1978: Michigan 28 Notre Dame 14

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NCAA college football today presents the seventh ranked Michigan Wolverines featuring their talented quarterback rick Leach and the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame with their great quarterback Joe Montana that scene has been in northeastern Indiana for 48 years Notre Dame Stadium as two giants of college football are about to make their appearance we don't know which team is coming out first because of a psychological battle between Dan Devine of the Fighting Irish and Bo Schembechler of the Michigan Wolverines all right in the green jerseys for Notre Dame we're looking number three that's quarterback Joe Montana number 30 is Jerome heavens and a great all-american linebacker number 55 Bob Golok the referee today is a veteran Big Ten official his name is Jean Calhoun an attorney from Madison Wisconsin he's in the white cap and now coming in from the far side of the field the east side we have number 46 jure meter a very fine linebacker and number 33 will be calling his number a lot today Russell Davis get back that toss of the coin I introduce yourself here this is captain's Golic heavens and Montana meet captain Davis and leech Oh captain meter okay here the visiting team who's going to call the toss hey there's a head that's a tail while it's in the air I'll catch it you're going to have to get back let's get back fans causing the referee Jean cologne a little problem and this is about the friendliest these five players will be all afternoon the tails it is you've won the toss Michigan well you can take a goal I think you always call do you wanna become offended or I turn around back skip back he's the man in case you're Calhoun and some of the fans who here comes the Michigan team undefeated having knocked off Illinois a week ago 31 to nothing there in white with amazin blue and those spectacular helmets at the great Fritz Kreisler developed many years ago back going back to the 1939 so Frank runs Michigan that long stage wait I have and here's their coach Bo Schembechler his 10th year and what a great guy and what a tactician of intercollegiate football he is that Chris and he is an intense person I don't know of any folks that I've ever met there's more intense than he is his team played just exactly the way that his personality exemplifies he they are strong and they are ready to play you can see that but Notre Dame the number one team in the country of 1977 facing Michigan the number 8 team in the country in the only team is pretty sick top 10 in both the AP and UPI polls for 10 straight years in the final voting in January Notre Dame's mail is ready to go as ten other green jerseys are all raring to go Michigan's 11 white shirt and legs are all set Needham Lindsey to Sanders with Kashia nets are Bezdek between the 50 and the 45 Johnson Marsh Larry Reeves and there it is end over end and it is going to be taken by Huckabee uncle B flips at the goal line to the 5 to the 10 to the 15 in at the 19 and big businesses api's live in the backfield with a bonus Huckabee inflaton with the wing bags Russell Davis closes full there's Russell Davis he's hit right there by the hole for calling and making those Glasgow fumbles upon another day recovers the first big break in the ball game goes to the Fighting Irish as Notre Dame get the freak oh is that a psychological big as Michigan only had one burn over a week ago at tackle with Hayes at the split in Montana under center he heads off to heaven 7th April 15 the kids and dropped 59 in a half yard line Raymond makes the tackle he made two tackles a week ago against the Illini again tender center first and seven at the 7 yard line Kearney in motion there's a pitch off the side of Fergus he said it's a 60 loses sound he loses about a yard on the play the line of scrimmage was a six and a half and Ron simcha it brings up right now second down and we have about six and a half to go here comes curry in motion again across formation it's whole ahead there's one Tanner backflip over number 93 for social game number 90 clear line dinger Texas a pass right over the center 17 yards after the Michigan fumble and for big plays in the Irish fans go wild Notre Dame leads in this ball game seven to nothing over this the very maze of glue supplies football Notre Dame c'mon tennis that's the team for Justin in heavens with the running back there it is Ferguson following heavens he gets no blocking now I get the Rockies over the 35 and hit at the 35 yard line three men in their jury meter in their beautifully for Michigan goes conbini at the tight flood on the right is holy and there's a hand up this time to the half pi he's hit right there for 37 yard line and you know Rondo with a complexion of the game we talked about emotions third on they have two out of four right now conversions on third down situation there's Montana and the creepy he pitches off with a formal ball back at the 23 yard line recovered by another game at the 21 well Notre Dame is having their share of misuse right now Jimmy Stone taking the pitch back from Cory who had taken the handoff from Montana man was born here at Notre Dame 28 wins and eight losses that's winning at 79 percent overall folks some backers 81% and Dan define a 75% in coaching at Arizona State Missouri and here at Notre Dame the i-formation there's a hand up the davises over the 45 to 40 to 41 cough I trust those steel horse famous picking them up on lamb inside and park meghanadha making the blocks up front actually first 18 minutes we got 12 minutes left in the first half there's the bone plays and huckle be at the running spots with Davis up close so if he needs for the ball he's going to keep his over the 40 per seconds 436 lat