhere mic Bosley is at a quarterback now for Texas A&M from the 13 yard line distant these bigots the scores 34 2 3 and gluon Wow they're cheering we're number one they were for 2 weeks throughout the third last week [Applause] USC last night defeated Washington State 4107 leaving Kansas 10 to nothing right now Michigan took the process of routing a freshman from Humble Texas six to 176 Michigan team now asking this proud of otter for 4,000 802 just settle down let's Fitz ballgame didn't go out ham party that's what happened last night USC defeated Washington State Charlie White had a big night 128 yards in a couple of scores next week USC and Alabama the Coliseum in Los Angeles will be a barn burner foot hose lay hands it off-- inside to have the place good for about seven yards as Woodard gets it up to the 20 and it'll bring up second in about three number 75 Kenny Kirk getting a very slowly junior out of Austin Texas from having thrown the block talking earlier about miss could have the psychological advantage going into this ballgame [Music] hey pass across midfield a second half Michigan is dominated in both lines and Springs Mosely its it gets his first down as he comes up to about 225 crossing to the 26 comm Tedesco thank you to stop all this there has to be an absolute state of shock on the accuracy capitalizing on their mistakes in this third floor at the 25 I guess I have a first down [Applause] dickie up to the 34 5 bill all right Notre Dame is leading Michigan State by the score of 13 to 3 in the third quarter Bob bulik intercepted an Ed Smith past the Michigan State 30 and then Dave Lee took the 40-yard field goal boost quarterback in today's of Montana we'll check on that keep the interesting good question Joe pulled one out for last week did it at Purdue alright it's second down and five Oh Texas A&M Woodard Oh big George got a first time once it gets out there he's hard to catch he can run for the score he has this year in other years - this is a tough position to put a young quarterback freshman quarterback Mark Mosley in the ball game but he was a highly recruited young because they're number one quarterback in the entire state of Texas where they have level of the schools playing football let's meet 1,100 quarterbacks [Applause] hose that gives it to Vicki [Applause] [Music] [Applause] reported 20 Hayes pull the back out of the game that fumble against mr. shooken that said son and better you've not been for bumbling exhibition all right the Wolverines up by 34 degree in there it gives the Huckabee [Applause] [Music] [Applause] today Keith Montana started the ball Montana started the ball game and has played the entire way at quarterback [Applause] today also let's take a look at this score here Nebraska and Indiana Nebraska leading 17 to 13 in quite a ballgame 321 to go third quarter second down 3 at the tailback position the 510 190 8 bounce up four out of Detroit EE young men from Detroit City running out of the tailback position for Michigan that both of them do it pretty well now first down at the Aggie 35 this Michigan team is fighting to regain that number1 position I'd hate to play a team has just been moved out of the number 1 place of the polls Kevin king is now in at fullback for the Wolverines he just carried the ball and he stuck his head in there and got about 3 yards to near the 32 Michigan's defense has played offenders football really this is the difference that maybe some people didn't count on the piston defense could hold a ATM as they hey Rick leaks comes off the field against a standing ovation you can see why bowls impactors Ohio Rick elite make it second down and eight yards to go Brian Dickie number six is the quarterback a freshman from Ottawa Ohio and Roosevelt Smith carries the ball the players of the future for the Wolverines will bring up now third down after that short gain and about six remember today on ABC's Wide World of Sports at 5:00 Eastern so long adios fire fondest hope Ricardo salute to Pele one of the most dramatic sports personalities of this era thirty four three Michigan Lady Anne 825 to go and the handoff goes to Roosevelt Smith and he's going for a first down a 23 yard line Michigan now just rolling the momentum is there at these three yard games of now seven and eight door games at Roosevelt Smith is one young bandit posts impact the says has a great future here in Michigan he's getting a taste of what it's like with a hundred four thousand people's here in yeol even though the score is thirty four to three first down a key 23 Brian Nikki running the ball club and off his into the middle some of you may wonder best for those of you around Camden New Jersey about Stacey Johnson who was listed as the number two quarterback for the Michigan Wolverines Hayes has had some trouble with his leg I saw him yesterday said you feel pretty well ready to get back and start playing Ralph plate number 22 goes into the huddle now and Easter comes out at a wide receiver spot and platon is going wide for the ride off second down from the twenty and seven to go [Applause] Dickie gives it to Smith that's fumble and the ball goes loose in there the penalty flag goes right in with the ball let's hold everything as John our Fez Nick came up with it for Michigan looks like it might go against the wall rushing in this half it is a holding call against Michigan as you can see Wolverines have gone for 105 yards on the ground the Aggies of hammerstone 236 in the second half and they've had great field position this entire second hand had been played in Texas A&M territory when they made a mistake they were in scoring range and four down territory each time the tank Bank has made a mistake and they were able to capitalize a coach's dream is to play the ball game or variant of the deal make them hem of his light break next Saturday the Alabama Crimson Tide against the Southern California Trojan to 3:30 Eastern 130 mountain John Robinson got a great job and he's got some pretty good-sized folks to work with to [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] completely beaten a Jew was a touchdown he turned and ran up the whole lobby five official so we didn't need that City they call to be the power it was asked yo touchdown defense attacked his turn grandpa seven minutes and 11 seconds and they're bringing it back [Music] let's get the definition here they're bringing go all the way back up the beer it is not passing appearance merrily against Texas a mmm indicated personal foul somewhere here now if it's not all set fouls then we're in trouble with the college
Channel: Pizza Pizzichetti
Views: 1,939
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: fyXVkkRkRgg
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Length: 130min 14sec (7814 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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