Michael Chandler Reveals What Conor McGregor was REALLY Like During TUF - Full Interview

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I was gonna say did you use what are you talking about so what's wrong with that hey this is a borderline stalker story yeah radio live click the link in the bio get yours come out and hang with the boys that was my man Bobby Fox yeah this is great have you have you done any with him before or was his first time that was uh but I've never done a he's awesome interview yeah yeah he we got him uh he he was emailing us when he was 13 years old oh my gosh to work for us he was emailing us t-shirt ideas like put this on a shirt and sell it and then uh then he turned 18 got an internship was like I think he went to one semester of college and he said [ __ ] it dude just drop out he's been here ever since that's so crazy he's been here like 10 years he's still like 25 yes that's crazy crazy man his big breakout was oh my God can we even say it I don't know actually maybe yeah so we can tie this in some weird [ __ ] [ __ ] in where do you fall on the uh and this will make sense it's not coming out of nowhere where do you fall on the idea of Fighters who uh what do they call it like keeping your nut or something like that you know yeah um I don't really ever think about it yeah yeah I know so I'm definitely just like uh whatever I I guess I understand the idea of like you probably just build up [ __ ] testosterone but to me I feel like you got to be like sharp and you gotta be thinking clearly when you fight and I would not be I'd be like oh my god well I think what I honestly think the origination of it was if you're a coach and you're like hey dude don't go out there chasing girls you're most likely going to be partying staying up late yeah no I don't I could be wrong yeah that's what there's some tailors do that LT used to uh send hookers to the other guys at the other hotels find word of whether or not they went through with it or not yeah yeah you don't know the next day NFL in the 80s I'm sure this is all to say that when when Bob was first interning this is like probably highly illegal we there was a story like in the news about a guy who claimed he uh didn't ejaculate for like some crazy amount of time wow it was like he's like wow what the [ __ ] is like hundreds of days and we were like that's not possible so the new kid on the like on the Block was like I'll I'll be like your test and he was like I won't I won't do anything or myself otherwise and he made it to 19 days and then he came into the office he was like I came in my sleep last night oh dude I'm telling you yeah that's that's the that's the risk that you run dude it never is just let you know you know all right he's like well nobody would ever know if I didn't say anything yeah he was such a man of Honor I was I was like you didn't you swear you didn't he would always go no come out of this dick and that's why he's uh that's why he's still that's why I boiled to the Grand man right uh so you are uh I guess a coach slash Captain slash you know Mentor everything my coach right now yeah um up against McGregor yep um I mean everybody knows what he's like as a you know fighter and a showman and all that now you're kind of seeing another side of him um what's your I feel like your style was a little bit different at least in the early episodes that I've seen as far as the way you guys approach it yeah a little bit I mean for me it was more about you know it's it was all about my Fighters obviously um but when you go into this knowing who you're up against I mean it's Connor he's very good with the camera when the cameras come on he he's different than whenever he's just you know he turns into the notorious Conor McGregor the showman right and who he was on Monday could have been different than who he was on Tuesday just to just to throw you for a loser just to show up on Wednesday spin Venom you know yeah so you're kind of always on eggshells but um that's the the beauty and that was the exciting challenge of me going and doing this being locked in Vegas for five weeks or whatever it was so it was uh that is a frustrating part of of doing of content right you know obviously you've done content in your life but like when you're like dude this isn't this isn't who you are yeah yeah I can't really blame you I understand we're both on a show right now but God [ __ ] damn it I wish I could just say this isn't who you are yeah that's but yeah that was the thing though too because it was it was definitely filmed more like a sports documentary than it was a reality show in a lot of ways um there was no scripted hey this is gonna happen he's walking in here hey you know this guy's gonna say this make sure you you know do something or you know it was it was very just hey we're a fly on the wall do what you're doing um but yeah ultimately there was these certain things that we had to set up like going into the coaches challenge or going into weigh-ins or whatever where we'd be hanging out for 10 15 minutes or whatever they'd be like hey guys it's time to go and you kind of like jump around a little bit and then you know get ready for the the cameras where I'm just like I'm the same you know maybe I would be a better showman if I wasn't yeah yeah yeah I feel like you got to be you though there's nothing you know if you are if you're Conor McGregor and you're a showman and you go make a billion dollars doing it obviously hats off you know yeah but if you're not that and you try to be that there's nothing worse yeah I'd rather someone who's even keeled and just says like here's how I do it maybe it's not the flashiest thing in the world rather than you try try to fake that because you can smell that a mile yeah you really can and I think Connor Connor has created a a tough spot for a lot of these young fighters who come in and they they think they need to create this brand or this Persona yeah and it just if it's not you and you can't pull it off um it just it comes it comes across inauthentic I I noticed that in the first um when you guys sure to pick your teams and it wasn't like over the top but it was it was like I forget his name but it was the ball guy who ended up losing in the first episode uh but he came in and he had on like nothing again nothing over the top but it was a good jacket he's wearing the sunglasses inside well but I get it though I mean yeah because you can be a mediocre fighter and but if you're an electric personality you can probably make as much money maybe even more money than if you were a good fighter who keeps your mouth shut it's like the nil deals now yeah it's like I'm not that good but I got a tick tock I got a lot of followers I know like you know I got Charisma yeah the younger generation understands that branding social media and and just creating your persona more than you know some other people did