Michael Jackson is innocent!

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[Music] [Music] the first kid that accused him of child molestation because his father made him do it even told Micah's father made him do it I don't know if many people know but after after Michael died I think named Jordan Jordan Charlie yeah yeah Jordan he came out and he said he wished that he could have told Michael before he passed let him know that he had coming to the public and admitted he never touched how did that make you feel it make me feel good but you know I'm new in all the time that Michael hadn't done anything because I know he wouldn't do that does the prosecution keep so many charges of our Jackson the the fact that it wasn't sequestered then you think that that like stacked the deck against you and do you think that putting all those charges on Jackson guaranteed the prosecution will get at least one conviction which mr. Abrams kept saying at the end of the trial I thought he's gonna get convicted of one progeny swin charge first of all and Mosel the prior victim or alleged victim the original victim why didn't you try to force him to get on the stand and to break him down or could that have been done well first of all as I said before I had great faith in the jury it was more of an intuitive feeling than anything else I didn't want them sequestered I think it sequester jury as an unhappy jury is an uncomfortable jury and I always fear that that will hurt the defense I also felt that they were a very stubbornly individualistic and very honorable group who would listen to the judges instructions and avoid the media and indeed since the trial they have all said that they didn't know certain things were being set out there they didn't made a very very strong effort not to watch TV not to read the papers so I put my trust in them in that regard as far as loading up on charges I think it clearly was a prosecutorial tactic where they really only wanted him convicted on one to get with a what they wanted I always felt the conspiracy charge was bogus from day one and we used it to help our to help our side out they had a conspiracy charge that Michael Jackson had organized a conspiracy to abduct children falsely imprison a family and to commit extortion and I think the more the jury learned what kind of a person he is the more absurd those charges became I think the prosecution did it for a lot of reasons some of them technical and some of them strategic I think as I said before they were hoping that if they just used these charges to dirty Jackson up any way possible something would fall out in their favor and they also in my opinion we're trying to use the conspiracy charge to get in here say evidence that normally would not be admitted there is an exception to the prohibition on hearsay and that's called co-conspirator hearsay what this allowed the mother to do was come in and say all these people said ABCD and E whereas she normally would not be allowed to say that because it would be hearsay because there was an exception if there's a conspiracy charge they also did it to scare these alleged conspirators away so they wouldn't cooperate with the defense and come in to exonerate Michael Jackson but I think in the process of pursuing what I think was a very disingenuous allegation they undercut their own credibility because along with the charges looking absurd and the evidence looking just absurd there was a timing problem because as we pointed out they tried to claim that Michael Jackson formed a conspiracy because this Beshear documentary had aired which was very unflattering he had then formed a conspiracy to force this family to make statements that exonerated him and then disappear to Brazil and the molestation is supposed to start in the middle of all of this and it just didn't make any sense and I think they really hurt themselves by bringing these crazy charges because it also allowed me to just point out you can't believe what they're saying or doing you know they will just almost say anything to dirty up Michael Jackson next question / me Oh first case okay you know they this is interesting because anyone who followed the case knew about the issue of 1108 evidence which in California is called prior bad acts evidence and what the press but California allows and few states do allow is that in a case like this you can bring in evidence of other alleged similar acts even if they were never charged with a crime and even if they're not the essence of the charge in this particular case so what they said in their opening statement was we have evidence that five young men were molested and we're going to present all of that to you and to make it even worse it appeared the judge did something I've never seen happen in a case like this with respect to three of those alleged five victims he allowed witnesses to come in and say they saw them molested without the prosecution of having to bring the actual alleged victims in okay so they did that they put on three guards who had worked at Neverland to say they saw these three people molested one of them a call a Culkin okay the after all right now those three guards had sued Michael Jackson claiming that he wrongfully terminated them he had crossed complain saying that they had stolen property from him it was the longest civil trial in the history of Santa Maria they lost their case Jackson won his cross complaint he had a million dollar judgment against all of them there were judicial findings of fraud against all of them they had gone to the tabloids and sold stories and the three people they say they saw molested they were my first three witnesses that came in and said they were never touched so when that happens I think we were able to effectively tickle this and say ladies and gentlemen EU can't believe these prosecutors you can't believe their case you know they'll but they'll say anything to try and win now the one you're talking about never showed up he's the one who got a settlement in the early 90s now my understanding is the prosecutors tried to get him to show up and he wouldn't if he had I had witnesses who were going to come in and say he told them it never happened and that he would never talk to his parents again for what they made him say and it turned out he had gone into court and gotten legal emancipation from his parents his mother testified that she hadn't talked to him in 11 years so you know there was a problem there as well there was a fifth alleged victim who testified who said that Michael Jackson had been playing with him and had gone too far and touched his testicles and he needed five years of therapy after it and during the first therapy session the DA was present and he also admitted he wanted money from him and his mother wanted money from Jackson and his mother went to a tabloid and sold a story as well so you put all that together and I submit that it helped us next question the coverage so let's ask about it what's the relationship that you had with Michael Jackson had or have I mean it's whatever go with had listen you know he's just he's a good friend of mine and he still is I mean everyone what's going on I mean it's unfortunate it's an unfortunate situation for for everyone involved and you know I first good to meet him I first met him he kind of called me randomly like out of the blue you just kind of like hi it's Michael and it's like hey home alone this is after home alone I could actually had met him before I was doing a nutcracker at Lincoln Center I was playing fritz and he came backstage one day and I actually met him very briefly and he kind of recognized me cuz it was after I'd done Uncle Buck and so he kind of mentioned something then he calls me up kind of out of the blue and it's kind of just this weird random things like once you come over in my house and thing is I didn't react to him the way most people did most people like Michael Jackson and you know I mean he was a god to people and to me he was you know I knew he was a pop singer but beyond that you know I didn't I wasn't one of the fans I think that's one of the reasons why we connected was the fact that you know I believe me I call him a jerk all the time I call my fat head listen to that you know yeah yeah I know we all did I mean he was you know a family friend what happened at the house that's what all these things so weird you know what good that nothing happened you know I mean nothing really I mean we played video games you know we you know played in the park well the thing is the thing is with that whole thing is that you know there go you something the same bedroom as him it's like I don't think you understand Michael Jackson's bedroom is two stories has like like three bathrooms and this and that so when I slept in his bedroom yeah but you have to understand the whole scenario and the thing is with Michael is it he's not very good at explaining himself and he never really has been because he's not a very social person I mean he's you're talking about someone who's been sheltered and sheltering himself also for the last like 30 years or you know and so he's not very good at communicating to people and not very good at conveying what he's actually trying to say to you and so when he says something like that you know people you know he doesn't quite understand why people react the way that they do why do you think he likes young it's because the same reason why he liked me was the fact that I didn't care who he was that was the thing I talked to lucky was a normal human being and that's what and kids do that to him because he's not I mean he's Michael Jackson the pop singer but he's not the god of you know the King of Pop or anything with that he's just you know a guy who's actually very kid-like himself and wants to go out there and wants to play video games so teaching parents encourage it they weren't against it you know wasn't like they encouraged it or like pushing me upon