BABL 2021 - Michael Voris

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michael voris is the founder and president of saint michael's media church militant a media enterprise established to address the serious erosion of the catholic faith in the last 50 years he graduated from the university of notre dame in 1983 with a degree in communications moved into a career as a television news reporter anchor and producer mostly with cbs news where he received four emmy awards for excellence in broadcast journalism during the early years of saint michael's media michael received his sacred theology baccalaureate an ecclesiastical postgraduate degree from the pontifical university of saint thomas aquinas in rome and graduated magna laude michael has spoken at hundreds of events both nationally and internationally including in australia europe africa canada and the philippines michael carries a message of the need for a stalwart defense and promotion of catholic doctrine and catholic truth with him wherever he goes in the hope of reinforcing the faithful now before michael makes his way to the stage we'd like you to watch this video which summarizes michael's talk today christ and communism [Music] hello everyone and welcome to the vortex where lies and falsehoods are trapped and exposed to michael voris a stolen election an unelected leader a cultural collapse a declining population a falling away from the faith and a growing embrace of socialism even if there is a small dip in its approval right now this is america and that even 30 percent would accept it speaks volumes and a rejection and smearing of patriotism as evil these are the hallmarks of today's america and not one sign of hope among any of it every one of those speaks to a destruction of christian and specifically catholic values how did this happen how did marxism make such inroads in such a short amount of time into the culture and essentially destroy it marxism is a system of government that at its core replaces god with the state for all its lies about equal citizenship and everyone being the same that's all baloney marxism merely shifts the ruling dynamic from a god-centered world view to an elitist centered worldview someone has to be in charge that's how humanity works it's actually how the entire universe works there are governing principles and governing institutions all of which ensure order the goal of marxism is to shift all of that not to destroy it to shift it into the hands of a powerful few the idea took solid political form with marks and angles in the mid-19th century and here we are more than a little more than a century later with their ideology having conquered and overthrown western civilization so how did they do this so fast so thoroughly so completely one simple word sex sex became decoupled from procreation and reoriented to nothing but pleasure once that premise was accepted the culture's death warrant was already signed sealed and now in our time it's being delivered the sexual revolution created a nation which rejects the moral law and embraces a do your own thing mentality that resulted in the breakdown of the family and shifted reliance onto the state divorce and remarriage fatherless homes an explosion and unwed mothers soaring poverty rates the killing of 60 million plus through abortion violent crime pornography a loss of masculinity radical nauseating feminism you name it every societal metric pointing to a collapse could be checked off and now we are approaching the end of the road with a declining birth rate back in 1910 president roosevelt gave a speech at the sorbonne in paris he could have been an old testament prophet in his prediction he said quote finally even more important than ability to work even more important than an ability to fight at need it is to remember that chief of the blessings for any nation is that it shall leave its seed to inherit the land it was the crown of blessings in biblical times and it is the crown of blessings now the greatest of all curses is the curse of sterility and the severest of all condemnations should be that visited upon a willful sterility in short he was talking about contraception when roosevelt gave that speech the forces of the birth control movement under the banner of eugenics were marshaling in the united states and great britain in fact just 20 years later from when he gave that speech the anglicans would accept birth control as permissible and not sinful the first time in 2000 years any so-called follower of christ would proclaim fornication acceptable roosevelt continued quote the first essential in any civilization is that the man and woman shall be father and mother of healthy children so that the race shall increase and not decrease if the failure to procreate is due to the deliberate and willful fault then it is not merely a misfortune it is one of those crimes of ease and self-indulgence of shrinking from pain and effort and risk which in the long run nature punishes more heavily than any other closed quote now stop and think about this catholics when is the last time you ever heard a bishop talk like that theodore roosevelt imbued with catholic sense even though he himself was not catholic declaring the truth of natural moral law which the church is committed by divine charter to uphold and declare and for you protestants out there you have rejected your own spiritual patrimony for it was by your rejection of divine law that the evil found a way to slither into the culture and set it on its course for final destruction and that is from a fellow protestant not church militant the first command god gave to humanity was to procreate and with that command he gave us a power even the angels do not possess to cooperate with him in the act of creation the envious satan hates that aspect of human nature almost as much as he hates that we can receive the body and blood of the savior which unites us spiritually and materially to the vine to the divine again a power the angels superior in nature to us do not possess protestant pride and catholic collapse in the face of the marxist-inspired sexual revolution that's how the nation fell apart the marxists understand that christianity had to be destroyed to take over the culture they got it that was this always that this was always a battle of christ versus communism unfortunately too few christians did get it as a result