um but ultimately yeah me I just I was like hey I'm gonna just be who I am and if I end up making a ton of money that's great if I end up underperforming or under earning that's great but at least I know I am who I am there's certain times too where people talk about my post-fight speeches where I you know take the big inhale and start screaming in the microphone and calling out Khan and all these different things those that's something that I that I had never done before when I was in Bellator now in the UFC um but yeah I mean ultimately you know who you are is who you are it is it's such like um I guess cliched or like Landing where you say like like I stay true to myself and that it like it is important because it just makes your life so much easier like you know when it's used I always feel like it's almost kind of used as like uh get out of jail free car where it's like well I didn't have to do that because I stay true to myself but it is like so much easier to get up in the morning and like yeah like like I I just have to go be me today yeah and sometimes it's harder than others but you at least know you don't have to do that extra thing that day right you can always be yourself yeah yeah like I can maybe people get tired of that but if you like this this will go on forever because being you know me yeah that's so that's what I've always kind of focused on and that's all not to say just disclaimer like I don't think you would ever say well Conor's two-faced or he's face no he's yeah like you're right right the people who understand understand I mean whenever Connor it's almost like when he just wants to turn it on he'll turn it on and there was times where even in that very first scene in the first episode we're kind of we meet each other we had met each other before but we were kind of talking and yeah everything was cordial until it wasn't when he's like you do what you're told and yeah friends enemies what's going on here dude yeah you're facing that one he's gonna hit him in the back right now I don't know it's like you gotta detach a little bit but at the same it's real but it's not real it's like all right I know you're you're Hamming it up but clearly that's not what you think you think that you can do that to me yeah exactly so our my encounter's relationship was was very I think good during during the season you know of course there's little ins and outs of it all the ups and downs and the tension and whatnot but ultimately we have a ton of respect for each other I believe he's I have a ton of respect for him and what he's created for the life that he has created he's got a ton of respect for me and my my resume my athletic prowess who I am as a fighter and then uh we got to spend a month and a half together out here there in Vegas and so it was it was fun it is there going to be a fight there's gonna be a fight it's still a little bit like up in the air well the fight back in usada yeah I mean the timing of it is is up in the air but it's locked in that you guys will fight yes it's more it's more the timing you know I mean when you think about the UFC the biggest mixed martial arts uh Corporation or uh promotion on the planet trying to put together Conor and myself I mean all these different cards these guys are putting out fires non-stop so they haven't even announced you know October card November card let alone maybe if if we fought in December based on usada if it's six months and all that kind of stuff so I don't put too much stock into it a lot of people are interested when it's going to happen when's Conor coming back when's our fight gonna happen now that we're building it with the ultimate fight and all that kind of stuff so I understand I understand people's eagerness to get the answers but also if you're just a victim of the circumstance of it all just yeah I'm just I'm just enjoying the ride uh I'm the guy Conor's the guy we're gonna end up fighting uh sometime that historically the coaches of the ultimate fighter have never not fought and I don't think Connor would ever wanna delve into his legacy being tarnished by him coming back and not yeah you know so yeah that's got to be a kind of a pain in the ass so being in that and I'm sure you've dealt with your whole life so you're an expert but like being in that waiting period we're like I gotta stay in shape because it might like not that you've ever let yourself go I'm sure but like what's the most you've ever let yourself go that's a good question uh it's a good question most of the time it's only been injuries if I've ever had an injury because one of the hardest things about Fitness or staying in shape or living a healthy lifestyle everybody knows it's much easier to stay in shape than it is to get into get in shape right that's my opinion so like so if I've ever had an injury where I you know I broke a foot or I might have heard a knee or whatever and I'm out for six eight weeks 12 weeks getting back you know feeling the body fat and walking up the stairs and be like I'm supposed to be a professional athlete right no I don't care who you are stairs kicks everybody exactly you know so lightest incline I'll talk to my mom on the phone to the what are you doing don't worry I'm running mom on mile four but I mean I've had a couple injuries like that where I'm like okay I'm 195 and I'm a little a little chunky a little rough around the edges and definitely not in shape body starts not feeling so great because the more I train actually the better I feel from a even muscle and tendons and ligaments and joints and stuff so yeah that's uh that's a tough part about it all so the the jump from Bellator I feel like uh I feel like it's a big deal when you know I I like you said UFC is the biggest and and I think there's always it's kind of like considered the major leagues if you will for sure and there's always a question of like well can you do it and then when you do it that's gotta feel great It's gotta be like a big [ __ ] you to anybody who doubted it yeah that's got to be big for the Bellator guys or like we told you you know we're a legit as legit as they are that's that's a big win for a lot of people yeah it was it was it was UFC too they're like yeah sure come on you know yeah and it was a tough decision too because I was I was leaving the virtual certainty of of the rest of my career and an organization that I helped build I helped build Bellator they helped build me um it was a good symbiotic relationship and I could have just wrote it out yeah the rest of my career making making good money I was being taken care of but something in me knew that the 40 year old me who was retired wasn't going to be able to sleep at night knowing what if what if I would have went to the UFC what if I would have fought all the guys that I've fought in the last couple years the top five of of the UFC in the lightweight Division and now we know that answer