Medieval Torture Museum - Hollywood, CA

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here we are at the Hollywood medieval Torture Museum hey you all carpetbagger here coming to you live from the West more specifically we are in Hollywood California we are out here on the Boulevard and I wanted to check out a museum I saw had popped up recently here on Hollywood Boulevard now years ago while in St Augustine Florida I stumbled Upon A Torture Museum in the top floor of an ice cream parlor and it was a most horrific and graphic experience but ended up seeing relatives of this Museum popping up a medieval Torture Museum popped up in Chicago Illinois got a chance to visit that uh within the last couple years uh but just the the LA version the Hollywood version of The Torture Museum uh just a joke just opened up within the last year I'm not I'm not actually not doing my intro right over there because the their music is so loud there's someone blasting music with a with a Boombox over there so not able to uh to do an intro without getting a copyright claim from the Thundering music but I figure since we are out here in uh in Hollywood we would check out their version of the torture Museum so uh are you ready for some torture please follow me [Music] all right entering the Torture Museum you can see a gentleman there holding a severed head now they have uh an audio guide that goes along with the tour but they also have a ghost hunting app where you can apparently communicate with ghosts that have been tortured we have the wall of skulls there but it is time to head into the basement here to experience all the torture because are you brave enough I definitely am very rarely am I am I startled or scared all right heading inside all right this individual here is undergoing several uh several different methods of torture this is the gimplane smile it says gimplane there so it's kind of like the smile that uh Heath Ledger had in the Dark Knight of the Joker character and then also he's carrying these uh these blocks here notice they're shaped like cards and shaped like dice so if someone had a problem with gambling as a form of punishment they would make them wear these heavy uh chains that would have uh cards and dice on them so Not only was it uncomfortable and humiliating but everyone knew exactly what your deal was and our next form of torture is the imprisonment in a cage everything's called pirate cages before where it's very small cage that someone's meant to stand in says that it would be made so they couldn't sit down and that their limbs would become deformed you can actually see the limbs there becoming deformed the ankles are getting all twisted and and weird see I was curious how this ghost hunting experience they said that the app would allow you to detect ghosts down here in the torture chamber so let's get start walk around slowly to detect Supernatural entities so well walk around okay check this out it just said a ghost was detected it says age of 429 years so a 429 year old ghost was detected it says open Legend let's see what that does so the ghost that we found was uh Lucas The Inquisitor said he was was in a hurry he was in a rush and he accidentally sentenced someone to death sentence the person to be executed which that's why we need to slow down we can't always be trying to rush through things we got to make sure we're uh we look over everything and do it correctly it says he cannot rest until he finds the person that he mistakenly had executed in order to apologize to them is the fork of the heretic being used on this gentleman here used as a punishment if you are you know go against the the religion that the people in charge are promoting and see it like strapped to the neck it pokes you under your chin and then digs into your chest making it very uncomfortable to uh to talk or really it makes it really uncomfortable to even exist and the walls all over the entire Museum covered in not only pictures of torture but torture implements you know these things here could be used for all sorts of poking prodding poking and and pulling and pushing and cutting and and and and mangling and twisting and and all sorts of other horrific things this is the flagellation section essentially flagellation is whipping people see her tied to the board there has some marks there on her back from these whipping tools let's see up there they just have a a wall full of whips that would be used to to whip someone but this is possibly uh possibly the worst whip here the cato9 tale well actually is that a cat of nine tails it only has five tails but yeah it's a chain it's got hooks like old Nails old rusty nails and they would use that to whip your back with I can't think of anything I would want to have my back whipped less than that thing this here talks about the scalding of the feet let's see the person tied down there with their feet sticking out in this little pot of oil where they would be able to burn someone's feet that's like really sadistic you think about the burning someone's bottom of their feet that makes it so difficult to walk around so difficult to even put your shoes on or even your socks the center of the room here we have the Sicilian Bowl it's a really cruel and strange way to torture and uh and execute people he'd actually Place someone inside the bowl and then you see they start a fire underneath and the metal would heat up and and just cook the person inside you you wonder why why does it have to be shaped like a bowl that's the part I'm unclear about on on why it has to be bowl shaped but apparently now the the person invented it showed it to their king and the King being liked it so much but wanted it tested out so he placed the Creator inside the bowl and actually killed him so the the creator of the bowl was his first uh was the Bull's first victim we have a rope here so let's see what uh we can lift the hatch there and see what is inside the bowl oh my gosh there's a burning human in there you can see he hates he hates being inside inside the bowl so sorry buddy sorry guys it's a sad face for anyone there says that this is punishment for uh gossipers and slanderers they would take their tongue and nail them to a pulse this uh this guy he was the Sprints and gossip spreading some hot gas and uh talking talking some smack about uh about everybody and uh he had uh had to have his tongue nailed to a a a post I don't know it seems to punishment may be maybe