Michelin Star Pasta in Venice - Gourmet Food in Italy

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come on [Music] i think i think foreign foreign oh foreign um [Music] um just keep going yeah see them foreign [Music] so this is our starter starter so this is from purdue so we just made with an italian twist we try to use the same and similar ingredient instead what we don't we cannot find here from peru we can find it as an italian ingredient and that's basically a tomato let's see the tiger but it's more like tomato juice tomato sauce is really fresh and cold and then we just marinate the amberjack we just started on top and we just garnished with a little bit of pickled liquid of noria lime and salted powder and some rest of the lime so then we complete with a toasted sunflower seed pickled onion in a bit of juice radish a couple of fresh herbs and then we finish on the tables with a canal of celery sorbet it's just savory sorbet just forgive you like a twist from warm just we ended with a little garlic just to give you something flesh also from the herbs a bit of parsley oil and that's all summer starter here at zanzi so to complete this complex dish we put on the top that's sorbet made with sealer give the monk a nice taste they are totally homemade with our crisco pepper dustin thank you let's cook the pakis a traditional uh kind of pasta and it's a shape of pasta and there's all my parkeries and made coming from woolwich flour okay so i just go inside to the pasta cooker i just draw and just we go to 8 minute timer pasta today is made with snails so we have snails from the land snails from the sea so here we have the sauce that's a sauce made with snails from the frog that's overdashing with seaweed and dry fish so we just moved we are just a no-waste restaurant we just try to use everything as much as possible so we all be off cut off the fish we just try and then we we try to make or have the mushy or animate so i just have few ingredients so there's a confit shallow and that's the snails from the sea yeah i just go with a bit of soy sauce a bit of polatula delici is over italian fish sauce and a pinch of chili [Music] so here we go foreign okay just end the pasta so we go with a little ginger butter and fennels probably tough my so so okay so pasta is almost done okay okay so let me explain the components so here we have the pasta with both snails from the land and from the sea here we have uh tatar with this garden is a battle of seabass that's garnished with citrus oil and some tribes and so so that we're going to play it up okay so the idea of the dish was to combine the flavor of the snails from the land and the snails from the sea and find out also a good garnish and a good point to have fang on the table so we plate up the the pass on the bottom then we go with the tartar of silvers just on top we top the pasta with the lettuce so it's a cream from lettuce so because the snails from the land used to eat levels so we just make the the sauce for the pasta it's a way to have also some fun and a game on the table okay so parsley oil because we eat we always eat snails with parsley horseradish some taste of lemon pizza so we just go with some herbs some flesh herbs because the snails living in the in the herbs here we have some bubbles of parsley because when you find the snails you find the snails with a bubble all right so we just recreate the dish okay and that's it and the dish is done all right thank you this is kimchi a little bit of maceration and you have a really full taste full body white wine and you will find the notes of butter almond really particular wine thank you you
Channel: Aden Films
Views: 688,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4RnTOzO_gYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Fri May 13 2022
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