have I won every single time no um but have I made people feel something absolutely and do I feel great about my run thus far it's been great so um it was a huge risk but it was it was also a risk I took back when I was 18 years old I walked onto the University of Missouri wrestling team which has become the single most important thing that I've ever done in my athletic life you know choosing to not take a scholarship from one of the other schools that I got offers from smaller schools walking onto a division one wrestling team and now that's crazy American kid yeah I mean I don't know why I say something like that we're like yeah exactly yeah it was like I had a full ride to this nii school or division three or whatever and then like okay well you want us to pay for you know Mizzou and I'm like well I don't care you can pay for it I'll pay for it I'll get student loans whatever I I just feel led to go division one and wrestle at Mizzou and then it obviously worked out yeah that's where I met Tyron Woodley been asking guys I wrestled with and then they started fighting and that's how I ended up fighting so this whole this whole thing the reason I'm sitting here today was because I took a chance on myself at 18 so why would I expect the 30 two-year-old me or whatever it was when I went to Bellator or went to the UFC to not make that same decision not make the same leap of faith in it it's worked out well thus far you said something interesting were you talking about laying in bed being retired and it's at 40. and like is that something you think about oh I'm almost 40 right now so am I dude I'm 37. most people don't think so because I came over to the UFC so late yeah they all think I'm like 30 years old right don't tell anybody but I'm 37. but like when you're like in your young 20s like is that something you you know and acknowledge and understand we're like I might like everyone knows that Sports you don't play your whole life but like is it as active as it is in the front of your brain where you're like I have a tiny tiny window here yeah I mean I think I really I really did have a great perspective of it knowing that my career wasn't going to be my career was going to be very much more finite than most people give it credit for I knew I wanted to start setting things up I wanted to start building the platform I wanted to start having multiple streams of income and Investments and and then and then have everything set up because I think it's a bad idea to have a fallback plan in certain areas or certain things because that means yeah you're not 100 invested but I think I was I'm smart enough and well connected enough and have a great relationship capital and great people around me and and and I've made some great moves in my life to be able to start setting things up for my swan song for the next chapter and that's what I've been doing the last couple years and um I just I just knew I always said 35 I was probably going to be done and here I am 37 on the cusp of the biggest year of my entire life so right you know you never also Brady with it yeah yeah does something like that though then feel like I got I got more years to to do this or uh this will be my swan song because you're you know you're doing something major no I think you know with more platform and more notoriety and more attention becomes more options having options in life is is the best thing that you can possibly have he who has no options is is hitting a brick wall every single day right so to have the options that are going to come from this Ultimate Fighter ESPN all summer plus fighting Conor this year the biggest fight you could ever ask for you know making good money it's only going to lead to more opportunities so I see myself saying yes to uh quite a few more fights so we'll see the coaching thing is more about the fight game or a television um like because they're talking about other revenue streams and like you're good at this you probably could have your own show you could do more reality shows or fighting shows and then probably Branch out into non-ufc and MMA stuff you know there's there's a lot of that too yeah definitely not coaching you know I don't I you know for a guy who I'm extremely passionate about my career you know not to sound selfish but I'm extremely like yours honestly kind of yeah especially in the fight game it's not a team thing yeah you know it's like yeah and me and I will say I I fell in love with coaching my guys when I was there at The Ultimate Fighter but doing that every single day leaving my wife and kids missing dinners and missing my son's birthday because Cody is fighting like I don't want to do that now if I was making Bill Belichick money maybe it's a little bit different but mixed martial arts coaching is a little bit different than that you know you'll miss you know you do Miss family events and stuff but what it's for your fight yeah you've deem it's like worth it yeah because truth truthfully I'm serving I'm serving my family By Night by being there you know and you know that as a dad is it's it's uh it's it's how it is I have to be selfish in order to be selfless in order give my full self to my family when it's my time I have to also be selfish in my goals my dreams focusing on me to get because as we said the 40 year old me I don't want to be laying my head on a pill I don't want my wife to lay next to a the shell of a man that she married because I didn't pour into my entire career that I didn't make the decision that I needed to so you know I think it was I I'm sorry I was watching a show recently and there was like a fight between a husband and a wife and the husband was an athlete and he uh didn't make it he towards ACL didn't achieve his career and they're in this fight and she's like he's like I'm sorry I didn't make it I'm sorry I didn't make top 10 he's a tennis player and she's like I don't care about that I care that you gave up and I was like oh that is like I don't care that you weren't successful like damn stop trying to be successful that's tough yeah yeah you know girl says that's you yeah you're right I'm a quitter but no it's it's true it's it's tough and it's but so the coaching side of things not really but yeah I mean on the microphone on on camera building building other things coaching coaching people on online coaching masterminds all these different things I'm going to speak at a conference this weekend you know these kinds of events and stuff that I've had the great opportunity to be around a bunch of high functioning and individuals doing some stuff like that while you know it helps me serve people give back make money be on a platform all these different all those different boxes checked you know so and then you inevitably fight a YouTuber [Laughter] dude the uh you mentioned your wife earlier and we had some show notes on this this is crazy what do you mean you you emailed