Michael Voris Church Militant Interview 3 10 21

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greetings greetings cup supporters i am delighted to have with me today michael voris yes you heard that right we have with us the one and only founder and president of saint michael's media and church militant as you know them the media enterprise that was established to address the serious erosion of the catholic faith in the last 50 years and we can only see this from what we've seen over these last few years the degradation in our society michael was born when i was born 1961 the year of the second before the year before the second vatican council and grew up in the church when it was coming apart at the seams and frankly hemorrhaging uh believers in the millions he graduated from the university of notre dame in 1983 with a degree in communications and moved into a career as we all know in television as a news reporter anchor and producer mainly in cbs news where he received four emmys for his excellence in broadcast journalism we can see him live on vortex each day on church militant and see his excellence right during his early years at st michael's media michael received his sacred theology baccalaureate in ecclesiastic postgraduate degree from the pontifical university of saint michael's aquinas in rome the angelicum and graduated magna laude michael has internationally including across the entire globe he's been in australia africa canada the philippines in europe michael carries his message of the need for a stalwart defense and promotion of catholic doctrine in catholic truth with a capital t okay with him wherever he goes in the hope of reinforcing the faithful i really want to thank you for being with us today i i'm just humbled that you're here right let me let me just go let me just say that i hope my my personal private judgment in front of our lord sounds that good it will because but thank you very much no no honors just look we're all catholics just fighting for the truth that's all it is your sacrificial love um you know for people and really putting yourself out there uh open and vulnerable knowing that you can be at attack and and and it takes great humility people think it's just the opposite but it takes great humility to do what you're doing and courage and conviction and i so admire you because i've only been doing this cup thing for you know the last nine months and you know you know the the attacks you know it's it's i i uh i need you praying for me because i think you're gonna be a saint some i really do you know we're gonna we're gonna be here he hopes i mean let's put it this way if i'm not this was a big waste of time right right oh my gosh so i i want to take us back to before st michael's media you know because i i parallel your story a little bit uh there are so many people you know who struggle with sin but then come back to the church right and come back to their faith fully you have such an amazing story could you share your story of your reversion to your faith sure i'd be happy to and you know and to that point for any of your friend of your viewers uh the sort of point of the church is to bring sinners back i mean that's the point so anybody who is hey whatever words you want to use mired in deeply struggling with wants to get out of doesn't feel like they can for you know whatever a billion different reasons people have uh you know you just got to sort of sort of keep you know jamming the sledgehammer against the wall it eventually chips away and you get through uh so i just want to give people that word of encouragement that is uh uh you know our lord is extremely patient uh you know as long as you have good will and you're trying you know to do the right thing or struggle with or whatever it is you need to do it's only when you kind of roll over and go okay this is it i just i love my sin i'm all evil that's a different story but just keep fighting just keep fighting it doesn't even matter if you've got you know one step forward and 10 steps back on a given day anybody who's ever dealt with an addiction for example you know alcohol or smoking or drugs or gambling or whatever it doesn't matter all of those things you know life has addictive aspects to it that are bad for us and even if at first they seem to be relatively innocuous or innocuous or yeah you can sort of get by or just a little dabble here there but i think most people begin to realize unfortunately quickly and too late uh that a lot of those things are sand traps you just you know quicksand you just walk into the next thing you know you're drowning uh so you know that was the case with me my sins were sexual sins and uh uh i found out after my mother had died i found out from my father uh that uh a matter of fact it was the night the night that we had we buried my mom at about 11 o'clock or noon on the one day back in new york and my dad told me uh that night uh kind of unburdened himself i suppose that uh his father had raped my mother when she was she would have been 20 and she had my younger brother sorry my older brother uh about three months old in the room my father was in uh uh it was on an air force assignment in ohio at wright-patterson air force base uh near dayton bright pat they call it and uh he had delivered my mom and his young son over to his parents to live there because he had to go off on a tdy a temporary duty thing for about two three weeks or something during that time my grandfather raped my mother that caused and when i say raped i don't mean just kind of an amorphous sexual assault i mean exactly what that word means and uh it was obviously extraordinarily traumatic for my mother she never got over it uh you know caused her all kinds of you know emotional damage and uh depression manic depress sorry bipolar depression uh horrible