we're now faced with a vast spiritual defeat not permanent for christ always wins in the end but nonetheless we have the specter now of a great martyrdom partially as witness and partially as punishment god love you i'm michael voris [Music] it is always good to be here and before i say anything i just want to say again i'm sure she's probably getting sick of hearing it but please give molly and her entire hand a staff a great hand and since that was my talk i'd like to say thank you very much for coming i'll see you later there is one thing that actually touches on exactly what we're talking about here and i'd like to just give you a little piece of information uh beforehand outside the doors there you see the church militant table is there but right down this kind of center-ish aisle is a table for the cleveland church militant resistance group they're actually we have resistance groups in almost every diocese in the country i think we're only missing like a half a dozen of the 180 whatever it is diocese we have this is a very great group they're extremely dedicated and they have a petition that not only do they want you to just sign but they're going to go and present to the bishop here i'd like to read you the petition and ask you to prayerfully consider whether you think you should sign it or not and if you can if you want to go join the line of a few hundred people to go give it to his excellency you can certainly feel welcome to here is the petition we the undersigned faithful laity in the diocese of cleveland respectfully request bishop edward malesic to publicly denounce the errors of president joe biden with special regard to his stance and on abortion on the support of abortion infanticide and same-sex unions president biden brings great scandal to catholics across the globe please denounce his policies on these matters publicly with a declaration of excommunication and cooperation with your brother bishops signed the faithful now we can talk in this talk here about uh they'll be there all day by the way don't have to rush out at the same time to sign it after the talk but uh if you uh you know the name of the talk here we're talking about christ and communism i think we're all pretty are all down with communism right understand what it is there's two things we can talk about we can talk about christ and we can talk about communism marxism we all get that we understand concentration camps gulags pogroms you know fake trials you know the deaths of millions hundreds of millions enslavement of peoples we all get it we can all go on and you know have a big red meat discussion about that everybody cheer and yay down with communism and everything else but that's not the side of the equation i want to talk about since church militant is known sometimes for being maybe a little controversial i'd like to hang over on the other side of the equation and that is about christ our blessed lord you will hear quite frequently in the current political and cultural milieu that we are in that all of us must get together we must unify all the ones on the right or the conservatives whatever that means uh and all of that so we all have to unify and everybody join forces here we have to lay aside our differences and we all have to get down with whatever it is we need to get down with because fill in the blank is the most important cause of the day whether it's abortion or infanticide or euthanasia or family values or any of those things same-sex marriage you know those uh i don't know if i can actually say this without getting us bumped off the live stream but the election i'll just leave it at that because if i stick a word in front of there that begins with an s and rhymes with stolen it'll probably get us knocked off the live stream so i so i won't say that that was the case but i'm going to pause it to you something might be a little uncomfortable for a lot of people and that is all of those individual causes and every one of them is righteous and every one of them should be absolutely pursued however the idea of laying aside differences in order to achieve the goal of furthering a particular cause is absolute fool's gold it is absolute fool's gold because what this is about the world is not about abortion versus the pro-abortion child killers the world is not about the same-sex marriage crowd versus those who want traditional family values this battle those are all battles and they're all very important battles and yes they must be engaged in with everything you can bring to it some people specialize in one more than the other they have a whatever reason this one is more you know appealing to their personality they can do better in that one absolutely get in that fight get in the fights but the fight those are all battles the war is christ versus communism which means truth versus anti-truth that's the war everything else are individual battles and so for people to uh say let's lay aside some of these differences and just fight this particular battle completely ignores the reality of the war the war is truth it is the battle for truth and truth is not just some concept floating around out in the air truth is jesus christ and that's why i entitled the talk christ versus communism because this is anti-truth versus truth so all of the evil that is present right now in society catholics pay attention pope saint pius v said 500 years ago all the evil in the world is due to lukewarm catholics not sure that's something we necessarily want to be applauding but consider that for a moment all the evil in the world is due to lukewarm catholics that lukewarm thing is not a friendly word it's what our lord said our lord said you know to the church in asia minor be hot or be cold but the lukewarm i will vomit out of my mouth lukewarm towards the truth is your ticket to hell and don't believe me it's not my divorce saying that some pope saying it that's the eternal logos saying that to one of his local churches in asia minor he said that i'm just repeating it so you're going to throw eggs meaning throw them at god all the evil in the world is due to lukewarm catholics why because you cannot compromise the truth without compromising him so all of this has come about we're sitting here the reason this organization exists is because of a lukewarm embrace approach of truth the reason abortion exists the reason all these evils exist is