with your wife for two years before you guys started dating oh yeah I envisioned marrying her five years before that I was gonna say did you use what are you talking about so what's wrong with that I know hey this is a borderline stalker story at Mizzou wrestling Mizzou wrestling the University of Missouri sent me to a a dentist named Dr Willett and I knew who he was he had a great reputation in Columbia Missouri he was a Bible study leader to my Bible study leader I ended up sitting there in his office in his waiting room looking at these pictures of this cute girl in these pictures of him and uh I'm like man is that his daughter she's hot you know uh if she's anything like him I want to marry her so I ended up having a bunch of friends and they kept talking about her because they knew her they kind of grew up with her and ran in the same circles we ended up having some mutual friends on Facebook I finally just messaged her years later on Facebook after I had been to her house at a birthday party one time but she wasn't there I envisioned myself fishing on this pond in her backyard and now I have now married her and I fish on that pond no way I'm not joking borderline stalker right yeah also but it was just the intuition sure yeah it was just the intuition I mean but obviously back then too it was okay I could see your stuff on Facebook of course but you've never met her in person had never met her I had only heard things about her from other people and you can tell a lot about somebody by how the way that other people talk about that right but she had a phenomenal dad and I'm like well he'd be kind of a cool father but then so then finally Facebook message and then she she was uh applying for an ER Critical Care residency in at the University of Missouri so she was in she was married to Medicine didn't care about care about guys at all wasn't dating or whatever and then finally we message back and forth she'd wait like two months to email me back I'd email her back right away she'd wait another two yeah just stringing me along oh yeah stringing the boy along on the email bro if I don't email in five minutes oh and I always did like I'd probably have my notifications on yeah and finally called his coffee in Columbia Missouri she finally said yes to coffee with me she gave us like one hour before I had to go to practice this cute little silhouette walked in and I said well there's my wife and then she fell in love with me right there and at well that's how I tell the story I was already in love with her a few more years and then now we're married we got two beautiful boys and it was uh like I said it's a borderline stalker story but also the power of manifestation if that is yeah you tell that story in that light and it's like a rom-com you tell the story of like I mean he wouldn't stop emailing me yeah exactly I only had to say yes because I was afraid pretty much how it was I mean it could have ended up that way and we had one we could have had one date and she's like that's a creep I would have not stopped yeah I swear I I think I'm supposed to marry you I think you're supposed to say that right I think you're supposed to leave me alone it took a while it took a while and then you can tell it another way where you envisioned this life you had and and it just like it's just heartbreak yeah because I've had that yeah yeah not until like I was like oh I could do this like this this works for me and then and then like a week later she's like this doesn't work for me yeah I know you're like I feel like we had something it's like every every rom-com yeah I could we were on the same page she's like no we were like I really do completely different streaks I got a pretty good rate sure she's like I'm sure it is funny for me to think of you guys as you know like when you you got a crush on a girl or you're you know you're like chasing after her and you're I'm sure you're being all cutesy and schmoopy you gotta play the game and do the you know Flowers and gifts and poems and whatever the [ __ ] you gotta do but then you're like okay cool like all right I gotta go like maybe beat someone to death yeah I literally have to go try to dismantle somebody with my bare hands I would never do it to you this guy yeah signed a contract yeah no that was one thing too that you know obviously she was that was one thing she's like this guy she Googled me and I had especially being in the medical field yeah exactly and she's like oh this guy he's probably you know dating all the girls and he's probably got anger issues and all these different things and then you know so I had I was I started like way out in left field I had to like claw my way back to just being a normal yeah dating status with her like she was like I'm pretty sure you might be a serial killer yeah until otherwise because she didn't know mixed martial arts she had she wasn't a fan had never even seen a fight before so she didn't really had no it's not like you get to meet a mixed martial arts martial mixed martial artist every day and you're like okay they're more normal than I thought right right so it took uh and actually the people who take it seriously are probably the most you know even killed oh man it's about control yeah and all that pacifist I mean I'm the most pacifists when was the last time you were in a non-sanctioned fight like a street fighter never never like a playground young kid eighth grade I was always I was always too afraid to get in trouble wow yeah I think there was one time where I kind of got some hands on a guy when he was doing so he was a real drunk guy back in college but it wasn't it wasn't like a you know brawl like we were both fighting but you know I I was always just so afraid of getting in trouble cops pulling up and all that other stuff but so I was kind of a big [ __ ] so I'm glad you just said big [ __ ] because I just did maybe my big big [ __ ] moment I was fiddling with my watch and I just I saw that I picked a little bit of skin big time you're over here you're over here talking about talking to me about being one of the toughest guys on the planet he's like oh God I pulled one of my hairs I can pull one of my head here for sure I was like okay don't make it don't make a scene all right make him feel tough yeah make him feel tough the mic just poke me in the eye oh yeah exactly that's smart he's like I could fight in a cage I don't know how you guys you know I stubbed my toe and I'm like dude it hurts and I hate like I'm like it ruins my like you know like the the tolerance for pain whether it's training getting punched in the [ __ ] face getting your your arms you know broken in half I don't know how you do it well one guy's very not normal definitely but one of the one of the things I love about the sport one of the craziest misconceptions is that it hurts in there you don't feel a thing inside just inside actually adrenaline