it it was just kind of like I wanted to hang out with him and they were fine with it so what do you make of what he's going through now okay you know like I said it's unfortunate and you know it's it's a circus right now you think it's a bad rap you know I think so yeah I mean that's you know I mean listen like look what happened in the first time the first time this happened to him you know if someone had done something like that to my kid I well you know I wouldn't just settle for some money you know I'd make sure the guy was in jail you know and I it just really goes to show I mean as soon as you know they got the money and they ran I mean that's really what happened the first time and so you know I don't know it just it's a little crazy and I kind of have taken a step back from the whole thing because it is a bit of a circus and you know if the same thing was happening to me I wouldn't want to drag him into it and vice-versa so I tried my best to keep a distance from it but okay I was friend of mine a character witness we drew up here I guess so but I don't I probably not I mean like I said it's crazy and I don't really want to be a part of it you know I like him I like him and he's a friend of mine I'm not saying I wouldn't do something like that it just hasn't been brought up to you know brought up to me and I don't think he'd want me to either just because it's like I said you know the same thing was happening to me I wouldn't want him what reaction has happened to you from all of this what do you mean I mean people how to be do people inquire of you a lot about it sometimes yeah I mean people you know people always have like their opinions they always you know it's funny I mean people always talk to me about him cuz you know I'm one of these people who built I yet anything about my life really to get me going you know and so yeah I mean I've really an openly talked about him and stuff like that but overall you know he's just a good friend of mine you wish him well yes of course I do did you watch he was an elected official and I was you know you wash your hands after shaking his hand I mean this guy literally falsified evidence I know and it's on the record and there's millions of Jackson fans hate Santa Barbara County yes yeah I'm not aware that's the world I know this is way beyond your field but I've always I've always had good thoughts of Tom I always thought he was a very honorable I did a DA I did too I'm not aware he'd put Tom Sneddon put some bad people in jail that needed to be in jail I think I think he was a successful DA well he I know successful days there were crooks too but this thing what he did to Michael Jackson was so beyond the pale of forgiveness I have to say in my and I know this won't make me popular with Gordy squawkin Alcon class and Ron's Onan and that old bunch of DA's and certainly not Dudley or Joslyn but I believe Tom Sneddon should be serving time in prison and that's where he should be getting is he'll have lots of money in his prison account getting his pension but he should be in prison you cannot falsify evidence and then just say oh we lost the case no no he had that boy put his fingerprints on the magazine at the grand jury and the reason we know that because the alert tom measure on the defense attorney got the grand jury transcript and one of the jurors said shouldn't that boy be wearing gloves then after the grand jury they sent it out for fingerprints analysis so where did the boy get his fingerprint on the magazine when the boy testified he hadn't even been at Neverland for months when that magazine was published yet he claimed that was the magazine Michael Jackson gave him in bed and Tom Sneddon directed all that testimony he falsified now if he was a new DA if he was green behind the ears and he just got elected da and he made a stupid mistake like giving the evidence to a boy and then sending it out fingerprint happens with no gloves on I would say okay he made a mistake he's a greenhorn he didn't know what he was doing we can let it go but 25 years 25 years that's like saying if we find five years from now that somebody in your office had been pilfering money one way or another and we say well we're just going to forgive him because he worked so many years in the office we're gonna just let it go never we would never forgive him well neither should we forgive Tom Sneddon the man should be doing time in jail and I look at the trial but he should have the benefit of trial of course he gets a trial of course he gets a trial and we bring on on the record we bring the record from the Tom the Michael Jackson trial say here it is jury the man is guilty as sin and we lay it out we left the grand jury's transcript there it is and put that Tom Sneddon in prison he needs to do some hard time just because you put bad guys it's like saying if a cop stopped ten bad guys from robbing mr. Hagen's house every year these bad guys come to rob you and the cops show up and they stop them but one year very happy of course you would be happy but it's the same cop came back one day and said well you know I think I should rob mr. Haggin and he shoots mr. Haggin and takes your money no I wouldn't be happy right exactly it's my point that's exactly my point now do we say well the cop stopped all these bad guys for ten years so we'll just give him a three passes one time no that's not the way it works but that's us turn to me after I said something something swell don't you really think Michael is guilty and I said to him this was a gave me a little pleasure I said mr. Arkin class you prosecutors proved to me he was innocent of everything with your lying witnesses to get caught your bogus fingerprint evidence and I started to go into this fingerprint evidence and to me nothing sticks in my mind so greatly is that day you put the little pointer pen light laser up on the counter of the barely legal magazine after you had got you'd got Gavin at least seven eight times to say yes Michael gave me that magazine in the bed and yes at last been at Neverland and such in such a month I figured it was January February of March and the date on it was October and you made Gavin you made Gavin to read the date and then you asked him again now when were you last at Neverland and you say gave me this many words didn't you didn't that make a striking impression I looked at the jury and they were like the front row was going like rolling their eyes like oh my god can we do any why is this going on I mean the jurors were rolling their eyes how soon before that did you know I mean you must have been laying that trap for him you how soon before the trial started did you know that Tom Sneddon had physically given the magazine a physical magazine with no gloves on and given it to Gavin Arvizo in the grand jury indictment proceeding I was June before that well my law firm partner and co-counsel Susan you she was the one that I worked through all the evidence with we were the lead counsel in the case Randy and Michael Jackson asked me to come to Florida said they wanted Susan you and me to do defend Michael as lead counsel and she was the one that I primarily went through all the evidence with Susan you was the most brilliant legal strategist I've ever met in my career she's a tireless worker she's brilliant she's intuitive and she doesn't leave a stone unturned so we were going through all of this a number of months before the trial and fastened upon this this issue and it was one of many things I think that we revealed in that trial that showed that these witnesses were not telling the truth and we're not to be believed oh it's it's well we've got the prosecutor caught in putting fingerprints and the child's fingerprints on a girlie magazine yeah at the grand jury hearing the magazine the boy said was exactly the magazine Michael gave them at Neverland Ranch except the magazine hadn't been published yet when he was last at Neverland Ranch so we now know Tom Sneddon had to or should have known that so we have Thompson the Santa Barbara district attorney of 25 years or more planting evidence to hang Michael Jackson beyond that we know his number one investigator Terrance FRA investigated this family Janet's family and the two boys and the girls and came back said there's no criminality on Michaels part that's right they shouldn't forget it this year no garni were Tom Sneddon still wasn't happy so he put him somewhere else and took two inexperienced investors and go get a warrant Tom Sneddon personally went down to Beverly Hills in LA digging up digging around trying to find people and he then becomes subject to becoming a defense witness when you took Michael on as a client did anybody say this is gonna be a very very hard case to win or did you feel right from the beginning you could show the world one of my closest friends told me don't ever take the case you can't win it he's been and if he gets convicted it's going to define the rest of your life and career everywhere you go in the world they'll say he's the one that sent Michael Jackson to prison and Susan and I talked about it and we decided we're in there well from my perspective you know many criminal cases on paper clients can look really really bad if I'm a prosecutor I can make anybody look terrible but the focus for us was to really get to know Michael that mattered more than the I mean it would the the the amount of evidence we had in the case it was just just just way too much to handle but for us the focus was to Michael and getting to know him and quickly we realized there was no doubt that he was innocent that's fantastic Tom let me ask him what was the turning point what was the turning point for you and you think the world in that trial well our approach was to be aggressive from the opening bell their first witness was Martin Bashir they thought he was going to be a good witness and he was a disaster for the prosecution he would fuse to answer questions he hid