because they were not properly addressed at the time and now you see the cancer in stage four and that is where we are as we think about truth what does that mean it means you can't compromise you cannot compromise any aspect of it so when someone comes to you for political expediency to achieve a good goal politically a good moral good goal somebody comes to you for the sake of peace in the family and so you compromise the truth when anything like that happens you're spitting in christ's face the other side never compromises they never compromise the great archbishop fulton sheen said catholics have all truth and no zeal and communists have no truth and all zeal i'm going to ask you to reflect it's lent obviously i'm going to ask you to just reflect here when you go home tonight put your head on the pillow the silence of your own brains your own souls you know what have i compromised what have i been willing to sort of overlook push aside for the sake of expediency to compromise with evil to achieve a good that in and of itself floating out there is a good is not a victory saint paul himself tells us you cannot do an evil to achieve a good the idea that theology and religion sort of has nothing to do with where we are as a culture right now is insane it is precisely because of poor theology that the world is where it is right now that is the reason the word religion the actual word religion means to bind and it means to bind you to the truth that is the purpose of religion and religion in general to bind you to the truth to live a certain way living to a particular code so if all of that is based on reality based on truth you know we all sin that's not the point but you know it's it's continue to come back this whole point of this season is right now lent is to come back to the reality come back to the truth and live as closely to the truth as you can the king david say after nathan showed him his sin a pure heart create for me o god and put a steadfast spirit within me because those two go together you cannot have a heart of purity for our blessed lord and not have a steadfast spirit and that steadfast spirit propels you with the right intention the pure intention of achieving the good now the world is full of compromises it's full of compromises compromises are the easy way out they do sometimes achieve absolutely they achieve the end but at what price glory so if we go back for example to the 16th century and the protestant revolt of europe in europe there was a rejection of the fullness of truth that's what it was based on now as catholic who covers all this stuff every day i will say much of what martin luther pointed out was absolutely true there was filthy corruption in the church i don't think it was as bad then as it is today but i wasn't alive 500 years ago although i feel like it half the time it was horrible corruption what he was pointing at was absolutely true but you don't just you know throw the baby out with the bath water something lots of people have not really considered we're talking about these theological concepts because these theological concepts because religion influences the culture and politics is an expression of what the culture believes so if politics is an expression of what the culture believes or is willing to accept or compromise with then you go back up to the culture and what was the culture willing to agree and compromise on well that goes back to religion you know the word culture its root word is cult meaning religion that's where it begins you must have the theological truths down a hundred percent you compromise on those and you have the destruction of a civilization maybe not immediately but you eventually reach the destruction of a civilization so theological truth is the and the absence of it the failure to adhere to it is where we stand now as a culture so how do you ask people to accept the truth the fullness of the truth so let's go back to scripture for a moment so here's our lord walking around with his 12 disciples and you know the apostles and everybody's going good and there's all these kinds of big brilliant crowds and everybody's all they're all the same this and he's feeding the thousands and you know he's got a he stands up and he has an audience of thousands of people our blessed lord and then came the bombshell he goes to capernaum and announces the fullness of the truth and that fullness of the truth was unless you eat my body and drink my blood you have no life within you so there was the headline across the jerusalem times messiah says eat him and all the jews blow up in all kinds of craziness first they were murmuring then they start out and out arguing they erupt the culture there at capernaum now for the record we don't know exactly how many people were there but the evening before our lord had fed five thousand on the other side of the lake and when they all got up and they're like hey where'd he go like oh the boats are gone they must have gone over this they walk around now did all 5000 go no but probably a pretty darn large number of them went so it's probably safe to say two three maybe four thousand people are there and our lord knew when he announced this truth that they all they would all walk away and they did it was simply too much for them to handle we like the idea of you giving us bread we like all of this everything's cool it's great everything's wonderful oh you're out of your mind and they get up and leave and our lord did nothing to stop them because they had correctly understood the truth and they had rejected it your duty as baptized is not to convince anybody of anything your duty is to announce the truth and that's it how it's received or rejected you will not have to give an answer for that's not your salvation but it is going to be your salvation if you announced the truth in its fullness the son of god the eternal word the eternal logos descended from heaven came down and said what the vast majority of that crowd there would reject and he knew it was going to happen and he did it anyway now sitting over there in those 12 apostles is they're sitting there kind of looking at all of this and of course you know we all know that beautiful line in this beautiful line from sacred scripture where saint peter probably not understanding exactly what all this meant yet is kind of an odd thing you know eat my flesh drink my blood