is going it's after the next day when it comes yeah when it wears off about an hour or two later you're like I feel like I got hit by a bus yeah you know but for the most part I guess that makes sense that's why you know Connor can do a interview sitting on the floor with your leg broken because you know you're not even thinking and I'm sure it hurts the um you just get hit by a bus like I I always thought about that with Brady where like they say with the force of a car of a the end coming off the edge yeah is like getting hit by a car so like you know like theoretically a quarterback gets in three four car accidents every Sunday it's like oh yeah okay go get it let's see we'll film it I mean it's a car you're in a car too so like it's a call oh okay yeah it's like you just go no no no like the car accident yeah yeah but like do you do you know what that level of pain you take is like has any scientists come up with an actual like remember the ESPN sports back in the day they're like no it's actually the turbulence of an F-18 or whatever they've definitely done uh they've they've definitely done some sports science type of stuff I mean obviously guys hit hard and we're wearing four ounce gloves you know it's it's no joke um but the human body is a beautiful thing how do you deal with the uh the the um oh I can find a cage and I I think now most people do know that that you can't find a cage but the one I do always hear still is I wouldn't tap oh yeah I just pass out I just pass out bro what do you think when someone says that but like the average person yeah yeah no I mean they're definitely the average person I would probably pass out because I would it would happen so fast yeah but yeah no I never tough it out yeah I know it's definitely and I've had numerous fights where I probably should have tapped and I didn't but I was able to get out and then either won the fight or loss but um you know it's Jesus with the average person yeah I mean the average just like the average armchair quarterback I couldn't so I could have threaded that needle Brady what are you doing you know it is like a tap when you're getting choked versus like I'm bending your arm and it's about to snap I think it's very different well that's it the pain will make you just be like ah yeah and I think there might be a little bit more of an element of like you know I can do it I can do it yeah and then you're out but all of it to me martial arts too is is you obviously you don't think about getting caught in an arm bar heel hook or whatever one of those things but you get caught in a heel hook and he tears your ACL you're out for nine months you can't provide for your family right you get choked out you can fight 15 days later right you know right maybe 30 days later you know so you don't you know it's like okay if I pass out I'll pass out whatever but if you if I'm about to get my limb broken yeah I probably wouldn't tap because I'm an idiot it just depends on what's going on in the moment but yeah you know I uh you definitely don't want to take an injury for no reason yeah you know that's a great point I never even thought about that one again this is yeah luckily I've had you know a couple meniscus tears here and there um I've needed some some stem cell shots or cortisone shots here and there but luckily I've been been very fortunate I broke my orbital bone once so that was pretty tough but that uh oh remember my face I forgot about that one um but that uh that just heals on its own so that's good yeah you can't put that like a Caster no you just you just sit there sit there and squint for a couple weeks and you're like I swear my nose is really draining right now what is going on here and it was the blackest black eye ever too it was like the color of this microphone dude I I saw you um I don't know if we met we might have just had a quick hello um like a year ago in Tennessee I was at a bar in Nashville I was there for like the bus and did like a little thing at uh one of the bars and I went over the the Titans game um and you in the bar you were in shorts and this is almost like how you met your wife very similar where I just couldn't stop looking at your legs okay yeah and then you walked in here and you have the [ __ ] Jack that what the [ __ ] do you do with your legs dude dude I I've been squatting heavyweight since I was like 15 years it's [ __ ] insane I thought maybe like like I was with my dad me and my dad like look at [ __ ] guys yeah I mean I lift a lot of a lot of a lot of lower body man a lot of single leg stuff rdls deadlifts trap bar Squad I do like 20 squats every morning it's like I'm gonna go they're gonna get on that walk on Fitness man I got my my walk-on fitness app we got a nice big late nice leg program on there for you all right that's when we get it's a big old leg Yeah yeah no definitely six days a week oh never mind uh I was at the Garden was like a year or two ago you put on like the fight of the Year everyone so Justin gaichi yeah that was that was uh I think that was my introduction to you because I'm more of a casual fan and that was seeing it was also my first event Live Well MSG is MSG so I got spoiled it was like we got hooked up from Uncle Dana we got like nice seats we got at the Garden and I mean you put on a [ __ ] show dude that one was nuts man that was that was one where I I look back and say man that that dude is a psychopath like who I am when I step in there is completely different than who I am here it really feels that way in there I'm just like I want the blood I want the violence I want to freaking punch my face in my hand through your face how old are you kids six and one so six is like still doesn't quite you know yeah he daddy fights but he doesn't quite understand it I've talked to him about it enough he was at my Tony Ferguson fight so he saw that that front kick knockout uh he was there for that he was there for that one and we go back and watch all the fights that I I win I don't ever show my losses I don't know or any bloody ones out that's never lost dude uh you know but he uh any and he's watched me train he comes to Florida with me and and he'll stay there for a week or two with me and watch me train and he understands it which I think is a great thing for him to see me hit people but know it's completely different than if he well that was my question it's like that's hard to you know necessarily compute where it's like don't ever hit anybody yeah but also I do it for a living also yeah well it's like I get paid to do yeah I think I've just been talking to him about it a lot since he was real young you know I think we my wife and I both talk to our children like they're adults maybe it's maybe that's the right way sometimes I'm like you know right now they don't know about it or they're casually just talking about it and it's innocent the minute that I start to try to like educate you