behind his attorney who was in court he claimed journalism privilege and we just kept going I just kept asking him questions about Michael Jackson questions like isn't it true he told you repeatedly he would never hurt a child under any circumstances that he wouldn't answer the questions and I would repeat it again and again and I think it was a disastrous way for them to start their case and I'll tell you something one of the fans asked a question of me what did you find so amazing when you did the research for this is that they sent 70 police car 70 not even for the Manson murders of Sharon Tate did they send 70 police cars to the house where she was killed in and what did they find they found playboy which was a men's magazine penthouse which was a men's magazine no child porn no pictures of new kids nothing this man was such a bigot I mean I've never seen a man that's a bigger bigger than mr. Tom Sneddon and he thought because Michael Jackson and it's true because Michael Jackson was black he wanted to take him down and I think that was really such a terrible thing because it doesn't matter what color race you are were all people and we all live together that's right I'd like to add one thing about the the various magazines that I think a lot of people don't know about and that is Michael received so many books and magazines from all over the world and a lot of the so-called Playboy magazines were magazines that he received from others not that he went out and bought them and so he had a huge library of all sorts of books classical to children's books I mean he had a library that was bigger than a public library and in addition to 70 shares who went out to get Michael the amount of evidence we had in this case was bigger than any huge a federal case you can even get and for us handling Michaels case was handling like hundred cases all at once documentary evidence audio video and the live witnesses we prepare for over 500 witnesses incredible it was really really monumental and that's what it took for the entire Santa Barbara County to go after Michael and they only proved that they were wrong and they were outrageous and going after somebody as innocent as Michael and one thing I have to say about Michael you know and quickly is it quite frankly no question he was a big name in Suez superstar yes was bigger than Michael no question who's more talented and gifted than Michael probably nobody but you know why he was so special aside from all that underneath it all he was so decent yeah and so modest and humble and a lot of celebrities you come across they suffer from narcissism they think they're entitled to everything or there are a lot of people not just celebrities but people with money Fame or perceived money and fame it's unfortunate people are that way but you know I wouldn't be sitting here and talking to you if Michael was a horrible person who cares if he was famous and big if he was a jerk not a nice person but he really was a really really nice decent person right you're absolutely right it didn't seem like there were ever any young girls there I mean we hear of children going to Neverland but it all seems to be boys well absolutely false women testify that they stayed in his room but and by the way his room is a two-story duplex a huge duplex that's what we call his room and women stayed their mothers stayed their parents stayed their kids stayed there and any time a child came up to him and said we want to play in your room which he has arcade games and that kind of thing he always said I want your parents here right now and I want their permission and the parents were free to stay and we had parents testifying who did stay so a lot of this was spin by the prosecution because they wanted to try and convict him to spin they had nothing to deal with in the courtroom is he childlike I mean it's almost hard for me to believe that you can be such a polished entertainer I mean when you spend time with him is it like spending time with a child he is childlike and he's been very vocal when interviewed about why he's child like he had no childhood he was working clubs at 3:00 in the morning when he was up when he was a very small child he said he used to gaze at schoolyards and wonder what it was like to be just a spontaneous kid he couldn't do that he was disciplined very strictly and he feels as if he never really had a free and spontaneous childhood and he also he also is just he feels as if he's been let down by adults most of his life he was a child asked to sign papers he didn't know what money was all this money was spinning all around him he got taken advantage of and he has an empathy for children because he thinks children need more attention in the world he's helped kids with AIDS around the planet he's helped kids with all sorts of diseases Ryan White the young man who had AIDS and died of it he took care of him when a little child in his in the early 80s was doused with gasoline by his father in our county and Michael paid his bills he's paid bills for injured children all around the world a lot of this the prosecution tried to bury because they want to make him look like a monster and they fail sentiments for a long time I want to ask a few things about the charges but first I want to establish for the viewers here there are no ground rules you have said to me you are not afraid of any questions so wanted that understood by everybody before we proceed I think I want to begin by making sure that the terms are clear you have said that you would never harm a child I want to be specific as I can did you ever as this young boy said you did did you ever sexually engage fondle have sexual contact with this child or any other child never ever I could never harm a child or anyone it's not in my heart it's not who I am and it's not what I meant I'm not even interested in that and what do you think should be done to someone who does that to someone who does that what I think it should be done gee I think they need help in some kind of way you know how about the police photographs though how is there enough information from this boy about those kinds of things the police photographs believe that they took of me yeah it was nothing that matched me to those charges no nothing there was nothing that concur that's why I'm sitting here talking to you today every there was not one iota of information that was found that could connect me so when we've heard the child argument of some kind no markings no marking no why did you why am I still here then you're not gonna ask me about are you sad about the markings you can volunteer no I'm just the point is is that when that finally got concluded that there was no match up then it was printed this big as opposed to how big it was what the matchup was supposed to be it didn't we're never and it isn't so the why teaching is a lot thanks then why did you settle the case and and it looks to everyone as if you paid a huge amount of money that's the most of that to get us irons I talked to my and I said can you guarantee me that justice will prevail and they said Michel we cannot guarantee you that a judge or a jury will do anything and with that I was like catatonic I was outraged how much fun totally outraged so what I said I have got to do something to get out from under this nightmare all these lies and all these people coming forward to get paid in them and these tabloid shows just lies lies lies lies so what I did we got together again with my advisers and they advised me it was hands down a unanimous decision resolved the case this could be something that could go on for seven years how much mr. let's get it behind us can you say Kitty much it's not what the tabloids have printed it's not all this crazy outlandish but no it's not at all I mean the terms of the agreement are very confidential I want to discuss it they think the specific specific terminals so it's specific about the idea isn't fair what they put me through because there wasn't one piece of information that says I did that in any way they turned to my room upside down went through all my books all my videotapes all my private things and they found nothing nothing nothing that could say Michael Jackson did this nothing but let me ask you this day with nothing what deal nothing lesbian nothing nothing nothing nothing I got nothing as you may or may not know we have called everyone we can call we have checked everything we can check we have gone and tried to see if what we heard before is in fact the case I want to ask you about two things these reports that we read over and over again that in your rooms they found photographs of young boys not boys there's children all kind of girls and everything then that they found photographs books of young boys who were undressed no didn't happen no not that I know of unless people sent me things and I have an open people think people know my love for children so they see me books from all over the world from South America from Jeremy from Italy from Sweden so people say that that they found those things that there's an indication let them come forward let them produce them right yeah because I get all I get all cotton you you wouldn't believe the amounts of mail that I get it and if you say to somebody you know if I let the fans know I love Charlie Chaplin I'll be swarmed in Charlie Chaplin paraphernalia 100 good if I say I love children which I do they sworn me with everything pertaining to kids any other settlements in process now or previously with children making these kinds of claims we have heard that there is one not not a case that the prosecutors would bring in court but that once again you're talking about shelling out no that's not you no no no it's not true I think I've heard everything is fine and there are no others I guess let me ask this and I'm trying to think how to phrase it though I can hear out in the country people saying and and you've been cleared of all the charges we