ocd everything her whole life and that spilled over obviously into the childhoods for my brother and myself and uh you know and it was a it was tough it was tough and uh uh it was tough growing up my mother you know just before she died i said to her uh you know mom you know you've got emotional problems right now i didn't know any of this history when i said that to her and for the very first time very first time she answered me and said uh uh she said yes i yes i do michael you're right yeah yeah i was very sad thinking about that right now that she carried all this stuff with her that was at that point that would have been uh that would have been 50 years she died when she was 70 and that happened when she was 20. and uh yes yeah just it was it was it was very sad and it really damaged her ability to be able to connect with anybody yeah with anybody really i mean you know there were you know marital problems obviously uh i don't mean cheating i mean just you know no innovation problems it's a relationship yeah yeah you know it's just very tough and anyway growing up in that household uh you know presented great challenges uh for my brother he was seven years older than me and obviously me who are the only two children and uh you know my life uh i won't get into my brother's life he has since died and his stuff is his stuff uh my stuff i can my stuff i can talk about um and you know i just i uh you know my dad was kind of trapped in a very uh you know what do i do sort of situation um i i would i would expect that he felt somewhat responsible for that uh incident i would feel that i would expect that my mother probably on some level blamed him for it and you know it was just a very it was very very rough i used to hear some very nasty arguments i'll just put it that way and so anyway you grow up in a situation like that it becomes very challenging to kind of have a sense of you know am i loved are you you know because you're not getting this kind of reciprocal thing as a kid uh i summed it up once and a number of people that were friends of mine actually here at the apostle that are very close to it i said on a vortex once that you know all of these sins create the psychology in people that they don't feel safe and that and i grew up not feeling safe not feel i felt like my my parents were going to like throw me in a closet and not let me go to the bathroom but you know they provided for everything materially but they didn't really uh provide emotionally because i they just weren't capable of it and you know the old philosophical sayings you can't give what you don't have and you know that was a horrible thing to have for my mother to have endured i do tell you that the instant my dad told me that every single tumble every single tumbler fell into place and i stood there my dad was laying on the bed with his hands behind his back just kind of stretching out and talked to me and i was standing at the foot of the bed in the hotel room and uh he said as soon as he said that to me i went first the sort of the shock of the actual event then i started going oh that's why and i started ticking things off my dad's like yes so everything i don't know if your mother would have wanted you to know this or not she didn't want you to know when she was alive and he honored that can you imagine him trying to hold that in all those years yeah he told me he never said a word to anybody about that even in confession unbelievable yeah they were married for 51 years my dad was my dad was quite a man uh i sat there and i watched all that stuff i watched it and i heard it as a kid i didn't as soon as i found out the information the night of my mom's funeral all of those arguments and things and they were pretty loud arguments and they're mostly my mom yeah yeah but all of a sudden everything i used to hear and go what i don't understand what's that about then i understood instantly it's like all of the pieces of the puzzle are being put into place and then you see the picture yeah you know and then so anyway that whole thing relationally for me and between my mother and my father uh you know my mom had severe severe ocd obsessive compulsive disorder um you know kind of like the washing of the hands a thousand times a day not letting anything touch the floor or all that ever you know all that sort of stuff uh in addition well she could control that yeah it was uh uh you know she just struggled through it and i'd rather put it i i do know because she told me when i after i graduated from notre dame she told me that when i was uh uh was seventh grade i think it was so i was what are you in seventh grade 13 i guess she was 13 she told me that one day i'd come home from school and she had just hung up the phone with a priest probably 10 or 15 minutes before i walked in the door and she had called him about an hour earlier uh this is when we were living in northern california and she had called him about an hour early an hour earlier and she had a whole lot of sleeping pills in her hand and was ready to kill herself and uh you know depression and all of this everything um so and she told you that she told me after notre dame she didn't tell me after notre dame after notre dame yes 10 10 or 15 years or so later she she had the pills in her hand the glass of water was right there on the little nightstand next to the bed and just before she took him she had a little like ding and she just picked up the phone and randomly called a parish and the priest happened to answer so thank god i have no idea who that priest is god bless him uh but you know that he was managed to talk her back off the ledge uh or i would have walked in and found my mom look you know overdosed oh i can't even imagine that and how that all of this stuff reaches very deep into people's lives as we know so anyway that's