maybe disproportionate to uh to the crime to yeah you know words can hurt I admit it words can hurt but uh not nearly as much as a nail in your tongue there are some very uncomfortable Furniture this is the uh chair from kunika and this is this would be used as an interrogation device so you'd have someone's head in here you got all the different cranks you can turn it makes makes make sure screws go into their flesh that makes the screw go up under their chin at the screw between the eyes that's a hook in your nose this comes down and squishes the top of your head this is all uh all very sadistic and yeah I mean I would yeah I I I would hate I would hate to be interrogated like that I mean um you know in interrogating people with torture by the way there's some scientific evidence that that people but people are being tortured they don't actually confess they just tell the torture or whatever they want to hear so they're not necessarily telling the truth they're just telling whatever it needs to be that they will uh will not be tortured and look at down here yeah it's even got some screws for your feet screws for your ankles oh but they did the they did leave a hole in case you uh in case you poop yourself it's the impalement section over here the the preferred torture of a one Vlad vladre cool Vlad the Impaler and yeah it's basically this one simple you take a person and you put a stick through them there is the pendulum it's like a big hanging ax that would you would swing back and forth and saw prisoners actually see there is a rope on this one too so we can pull this rope here oh there we go get a good uh a good swing there going for the pendulum you can chop up this uh pile of skulls here this is the chair of inquiries this is another interrogation device and uh yeah it's just that really uncomfortable chair it's got these spikes in it that actually says in addition to uh to having spikes in it that would actually start a fire under the seat so that the spikes would be searing hot and yeah who comes up with this stuff who who thinks up that this is a good way to treat our fellow humans I have an interesting fact here this is the throne which you actually hang upside down they put your feet in these top parts and your body would hang down this way and uh yeah the interesting thing though is in the in the little explanation here it says that uh the people that regulated torture so apparently there was like laws on what kind of torture you could use it said that this was only allowed to be used once during an individual interrogation can only put someone in this one time while interrogating them unfortunately it says they've got around that because they would use it once but they would use it for days at a time which is kind of cheating notice this guy here appears to be in a lot of pain in a very uncomfortable situation and I think you might be making the same face he is making if you had to undergo what he is uh undergoing he has a mice or rodents placed on his chest under a cage they start a fire on the top of the cage which frightens the animal and the animal starts burrowing into his skin inside of his body which um yikes it's uh that's not a good way to treat a person and that's not a good way to treat a treat a little mouse either let's take a break from all the torture and see if we can find another ghost oh you can see they're on our ghost detector actually spotted a ghost oh wait oh do you see that you can see the ghost that just popped up there the spooky figure that's right in front of us as the ghost is uh 222 years old that we just found and actually snap a snap a photo of uh of that ghost so we can remember it so this is the ghost of warm me up Mary it says that uh Mary was a very cold person she didn't have money for firewood she was freezing she uh she was told by an individual that he would give her some firewood as long as that she could provide him with a baby so she actually kidnapped a baby and gave him the baby but when they found out that she had kidnapped a baby they punished her by placing her in boiling water which is ironic because she always wanted to want it to be warm and she finally was warm but not in the way she wanted to she was in a place with boiling water which is a horrible way to warm up this is the anchor says it was used during the Spanish Inquisition but see it kind of just locks you in a rather uncomfortable position you can't move your feet you can't move your head you just can't get in a comfy position no matter how much you try and then uh you get infection too you definitely uh that that that could that could end up getting really really nasty here is a manual Guillotine here but that means there isn't there isn't the blade that comes dropping you just have to uh have to put someone's head there and then chop it off yourself with uh a hammer I mean I guess you could knock someone's head off with a hammer oh that's that's awful there's a pillory you know you someone would stick their head and their hands through there and they'd be locked in place as a form of public humiliation and then the uh The Cauldron there that's where she just placed someone in and boil them um it's not as much humiliating as it just is uh horrifying and uh and painful this is the double violin for gossipers I guess this woman here is a gossiper she's been again spreading spreading the hot gas around and uh yeah and then apparently this would be used two women that were gossiping about each other would be placed in this device and they'd be looking forward to they both have to be staring at each other while locked in this device so that would get that would get really awkward really fast being uh being have to stare at someone that maybe someone you don't even necessarily like that much being locked in a device that forces you to uh stare at each other non-stop then The Gallows people are uh hung by the neck that guy got a bag over his head that guy does not I think I would uh I don't know I might take the bag what do you think would you would you put the bag over your head or just go go with being able to see I think the bag might be uh an improvement down this hallway you have a different implements oh there's like a spiky Club to hit someone with foreign just like a big pointy triangle spica that someone's put right in the middle and I guess their their arms and legs tied so they're forced to balance on the little pointy bit and uh leads to great and