I can't believe he's leaving! - How to renovate a chateau (Whithout killing your Partner) ep 22

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[Music] do [Music] friendly reminder friendly reminder no coffee break at the chateau for volunteers and interns my name is anna i'm an english former fashion and textile designer i moved to paris aged 23 to work for the french couture house bauman and stayed for the questions the wine and of course for philip a filmmaker from the south terrorian alps after 10 amazing years getting married buying and renovating two homes and having two babies we decided city life was no longer for us philip had been dreaming of buying a chateau since the day we met and finally convinced me to start looking we came to visit chateau gonville saunfler despite being in quite poor condition and needing a complete renovation we immediately fell in love in may 2019 we got the keys to the chateau our new home with a tight budget we had no choice but to do most of the renovations by ourselves we're learning new skills as we go building muscles we never knew we had and getting creative to make the chateau as personal as possible whilst preserving its historic features it's all part of this crazy family adventure and we wouldn't change it for anything [Music] so [Music] i'm afraid our vlogs are getting a little bit repetitive i'm pretty sure you know where i'm heading to i need to pick up our carpenter and when he called me this morning he was grumpy he mumbled something about precision tools he left at my house in my opinion he's just a bit upset these days because he still didn't manage to pass the test to get back his uh you know what i promised him not to speak about it anymore so let's speak about something different road safety for instance did you know that in france streets have speed limits on this road for instance in between my home and benoit's home it's 80 kilometers an hour so if you go faster several times and you get caught you end up losing your points and when you have no more points left they take away your driving license and you have to wait a couple of months and pass a test and then you get it back if you manage to pass the test do i know somebody who lost a driving license like this and i don't think so you so today we are building a bet for the first guest room and we know i said that we can do it in one afternoon [Music] so ensemble up [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] hey [Music] right [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm in the fourth guest room and last week i was able to do a lot of sanding and doing a lot of repairs to the ceiling filling a lot of cracks here i had to do a lot of filling this is a very old piece of 18th century paneling there was a lot of wood chipping and a lot of big cracks and now i'm just gonna sand it down then i can start priming and priming the ceiling so yeah it's exciting because i hate all the preparation it takes forever to do but finally we're getting to the stage where we can start painting and it starts to sort of feel more clean and come together [Music] i think i might have picked the short straw i might need a shower executed that you've dyed your hair gray yeah i had to shake it off earlier because i was absolutely covered oh yeah so i've now sanded that little toilet space over there and i've primed the ceiling perfect so yeah i'm getting i'm getting that next is going to prime it in there and prime the door and once benoit's finished doing all the little pieces i can start priming the walls so that's really exciting because i think it's really exciting when you get to put color on because i will start to feel how it's going to look when it's finished but already it looks much cleaner just even with the primer on the ceiling don't you think oh it does definitely nobody will ever know that there used to be a trench i think it turned out really well and i'm happy we did it like this was definitely yeah making that change yeah why are these cables still hanging out like this good question why are they i will take care of that yeah yeah now i'm gonna prime the door and i'm gonna prime in that now and are we going to paint the wood as well i think sodium yes i think so too it's not a beautiful wood it's just pine yeah but we'll keep these little handles they're super cute phillip did you notice i've protected the floor in here perfect because your idea of protection is like lying laying down the plastic and just kind of hoping for the best i noticed yes because i'm not good in you know putting sticky tape on because it's like really long and annoying and i don't like doing it so i don't do it but i have a confession yes i ran out of masking tape so i used a bit of your electric tape that's not an electric tube i don't know what it is it's orange tape it's called expensive tape yeah the expensive tape expensive tape we have a big crack here to build wow so now i can take the measurements i need to order my foam and then i'll have everything to upholster it made 59 by do you want to hand with measuring you know i don't need anything for me thanks why does nobody need my help today it's kind of sad that you're going to cover this it looks quite nice as it is doesn't it nice no it doesn't look nice i mean it's a nice frame well made but the wood isn't something special i don't think it will be much nicer when it's upholstered well luckily when i was not here to hear that because he insisted in making it really nice even though i said it's going to be covered she said yeah but i still have to sand it and still have to you know make it perfect yeah because he likes to work properly do things well yep phillip what are you doing i'm sorting out the electrics for our first guest room whilst you are painting and priming and building making noise outside i'm just really it's all go here today isn't it yeah it's good good progress i think we we almost finished this room it's ready to paint by tomorrow yeah that's good yeah oh really happy and what is this because there's like loads of cables just poking out this is where the electricity comes to all the lights and it will it's distributed in here so it's going to be hidden that's what we call in german uh cables a lot what is that a table salad table salad yeah careful and then they're done you sound weird have you been drinking again what have you been drinking again what have you been drinking again what type of paint are you using ella i need that one white pink white paint what is it ella it's a primer it's a crime a