on this yeah Grand topic then all of a sudden it becomes an issue you know but like there was some kid uh my my son's turning six and either they told me some kid pushed him and I was like all right you know whatever and then it happened like a few more times and I was like okay next time you kick him in the [ __ ] face I'm thinking that I'm like but like what you know what he I was like I said to him you know if he if he puts his hands on you you push him back like get him away you know don't let him do that to you and then uh I said like next time we were talking through I was like and if he like hits you or puts his hands on you what do you you're gonna and he goes tell the teacher that was what my son's uh that was what my son's response was too like I'm gonna go tell the teacher I'm like yeah well I don't want him to tell the teacher too much yeah you don't want to be that kid but then you also don't want to get into a fight so it's it's hard is the hardest thing because it's you're riding the fine like well I know what I would do I would freaking kick him in the face like you said we're like okay we'll be six let him go through the series of vicissitudes that lead to him becoming a good man at some point right but right now what's the right thing I don't know okay tell the teacher once tell the teacher twice if he keeps doing it you you punch him right in the start I've always said we do a a series of questions here that are like hypotheticals and one of them is would you rather like be a world-class Chef a world-class dancer uh or a world-class fighter okay and and I always said my answer is always world class fighter and I I feel like if and and not that I would would fight like I wouldn't just go around fighting people but I've always thought knowing that in every situation I can handle myself and for the most part every single room you've ever walked into you can beat up everybody there right and that and that just translates into confidence in everything you know what I mean and not like we're not gonna fight right here today but you walk in here just being like I don't know if [ __ ] ever went crazy I'm good yeah and I think that just you know you have this air about you and everything else in life where it's like if it all goes down I'll still I'm good yeah I carry that you know does that does that is that even in your head anymore or is it just like that's that's so who you're who you are that you don't even think about yeah it's definitely not in my head I think more than anything I think about if something happened right here how many people I'd be able to protect because of what I've done you know I think we all want to be a hero Mark Wahlberg saving 911 yeah right like exactly like all of us all of us especially men I you know the man the man's heart was designed with for a battle to fight an adventure to have and a beauty to win and that's ingrained in Us in every single thing that we do and we we as men these days we don't have enough battles we don't have enough Adventures so for me I get to get to have that battle every single day which is our next wife bro yeah Adventure exactly so it's like you know I I if I had to choose yes I would definitely still want to be a fighter you know because it does carry over and everything and also the the multitude of onlookers who have that same they have that same kind of viewpoint where they're they're watching you but it's also a metaphor for Life yeah that was the battles that they're going through the battles that they have go through going through the battles that they're prepared to go through in the future as well as you know it's it's a really kind of a cool thing going to that UFC fight man it's it's cool yeah you know it's a really cool event to so to think that I've done it now 31 times as a is a crazy huge blessing especially now the last five inside the UFC the sixth one against Connor later this year it's uh it's pretty crazy man yeah I I nowadays you don't even know who you know it used to be like a certain size and a certain look and now with MMA there's different I could be a striker I could be a wrestler I could be this Jiu Jitsu you know Brazilian this and that so like height doesn't necessarily matter Size Doesn't Matter look doesn't matter there's people out there who will [ __ ] yeah break you break your arms I will break both your arms and leave you in a pile I love those videos out there these days too when it's like you never know who you're messing with in like some big old dude messes with some tiny little dude who ends up putting them in a Chokehold and choking them out on a conscious you know that was the big one was one where like everyone thought it was aspirin right oh yeah it was a m bar Alabama he's like this is not me yeah those dudes were on the football I think it was Nebraska the football guys and they just got [ __ ] yeah there's actually a video of my uh and they even looked at each other the brother they were brothers they were like all right let's do this uh uh one of the guys on my my on my team on the show Jason Knight there's a video about him of him out there fighting he gets I think he gets pushed into a stall I think his foot go goes into the toilet he's he's just fighting his way out of a stall it's actually pretty pretty sweet he all got caught on camera that sounds awesome Jason Knight he uh I don't know when he fights on the show but he's through the show and he's he's been uh he's been fun I always say like I I do a scan if I see any cauliflower here nice to meet you sir it's such a funny yeah people come up to me all the time and be like a wrestler yeah BJJ fighter yeah fighter I would say a fighter but I got the ears from wrestling that's what I always say how does that work by the way like as as when you're younger like it's just from you know just like slowly over time getting hit yeah so essentially the skin breaks away from the cartilage and it fills with fluid you know because it swells up yeah just like your nose you can get cauliflower nose I've actually my septum is swollen up big time too between you have to like drain it and Stitch It cartilage and skin is kind of a nasty thing when it gets hit so then it just kind of stays big like this and it's really hard and yeah and now it'll be like this forever after that's no pain or anything like that like no every now and then every now and then it'll re-break like kind of inside or whatever and it kind of turns purple and swells up a little bit then it goes down but right now yeah I'm about 96 98 cauliflower still waiting for that you're hearing what's that is that a joke are you really I said does that [ __ ] with your hearing that's the best joke that's the one you're always waiting for you yeah can you hear out of those things huh come again how many times have you done in your life at least a thousand yeah because that's always a question that's