what growing up in that household um in that environment of course none of it's intentional that's not the point uh but you know sin has effects just sitting there by itself it does uh and uh you know so i ran off into a wildly promiscuous lifestyle sexual lifestyle mostly gay not always you know you know probably i don't know if i had to break it down maybe i know 70 30ish or so i don't know 80 20. and um that's the way he gets people he gets them through that mechanism right absolutely you know people have people have psychological pain and issues every single person watching this right now and whoever's gonna hear it every single person has stuff some people have a little bit more some people have a lot more some people a lot less uh if it doesn't come from something in childhood it comes later i mean there you nobody escapes this no the old musician used to say i think it was i think it was jim morrison said you know life's tough no one gets out alive so this is the this is the matter of that that satan gets to use damaged hurt wounded people uh generally wounded not through their own fault either most people don't create they might end up later in life creating their own hell but they begin fallen and wounded and that's why we need a savior because we can't do it ourselves eventually everybody's going to go a little nuts and crazy and just get worse and worse unless you're able to cooperate with whatever grace god happens to afford you through either your own efforts or someone else's efforts that you know you're able to merit for yourself or others there is no salvation aside from this it's not possible um so uh you know people's uh you know pain and suffering while they are largely not the ones initially responsible for it that doesn't prevent satan from being able to use it yes he uses it boy is he a master using it manipulator the great liar oh yeah yeah great deceiver absolutely so uh all of with you know with all of that stuff going on then mike my reversion was the last couple of years my mom was alive uh she'd been diagnosed with stomach cancer very horrible it was just she used to describe it as little pieces of like thousands of little pieces of broken glass just churning around in her stomach that went on for about two years but about halfway through that a little bit beyond halfway through that my brother who was seven years older than me uh suddenly died of a heart attack out of the blue he was in great shape uh you know he's a swimmer they lived in corpus christi used to swim for a mile out and a mile back every day in the gulf unless there was a hurricane oh my goodness and he just he had off the charts cholesterol just dropped dead uh while he was doing this matter of fact sitting interviewing somebody on a uh on a skype or whatever whatever it was back then oh my goodness and when he died i was i went down to corpus christi to uh you know for the funeral obviously my mom and dad had moved from new york to be here with me so i could help take care of them and uh the uh so they couldn't travel obviously because of my mom's condition so i went down to corpus christi and i was standing at my brother's coffin and i uh uh and i you know i just dialed my mom on the phone and said hi mom i'm standing over marshall's body now is there anything you want me to say or do and uh she said well give him a kiss for me and let him know that i'll be seeing him real soon oh no those words here's my brother dad and my mom dying she probably didn't have i mean that was well she had 10 more months to go but we didn't think it at that point it seemed like it was going to be happening much faster and uh and kind of that moment was was like it wasn't a lightning bolt like oh i became saint michael it was a lightning bolt to say holy crap every single thing you've ever known about the world's life the church the teachings every bit of it is true because here it is right in front of you here's your dead brother and here's your dying mother and very shortly she and already him have stood before god and eternity is locked and that really kind of started my reversion back so that when my and it was a process for me i didn't have a saint paul moment on the road i had this process because i just ripped myself away from you know it takes time all of this stuff you become yeah out of like emotional weakness and psychological weakness you become invested in whatever it is your addiction or sin or whatever it is the evil in your life you become accustomed to it uh even as you're sort of descending more and more little by little become as accustomed to it and all of a sudden you turn around and you know you look up and the hole is 500 feet deep and you can barely see any light at the top right that's exactly right so yeah um but that was the sort that was the turning point moment for me uh and then over the next 10 months i started having really kind of a lot of mending that had to go on there was a lot of mending i was really resentful of various things about my mom and my dad oh yes you know we we hashed it out the conversations weren't ugly by any stretch it wasn't like i was yelling and screaming and then back it was nothing like that but the topic the material of those conversations was really very ugly it was horrible stuff but you had to get it out you have to yeah and and it was you know it was it was uh yeah you've got to clear the stuff out i think this is one reason you know with a lot of people's uh uh maybe not unwillingness or their fear about changing is something somewhere you know giving up whatever the horrible sin is or sins are uh or lifestyle or however you want to phrase it once you've kind of begun to really embrace that and sort of draw it into yourself to reach into yourself and tear it out is a really painful process you've really got to you know think