miserable discomfort this is the this is the dismemberment section and what's in this box what's in the box because we have to pull the Rope to see what's in the box there oh yeah it's a it's a it's a box of dead chopped off body parts oh yeah yeah let's close that we don't we don't need to see that the brutal executioner there there's his uh executioner saw up above him the big saw that he'd used to dismember people yeah has the ax there as well for someone to sit on that stump and then chop their head off there's another one of these cages I guess this is like a wooden version and yeah it seems like it would be uh incredibly uncomfortable to have to to sit in a or stand rather you can't even say you have to stand in uh in this cage and that would hurt your back hurt your feet hurt everything in your entire body and we have the automatic Guillotine we saw the uh manual Guillotine back there you can see the purse in there pretty simple person lays there the blade comes down and chops their head off now it looks like they do have a rope here it looks like a one point you could raise and lower the guillotine but uh I think it's uh permanently in its downward position the thing about torture is you really don't even have to be that that creative you just have to be sick and twisted you can see it's just the person there laying on a grill we've got the fire under the grill there uh just just grilling someone alive like a like a flame kissed Whopper and you have the wheel of torture here and I don't know exactly the whole process in which the torture occurs but you can see this uh this human here has become very very weathered and depleted as he as he asked her strapped this way I don't know if they spun him around really fast or something like that of the wall of finger torture there these uh these hands have been tortured in various ways I got a nail through that one that one's got uh something shoved under the fingernails that was just got fingers chopped off using these horrible implements here and uh this guy here I think he's actually relieved that he has hands chopped off because then he doesn't have to endure any more hand torture yeah I don't know these wheels so much horror on these uh on just those Wagon Wheels what are they what are they doing to people on these wheels now most these victims are from the medieval time period but this gentleman here he's from the uh 1950s era Colombian Civil War where he was given a Colombian necktie which means that's when they they cut a hole under your mouth and they pull your tongue through it uh that's yeah that's not the necktie you want for Father's Day I don't know where these stairs go you see there were some skulls there some sort of torture cage this basket here is a basket used for snake torture you can uh here in oh he's that guy there okay he's got some snakes there down on his lap and it looks like they've bit him all over his body just yeah you don't you don't want to be in a in a wicker basket full of snakes that's always a recipe for disaster this guy here his head is eyes burned down oh my gosh buddy what happened here what happened to your eyes oh wait oh oh there they are there's there's his ice it's a torture table and you can see the the masked torturer there getting ready with his uh his little meat hooks do all sorts of horrible things on a torture table it's really whatever your sick imagination uh can lead you to looks back here like even got like a like an oven to uh to torture people with here's a table full of brands these are for like sticking on a person get this hot and then you jam it onto someone's flesh and you can make oh look that one you can make a little fleur-de-lis in their back but no one wants a Florida lease branded in their back at least not unconsensually I mean I know some people have gotten Brands as like a form of tattoo or body modification but uh should never brand anyone who doesn't want be branded here's some little mini Brands and these little tiny marks on people there are masks of Shame these will be put on people as a form of humiliation and Punishment see this one would be like you'd have to wear this mask with a big trumpet up front if you're like a gossiper man they really hated gossipers back in the day so this shows that that you have a big mouth that you talk like you have a big horn in your face and this one this just makes you look like a big Goofy weirdo there's a pig mask there yeah a lot of a lot of crazy things it would definitely be embarrassing having to walk around uh with one of these on your head this one's even got a little bell on the front so it makes noise and everyone can hear that you're coming and they can look at your dumb mask here's a witch dunking device to dunk a witch in a barrel of water to see if she was a witch or not the only catch was the only way to prove you were not a witch is by Drowning because normal people drowned underwater witches apparently don't so really once you find yourself in that position it's just a it's a lose-lose but I think you can actually operate this uh this dunking mechanism here foreign [Music] sorry some head and hand vices and this guy unfortunately is being is having his head and his hand viced at the same time oh look at this he's just he has an excruciating and absolutely excruciating headache it's also like there's a cockroach right there and he's got ants crawling on his hand he's just got so many bad things happening to him right now it's a very bad horrible no good day this is not a fun horsey ride right here this woman has weights tied to her feet to uh cause excruciating pain as she sits on that horse we see some insect torturing here this person locked in a barrel well they actually have it cut open to see what's going on inside the barrel so basically normally you just have his head sticking out of the barrel but inside the barrel is where all the horror is happening he's covered in tarantulas scorpions and ants oh my goodness and if the big metal humiliating masks weren't bad enough here's some torture shoes different devices that are strapped to feet with the goal of making walking the worst thing that ever happened to you well this chain here it's got a big rock that's like a just tie a rock to your leg you can see the torturer there preparing a ridiculously big torture boot we have burning at the stake this is the European way of punishing witches or not punishing but just executing or killing uh people suspected