want to make that clear people say look here is a man who was surrounded by things that children love here is a man who spent an inordinate amount of time with these young boys what is a 36 year old man doing sleeping with a 12 year old boy or a series of them right okay when you say boys it's not just boys and I've never invited just boys to come in my room come on that's ridiculous and that's a ridiculous question but I contend people want to hear it you know the answer and I'll be happy to answer it I have never invited anyone into my bed ever children love me I love them they follow me they want to be with me but anybody can come in my bed child can come I can see I can I can say sorry I've seen this I've seen it a lot I've seen kids I've seen him with children in the last year I've seen it enough to where I can see how that can happen is you know I understand isn't part of being an adult and you have a two-year-old child to grow boy yeah let me just let me just okay I just wanted to say that I've seen these children they don't let him go to the bathroom without running in there with him and they won't let him out of their sight so when he jumps in the bed I'm even out you know they they jump into bed with him but isn't part of being an adult and loving children keeping children from ambiguous situations and again we're talking about over an intense period of time here would you let your son when he grows up and as 12 years old do that you know what if I if I didn't know Michael in no way but I happen to know who he is and what he is and that makes it you know I know that he's not you know I know that he's not like it and I know he has a thing for children and I go ahead sorry I just wonder is it over you're gonna make sure it doesn't happen again I think this is really is what Oh thing people want to know that that they're not gonna be more of these sleepovers in which people have to wonder nobody wonders when kids sleep over at my house but are they over are you are you gonna watch out for it no Jeff what are the sake of the children and for no really oh it's all moral and it's all pure I don't even think that way it's not what's in my heart so you'll do it again ever do it again I mean you'll have a child of course they want yes it's on the level of purity and love and just innocence complete innocence if you're talking about sex and that's a nut That's not me go to the guy down the street because it's not Michael Jackson it's not what I'm interested in okay Elizabeth Taylor talk to us a little bit about what she saw when she went over and talked to you in the middle of this what she called agony one of the things she was so I think she was so angry about with us was that she said people always talk about one side of a person they never give them credit for their accomplishment particularly what they give to children and the money you get to children that's how it starts when he's on tour he goes to hospitals without the press following him without anyone knowing he'll get up in the disguise and do it take his disguise off when he's there and kids know wow it's Michael Jackson was there no point at what you said to yourself reading everything everybody had been reading maybe this is true maybe I completely didn't understand who he was no way absolutely not never never I know Michaels heart I know his mind and his soul I'm not that insensitive especially him or people I love how did you decide to go to Singapore he was my friend he was alone he was totally alone and he just he needed help nothing in the world could have heard him more if it had been calculated if they planned an assassination they couldn't have done it any better it almost it almost broke his heart she says she recognized a friend turning to painkillers for escape he wasn't aware of what was happening he was dulling his pain but it really frightened me because I have been there and I know how easy it is to get there when you're in mental or physical pain and he knew right away that he had to deal with it too not right away not right away but he knew there were some reports during this period Michael that it was such agony for you that you were actually suicidal is that true I was never suicidal I loved life too much to ever be suicide I'm resilient I have a rhinoceros skin never ever suicidal and I have to ask it again even though it's an uncomfortable subject but when you run the show the first time I think I ask you this whether you had ever seen any inappropriate behavior between Michael Jackson and young children mm-hmm are you asking me again I'm asking you again the answer is absolutely not in any way I did not see anything like that thousand five Michael Jackson stood trial accused of molesting a thirteen-year-old boy after five months Michael was found not guilty on all counts so what I think was remarkable is that during the trial in 2005 you were in that courtroom every single day what was that like for you well it wasn't hard for me because it was my baby that was going on trial and I know he was innocent the hardest thing was on the jury with the jury David would they would they sent him to jail that was so hard and um and I prayed for the truth I said if they only knew the truth he would walk out of that courthouse and it happened too but I can't talk isn't that awful Howie I can't talk about anything without crying because this was a trying time it was a trying time for him in his life that's how I felt all his life he had to go through stuff like this and and they were just lying on him mm-hmm so did you ever for one instant ever think that there was a possibility that he could be guilty of molesting a child no I never thought because he I know he wouldn't he loved children and he was around children all the time and that's the only way that these people the ones out there that did it they know who they are I'm not calling any names they know who they are that's the only way they can make people believe that he did something because he was around those children all the time and Michael would always say mother why are they accusing me of something I love the most I'd rather slit my own wrists and the hurt a child mm-hmm he would always say that how was he during that time when we looked back at tapes at that time he does seem you know at some points coming into the courtroom kind of out of it like maybe he was on drugs who knows whether whether he was on drugs and remember that day he came and what looked like his pajamas and all of that well he came into his came in his pajamas because he he went to the hospital he fell he had fell because we got up before daybreak mm-hmm and he fell and so he had to be rushed to the hospital and so we were gonna be a little late the judge was said if you don't get here within some time that we're gonna keep all the money that um I think it was like three million dollars it was his bail and they were gonna keep it all wasn't gonna give it back to him hmm and so the lawyer called and told him you get down here so he he can't miss his pajamas the way he went to that hospital mm-hmm did that trial change him yes it did tell me how because he used to trust people mm-hmm his problem was he trusts too much and after that trial he didn't trust anybody really he would always tell me mother I don't trust anybody the only person I trusted you didn't think he was prosecuted because of his race I thought he was prosecuted because he was a mega celebrity I will say this the last witness I call was actor comedian Chris Tucker and Chris Tucker testified that this family who was accusing Michael Jackson had tried to hustle him they wanted its car they told him the child had cancer like Michael Jackson was told he invited them to a day in Las Vegas where they were shooting what would they filming the the film rush hour one they stayed three weeks and build them for everything they kept asking him for money and he flew to Miami and he met Michael Jackson at a hotel and he said be careful something is wrong he warned Michael Jackson about this accuser and his family on cross-examination the district attorney Tom Sneddon conducted the cross and at one point he showed Chris Tucker a blow-up of a photograph of Chris with the accuser and his family at a wedding and Chris rather humorously said I like that picture you know where I can get it and everybody kind of chuckled at the courtroom the DA looked at him and said I'll get it for you if you're a good boy now the african-american community as far as I can tell and I was not watching the media all the time I was working most of the time I would take a break and channel surf to see what I could see didn't pick up on this very much and I was happy because I again coming back to my defense my belief and what would work I didn't want to raise issues of racism in this case I looked at this jury I felt this jury I didn't think it would help us and I had to take a very difficult and controversial position at the end of the case because of my belief in what was necessary to save my client Michael Jackson the day of the jury got the case I felt very good I felt their case had gone in very well and I had told certain people I don't want a racial issue here I don't want to be identified with a racial issue in this community I don't think it's gonna help us at the beginning of the case when I was asked by various people associated with Michael Jackson well how I thought things were going I had been very concerned and let me sort of explain that this way in November of 2003 Neverland was raided by 70 sheriff's and I was called I was driving back from Big Sur California to Los Angeles I'd taken a vacation I was asked if I fly to Las Vegas to meet Michael Jackson but he wanted me to represent her hey you wait every day you try to raise money I would imagine you believe that children are being abused by pedophiles and houses so why are you sitting down talking to me why aren't you sitting down with the