about a husband who like beats the crap out of his wife or something or an alcoholic who comes home and the family lives in fear uh you know the dad's gonna come into the room and start hitting them or uh you know our mom is you know you know going crazy and she's for whatever reason doesn't love her husband anymore and she's starting to cheat with the mailman or whatever all these things all these they're not one time they start off obviously as a first time thing but generally they don't remain a one-time thing and they start to expand and there's all kinds of psychological pain and hurt you know that was the original motivation for going down the road to begin with and i think people internally know i think loads of people internally realize that you have to go to that dark place inside you to begin to you know take the light in and i really think that that is a it's a horrifying thought for lots of people there's all kinds of things you have to bring up and think about and suggest and uh go over and it's embarrassing for you and others and you know if there's i mean it's just a mess well and the reality is you had to discover that your what you thought was your identity is actually not at all your identity yeah i mean it's like a complete reboot you're doing a complete reboot and that is a scary proposition for most people sure it takes a lot of courage to do it and he and as i said at the beginning humility and some people don't they don't have a little fear of hell is not a bad motivator either well i will tell you you know look people say this all the time at all the vote the vortex voice on the vortex it's all harsh and the tone and all that stuff and everything every time i hear that i mean i don't that's supposed to like make me try to you know calm down or you know be you know the softer quieter gentler side of vortex or something but every time i hear something like that in the back of my mind i hear my mom and i'm like if they think i'm bad they should have not met they should have met mother vortex i am pretty soft and gentle she was laying there on the couch this is probably about uh you know probably two months or less before she died and uh and we were in one of the middle of these discussions after my brother had died and uh you know she grabbed her stomach because it hurt and she said uh she used to call me pet it's an irish term of endearment and uh she said pat oh i can feel this is getting worse and uh i have to say to you before i die because i don't want to go stand in front of our lord and not have said this but i don't want to be in heaven knowing you're in hell and you know you get those little jarring things like that every now and then you're like whoa whoa and uh they're kind of reboots for you they're like resets like well yeah though you just you know this is this is true this is true yeah it is true yeah yeah yeah of course it's true you said it on one of your i don't know if it was a vortex but you do things out of great love right you know it's out of its great charity what you're what your mom said you know it might have hurt you yes that was probably the most loving thing that my mother i don't know if it was maybe you know it certainly wasn't emotional in the sense it was all dripping with syrup and stuff but it was born from her intense passion of having accepted her role in all of this stuff you know again not her fault from the original rape but all of the stuff in between and everything else you know people's lives are messy life is messy and she was like wow this is you know i helped create an environment even though it wasn't my initial fault i helped create an environment in which my son sons uh could go off in the directions they did this was not my brother's world his was another something different uh his thing he was married and all that stuff that was not his world stuff was different than mine but he uh you know she'd accepted all that and everything she said but you know now i i have to set the record straight here before i die and she did uh and setting the record straight to try to save a soul from damnation by human standards is it does it sound all sweet no but by god's standards and god is love it's probably the most loving thing my mother ever said to me and it just kind of reinforced it kind of got me to that sort of next level of yeah this is exactly right and it was at my mother's uh uh you know my brother died in august of 2003 my mother died in june of 2004 so 10 months separation and from that moment standing uh at my brother's coffin in the funeral home to my mother's coffin in the funeral home at 10 months i went from oh my gosh this is true and then kneeling in front of my mom's coffin alongside my mom's cough and i put my hand on her womb uh since that's where i'd come from and uh and i said mom what you went through for me you will not have uh gone through in vain i'm a changed man that was that was probably the birth of this apostolate or at least its conception uh was right praise be to god and she's looking down and she's praying for your apostolate right now oh yeah she is oh my gosh she is oh my gosh uh it says i mean i i know that it was difficult my mom saint monica oh yeah her name's anne but she is a saint monica yeah you know and that's not a sly way of me saying i'm a saint at all or certainly not saint augustus but it certainly is saying or she was saying yeah but we got to claim truth and and this is i i don't like false humility and and you have to we have to call things as they are right and we're speaking truth here and the truth is that you had an incredibly difficult childhood that you suffered immense pain and unfortunately a lot of rejection and and and anger and and the problem with that is because of that brokenness you turn to a life that you know satan likes to fill us