of Witchcraft I know in the United States and Salem they used hanging as a method sometimes there's misconception that they burned witches in Salem oh my gosh over here we got the the world's worst dentist oh my gosh don't open your mouth don't say ah nothing good is Gonna Come of this again with the the wheels here Wheels do such terrible things now I must commend the medieval Torture Museum for this they have the Iron Maiden here but actually does explain the Iron Maiden was not not a medieval torture device there was uh it was originally created in the 1950s as a as a fake medieval torture right that was on display in Germany and they claimed that it was an actual medieval torture device but it's actually a modern fabrication so they actually do mention that that the Iron Maiden was uh was not so legit this guy here is a victim of the bloody eagle and I would take you around back and show you his back but it's just too horrifying he uh they actually cut your back open and pull your organs out to give you a set of wings which why why would you do that to someone who have execution by press crushing this person's been crushed under these two spiky boards and I have got a hand on the Rope here so we can see if we can uh we can lift up the right there oh yeah there we go we're lifting up I'm trying to rescue you buddy oh my gosh I can't hold on anymore oh my gosh oh my gosh you can see his face his face was all was all messed up from the spikes and here's their mascot of the medieval Torture Museum this horrifying monstrous executioner there oh my gosh look it look at his face that is that is a face that has no compassion for any man woman and child on this planet here is the photo op room in here and they actually provide a ring light to help you take a better selfies which that's actually pretty nice [Music] all right I think I'm an executioner the king of torture I don't know who's this some sort of some sort of torture lady this is a metal for drunkenness as it's created by the Russians in the 1700s so you'd win quote win a medal for drunkenness and this giant heavy oh yeah that's so heavy this giant metal would be strapped to your body so you could you could you could walk around with this massive 17 it's a 17-pound medal for drunkenness hooray it's it's a very it's a major reward look at this for oh for it's for drunkenness [Music] wear it through the through everything [Music] I wish that I hadn't dedicated my life to a life of drunkenness the witch scales here you can see uh get on there and it can determine if you are an angel a saint a night a witch a goblin or an imp oh you definitely don't want to be an imp that's that's bad so I guess we'll uh I'll get on there and see uh see which one I am I stepped on the witch scale let's see here oh what am I what is that a woman night night that's one of the good ones I think you definitely didn't want to be a be a be a witch or a goblin or an M but I think I'm safe I think that uh that means that I don't get tortured oh man this guy I could tell this guy just hates being in a barrel actually no man no man should have to live as half barrel half man [Music] oh look there's a witch a witch up there [Music] [Applause] [Music] time for the horror to be over as we head up and out of the Los Angeles Hollywood Torture Museum what is that it is some sort of sort of uh 7-Eleven robot here I don't know where he's going this is a robot traveling down Hollywood Boulevard oh where's he where's he going where's he going to deliver too it's this robot wondering wandering down the street here is it is it weird that I'm following it should I not follow it am I making it probably making it nervous but uh yeah this is what a time to be alive where we have uh robot robot carts walking uh down the street making delivery I think he's making delivery uh or at least that's what I assume oh he's trying to get away from me I think yeah I've officially made him nervous I wonder what happens I mean Hooligans smashed him and and they know that he's carrying something delicious or something valuable something from 7-Eleven in his belly people are gonna knock him over and take him but uh yeah I think I'm making him oh he's going down this making a making a turd there is he gonna try to cross the street is he gonna make is he gonna cross the street it's that little robot is he being steered is there someone like steering him off site all right all right little robot go in uh go and make your delivery hope he makes it there safely in front The Game net what is what's what's the hoop bus Hollywood man thank you for joining me here for another wild night on Hollywood uh Hollywood Boulevard uh the Torture Museum definitely like as I said the event of these it's my third of the three torture museums that have popped up around the country and they're all incredibly intense this one was so thank you for joining me here for another wild night on Hollywood Boulevard this is the third of the three uh torture museums that I visited um and they're all they're very intense it's also you know torture torture is no joke it's uh you know they did they did reiterate in the museum torture is still a thing it's real and uh it's just a horrible horrible thing in some ways I think it is it is beneficial to bring bring to light some of the the awful things that the human beings do to each other so uh yeah thank you so much for for joining me tonight uh if you like these videos please subscribe and uh it's like help support the channel instead of donating to patreon three dollars or more we'll get you a postcard once a month from me to you also have enamel pins in the Etsy shop and I'm now doing cameos so if you'd like a personalized greeting a personalized message for yourself or for someone else all that information is in the description of this video and all that helps keep this train on the track This Witch dunked in the water and this uh dirigible of torture high in the air until next time my friends this one's in the back I try I've tried sorry
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 65,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, jacob, medieval, torture, spanish inquistion, hollywood, los angeles, ca, california, wax museum, roadside attraction, roadsie america, hollywood boulevard
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 8sec (1928 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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