Spaghetti al pomodoro di Carlo Cracco

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Hi everyone, nice to see you. Today we'll be making pasta with tomato sauce as I like it. It's not pasta with tomato sauce, but spaghetti, spaghetti with tomato sauce. We're using Monograno by Felicetti the 'Capelli', a very particular spaghettone that keeps 'Al dente' cooking very well and has a great consistency to the bite. For the tomato, our puree is a puree made of lots of tomato types. Date tomatoes, some extra virgin olive oil, some garlic, basil. Take some date tomatoes and cut them in half. We'll let them roast in a skillet. Let's take some extra virgin olive oil add our tomatoes and let them cook until they are nearly burnt. Meanwhile let's reduce the tomato sauce. Again, some extra virgin olive oil. When I am making pasta with tomato sauce, I am adding for a kg of sauce, reduced in half, 500 grams, so double the weight. Let's add some garlic, one or two crushed unpeeled cloves, in this way, and let's also add some basil, maybe we can add the leaves that are the least nice as a whole, so later it will be easier to remove. And we're letting it cook in this way for at least a quarter of an hour, let's slowly reduce it until it becomes half. In the meantime, let's keep an eye on the tomatoes, if they're roasting well. Here we are. Let's throw the spaghetti in, we're counting around 80 grams per serving but of course, you can decide your own portions at home, the important part is that the sauce is always double the weight. Let's add some salt and cut some basil to add on top. Let's take the bigger, nicest leaves, packing them together and cutting them very very thin, without crushing the basil. Let's take out all of the garlic parts, including the peel, just because it's nice to eat it, let's say, clean. The pasta is nice and 'Al dente', we'll finish the cooking in the pot for the last 2 minutes. Let's stir the pasta and take it out, more than straining it. Let's add some water, just to finish the cooking of the spaghetti. To sum up briefly and simply, roasted tomatoes, a very concentrated tomato sauce, meaning full of flavor. Some garlic, some basil and this is the best pasta with tomato sauce, at least for my tastes. Let's add some of the tomatoes we roasted before, and the pasta with tomato sauce is ready! Basil as the last touch. The reduced tomato gives is a rounded taste that is unique, with some roasting on top and the fresh basil, it's glorious! Buon appetito, enjoy!
Channel: Italia Squisita
Views: 3,991,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spaghetti al pomodoro, pasta al pomodoro, carlo cracco, tomato spaghetti, tomato sauce recipe, italian chef spaghetti, ricetta sugo pomodoro, spaghetti chef cracco, primi piatti veloci, ricetta veloce, spaghetti al pomodoro veloci, quick spaghetti recipe chef, italian pasta, italiasquisita, monograno felicetti, pasta felicetti, risotto allo zafferano cracco, risotto cracco, cracco chef, tomei spaghetti
Id: AZ1kuh0pZ_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 57sec (357 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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