crimer it's a crimer [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] knuckles [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] um [Laughter] thank i am not happy this morning i showed philip all the sanding i'd been doing yesterday and then he checked and realized that it had needed an extra layer so basically he replasted the little bathroom here when he came back yesterday which means i did all that sanding yesterday for nothing and i'm gonna have to re-sand it again today before i can prime it so very annoyed but that's just gonna be how it is and at least they have finished doing you can see here um can you see here there we go you can see here they finished um covering up some of the cables here so now that's all ready to be primed and it's looking much neater and tidier and they even manage i'm really happy because there was a problem with this obviously very old covered door in that it wasn't shutting properly and they came up with this really genius solution so they've um screwed a piece of wood and sort of forced it to be straight again so i'm really happy because that is going to be the toilet behind there so now it's going to shut properly so today finish sanding in here start doing the top coat on the ceiling and i'm really hoping to be able to start doing the tinted primer on the walls today fingers crossed [Music] do in less than three weeks we will have our first guests in our first guest room so one of the most urgent things for me to do now is to restore the cast iron rolled up bath that we bought a couple of months ago i have a certain expertise in restoring a cast iron bath because when we bought the chateau there was a really beautiful castle iron bus here and we used it in our green room and i didn't restore it only once but twice because the first time i completely failed so this time i hope i don't make the same mistakes but first of all i need to get it out of here i literally just lost an hour looking for that rolly thing to move the bath from here in the other room since natto and cleaned the tool room i can't find a thing now everything is like in these shelves and one thing next to the other and and the funny thing is this wasn't even in the room that not dawn cleaned that's so typical natal [Music] not so heavy that bath would have been so much easier to ask anna who's next door to help me but then you wouldn't have seen how strong i am oh no oh i wanted to work in here on the basket i could turn it around i'll take off the legs and then bring it in take the legs on again i think i'm going to work in the hallway it's not ideal because it's a bit tight it's kind of sub-optimal filming conditions but i don't have a choice i don't even try to do this without a paint stripper before i'm sanding this i apply a generous layer of this product it's not a nice feeling to get this product on your fingers i used it a lot last year and at the end i had really really wet hands i'm sure there must be some sort of protective equipment for your fingers i'm sure i need to go out and research a bit for next time it's good how it just peels off it's also really smelly i think i need to open the windows i feel strangely happy right now like really happy happy happy and i don't think that's a good sign i know you're thinking philip there's an easy way to protect your skin and your lungs but unfortunately these days nats only works in the morning and it's afternoon already and he left oh you should be wearing a mask and some glasses it looks nice doesn't it it's gonna look great much better yeah and i think this this thing works wonders it makes you happy i don't think it's supposed to do that to you [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's reasonably smooth but i don't think it's smooth enough can we say this is a style like a shabby chic or something no i don't think so i think it should be well done so the thick layer of blue paint is gone and the red legs as well and now with the circus theme color scheme gone it starts looking much better i just read you don't need one when you have the vaccine okay okay [Music] these have been siliconed in place but i quite like it so i hope that i can take this off without breaking it and then apply it again [Music] that was easy good i should be able to restore this one i think it's good very good it's moving it's coming nice you can get new ones but the new ones they have a slightly smaller diameter i think some sometimes in history the standard changed and it was impossible for me to find larger ones like these for the other path so i managed a way to work with a smaller one but it's much easier to apply the original one and i think i rescued this one so i'm happy this is made out of lead lead fly lead i think it's called lead and this is not really good if you have pipes like this in a house and you will have some of these when you buy an old house in france and probably elsewhere you need to change them because if you have drinking water it can get contaminated and it might be a problem over time if you drink that for many many years but this is just for the waste water and has the perfect size and it works with these pieces here so if i manage to clean it then i might as well keep it not for saving money because i already bought a kit in case it doesn't work but because it's compatible with the original pieces of that bath there's a little dent on the side of the bath and before i can do anything i need to fill it and i'm going to use some polyester car filler for that you have a hardener and a resin and the best way to mix it is obviously with a pen and a screwdriver despite my usual version of reading instructions i decided this time to go for it because last time i used this product i made a rather big mistake which meant that i had to do it twice it comes in every language also german that's handy exiles oil cleaning agents for bathtub cleaning before refinishing process based on oxalic acids don't drink it don't give it to children not even to your own and use eye protection all right [Music] i think we're done so to neutralize the cleaning acid i use some baking soda so i got some fresh water and i add some generous quantity of baking soda another pro tip if you're working with acids or other poisonous substances and you need a container for your water look in your partner's patisserie cupboard it's always a chance to find something nice and clean and big enough [Music] i decided against my usual habits to protect the floor and i read instructions this time yeah so you fill up 10 minutes 10 