always the question that they ask can you hear out of those things we've just been having a conversation I can obviously yeah you haven't not heard me one time this entire conversation so um I guess that we don't know when it'll be but um we know uh the uh Ultimate Fighter yes is on for a few minutes episode three last night episode three was last night team Chandler's now 3-0 sorry for the spoiler alert but uh yeah so uh yeah so we got nine more episodes left and then we'll be finding out when me and Connor are fighting hopefully soon very cool you know sometime all right so because there's all these YouTube you know non all these amateur type things going on if you if you were gonna have one of those fights who's someone you would want to fight oh like a YouTuber just like it could be an actor it could be if there was anybody out there that you know we could do one of these pay-per-views and you got to get paid for it there's gonna be a whole build up and then you get to beat the [ __ ] out of somebody who's an amateur dang that's that's tough because yeah I would want it to be someone who's it would at least stand a chance uh now I mean what you know what we need could you do like we reference Wahlberg earlier not him specifically but like those action stars who get like training obviously I'm not saying that yeah that they could ever fight or anything like that but like would they give you even a chance like would they give you like would you break a sweat no I don't think so I don't think so but I will say like you know I did I did a scene with uh Jake Gyllenhaal and Roadhouse obviously he did he did the Southpaw yeah I mean dude is jacked uh awesome dude and got hands man I I sat there and watched a scene where he was hitting mitts and stuff and he's got great hands you know I think you know they all need to be training that stuff oh yeah no for sure your hands are quick but you have no [ __ ] dude yeah for sure I mean but also you know it's uh they have to be able to at least look the part yeah you know to do it and he said it numerous times like well I got nothing to compare to you I mean yeah dude you got some great hands for a you know actor a civilian if you could reverse time and do this for 30 years straight yeah he might be all right you're doing good that's good you just see 24 years of experience yeah you'll be almost as good as me you know like nothing as humbling as like if you and you're a regular person and you see someone hitting a bag hitting pads whatever and you think it's like I can do that and then you see yourself on like a video and you're like yeah you look so it's you know you make it look so easy it is tough it is tough man because it's it's hard to really look good on the mitts unless you sometimes I feel like it's you just got it or you don't and then it takes a lot of practice to to look look yeah you know yeah because I've seen somewhere I'm like that's rough man I'm waiting for what we what we need because the boxing thing is interesting because it it levels the playing field a little bit when there are certain restrictions you know and like the Paul Brothers can learn you know they're big dudes they can pack a punch and then you learn a little bit and it's enough that you can get by yeah I want someone to fight MMA and I want to see someone lose in one second yeah I mean you would beat him in a matter of seconds right it is it would be like I'm either breaking your bones or knocking you out immediately yeah or even just the so the hard part too is even just the mentality going into a mixed martial arts fight so when you look at a boxer there's only two weapons right he can only hit me with his right hand or his left hand in mixed martial arts he got four limbs plus the elbows and the knees plus the takedowns and then once you get them to the ground you can beat them up from the ground or you can submit them or you can push them up against the cage I could I could submit somebody with just my forehead up against up against their chest on the cage and they would pass out right there and I wouldn't be able to have to use my hands type of scenario you know like those kind of things whereas in boxing you'll just push your head into a chest so much that yeah but all like I said there's just so much more so many more weapons and so many more things to think about so when you think about when you see somebody really really tired in a fight it's not because they're not in shape most of the time it's because their heart rate gets elevated things are going on inside their mind their blood pressure is high they're they're they're not they don't have bad cardio but they have their they have a lot of physical physiological things happening in their body yes boxing you're just like okay I can I see this and that's it where's mixed martial arts you're like okay what's going on it's kind of like possible remember yeah remember Chris Chris Tucker in the in the in the movie with him and Jackie Chan which one you all kicked me yeah when a match starts for you are you a fight starts for you are you um like is your heart racing or are you like calm really call me like as calm as you are right now like resting heart rate sort of just like all right let's do this yeah pretty calm and then and then you go out there then you know hopefully you land the first punch if not you get landed on you and you're like okay now we're going and then it goes from zero to sixty then you then you go to a thousand then your red line the whole time you pee blood a couple you know a couple rounds later go back to the locker room like my pee is red the when you talk about like the like having someone against the their head your head in their chest or head in their neck I was like I was thinking what I would do there and and and I'm glad you said P because that was the first thing in my life what if I peep I'm sure I've peed in the middle of the fight you don't know if you baby it took you out you're in analystic mode there's nothing that you could you laugh could you play I've always thought I heard that I just farted yeah I heard a guy farting and I was like oh that was cool like that's a new experience I've ever heard that before like or I'm sure I farted in fights too but I probably don't remember but I obviously heard whatever they did so you're just a man on an adventure [Laughter] we're just exploring each other right now in front of all these people and cameras we're good man this is the Greeks intended right now exactly when you get that tap like you your your brain knows to stop yeah like that's so weird to me because like yeah you definitely end up squeezing until it's until the ref touches you and pulls you off but even then like but like is that something you have to train yourself to let go like or you just know because you know what I mean there's other parts you know he's hitting you you're you're just crazy I