Michael Moy Sits Down With China Mac to Answer Burning Questions From Fans

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[Music] uh China Mac welcome to Chinatown gang stories thank you for having me man thank you um let's start off with a some questions about you serving some time in uh why this island did you ever hear about the story about grasshopper um I I kind of heard it but now the story I heard was the two brothers um that took on the whole Squad is that the story is that the same story yes yeah that story just carried on throughout the years yeah I think the name changed they like it it I I didn't hear grasshopper it was like uh another name that I heard but I think when by the time I got there the story changed and kind of flipped around a few times kind of evolved yeah yeah so you did hear about um what what gang were you under you would go Shadows right and who was your leader I was under the dialogue so at first I um uh a kid by the name of Andy he was in junior high school with me in um flushing we were at is 237 and I was in um I was in a special education class and it was like five I don't know like maybe seven or eight of us in the class he was also in special education but he was in the older class so when I was in the class I used to be fighting all the time um I I had a couple fights in in the lunchroom uh outside the school I was fighting and I used to hang out with you know all the black kids because everybody was you know black in my school in my class and um one day well I ran away from home and when I ran away from home I just stopped going to school and then one day I went I was outside of the school waiting for some some of my friends uh uh waiting for them to cut school and Andy came out and he saw me and then um he uh he asked me what are you doing and I said I'm just waiting for my friends and then um he said he said uh if you ever in um he said you ever been to Chinatown and I looked at him and knowing my history he didn't know my history but knowing my history that I grew up in Chinatown and that you know my family was from Chinatown my father was who he was in Chinatown I looked at him I was like yeah I've been to Chinatown before and then he was like oh he said um are you staying home I was like no I'm not I ran away from home so he was like why don't you come with me to Chinatown and I said what's in Chinatown he was like uh we got an apartment we got we got a a bed you could sleep in we got food we got uh whatever cigarettes girls so at that moment at that time I was staying like in my friends in the projects I was staying in the projects and I was sleeping on like stairs I was sleeping inside closets whenever their parents would would go to work I would I would sneak inside the house and sleep so I definitely needed a place to stay at the time so he brought me to Chinatown I said I said yeah so I went with him to Chinatown and he brought me to Bayonne Street so when he brought me to be I I already knew what it was I knew where I was at I knew the gang already I knew but he didn't know I knew and I didn't tell him anything either so um you were with the Bear Street faction the ghost shadow or the Mastery I was on Bayer Street he was there andy was Bayer street so Andy was following um uh hanzai and then when when when Andy brought me in um Hong Jai they all took a liking to me because I was like I was wow like anything they wanted me to do I would do um and uh I would hold the guns and a lot of kids wasn't as like wild as me at that time so I I didn't care and then um all of them took a liking to me and Hong Jai kind of took me um bj2 BJ took a really big liking to me and um and Andy felt like I was under him BJ was a lot older than you he was but out he was there when I was there he was uh probably from the first generation gold Shadow yeah but he was there when I was there and then um he they all took a liking to me and Andy he got kind of jealous because he felt like I was supposed to be under him but then other people took me and um and yeah so I was under uh was there a civil war going on when you were out in the streets between the Street fashion and the Mastery and maybe they try to Branch off yeah I've walked into the middle of a war so between Mott Street and Bayonne Street you were in the middle of it so like my third day that I was in the gang after we was done Thai Guy watching the street it was like around eight o'clock we all went to um I forgot the name of the restaurant but it's a meat market now and we went inside the restaurant they were all eating and we were all eating and there's a couple kids run inside like oh um they're here Shadows and then um we all ran outside so at this time I was so young I was like I was like 12 12 13. I don't even think I was 13 what yeah this was like 90 55 96 something like that something I don't remember exactly the year but I know I was still in junior high school right I was 12 years old 12 13 years old and then um all right we all ran outside I didn't know what was happening and then all you when I came outside I seen like maybe like 16 to like 20 people walking up the street right and they all had like pipes and knives and stuff like you know and um I was like whoa and everybody started everybody thought oh go go get the go get the stuff right so we had to pull we had like pipes and machetes and everything like hidden on the street like on the gates so everybody was running inside grabbing stuff grabbing stuff and then um cue boat he was one of the kids that was there and I basically when I walked out I just like I seen one of the uh I seen one of the guys run up on Super Bowl and stab him to death and I was just like I was just stuck there for a minute until one of the older guys grabbed me like yo move and then um and yeah that was like my third day there were you good friends with silver I mean I didn't know him but he he kind of had a little disdain for me it was just I was only there for a couple days you know but his girl why he didn't like me was his girl at the time was like oh he's so cute like saying I was I was a little kid you know so um Super Bowl didn't like that and then he kind of like was um was you know was being very standoffish and kind of like mean to me you know what kind of personality does Super Bowl have he he was like a young what was his reputation he was like he was a rising star within the the uh within within um the gang within bail Street he was young handsome he had the girls like he was a rising star everybody like you know looked at him like uh you know but he was young though he was maybe like two or three years older than me but he was already like coming up and um and yeah yeah he was a yeah I I have a story with silver you definitely don't know about this but the first time I'm telling you this story um yes Uber was a known troublemaker you know he made a name for himself in the streets and um he started some trouble with my my brother one day and uh actually one of my brother beat up a friend of his and they had to come out for a sit down yeah and Super Bowl was very close to dying on that day if the sit down didn't go well he would have been dead what happened was a Super Bowl he called my house and threatened my family that's uncallful he went out of line you know so that's a story for another day yeah so um did you run into any other gangs like the BTK while you're on the street so maybe like the song yeah um when I was out we really didn't have no issues with the food chain or anything I mean there was a little but not too much of my time I didn't really it was the BTK we really had a problem with um it was a one of the one of the days that we went out we went to a club I forgot what club it was