what leach does says and he picks up Michigan's fourth first sound of the ball game check it out and now Michigan has Steve not up over the ball behind follows the Wolverines have be store wide to the right to tight ends in the balance slide the running backs Mitchell goes through the left side of the wing back Huckabee deep and Davis close and Ricky Lee shows on vigil faculty he's got a block but he did at the party down over the 30 the 26th and hit at the 25 yard line WikiLeaks was hit on the play as he let go of the ball will it be two tight ends with satan wide to the left and there's a golf played huckabee's hit at the 23 yard line going up the center picking up blocks to our business not in power so Ricky leaf census team to tight ends in the balance line now they go into power I with Huckabee deep and Davis close and third down and forth listen to the voice another day football I think another Dame jumped offside there's a fix to crazy ladies down to 59 the tip head back into the five I know for them I believe was offside but Michigan will decline the penalty but maybe we're thinking ahead too much hole that you hold it let's see who was against it'll be the Notre Dame captain Coley going in there with Michigan captain Russell Davis and it is against Notre Dame and Michigan will refuse the penalty and have the ball heads off right now it's Michigan trail 7 another they have the ball second and four two tight ends little balance line here's one possibly making the tandem of the eye with Satan wide to the left huckle be deep and Ricky leaders going on Rick and he scores and it's 7 to 6 and releases his third touchdown of 1978 wickedly to had two running touchdowns against Illinois they just boost six guards for a touchdown here I guess Notre Dame and Craig wonder who had four for four on extra points will attempt to tie it up and holding for Michigan will be BJ Dickie and Ricky Lee who is a freshman ran for five touchdowns who is a sophomore in 76 ran for ten touchdowns who is a junior in 77 ran for seven touchdowns he has now run for his first touchdown of 78 from six yards out BJ tikki spots it it's fun and it's ejected send over Lance and it is good Greg Willner gives us a brand new ball game me Higgins if Notre Dame Michigan seven you for you getting carried away baby we've got 40 minutes left of this contract formation comes Jolla here number 31 is Fergie deeper he takes follow sevens over the 35 to 35 and got the 31 here I might remember the series cited as a Michigan 41 wide out his quarry and there is the fake handoff in Montana Johnny connects on the 21 yard line and a sucker there by heavens and he rolls out of bounds at the 19 and then his first time for note today they pick ups to up here in our ii-era least over a five to four defense and he puts the halfback in motion that's jolla hand across formation pitches off to Fergie follows heavens Fergie sit at the 15 is dropped at the 12 yard line Notre Dame's offense is not to be denied on this slide okay through tight ends in a balanced life Fergie deep first and goal at the 4-yard line Notre Dame seven Michigan seven there's Fergie and he's driving into the end zone Furguson drives into the end goes to the poi yard line this is a game of emotions and Notre Dame's were really aroused that was real heady footballer departed Joe Montana there and there is the extra point by Yunus is up and over Lin and it's no sir game 40 Michigan seven five minutes and 21 seconds remaining over this the Michigan football Network so linking each now with third and three wide to the left is Clayton to tight ends for balance line Huckabee's deep and Davis folks looking nice look for the tight five-two defense of live breaking these rolls out he's going to keep he pitches off the hawk hot sauce first down over the 30 to 45 check the 40-yard line over the 35 down to the 40 just flying along that eastern side line with that nine five speed 100 yard dash called Harlan Huckleberry Finn huckle by2 the rightest Feaster at the slot tight on the right side his plate he goes in motion across formation huckle be deep and Davis close and Ricky nice looks at a 4-3 defense of lying - Ricky Lee throw got these Keith he's into the openness of 45 and gets to the 48 yard line two and a half yards shy of the first down that was second down at ten and Ricky leach picks up about seven and a half yards right through the center on great running there great second effort in Ricky least two tight ends the balance - the wishbone with famous quotes Clayton and Huckabee thief Ricky Lee strolls out to the light and Rickon East keeps the first time over the 45 and down - the Notre Dame 42 yard line that play is Farris once they're in the film it is their Michigan is starting to execute big Michigan first and ten on the Notre Dame for 43 yard and there's a an offense and Huckabee up close there's a 35 to 32 yard line and nice you can take an advantage of the fumble recovery on their own 27 yard line let's now move the ball down to the 33 yard line and Ricky Lee just starting to catch up Michigan trailing 14 to 7 of all resting on another day 35 bestir and Mitchell wide to the right and wide to the left Ricky leashes back for a pass when will he connect he's gonna scramble now he's getting away and he's gonna run he gets blocking he throws it as completion at 20 I line the dust by and Ricky leash rises to the occasion the flip phenom rises as I said I put the challenge to the Gutzon glue is amazing blue and did he respond every week it's luckily even David supposed to Ricky visuals I did his off a thousand twenty he turns on the janitor four seasons up at the 14 yard line he picks up seven yards from the 21 down to the Irish 14 they're going to bring it into the hash 518 yard in from the far