remember how blood was abhorrent to jews i mean plus people oh he says eat my bread or eat my flesh he really meant just listen to his word well that'd be fine if that's all he said but he also added drink my blood and the jews that had it they got blocked away there's really nobody left our lord turns to them so what are you going to you're going to leave me too he didn't turn to them in a strategy meeting he didn't conduct a poll he didn't say take a survey didn't try to call all the reporters and say let's try to spin this better he you believe me too and those beautiful beautiful words from saint peter lord to whom would he go you have the words of everlasting life and the story doesn't stop there though a lot of people like to stop the story there because it's a nice little warm and fuzzy feeling but if you read on for the last two verses of that particular passage our lord says one of you is a devil and that was judas judas lost his faith in capernaum he began his betrayal of our lord at the announcement of the holy eucharist he committed the betrayal a year later on holy thursday night in the upper room then he goes out and does his thing with the pharisees but it began in capernaum so you kind of wonder what was judas thinking for this next kind of intervening year he's hearing our lord he's like hmm so is he compromising some of this stuff in his head well i'll take that part but that that eat his flesh things a little weird but let's hm well this part's good though he compromised and he compromised himself straight into hell saint alphonsus ligouri the doctor of the church of particularly morality said little thing for us to all think about here he said for as a sort of spiritual direction to his spiritual sons and daughters just remember that at one point judas was holier than any of you are now judas raised people from the dead but he compromised and he lost his soul you cannot compromise the fullness of the truth it is not enough to say we will lay aside moral teachings that come from the mouth of christ so that we can join with people who reject those teachings so we can get this political goal achieved your duty on earth is to achieve heaven that's the reason you're here it is the only reason you breathe the world will go the way the world goes and yes you have to engage in it you have to do everything you can possibly do to be in it to fight like hell like heaven for the truth to to advance the truth but never by compromising the truth so we look at judas because it is lent it's always a good time to think about judas you know he could have been saint judas such a foreign thought for us isn't it he could have been saint judas peter and judas did essentially the same thing i mean judas did it for money and you know had kind of already been plotting it and planning it and already sort of lost his faith but peter lost his faith in the garden he lost his nerve two hours later in the upper room you know i will die for you a couple hours later the only thing you see of judas is his backside running through the trees to get out of the garden so here are two men they both became remorseful judas was remorseful judas had shame at what he had done but he didn't repent peter repented and that's the difference there cannot be a laying aside a separation of eternal truths because if they come from god they are eternal truths you cannot compromise the truth of the faith simply because on some other little narrow avenue here it becomes politically expedient to achieve a good goal and so many people in all of these various noble causes become so wrapped up in the end of the cause that they forget the truth they forget jesus christ some people many protestants and many catholics have invented their own sort of counterfeit christs now you see this on the left certainly the religious left has this all the time and somehow they've figured out that jesus is in favor of sodomy and child killing and divorce remarriage 18 000 times and everything else they've clearly created it they've created their own christ as a counterfeit christ but many people on the right do this as well when you compromise jesus christ you create an imaginary illusory christ it's like you stand there with jesus christ himself standing right in front of you in person like i'm standing here right in front of you right now and then over here right beside him is a beautiful portrait of him done by whoever named the most fantastic artist in the history of humanity and somehow in the middle of all that you think it's sufficient to stare at the portrait because it looks like christ really resembles him reminds you of him you feel good about him all those personal things and you completely ignore the real christ standing right in front of you that's not okay now a year ago we're standing up here and having a conversation about well what's what are we going to be talking about one year from now and here we are here we are we are staring marxism dead in the face there's no escape from this reality catholics but also protestants the baptized will just say in a big general term have never known persecution here in america yeah you've known oh that's uncomfortable i just ticked off aunt marjorie my mother-in-law doesn't like that i say we should go to mass oh you brave soldier a quick show of hands of the last time you were dragged off to a prison and gang raped and beaten with a chain well maybe they haven't gotten to cleveland yet the faith has become so comfortable that it's just like the napkin on your table it's there it's nice can use it pick it up when i need it you know wipe off my mouth dry my hands put it back down it's become something i get to use and if i have to compromise it in order to get some certain goal because i think that goal is good and on its own floating out there it is good of course we are all committed to saving the lives of pre-born babies of course we are all committed to saving the lives of the elderly who were being abused or euthanized and filling all the blanks and all of the stuff in between but none of that none of that not one of it not all of it collectively can take a back seat to saving the souls of those people i'm going to posit to you you cannot go into this war over truth and think and and have compromised the truth and think that when the gulags are opened and you're loaded onto the trains and you're taken off to