and um who was it it was one of the it was one of the dialogues it was a I believe was it Andy I think it was Andy um Andy but not the Andy that broke me out it was diani uh Big Andy and we went to a club and the Vietnamese the BTK started like they were there and then there was a fight so the BTK were jumping Andy and all of the other the the guys we were with was kind of like not jumping in you know I mean and I jumped in and I jumped in and I grabbed Andy and then I jumped in and like you know I was helping Andy and one of them like punched me in the face and kick me and then um I had a big black eye but I ran into it like I didn't I could have because somebody else somebody else was like tell us oh it's over right but then when they said so I didn't tell I went to Andy and then I kind of grabbed Dandy and then you know one of the btks they they blacked my eye and then me and Andy kind of you know until like everything was over and then they left and then me and Andy left and um Andy was like much older like I was 12 years old right like I wasn't even been in the club at the time but um after that I gained a lot of respect because uh I stood there with him and uh and then after that there was like a lot of tension with the with with with the canal boys and we used to fight them all the time I I like I had a lot of fights with them um you know they they did a lot to some of my homies and then we did a lot to them you know and um as far as the gold Shadows do you keep and you still keep in touch with any other former members no I don't no any stories about onion head onion head everything that I I know about onion hay he I loved onion head he was a he was like you know my father was you know I looked up to my father but onion had always treated me um always treated me with a lot of respect he always treated my mother with a lot of respect more so than my father and I always looked up to onion head a lot and then I remember onion head had this big house I think it was in Connecticut somewhere and um this house was huge huge house uh they had an arcade in the in a basement his kids we I used to go there and play with his kids and we used to go play in the arcade and I used to love going to his house and he always treated us like so well you know what I mean um and I remember when my father got arrested onion head came to my mom's house came to our house I remember I opened up the door and I seen onion head I was like oh Uncle like you know I was so happy to see him and then um he sat down my mom and then this is my father got arrested right and this is uh this is before anybody knew that he was you know turning into like you know turning into a rat and he uh he asked my mom he said what can I what can I do for you like what can I help you with and then um my mom said oh you know Raymond is getting out of control you know like he's out of control I can't I can't and then now with his father going like I can't even control him anymore so um on your hair was like oh what so what do you want to do well you don't I was she was like I just want to get him out of New York because I see that he's going to be in a lot of trouble you know I see it already and then um onion head was like well I have a friend Upstate a white family that um could take him in and uh and long story short he sent me up there to a farm it was a white a whole white family uh um they had a farm a cow farm and I went in there and I was just a part of the white family I hated it there I wanted to leave so much like you know I I was fighting I punched the sun I used to fight with the sun um I fought all of the white kids I was I was going to school with they never seen a Chinese kid before and I was just so angry I just didn't want to be there and then uh it was like you know but that was one of the stories that I had with with um onion head that he did that for me you know is there anything you would like to say the onion head if you were able to speak yeah onion head is I just I just think that he was such a stand-up guy you know what I'm saying um even when I was in prison he used to write me when I was doing my 10-year stretch he wrote me several times like maybe like five to ten times communicating with me even Eve and I also remember when my when when my dad did that onion had made a phone call from jail made a phone call um two you know my family and told my mom because I remember like it changed after everything happened with my father I noticed the change in Chinatown like I just noticed how people looked at us and I just noticed it wasn't the same anymore I wasn't the prince of Chinatown how I used to feel when my father was out like you know it was changed it changed and then I remember onion had made a phone call and told my mom and told my aunt that you know don't worry that that has nothing to do with you and still like instead when I got arrested he made calls to try to get me out of trouble to help me and then when I was on Rikers Island there was an officer that came up to me a Chinese officer when I was I was fighting all the time and Rikers Island I used to fight so much and I was getting in so much trouble and then I remember the Chinese officer pulled me out and was like oh um um onion heads I think it was a family a member or something I just don't remember his brother I don't remember but he pulled me out and he said I'm a friend of onion head and anything you need like you know he try to he tried to move me out that house I was in because I was getting in so many fights but I was like nah I'm good in here like you know he tried to move me out and Yeah and even while even through all of that he still was looking out and still was was writing me and doing that and I just think that that was such a you know I spoke volumes on who he was as a person you know so I mean I don't have anything per se to say to on your head but you know if if he does watch this you know I I do I do respect him a lot so after the scientists died when he got gunned down did you know who um how the power of being the dialogue of the flying dragons at the time after the scientists died oh it was on your head right it was uh yeah I mean from what I understand just Sook was still like a part of it and so Uncle seven he was my godfather he when I when I was born they he bought me a year of diapers um which was crazy but I remember Tessa I still remember how he looks how he smells like the smile he used to always have like you know I still remember that you know I mean as a little kid but I so to my knowledge it was onion onion head that took over right I know I have sauces and I have contact with people who know your father and and as well as onion head we're going to get into that later one day on this channel but I want to let you know now um that your father was the one who held the real power wow in the flying dragons I didn't even know that no onion head so I'm gonna bring some of those people to come out on this channel one day and if it's okay with you we can tell those stories about your father yeah I mean why not that's it um thank you so much thank you for the interview and we'll continue maybe part two another day no doubt thank you okay
Channel: Chinatown Gang Stories
Views: 232,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chinatown, nyc, 1980s, 1990s, 1970s, chinese, asian, asian gangs, gang, mafia, chinese american, ghost shadows, china mac, flying dragons, al capone, john gotti, lucky luciano, triads, hong kong, italian mafia, russian mafia, chinese mafia, gambino, shrimp boy, crime, crime documentary, true crime, interviews, streets
Id: 8G8RF7-IbOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 16 2023
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