eastern sideline there we go Ricky Lee set the scene second and fourth the Notre Dame 14 yard line it's the bone there it is highly plate now the ten nine eight seven six five four three guys route Layton took that fall and move behind fight Nick not our Spanish to flame the left guard from Cleveland all the way down to the three yard line it was Huckabee give credit where credit's due I could be had the ball and it'll be cold to go for the maize and blue only George Patton Schembechler knows what they're going to do now plate and ride to the rice inside isn't about if Huckabee deep and David closer rickielee under center WikiLeaks on the lawn County brings Notre Dame offsides I believe lishus back throws the pass down in a marsh hike down flats down Marsh Dunbar's catches a touchdown remember he made a circus catch for a touchdown against Wisconsin a year ago does my sketches that fall in the Notre Dame Enzo Ricky leashes caught Montana this afternoon for that old Heisman award we JDC holding it set by Lucius spotted his kick is up it is rise and we have a brand new ball game from South Bend Indiana this is what you were expecting this is what I was expecting that's why 59,000 fans are here in your glue to your radios and television sets across the nation we're going to pause right now for a word over this the Michigan come-from-behind 14 to 14 football Network here he is in behind them as you can see Waddell returned to South Bend after this so it brings up now third down and still 10 a passing situation for everyone in the stadium to watch there it is a drop back pass it's down field it's intercepted by Michigan he's down to the 40 he cuts into 35 and it's intercepted by Michigan's Jerry meter carry neither intercepts the number to tackle in 77 makes a big interception here the first of his career as Michigan look at those Wolverines in white jerseys South we let it all general fold let's get the old not now let's get that chief we did it before they scored last time they might as well try again so Michigan's office Donald well you know that's the difference Bob you see before he didn't have fur the wrong situation there was such like you knew it was a pass you can be prepared for it and then took over in there so it does change the situation a great place boy it sure does the complaint complexion change from gold and blue to maize and blue is just what it did inside the Notre Dame 30 4 yard line one defense intercepted the ball and brought it to the Notre Dame 34 so it's certain can Feaster wide to the right Clayton wide to the left to drop back pass everybody know it's downfield it's cut by Mark and he's first down to the 21 yard line that Marsh who caught the touchdown pass earlier in this second half to tie up the ballgame just catches another within Ricky leashes on target just as he was a week ago he was 17 and a half yards to go ahead in this ball game for the first time Michigan versus Notre Dame up over the ball comes Steve naughty he's back here who tight ends to the balance line is the i-formation it's been Steven David spoke to Ricky in each Thunder centers the 17 and a half yard line second and seven and he goes out to the right he being leash he spots a man open down his pipe down he's wide open it mark that mark the akron ohio junior catches his second touchdown of 1978 his second touchdown against Notre Dame the third in his career he thought he was a master magician a year ago when he made a circus catch against Wisconsin when he caught one for a seven yard touchdown but that's nothing to what he's going to tell his grandchildren when he tells them he caught two cuts down passes from the great all-american quarterback Ricky leash on September 23rd in the Notre Dame Stadium and Michigan lead 2214 his Michigan strike Wilner now he's 2 out of 2 and he afternoon six out of six on the season it spotted it's kicked its end over end there is no good Oh no good I'm sorry it was off to the left or were we premature on that horn that time well that could be an awful big break psychologically with 14 minutes and 55 seconds remaining and Michigan with 20 and Notre Dame 14 break welder couldn't have picked how do you word it well that's the breaks the football he missed his first one he was five out of five in his sophomore year two years ago he was 42 out of 44 a year ago he was five out of five until this one right here he missed it but Michigan is going to kick off right now and there goes Jolla hand in motion and there's a hand up this time to the halfback it's heaven and heavens has hit at the 14 yard line Notre Dame now on the ground conservative therio Montana's underneath Dave Hoffman he has two running backs Ferguson and he hands off this time to the full-back and he sit right there at the 17 yard line his heaven Gerry heavens in there a to successful plays so it brings up mantains spits outside watch that guy old Ron Simpkins looking over Joe Montana who has a third and three he is fergie deep in heaven supposed to drop back as he throws it over and it is hot beautifully but he's not funny cat Fergie is not going to get the first down he is driven back to about the 18 yard line remember the series started on the 10 Don was not only a player on the Michigan teams in 42 3 & 4 actually is the only man at Michigan has ever captain 3 sports football basketball and baseball Fergie deep haven't supposed to drop back pass and there is Fontana throwing down field it's intercepted by hard intercepted and he goes out of bounds at the 22 yard line my classmate what may prove to be the biggest interception of Michigan 1978 season he caught it inbounds stepped out of bounds immediately might hide presence cotton-pickin maize and blue lights coming in from that free safety position let's call them the free