Michael Franzese on Watch Culture in the Mob and His "Horology Suit"

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so let's uh this suit particular I want to talk about the lining it's it's a watch lining it's horology so there's you know sort of symbolic of the passage of time but I want to go less symbolic I want to go reductive which Mobsters were into watches and was there a watch culture in the mob a a watch c Watch culture culture in the mob like was it something that you know like you would see uh you know some guy you know Frankie the watch or something you know uh yeah guys like to wear watches I mean I did at that time I had a PJ and I had you know we had all the best watches back then so it was big and uh one guy remember I mean obviously John Gotti liked to wear watches you know and uh what he we huh what did he were you know he wore I mean all the best Watchers at the time I don't remember he he would always have a different watch on I remember and some of them were customade you know I had a watch actually that my dad had given me uh solid gold with diamonds all around around it um very expensive watch I used to wear it I cherished it because it was from my father but uh yeah I mean look you know guys were into I don't know if you remember back then if you see some of the photos with the gold chains and all that kind of stuff but watches were were very big and expensive watches so it wasn't it wasn't considered like you know you might be flashing too much money and and catch attracting attention to yourself if you're wearing a very expensive watch you know it really depended on who the guy was like Gotti didn't care about things like that my guy and juso didn't care but some of the oldtimers like Carlo Gambino probably had never see him in a watch like that you know uh but yeah the not too many guys worried about that they like their watches and they like their Styles the they they wore it okay well how about this so you're you know the in that Community let's say family was very Paramount so if you're getting yourself a $50,000 watch what do you buy for your wife didn't matter really no no it wasn't it wasn't looked at that way you know so often times honestly uh if you were a guy of substance in that life somebody would give you a present and you'd have a beautiful watch like that like you know I was uh I forget what it was that time oh gosh it was a hot brand watch that I was given um uh when I got made not when I got made when I got made a captain you know we had a celebration with again they gave me a beautiful watch back then um didn't matter you know you didn't look at it that way well what am I going to get my wife now you know no the wies were treated pretty well they got taken care of well see that's something that I just learned that uh is very interesting to me is that I thought completely the opposite I thought you know you'd have to keep it on the DL and make sure nobody sees cuz like where's the money coming from right and everybody kind of knows there's something going on and you're just saying like I don't care like just let's go again depending upon some of the old-timers yeah but you know the generation that I was in they weree their watches all right so there we have the first ice Came From the Mob funny possibly cool that's all I want about this anything else you want you want to mention about The Suitor colors no I mean uh this is uh like I said I'm going to Cuba and we're going to be leading a delegation there so I think this will be very appropriate um at one point in time I probably wouldn't have wore yellow I didn't want to stand out that much but uh now I think it works yeah we wanted we wanted something that had a Neapolitan feel to it you know especially in a warm humid environment you want suits that are bright and a little bit colorful to reflect the warmth yeah and so for Cuba that's going to that's going to fly so that' be great yeah very cool and Italy you know we we go to Italy every year we just came back and I think this will be perfect
Channel: LGFG Fashion House
Views: 6,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: michael franzese
Id: abYc6NBMyeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 34sec (214 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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