those camps that somehow you're going to shine like a star you have compromised the truth you've said let's lay aside some of these religious differences because they're not really important what's important is this are you insane nothing is more important than theological truth because it is jesus christ and if you are not living and fully embracing that religious truth then you are compromising christ and when the moment comes and it is going to come you will not stand tall you will compromise again you must defend and promote the truth with every single ounce of your fiber because not this life but the next life depends on it in case you haven't figured out this is not a political strategy talk this is not a polling talk we're not talking about elections we're not talking about you know what's going on we're about the best strategy to do this or who should we get elected or what bill should we pass through and as i've said every single one of those things is important it absolutely has its place but its place is subordinate to the fullness of the truth of jesus christ and if that is not the top thing that you wake up to and you go to sleep to all the rest of this is for naught if the lord does not build the house in vain do the builders labor so yes it is important as a matter of fact it is of the utmost importance that everybody in the battle agrees 100 percent on the theological truths at play that the eternal logos descended from heaven and established one church one church and he imbued that church at that church alone with his own divine power and authority to destroy evil no man-made institution no man-made religion none of it has the authority and the power that the catholic church has and it must be completely adhered to without exception so yes those theological discussions those do matter they matter more than any of the other discussions it is that theological division in the united states that has been able to be exploited by satan contraception came into as we said in that vortex episode contraception set the stage for everything you've got right now everything we're living in has come about because we took the command from the garden of eden from the very inception of our creation and ripped it apart and then one by one all sorts of various religions started saying that's okay that's okay here it's okay there any of you that were here for or saw the presentation i gave last year it's talking about contraception i saw then where this election was going as many people did to have not opposed the evil of contraception set the stage for it for all of this to happen declining birth rates everything when a evil proposition is made to a single entity that has within itself the fullness of the truth that proposition is immediately defeated instantly when there are 40 000 versions of this little thing and that little thing and we we kind of accept well i don't really like contraception that much but maybe this type of contraception is okay and well you can get divorced but you can't get divorced remarried twice and you go on and on man dilutes the truth of almighty god man has no power not any man has any power on his own to resist even the weakest demon much less satan himself understand the nature the differences in the nature between a human being and an angelic being an angelic being by its very nature is far superior to a human being the only reason the demons that are present in this room right now along with the guardian angels the only reason that any one of us is still breathing right now is because god commands that they be kept on a leash they can't exercise their full power on us they can't do it they can get to us by suggestion they've watched us since we were this small laying in the crib they understand immediately what every single one of our little passions are that which ones of us are concerned about what people will think about us uh shall we say this i don't know what to do i've got a propensity to drink or sex or power or i want i like people liking me or whatever it is they've watched us tens of billions of us for many thousands or whatever it is years they know us way better than we know ourselves you are helpless i am helpless in the front of the face of the powers of hell you cannot win that is why god sends a savior and it's not just a personal thing god vivifies his church with his power that does have the power to defeat that demon the whole reason the catholic church exists one reason is to defeat the powers of hell how dare anyone compromise that truth you may win a political battle you may probably won't but you may and lose your soul in the process if you are a holy nation then whatever happens on earth you will be saved it might not look pretty getting there it may not be the case that this is going to be a comfortable ride but you will be saved think about where we are right now you it would be a foolish bet to think or to bet that the ideology that now controls a large part of the world and has a proven track record of enslavement destruction of bodies you know anti-god all of that that that ideology which controls and operates quite freely in the major places in the world and has now all of a sudden seized control here won't operate the same way it has everywhere else in the world why would you think that why would you think for one moment that as opposed to last year when this conference was going on that now all of a sudden that isn't a real possibility on the table martyrdom in many ways the what's called white martyrdom has already begun by many people persecution marginalizing shoving to the side demonizing you're not just people with a set of opinions that the other side disagrees with your people who the other side hates and you don't really have a right to first do something let's roll that back to now we're going to take away your right to say something and very shortly we're going to take away your right to think something it's all heading in that direction folks if you're not looking at this square on it's horrible i know it's depressing i get it all believe me a human just like you i want to see the triumph of the immaculate heart i want to see jesus rain down thunder on these guys and wipe them out i want to see all that just like you do however however this is a country that has compromised the truth of jesus christ it has compromised the truth and i'm