police right now I've told the police in fact if anybody wants to go back to 1993 when I was interviewed by the Santa Barbara Police Department I sat there and I gave them the names they're on record they have all of this information but they were scanning Michael Jackson all they cared about was trying to find something on Michael Jackson said by the way it did not abuse who Michael was innocent and that was what the interview was about with the police in 1993 I told them he is not that guy and they said well maybe you just don't understand your friend and I said no I know the difference between pedophiles and somebody who's not a pedophile because I've been molested here's the names go investigate and let me push this forward there are thousands of people in Hollywood who have the same information why is it all on me why is it if I don't release the names in the next two months six months or a year I'm the bad guy I'm the victim here I'm the one who's been abused I'm the one who's trying to come forward and do something about it but there are Coakley's I'm sorry there are thousands of people out there Matt who have this information any one of those child actors that went to the teenage soda pop clubs with me when I was a kid know who those people are and the people who ran it anybody can go back through history and look at the teen magazines and say what was the name of that venue they were all promoting and who ran that venue and who endorsed it you've said you've had death spot and you know all the controversy that followed him what was like watching a friend go through that you know it was because you know you know this guy's great you know he's got a heart of gold and you know you know that he wouldn't do any of those things that people were talking about later on and of course after he died a few those people came forward and says you know it never happened we didn't do anything was pressured my parents buy this for that and we needed money real bad and they figured out was a way to get you know get out of and there's people out in the press that actually came clean but it's too late you know I mean thanks a lot you know I mean you put them through hell and you know and but your documentary he was pressuring you to try to divulge if anything happen to you yeah they were they're always trying to you know you know put words in my mouth for trying you know make crazy stuff happen you know we just had the best times you know he's always been nothing but a great friend not just to me to my always whether or not Michael Jackson's ownership of the Beatles does that influence a case of whether God should Saddam should be given amnesty well I can talk authoritative way about the first issue the second one I'm I'm not an international lawyer and I frankly don't know a lot of the details except I have trouble believing anybody's gonna give side of Hussein amnesty but nevertheless first question Michael Jackson has been the greatest target for civil lawsuits I've ever ever experienced he's literally been sued thousands of times by people he hasn't met people he knows nothing about and yes there are people who would like to obtain his property including his interest in the Beatles catalog and their desire to obtain his assets would have been significantly enhanced if he had been convicted he would have been disabled from defending cases if he defended them he would be walking into court a convicted felon and Shia molester or conspirator whatever the conviction might have been and I happened to fervently believe there were people who were waiting in the winds hoping he would be convicted so they would simply walk in and grab assets can I tell you definitively that people who want the catalog are in that group no I can't all I can tell you is that he would have been substantially disabled from defending himself in any of these situations if he had been convicted I had a jury consultant and she did what jury consultants always do and that is they conduct surveys and focus groups and they obtain data and they correlate data they'll get your age and your occupation and your political affiliation your religion your race and they will associate it with various attitudinal issues and they'll come up with a typical profile of what a pro-prosecution juror would be and what a pro-defense juror would be and had I listened to that data which the prosecution had as well probably wouldn't have done as well because among other things that data said that women with kids are probably your worst jurors it's a child molestation case mothers are want to protect their children and this is the worst kind of thing you can do and frankly women with kids were what I wanted because jury surveys hard data this kind of analysis is no substitute for your intuition for your feelings about people for your understanding about who your client is and who might be open to understanding your client for your intuitions and your instincts about who might look at the prosecution witnesses and see through them if you really think you represent the truth and I am convinced we did and I said to myself race is not going to be an issue in this case now Michael and his family were concerned about no african-americans on the jury we had one african-american alternate who never made it to the actual panel I was not concerned the more I learned about the community the more I learned about my case the more I learned about the client the more I sensed what I thought about this courthouse and what had happened in the past in this courthouse the more I really thought we're gonna get a fair shake and I'll tell you something else I learn as I said before I'd never tried a case in Santa Barbara County but I learned that there's somewhat of an attitudinal split between the North County and the South County as I said before Santa Maria is in the North County which is primarily blue-collar working-class very conservative the South County thought to be more affluent and more liberal you have the University of California at Santa Barbara in the south you have the district attorneys principal office in the south there had been two bills I discovered introduced in the state legislature trying to get the north to secede from the south and I said to myself you know this is Michael's community he chose it people like oh let's position Michael in his community against this vindictive da from the south and I think it was effective because I also learned that most people in that community thought the DA was on a vendetta to get Michael Jackson he had convened a grand jury in the early 90s to try and get an indictment and he had failed the grand jury met for approximately six months and would not charge Michael Jackson with anything and I have since spoken to someone who was on that grand jury quite recently from Los Angeles she was on a Los Angeles grand jury that was convened at the same time and they had real problems with these accusations and real problems with a sense that people were trying to get money out of Michael Jackson by generating these charges so he failed to get an indictment in the early 90s in the mid-90s the district attorney flew to Australia and Canada that are the only countries I know that he went to he may have gone to others looking for victims of Michael Jackson he failed they told him to get lost he didn't do anything to us he had a website at the Sheriff's Department looking for information on Michael Jackson and finally got the case that you know about because it was tried this year and as Professor Ogletree said ten felony counts not guilty for a lesser included misdemeanor counts not guilty didn't even hang him on misdemeanors the case in my opinion was a total fraud it was an effort by unscrupulous prosecutors and police to do anything they could and say anything they could say to try and get a conviction on a single count and it was absolutely unjust what was done to Michael Jackson this year but my conclusion on the issue of race I told people who I had the ability to talk to about the issue the following I said to African American people Michael Jackson is black he is black if you ask him what his race is he's black but you know to a lot of white people Michael Jackson transcends race he brings people together we played tapes to the jury we talked about why he loves people at all continents people of all races he said at one point I wish I could adopt a child from every continent he talked about how he dislikes racism and dislikes bigotry and I am absolutely convinced that that jury saw Michael Jackson is someone who brings people together not apart and I never had a concern about these jurors being fair I just didn't I always thought this jury would never ally with the DA because it was their counting I never thought so I never thought this jury would penalize Michael Jackson because he has lawn care because he has a serious skin condition which I have witnessed it's called vitiligo he has shown me his skin if you look at his back he will see brown patches and white patches it's changing and eating pigment in his skin he's very embarrassed with that he chose to put white makeup on his face rather than have these splotches all over his face that's his choice I don't think it's a crime to do that and don't treat me like a criminal I am innocent the Katherine Jackson the greatest challenges have been the persistent claims of child molestation two boys made allegations against Jackson in one case a jury found him not guilty and the other did not proceed after payment was accepted from Jackson how did that impact the family was hard on me because I knew all the time Michael didn't do it you had no doubt I had no doubt I know he didn't do it did you ever ask him I didn't have to we talked about it all the time we talked about things both families like do you wish that Michael had not paid I wish he had and I got it and I told him as a mother that makes you angry doesn't have yes