want to [ __ ] kill this guy and then but you have to know that that means let go it's more it's never the tap that you actually feel you don't feel the tap you you legitimately just keep squeezing or punching until the ref pulls you off so you guys feel that yeah yeah you'll feel him and he'll he'll either jump in between you guys or if it's a choke it's usually like okay okay that's it that's it you know um then you let go and then you just say thank god dude thank God this is over I can't imagine the feeling of winning a fight like oh man each and every time I'd be like this is my last one I've never done this again yeah well it's not even a win so much as it is just the the yeah the the zero percent chance of losing because that's the hardest part about mixed martial arts it doesn't matter if I'm a thousand to one favorite you mean you step inside the cage like there's still a chance that you could beat me now it I mean in in the sense that you could accidentally somehow by the grace of God clip me and I go out we all got a button but that's why we love mixed martial arts that's why we love watching it right so it's you can always slip on a banana peel you can always make a bad move and get caught and have a bad night or have a bad moment um but as soon as you get pulled off the ref pulls you off you're like oh God thank God I can't lose anymore yeah I'm not even I'm not even happy that I won as much as I am relieved that I did there's no chance of losing anymore that's interesting way to say because I've heard the phrase before it's so uncertain at all times you know but I've heard before like uh I hate losing more than I like winning yeah but I think that's a more relatable understandable way to say it was like it's not that I'm gonna be angry that I lost it's like I'm nervous that I'll lose especially this when you fight maybe a couple times a year probably often a lot of people just like one big one and then you train so much and it might be over in 10 minutes might be over 10 seconds like it could be like you when you when Ben gets [ __ ] flying need in the face in 10 seconds like oh that was six months of my life or whatever yeah like put my body through health for that yeah all the sacrifice yeah all the sacrifice all the you know me I have to be away from my family most of the time yeah when I'm training and stuff and you know just feeling like you let them down the the the impending fear and doom and doubts and insecurities and the pain and all that stuff you're gonna have to go through if you do lose and you know it's always there in the back of your mind it's like you kind of make friends with it but as soon as the fight is over and you've won you're like thank God I don't have to I don't have to talk to fear and doubt it's just insecurity pain and shame and guilt and all these different things that I know have been sitting there I can put them put them away under my bed for six months at least you know you know so maybe it's just a very kind of human human way to look at it but it's of course we love winning and I love doing the back flips and all that kind of stuff okay thank God I can't lose anymore I like that a lot it's over somehow crazy all right last question for you because you are so calm in the situation that I think the rest of the world will be nervous and what makes you nervous um like a similar type if you had to go do something and you'd be like no way you know I I would say public speaking before uh but I've gotten so accustomed to it now speaking whether it be on stage doing it you know or with like a q a type of scenario um I honestly think a lot about the future um a lot and I think about my I think about me when I'm done fighting I think about me when I get to the end of my life I think about me when my sons are grown and when I think about me and all these different things so I mean I I think about that almost every single day and it Wells up nerves inside of me to make sure that I'm making the right decisions today to make sure that those fears that I have of me underperforming or not reaching my full potential or not giving my all um don't happen but from a practical standpoint there's not many things that make mine was karaoke so yeah exactly like or like uh I don't do if me and my wife have to have a hard conversation I get really nervous oh yeah no matter you could be the toughest guy in the world so you got to do the hey baby we gotta talk or you get the baby yeah she's like I could go fight for millions of people but I just talked to this little five foot five girl right now who like loves me no matter what we still gotta have a conversation I'll put that off and I'll go fight in the ring yeah exactly I'm gonna go fight for fighter a second do something easier we gotta wrap up uh we always ask all of our guests for a fun fact so you got one for us yes I do okay contrary to popular belief the national animal of the country of Scotland cotton popular belief it's a unicorn way most would say William Wallace it's the Unicorn the official like real yes that's the thing is not as a not real I'm pretty sure that's how real Scotland is I'm not even sure if Scotland is even a real place actually at this point now is it like Oz is it is it like is it like Narnia no but I'm pretty sure that's uh wow that's what it is it's a good one the unicorn yes fact check that for me yeah ladies and gentlemen confirmational animal Scotland is a unicorn that's crazy Scotland you got dead together I know exactly if you told someone who wasn't aware of Scotland as you're saying like like yeah the dudes wear skirts they play like these bagpipes uh music there's sheep [ __ ] everywhere they wheeled cheese around beer unicorns right actually they're walking yeah they're a contradiction exactly great one man I like that yeah there we go thank you so much all right big thanks for watching if you made it through this whole episode that means you should be subscribed there's so many of you out there who watch and don't subscribe so make sure your KFC radio subscriber make sure you get all the content when it drops click that button now I have nine fingers I'm still subscribed that easy
Channel: KFC Radio
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Keywords: kfc radio, kfc voicemail, barstool sports, barstool podcast, kfc barstool, voicemail, barstool voicemail, feitelberg, feits barstool, barstool sports podcast, kfc, radio, kevin clancy, comedy, michael chandler, michael chandler ufc, michael chandler conor mcgregor, michael chandler the ultimate fighter, michael chandler tuf, michael chandler conor mcgregor tuf, conor mcgregor the ultimate fighter, ufc, bellator, michael chandler bellator, conor mcgregor, dana white
Id: HH3f1tdqx7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 44sec (3104 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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