talking about john kerry and nancy pelosi and ted kennedy and all those guys it's always easy to pile up on them they're these like stunning examples and the whole bit i'm talking about i'm asking you look inside your own hearts because it is a compromise of the truth when somebody comes to you who is not a a fully baptized and confirmed catholic and you sidestepped that issue and you don't invite them to the fullness of the truth then you compromise the truth oh so it's a little different now we're not talking about nancy anymore we're talking about me yeah hell with nancy oh wait it is the compromise of the fullness of the truth which is jesus christ present in his holy catholic church 100 percent you are either in or you are out there is no foot in and foot out either in the far corner of the complex over the far corner of the building where that adoration chapel is either that is jesus christ the second person of the blessed trinity or it is not either you are willing to share that with people and when enough people come to believe this let's move to the third century fourth century of the roman empire when enough people believe that and enough people have died for it enough people have expressed their love of christ the authentic christ not their comfortable christ not their counterfeit christ the authentic christ then empires change but we haven't done any of that here in america we're all sitting around waiting for i don't know what all that crazy crap was after the election i mean we were too many of you probably watched some of our post-election coverage every night we had tons of this stuff pouring into the room into the uh studio oh the army's about to take over washington d.c and you know the q anon forces are going to be unleashed and nancy pelosi is going to be kidnapped and taken off to gitmo did they put something in the flipping water supply so of course you have the desire is there absolutely this one because somehow americans have compromised the truth of almighty god as expressed in the fullness of the teachings of the catholic church catholics have they haven't invited protestants who may not know some of this stuff to come to the truth and step into the fullness of the light and live in a state of sanctifying grace and become an anathema to the powers of hell a soul in a state of sanctifying grace when a demon looks at that that demon looks at the power of the holy trinity which it cannot challenge but a soul in a state of mortal sin is a tool of the devil and is manipulated like you would pick up a hammer or a fork at dinner so we're waiting for god to step in and fix it all be careful what you pray for be careful what you pray for if you're waiting for the you know fire and brimstone to rain down on new york and san francisco and stuff guess again now god can god do of course god can do that there is precedent hopefully the archangel michaels like quickly going through the files looking for that here you know the plan b but there is a there's a matter of justice here it's a matter of justice that needs to be executed what what is justice what is the virtue of justice even the supernatural virtue of justice it is giving to one what one is due mercy is not giving somebody what he or she is due so while we're all asking for god to step in and rain down fire and bring all this to an end and somehow trump marches gloriously into the white house and biden and kamal are struck with lightning bolts and whatever could that happen of course it could happen however that's a big question mark us in our reality is we are looking at satanic marxism right in the face it is ascendant and it has grabbed control of every organ of the culture as it has in all the other countries it's done since marx unleashed his demon so while you can sort of plan your life around the fact that some day jesus is going to rain down fire on all these guys and we just get to continue our little compromising way the safe bet is that this reality is going to have to be confronted by every single soul who says they believe in jesus christ and every single one of us had better be prepared for that moment this is the reality facing us a year ago we were hopeful everybody worked hard everybody did everything they could possibly do and then some as we got close to the election season uh towards the end of summer i had the troops in the studio gather around and i said guys this is going to be one hell of an election to cover i mean lots of stuff going on here it's me all kinds of stuff there's no way we can cover this and try to pretend we're working eight or nine hours a day it's not going to happen there's way too much going on so this is a battle for truth and it is a battle for the preservation of western civilization if we lose it if we lose it you want to be able to look yourself in the mirror and say i left it all on the field there was not one more thing i could have done i talked to everybody i worked 17 18 19 hours a day i wrote and read when i was whatever it was there was nothing more i could give that's what you want to be able to say at the end of this battle and if we lose the battle well i mean that's some consolation if you were to die at the end of that our lord comes to you and says well done good and faithful servant he doesn't say oh you guys lost get the hell out of here he says well done good and faithful servant okay so now as western civilization begins to slip through our finger through our fingers probably begin to pour through our fingers now we're called to the next phase of this battle that same principle applies you must leave everything on the field you must love the truth him fully absolutely completely fully there is no salvation outside the church it doesn't exist you're going to go to the u.n you're going to go to the the kremlin what institution you gonna go to for salvation the only one set up by god specifically imbued with his divine power and authority to save so on your uh i think in your bags you have a little bookmark that has today's uh little talk thing on it you got those little bags there's three little points one two three they're blank i'd just ask you if you can you have to do it right now but if you can i always like to when you have a talk you like to leave people with what can i do not just stand up and go yeah biden sucks and go out and buy books yeah we get that so i always like