it does make me angry because he looked guilty but the allegations keep coming Australian Wade Robson a former friend and one-time defender of Jackson is now claiming he too was molested from seven years old from day one of the abuse who Michael told me that we loved each other and that this was love that this was an expression of our love and then you'd follow that up with you know but if you ever tell anyone what we're doing both of our lives and our careers will be over how do you feel about Wade Robson then wait yes listen is lying through his teeth and he know it and anybody can say it that know it no Michael Wade no better way just want money he knows better he's from Australia isn't he yes he is yeah he knows he's lying [Music] for his mother there's been little relief from the devastation of losing her son a loss also felt very deeply by Michaels daughter Paris you I don't know probably nobody's ever sued you but when you are sue it is on you you prove they don't have to prove their charge you have to prove it it's costly and it's a pain in the butt you know and so sometimes you know it's just easier to give them what they want to go away sometimes it backfires for people you know you give them what they want and then they come back four years later then you learn how to say you know what I'm giving you this that's it but I've had this experience at some point like decide you know your gut instincts but we have to trust our judicial system you know to the extent that it's doing the job that it needs to so and I think it's also different after someone has passed I mean I think that we know this certain amount of respect I do agree we heard our troops you know over the course of the fourth of July weekend made incredible strives that strides in our Afghanistan that was like a secondary note I think that there were things that really did happen in the world that maybe should have taken precedent but I do think the moment was deserved to him as a person for his passing also treat you remember we are the world he and Lionel Richie wrote this song called we are the world which did an amazing a job for all these people without attention to people all around the world and what they were going through so this this man affected everybody all over the country the world the nation so it's a lot of coverage brought that out in the 20 20 % of it is money to charities that go to children so I mean I'd like to separate the art from the artist I think that we have to we can hold two thoughts at once in our head so on the one hand he's a great artist very original very very important to American pop culture on the other hand he has some things that was strange about him it's like Woody Allen is a great artist and he has also and Roman Polanski is a great director and artists are definitely not at MTV he made MTV what it was they did not have african-americans on their channel and michael jackson's was a thriller they came on it could have still been like that so he had broken Rachel Berry's talk about I think what does not I don't even think that's the artist he broke racial barriers so you can see it was the artist the artist who broke racial barrier that's the man who broke racial barriers as well let me talk about my friend for a second my friend was Michael Jackson yeah he was at the very first audition I did for color purple when yeah when I told you you know I came out of Steven Spielberg and said there'd be just a couple of people to see cuz the es Steven Spielberg asked me to come do my one-woman show which I did on Broadway he didn't tell me why I was coming there he said I want to see a show and I can't get there so do you mind coming I said sure but you know I want to be in Raiders of the Lost Ark and so I step out and in this audience is Ashford and Simpson Quincy Jones a caramel grouse and Michael Jackson well so this is a tea the rain going to baby yeah so for me every big event that's happened in my life has always included Michael Jackson now and to answer mr. Kings question would you leave your children yes I would yes I do I left my child with my the yes I am going to I am going to err on the side of of him not really sort of knowing the music or caring or just wanting to be out there or having something to say because of course everybody has the right to say something but unless you know for sure especially if somebody's been acquitted it's probably a good way to avoid a slander suit from someone's family by saying I think that this person did this I think that this might not that's what they did that's what they did that's what they did because clearly in court it was not proved that that's what they did so no so so we can just send big I'm not saying mr. king be careful say how you feel but don't make it an edict because it's already been proved Michael in one interview does say that he thought it was totally appropriate to sleep in a bed he was a 40-something year old man which i think is odd frankly to leave him with my children I would have a nanny camera well here's the deal here's the deal let me tell you about Michael okay Michael Jackson from the time he was that big did nothing but perform right no life no kid life no nothing this guy sex is not a sex is not part of his world this is my opinion I never believed that sex was part of Michael's well so to him hurting a child he'd rather heard an adult if he was not hurt somebody would never hurt a child this is the last person in the world because to him they were the only people that understood him so I I just wanted to put that out there because you know wherever he is I hope his answer was Sinatra and everybody else is another point to be made not about him but just about pedophilia in general and that is that a lot of pedophiles say that they're not hurting the child that they're just that yes it could change to the truck and bake up yeah that is not the case I do not believe it with Michael Jackson I believe the result a pedophile or any of those things inappropriate as far as the case goes I have to tell you I've never seen so many witnesses provide so much salacious disturbing testimony and I've never seen so many witnesses crumble so quickly under cross-examination I'll probably never see it again I mean it almost became a circus people would get on that stand and say they've seen the most horrific things on the planet there would be a just a heavy atmosphere in the courtroom see if you could almost cut the silence with a knife after they were finished and a crossing them examination they would just splatter now let me give you an example just a general example of what I'm talking about the prosecution introduced evidence that five young men had been molested separate and apart from the accuser in the case and all the pundits were saying you know this law in California is so harsh so draconian you can't survive that you know once that evidence of other similar acts comes in you're dead no matter what happened well we started our case with free of those five young men who they claimed were molested and they all said he never touched me that's how we began our case three of the five the fourth one never showed up and if he had I think we were armed pretty well to deal with him and that's Larry Feldman's client there are a lot of other issues that go into that case that I don't have time to talk about but let's just say that I had a lot of information to go after him on not to mention the profit motive why do you take money and not go to the police and prosecute particularly you know if you're a family member do you prefer to take money instead of having police process and prosecutors go after you criminally what does that tell you about the situation v young man was a so-called youth pastor who claimed even tickled by Michael Jackson outside of his jeans and needed five years worth of therapy to deal with his trauma and by the way he wanted millions of dollars his mother wanted it and his mother also sold story to the tabloids so there the five people that the prosecution claimed had been molested by Michael separate and apart from this accuser okay now by the way again Ron feels very strongly about this I do too I do too the man was innocent now the accuser in this case who run feels so Pylea about it that's absolutely as privileged in my opinion I think we proved this had assisted his mother in a fault sexual harassment claim against JCPenney stores he was a child that took a sworn deposition to support her claim that she'd been sexually attacked in a parking lot by security guards and we proved it was completely utterly bogus we got the intake information at the police department she didn't have a bruise on her body a hair out of place that you didn't need medical attention she puffs up a few weeks later with photographs showing all this bruising and we had a paralegal from the law firm that represented her in the case who kept calling me and tears she was just devastated about what to do she said this woman told me had never happened and I'm afraid to lose my job we had one a lawyers from the firm testify the privilege ended up waived and he said that he had talked to this woman about these events she said she was assault that never said sexually assault a tiller deposition he said it was the first time she'd ever come up with that story he was shocked I mean I gotta tell you there's another side to this or a very conservative jury in Santa Maria California wouldn't have exonerated Michael Jackson so thoroughly and so completely look this young man you know is entitled to say what he wants and he may be doing very well but I think he got caught in so many lies so many misstatements we had a video where he and his family all said it never happened we had an investigators statement audio recorded where they all said it never happened and suddenly the alleged dates of the molestation changed beyond the video initially the prosecutors were claiming the molestation