with promises that are short-lived in this life that lead to nothing but a culture of death right and and you you through miraculous intervention and through your mom and through her intervention and waking up too i think nearing her death she called you and helped you realize that and i do think and maybe it was saint michael who who do you think that there's a saint that has been praying for you and interceding for you in heaven because i i've always wondered you know is there a saint because i had a massive conversion story in my early 40s and and i just i look at what you're doing and this apostolate that you've now created and we aren't hearing truth in our churches and a lot and and they they do speak about jesus and i love that but you we are dealing with a cultural war right now and and the reality is you know 57 of people out there you know the catholics believe that you know marriage between same-sex couples is okay 40 believe that abortion's okay and we don't have priests dealing with that but you fight the good fight and you speak the truth through saint michael's media and church militant and if that isn't evangelization on a broad scale i don't know what is and so you claim it claim it you should claim it yeah you know and i i i will offer i will offer one little i say i suppose correction okay okay sure uh uh is that i didn't create this i believe it's the creation of god i just manage it and you know sometimes i do an okay job other times i don't but uh let me just say that management ain't all it's cracked up to be even if you're the top manager and ain't what it's cracked up to be yeah yeah well yeah we got a great operation here very dedicated career but we're just wrapping up some new hires uh we're just kind of in the process of that right now when it's done we'll have over 60 600 people uh involved with us directly inside the walls uh as you know we churn out tons of stuff yeah you know every day uh all oriented towards being used to help save souls absolutely so you know this is this is the work of god uh you know i believe it is a tangible uh expression of uh his grace owing to the sacrifice of my mom um that you know she made for both my brother and me my brother's kind of an unheralded you know uh person uh in this whole story uh but you know she she said she told me while she at some point after she had gotten sick that she said uh because she'd been praying for years my brother was off in his thing i was off in my thing and uh and she had been she told me i've been praying for years and years and years just said jesus and said one day she nothing was changing matter of fact things were probably getting worse uh i i certainly the case with me i i suspect heavily it was the case in my brother's situations as well my mom was aware of that and she just had it she just had it and she chewed jesus out and she said uh i don't care what you got to do to me do whatever you got to do but spare the eternal lives of my two sons and about two weeks later is when that cancer diagnosis came and it came quite unexpectedly she wasn't having any sorts of pains or anything they just discovered it during a routine physical and the doctor said well this is very very early uh in its stages so we shouldn't have a problem removing it surgically and blah blah blah blah so uh i kind of think that that you know uh well certainly spiritually emotionally nobody would ever be able to convince me that that all of this is not because of that prayer my mom made which would have been what says force set eight nine eighteen nineteen not doing my math right but whatever eighteen or nineteen years ago uh that was the prayer my mom made and here it is so wow that is an amazing story and and you look at what god does i'm glad you corrected me because god is amazing and he he can take us from our worst to our best and and it's all him it's by his grace i do i would love to shift gears for a moment because you've had some really good things a mic'd up special some articles and and you've done this in in february 2021 where you posted that in 1960 there were just about six million children that were living with one parent and at the time and this represented about 10 percent of the nation's child population that we're living just with the one parent now 60 years later you take that into 2020 and that's up to 18 and a half million children and and it's it's it's just shocking to me because it's 25 percent of all the current child population and 80 percent of those children are living without a father and if you read deeper folks go out to church middleton read deeper into the article you know and find out about african americans right and what's going on there so what do you believe is the at the root of this fatherless culture oh i think it's a i think it sort of began as part of the one of the offshoots of the sexual revolution uh i think the sexual revolution was propagated on the culture at large through uh marxist uh marxist ideology certainly if not actual marxists walking around you know wearing you know russian stars under their shirts or something but nonetheless it's that ideology it's an anti-god ideology and if you're going to go against a sort of a theological basis for your life or the only remaining basis for your life that just has to be the material world i mean it's either the immaterial of the material there are no other options uh so when you concentrate on the material world uh to the exclusion of the immaterial or to the at least the severe down playing of it well what do you create you create a world where the only thing that matters is me uh i'm the most important thing the me generation um and what is it that you know men and women want if they aren't directing their lives to god well they're turning inward and directing their lives to themselves and