to suggest to people there's three little takeaways so i have three little takeaways you can scribble them down on there if you want to write them down somewhere else make a little bookmark so you can just stick it on your fridge with a magnet remember it each day three little points of three little words each first one is seek the truth and the is a capital t not the truth is a concept but the truth is a person and all he teaches not just what's convenient second one is embrace the truth once you have sought the truth embrace the truth and the third one prepare to die i don't necessarily mean being martyred and hauled out of your homes by a bunch of biden thugs or something any single person in here long before 2016 long before the 2020 election and all that if that is not the primary thought on your head every day then you've completely missed the boat not one of you knows that you're going to get up and walk out of this room you must always be prepared to move into eternity and if you aren't embracing him the truth well i hope you've invested in a lot of ice cubes i don't know if there's an eternal supply of ice cubes seek the truth embrace the truth and prepare to die that's how you get to heaven there's no other way and i'm telling you to write that church militant on our little church militant card but that's the sum up of the gospel seek the truth embrace the truth and prepare to die thank you very much i i was going to add number four applaud the truth but you beat me to it that was wonderful before we get into a few q and a's with uh michael voris here we have been asked to extend confession to three o'clock instead of two o'clock because the number of attendees wanted to confess but they didn't want to miss michael so if you were here and you would like to uh the confessional will be open until three just fyi in the future go to confession first [Laughter] well if they did the wrong thing they can go in there and make that their first confession sorry i skipped you for michael okay michael there's a lot here and some of these are personal and i think they're they're good personal um the first one though is will i not be liable to condemnation if the reason that the truth was rejected was the way i presented it rather than the disposition of the one hearing it well i mean that would go to a matter of intention excuse me that would go to a matter of intention uh and i mean god is ultimately the judge of that but you know if you're uh i presume that means you're just i was telling somebody the truth i just didn't do a good job of it that's the way i read it so if somebody else if that's somebody's question i'm misinterpreting it i'm happy to talk to you privately out there but for the sake of the the larger uh crowd uh no i mean if you're trying to teach somebody the truth and you say something wrong or you don't phrase it the way they're best able to hear it well okay i mean that happens all the time you know how many emails i get from people you suck you hate her uh i'm like oh well sorry [Laughter] next question for michael voris is this so unless a person is catholic they are not saved that's not correct see john 3 16. and that's not what i said that's i think that's why they asked right so okay let me say this one more controversial statements there is nobody in heaven except catholics i did not say only catholics go to heaven i said there is nobody in heaven except catholics do you see the difference [Music] what is heaven yeah imagine this place in pearly gates and gold streets and lots of food and hanging out with the saints and oh there's jesus and but uh heaven is the beholding of the beatific vision it is seeing god in the face as he is and since god is all truth there can be no division in heaven this is why for 2000 years the church has referred to heaven as the church triumphant so can somebody who is on earth and somebody who is living according to the best that they can and you know all those things who isn't catholic or perhaps isn't even baptized and we believe moses is in heaven but he's in heaven in the fullness of how god desired him to be which is in the church the church isn't a thing of us we're in it but the church is christ on earth and here it battles it's why it's called the church militant church in purgatory is the church purgative and the church in heaven is the church triumphant so in heaven there's not going to be like there's lutherans over there and there's catholics over there and there's the irish and italians brawling it out over there nobody's going to be walking around heaven saying i'm all down with all this stuff but gee that mary thing bothers me you will see the fullness of the truth in its eternal everlasting glory and everyone will be united to it it is the church triumphant so to be in that did somebody have to be a baptized catholic while they were on earth no it sure helps hint hint but everybody in that will be catholic because of the church triumphant to which they are now a member be holding the face of god in all his eternal glory terrific direct differentiation thank you i have to admit my eyebrows went up when you said this as well people want to know who did judas raise from the dead if you read the once i believe it's in mark's gospel when our lord sends the sons of the disciples out two by two he's he gives them the command you know you know heal the sick blah blah raise the dead the apostles all raised the dead we have four accounts of our lord raising the dead uh specifically you know naomi's daughter lazarus etc we have those specifically because you know the gospel writers wanted to make that particular point uh but all of the disciples raised people from the dead and remember when jesus died the tombs of the dead many of the dead in jerusalem around jerusalem were open they all got up and they walked into the city imagine that mom so you know god's the author of life and death raising somebody from the dead just sorry it's not that big of a deal it's not well i just did it the other day good michael this one is about this one is about church orders as it pertains to some of the covid virus situations even if i did not believe that masks helped to prevent the spread of the china virus is it better to obey the directive of my bishop to wear it in church or better to show that i do not give in to fear mongering and the lie of the mask really asking