started on a particular date and when this evidence was discovered they moved the date beyond that evidence I mean it was like let's just adjust to what we have and make sure we go forward with the case in my particular opinion okay I know we're going to talk about jury selection but I just have to tell you that this was a quick jury selection most people think in high-profile cases you're gonna be there months that's to getting everybody's background this was I think a day-and-a-half wasn't it judge yeah after hardships a day and a half I gave up half my peremptories and just took the panel which seemed to shock some people I mean the goal is not to use your peremptory the goal is to get the best panel you think you can get that's what you're there to do and we had a feeling that we had a panel that would be particularly fair now there was some controversial decisions that were made in that process I guess we're talking about jury selection later okay but I just want to tell the trial was was agonizing there may have been about a hundred and forty or so witnesses testified in the trial judge Melville was a workhorse we were in there five days a week were hardly any dark days during the trial I did like that schedule with small breaks rather than a major lunch break I thought it did fit well into our ability to go back and prepare for the next day but it was back-breaking it was agonizing the media just the way they reported the case was just remarkable they would hear salacious testimony and the reporters would run out and report it they would not wait for the cross most of the time or they'd want to ignore the cross and it was just clearly their goal was ratings revenue which you would expect they're nothing but businesses and their goal was to see him go down as far as client control client efforts I mean a lot this was the nicest client Susan and I have ever dealt with I'll tell you that he was extremely down-to-earth very cooperative very nice never tried to get in our way the problem was people around him pora michael jackson has always attracted just a large number of just very disingenuous types who would try to ingratiate themselves with him try to make him think they were his friend and then turn on him in some way they were always nipping at our heels lawyers always trying to get to him always trying to criticize what we were doing that was sometimes I felt I was more at war with my own than anyone else because he just never knew who was going to get to Neverland through who to try and convince him that things were going wrong and he's and they're needed well what happens with celebrities so often is this you know people want to be around them and they try to create a need for themselves what they try to do is keep the celebrity off balance insecure to terrify it scared they create their need and they don't want that need to be fulfilled or they won't be needed anymore so basically they're constantly trying to get their two cents in to keep the celebrity off balance scared and create a reason why they should be there and Michael was probably the biggest target of that I've ever seen the first prosecution witness was mr. Bashir I thought he was a disaster for the prosecution he was asserting the journalistic privilege he wouldn't answer just basic questions that couldn't possibly hurt him in any shape or form if he if he was willing to answer them and he just wouldn't and basically what I did was I decided as I think most good cross examiner's do to tell my story through my questions and I kept asking him long-winded questions about isn't it true Michael Jackson told you he never touched any child sexually never would do that blah blah blah and he would assert the privilege and then I would ask my next question and I would tell my story and I would recite my facts isn't it true you know when you when you confronted Michael Jackson with with ABC DNA he told you he would never ever do anything like that and isn't it true that you told him he was a wonderful parent etc and on and on and on a lot of people around the country that I talked to were surprised that the prosecution was able to play his documentary but I have to say fortunately Michael Jackson was smart enough to have his own videographer at those interviews and there were outtakes that Bashir kept out of his documentary which we were allowed to play by judge Melville because basically the prosecutors got their shot at a very selectively edited bunch of hearsay and we got our edited out outtakes in as as a result and he denied every single allegation said I'd even slit my wrists before I'd hurt a child I think a lot of the things the prosecution tried to do were able to neutralize by basically putting it into a different perspective the prosecutors and I've heard tonight he sleeps with boys sleeps with balaiah sleeps with boys dad well we showed he sleeps with mother as he sleeps with sister as he sleeps with all kinds of people because they wanted to sack out in his room which was about to be as big as his building I mean there was a different I mean the prosecution were out to get him in the best way they could I understand that but I think the person they chose as the victim as the accuser and particularly that person's family were really a disaster for them they brought a conspiracy charge that Michael Jackson had masterminded a criminal conspiracy to abduct children and commit extortion and falsely imprison a family Michael Jackson couldn't even imagine such behavior let alone orchestrate it and what that charge did for them and I can't get in the minds of the prosecutors but here's what I think they were doing that allowed the mother who was really the linchpin of a lot of their case to bring in co-conspirator hearsay under the exception it allowed them to intimidate witnesses who were at Neverland because they were too fearful they would be indicted as conspirators great conspiracy here the only person they charged was Michael Jackson everyone else is unindicted she brings the hearsay testimony in the witnesses who can refute it are terrified to come to court for feel fear they'll be indicted so they lawyer up and plus it makes Michael Jackson look like this mafioso type guru which he's not even capable at they're not even capable of being but any rate the trial went forward there were just tons of surprises I mean I think judge Melba will agree this probably had more crazy things in the courtroom that he ever expected correct I mean it just much of the time I made my cross examinations lengthy some of there were days I think there was one was about four days total I just decided that there were so many facts in our favor to neutralize these witnesses particularly these accusers but I just felt there was no way these people were gonna last no way they were gonna just withstand the facts and I don't think they did I don't think they did at all we had a very very responsible jury that was out for about seven eight days it was a right verdict I look forward to questions thank you on five hours now in fact the papers came out not too long ago they've been passing him out to all the fans you can hear the music book that we had really destroyed their case very effectively on cross-examination and I thought we had called a lot of very effective witnesses in our case and I thought when you put that whole package together they were gonna have trouble in this case was the mother and the complaining witness they were both self admitted liars what you were just looking for explanations in the wrong places despite being inundated by media despite the fact they were not sequestered despite the fact there were questionable rulings by the judge this jury said the evidence wasn't there and they acquitted him I think this is good former safe to say you did not believe him yes we had a hard time but we as a country have to understand that our system presumes someone innocent until proven guilty and that proof was not made here I can't say there was anything that convinced me to say guilty ever throughout the whole trial I'm just flabbergasted very happy for Michael not only did he get to not guilties today but this should take care of all the doubt and the black cloud that has been over them and this love would is 1108 that vindicates them from all of this and they saw the color drained from your face both for you mr. Sena and used we hadn't look at him it's just like any other individual not just as a salon you really looked at the evidence in the case they had nothing they had absolutely nothing and networks like Court TV did their best to spin I had no doubt whatsoever Mike will be acquitted on all of charges knitted in my car from the very beginning he says nothing it's totally it's gonna go the jury acquitted Mike we're still talking about all of the allegations as if they in fact were cool quote thank God Michael is vindicated for all time now maybe people will leave him alive I wouldn't want any of my children to lie for their own gain I think their case had too many problems with it because it wasn't true I felt that he was vindicated you know the man is not a child molester a very good job in terms of taking this very seriously taking a lot of notes evaluating the evidence leaving no stone unturned Oh like or not like their decision these were honorable people Michael Jackson is not just free on bail Michael Jackson is free now that he's been acquitted on all of ten of the accusers mother could not be believed and her kids who accused Jackson of child molestation could not be trusted either the motorcade is pulling up along a gauntlet if you will of Jackson's supporters who gathered outside his Neverland Ranch he is arriving at the entrance to that sprawling 3,000 acre facility which includes of course the amusement park and the homes it is a extraordinarily large property as you know when I saw the the DA Tom Sneddon today the ultimate loser I mean you really can't lose