for men that's largely sex certainly not exclusively i mean some men are more you know hung up or concerned or whatever on about power or money or whatever but there's very few males walking around on the planet who somehow don't have aren't so somehow plugged into something sexual i mean it's certainly true obviously of women too but i think most people's experience would say yeah this is while it's both sexes it's certainly more male it is women have their thing obviously but this is guy's thing and uh you know it's a uh and the second you sort of let loose a culture that gives permission for men to uh just kind of run around and have orgasms wherever they want with whoever they want whenever they want and with no consequences of them once contraception gets introduced and if contraception fails kill the children through abortion once you've unleashed that kind of mentality on the world well men males stop being uh stop seeing themselves as um uh you know sacrificial creatures to protect the innocent to provide safety uh you know for innocent you know whether it's the family or the countries within the military whatever it is and they start seeing themselves as as people who just need to go around and have sexual conquests and that's it uh and of course for everything that comes from that you know fatherless homes uh you know they they're impregnating women forever and then they take off and they don't even know the woman's pregnant and fortunately she doesn't kill the child but now here's a child growing up without a dad uh you know and then you you like everything you know you can you know things can go from the scales can tip and you reach a point where the scales get pretty even and then it takes off and when that final drop of the wrong side of the scale happens things are pretty already much shot to hell uh and that's sort of where we are right now um you know is there any coming back from this in the way we think of oh you know all we have to do is work really hard for the next four or five months and get a few republicans elected and it'll be leave it to beaver all over again that's never happening that's never happening uh so there is a uh um uh there's a destructive self-destructive element introduced into society where it just now continues to spiral downward and downward and downward and it lets in everything it's like a big giant tornado and it just sucks up everything in its path whether it's cars or houses or animals or whatever everything gets sucked into it and killed in it and the same thing here when you release the kind of the sexual demons into society well it becomes violent and addictive and everything so i mean that's really where we are right now and uh so nobody could be surprised that you look around at the numbers of uh you know fatherless children and shattered homes and everything and well what's going to happen when those children the ones who live either don't kill themselves or die in violence or something when they grow up what happens with them it isn't a guarantee certainly but there's a far greater likelihood and it just keeps perpetuating well and you look at this this level of fatherless children and especially among you know african-americans and you say to yourself there's no wonder that there's so much depression and suicide too going on and and crime and and you know see uh pope paul vi he this he was a harbinger a prophecy when he talked about contraception when you spoke about this about the contraception and i do think it was the introduction to to ruin the marriage and and put an entree in into marxism and i think that's the very first thing the very first thing that the uh after the bolshevik revolution took over the very first set of laws they instituted were to destroy the family uh they they introduced no no fault divorce uh you know birth control everything why would you do that because if you destroy the family that is on its own a strong unit if you break it apart now without that strength that comes from the unity now you've got a bunch of broken little pieces that all need tending to somehow and that means they now have to become dependent on the state and that's what happened in the african-american community initially and has now extended to you know many white families or communities poorer you know lower socioeconomic certainly hispanic communities the uh the elite of uh if you want to call them the swamp or the globalists or whatever you want to call them they thrive on that because they get to take wealth redistribute it they pretend to help people uh while all the while they're doing is just throwing some you know some crumbs and scraps from the table so that these people will keep voting for them and maintain their power uh so it's uh yeah it's it's it is it is a horribly evil evil system they destroy entire communities entire races i mean how could anybody look and look at the condition right now of uh large swaths of the african-american community and not say that that isn't political genocide oh it is planned uh absolutely this was all planned it was all birth control movement began to essentially wipe out blacks so yeah it's it's it's horrible it's truly horrible evil stuff and uh well i mean this welfare they're it's basically a universal income what they're doing with the child tax credit i don't know if you're following that yes yeah you know but and and look i've always believed that supplemental income for for people who are working hard full time and trying to better themselves and trying to advance themselves that's different but when you absolutely absolutely yeah no no there's all kinds of people in society who need help with something that some horrible tragedy befalls them or you know they're born with you know some something i mean absolutely you can't say you're catholic or you're