me that when some and i do want to talk about that for just one question you're in the vortex [Laughter] on the question of obedience uh you know just because somebody is a bishop or just because somebody is a pastor does not mean that their spiritual authority extends to you in every single aspect of your life there is a limit to where the spiritual authority is uh you know if a uh you know if you became aware of some horrible any of these cases we report on of you know that eight-year-old boy in detroit or something and the bishop calls you into the office and says i know you know all about it you are i hereby order you to say nothing uh sorry your excellency a matter of fact i'm duty-bound my bad belief in christ to actually say something you're the one who's in sin ordering that um so on a spiritual level no they don't have the authority to order you to put a mask on even though they try to dress it up as you know this is an act of charity okay well if you're that concerned about an act of charity when there's a couple of uh specific parishes i go to when i'm out of my normal one in detroit and aware of that i always sit completely far away from people i don't put a mask on i'm not covering my face in the face in the front in the face of god by the way michael does your bishop up in michigan sound like nixon does he what does he sound like nixon because i'd swear you just did nixon when you when you imitated your bishop it's not quite that massive i'm gonna come but we're a little short in time i'm gonna combine the uh these two attendees questions into one because they're very similar uh michael so thank you pardon hold on i got them out of order here that's all right well i memorized it one of them asked michael who is your spiritual advisor is it just god the second person wrote again i got them out of board i apologize it's a little bit more yeah here we go you have truths and you speak in ways with authority may we know how you came to your insights and truths i think those are combined a little bit sure i guess i would answer that i am a great uh admirer devotee of archbishop fulton sheen and i actually served mass for him when i was 14. uh and i know i'm a little bit over but i've got to tell you this story it's kind of gives you the answer to the question in an episode from my life it was happened to be the feast of the of the feast the celebration of the bicentennial july 4th 1976 at the time as my freshman year in high school we were living across the street directly across the street from saint mary's cathedral that ugly washing machine looking thing and uh built by john quinn part of the homo network but will i digress and uh and you went right out the front door of our apartment and directly across the street into the kind of the underground area and then up through all the tunnels and everything into the sacristy and i served mass there my whole freshman year so i knew the cathedral and all very well so bishop sheen was uh he wasn't actually a little incorrect not serving mass for him he was the guest homilist the pastor was actually offering the mass but he was there and we were looking out the window my mom and dad my dad part of his reason for his conversion was bishop sheen uh watching the show back in the 50s and uh he looks out the window he's like there he is there he is and we're all standing there out the window i'm like okay time to go serve mass so out the door i go and i bolt across the street i get you know my cassock and surplus because we still have them right then and uh not for very much longer had to get the kkk robes ironed you know and uh and uh so he's uh the priest is talking to him before mass i'm a big incen i was that alter boy who like used to make you choke i still do at the studio um a matter of fact i set the alarms off the fire alarms in the in the chapel um and uh so we get done with mass he gave the most astounding homily i can still remember bits and pieces of it that was 1976 and he was talking about manhood and and the authority that you bring to your life uh using the founding fathers who gave their life you know their lives their fortunes their sacred honor i was sitting sort of just directly behind him i had like a three-quarter view of him and he was 76 he died three years later and it was like the voice of god there tremendous tremendous man and so we all go into the sacristy after mass we're all standing there and he was a priest who found it in the north american college of rome actually gave us his cassock we have his cassock in the uh sacristy of the our chapel at the studio and bishop sheen was only about this tall even then of course every guy in the in the studio is like let me try on his cassock uh no this isn't working right you can't even get it around your shoulders and uh so he's standing there and he comes over to us and he says which one of you had the incense and i'm thinking oh i'm i'm my goose is cooked and the sacristy in the cathedral st mary's cathedral is kind of a large sacristy and there were the set of doors where we'd come in and on the other side there was a matching set of doors and this fellow comes walking in kind of a neatly dressed hippie kind of guy he's got his hair all pulled back and but he's got a tweed jacket on and all that and he comes sort of striding over to the area where bishop sheen is with us in the altar boys and he's waving this book around and he says bishop sheen bishop sheen i just got back from the far east and i've written a book combining the best of catholicism and eastern mysticism i'm like dude do you know who this is and this 76 year old successor of the apostles whips around and says get out get out the catholic faith is a gift from almighty god and i will not have you polluting it get out just like that and then like a grandfather nothing had happened he turned right back around he said now who had the incense [Laughter] so uh thank you once again for all of your kindness all of your support sign the petition visit be 100 truthfully embrace the truth seek the truth and prepare to die because dying is how you get to heaven god bless you
Channel: Molly Smith
Views: 13,134
Rating: 4.9086757 out of 5
Id: 9_L7s-9Jb3A
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Length: 71min 56sec (4316 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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