more than a past history of mr. Jackson and absolutely unequivocably nothing to do with our evaluation of this particular we've indicated and cleared Michael Jackson completely he was acquitted of all felony counts and all misdemeanor counts they got help [Music] final time and acquitted of all the charges against him is someone else just like anyone else who deserves a fair trial you just can't build a case on a foundation as weak as these these these witnesses will act other credibility I think it's a great thing for the system I think the system worked and reasonable doubt means something and these jurors understood that I have a lot of faith in this system this is the moment those fans have waited for they have come to this courthouse passing these out to the people that have assembled here and people are still coming not too much of a surprise the party has begun here so there was a lot of discrepancies in its testimony and it didn't quite one side what you'd say a lot of this was spin by the prosecution because they wanted to try and convict him through spin they had nothing to deal with in the court I think that this was a smart jury I think that you know they they were diligent and and wanted to do a good job this was a grifter family with a with a with a record that was so checkered it was pathetic I was sickening this was a setup it never would have been brought if it was in any other County Thompson has had this grudge for 13 years Tom Mesereau who told me that he was proud to have defended Michael Jackson that Jackson was innocent all along and he was just proud to prove it here in check my life see what I've been doing the last 10 years is whether to present this piece of garbage called the people vs. Michael Jackson drew grand jury it was presented and the state paid the price evidence there was nothing in that closet that was able to convince any of us of the alleged crime factual inaccuracies the obvious bias among people like Court TV who I felt was really an arm of the prosecution through this case it was very amateurish and very unprofessional and very disturbing [Music] should be impeached Tom Sneddon has wasted he has squandered the money while the people how many real criminals have gotten off during the time that he has been after Michael Jackson in this which you heard yesterday the words that no prosecutor ever wants to hear and you heard him ten times not guilty not guilty you wake up to this headline this morning I went in there with the courage to convict a celebrity I because I really believe in doing what's right and witness after witness I was more convinced of the innocence because of the motivations of financial gain and revenge it was just amazing the way it was laid really at one point the mid-90s to try and find a ledge victim and the person said take a hike get out of here you know he had a website at the sheriff's department to try and see if he could find witnesses to build a case it was like an open casting call on Michael Jackson and the best they could come up with was this family that we thoroughly discredited from hazing from 18 manasa Gracie's guilty or rather he's guilty those who are competing fought for making their there the newsroom case for Michael determined by Empress for innuendo basically he jurors race no race it doesn't matter they all seem to do the right job and once again that's proven as a non african-american jury no one can look back and say that this was another OD a racially motivated verdict he's a very very honorable decent person and I thoroughly enjoyed representing him and I consider him a friend Michael Joseph Katherine and the family and Tom Mesereau and his staff and I and a lot of other people believe from day one that Michael would be acquitted across the board I was convinced all along the jury would find him not guilty I thought the prosecution's case was really ridiculous and I thought they went to every absurd length they could to try and make something had enough she looked at me and snapped your fingers a few times and she says you know how our culture isn't Wing Tsun ya know that's not the way our culture is the cars are now lined up a mile down this road people are walking in there running in we've seen flowers delivered is a case that smelled bad and if it's smells like you know what then it is you know what and that's what the jury said the detect take Court TV for exam this particular case in my opinion they became a tabloid they had their own agenda they misstated the facts they didn't understand the significance of what was going on in the courtroom and that's why their major critics were stunned by the verdict just trying to be searched and Mike's a free man I could not be more impressed with this jury clearly they did follow the judges instructions don't he thought it happened three times no it happened four times and then no I I think it happened once in the library said I would have been five times and then at the end of it he says no he really never touched me at all [Music] extremely conscientious I thought they were thoughtful measured in their approach I mean in many ways they're the model jury system and this is one occasion when I personally felt I was glad the world was watching to see how hard these dirty annamaria times an extra not guilty on all counts news day Michael moonwalk Jackson acquitted child molestation other jurors case wasn't there your son lost and Harold like this headline to beat it cago sun-times straight ahead headline not guilty be it'd be nice of every client was as nice and comfortable to deal with us Michael Jackson believe me he's a very down-to-earth nice kind-hearted person she turned he hugged each of his attorneys at that time and of course his family at that point we're all hungry Michael is free he's free like a bird and he's always been innocent of all this I'm a static it has been pure hell Anderson you just would not believe he's a very very kind extremely sensitive intuitive very gentle moment of tension when fanaticism erupted into euphoria [Applause] repeated acquittals and they raised their Idol Michael even higher Jackson emerge from the courtroom taking the steps of a dazed man on a walk he must surely have wondered he would ever be free to mate how different one hour before when the singer looking ashen and heavily sedated walked through the doors of American justice to learn his fate in the courtroom there were painfully silent minutes a heavy stillness before the judge handed the ten verdicts to the clerk to read they came one by one not guilty of conspiracy not guilty of sexual abuse and not guilty of crying the boy accuser with alcohol for every verdict of innocence a white dove was released into the sky the Jackson cavalcade twisted its way out of the court compound and soon the singer was on his way back to his Neverland Ranch on the US freeway as a free man leaving his lawyer to respond to the verdict justice was done the man's innocent he always was the eyes of the world have been on this case 2,200 members of the media reporting for 34 different countries every day questioning the evidence but now analyzing the verdict so what one it for Jackson and what lost it for the prosecution correspondence and legal analysts may pour over the trials outcome for months if not years but former sheriff Jim Thomas believes it all came down to credibility I think why one ofrenda Jackson was what lost it for the prosecution and basically I think that this jury did not like this family and in particular I don't think that they liked the mother of the accuser when the juror is assembled for their press conference it soon became clear they were not impressed by the testimony or attitude of Gavin's mother what mother in her right mind would allow that to happen or you know just freely volunteer your child you know to sleep with someone and not it's just so much Michael Jackson but any person for that matter I disliked it intensely when she snapped her fingers at us that's what I thought don't snap your fingers at me lady she didn't take her eyes off of us so that was a very uncomfortable feeling so her district attorney Tom Sneddon the prosecutor overestimated the credibility of his witnesses the system I worked in for 37 years is that people come in and they're the victims of crime we don't select our victims and we don't select the families they come from to the relief and screams from his devotees Michael Jackson returned to Neverland to the prosecution it was the scene the crime to the defense the singers exotic world of make-believe but now to the reality even though cleared of all charges can he ever rebuild his career after such and Urey allegations that had to have crushed Michael Jackson five and a half months of your life just being exploited like that and day after de going into the courtroom and all these things that would you know be said about him that has to take away your spirit that had to have really taken its toll on him and his health is his whole way of thinking Michael Jackson did so much for the world you know as far as you know inspiring them and doing good I don't understand how people can dislike them I don't get it just because of accusations and false you know thoughts of how he is because he has money or because you know they think he's weird so what you know we're all weird in our own way [Music]
Channel: JazzMJFAN
Views: 85,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: michael jackson, jackson 5, innocent, not guilty, tom sneddon, tom mesereau, trial, king of pop, jazzmjfan, thriller, billie jean, oprah, diane sawyer, katherine jackson, janet jackson, paris jackson, macalay culkin, corey feldman, lisa marie presley, the view, cnn, money, moonwalker, dangerous tour, bad tour, live
Id: O4erJpDOc1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 23sec (5183 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 04 2018
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