a follower of christ and think that you can just abandon people like that say oh well that's too bad like the romans used to take a baby that was born with you know some sort of physical handicap or something just stick them out in the woods and let the wolves eat them right that's ridiculous the catholics went and took those babies after the romans would go drop more absolutely run into the forest grab the cut grab the child and bring them out and raise them um well yeah it's it's it's truly it's yeah the that whole thing uh we're not talking about those cases we're talking about you know straight up cases i mean how could you be how could you be a a you know somewhat relatively young let's say under 40 uh black woman in america who's a mother of you know two three four children and you understand how you've been deprived you know you're you're you you you never were allowed to graduate from high school because of all the societal conditions and circumstances that you're in but you don't want that for your child or your children so you want school choice for them you want you want some to make some sort of better life for them at least on the material level so they're not coming home every day wondering if they're going to be shot by some guy standing on the corner and yet these very people who claim to have your best interests in heart deny you this they've engineered the political establishment to work in opposition to you yes it's it's it's horrible evil it's horrible people yeah the whole system i i mean i had launched a mentoring program for single moms to try to advance their education and get them out of the poverty but the way that this whole system works is to maintain their poverty absolutely oh absolutely there's a powerful lot of money it's those teachers unions it's everything oh yeah yeah everything awful lot of money going back and forth designed to do that you know i i want to shift gears for a moment and talk about i do have to say i've just got a couple minutes left i've got to get i know you do i know you do just one more minute if you could talk at all about what you think toxic femininity has done to create part of this fatherless culture oh well i can tell you just talking to uh talking to many younger guys i just run into them all the time because of what we do and all of that stuff i go to the gym and just wind up talking to you know there aren't really many i'm almost 60 as you know you are uh there aren't many 60 year olds in the gym so you wind up talking generally to younger guys and i'll tell you uh across the board wow you wouldn't want to be dating in this environment there every single girl they run i hear this from them i mean i'm not dating so i don't have this experience but they do and they constantly keep relaying it to me uh the women think they're men they have this like chip on their shoulder that i can do anything a man can do uh that that that that equality somehow equals sameness uh and the worst parts of the masculine or manhood i guess you could call it which is the juvenile adolescence is what many of them have adopted they've taken all the bad parts of manhood and incorporated that into themselves and they're selfish and it just all the stuff it's one young fellow i was talking to he was 30s just probably you know a week or two ago he said uh he said i i've almost given up he's 30. he wasn't always giving up on the idea of ever meeting uh ever meeting a woman or uh you know they're they they're they they cheat on you they're selfish they come from these divorced homes they they just bounce around uh he said i gotta be honest with you they're worse than my guy friends for all of their stuff about being a guy and i thought wow well there's quite an observation uh that's awful yeah the good sides of masculinity and femininity have been abandoned and the bad sides have been adopted by the opposite sex so the guys are walking around much more feminine uh you know then uh heck even girls when i was young in high school guys you meet now like out in the stores or whoever they're just they're like girls i don't know how to say it and the women you meet are just as coarse and crass and everything you're like you know it's like sitting around talking in a i don't know like a sailor's convention or something half the time yeah all the good the good of both sexes has been kind of abandoned and the bad of both sexes has been switched around it's uh we need christ christ come back we need you we need our blessed mother too to help shape these women but in a nice gentle way well i i just can't thank you enough michael our our cup supporters are in for a real treat with us and i'm gonna ask our uh heavenly father to bless your ministry your apostolate and and let i'm asking all of our cup supporters get over there please to church militants sign up as a premium member you will receive so much value i mean the evening news program at 6 30 is outstanding vortex the miked up program i mean there are so many i get i get the pings on my phone four times a day the videos if you don't have time to read this is the way to do it on video it's fantastic and um i don't know how i'd even do without it so god bless you michael i i really appreciate it yeah thank you so much thank you and god bless all of your supporters and your viewers and your listeners we're all in this together we're just in different foxholes on the same battlefield we are indeed thank you you've been very generous with your time god bless you god bless thank you all right take care alright bye bye bye
Channel: Corpus Christi for Unity and Peace
Views: 11,940
Rating: 4.9474835 out of 5
Id: mRWHcdVdmbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 7sec (2947 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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