spirit not too free safety the freemason blue spirit oh man plumb critical paths interceptions in the second half Jerry meter and Mike harden have been the difference here wide to the right this time is Feaster wide to the left is quake it Smith deep and David feau shrieking she's back and he's gonna throw downfield acquaintance he catches a touchdown god bless this garden stick amazing blue eyes right along with my time look at Bo Schembechler over there on those Michigan coaches Clayton was knocked out maybe it's what happened to Clayton in the Rose Bowl he hyperventilated remember when he almost got that pass in the end zone in the Washington end zone late in the ballgame and he just couldn't quite catch it and then he came back to the bench and he hyperventilated and it was just one of situations Ricky Lee said afeder been good I don't know whether he was shaken up was he done Bob he really got popped if that's the expression that can be used in football he really got wrecked he caught it in full stride just going over the goal line and the guy caught him he's going at full tilt guy coming and he really felt it until he held out of that ball for a touchdown which was a great effort believing boy and as we said to Bo Schembechler right after we try SPO with wanting to beat Dan Devine so bad he could taste it here we said and we closed that going into those commercials just before the game we said over this the Michigan sewer dye football Network an old route plays almost dying out there now but his little ole maze of blue heart is happy he's coming out under his own power he was really hit Michigan may go for two here as they lead 26 to 14 who said he can't pass I defy any of you second testers Michigan is going after Ricky leach through a 42 yard bomb he sets his team the i-formation there's Mitchell across formation in motion leech is back for two yard pass by a two point he's back on the 19 yard line well Ricky Lee came through when he had to he came through in third time situations for touchdown drives earlier in this half he threw a beautifully thrown Donald have you ever seen a finer thrown fatter you know first on its conservative football here in the sense that put Notre Dame deep in their own territory with a minute and 34 seconds it's highly improbable that they can muster two touchdown drives they could easily move for what and that's why that second touchdown here in the fourth quarter was so so critical for Michigan Greg will nurse standing back on his own 39 yard line 18 yards in from the far eastern sideline over the ball this time as Steve he was injured in the first half but he's back in a beautiful step back - winner winner gets a long high beautiful spiral down and it hits an employer by the Michigan bouncing a sound right there just like a golf ball when you drive to the green and wanted to hit and sink Lundell and it just sucked right there Joe Montana such this team is two men back or shown along with Palace they're blocking and he can't he's going to be dropped by just for a safety Michigan picks up the two points to make it 28 to 14 a safety and who made it in there it was Grier Kurt clear the Cass Tech Detroit senior who says maybe Harmon huh camisa candidate for all-american and Heisman wars but I come from the same high school Cass Tech so does rosey Grier and so does Tom C bronze but I'm going to be felt to here as a senior tackle and boy that time Kurt Grier was felt by one mr. Joe Montana as he had him eat to fall he couldn't believe he ate the whole thing but he did right there in that Notre Dame end zone and now toter Dame has a free kick with 68 seconds remaining in the ball game I don't know whether you firs ever felt any better scoreboard right now shows exactly 41 seconds remaining in the ball game and it's just about a foregone conclusion it bosz big blue machine or jump dandy Dan Devine Fighting Irish in what's been a classic football game the score boards read right now Michigan 28 Notre Dame 14 and as we look down as a Notre Dame fans we see a stunned and bewildered dreary dandified he can't believe that his Fighting Irish of lost two ball games in a row at home and he's lost to Michigan's Bo Schembechler BJ Dickie on what may be the last play of the game hands off the Larry reads 11 seconds but wait a minute who's that sitting beside drugs coach stand by why it's George Burns he's been sitting there throughout the ball game George Burns has been sitting right here on the Notre Dame page throughout the ball game the clocks are going to continue here with 9 seconds remaining and listen to the crowd Belair out I believe that's all there is anymore the final score Michigan 28 Notre Dame 14 and as we see George Burns look at him he's leaving the Notre Dame bench he's winding his way through the crowd he's looking for Bo Schembechler he sees pho look at him George Burns and Bo Schembechler they're smiling at one another they're shaking hands an old general bow and George Burns go arm an arm for the exit at the north end of this field which only goes to prove football fans even the gentlemen upstairs at this point in history believes that if it can't beat them join them while he set the Wolverines maneuvered all over this suitor Dame football field in the second half like 22 Penguins with odd herrings in their cumberbund for 30 minutes of grand and glorious football over this amazing blue victorious poised for the Michigan football Network
Channel: WolverineHistorian
Views: 25,203
Rating: 4.9018407 out of 5
Keywords: Michigan, Wolverines, Football, Notre, Dame, ND, Fighting, Irish
Id: EJuLzJmnjuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 34sec (1414 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 07 2012
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