Michael Cohen On Deadline White House – Part 2

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when you provided testimony to Tish James was was science's officer representative in the room or I guess it changed to Alan Bragg's Representatives after a while so every time that I met and I met 12 or 13 times with the district attorney three while I was still incarcerated as an inmate up in Otisville every time thereafter when I returned there was a member of Tish James's office present and then they decided to do this as a as a team and they shared information so whatever I gave to the D.A they shared with our attorney general so one of the pros the prosecutors quit the criminal case two of them um then they make they detail some of their reasons in their resignation letters but what gets Mr Bragg from all the evidence you provided to James you provided Mr Bragg's office his top two prosecutors quit to what we see is is a pretty open and shut case of criminal tax evasion tax fraud and insurance fraud why didn't he charge it's an interesting question and really one that only Alvin Bragg you know assuming he wants to tell the truth will state so here's the interesting thing Mark pomerance who's a veteran veteran attorney I mean of the highest highest quality and the same with Carrie Dunn they both resigned it was six weeks into Alvin Briggs um taking over of the District Attorney's office after six weeks he makes a determination that there's not enough here for us to go after yet and there's nothing that Tish James had that he didn't have correct and vice versa nothing I mean in that letter he spells out specifically that at the end of the day we believe that we have a multitude of crimes to prosecute on and six weeks in and I he'll tell you that he read documents and so on no two people know more about this case that mock pomeranz and kathry done they spent more than two years doing this they know every every page just about a million documents in that office and the fact that they resigned in protest part of my book when Tish James said that Cushman and Wakefield is under investigation mazar's cooperated and they're talking to Deutsche Bank do you think they faced lawsuits for criminal exposure it's possible again I don't want to get into you know that aspect of what the D.A was going to potentially or what to James is now Prosecuting on I think her in 200 Page indictment spells it out crystal clear but you know there's a topic that a lot of people aren't looking at in Tish James's indictment Docs there were subpoenas sent to the Trump organization to Donald regarding these classified documents and he turned around he said we don't have any they then served him with a complaint right this is all in her documents he of course opposes it and they lose the Trump organization lose so then he appeals it delay delayed delay so he appeals that he loses again takes it up to the Supreme Court delay delayed delay and he loses it again and that opens up the mazarus that's how she gets no no this is this is this is financial documents so yes it's part of The Mazes right correct so what happens now is he is obligated to turn over the financial records right does he no and then he claims there's no more documents for us to present during the FBI raid what do they find a box full of financial documents that are exactly responsive to The subpoena he now has an obstruction of justice case as well do you think that's another do you think that's why he's fighting the return of all the documents to the government yes yes at that and so many other things you know he believes that by doing this he's going to be able to delay it long enough that the November the midterm elections will change in fact that what they'll do is they'll he'll try to exert pressure over the Republican party to get these people to do what he wants it's always about him right not about his kids he'll throw them under the bus too and each one of the kids will be fighting each other to get to the front of the line in order to cooperate so that it's it's a very interesting dynamic in a family none of them have loyalty at all but that's why he's doing it it's all about delaying long enough to think in his mind which is inaccurate that he could effectuate the determination that he wants is this the most trouble he's ever been in absolutely by far he's got what eight nine investigations you know when I testified before the house oversight committee as a result of that and I give so much so much respect to um congressmember clay and uh AOC you know and so many others Jamie Rask I mean so many others who had asked um rest in peace Elijah Cummings who had asked such poignant questions about the finances about multiple things and it led to 18 investigations being open but yet judge Paulie determined on a rule 35 motion thanks to of course Thomas McKay and Nick Russo of the southern district of New York that I didn't cooperate and that therefore I shouldn't even get a sentence reduction for crimes that I didn't commit I mean what were they pissed at you about because I wouldn't sign a 5k one cooperation agreement why would I I didn't commit a crime that's the thing so I said ask me whatever you want whatever you want to ask me I will tell you and I will give you the documents that I have they didn't want to hear it they don't care it's our way of the highway and I said listen I didn't do anything so there's not a chance it's only after they decided to go after my wife for what claiming that she's a co-conspiratory this is coming from Trump that's what it was correct let me contribute it to the hush money payments the reason I used these credit card he's the guy who slept with her the reason I used the the credit line it's not because I didn't have money in order to pay it out right because I would never be able to explain to my wife that I took 130 000. yeah I'm sorry I took 100 what's it for I can't tell you that's not going to go over well let me ask you about the kids have they ever been in this much trouble Don and Ivanka saw some trouble with the Trump Soho project when they were being investigated my favorite story which I had written in disloyal was when I turn on and Donald said if one of the two have to go let it be Don Jr because yeah she couldn't handle it yeah and then you would say by the time she got out her Roots would be judged back right what do you think what do you think they're thinking I mean it seems like Jared is probably ivanka's confidante and it's unclear to me whether Kimberly Guilfoyle I mean what are they are they plotting against one another just from your knowing them what are they doing right now absolutely they are all figuring out who's going to be able to provide the information in order to get them off and Ivanka truthfully has the most and she's the most to lose so she's the most incentivized I mean let's be serious Jared Kushner gets two billion dollars from the Saudis he may be one of the most incompetent real estate people in the history of New York he's done the single worst real estate deal in the history of New York 666 Fifth Avenue and it's the same middle eastern groups that ended up bailing him out that otherwise it would have wiped out his family everything you know about Donald Trump what do you think he took in addition to the financial things he was trying to keep from Tish James and anyone else looking at his finances what do you think he took to mar-a-laga okay so obviously he took personal momento so in that way he can show off to people um when he would go thereafter to maybe Saudi Arabia or he'd show hey look I got this letter from Putin where I got this from Love Letter I mean who gets love letters right from Kim Jong-un right I don't get it but not for me to discuss I also believe he took the top secret documents for the sole purpose of using it as a get out of jail free card basically leverage um it's for him it's power and leverage the power is he still believes that he's president of the United States of America he walks around his golf clubs expecting people and demanding that people referred to him as Mr President he's still wearing the presidential seal and that's okay if that's all you got in clothing no problem right it doesn't make any sense and then on top of that he takes these documents top secret documents and that's a get out of jail free card you want to go ahead you want to play this game you want to indict me and my family you want to incarcerate me I'm going to turn these documents over to our adversaries and then let's see what happens Fine chicken yup it's incredible will you come back when when revenge is out and we can absolutely oh there's so much listen like I said it's really unexamined this period where Barr tries to throw you in jail to keep you from writing a book out of the election there has never been a case like this in the history of America and the reason I wrote revenge is because I never want to see this ever again you know when you have parents of unfortunately you know and it breaks my heart when you see children who get killed with these out of control um you know people going to schools with guns and so on um they all become activists why because there's a pain that we feel from an injustice it's I can't explain it it's something unfortunately you only feel I want to make sure that this never happens again because Trump created his own Playbook here and what we have to be concerned about is someone like Iran DeSantis a Donald Trump 2.0 a guy who's much smarter and potentially more devious than Donald coming and doing the same to you or to any of his critics and so I've made it my mission to ensure that Justice is served and it needs to be on all of these individuals [Music] thank you
Channel: MSNBC
Views: 703,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nicolle Wallace
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 27 2022
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