Obama BURIES Herschel Walker on stage in viral takedown

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some of you may not remember but Herschel Walker was a heck of a football player I mean I I mean some of you are too young to remember but in college he was amazing one of the best running backs of all time but but here's the question does that make him the best person to represent you in the USA does that make him equipped to weigh in on the critical decisions about our economy and our foreign policy and our future but let's do a thought experiment let's say you're at the airport and you see Mr Walker you say hey there's Herschel Walker Heisman winner let's have him fly the plane [Applause] you probably wouldn't say that you'd want to know does he know how to fly an airplane or or let's say you go to the hospital and you see you you say you know that Walker guy he sure could tear it up at Sanford Stadium give him a scalpel [Laughter] no you wouldn't say that you'd you'd ask at least I would has he done surgery before and and by the way the opposite is true too like you you may have liked me as president but you would not want me starting a tailback for the dogs I mean can you imagine my slow old skinny behind getting hit by some 300 pound defensive tackle who runs a 4-6-40. you'd have to scrape me off the field no I can't no I can't I'm good at a lot of things but that would not be one of those things that I'm good at I honestly cannot believe it has taken us this long to have heard this point being made just because you are good at one thing does not immediately make you qualified for everything it makes you good at one thing and by the way if you need a real world example of that remember like it or not prior to becoming president Donald Trump was considered a successful person he had plenty of failures but you can't doubt that he found a way to be successful at least on TV but hosting a reality show very clearly did not qualify the guy to run a country and his record upon leaving office was evidence of exactly that the worst jobs numbers in modern American history having lost 2.9 Million jobs the unemployment rate increasing to 6.3 percent and exploding deficit 7.8 trillion dollars added to the debt our trade deficit increased 40 to the highest since 2008 the number of uninsured Americans Rose by 3 million economic growth fell 3.4 percent manufacturing jobs fell by over a hundred and fifty thousand now some of that had to do with covid but a lot of that was the result of exceedingly incompetent leadership so I get that some people really like The Apprentice season with Flavor Flav but it clearly didn't mean the guy knew how to run the U.S economy and so look you can appreciate what Herschel Walker did on the football field and a lot of people from Georgia do but politics is more than just the culture wars that the GOP has dumbed it down into being it's Healthcare and making sure that we've got legislation that will ensure subsidies for the Affordable Care Act do you think Herschel Walker is the guy to do that it's continuing to allocate funding for states to impose red flag laws to quell gun violence as it continues to explode throughout the country do you think commercial Walker is the guy to do that it's crafting incentives for increased renewable energy while reconciling our need to phase out fossil fuels so that we can preserve our competitiveness in the global community in the future do you think Herschel Walker is the guy to do that I mean let's just be honest here this is serious stuff and it would serve us well to have Smart capable qualified people doing it I know Republicans would have you believe that politics today is all about high school kids using litter boxes and school restrooms and if you don't know what I'm talking about then dear God consider yourself lucky but it's not it is hard work and that work impacts the lives of hundreds of millions of people across this country people who rely on certain programs and laws to survive what happens in Congress will impact people in every corner of this country and whether it's in the arena of health care or gun violence or climate or jobs or economic policy or any other number of things and I can't believe I have to say this but running real good with a football doesn't qualify you for any of that so let's not forget here that politics is not a religion these elected officials are not deities just because we admire someone doesn't mean they should rule us I think Tom Hanks is great I think both me and Tom would agree that him killing it in Forrest Gump doesn't mean that he'd be a good president or Senator at the end of the day remember that our politicians are public servants whose actual job is to serve the public not themselves not their re-election not their donors but the public Herschel Walker may have been a good football player he is probably the least qualified person to ever run for federal office that I've ever seen so the same way that you wouldn't want a quarterback to operate on you let's maybe think twice before electing a guy to write laws who can barely eke out a sentence just you know for starters [Music] before you go if you enjoyed this video and want to see more please make sure to subscribe to my channel you can click the thumbnail right here on the screen and if you want to support my work even further the best way is to subscribe to my podcast no lie with Brian Tyler Cohen there you can check out my interviews with major players in the world of politics including President Biden vice president Kamala Harris Pete butterjudge Elizabeth Warren Katie Porter Jamie Raskin and so many more plus other interviews that live exclusively on the podcast that link is also right here on the screen or just search no lie with Brian Tyler Cohen wherever you listen to podcasts
Channel: Brian Tyler Cohen
Views: 840,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brian Tyler Cohen, Trump, Republicans, Democrats, brian cohen, barack obama, herschel walker, rafael warnock, midterms, election
Id: Zt6nZzPzdAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 47sec (347 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2022
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