minutes of staring do you remember last time of staring or staring what is it staring stirring stirring yeah stirring stirring what did i say stirring stirring okay so you have to stir that for 10 minutes do you remember last time when i did this um i had a problem with the other bath and i poured the material under into the bath and it just didn't dry and i called the company and said your product doesn't work it doesn't dry it never hardens and they asked me how long did you stare and i said very long because in instructions it says 10 minutes yeah and she said did you start for 10 minutes and i said well not 10 minutes because i thought 10 minutes was a metaphor for a very long time but actually it's literally 10 minutes that you have to stare this and so i had to do it all over again so this time have you put the timer on no but i can on my head ten minutes it's like philip ten minutes no seriously have you put the timer on no right get the timer you're a nightmare you say time on my phone yes go on the clock clock clock and then timer and then 10 seconds no i mean it's 10 minutes yeah but i've done already two so well yeah i cancelled it i'll make a new one and make an eight minute maybe you don't know if you've actually been yeah i feel it i have that i feel like it's a nightmare instinct i have my instincts staring instincts is it 10 minutes already no three minutes this is the software with me this is going to be a 10 minute staring section staring section not stirring this is staring staring or stirring this is staring staring and that's stirring that sounds exactly the same to me you look at me i'm staring yeah and now i'm stirring it's not easy i still don't believe it really means 10 minutes i think it really means 10 minutes look if i if it was my company i would write like longer so to be sure that people stick to it this can't be just me who would interpret this as a very long time instead of real ten minutes so i think there's probably the real amount of time necessary is five minutes and to be sure that all the people who are like me would do a good job they say 10 minutes last time we you ruined your shoes so we've improvised and put some bin bags on your shoes this time yeah so each time we're getting better hopefully will you be a nice and friendly as you say it's in anthropology neutral observer or will you be you when you're filming me i will be me okay so i need to be prepared for for a war you need to be prepared for me to tell you what to do okay because i do that's you know i need to do that you can't you can't help yourself i can't help you okay i'm i'm really nervous i'm not confident at all no i know me neither is the brass clean i think so why you you were responsible for that philip the difficulty is this product is self-leveling but that only works that's in my experience at the very beginning so if you mess it up then it doesn't self-level as nicely as it does at the very beginning so you need to get the core perfect yeah it's a you need a perfect pour and then yeah hopefully no dirt comes in or okay yeah i think i think you've done enough stirring now philip i'm feeling a bit nervous yes me too this is so stressful oh fill up that's perfect it looks it looks almost finished oh yeah it looks great [Music] oh my goodness what have you done what have you done that's how it is how would you do that differently it looks looks like some modern art oh my goodness i am not confident about this philip sorry i don't also don't think it really helps that you don't have enough room to move around no no that was the best possible place we had but then it's was there this much coming off it last time yes it's just at the beginning you always think oh i don't have enough but actually it starts collecting later on the on the floor yeah on the bottom of the bath and then and the secret is to stay calm i'm so nervous why do they say how the technique for doing that scrapey thing yes no you're just freestyling no and then you use the dryer to keep it running [Applause] basically are you sure that it's necessary to keep doing it well i kind of feel like that's making it worse leave it i think so you're gonna try with the air gun again i think it looks already perfect the corners look really nice and it's a massive perspective if you go far away into this room from afar it looks perfect yeah it looks perfect you see so the problem is from air is here so we hope that this will self level but i don't know i'm not 100 happy i'm not completely in despair but i'm also not 100 convinced that i think it could be better anna left she couldn't bear seeing me what we call a german for schlimberg the bath improving things towards the worst state than before but actually i think my insistence paid off pretty good but man was that stressful and having coach anna didn't help either now we need to see how this product settles if it flattens out perfect if not i can always sand it a little bit it shouldn't be necessary but i had to do it last time as well i'm by no way an expert and maybe if you out there have been doing this before and have had a better result and realized what i have been doing wrong i would be happy to learn about it in the comments and without any doubts this was the single most stressful thing i've done in the process of renovating the chateau and i would not have done it again wasn't it for the nice result you can achieve with this product this is a bit of a sad moment because it is nathan's last week here at the chateau as a volunteer however according to this very strict contract he still owes us one french lesson [Music] [Music] [Music] for me [Music] if you enjoyed this episode don't forget to subscribe and hit the like button for exclusive videos and behind the scenes updates have a look at our patreon page thank you so much for watching
Channel: How To Renovate A Chateau
Views: 314,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chateau, chateaulife, newlife, countrylife, diy, renovating, familylife, restoration, france, castle, doing it ourselves, chateau diaries, doing it our selves, living in france, chateau Bed & breakfast, boutique hotel, luxury hotel, house tour, chateau tour, french property, country life, barock, architecture, architectural digest, escape to the chateau, howtorenovateachateau, escape to the country side, renovation, french style, house and garden
Id: JeBE1zlsaKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 1sec (2041 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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